Sorry for the bad quality image! It’s the only remaining pic of the feature of this seed before we modified it. My friends and I recently started a Modded MC server. It’s Medieval MC MMC1 for 1.19.2 for anyone curious. Our seed seemed pretty average at first, but upon traveling about 800 blocks to the east, I found this….. and we just had to build underneath it, next to the river.

Seed is 2214708091532643433

Coords are X: 1017 Y: 104 Z: 112

Also I’m not educated on how modded seeds work/don’t work with vanilla, so if this is useless I do apologize. Would still love to know anything there is to know about this kind of land generation, even if it isn’t special it sure feels like it is!

by WishboneAltruistic27

1 Comment

  1. WishboneAltruistic27 on

    I would like to add that this seed has some other cool spots and at least two large desert villages on the way to this archway. It was only on the surface, wasn’t part of any dungeon, and i’ve never seen anything like it. It was practically geometrically perfect on both sides, and tapered out into a wider arch closer to the bottom, with a thinner point on the top. My friends and I removed the small mountain, and put a glass dome (more like egg) around the archway.

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