1. A couple custom trees would help break it up. Maybe some fields or some small houses for groundskeepers or something.

  2. No_Lavishness_68 on

    Fellas will “terraform” a mountain by just cutting the top off and making a flat plateau and wonder why their coffee tabletop base looks flat

  3. You’ve got plenty of options. You could put a garden with walkways, fountains, a gazebo, etc. Perhaps a training ground is more your style. Maybe you would prefer a little wooded area with a path as opposed to a garden. The castle has to get its supplies from somewhere, you could have a loading area with wagons and crates leading to the side of the castle.

  4. You make it less flat. Add a little pond, a garden that maybe slopes down the wall, a small bridge somewhere, maybe a gardening shed. Greenhouses look nice too. Little Ceasars.

  5. It’s completely normal for castles to level the area around them.

    Build things like gardens or farms or staff housing that the castle staff would want nearby.

  6. If I remember castles would have some buildings inside the walls next to the keep, just build some houses

  7. DS_StlyusInMyUrethra on

    You could make a courtyard around the castle, defined paths with decorative shrubs inbetween.

    A lot of castles do that and would look really nice

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