Hi all I want to clear the small circle of water but I'm unsure what the fastest method would be. I have a grand total of 6 sponges and I'm open to use flying machines to clear this out but I'm not sure which is best. Gravity blocks are also available I have alot of em.

by Elite-_-alpha


  1. flying machines id say are easier coz all you do is sit back and relax after you make em, only major building is the walls in the ocean

    while sponges you gotta keep playing the game and from what most ppl say its the biggest relief once its over lmao

  2. Flying machine. I cleared a guardian farm using using sand blocks (might have used sponges on thin columns by the end but this was years ago. Took like 30 hours though. Fly machines are much more sensible. Then just round the corners by hand.

  3. TheGamersGazebo on

    Honestly sand walls and sponges r still ur best bet for an area that small. I did a 101 circle a few months ago. Probably took me around 20 hours to clear. Use the nether to dry ur sponges. You’ll need more than 6.

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