I have never played Minecraft and I can't understand what's happening. Please someone explain this video to me.

by iamundertheinfluence


  1. The player seen in the video has made an enormous automatic potato farm, that can clearly produce more potatoes than anyone could ever need.

  2. Well first of all it would take a very long time to make a farm like that in survival

    But when he starts lagging it’s bc they turned up the speed at which the crops grow to make them grow so fast you can barely move

  3. So, the short version is the guy who flipped the switch crashed the other guys computer but forcing the game to generate possibly thousands of items at the same time.

    Longer version (and I am massively over simplifying still because I don’t know all the mechanics behind this). One mature potato plant can spawn / yield out to three or four potatoes when harvested. To harvest, you destroy the mature plant and it creates to three or four items.

    So 1 item without the game is “deleted” and 4 are created.

    Another important thing to know is the Minecraft world spawns in “chunks” which are 64 blocks long by 64 block wide and … however many blocks tall the world is right now, but that dimension isn’t important right now. Just the 64 by 64.

    So, in the video we see a row of potatoes, a row of water, two rows of potatoes then a row of water all the way back to the switch.

    The three rows closest to the “camera” alone have 3×64 potato plants (192) and each plant drops 4 potatoes when broken (192×4=768). So in that section alone the game has to destroy 192 items and replace them with 768 DIFFERENT items.

    That takes a lot of computing power, plus the “camera guy” is recording the game AND footage from his camera on the same computer. Being forced to create all those items in a game while recording the game and the recording the guy playing the game causes the computer to nope out of there and crash.

  4. There’s way too much water there. He’s losing almost half his yield because he’s not using his space efficiently.

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