While in Terraria the story is really what ever you want to make it, over the years since the game came out in 2011 there has been little pieces of lore given to us along with a huge piece on terraria’s 8th anniversary, which is what I covered in my last video. Instead for this video, I go over all of the extra parts of terraria lore, and explain what they are and how they came to be

》My first lore video:
• https://youtu.be/iURa26X_hp4

》Terraria’s lore/story wiki:
• https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Lore

• Discord server: https://discord.gg/WY84yCmaJk
• All of my social media: https://solo.to/terrariaslime

#terraria #gaming


  1. I have a theory. Certain NPC characters must be sacrificed to summon bosses, namely the clothier(old man) and the guide. The arms dealer specifically wants to shoot the guide voodoo doll, and, from what i have seen, doesn't like the clothier. What if the arms dealer is trying to warn us about their true nature?

  2. My headcannon is that defeating golem (a heavily sun-based boss) opens the way for the lunar events and moon lord (heavily moon-based things) to invade your world.
    The cultists are trying to stop this from happening, and are trying to summon cthulhu to aid them.
    Once you kill all four cultists, you end up shattering the tablet they were performing a ritual on.
    The really important thing is that the tablet's energy is absorbed by the lunatic cultist, and once you kill the lunatic cultist, the lunar event starts.

    My idea behind this is that the ritual is infusing the tablet with some kind of magical properties that protect the world from the lunar invasion.
    By breaking it, the lunatic cultist quickly arrives to absorb that energy, and when you finally kill him, its all released, and there's nothing protecting your world from the celestial creature's (and moon lord's) growing interest in you, and thus, they invade.

    Additionally, cthulhu is never outright stated to be evil. The closest we have gotten is the war with the dryads (but wars happen and dont explicitly mean that either side is in the wrong)

    Also, the cultists don't attack you whatsoever aside from in self defense, so they clearly arent aggressive maniacs trying to end the world.
    Maybe cthulhu is just a really chill dude, and they just wanted his help, yknow?

  3. You can't change my mind that moon lord is cthulhu. The lore literally says that cthulhu went to the MOON to heal. The bestiary also says that the cultists also call the LUNAR cultists worship CHTHULU. Why would moon cultists try to summon someone who isn't the moon lord. Therefore Cthulhu = Moon Lord

  4. If the guide is the wall of flesh in disguise that means the ninja cant be his brother. unless the ninja is also a wall, if that was the case I can't really see king slime winning that fight.

  5. I personally think that the lunitic cultist actually is a heretic that was biding his time before trying to bring back Cthulhu/moon lord, the reason being how he isnt actually there when you kill the other four cultists and once you kill all four he then materializes from thin air to absorb the power of the tablet that the other four cultists was using to keep the moonlord away and plus he looks COMPLETELY different from the other four meaning he could just be a imposter

    this would explain the contradictions by the things Red said and the boss's description in game

  6. i think that the lunatic cultists are thought to be summoning chuthlu by the charchter writing the beastiary. maybe the devs didnt write it but another person did

  7. The theory obout wall of flesh makes sense, first tiu need the strength to make it to the underworld, the persistence to find a voodoo doll, the will power to kill the guide and a combination of all to defeat the wall of flesh, he was testing you

  8. I don't think Moonlord is Cthulhu's brother, since he has the same tentacles as Cthulhu.. And by the way, Cthulhu was banished to the dark side of the moon, giving the name Moonlord

  9. My theory about the guides: they are a part of an order, like stated in lore. However! Besides being keepers of knowledge, all guides also go through a ritual that allows them to keep the wall of flesh dormant as long as they're alive. But, when any guide is killed, the Wall of Flesh Will awaken for a certain amount of time.

  10. theory we are the bad guy in this world but the npcs doesnt know about that only the guide knows guide sacrifices himself to make you stop and the other bosses do that too eol doesnt know you are evil or good so she turns to a butterfly if you kill him she knows you are evil lunatic cultists are trying to stop moonlord from coming to wrold but you break it then moonlord tries to kill you because he is evil too if you kill him there you become to most evil creature in the terraria world you kill critters little monsters trying to stop you

  11. My own lore about lunatic cultist and moonlord:so basically lunatic cultist and his Cult is evil like previous lore video, their mind get twisted by Cthulhu remaining power as Cthulhu/moon lord last effort to free himself from lunar prison , at start the cultist try to revive Cthulhu by making mechanical part of his body so to do that they kidnap the mechanic to build the mechanical boss (or the Cthulhu mechanical body part) they have been completed making his skeleton head, his spine and his eye, but the brain doesn't done yet, but after that they found the mysterious tablet that can free Cthulhu from his moon prison but to do that its need a complex rituals and lunatic cultist and his cult decide to do the ritual, because of that the mechanical body they make become useless, so to make the mechanical body not useless they turn it to mechanical robot and sent them to eliminate their biggest threat. The player.
    And for the moonlord AKA Cthulhu, is malicious being try to control world of terraria but in the end he ended losing to the dryad and get sealed in the moon. at his last efforts he use his remaining power to twisting random people mind that soon became a cult as an effort to free from the lunar prison. And according to me the lunar pillar (solar pillar, stardust pillar etc.) basically a pillar that hold Cthulhu or moonlord from free from his lunar prison so when the ritual is complete right after player defeat the cultist, first thing that shows up is the pillar meaning the ritual is success and it's only need to destroy it one by one to free him. but the player that don't know anything ended up destroy the four pillar and freeing moonlord but luckily he able to defeat him because moonlord or Cthulhu has lost most of its power from the past war.

    If you feel this lore was trash that right, because it was full from my idiots imagination so yeah its all up to you.
    And also sorry if this very longggg :v

  12. (my personal thoughts) I think the cultists are trying to summon Cthulhu, however were interrupted mid-way, therefore summoning an in-complete Cthulhu, from the one banished to the dark side of the moon. I guess that's why the summoned Moon Lord does not completely have skin over it's whole body.

    I think that the guide is NOT the W.O.F, but is instead a sacrifice to summon it, mainly because of the guide's knowledge on the overworld, crafting, and other facts the guide may know.

    I also think that the only reason the dryad comes into your world is once you have proven to be a good person, therefore only spawning after you have defeated the Eye of Cthulhu, Brain of Cthulhu, or any other "evil" boss.

    The only reason the queen bee is spawned is because you killed the baby bees.

    The clothier was placed in front of the dungeon to be an extra guard to the dungeon and the cultist's plans, therefore also having the Dungeon Guardian, who is technically an overpowered backup tool.

    The corruption/crimson is in the world, because of it's power, and also spreads through your world very slowly. However, after defeating the boss that holds the ancient spirits of light and dark (Wall of Flesh), the corrupted areas of the world would spread faster, until your entire world has been completely corrupted. The spirits of light, however, plans on covering the entire world, so any form of corruption would be destroyed, therefore including the player, NPCs, and any other form of life in the regular world. I just don't really know what would happen if the crimson and the hallowed were to combat against each other.

    Yeah that's it lol

  13. 2:37 Well Moon Lord's eyes are called "True Eye Of Cthulhu" so my theory is that Cthulhu went to the moon to heal from the battle, getting worshipped by the creatures living there and becoming the lord of the moon in the process.

  14. This is what I think of what is actually terrarias lore (aka my headcannon): the lunatic cultist is actually trying to lure you in to break the prototype celestial sigil witch is why it spawns the pillars instead of moon lord and moon lord is cthulhus clone knowing that he is going to die without his brain and all

  15. Here is my theory: the player helped the dryads defeat Cthulu, but he managed to defeat you, scattering your equipment across the world. It would explain why all these unique items are just around and why you are able to use any piece of equipment, no matter how mysterious or alien, as soon as you pick it up.

  16. Well. If Guide is Brother of Ninja and all Guides are related to each other. If all Guides are siblings, does that mean Ninja is also a Guide??

  17. Ima add a bit onto somethings

    The guide and wof are two different entities since the guide shares a soul with wof from the voodoo demon beastiery entry

    Every death in terraria is cannon since the nurse will make a joke on how many times you've died from time to time

    But in other news the ninja must suck at combat if he lost to king slime

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