I’ve been working on a flying machine-elevator and have nearly completed it but I’m having some issues with the amount of blocks needed to be pushed and the floor system, any help would be appreciated (more info and world download in a comment)

by goberstoper678

1 Comment

  1. feel free to ask if there’s any important info I forgot here.

    the world download: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/3gmfub5n4v37awn/flying-machine-world-download.zip/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/3gmfub5n4v37awn/flying-machine-world-download.zip/file)

    Also here’s a previous reddit post I made about this topic a couple days ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/redstone/comments/16rjom3/would_it_be_possible_to_make_a_3x3_two_way_flying/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redstone/comments/16rjom3/would_it_be_possible_to_make_a_3x3_two_way_flying/)

    the 2 primary problems I’m facing with this design are the system to alternate between moving up and down using the external piston extenders can’t leave the extra piston from the other floor behind without causing the other floor to not have that piston, which could likely be fixed with a better design for inside the flying machine or from a better system using extra pistons on the outside. the other likely harder to fix primary issue is that I’m unable to put enough blocks for a solid floor on the top of the machine without running into the block limit or interfering with the other components in the machine (also having slime blocks on top of the machine isn’t an issue although i would preferably like them at least in some kind of pattern). There’s some other tertiary issues that could likely also be fixed but i think this is a pretty good starting point for a design, thanks in advance for any help!

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