I call it The MC Mark 28, while it costs 80 TNT per shot and can’t really aim, it can fire a wither every 20 seconds, has almost pinpoint accuracy, and has a range of 370 blocks! The wither initial explosion will happen about 800 milliseconds after meeting it destination, and the wither initial explosion will deal more damage and have a larger area of effect than an end crystal explosion, and after the initial explosion will be a persistent threat to any players within a 48 block radius of it.

While The MC Mark 28 can’t really aim, it does have what I like to call an aim shift, where I can manually load a wind charge in and out of a dispenser, which will shift the trajectory of the wither to the right(but it can only shift the aim to the right) randomly anywhere from 86 to 92 blocks, instead of shooting directly in front of the cannon like it does otherwise.

Based on the photo and description I’ve given, how effective is the MC Mark 28 as field artillery for end game PvP and as siege equipment?

by CutSenior4977

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