I been wanting feedback on my modpack for a long time now as even though I have a GitHub issue tracker no one is really sending anything there.

Modpack: Levviata's Parasite Outbreak

Quote of my modpacks's description:

Originally based on ForgeLab's Parasite Outbreak, a modpack about hordes, adventure, horror, complex crafting, weaponry/guns, nuclear technology, and more, this modpack aims to provide a fleshed-out and somewhat expanded-on approach to ForgeLab's entry while keeping the original concept, a minimalistic profile and far better performance.

Do I need to add an easier way for players to give me feedback?
Do I just update, promote, repeat and pray?
I was about to say if I need to upload gameplay footage and more images to the front of my modpack's page but thats kind of obvious..

by Levviata

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