The split is indicating new players, average players + experienced players, experienced player but they play Hardcore.

by Realistic-Cicada981


  1. I agree that defense is good but I like high damage! Bigger numbers better person 🙂

  2. I prefer menacing when it comes to bosses like EoL or Twins because i can already dodge those guys almost perfectly, but in general i definetely run warding

  3. In my opinion in master or higher going def is not that good of you are not playing full tank. Everything two shots you anyways (except if you are melee then you can take 3-4) so you better dodge everything or go full tank melee. When playing GFB as melee I go full tank cause i can still deal a bit DMG while having tons of def. But any other class? Nah it’s not really worth losing precious DMG bonuses just for some def. Things like worm scarf(needs some warding to be more effective), dashes, immunity are the only things that might be worth.

  4. Just play whatever way you wanna play! Personally I havent been needing warding as of late because I’ve been forcing myself to get better by playing infernum.

    I’m stuck at D.O.G. 🙂

  5. MonoclePenguin on

    With every damage buff stacking additively with each other I get it. By the end of the game I’m only getting marginal benefits from damage rolls, and I’m not reaching any significant breakpoints for most enemies, so I’d may as well just use defense rolls to improve my margin for error with dodging. If I can get to where I can survive even one extra hit it makes a dramatic difference.

  6. I like getting warding on everything i do not care about any logic i just like it (i play master mode if that makes a difference)

  7. There is like an hour long video on YouTube where a guy gets really into the math to explain exactly why defense is the best stat for accessories. I always went defense.

  8. ScarletteVera on

    Defense good, but defense also *unbearably boring.*

    I just prefer being a glass cannon- I enjoy the rush of always being an inch away from dying.

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