Beating Terraria With NOTHING

In this video i will explain how its technically possible to beat terraria with nothing.

➤ The Grand Designers:
➤ My Discord:

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Related Videos:
➤ Most Limited Skyblock Map:
➤ 100 days in the most limited map:
➤ Yuri’s Transmutation Video:
➤ Veritasium’s video on bit flipping:
➤ IGoByLotsOfNames Beating Minecarft Doing Nothing:

#terraria #sky #skyblock #skyblockchallenge #limited #premiere #chalange #hard #terrariachallenge #video #map


  1. The "Cosmic rays" theory from mario is not the most probably theory by far for why the upwarp happened and while radiation bitflips are possible, other sources are much more likely to trigger them. Why resort to hardware hacking if software hacking is available?

  2. i mean you really only need to get 1 lucky bit flip. There are many ways to do this but say we use a x86 processor in protected mode with limited memory (assuming we can use virtually infinite pages of virtual memory so the game can actually run (albeit in a broken state)) so that we can increase our chances by lessening the memory range, then we can hope that a pointer from a jump instruction operand gets changed to be a pointer to a virtual function which rolls the credits using dynamic dispatch. Then you can get lucky and hope this happens again for the gold border.

    obviously at that point you can just customise the operating system to change the layout of what pages the memory is mapped to and the necessary padding in order to force one of the pointers to point to any function you want but i guess thats kinda like artificially cheating just as if you just modify the memory as its running in an existing os, so its not really in the spirit of the challenge.

  3. Maybe instead of considering bitflips in hard code, look at bitflips in memory. I bet you could edit a return address in memory to be the function for rolling credits.

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