My sister just started playing. We decided to co-op. Our personalities and styles are polar opposites. What are the things you wish that you knew in the beginning? How to I turn this into her most favorite game ever? I love being able to play with her in a totally different state!

by Childressaf


  1. When this game first released.

    While it’s good to know about this game at somewhere around 1.4 and getting to play the game at its almost refined state, I still wished I knew about this game way sooner

  2. Even after playing off and on since 2016, i still forget to check the tv. Now i lack one cooking recipe from the queen of sauce on my current save. Just one dumb carp surprise is all i need to make and I don’t have the recipe yet! Argh

  3. Grand_Watercress8684 on

    Fishing is the best income for the first few weeks. Probably up until yuh have the first backpack upgrade and can mine.

  4. That it’s okay to do things inefficiently. That I don’t need to use a guide and would get the most enjoyment out of just learning as I play.

  5. On year 6 and just realized you can hit your chests with a pick axe to move them without having to empty them. Also, when upgrading to Big Chests you don’t have to empty them. You can just swap them out.

  6. Birthday presents are important. So many things are locked behind friendship points (recipes, perfection, green tea, wizard basement, etc.)

  7. If you are more about slow gameplay, then take your time as there isn’t a race in the game and approach things slowly. Don’t take Joja as your first run as the CC is part of what makes the game really fun, sleeping in bed in multiplayer allows you to slowly regenerate energy and canceling sleep shouldn’t stop its regeneration unless you move

    If you want profit early on, fishing is the best source of income at the first month or 2

  8. Addressing you comment about co-op and personality/ player styles I find it easiest to say “my farm my rules/ priorities, your farm your rules/ priorities” leads to a happier play experience. That way there is one “boss” and less strife. If co-op is no longer fun, then it’s time to take a break and play another time.

  9. Plant grass starter on the very last day or winter and you will wake up in spring with A TON of grass. Just randomly put a couple pieces throughout your land and it spreads literally over night.

  10. Everyone gonna make fun of me for this but I honest to God did NOT know there was an elevator for the mines. I seriously was attempting to make it all the way to level 40 in one day starting in floor 1.

    Until I saw someone stream a playthrough, I never felt so stupid. I spent my first year and maybe even the second struggling with money because I didn’t have access to any ores besides copper 🫣🫣🫣

  11. I wish I knew that you can play the game however you want. You dont have to rush it. Fishing is more beneficial than I thought just have patience lol. Having chest near the mine is helpful. Learning the recipes is helpful. Planting wheat helps to save hay for the winter. Watering take soooo much time 😩 sprinklers are so handy lol oooo you can put hats on the horses lol

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