Last day, no ginger anywhere to be found ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

by letothegodemperor


  1. Your mistake was accepting this quest in the first place. I just skip this unless it is Taro Root or Pineapple.

  2. one tip that makes this one much easier, when you hoe the ginger, use the pickaxe to reset the soil, ginger will respawn much faster

  3. This was me one time I took the quest. Itโ€™s right up there with Qiโ€™s Beans imho in terms of difficulty. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I was missing two ginger. TWO.

  4. The ginger quest for this is insane. Crazy. Why did CA add ginger. It could’ve been left at taro root and pineapple (which you can actually farm) rather than relying on the extremely low spawn rate of ginger. I have only completed this quest one time with like 1 day to spare, and that was with me pick axe-ing the spots I hoed so the ginger would respond better. It’s truly bonkers.

    (Light-hearted, I don’t think CA is actually crazy, but still, the ginger quest is awful, lol)

  5. Remember to use the pickaxe to un-till the ground after harvesting the ginger, this will help more spawn much quicker. (If you get this again with ginger instead of taro or pineapple)

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