First pic is how I found it, second it how it's supposed to look after I fixed it. (and how it looked the last time I was here) I'm really puzzled!

by sowachowski__


  1. Kelp can convert flowing blocks into source blocks. As you can see in the first image, there is kelp in the 2 flowing blocks in front of the wall. Those two blocks were then converted to spurce blocks and so on

  2. DontEatNitrousOxide on

    The kelp grew into the water flowing in, turning it into a source block I believe, which spreads more flowing water onto more kelp which turns into more source blocks

  3. I‘m guessing the kelp grew into the water that‘s running out of the wall at the back.
    When a water block has kelp in it, it becomes a source block, and through the other kelp growing around it it made the entire level waterlogged

    If you dont want that to happen again, you can shear the top most kelp of a stack so that it doesnt grow anymore

  4. When kelp grows it can turn flowing water into water sources. So, the kelp under the two flowing water vents turned that water into a water source. This allowed the rest of the kelp to grow one more block because the water sources created more flowing water. The solution would be to not grow kelp under the two flowing water blocks.

  5. So, there in Minecraft are 2 states of water(ignore cauldron).

    Source(full “block”, pickable with bucket, and creates flows) and flow(“part of the “block”, has 5(?) levels, not pickable). When 2 flows(at highest level) or two sources meet at the block between them horizontally they transform it into source. That’s first piece of the puzzle.

    The second most important thing is laminaria. Funnily enough when in any flow laminaria is grown it transforms it into a full source.

    Now, you can see that initial flows of the fountain have laminaria in them. Rest you can analyse by yourself.

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