The Stardrop Corner: A Stardew Valley Podcast || Episode 3: Elliott

I have a LOT to say about Stardew Valley so in this new series, The Stardrop Corner: A Stardew Valley Podcast, let’s talk about Elliott, an apparently problematic character (???).

I speak about a few subjects, here is some of the reading:

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  1. OMG YES MA’AM!!!! Thank you!
    I never understood why people say Elliott is creepy! Like, you need to go out of your way to get to that cutscene, which I think is kinda cute, considering he is already you partner!! This cutscene fits his personality! Also, people saying his 14 heart event is also creepy are out of their minds! I won’t spoil it if you haven’t seen it, but considering the game world… its sooo romantic! ❤

  2. Glad that people are willing to call out nonconsensual behavior, but like… Considering how out of the way you need to go for this to happen, and within the context of your relationship, I'm just so confused. Also, dating is awkward, and your character has the chance to say no to the whole thing and then express how you're feeling in the moment! Mature people who have navigated relationships know not everything is clear and scripted!

  3. I think that if the player rejects his kiss on the boat, he should send a letter returning the bouquet and drop back to 8 hearts. If there's a clear signal to the actual player "you did this, you sent him these signals and then acted contrary to that" it might be a way to clear the "he's creepy for kissing you" mentality

  4. I’m thankful that someone understands how awkward Elliot is. I have always been like him in my younger age since I was reading a lot, so it really made me feel bad that everyone saw him as a horrible person for that. Stardew Valley is a fun, peaceful game with good vibes, and it’s always sad to see the fandom make overdramatic theories that destroy some characters

  5. It's funny how they problematize Elliott's 10-heart event but not Shane's 10-heart event, because Shane is a much more hated character, and they don't see anything wrong with him kissing you (at least I've never found any complaints about it), even though both of them only do it because you gave them permission.

  6. I like Elliot – the florid language makes me chuckle, but he's alright.

    I've married all the possibilities except Abigail – haven't gotten to her yet because I've seen too many other people romance her, and I know everything that happens, so I almost feel like I've done it.

    When I romanced Elliot, I thought he was a little over-the-top sometimes, but he was sweet and a little romantic.

    I agree that he's a tad awkward in the boat, but he doesn't completely know where he stands in the relationship yet – and he's nervous and doesn't want to mess up – so, of course, he almost messes up. I found it endearing – because, after all – you have to WORK to get there! You literally set the whole thing up – but then find it "creepy" when he wants to kiss you? Strange. Maybe the folks who think this way are uncomfortable with intimacy? I dunno.

    ALL the male characters in the game are awkward when I think about it – especially the closer you get to the Mermaid's Pendant – they at least have their awkward moments: like Sam having to hide you in his bed because he's worried about what his mom will think; or to the other extreme, Clint, who is awkwardness personified, poor slob – though, since you can't marry him, it's not the same thing.

    I'm interested to hear your take on Clint, though. Reactions to Clint serve to illustrate one of the phenomena you discuss in your video – there's a lot of received wisdom from people with similar "fanon" storylines (great word, by the way) that have become very close to "canon" regarding Clint. Is Clint really an Incel? Many think he is. I think it depends on your definition of Incel for starters. I don't think Clint is that far gone. Incels, at least as I perceive them, are arrogant, egotistical barnyard roosters who think they should be worshiped because they're "Male". Clint doesn't have the ego or self-regard to be a proper Incel. Clint is a schlub and he knows it.

    Anyway, I'm really enjoying this series. I look forward to the next one. Sorry for the novella.

  7. i’m an elliott hater tbh (i just don’t like his personality, it’s a me thing) but even i will defend his 10 heart scene. i’m a sam lover and in his 10 heart scene he asks if the player thinks of him as “just a friend” and then we have the option to stay in his bed and kiss him. in my opinion that would be worse than elliott’s 10 heart scene because there’s no “do you feel the same” it’s pretty established that you could be at the very start of your relationship. that’s just the first kiss of the relationship and he wanted to make it cute

  8. The bar larping made me want to tell this story . . .
    When I was born, my dad and his brother went bar hopping to celebrate. They came across this cowboy themed one and decided to go in dramatically ask for a whiskey. When dad said the words, the barkeep gave him a look and asked, "what kind?" haha Adding to the fail, his brother basically asked for a chaser. I cannot do the story justice through written word, but it's always funny.

    As a side note, my dad is not awkward or easily embarrassed. He is quite charismatic. Just failed to consider the fact that he would need to pick a specific type of whiskey. haha His brother has always been a bit of a goof though. In an adorable way.

  9. I gasped when this came up, thank you so much for making this! I'm so tired of seeing the same criticisms that don't make sense. Another criticism of the ten heart scene I see all the time is "why do you start trembling? That's creepy" like, have you never finally been kissed by someone you've had a crush on for a long, long time? I've definitely gotten the shakes in that situation irl.

  10. What a fantastic, well-reasoned (and reasonable) take. I’m new to SDV fandom (though devouring at a frightening pace) and have heard what I consider to be a surprising number of these kind of takes. I read the Haley one on your video at the time and just brushed it off, but I’ve heard some unnecessarily harsh ones about Demetrius and this one about Elliott and thought, what? The content creators get confused in my mind, though, without faces. But, like, where is the evidence that Demetrius locks Seb in a dungeon, like the evil step-mother, so his own child can inherit the kingdom? It’s just bizarre. But I’ve only spent a few hundred hours in the game. Maybe I’ll feel differently after a thousand. 😅

    Still, nice to hear a reasonable voice occasionally.

  11. When I saw the title of this video, I thought “wha??? What does Elliot need defense from?” Elliot is my favorite husband. Hearing about this, I just imagine a bunch of 18 year olds who have never dated, and whose activism begins and ends at being a “keyboard sjw” all parroting the same line. It’s not only annoying, but it undermines real issues.

  12. People will say what ellitot did was wrong but what about all the other characters who you cant reject their kisses?
    Like I love sebastian, hes my favorite bachelor, but he kisses you without permission, at night on a dark cliff. What about shane who kisses you without permission at a gridball game? What about the mc farmer themselves who can choose to kiss haley in her dark room without asking first? Im sure there are more examples but those times are accepted while elliots isnt?
    Its confusing..

    On the note of how fannon becomes considered cannon, its ridiculous how many youtube shorts, tiktoks etc ill see with the EXACT word for word information or interpretation ill see.
    It feels like alot of people content farming without looking into the topic further or coming to their own conclusion. Im not saying that you cant come to the same conclusion as someone else, but when everyone is saying it word for word id say its suspicious.

  13. THANK YOUUUU!! I don’t mind when people don’t seem to click with Elliott like I do, but why do people always feel like they have to make up a criminal record for him in order to dislike him? All the “gotcha” moments people call out on his behavior most other dating candidates do, some ever WORSE? It just serves to mischaracterize him and I’m glad people are starting to give him a second chance 🎉

  14. So far I romanced only two characters, but I had read Wiki on all of them. And Elliot is my favorite romancable character. But, to be honest, farmer, stalking characters to become close to them, knowing their entire daily schedules (even I have been there, running early to the house and just waiting for it to be unlocked), is far more creepy than Elliott

  15. This type of "omg he kissed me when I purposefully chose all the 'he should kiss me' options" is an old complaint.

    Reminds me of Dragon Age 2 dudebro wank where dudes would play a male Hawke and then flirt with the male mage for a solid two thirds of the game and act surprised when the mage jumps into Hawke's arms. Like, my dude, my guy, you have to WORK to get to that scene by clicking all the labeled-with-a-big-pink-heart flirty dialogue options. There are so many signs before you get there. You cannot tell me you did not see any of them.

    Just let me have my suit kink man in peace. In 3-piece >:3

  16. omg THANK YOU. Elliott is my favorite, he's such a drama queen and kind of awkward but so romantic and sweet. i was an english lit major in college, and i can confirm that if you read enough dramatic literature it's gonna bleed into your personality a little lmao. and to add to the four-heart event thing with Gus, i'm like 90% sure that he's just used to Elliott's antics. they hang out together at multiple of the festivals I think. so his reaction really is just like "wow hes back at it again" and not him being genuinely upset that Elliott's being disrespectful or something (just like you said)! i think they probably have a level of familiarity with each other that Elliott feels comfortable being like that because they're fairly close.

    as ted lasso said about trent crimm (who is also a writer and reminds me a lot of elliott lmao), he's a dork but he's our dork lol

  17. honestly i never thought elliot as a creepy or forcing himself on you, but the first time i seen this was from a youtuber/ streamer that did a series of going thru all the eligible bachelors / bachelorette and i saw a short about how they called elliot out for forcing himself on them and i think that MUST have started the controversy! because i never saw anything bad about elliot for this scene, UNTIL i saw that video / short

  18. I personally saw this statement in Leapalot's marriage candidates video that shown Elliott being the most hated by the younger players and popular with the older players. And probably there I also saw a discussion about how the 10-heart cutacene is designed. With the given context shaking from the joy is adorable but there's also an option that pairs "uncomfortable" with the shaking. It's a creppy vibe if taken out of context.
    But yes, I agree that it's mostly a technical formality for the scene since you've already touched all romance bases and agreed to be "trapped" in a boat with him in the first place 👍

  19. Yet another interessting episode 🙂 I would like to hear your thoughts on Clint. Is he really such a sad gamma male or is there more behind him? Because it feels like, he recieves a lot of hate for his self pityness to the point, where people build a geode breaker in his shop just to do it for free in front of his face. That turns me off a lot, so i am hoping, there is more to him, than what we get through the regular gameplay.

  20. I think part of the problem is we get mixed signals with 10 heart events. We already give someone bouquet and their description say girlfriend/boyfriend, but in 10 heart cutscene characters ask if we want to date them. I was realy confused at the first time. Had "I thouth we already dating" reaction. So I'm not suprised people don't know if 10 heart supose to be first date just to know each other or they already in relationship. And suprise kissing someone on the first date is kind of unkomfortable.

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