After months of hard work, Mojang presents: The Creaking

by KvVortex


  1. What’s happening? Are people struggling with the concept of multiple updates instead of one big one?

  2. minecraftbuilder420 on

    coding is not easy, get of your fucking ass. Also remember the microsoft bureaucracy and how limited ,,uptades” can be. As for the tree guy, yes, he could be ,,scarier” but the concept in of itself is REALY cool, a weeping angel kind of mob is pretty fresh, and the design? Things change, even at the beginning of the live they clearly state ,, all thinks presented can be subject to change”.

  3. I’m very excited to see this thing in the game! Especially thinking about it as someone who plays with shaders, I think this is gonna be awesome to run into

  4. ArcaneAnimations on

    im not opposed to this update but it feels a little repetitive to me

    i feel like the trees could be more unique looking and if the forest had an ambient effect it could look awesome

    the creaking is resemblant of the warden to me, idk how i’d change him without it being drastically different but maybe his design could be altered to be less resemblant of that

    in my opinion not a bad update but one that could be improved on drastically, so im excited to see if they make changes based on community critique or do more interesting ideas with the concepts present.

  5. If the only mob that spawns there is the Creaking, and only at night, this could provide a great place to build mini-games since you wouldn’t have to worry about mob generation. Combine that with the eerie sounds they talked about, and this biome could have serious potential for builders

  6. Ah yes. Like we all predicted… Another underwhelming overhyped update where Mojang worked “so hard” to reskin another biome by altering the hue/saturation of another biome while not giving anything worth while. Every player will be there for 2 seconds to grab a sapling, then quickly leave. You’d think a multi billion dollar company would have more time to listen to what players actually want rather than this load of crap.

  7. am i the only one kinda disappointed by its appearance?.. like, it just.. doesn’t look like it should

  8. Middle_Asparagus_746 on

    Wait y’all I’ve been absent from mc news is this a new dimension bc just from the pictures I love it

  9. I hope with Mojang doing more smaller updates instead of one big one that we get more biomes and mobs each year. I enjoy additions they make

  10. Look if this is THE big update they’ve been working on for months & a update we have to wait months or a year to get then yea this is terrible, but I don’t think this is all we’re getting for awhile it’s just what’s almost finished. This feels like a Halloween style update that we probably get around Halloween. After this “drop” releases we’re going to get teases for the next “drop” hopefully around Thanksgiving. MC Live is happening multiple times a year so that means more update teases,

    If I was Mojang i’d have MC Live every month(like a 5-10 minute video) explains the new feature because i’d be adding something new to the game every month even if it’s something little like a new flower.

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