Is it a consistent rule that you should just put vegetables in preserve jars and fruits in kegs?

by OpalescentShrooms


  1. SilenceOfAutumn on

    It’s not, strictly speaking, a rule. You can put vegetables in kegs to make juice, and fruits in preserve jars to make jellies. However, wines tend to sell better than their corresponding jellies, and so if you’re going for maximum profit, it’s better to turn your fruits into wine with a keg.

  2. That blueberry on keg is weird since Blueberries would prefer to be placed in the jar rather than the keg as you will still get 150g on either artisan but jar takes a lot less time to make a produce

  3. It’s probably just a min max thing. Fruit tend to have a higher price than vegetables and the kegs triple the price where preserve jars double the price. So you put your higher price item in the receptacle that will give back the most profit.

    The preserve jars also don’t account for quality. For instance with ancient fruit, an iridium quality wine is 3300g (without buffs) but the same ancient fruit jelly is just 1150g.

    But no, there’s no rules. Make whatever artisan you want! The only actual in-game rule is that you can’t put (1.6 spoiler) >!vegetables in the dehydrator and the dehydrator does account for quality and is great money!<

  4. Tomato, pepper, corn, eggplant, rice are all fruit.

    Cauliflower and artichoke are flowers which are technically vegetables.

    Amaranth can be used as a grain (which is fruit), for its flower (vegetable), and the entire plant is edible (vegetable)

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