1. Nuclear hot take
    I don’t care if mod makers want to make money off their stuff. In fact I support the hell out of that.

  2. Very important to remember is that being right isn’t the same as being proven right, and with that I refer to being proven right in court. But issues like these kinda bug me… because it shows what kind of hypocrites we’re dealing with.

    Because why don’t they uphold the same kind of rules for YouTube content creators? But *noo*, then it’s all immediately “different”.

    From their [usage guidelines](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/usage-guidelines):

    >You create a video with your own unique content and commentary and upload it to a site, such as YouTube, and make money by allowing advertising around the video (we’re cool with this)

    But if you make a mod with your own unique content, then make some money out of it by allowing people to donate to you – *but* ***only*** *if they want to* – then it’s suddenly not ok? Notice how that guide never specifically tells you that you can’t make money out of mods?

    I’m pretty sure this different treatment won’t fly too well in court. I mean… you can sell books about Minecraft, you can sell hand made merchandise about Minecraft but you can’t ask for donations regarding your mods? Many people don’t seem to realize this but “fair use” covers *way* more than just video material where it’s most commonly applied.

    Of course the major issue… (probably) being right is way different than proven right in court.

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