1. ImprovementSalty1937 on

    sorry I cant be bothered to do a description other than in here so: this is sop far what i did if anyone can see any imperfections in my design i am definitely up for constructive criticism as i am very new to this though i have built all of these components myself(not my designs obviously just tweaked in small ways to fit my purpose) however i completely understand how they work hence the building myself part so i am not just copy pasting other peoples designs onto this without any understanding. i have essentiall labelled the components by colour and here is the colour coding key: Dark Blue = mode selector for ALU(Sub = 1,Add = 0), Yellow = ALU, Purple = ACC(Accumulator), Light Grey = Data Memory. i havent fully finished this obviously just thsi is as far as i am currently as i am to make a completely different core to process instructions with obviously a seperate Instruction memory unit wiht that feeding into the Arithemtic core so independatly each can have their own control unit and prevents the need really for a MDR (Memory Data Register), wiht the whole CPU following the Harvard architecture more than the von Nuemann architecture but in some way it is a merge of both to an extent. PS please be kind i am merely 16b and have a little understanding of how computers work despite doing GCSE and currently taking A level computer science and also thank you for any constructive criticism given or even any thought given to this post haha.

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