If you put a shulker box with ONE feather (or any item) and an ender chest into another ender chest, theoretically it would be infinite weight, since the shulker box inside the ender chest has a feather and an ender chest, which also has the shulker with a feather and an ender chest and it can loop on forever, therefore lifting unlimited weights.

by medo69420


  1. I wouldn’t imagine thats how that works. An enderchest is more like a universal safe that only shows the contents that belong to the specific player who is looking inside strictly when it is placed and opened.

    Unlike an ordinary chest, if you break & pick up the enderchest, the contents will disappear from that one enderchest in particular, and the contents will essentially exist in a stasis. So you would be bearing only the weight of the enderchest, not the contents inside.

  2. That would require the contents of the ender chest to be physically within the chest itself, which is clearly not the case since you can access them from any ender chest.

  3. That would be interesting execpt that’s not how it works. The enderchest gives us access to storage that doesn’t exist in the same space as us. When we break the chest we aren’t pick up the items, we are picking up the access point to those items.

  4. i thought it was more like a portal or sub dimension, and when you hold a portal you arent holding the entire dimension

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