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• Zoo Crafting – Season Three • https://goo.gl/1laAUu

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• Check out our ever-evolving farm and even download our land to wander yourself!

We’re hard at work on a farm of our very own in Stardew Valley, a beautiful pixel-art spiritual successor to the Harvest Moon games of years gone by! Farming, fishing, chickens, archaeology, mysterious magic mysteries – this game has it all and more!

Join Seri the Pixel Biologist as we roll up our sleeves and dive into our weed-choked fields to start gathering up seeds, greeting the villagers, and helping to tend to the town and watch it grow! There are so many projects, plants, recipes, fish, and missions to keep us busy so let’s get started!

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– Our awesome ever-expanding Google Docs library with information about our more complex series, characters, and secrets!

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🌿 Fanmail E-mail • mailforseri@gmail.com
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• 🐾 • Seri! Pixel Biologist! • 🐾 •
• Seri is a biologist-in-training with an intense passion for plants and filling her house to the brim with finches, potted plants, and biology “specimens” that look oddly like snail shells, mossy, and twigs covering every available surface.

She is also big into spreading her love of the natural world through the entertaining medium of story-telling through video games! Jump on in and see what our amazing, animal-loving, plant-studying community is all about! And remember, stay curious!


  1. Seri, I don't think this will happen but you should make a strawpoll and put all your current series on it and whatever couple of series have a lot of votes upload those series more often

  2. Shane's story is what made me choose to marry him in my game. At first, I thought he was a ignorant bully…but as his story unfolded I couldn't help but fall for him. He's actually really sweet and funny as time goes on ^_^

  3. Glad to see another episode! 😀 I was actually looking into the same textures for the buildings haha ^_^ I think it is so pretty and well made! 😀

  4. Oh muh gosh, I played almost every harvest moon game.
    Like from HM N64, over HM Friends of Mineral Town and MFOMT, and Back to nature, and a Wonder life, and the one of Nintendo DS. I abs love and adore the hm games, the beauty and peacefulness and the cuteness and just the fun of it.
    Tommorow's my birthday (Just like your mom's bday is, happy birthday to her^^)
    and well, I've been watching u for over a year now and I must say I friggin love you and your work, and Ive watched older videos of you and I must say U're one of a kind. A pure hearted and caring person such as you are, is so rare, one in a thousand, and please.. please never change, never give up, always have that shiny bright grin on your beautiful face and keep on doing what you are. If there were more humans like you, this world would be such a better place to dwell in.
    Thank you Seri, for giving us amazing and well done content and for being an awesome human as you are.
    Thank you ^^ <3

  5. Man, that scene with Shane really got to me when I encountered it. Like you, my first instinct was for the "there's so much to live for." response. But I remember that I sort of just sat there staring at the choices for quite a few minutes because of that sense of how cliche that answer sounds. (My other choice would've been that it was his decision but i'd still be his friend.) Its doubly hard when you've been in or close to that position, or know someone who is struggling. I don't think I ever expected a farming sim to hit quite so close to home on that front.

  6. Oh wow, I adore Stardew Valley (and have put over 200 hours into it…) and I hadn't seen that Clint event yet! I'm excited to see the Rune Factory (and Harvest Moon) games in the future, too; without any consoles, I haven't been able play any of them (since the original black and greenish gameboy Harvest Moon), but I think they look pretty fun.

  7. Harvest Moon Wonderful Life was my favorite! I loved the seed combining.. I don't think I have the memory card anymore, but I got to the point of my character's hair just starting to turn gray. I miss Harvest Moon games so much but ever since I started having the money to buy games whenever I want, I've lost the ability to properly binge on casual games like that and get bored really quickly! =( The last Harvest Moon game I played I just got so overwhelmed with my daily routines that when I took a break and came back, I simply forgot everything and couldn't play anymore. I never even got to the point of getting married. D; If you're wondering, that game was Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness. The mining mechanics in that game are brutal to properly manage. Also, games like that are typically a real pain for me since I'm absolutely the worst at naming things, and like any life sim game, they want you to name everything.

  8. ok seri you are amazing a a neaver seen people work so hard on making videos you make videos evry day you can have a break if you want but you are so so so so so so and a 100 more so amazing and sorry for bad english koz im not from uk or usa an plz plz make more you are really nice to whach yea i know you wont understand me but i di me best

  9. I know this video is ten months old but I couldn't help but respond to the suicide aspect in the game. Telling a person "there's so much to live for" is one of the worst things you could say to a person who is depressed or suicidal. It trivializes how they are feeling and emphasizes to them how little they feel they do have to live for as compared to other people. The whole reason they are suicidal or depressed is because they feel like they DON'T have anything to live for in the first place and a few off-the-cuff examples won't change their minds; it just shows them you don't understand what they're going through and feeling. It's hard for people who don't or haven't felt depressed to understand how overwhelming and all-encompassing the despair can be. Every person's experience is unique so it's also not a good idea to compare yourself or your experiences with theirs or tell them things like "I was depressed once too so I know what it's like," or try to convince them you know the answers to their problems, or argue with them about how good their life really is. Instead, letting them know that you care for, value, and are there for them (and actually following through on those statements; actions speak louder than words) can show them that they're not alone and can be far more impactful. Let them know that they way they are feeling is valid and how they feel is important but they don't have to face their problems alone. Don't argue with them or try to convince them that things are better than they realize but do listen without judgement and show them that they are important to you and that you care. Hopefully no one who reads this will be faced with a situation where this kind of thing comes up, but in case it does, consider calling somewhere like The Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-273-8255) or The Crisis Call Center (1-774-785-8090).

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