My buddy decided to cover half our island with an obsidian dome. What can I do to prank him?

by UniversitySpecial585


  1. I’d suggest an enormous gravel trap held up by torches and scaffolding above his base. But, to really mess with him put in water and lava source blocks in the pile, so if he breaks it he’s gotta cover up the sources. Or put in TNT with sculk sensors, so one wrong move and he instantly has a ton of gravel over his base.

  2. JcoolTheShipbuilder on

    if you want to go big, terraform over the obsidian dome to make it look like a mountain!

  3. Build another dome on the other side with a different block (maybe like calcite or something to have a black vs white or something lol)

  4. Introduce his wife to Jason Luv so he can understand what it feels like to be separated from something he loves by a large black entity.

  5. Ignoring it like itโ€™s perfectly normal and supposed to be there would be hilarious. Bonus points if you build stuff on it.

  6. Put his house in the obsidian dome and cover it with obsidianโ€ฆ the ground should be obsidian as well

  7. Find his base, put a torch on it and X gravel on top. (I think X = 10 would be good) After that, place a torch on every side of the bottom-most gravel and again, X gravel on it. Repeat until the whole area of his base is under that gravel trap. Then, put a piston under the torch, and connect it to a button in his base. After that, set up an ender pearl stasis chamber outside of the gravel perimeter, preferably also connected to the same button. Then, tell him you want to show him something cool, and make him press the button.

  8. Competitive-Donut116 on

    Step by step guide!

    Step 1- find an ocean monument, kill 2 of the 3 guardians, kidnap the one left alive and place it under his base ( make sure the mining fatigue effect can reach his bed/respawn point)

    Step 2 – Break all the blocks around his bed and leave only the floating bed.

    Step 3 – make a double layered obsidian box around his bed, leaving only the floor without obsidian and making it soul sand. Bellow that soul sand, have a layer of open fence gates and bellow those a lava pool.

    Step 4 – Fill the inside of the box with water source blocks, u can use kelp to help this process.

    Step 5 – Wait for a good opportunity and kill him!

    Final step – Enjoy as he is trapped for a very long time.

    Explanation, once he is dead, he will respawn in the chamber and instantly get mining fatigue, all the obsidian + water makes it very very very very hard to break obsidian. The floor is made of soul sand to prevent ur friend breaking his bed and drowning to spawn somewhere else. The fence gates prevent the water from spreading over the lava pit if ur friend breaks the soul sand. And if he does break the soul sand, he will die to lava and restart his cycle!
    Good luck buddy…

  9. Volinian_Visitor on

    Find the location where he logs out and encase him in all directions in all the obsidian you excavate by removing his prank?

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