1. I think what those people mean is that you wearing the same thing as a character doesn’t immediately mean you look like the character. But hey, I’m glad we’re actually GETTING something.

  2. SnickerbobbleKBB on

    He didn’t shave his head or his beard. Also, even the shirt is a bit off.

    He’s also got a big round belly when Steve is flat and thin. He just isn’t a good pick for Steve.

  3. They picked him cause he’s Jack Black, not cause he’s a good Steve.

    And he won’t play Steve, he’ll just play himself like he always does. Haha funny fat rock on epic dude.

  4. They just stuck Jack Black in a blue shirt and called him Steve. He doesn’t look like Steve at all.

  5. BlueJorjiCostava on

    1. It’s the wrong shirt, Steve’s has a neck hole.
    2. We aren’t mad over it being a basic blue shirt, we’re mad over who’s wearing it. Jack Black looks nothing like Steve.

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