[STARDEW VALLEY] Man, It’s Feels Good To Be Country Again! || Part #20 (ft. QueenQeeko)

n n hello everyone and welcome back to aniron place I as always aniron and today we’re going to be playing some staru Valley but I’m not going to be doing it alone I’m here with Kiko and um we’ll be jumping on into the game in just a moment but before that want to welcome you all say how you doing uh to everyone who is here and everyone who will be watching in the VOD crew later on a big welcome to you all uh before we actually start I just want to give a quick little rundown about what’s happening this week what what we’re doing and everything and then I’ll properly introduce Kiko and uh we’ll get on into the game so the short version is uh we are only doing three streams this week There’s a lot that’s been happening I’m not going to be able to go over everything uh right now because well that’s what we have the Friday stream for this Friday we’re going to be doing a just chatting stream and if you want to join us for that one I’ll be able to explain what’s been going on talk about my PC the new one that I just built um explain what’s happening with that uh and talk about what we’re going to be doing going into the future as as well as opening up the floor for everyone else to you know get involved for everyone else to you know have something to say share something with me that maybe you want me to read or react to or something like that and the best way to do all of that stuff is by joining our Discord Community cuz we have now left gilded after gilded forced a Roblox connection we did leave gilded we’ve closed down that server for good and we are now back on Discord so if you want to join our Discord do check out the link in the description um today we’re going to be playing sari Valley and we haven’t touched this save in like a month so so we’re going to be going into it not really knowing exactly what we’re doing it’s going to take us probably a day just to figure out what it is that we would we’ve been planning beforehand I do have notes but uh sometimes those notes are not as good as as I would like so that’s everything I’m going to pull in the chat say hello chat and hello to Kiko as well how are you doing today hello everybody not too bad it’s been very cold though and I’m not enjoying that winter in Australia I’m imagine you’re enjoying I’m loving it it’s great so just before the stream started we did have a little bit of technical issue so I’m going to need you guys to let me know if there’s any problems with the sound because for some reason uh this the sound was working just fine on Monday nothing has changed between Monday and today and yet the game sound is coming through Extremely Loud so when we do get into the game I do want you guys to let me know if it is too loud or if we are too loud or too quiet make sure to to let us know otherwise we’re not going to know and it’s going to be a horrible experience for everyone involved well you in a hot tub I have been in a hot tub not recently though not recently no no are you someone from my twitch days I’m sorry you have uh you must have a different username if you remember the the hot tub stream that’s uh that’s pretty impressive not going to lie that was good times let’s start F oh hey Tim welcome to the stream okay we’ve been told now yeah we’ve been told we got stop farming yeah definitely so I just still just kind of sorting a few things out we’ll we’ll get started in just a moment it’s one of those things you know I haven’t cuz like I said I haven’t really streamed properly in about month so it’s just getting used to everything again some things have changed some things have stayed the same some things I expected to stay the same well yeah but even even the stream that we did for the PC Building I had to completely change my setup and my oh yeah mic input and everything so yeah I was mostly referring to just how everything’s been a bit out of sorts I mean I also just noticed the community Race Day banners still there oh wait it is MHM oh I tell you why okay so on Monday I was having an issue with OBS it kept crashing like every time I changeed something OBS would crash and it would undo all my changes that’s why it’s still there I removed it I removed it on Monday but uh yeah and now it’s back and now it’s back that’s fine I can get rid of that uh let’s see that one remove okay we actually Community race day is going to be something that we’re going to have to chat about on Friday as well we do have another one coming up uh let’s see one two 3 4 on the 27th okay good I’m glad you told me cuz I need to mark it in my calendar yeah July 27th is the next Community race day so if you like Mario Kart you want to join us for that one uh I’ll remember to make a banner tonight hold on let me write Downs are a wonderful thing I know right it’s great uh Mario Kart you wouldn’t believe how many notes and like sticky notes and things I use over the course of a day yeah well we used to have or say we you still have one I used to have a little book of sticky notes that I could stick everywhere but I I kind of misplaced that one no it’s out here oh you’ve got it oh okay all righty well like I said we unfortunately we don’t really have a lot to talk about right now because obviously we’re just starting back up again so we’re going to jump straight on into uh St finally and like I said if there’s anything wrong with the sound please do let me know I it it’s not offensive to tell me that sound is off it’s very helpful in fact so let me oh no I did that wrong uh back back let me just get this set up uh if it will set up oh there we go all righty also still says um still says Monster Hunter oh man get rid of that all right so hey we’re in the game uh so I’m going to keep this paused until Kiko can join us yep just trying to log in let’s see what have I got here so I’ve got some coffee um and we got some fruit off the trees that doesn’t tell me much I’m going to have to take a look around make sure that we know what’s actually happening how is the game sound folks um really want to know is it too loud is it too quiet okay I just took a quick listen it sounds okay to me it sounds all right it seems to be spiking though every now and again it goes up really high here sound I need my own game sound how’s the connectivity going Kiko all right I think it’s finally going to let me in oh good it was spinning for a while and I couldn’t see the farm hey there we go brilliant hey so then let’s just take a little look around I know we’ve got some crystalarium down here they’re not ready yet we’ve got a bunch of these uh iridium cats always need more cats and there’s stuff down in the basement as well to check out oh that’s I also remember yeah I’ve got a an inventory full of stuff oh okay sounds all right okay thanks Tim uh right what am I doing with this coffee help welcome to the stream how are you doing today what are we actually doing with this coffee Mak into espressos yeah but like we don’t have coffee stored anywhere unless it’s in the bridge uh or maybe you took it into where you um are making all the jams and actually no not the jam where you’re Brewing all the ale no oh maybe hang on let me take a look yeah go and check where all the kegs are also High heal fire oh yeah Yep this is where it is okay um we could probably we got loads of regular coffee beans that’s a lot okay so the cegs are still Brewing right now what’s in this one oh yeah this is the crafting shed okay oh actually I can put my idium away let’s have a look it’s also the 19th of yeah is this summer 18 of Summer that’s right all right uh so we got hops we’ve got corn we got wheat growing I’m I’m not going to collect anything from them yet but I am going to let the animals out yeah okay if you could do the animals I’ll do the the crops yeah cuz I got to deal with what’s all this stuff I’m carrying first yeah and then I’ll come back and deal with them oh hello hello I will ask the viewers to forgive me if you ever watch me come into a Iron’s View and you just see me crashing into stuff I’m trying to watch several things at once so sometimes I’m not watching where my character is going don’t worry just keep unlik my real lifean you know recently added something new to oh sorry go on I was just going to say I wish that Stu Valley like Animal Crossing that use and pick up with two different buttons yeah that it would just make it so much easier hang on a minute let me put on there we go I’ve got a tool got a tool that will allow me to uh that doesn’t have an a function so we were just discussing what to do with some beans indeed welcome mint how are you doing today how are you what is this chest ah Random Farm stuff on it oops hello dog which chest dog dog dog get out of there’s a chest um just to the right pardon me there’s a chest just to the right of where we’ve got all the crafting materials oh yeah that’s just yeah that’s I just kind of dumped stuff in there for now yeah I think I’ve done the same thing before dog oh is he in your way too a little bit uh so we there’s no real reason to keep the the regular hops so we’ll sell those um got some fruit actually another one that we have no reason to keep is apricots because the wine is crap there’s it it’s not good so we’ll get rid of the it’s kind of a shame we’ve got two of those trees I know um there’s there’s enough room to still put another two trees in there oh sorry another four trees in there but I might just get rid of the apricots at some point figure out which one’s the more profitable tree and then just put that in there maybe uh I I wanted to have two trees of every type so there there’s another two trees that we can get uh let’s have a look corn so the only thing we’re doing with corn is making corn oil I’m doing right finally reaching the end of my hyper focus on Dawn Trail oh yeah but did you have fun I actually saw uh someone talking about Dawn tril uh a couple of days ago and I saw that they were talking about they were clearly talking about Final Fantasy just the way they were talking about it and they were using the acronym DT and I’m like I know that’s the Final Fantasy but what does it mean and uh I got stuck on Dawn Trader which is you know Chronicles of Na is that the boat yes hey I remember things oh you haven’t done you haven’t patted any of the uh the animals no cuz I’m coming back to them unless you want to do it I’m currently in the low field I’m currently trying to do it but I don’t know if I’ll get through everyone I feel like there’s something brose Hellfire okay oh maybe I do everyone up there Max oh and everyone’s already going back in WoW today’s gone yeah yeah it went so fast and all I was trying to do was just farming things dang it well thankfully we’ve got the um the Picker rappers the uh I don’t think they called that I can’t remember what they called oh wait no eh either way they catch all the stuff um doesn’t matter we know what they do where the where are you guys going oh the chicken’s broken again is a chicken and a duck this time okay no no no they’re going they’re going it’s fine okay good finally finally uh the vast majority of it was fun I have a lot of thoughts I may share them later more detail well me do so there’s a couple of other people on the Discord um that like Final Fantasy 14 there’s a Final Fantasy 14 thread as well so you can start chatting in that I can sell that um Oil we’re just doing oil aren’t we so could probably just sell the silver corn as well okay are there qualities of corn of corn no uh there’s quality of I I don’t think there’s quality of oil either I’m not sure actually that’s something I’m going to have to look up I think the quality of the oil is dependent upon what you use to make it so corn would be a different quality to truffle mhm I think that’s how it works I could very well be wrong okay so let’s Chuck some eggs in the Mayo makers uh some milk did I pick up the wool no I didn’t there we go and oh I’ve got truffles that is the wrong shed all right there we go all right I think we got everything mostly done I can see what’s happening um we did a really good job of organizing this Farm it’s pretty clear and obvious where everything is and what we need to be doing so yeah yeah I think we can easily just get back into the swing of it I can sell that rabbit’s foot oh yeah and I got these trees as well for for maple syrup oh is it for painter actually uh I just got an acorn out of the yeah it’s not it’s it’s uh Oak resin that’s it okay yeah the fish is done who the fish pond um you want to start throwing fish into it yeah I do we kept a couple of fish didn’t we I think we might have we’re keeping them in the fridge so I mean in real life they’d all be dead by now but um I’m wondering if there talk about real life here I was wondering if there was a particular fish that we we should use oh some fish are more expensive than others yeah exactly and I’m not sure exactly how that works oh jams done Jam jum jum yay no I think that’s something I’m going to have to look up on the wiki oh it’s midnight good grief today’s gone by fast it sure did uh oh and uh the Jades have popped as well oh okay cool I’ll be taking those oh wait I did that the wrong way there we go well there we go successful first day I think yay I put my head in a few times to try to compose a post I don’t like how anything’s come ah don’t don’t uh don’t worry too hard about uh making it perfect it’s a it’s a chat room after all you know it’s all good hey mly welcome to the stream thank you for the happy 20 episodes yeah we’ we finally made it to episode 20 yay that means we’ve been playing this excluding the time that I’ve taken off for the past four weeks or so we’ve been playing it for roughly 20 weeks something like that roughly that yeah maybe a little bit more i’ have to go look for the first episode actually no more than that because we were playing it on Alternate ating weeks so he probably probably played this for about a year or so by now oh yeah true it it wasn’t weekly for a while no no it wasn’t only only recently did we start doing it weekly okay 6,000 gold for for the day that’s not too bad yeah considering we didn’t have a whole lot to put into it yeah all righty checking the date’s birthday and no one cares pickax is ready to be picked up oh nice uh fortune teller says the spirits are neutral today the day is in your hands so that’s saying need to make our own look of course first thing to do is grab all that hops all that lovely hops that’s going to be pale ale I am going straight to the animals this time yeah that’s a good idea hello it why are you going back inside uh like I’ve said before you should pet them before the uh before they leave just they just rush straight out I didn’t think about it why are you so weird that one’s Hellfire being a pain now well at least he in character all right is always being very agreeable who’s still left inside okay fine mint you can go back inside and salt see if I care Rand new grapes grapes oh yeah it’s it’s summer so um grapes are far able in summer did we already do uh salmon berries yes salmon berries are the middle two weeks of spring I believe right I thought there were a summer one my bad uh okay got loads of coffee P the bunny is good we need to start making into actual coffee H but that’s like a waste of barrels no it isn’t cuz I get coffee out of it yeah I don’t know about that we’re going to have to make more kigs in we do actually that’s that’s why the um is for come back with that trule hey Arro welcome to the stream how you doing today you beat this game yet ha not likely oh that was a that was a mahogany seed ooh wine why do we have so much apricot wine cuz you were just getting rid of it oh uh oh wow why why did I do this or a waste eh just just sell it give some away to your girlfriend she’ll enjoy it also hi Joseph um okay yeah I think like I’ve just sold the apricots now so I don’t have any left um let’s see I could do one two three um you want some coffee don’t you I do so I can throw some coffee along the back wall oh I forgot they takes five coffee beans to make oh I don’t have that much yeah that’s why that’s why you have that’s why you use so much that’s why you keep it right okay well I’m only using regular beans at the moment but yeah wow okay I forgot that there’s five coffee beans per keg all right you going to give me that truffle that you picked up uh I picked up three actually and maybe well I’m I’m trying to to do stuff here I’m trying to get the cooking uh you can come get it if you want well I’m actually going to Dart into town so if you happen to be in the direction of the animal animal pen just put in the chest okay beans up the Cs I hope so so I got some cherry wine got some strawberry wine and pomegranate oh coffee’s already done yep I didn’t realize it was that quick oh if I’d known that oh I can just I can just fill it up and keep filling it in that case exactly right okay I’ve not done it before I’m used to keg stuff taking ages I knew it was quick I just couldn’t remember how quick but yeah uh okay how much is it going to cost me to all right that’s reasonable he where I go all right so I’ll run down to the um the animal stuff and put those Ruffles in yes please oh hi Willie I’m trying to make the local fishing scene more likely dang it got some cheese uh while I’m in town is there anything you want me to get from Pierre um not that I can think of off top my head uh let’s look what else can we do do some more duck mayo oh I miscounted those okay um milk put the milk away right now everything we’ve got here should sell pretty well sweet and we’ve got 17 now we’ve got more uh coffee got 34 yay yeah I had no idea that coffee was this quick if if I knew that I would have done it in now we can run like clappers so I’ll go put this coffee straight in the fridge hi hi so I got cheese Mayo wine um jam apricots cool and so that is 59 coffee is that is that going to be enough is that enough for you do you need more it’ll be enough for now it’ll be enough for now oh dear yes thank you I appreciate you I’m I’m sure you do oh I’ve still got the Hops on me I need to put that into the uh into the brewery oh um I’ll sell the the crappy hops we don’t need that oh more coffee so this is just regular coffee this isn’t um this isn’t gold or silver it’s just using the regular ones that we’ve got yeah I think that hang on I’m going to do a a set of gold and see if there’s a difference okay cuz if there’s no difference or I’m out of uh gold ones now if there’s no difference or uh the difference is negligible then we may as well sell the gold ones and just keep the regular ones I would have to look it up or we’ll find out now once this uh round of coffee pops uh did you per chance get it um to lock up the animals I didn’t go down to the animals at all today okay on my way down oh you must have cuz you picked up the Truffle did I was that today yeah I think I had no I think I had them from yesterday wait I don’t remember no that was that was today because I saw you pick it up and then I picked up two more after you okay that is completely blanked from my mind oh yeah yeah cuz I picked up all the coffee as well yeah cuz I picked up all the coffee at the same time um yeah okay I only went down to pick up the uh the truffles I didn’t go in there with the animals right I see oh there’s a thing over there what’s that oh to piece okay I think we’ve done it I think we’ve actually mowed through our stash of eggs and milk and so on yeah rip brain wrinkle egg brain in yeah oh do you know what it does feel like that I’m glad that I do um sty Valley in the middle of the week because it is a bit more chill it’s a little bit relaxing and it I don’t necessarily need to focus too hard on it so it’s nice and chill I can just you know not worry so much I got iridium and I’ve got wood let me rephrase that I have hardwood no wait hang on I I I have I have Lumber please stop talking all okay if I stop talking this stream is is going to be really boring that’s actually the primary reason why I keep telling people and you why I shouldn’t be a streamer like not on my own why is that cuz I don’t talk a lot without being prompted I find and even then sometimes I just I don’t want to I don’t know I think it depends on the day sometimes I feel very chatty and sometimes I just I do not care it’s like no I I just want to be over here by myself and just play on my phone yeah so this is the reason why we don’t do apricot wine so 78 apricot wine is only worth just under double six truffle oil so you cut that in half you got uh 39 39 apricot wine is worth less than six truffle oil I mean we can also just compare the the the each amount I mean yeah obviously the each amount but like to put it into perspective on large scale 12 12 truffle oil would be worth more than 78 apricot wine mhm that’s ridiculous actually it’s kind of the same with the goat cheese in a way the goats cheese is worth um four times more than the apricot wine I mean if you didn’t sell it and just kept making all other wine then at very least you would have 78 wine to give to Leah forever oh I’ve always got a little bit of wine that I keep to one side either way lots of apricot wine uh that’s all sold now so we’ll focus on some of the other ni boost of our profets okay checking the date TR cat give me there we go grabbing this queen of source today is the macki roll I thought I already had that I do already have that okay uh fortune teller the spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your side well that’s great cuz I was going to go down to the skull cabin oh well oh chilies and Oak resins popped I think all right I have six regular chilies nine silver chilies and 17 gold chilies nice um keep the gold chilies uh sell the silver ones and put the regular ones in the fridge oh all the wheat is grown as well so making seeds out of the sil making seeds are the regular selling the silver keeping the gold I don’t think we need seeds at the moment so if you just put the chilies in the fridge we can use them for making food okay pepper poppers are good yeah okay so we’re going to need to refill these areas with wheat okay let’s see what we got we got nine wheat that we can turn into seeds probably check how many wheat seeds you’ve already got um I think we only I think we bought a lot but but it’s still not a bad idea to turn the regular ones into seeds so look yeah we got6 what’s the date 21st okay we guess I’ll yeah PL of time always worried that uh we’re going to go over by a day or something oh wait no it’s wheat wheat goes into Autumn as well yeah wheat will go into Autumn and into Autumn yeah okay well that’s fine then yeah so we’ve only got 10 wheat seeds left so making more seeds is not bad idea okay let’s take a look at this coffee so I’ve got I just put some more poy beans into the chest too so all of the ones on the left hand side were gold and all the ones on the right hand side were regular it’s no difference whatsoever so in future we’ll sell all the gold ones okay actually let’s sell the silver real quick R I’m not going to go down to the into the skull cabin cuz there’s no point at this hour but I am going to catch the Sunday uh sale from the merchant oh yeah cuz today he should have the um stair staircases three more Jades had popped as well so I just grabbed them all okay hey Max welcome to the stream how you doing today if it isn’t two your favorite people a thank you Max you do know you’re on my channel right just just just check he means me twice oh he means you twice ah oh okay fair enough I get it um you woke up 2 hours after a chat oh no dude I was yeah I was in bed quite late uh after last night yeah Max and I were up really late last night watching YouTube together uh talking about um do you know the rhythm game oos I do not know the rhythm game OS o o uh a OSU o o it’s a it’s a rhythm game where you’ve got to use a cursor one hand and tap things on the other hand and and um s ter mental by last night do I mean this morning I do indeed mean this morning I don’t know a lot of people play it with um with a tablet and a stylus so it might be pretty good actually for learning to um you know learning accuracy and stuff with a a drawing TBL H I see your point oops okay we got five more kegs and we’re going to need more wood hi pal how are you hey pal welcome to the stream I’m doing okay you yeah we’re having a bit of obviously you know Star Valley very much a chill stream it’s nice to just relax for a little bit uh let’s see wait was it wood that we run out of no iron oh okay oh okay uh that’s not a problem we got plenty of iron oh you meant iron ore gotcha gotcha I was about to say do you want me to go um to the regular mines H if you want to go yeah we’re going to need to get some more iron okay I said we have plenty we don’t have plenty we we had some so I regulares aren’t quite as deadly yeah if you want to go get some more iron that would be great ooh Prismatic Shard I think we need one one of those do we what do we need Prismatic Shard for while that’s cooking I’ll uh I’ll put this stuff away for the mystery bundle oh okay yeah oh okay H those um oh I remembered one of the reasons why we need to get a fish in that pond yeah cuz we need to get caviar y yeah no I know about the Cav are I just um couldn’t remember which fish that we said that we were going to put in there yeah there’s a we were trying to side on a fish because of just the profit of the fish itself but as far as the caviar is concerned it doesn’t matter no and I know it doesn’t matter but rather than putting something in there and then having to take it back out and start the process over again I just wanted to get the the right fish in first h of course I’ll take a look at the wiki now when we um when this day ends I’ll take a look at the wiki see if I can remember start I’ve already found an iron or vein nice have you gotten the Galaxy sword yet um I haven’t Kiko there a Galaxy sword I’m going to assume no hold on what am I carrying I’m carrying the lava Katana oh okay yeah I’ve got an obsidian sword I’m going to assume that’s some kind of Ginger Island business oh yeah we haven’t done anything Ginger Island yet we’ve gone over there we explored yeah we explored for a little bit but um we haven’t really you know done a big explore yeah we basically have to keep turning around and coming back home before we pass out oh wait it’s so hard to search Ginger Island in multiplayer a new players is it worth marrying Haley she’s pretty uh I’m going to conf I’m going to delegate that question over to Kiko I think she’s worth it I like her she has genuine character growth yes she is pretty even when she’s covered in mud even when she’s covered in mud what without spoiling too much there’s an event where she decides to visit the farm oh okay quite cute okay fair enough oh jesm it’s already 1050 all right I’m coming back uh let’s see have you got the you traded Prismatic Shard for it it’s been in the thing for a long top before Ginger Island ah but see I want the Prismatic Shar for um the missing bundle yeah we’ve got a we got a bundle to put the Prismatic shard in why can’t I play multiplayer mobile I don’t uh I don’t know um uh we we can’t answer that one mate yeah we’re playing on so yeah I thought you could play multiplayer on mobile you possibly can I just don’t know how it works yeah right well that wasn’t too bad we impromptu trip to the mines I got uh another 43 sorry 43 34 words are hard leave me alone all right well you better hurry back yeah I’m back on the farm now did you lock up the chickens I did good I need to do some actual decorating inside the house yeah if it wasn’t dumb o clock I would run straight to the um that to the old JoJo Mt I tell you what akihiko someone in chat might be able to help you with that one uh we’ve never played multiplay well we’ve I’ve never played uh Serge Valley on mobile to begin with I’ve only ever played it PC and switch um but if someone in the chat has played Star Valley on mobile um do help out is there a way of playing multiplayer uh how to stop trees growing in my farm you want trees on your farm the best thing to do is to make sure that um you’ve got them set up so that they’re growing in a particular location one that you can keep coming back to and make sure that they don’t drop seeds because if they drop seeds if they drop seeds they no one else he that except for you if they drop seeds they’ll grow into new trees so what you want to do is you want to use your hoe to get the seeds so you get like acorns pine cones and uh maple seeds um and that’ll stop them from growing but um you what you do want trees you definitely want trees and you want tappers on your trees let’s see what have we gotten today Peppers hops me okay so we didn’t we didn’t have much to sell today Donald welcome to the stream how are you doing today oh it’s raining oh lucky for us yeah I mean we don’t do a lot of watering these days anyway yeah but it says it’s happened to water the corn or do they have sprinklers now too everything sprinklers oh neat Gus made me a fish dinner I’m really glad you’ve become part of our community I’ve enclosed 500 gold check from the Star Valley agricultural fund to help you continue your work May maybe you can buy some more seeds with it sincerely Mr Lewis thank you Mr LS all the honey is going to pop my bees are happy so is all the blueberries was this blue oh yeah yeah okay yeah no that makes sense blueberries hadn’t popped since we started playing so it it kind of had to have been EV you know eventually coffee beans no don’t eat the Hops stop just stop all right Donald catch you later bye so I want Marine to allow me to her bedroom oh Mani you yes sorry uh uh you want man to allow into bedroom will be a good gift oh beer beer yeah hang on um do I have the note for that but m either way Beer’s what I always get her oh it’s easy it’s cheap and it’s accessible anyway I’m busy doing a thing with oh that’s right you built extra kegs nice I did are you leaving these ones empty until the all the wine pops yeah okay uh wait where do all the iron go I’ve got it I had to I had to race into bed but I’m not far away hold on I’ll just come up there no you just buy it from the saloon mate and beer is not that difficult to make anyway um you will need to get the right ingredients but it’s it’s not difficult well you also got to to get a keg well yeah yeah uh let’s do more coffee on the back wall um yeah we’ll just do coffee on the back wall yeah beer doesn’t take uh too long to to make it only takes like 2 days and so long as you’ve got wheat and a keg you’re fine it’s really easy um tea is most profitable no idea I don’t really worry too much about what’s the most profitable I just go for what what I feel like doing at the time I feel like Stu valy is one of those kinds of games that you can definitely minmax it and you can have like perfect profit margins and stuff like that and but it takes a lot of the fun out of it the whole fun is you know you you’re role playing that you have a farm and sure you could be a monoculture Farm that’s fine but uh for the most part it’s more fun to have variety it’s just nice to look at all the things that you’ve got and be like wow that’s really cool I like all the wheat over here and the the Hops and then I see all of these with the chilies and the blueberries and the melons it’s not the most efficient Farm but I like what I’ve got and I think that’s more important enough it is it is it’s pretty efficient we we’ve done really well but I I still feel like you know I I’m not going to break myself over efficiency when I’m just having fun oh might Oak Rising again okay that’s fine like I I I had a plan going into this Farm uh my idea was I’m going to start a farm and I want to I want to go towards becoming a brewery that was my aim and so now I have my Brewery and I really like it it just kind of makes me happy for some reason the Ducks make me happy ducks are cute the the Ducks are freaking adorable hey tiger welcome to the stream how you doing today oh I didn’t check oh I didn’t check to see what fish we wanted um we’ll just have to try to remember to do that next time the day turns yeah uh I think we’re going to need you to go down to the mines again because we we’re running out of coal okay do we have some wood that we can turn to Charcoal for now oh true oh yeah completely forgot about that sorry might be able to make some more K two copper 20 wood okay one two 3 4 without copper um sorry I just realized that I don’t have the chat up a second hold on I want to look see what uh oh I I’ll do that later I’ll do it later it’s fine all right you’re doing well tiger that’s good to hear wait why am I carrying this I don’t know why are you carrying that should be going away um put that away quickly throw this into the chests all right we have kills still carrying stuff I don’t needan to be all right running away to the mines um yeah we we’ve got we got uh 10 kills now so we’re good for coal I think that’s not what I want heck oh look at all that coal that is that is way easier um that me instead I’ll tell you what I’m going have to get my gloves soon it is cold tonight gloves oh really yeah cuz my my hands are freezing oh I’m in a much larger room than you it gets cold out here okay I believe you he doesn’t believe me I I don’t I don’t think like I’ll be real I don’t think it’s really that cold but I’m from the UK so I I’ve got a very skewed idea of what cold is it’s not below freezing so it’s not cold you know uh while all that’s cooking I’ll take another look in here do I have anything to put away I can put the coffee in the fridge check downstairs and oh o all the jam is popped wasn’t expecting that has it been like 3 days already uh I think so yeah so Friday Saturday Sunday Monday man time we started the game on a Friday again best and cheap food for dungeons oh like what what is a good food for dungeons oh heck I ooh I usually pick up a salad before going in to dungeons I think that’s like 200 gold um but the best food for dungeons is like a Roots platter Farmers no not farmer lunch uh Autumn’s Bounty Farmers lunch is pretty good but yeah Autumn’s Bounty is the best one because it gives you 220 energy 99 health and plus two defense yeah the plus two defense is a big deal um thing is a lot of these things though these are the best ones and not necessarily the cheapest to make no Autumn’s Bounty can be really uh could I even make that I don’t even remember if I can uh to answer your question as well Joseph I don’t know I just left the mine so I didn’t think to check in with the monster Guild okay uh no I can’t even make Autumn’s Bounty yet I can make the roots platter that’s another one which is really useful but expensive cuz to make the roots plant to make the roots platter you need cave carrots and winter root so you can only get winter route obviously during winter or in the Frozen levels of the mine and then of course you need cave carrot as well and that gives you plus three attack so that’s actually really really useful Spring on Spring onions yeah actually spring onions are not bad it’s not a huge amount of HP or energy but um they’re free so if you’re out during spring you can pick oh it’s uh time to sleep if you’re out doing spring down in the southern field uh look for spring onions especially if you got good foraging cuz if you got good foraging you’re going to get better spring onions I like to use salmon berries for mines because you can get so many of them they don’t sell for much yeah yeah that’s true very early on salmon berries are not bad for taking into the mines but later on when you’ve got the uh the Bear’s knowledge and you can sell them as Jam they’re probably better off to be used for Jam okay don’t click okay yeah no that’s what I was going to do I was just looking at what uh what we got okay sweet cuz yeah while you’re doing that I’m going to grab my gloves okay um let’s see bomb um uh interesting uh where’s the um okay I can’t find the I can’t find the page for farm buildings I was just going to look up fish I’m looking at pond fish Pond there we go okay so cuz there was one in particular that we saw and I was like oh no it makes sense to have that because of what what it produces was it a midnight squid or is it the blob fish I don’t know um midnight carp drops coal uh blobfish drops rainbow shells maybe it’s blobfish could be because I mean rainbow shells sell for a lot don’t they uh blobfish drops Coral Frozen tears sea urchins uh coffee beans mayonnaise a pizza cookie green tea wine Rainbow Shell and rice pudding I don’t even no I don’t even either o wood skip if you have wood skip they drop tea leaves well if you have a blob fish then I’d say throw that in I’m just going to look up just straight up caviar and see what we have to do uh ghostfish drops dwarf Scrolls and refined quartz octopus drops green tea rainbow trouts drop diamonds gold bars aridium ore jellies and pickles okay so to get caviar so this is where I was wrong all fish Produce Row you only get caviar from aging row yes of a stur in a preserves jar right so very specific so what I’m going to do is I’m going to drop the Blobfish that we have into the pond that we have and then I’ll get another Pond to build okay I thought you could put more than one fish into the pond you can but not of different not the uh it has to be the same type of fish I think different kinds okay yeah hey what welcome to the stream how you doing today start your second J in your PC save file we are just getting through summer of year three so we’re we’re a little bit ahead of you but I’m sure you can catch up pretty easily in fact doesn’t take long we’re we’re only playing this once a week so you’re going to take over us in no time oh sorry pal I didn’t mean to ignore you an and Kiko have something to tell you I have to fight the tanadon again good luck have fun tandon’s not that bad you should you should be fine with tetron now everybody just has one monster which is their Nemesis I have two and therefore I think that that’s just that’s just pal yeah the enemy is to try it on the spirits are somewhat annoyed today well then uh yeah so I’ve got a couple of blobfish co wait does the does the quality of the fish I wouldn’t know are you the one looking at the um yeah I’m currently looking through it now it doesn’t look like the quality of the fish changes anything oh it does actually in a roundabout way the experience that a fish earns is based on its sell price so goldfish will earn more experience okay I’m going to check this ugly mother into the um wait is this a storm I’m not hearing the Thunder Pond is full oh what the I put a blob fish in there isn’t you’ve already put one in yeah I put one in and it says it’s full so I guess they just breed uh actually did you put one in of AIT higher quality first I put a silver one in I don’t have a gold one okay well that’ll have to to do uh yeah so sorry did you answer my question is is this a storm was there lightning I said I’m not hearing anything oh okay cuz one of the uh the floor tiles was lifted oh okay can’t explain can’t explain as I said I I didn’t I didn’t hear anything yes it’s it’s it’s a storm oh bum okay okay time to get the lightning rods out yep hey that is cheese mayonnaise oh and Tru oil just popped as I was about to walk out uh I’m doing quite well I had a 4year world on my switch until Star Valley was on sale for $5 bought on Steam June 28th already have 36 hours Playtime definitely my top 10 games of all time ever I can completely understand that yeah I I’ve never really done like a big list of top games but it yeah it would have to be on there easily easily would have to be on there okay I heard that yeah I’m assuming you’ve got all the lightning rods yeah I do I’ve got three more to put down I’m just trying to figure out best place to put them we’re not going to need to worry too much about um coffee because I’ll be oops well we’ve also got a row of coffee beans growing in the green yeah that’s what I was going to say uh we we’ve got coffee in the greenhous okay right hopefully that’ll be enough lightning rods to keep our Farm Safe all of the fruit trees have currently popped I just don’t have the inventory space to deal with them at the moment yeah I was heading in there no uh wait what I cat oh shiver man it’s cold all you do is complain complain complain cuz I’m cold cold it’s not cold you don’t know what cold is these are all wait I I do this is all watered already isn’t it yeah yeah see the thing is I don’t think we put fertilizer down for this I guess it doesn’t matter cuz we don’t need high quality coffee we can also um tear it up anytime we need to yeah I guess kind of waste it’s not like we’re really H it’s just kind of a waste of time to let it all grow and then tear it all up oh look Anna you got a compliment on the farm I got a compliment holy crap that doesn’t happen often well the farm is pretty I never had a cute and pretty farm like yours really you we we we try to keep everything nice and organized is at the very least it um we nothing it was all your organizing it it still took like 2 years to get it there like the first year is just chaos yeah pretty much as for who is playing first of all me I’m the blue one yeah it’s myself and Kiko right what am I doing still got all the fruit with me cheese and mayonnaise taken care of what have I not done what have you not done what have you not done oh no I’m thinking very hard oh no uh Farm’s going to explode it’s a 23r still got time there only two players in our world see all right oo crack aoom drinky the coffee and run like heck ham is knocked off driving the bus for the day oh wow is oh wow it’s nearly six already oh my goodness it’s hard to tell because it’s also just been dark the whole time yeah true um we got so much iridium I’m going to make some more iridium bars oh oh no I can’t I need to we need to do Ginger Island so that I can do I was going to say save some of the because I need that okay well that’s fine we’ve got 586 ore I think we’re good we get like 20 or every day Tom July 18th is your birthday oh happy birthday Autumn yeah we we won be streaming tomorrow so we we’ll say happy birthday now got anything in uh anything planned anything in mind to do tomorrow or you just going to have a chill day and relax I don’t remember what did we do the last time what did we do for my birthday last time last year yeah did we go to Momos uh we we did because what we did was we rolled it in all together as a birthday for you oh yeah late birthday um celebrations for plague dark and K and it was celebration for me in my new job so we did that all once and it was the um first 100 subscribers as well was it yeah I think was that in November I think so wow oh heck yeah Sushi dinner wait I can change the o oh blor grapes oh ex grapes okay so I’ve put a blobfish in but maybe I’m misunderstanding how this works cuz it says population one of one but it says that I can have seven in there there maybe I need to oh wait I didn’t think of that I’m going to have to go to Robins tomorrow and see if um if I can make the fish pond bigger should have known it wouldn’t be that easy never all my stue experience have I ever owned upon me neither no we’re trying we’re trying something new we all have something in common oh sorry that’s a that that was the sound of my keyboard honestly that was me moving my keyboard it was nothing else was at the rubber feet yeah ah I got caught on things no let me go okay sure wasn’t your tummy making rumblies I mean I do you know what I I had a big bowl of rice and chili before streaming but I’m still hungry I don’t know what the deal is I’ve been so hungry recently it’s weird that house you just go through phases where you just can’t get enough food yeah I’m not normally one to suggest this but I was actually going to say how about after stream we go out for a cheeky mackers run oh okay maybe yeah it probably sounds like a good idea might just I’m not usually the one to suggest it yeah no I’m I’m good we can go down and get some chicken nuggies okay good night Autumn enjoy your birthday tomorrow yep good night Autumn and happy birthday uh hope to see you again in the future we play stue Valley every well we’ll be playing it every Wednesday at the moment so hopefully we’ll see you again only hands could satisfy I see uh hold on guys I’ll be back soon annoying monster leave me alone good luck hopefully it doesn’t eat you yeah it’s a tetrodon so probably will no I’m not there Joseph’s having chicken nuggies right now not fair you should email me some and some of your miscolored fruit yeah oh and this is probably a good good opportunity to to shill the fact that we do have a Discord there’s a link in the description if there is anyone new here that wants to who is enjoying this stream do feel free to like And subscribe and uh come and join us over on the Discord for further conversations about things like video games and um what we talking about recently needing to urinate while being in the car wash um why are you talking about that ah it’s the only thing I can think of it’s one of those things you know I was just sitting in the car no it’s not one of those things I know it was it was it absolutely is it was I was sitting in the car and you know turn the engine off the whole thing starts up and it just starts spraying water at the windshield and I’m like oh no it’s just one of those things when when water is flowing water wants to flow uhuh okay so um storm is over we’ll pick up those lightning rods I couldn’t think my brain was going coil it’s a Tesla coil I’m like it’s not a it’s not a Tesla coil shut up brain cease cease what what’s wrong nothing you saw nothing um okay it must be nothing then I I absolutely did not just destroy one of the coffee plants you criminal it was the lightning I don’t believe you I don’t believe me either oh I got a letter from Kent he gave me a grenade not just no no it wasn’t a grenade it was a bomb a mega bomb I mean that’s effectively a grenade this is what we call unsafe inappropriate Kent don’t just give people random leftover ordinance I mean I’m fine with him giving it to me I’m just concerned then he might give other people ordinance mean Stu Valley is this normal I need to run up to Robin while I have time oh yeah I need to go and see Willie you keep gasping and I keep getting very worried I didn’t just blow myself up don’t don’t watch the playb okay maybe it was a bad idea for me to have a bomb right farm buildings E’s getting upset no there’s no big pond I don’t know maybe the fish pond just grows naturally by itself I I genuinely have no idea concerned that he’s mailing bombs yeah he’s got a very uncle Ted vibe to him doesn’t he oh actually while I’m out about I can go get my pickaxe I thought you collected it already no I I was told but yeah I forgot to go get it I beg your pardon I like explody orbs okay I have no problem with explody orbs in real life in in game maybe um I’m a danger to myself let’s see Clint have you got my pickaxe thank you uh uh do I have any iron on me I don’t okay never mind hey P lots of wood okay so I’m explosive free and uh I’m back on the farm good I also am going to do something oh dear with some of our um crafting material oh no I why you don’t get to oh no me anyway um I think last time I checked there one of the chests are actually empty uh I’m going to be putting some of the more unusual crafting stuff in there like Coral okay just letting you know ahead of time yeah we seem to be a little inconsistent about where we’re keeping things well like I said I think there was at least one chest that is still empty yeah the green chest making some of uh put it in the blue chest considering it’s you know ocean stuff I guess well it’s not just ocean I said like Coral but to make any of the um the warp totems some of them you need some weirder items like you need honey you need coconuts and you need Coral okay um so the chests are Stone and dirt this one should be wood but there isn’t like a oh hang on if I just turn the color off it turns brown shocking I know okay so we’ve got Stone and dirt wood ores so this is anything that can be refined uh the green one is now crystals so I’ll make that like uh like a turquoisey color the purple one is Monster drops the blue one is oh wait I think the reason that it was green was it was because it was fora bles oh okay so we got a green one for fora bles that will include stuff from the beach and yellow is stuff that is crafted like uh battery packs and torch well coconuts are also forgeable so I’ll put them in the green one too so it’s more to help remind you as well that if you come along and say like why the heck are there just coconuts in here that’s why mon monster no not monster Dro monster drops just monster monster items Aro good Lord I drops for Monsters drops from Monsters not droppings good Lord uh what else have I got nothing really oh wait no I’ve got uh Oak resin droppings equalize equals fertilizer get out of here logic I don’t like it I don’t like it it’s that simple I don’t like it okay everything else I can check in the box okay maybe not everything else and a lot of things we have a plenty enhanced farm and it does not require the poops they require sap and fish I mean sap is sap is from trees but it’s also from slimes that too he doesn’t look happy to me he looks less un happy to me yeah this is not the face of a Happy Fish yeah he’s got a whole droopy thing going on I’m happy we got five truffles that’s nice okay let’s did you check on the animals today yeah why are they wait why were there grapes in the Picker uper cuz my inventory was full oh oh wow I was in the shed and all the wood popped nice okay desperately needing grass fiber yeah we’re not really cutting the grass that we have also we um oh I guess you could go into the the south field and chop up some weeds yeah I might have to do that what’s in here beans why are there beans in you beans yeah there’s beans in there maybe to make into seeds maybe but we have plenty of bean starters and beans are not really that useful look we we haven’t played in like three four week oh it’s 140 I’m clutching at straws trying to remember what to bed that was so close oh my goodness I didn’t realize what the time was okay so before you take it to the next day I’ll be right back I just need to attend an idol meeting that means she’s going to the car wash why are you weird all right be right back okay so chat now the kito’s gone is the car wash on round about that would be really okay hang on a second car wash on a roundabout is that like a really good idea or a really bad idea cuz I’m just I’m just sitting here thinking a second hang on if you’re stuck in traffic and you know you got this You Got a roundabout and so it’s a large area of land that is completely unused except for possibly grass it may even be paved over but it’s you can’t really use it for anything what if you use what if you stuck a car wash on it is that a really good idea or a really bad idea never really gave it any thought me neither it’s your fault I’m thinking of it right now I think that would be a good idea I just trying to extend your joke I don’t worry about it but now I’m now I’m actually thinking about it and uh yeah all right let’s see if I can figure out more about this uh this fish pond okay the fish pond is a type of Farm building purchasable from Robin at the carpenter shop it takes 2 days to build and occupies a 5×5 tile space the following can be placed in a fish pond all fish caught with a fishing rod a crab pot except for the legendary fish and keys extended family Keys extended I okay coral and sea urchin for Simplicity these are included when referencing fish okay um golden animal cracker once per fish pond to double the fish ponds output of product okay bunch of stuff that can’t be put in there okay sure um oh right fish in a pond reproduces at a fixed rate until they reach the Pond’s current capacity fish quests allow the player to increase the capacity of the pond up to a maximum of 10 what the heck is a fish Quest when clicking on the fish pond various messages will be shown indicating the fish pond status specifically specifying specific Quest items when necessary oh okay so I got to keep talking to the fish that’s kind of weird that’s kind of weird I didn’t think that I’d be I’d need to actually talk to the fish and get quests off them I guess that makes about as much sense as anything in this game you need to wait up to 5 days to be given the quest right okay so I put fish in the fish pond it was either yesterday or the day before so we’re on like two or 3 days at best um hi oh welcome back sounds like two days I think yeah I think it was two days so very odd we need to expand we need to keep talking to the fish until they give us a quest Okay so so similar with like the chickens and all that go up to the pond every day yeah uh but like as as aor says you need to go after 5 days oh it’s raining again I need to remember to check the weather the night before okay so it’s another storm uh Spirits are very happy today well I’m glad for them oh Willie just taught me how to make es Scargo Willie can keep his fried snails they’re not necessarily fried sometimes they steered he can keep his snails ooh melons yep and all the men in the audience paid attention um oh the wheat is done as well oh well the blood fish is Just Produce some row oh nice blobfish row okay interesting as the knee question is what we want to do with it uh okay we need more wheat seeds it’s Thursday so we have 27 wheat seeds at the moment yeah I’ve just put uh some wheat into the cedar mhm do you want me to buy any we’ll see now uh so how many of you got did you say uh there’s 27 in the chest I haven’t got them I’m in town oh okay we got 49 in total so math yes please please pick up some oh no none of storm there 27 in the chest okay if I don’t put out some of these lightning rods there’s not going to be much left for me to farm uh how many wheat SE did you want uh get like 100 it’ll be fine we’ll still have use for him all right actually maybe you get more than 100 all right well I’ll get 150 sure like you said it’s not like they going to go to waste oh no the lightning is taking out one of the one of the coffee oh no I didn’t didn’t get to it in time oh it’s a shame oh dear no one’s buying that are they no no I I I didn’t think anyone would honestly uh H what should we do we’ve got all of these P this patcho that we were using for melons wonder what we should put in there I’m still in town we have 3 days left of the season oh may as well wake down until next season ooh okay the coffee in the Greenhouse has grown okay cool I I just I just saw mint’s uh comment um yeah no fair fair yeah do you know what I just had a thought it’s probably better that we we don’t have these coffees fertilized I’m waiting for you to tell me why cuz we get more the regular coffee we don’t need gold coffee there’s no benefit to it except for selling it are you back you I am cool uh let’s have look I take it you haven’t packed the animals no okay has your wine popped yet nope okay going put some more coffee in now not that I’m particularly worried about um making money every day I just want to know where we’re at we’re yeah we’re on 624 th000 gold I think we’re fine oh yeah that is 624 th000 my brain was blanking on the 178 oh yeah I’ve been looking at numbers for too long today he I’m also doing a thing to make the animals happy I’m going to grab some materials oh wait no we don’t have seaweed let I was going to say I was going to go grab some materials and get another Pond built but I don’t think we have oh we got plenty of seaweed oh okay let’s call Robin reasons to hoard everything hello hey yes I’m currently open for business please swing by before 5:00 p.m. if you need anything um building upgrade costs that’s what I wanted to see uh what do I need seaweed green algae and stone okay I have green algae got white algae oh yeah green algae there we go cool so tomorrow I’ll go and get another Pond built okay oh was it 100 Stone oh we don’t have that oh I can always buy some Stone not a big deal right let’s see um there was a thing I wanted to do in this day of the playthrough and I can’t remember that’s annoying I really you said you wanted to go see willly I already did that you did that okay no idea yeah I can’t remember it couldn’t have been too important I want to find some time to be able to like properly decorate the house it’s kind of like the least important thing to do in the game but at the same time do it over the winter yeah well over winter I was thinking we could go to Ginger Island oh that too oh heck I finally remember what it was and now it’s too late dang it what I was going to go fishing oh right what do you need a sturgeon CU I need a h yeah and :00 is a cut off dang it winter only if I remember it’s um at the the pond on the mountain yeah the mountain lake so Mountain Lake between 6:00 a.m. and 700 p.m. okay I can go get one of those I did that last time okay well I’m happy to kick around on the farm if you just want to zoom straight up the mountain sure yeah I’ll go straight up I’ll um nothing to complain about why is this fish talking to me he’s got a face I I am not entirely impressed that he does well you’ve got two other fish in the um in the second fridge no I kind of need him though the things that he’s got that was silly I’ve got these gravestones but I don’t have anywhere to put them now wait till winter or no wait till fall ra yeah it’s so much lightning oh hang on I can put up here there you go um yeah I think I’ve done everything I can do tonight check the trees for um resin oh come here Taco brazing thank go use it when you go fishing oh yeah plus two fish nice yeah yeah I think that’s everything midnight mhm all righty to bed we have got so much coffee it’s kind of ridiculous how much coffee we’ve got right now good cuz I’m mowing through it no you’re not we have I haven’t been back to the we have 154 cups of coffee oh okay you can probably start putting fruit back in what’ you mean well I was going to say if you want to use those kegs to make wine again go for it oh no no I was about to come back to the fridge to get more coffee I’m waiting for the other kegs to pop okay oh okay fair enough just keep making coffee then till then yeah oh we didn’t earn much do we like I said I’m not particularly stressed we have a 600,000 yeah but we didn’t get to that 600,000 by not making money it’ll be fine for one day oh look it’s raining again oh all right before you go up the mountain uh any weather up yep okay so we’ll be fine off we go so it’s going to be beautiful sunny day tomorrow and the fortune teller says Spirits are neutral and my jam has popped ooh uh by the way what did you do with the chilies that you picked the other day I sold the silver ones I kept the gold ones and I put the regular ones into the fridge okay where did you put the gold ones into the uh Brewery okay no Chili’s go in the basement chili go in the basement we have um okay lubs oh oh you’re collecting the bloes like I I did say I was going to collect everything on the farm if you want to go up the mountain oh true yeah okay uh don’t forget to check everything for check all the the power stuff for Batteries yeah dear n here’s a vegetable from the little garden I keep out back you probably have more veggies than you know what to do with but oh well she gave me a par snip Thank You Caroline well if it’s a regular time of uh pass it then just put in the fridge I can see the Blobfish actually swimming around yeah he says we’re doing fine hello we welcome to the stream how are you doing how dare you make me say we oh we’re doing pretty good having a nice uh chill day today playing some Stu Valley right let’s see Stone I’m going to need like that and we’ll do another Pond 200 Stone well that’s fine Pond build right I put that one there can I fit another one in there as well I can fit two in there okay okay so you’ve started construction of another Pond yep uh I’ll now go and get that sturgeon for you thank you uh I think this is the best place or even the the onlyest place to get it it is the onlyest place the onlyest place okay thought so actually it’s Friday so I’m going to go and see the um traveling Merchant as well oh yeah good idea if by some insane Miracle she’s got caviar I’ll tell you so you can just stop oh yeah trying to um fish because occasionally she’ll have it ah sorry we this is not a place for self-promotion uh it’s especially not a place for politics interesting the traveling Merchant has me really how much do you sell it for I don’t know whoa okay I think I found sturon oh my goodness got it nice uh there are no weeds in the lower field po if if you think a tetr andon is your worst nightmare my goodness you’ve got so much to learn does not flinch in the face of the mega marshmallow no I’m not talking about Mega marshmallows I’m talking about um risen kashala da I’m talking about was going to ramp with my comment but fair okay yeah chaotic gor magala my guy there is so much yeah something still give me chills I like the chaotic Gore though he’s cool but he gives me chills that’s my point where is where the dog where’ the dog go where’s a dog probably my house sometimes he’s in my house yeah but he’s probably in doors o there’s a thought I actually no sorry pal I can do you one better on your worst nightmare it’s still the same flavor of your worst nightmare but when you get to the anomaly quests of it oh yeah actually true then he’ll be big Angry in red you know when you said you were going to collect everything on the Pharm I’m still doing it what are you collecting hops oh okay yeah as I said I’m still doing it it’s just I’m one person so it takes me longer to get everything done all right let’s dump all those Hops uh have you done the watering in the greenhouse yes okay uh do we make blueberry wine or do we make blueberry jam Jam okay take that with me oh I can’t my inventory is full apparently take the chilies with oh see I don’t bother with the fruit trees until there’s three fruit each all right if I can just go in water and then leave it’s just it gives me more time think don’t anything else here all right off I go oh another piece of the floor is broken you just picked it up I’ll put it back all right fish fish fish fish so the pond is going to take 2 days to build two days oh I just realized the sturgeon I’ve got is a regular sturgeon not it’s not like a gold or anything you want to go back up the mountain yeah I was going to say I’ve got a couple of days to to go back up and and uh yeah like look having one is not the end of the world world if it ends up that bloody hell that was the lightning again it struck the grass that time maybe we need to make more lightning rods um right but yeah if if it comes down to it that we don’t get a gold one or something like that before the end of summer then it’s fine we’ll just stick the regular one in the pond okay um so regular blue Brees can go in the thing yeah the silver and the gold oh I just sold the silver there’s only seven of them oh oh well it’s fine I got all the gold ones um I’ve got some Jam to her away oh there’s the dog he’s sitting by the fireplace smart sensible right so I’ve got I’ve got wood um I’ve got batteries I’ve got some batteries too and I’ve got coffee beans so I’ll drop the oh your wine is popped oh brilliant so I’ll collect all the coffee at the back yep so that’s one less thing in your inventory I do recommend the coffee of just carrying some of it with you because it’s just so good to help you run mhm oh I’ve accidentally picked up a wine I’ll just in the chest sweet my cherry wine what what what was that about cherry wine I was trying to play on Cherry Pie oh right yeah then when I tried to ant in my throat decid to close so that’s always fun yeah good times okay so we need to put I may have to wait until tomorrow to do everything well you said you were going to go fishing again yeah but I mean to like do all of the Oh you mean the wine okay probably do some of it I’m going to try and get as much done as I can before 2: a.m. uh so it done some melon I’ll do actually cranberries can go in the basement as well uh Tomatoes can go in the basement let’s do some peaches and some grapes okay heading on back I’ve just put a bunch of um eggs and milk in cook oh I missed the top row there why did I do that probably because you’ve been on the autopilot of coffee goes up there no no I I meant the top row of the barrels on the right oh I am I’m going to keep putting coffee in there okay um oh I I’ll put some I put some Mead in there I’ll be done tomorrow uh tomorrow can’t remember if it’s one day or two day on the meat oh I’m going to fall asleep in the basement that’s in the house yeah I’m fine it’s okay I fell sleep in the basement oh I didn’t put any the I didn’t put any wine into the into the box okay that’s fine that’s fine we yeah I know Tim I know we’ll make a lot of money today trying to put a bed in put a bed in the basement it’s just like me in real life for real for real okay sunny I don’t know why but I really love that stupid phrase for real for real the no the full thing the whole is just like me for real for real so clear and sunny tomorrow for the dance of the Moonlight jellies oh wow yeah tomorrow’s the last day oh there’s an exclamation mark above the fish pond ooh Quest oh I yeah I’ll let you do that I see a glimmer within my scrying orb A Shard of Knowledge from the future the spirits are very displeased today they will do their best to make your life difficult okay so staying out of the mine just sounds like Monday to me but there we go or I should say a day ending in why today the spirits are going to make your life difficult today today you say all let me save some wine actually speaking of I should probably go give her some a wait wait where’s the wine I was keeping I don’t know put in the fridge it’s not in the fridge imagine you would have had a chest in your room or something no it’s in the blue chest on the in the kitchen ah um yep all of me just popped okay uh just start watching Boi The Rock and most times I have heard that phras is with people talking about that anime yeah she she’s just like me for real for real we feel more at home with three Coral bring three Coral okay oh okay well there’s Coral in the um crafting shed oh is there nice I wanted that Coral but fine the fish can have it well I’m going to go up and there’s no caral in there oh in the green chest you put it in the teal chest yeah cuz you said that’s like with the fora bles no the green one is the fora bles the teal one is crystals also one of the goats broke the gate oh I don’t know why they were possessed to do this but I imagine just goat things who was it in fact let me check which it was Pat that is uncharacteristic of you Pat disappointed you need to change your goaty ways all right okay I’ve got the coral I was so distracted by the damn goat breaking the gate I have twice forgotten to collect the eggs three hey fish is Happy ooh I can have three in there now better be well you have two other blobfish I do I’m just going to check those in oh uh that one it was a pretty straightforward fish Quest I hope uh I hope the rest of them are are this easy he says knowingly there you go three blobfish all right sell that I need to get up to the uh I’m just going to dump everything I have into the dump chest next to the so you can go fishing yeah don’t eat the egg put it into the mayonnaise I should have grabbed a should grab the coffee oh well okay animals dealt with mayonnaise and C stuff cooking collecting all the Hops oh sorry Joseph I didn’t catch those got your first fish Quest gos do that I got a friend with gos the fence often I got rainbow tro nice I don’t know how valuable they are but yay oh I got a surgent oh wait actually um rainbow Trout’s good because yeah they they got good drops in fish pond well there’s that but you can also cook trout dishes and stuff with them oh no no diry the Hops gosh dang it ah no did you eat your fish taco already I did oh I got it it is regular sturgeon oh my goodness pain peeker yeah all that effort for a regular one oh I got another rainbow trout both of them have been iridium so far but not the sturgeon but not the sturgeon oh no what’s this oh ancient fruit wee is that large bass does the sturgeon even have Rarity now that I think about it is it possible that it’s a a fish that doesn’t have a quality rating all fish have quality rating even the rare fish um uh I’ve lost my chance to get one now it’s after six oh oh correction perhaps you can get them all way up until 7:00 oh okay I got another one oh hang on that was a gold quality sturgeon okay that’s good okay made it out of the greenhouse and that’s another rainbow truck a little bit of room left in my inventory okay so I got a gold quality surgeon that we can put into the the second for fishing pond and then once we once we got the stuff that you need the the the uh the caviar um I think I’ll put the rainbow trout in let’s have a quick little look just to be sure so all of the meat is popped yeah I did say if you could pick that up I just had made my round up there yet sturgeon drops pretty much do anti sorry rainbow tro drops uh oh that’s right rainbow tro drop Prismatic shards well now I can get that Galaxy sword that Joseph was talking about oh I just realized the the numbers that I was reading out before of things that you that they drop is not the things they drop it’s the things that they they require to level up the pond ah so it requires um Prismatic shards no no no no for rainbow trout it’ll require Diamond three gold bars iridium ore a jelly or a pickle it it will drop Prismatic shots got it the Menace is late hey Mary welcome to the stream how you you doing today hi Mary yeah we we’ve been learning about fish things speaking of fish things I probably should um well oh no I don’t want that many go brief the Menace is at work okay I living up to a name as a menace then I should probably make another uh box for pu fish a boss yelled at us twice today he supposed to avoid that I don’t know if anyone’s explained this to you uh you’re supposed to avoid being yelled at I mean it’s entirely up to you sure but you know just just yeah I can’t make you do anything yeah don’t tell me what the time is game okay we have a fish box um are you keeping any of this meat or am I just selling all of it uh you can sell the meat okay okay running running running yelled at more like ranted but both times were for stuff that wasn’t even our fault oh okay yeah I guess I guess there’s only a certain amount of avoiding being yelled at that you can do if it isn’t your fault in the first place into bed get into bed you had like 10 minutes well not even 10 yeah you had 10 minutes in game like 30 seconds in real life that is a lot of wine look at that L wine lots of me nice oh shoot I didn’t pick up the rest of the Truffle Loy I only picked up those three that’s fine waitting waiting waiting for other players ah there you go po did you did you bring ylex to work see p resourcefulness yeah pow NOS is like okay they’re going to yell I’m just not going to listen so look weather report uh uh clear and sunny tomorrow fortune tell says Spirits are in Good Humor today tonight is the midnight jellies as well greetings it is eye the queen of source you to teach you a new mouthwatering recipe from my secret cookbook this week’s dish bread just bread just just bread it’s like here we go right you what you do is you get a loaf of bread you cut a slice off done bread making can be very complex form of art but I’ll make it simple for you the most important ingredient is flour of course but before we create the dough we’ll need to activate the yeast they prefer warm water and a little something to feed on I use plain sugar but honey or maple syrup will do interesting you already know how to cook bread okay yes yes keep we we bagette um ooh two sets of our uh wine has gone up now we we’ve got the bottom set is on Silver the middle set is on gold which means in the next week or so the top set is going to turn to aridium which means we need more wine to put in there you shouldn’t be selling the wine the next set I’ll keep tonight at around 10:00 p.m. a rare and beautiful vent yeah Moonlight jellies cool thank you Demetrius shut up Demetrius shut up Demetrius uh yeah we’re not keeping the silver and gold coffee we just sell those okay I was just dumping everything no sell them okay so do this next set of uh WI um I’ll save like half of them to put into the box to to put into the the Aging casks I was going to say maybe count just so you don’t get caught short I I think I’m fine okay if you’re sure I am sure I’m sure are you sure sure I’m sure are you sure sure I’m surey ah ancient memes anyone remembers that one gets a cookie oh okay oh one of the wheat got lightning for real this time that’s okay well look the wheat’s only got one more day to grow just let it all do that and then we’ll just replant it all there’s no point replanting it and having it be a day out so just let it go for another day rolling around at the speed of sound wait where’s Robin oh it’s Sunday she doesn’t work on Sundays well it’s also a festival day oh maybe that’s the reason why then maybe she does work on Sundays yeah she does okay but because it’s a festival day she’s going to stop and then she’ll come back on the first e why are you hiding in a bush SH damn it as Arro hey we don’t have a lot of coffee beans left oh wait yes we do I just realized this is the new ones that I picked up um never mind yeah we still have 235 left to go so the coffee boost doesn’t really last that long it lasts long enough it’s already worn off then drink another one already had one coffee today we’ll get to sleep there’s no detriment to it ah no no I am experiencing the ways of being over caffeinated well until I invent heart attacks and St you Valley I’m going to keep doing it ooh oh we need copper yeah I’m aware I was looking at it before the boss left some more fre damn it Mary oing off at work actually that was one of the only things I did see on Twitter today I had a bit of a giggle um so you know Al te oh yeah he got caught in a um like in a zoom meeting with his manager he got caught watching clips of uh the soccer game from the weekend during their meeting that’s uh that’s a that’s a really good way to get fired they get away of a lot he he would have gotten a talking to but he you know you don’t get fired for that oh wait I’ve got the coffee on me never mind over to the fridge looking for the coffee oh I’ve got a load on me but yeah there’s coffee in the fridge oh wait I’ve got grapes still um let’s see 6:00 p.m. oh I didn’t go up to get sturgeon H it doesn’t matter we got one gold one at least yeah that’ll be fine I’m going to how did they get I’m not even going to question it the pigs somehow managed to get the truffles on the other side of the fence okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to lock up the animals put on some more of this truffle to cook and then I’m going to the beach yeah yeah we might go to the beach it’s good idea oh Jade well see I don’t know if it’ll automatically tick over to the festival but that’s okay if it doesn’t cuz I want to go to the beach and forage anyway yeah I was thinking the same thing getting some coral and stuff like that would be very useful especially if we got these quests how that works pal I’m amazed this horse can hold my weight it’s like I’m it’s like I’m riding on a tiny little pony oh I’m stuck oh dear is only a little horse oh really today’s fesel is being set up come back later oh right let me go to the beach heck that’s fine I can fish here for a little bit yeah I’m going to fish in the river I’m never going to get my fishing skill up if I don’t see normally if I’d been playing on my own my fishing skill would have been quite high but because you’ve mostly been doing all fishing this game and I’ve been mining I just haven’t done anything thing ooh a pike so basically we’re under extra pressure because of her eror oh okay yeah oh hello okay now we can go to the beach gosh dang it t Pike no all the drops are gone yeah they won’t be there till tomorrow Demetrius is this your fault probably did you take them I blame Demetrius always blame Demetrius good evening and irin the Moonlight jellies are close I already saw one glowing in the distance once we launch the candle boat they’ll come to the docks and say hello should we just get this over with there’s not nothing to really do is there yeah I’m on my way is there anything to do do we have to is there like things that we can collect or does uh does Pierre have a shop he does have a I think this is one of the ones where he doesn’t no he does like I think that the Moonlight jellies is one of the only events where there is basically nothing new except as soon as oh he does have a shop um but yeah when when Kent is here there’s someone else to talk to M okay Ascend it then there he is it’s a pink one oh you see a pink one I I don’t see a pink one I see a pink one I just see the regular ones and I see some babies m it’s kind of wild the way that uh you know they’re all so happy about jellyfish but jellyfish are like horrible things I guess is the the thing is they don’t get in the water with them but they appreciate how pretty they are I guess you know they’re in there just kind of just doing their own thing so what’s the de oh what’s the deal with the the there’s no explanation as to why there’s a little green one that comes to say hello to you personally like what’s what’s the law behind that I know the glow of Summer has faded now and the Moonlight jellies carry on to the great unknown oh it does kind of look like those yeah dad and I got stung by some when we were in Sicily some weeks ago ooh yeah I am grateful to have never actually been stung by jellyfish but it’s one of those things that I never want to experience especially here in Australia mhm ooh all the jam popped it is very awful yeah there’s there’s some here though that will like literally kill you so not something I really want to screw around with oh wait the cut scene placed me back at the farm my horse is in town whoops think you got St by pie of jellyish yeah see that’s the thing about jellyfish is that they they can still sting even after death and it’s it’s not good and even when the the tentacles and things get removed they they can still sting uh the the tentacles I mean obviously if you take the tentacles off a jellyfish the top half of the jellyfish doesn’t sting you but yeah yeah I’m just not a fan of jellyfish and I think like I used to go scuba diving and it’s primarily jellyfish are the reason why I don’t which is completely Fair okay okay uh weather tomorrow will be cloudy with gusts of wind and it’s going to be raining on the island um oh they give you the weather for the island as well the spirits are very happy today they will do their best to shower everyone with good Fortune oh we go the only problem with these trees here is that it’s a little bit hard to see where I’ve got to plow on the ground oh secret note oh mermaid show 15423 all right that’s for the night market okay let’s uh get this wheat okay so what are we actually going to be planting today don’t know so I’ll run into town mhm uh cuz I oh my horse is here oh you got move back as well good that’s good all right I’m going to go talk to Pierre see what um what he’s got and you tell me if we have any he might have an extra item uh per find Cor on a chain please deliver it to me sometime today Shane oh oh she’s playing Legend of Zelda she is yeah it looks like Zelda no no no that’s um no that that’s that Sho them game that you play with her oh okay oh well on the screen there Mountain King on the screen there it looks like Zelda cuz it’s got the know the yellow background the green border and then the black bar across the top you’ll play the game with her now so you’ll see what I’m talking about oh okay naron he you scared me sneaking into my room like that so I’ve been playing journey of the prairie king for hours and I can’t even beat the first level wow you really suck you should be a streamer oh I just realized what’s on a wall though Echo the dolphin and Chrono from Chrono Trigger oh you’ve never noticed Chrono no this game is ridiculously hard well either that I’m just terrible at it hey do you want to try this level together with me I think I might be bet uh I might do better with your help okay I I’m here to buy vegetables but okay wait why can’t I only shoot oh oh no MH oh those controls oh wait oh I can use the oh actually I can use the the extra stick the the the right stick as well hello shotgun no she she she just really really sucks yeah she does she keeps running straight into enemies oh like that oh machine gun nice I win hey that was fun well thanks nin you seem to already know your way around a joystick huh uh yeah yeah I guess that makes sense H what are you trying to say that comment is so out of pocket she froze my game all right pumpkin seeds we could do uh a column of those so how many pumpkin seeds we have one pumpkin seed right okay we need eight 16 32 so I’ll just get 33 those uh we’re good with corn we could do eggplant we have eight eggplant okay cranberries looking for them uh we have eight cranes okay so I need I’ll just get 8 16 24 I mean look we’ve got the money you can get as many as you like that’s true uh do we have new things amaranth grapes oh [ __ ] we need grapes okay so we have 33 grape starters okay we uh we should be fine for grapes then um where do you want the grapes to go do you want them where the Hops were um yeah I guess um maybe we should focus on maybe we should focus on grapes okay we’ll get some more grapes how many did you say we have 33 so to put them where the Hops were we only need another eight no what I was thinking was um where the Hops is hang on a minute oh I don’t have anything well I’m already planting them don’t know well look if you if you don’t want them here and you’re already in town just go back and buy more right what I was thinking was that we should fill this up with grapes did you get any of the other vegetables then I did yeah but uh well I didn’t get enough grapes to fill this now um how many grapes do you currently have on you oh I’ve actually got another nine so I can yeah just put them over here that’s what I mean cuz I started planting them where we had the uh hops trellises yeah I didn’t want them though oh and I didn’t get more wheat either well like I said depending on how many you got we could have moved them over well uh he let’s have a look the only problem with Plum you we’re going to have to move some of those scarecrows plent of the grapes here yeah I was thinking of filling this whole area with grapes well I’ll chop out the um scarecrow at very least we can do two oh wait no I can’t do this the fence is in the way yeah okay you’re going to have to cut down the fence as well okay hold on oh you want to cut down the fence yep okay did you just chop one of my grapes yeah I think by accident but I’ve got a spare grape as well like I’ve got one in my inventory uh hold on this takes a while because I got to chop all the um torches on top first that’s fine what I was going to do was because I know we’ve got a lot of grapes I was just going to go and start making seeds oh yeah um okay this might be a little bit harder to do is there a fence here between the trees and okay there is yeah cuz I can’t see it very well all right I wanted to F oh iang I need fertiliz yeah I wanted to focus on grapes because you know Grape Wine I already have another 11 seeds seed maker doesn’t take long no no oh did you fill you filled all of this with grapes as well yeah well I was going okay so as I said chop them out put the other seeds in no leave them well I’ve come back now with more grapes yeah do this do this row or this column just these ones here yep did you say we had pumpkin seeds I said we had one oh um oh dear uh don’t have any yams beats we got 25 beats we can put beats down 26 beats uh this is and it is 1:00 a.m. 28 though isn’t it oh no that’s enough okay that’s 24 that’s right yeah um okay oh i’ I’ve got wheat how much 100 oh okay I’m just going to whack it all down doesn’t matter if I pass out outside is going to cost us like what 1,000 bucks yeah it’s about take over fine oh that was a bit clumsy oh maybe she would make a good game I I was looking at that post I’m like what’s he saying what’s he referring to and I just realized talking about Abigail yeah yeah pretty much right okay ah dear it’s the gamers that are to blame all right okay weather report tomorrow it will be rain and the fortune teller says Spirits are happy yay oh it’s fish eggs is roll here H I’ve got one in my inventory too no putting that there putting that there putting that there right sprinklers are all doing their job okay we also have a second um oh don’t forget there’s this space down here as well oh did you put the sturgeon in the pond no I haven’t yet I was just about to do that uh there’s another space down the bottom where we can put four groups of something okay so you’ve planted the cranberries and the Pumpkin yes and uh beets okay uh did you do eggplant no we could put the egg plant down there I don’t think we need to do the eggplant I’d put more like stuff that’s expensive that we’re going to be able to sell lots of uh or make lots of money on what would you suggest don’t know going to go and have a look at P again again today oh where are you storing the row by the way I just put it into the chest with the other fish ahuh okay I see all right let’s see what’s here got uh if you can grab that honey for me I’m going to just rush into yeah I will man we bugged up that first day good grief Abigail probably was one of the biggest stumbling blocks to be fair again she did take up the cuts scenes take up so much time good grief that’s why I whine so much about them stop telling me how to live my life hey cut it out will leton you live your free of charge until you finish school it seems like you don’t appreciate that at all stop trying to make me feel guilty I appreciate that you and Dad are helping me out but expect me to dress the way you want is ridiculous I’m not a little girl anymore you’re right I’m sorry is someone there oh wow that screaming face though yeah it’s a bit dramatic isn’t it I swear this house is haunted Caroline looking a bit sheepish okay so in those other spaces we could do yams uh I’m going to just grab another 100 wheat because actually I’m going to grab like 200 wheat oh I know what we can do we can put sunflowers down there o actually yeah sunflowers sell really well and with sunflower seeds we can uh make oil I was going to say um did you want to have a look at what Pierre’s got for well I imagine he’s got all of them for fruit trees if you wanted to replace these apricots no no no I’m not going to replace the apricots okay um so we can do arter chokes amaranth um or yams or bok choy I’m not particularly interested in the boo try I think yams is a good idea because oh wait no you don’t use yams for the root platter do you I think sunflower seed is probably a good idea yeah let’s go with sunflowers so it’s 8 16 32 you heading off mint all right man you have a good one um if you’re going to get some sleep I hope you do and uh we’ll catch you next time just trying to figure out where I can put some you could you bring um the fertilizer there you go excellent thank you all right I need to run off into town fertilizer is back in his box oh have these been watered yes yeah they’ve all been watered okay that’s why all the fruit trees are be too so what are these here ancient fruit right we’ve also already gotten all the ancient fruit that we need for the missing bundle so if you want to rip the up you can we can always replant them later can you use Ancient fruit to make wine I think so that’s got to be worth something right so the lanes that I have cut out for farming now we can put stuff into these lines that do not require a Tris that said I don’t really want to put anything in here until we can get the aridium fertilizer ancient fruit is one of the best okay right so what we want to do is um we want to put iridium fertilizer down we want ancient fruit excuse me at least one row of it uh we want coffee coffee doesn’t need fertilizer though so this can stay here the way it is um and then we want trellis things in between so we want grapes hops Etc right star fruit is the most paying but ancient fruit is regrow right okay that’s what we’ll do then we’ll put um maybe two rows of ancient fruit two rows of strawberries oh yeah and then we’ll put grapes Hops and I don’t know maybe two grapes three hops or two hops three grapes or something like that but before we do that we have to go to Ginger Island yeah true we haven’t been back yet it’s still something I think would be better to be done in Winter cuz then we don’t have obligations on the farm cuz there’s just not enough time to get stuff done in multiplayer yeah it’s a tradeoff of M yes you can you’ve got more hands but wow does the day short when you car Paws yeah yeah I think that the in multiplayer sure okay you can’t pause the game but maybe the day should be like 10 to 20% longer that’d be nice okay we’re nearly at 500 pieces of hay so we want to make sure we get oh I want to make sure we get the uh another Silo put up before winter okay I don’t remember what I need for The Silo I know I need clay which we have lots of so I’ll go up to Robin’s Place tomorrow uh where’s all the scarecrows I’ve still got a bunch of them on me oh you need to put them back I play I placed some of them you need to put them you placed one I need one down here on this corner Al say no I’m know I placed more where are you okay just what just here yeah and then one over in the other corner youan just give it to me I think that should reach if not we might need to put another one down another two down in fact where’d you go I’m down with the Ducks oh do you still have the scarecrows I have two okay so that area’s got a scarecrow put it Opposite that one so like here one in front of the chest no there okay that should be enough I think oh buer well um rainy day Mo dog queen of source and she’s giving me pizza I already know how to make pizza Fortune talor says Spirits are mildly perturbed and Robin when are they it’s Wednesday pretty sure she’s there okay uh building upgrades have look silo Stone 10 clay 100 gold five copper bars five Copp bars is going to be an issue it’s not a storm it’s just rain okay well I’ve got them now you never know the storm might happen later a it’s just more that the stuff like that just gets in the way wait oh yeah that’s right uh okay okay I’m going to try to do this really quickly but I’m going to go into town get uh buy some Copper from Clint uh get back here cook it and then see if I can get up to Robins let’s have a look I suppose that is one of the benefits of the fact that um menus don’t pause things is that the furnaces keep you know producing even when you’re in the menu I suppose okay so I’ve got copper I’ve got I’ve got clay okay so this this actually went really quickly that that was pretty straightforward hello shop for stone please many stones I require but store board aren’t that fresh the only problem buildt there we go all right uh I don’t know if we need any more Stone but just in case I’m going to grab another 100 to I mean you might as well we’ve got the dollar does yeah oh I got a secret note it’s a page from Jas M Jasper’s book The Creatures known by some as the forest Spirits or junimos are said to appear in abandoned buildings after they’ve gone to seed as a general rule when humans leave and nature begins to reclaim her territory the junimos will undoubtedly appear folk wisdom holds that junimos display some kind of resonant Affinity with gem stones that are placed inside the little Huts of course all these claims come from dubious unverified sources as far as I know even the mere existence of these creatures has never been proven wait crystals placed inside their Hut you got my attention no I feel like that’s just referring to giving them any stuff but if there is something to that then should we be going over there oh I was just thinking I’ll drop a I’ve got a ruby here we could probably put that find out where no Mary don’t tell us what it does but you have confirmed that it does something it said it they resonate with it it’s a very interesting word to use oh the Hut’s gone oh I know where it is it’s over in the um it’s in JG M yeah uh wait what juner hearts on your farm what is a junimo hat on my farm oh there’s no hat here interesting so what are we missing caviar and void salmon okay where do we get the void salmon that’s a let’s start with that one oh probably from some Lake in the skull cabin of screw you go check the book at the Wizard’s Tower oh okay oh I got another Quest bring mayonnaise do you want to Chuck a mayonnaise into the uh fish pond not particularly but I guess I will hey they want it I know and what fish gets they all jumped out of the water at me they’re vicious the fish seem happy good for me um the sturgeon seems to be thriving okay um H uh I don’t think he has a book stormy days are the any time I can commune with certain elements okay that’s great that’s nice to know so where am I in my relationship with the wizard oh R you haven’t tried at all have you though ink we have ink yeah we do have ink uh wait wait wait wait wait wait oh all of your jam has popped dark reagent void Ence oh wait uh right okay hang on uh what do you want me to put into your jam jars iridium bar I got a few things to to turn in at the wizard so I’ll um take a look at that now uh put the uh I don’t know doesn’t matter salmon berries I guess um um oh yeah yeah yeah wait hang on I’ve got uh an aridium bar to take to the wizard and he also wanted I’ve got ink I’ve got Squid Ink I you also want to void Essence so tomorrow I’ll take those down to him yeah there should be plenty of that yeah we got loads of void Essence that’s not an issue um um um oh wait Stone left your horse out in the rain I might still need him under cover you can get him again it’s also 11:30 you’re not going anywhere it’s a dog going there he is um right so I think tomorrow is going to be clear at the very least no rain tomorrow oh my goodness yeah I am hungry we’re going to have to do something about that still V for the mac’s run yeah we could do that why not right the book unlocks after that if it’s not uh if not then it’s a heart thing but do you have the Magic ink the wizard wanted no I don’t no I haven’t been to a witch’s house I have no idea where that is wait I feel like I have a feeling yeah I think I know where that is I think uh the wizard explained it at one point but we haven’t actually done anything to go station yeah that’s what I was thinking but there’s no way to get past there at the moment yeah yeah no I I figured it was to something to do with a weird plaque he hasn’t told us or at very least I don’t remember how we supposed to get past there go talk to kobus okay I look I’m in this game to farm right I don’t care about you magic Shenanigans I just want to grow my crops and make my beer okay uh clear and sunny all day tomorrow fortune teller says the spirits are annoyed today and there’s no are what else is new he is hoping that there’s actually some weeds in the lower field for me to harvest now just going to put this oil uh put this corn straight into the box we don’t really need it to be fair all I’m putting some of this uh this wheat that I’ve got it’s going into the box so that it can be seeded but we got 259 wheat seeds right now so I don’t think we’re in any sort of deficit at some point I’d like to like get a little grinder so we can turn the wheat into flow oh yeah oh that’s that requires a mill ah ah okay oh that’s a big building at that case bugger that I’ll just keep buying flour from Pierre put a bit of money back into the economy okay so I’ve got iridium I’ve got void Ence I’ve got these black Brees that I’m carrying with me for some reason um back row is going to be all me right so I’ll that’ll pop tomorrow oh there’s um truffles what day is it Thursday okay just the one truffle or did you see more uh I only saw one but I assumed there would be more okay I already picked up two mhm so I’m going to assume there’s probably not going to be any more for now ah precious aridium you’ve done well iron you you have my gratitude now leave oh so you don’t want this son no no no I’ll leave I’ll leave you sure ah you brought it you’ve earned my gratitude and 1,000 gold now go anything else that you need oh wow 5,000 nice uh bring gas of coconut willia lingard uh Jody’s house with a largemouth bass lobster for Gus bring cave carrot to Mani oops truffle oil for May Lewis don’t ask questions bring Demetrius a puffer fish George wants a hot pepper should have done that ages ago Pam wants a pale ale oh wow you haven’t done that one yet no I’m not entirely sure how I feel about enabling an alcoholic she seems to be getting better since she got a job well you kind of that is a part of her story line apparently that was added that you you got basically set up an intervention for her oh really yeah okay see I’ve seen the part where she had to pay off her her tab yeah yeah it it gets worse wow gets a lot worse before it gets better who alcoholics you have to have an intervention with that’s the thing when it’s all day um at the bus station she’s not in the saloon yeah true so that that was it I thought can you get out of the way mint no okay I’ve got one one pale ale on the Brew uh let’s see uh hot chili for George truffle oil for Lewis if I can get a cave carot to Mani that would improve my standing with her which means I’m might be able to get uh M Le’s shorts a great way to get a lot of these things to these people is to wake for Friday night cuz they’ll all be at the saloon oh yeah I know but it’s Tuesday that’s a week away it’s Thursday oh it is Thursday you’re right oh a garmani event oh you brought the cave carrot thank you so much Mr niron here I shall put it on your floor this looks great I almost want to eat it myself almost what’s wrong with cave carrots too good for cave carrots well because she’s giv it to the cow I hope it wasn’t too much trouble I really do appreciate it now where is she over there okay um what else does mon like oh hold on she also likes never mind I got it I got it oh I got the lucky purple shorts literally reading the list okay I got your shorts well like I said if you wanted to make uh the mayor happy um I’ve got a bunch of the oil now oh okay I’ll take that to him tomorrow exactly and that’s what I mean like if you’ve got the pale ale if you’ve got the truffle oil just go on the Friday they’ll all be there what why are you singing that cuz I threw the carrot on the ground ground where did where did the mayor go he’s not home anything in the Box anything in this fridge uh Prismatic jellia require assistance in tracking down a rare and dangerous Prismatic slime within the local caves no it’s fine fragments of the past calling all amateur paleontologists I need 100 pieces of bone for my studies please drop them off at the Museum counter holy heck am I going to go no there you are I have something for you you found them where oh there I have no idea how they could have gotten there this stays between you and me got it whatever you say now where’s that town billboard oh that would have been a good one you know when you can throw the mayor shorts into the potluck yeah another alternative for that is you could if you could pin the mayor shorts to the news board that would be funny oh like a bone right so the blob fish is now popul of three out of five so they’ll they’ll start breeding the sturgeon is just just kind of there was this say fish looks happy chilling says he looks happy but I know he’s angry at me oh there’s a all the meat has popped again uh you can wear them on your head no way that’s amazing I was going to say like the pinning them to the notice board that’s a great idea because I know that you can take the gold statue and put it in town yeah and that upsets him all right all right I’ll get all those trees tomorrow uh what have I got on me oh I never took this to George okay uh some seeds some wood and some blackberries I put a truffle oil into the right hand fridge oh yeah brilliant thank you okay okay blackberries go in the basement and I’ve got wood no don’t put honey in there no this is crafting honey the entire point is so I don’t have to go picking up honey every time I have to make a warp totem oh I did say that there was going to be some unusual items nearly finished with the kegs we’re going to have uh another four another nine here and then I’ll probably do a full row across the front on both sides so many kegs well this is a brewery mhm not a complaint all right oh actually do you know what another little uh little adjustment I think would be kind of cool is if the clock is like past 1:00 a.m. or past midnight actually so the clock is red uh and you drink a coffee it’ll allow you to go for an extra hour m that’ be nice or maybe another coffee maybe a Triple Espresso but all those coin 10,000 of that is from truffle oil yeah and like I said I saved you one yeah okay Mar Mary I almost said Menace which you kind of are but all right Mary we’ll catch you later catch you later all right so I got a few social things to do today oh another Diamond nice right I can sell that one oh and the Jade I think we should probably um sell or destroy these cats now cuz we we’ve got we’ve got a lot of idium actually no I change my mind no I’m not going to do that cuz I’m going to need the idium for uh the idium fertilizer I was going to say and I’ll need a aridium for other crafting too also consider the fact that even if you don’t want to have them out and operating you can always just put them in a chest I guess I mean the only reason that I was saying to get rid of them is because we did glitch them into existence and I am not sorry about that we already have the detriment of time yeah um if you get an opportunity today maybe put some more wheat down for me yep I’m going to run around doing the social stuff ew social stuff I just did the I just put gold wheat into the seed machines eh look it’s not the end of the world we’ll get more back okay I got 16 wheat seeds I’ll plant those and then I’ll go and do social things I’ve actually got a social engagement of my own only one though yeah I need to go find Elliot so I’m keeping an eye on the time and then I’ll go and do that oh to the cows out oh I should probably uh stick my head in and say hi to Leah hello should have brought some wine with me I can always buy a salad yep uh midday oh oh I’ve got an Evelyn Mission now oh an iron you’re wondering what that good smell is what that’s nice of you to say I’m actually baking my famous cookies here why don’t you try one nom nom nom nom oh what do you think was like chewing a hockey puck good grief that’s rude delicious thank you I think I’ve come to know you well enough to give you my recipe just be sure to keep it a secret I learned to make cookies there you are you took you long enough sorry uh to be fair you did give me that in year one well good and spicy at least thanks right if I leave and come back in while again I like no cool um I’m going get a salad oh wait man Lew come back I need my coffee to chase after him oh right he’s just standing there all right never mind you got the oil let me see it it’s high quality very slick great thank you what are you going to use that for H mayor Lewis what what are you going to use it for makes me die inside that he talks about it being slick what what what what are you what are you going to going to use it for M Lewis h h in an attempt to my what was it you what was it you need me to do on the farm plant wheat okay thank you oh wait hang on Clint thank you for your service to our country his name is Kent Kent close enough there’s a there’s a Clinton here as well it’s oh this is exactly what I wanted thank you uh where am I at with with her right now so I’ve given her the bouquet oh I should have gone down while it was raining to get the the mermaid pendant sorry Kent I didn’t mean I I didn’t mean to call you Clint your your names are just so damn similar it’s kind of your parents fault you learn to make cookies that are like hockey pucks you’re too nice to tell ah Andre welcome to the stream how you doing today hello uh what have I got left I’ve got two mushrooms to put in the Box three mushrooms to put in the Box uh a piece of someone’s spine because you know H lovely shipping shipping body parts is fine in this world you you could just just send them in the mail not a problem what year is this this is year three oh whoa everything’s uh all this lovely wine this how how much wine is it an iron there’s more wine here than in a Kaku article mind when that thinks it’s weird that you can only buy beer at the saloon yeah I actually do think alcohol I really do think it’s weird because where the hell is all the wine and the Mead that I’m selling going theu City I guess uh maybe right hang on a minute I need to save some of this wine um boop boop boop oh wait no I need to save a lot of this wine don’t I uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so 24 I need to put 24 wine in here what have I got Peach melon or grape I could do the melon I don’t remember how much tell you what actually I’ll go oh actually I’ve only got I’ve only got 24 melons so I’ll I’ll do do that I guess okay that’s enough socializing oh my goodness socializing this would be a great you know this would this would be a perfect game if it wasn’t that I had to talk to people oh no not the town’s folk who were here long before we were uh let’s see what should I put in there um check some strawberries um do some more grapes and cherries let’s do some cherries oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait uh no not cherries we’ll do pomegranates ooh a bit different we did some pomegranates earlier I think pomegranates are some of the more expensive ones although there is a single keg that is uh currently bubbling away with a pale Al in it and strawberry wine here um I might do I might do a run of beer across the back cuz we’ve got a lot of uh wheat now that’s a good idea cool I think at the end of this month all of these trees will level up oh they already have oh they’ve already leveled up uh how can you tell I’ve got silver fruit now oh nice okay fair enough uh okay yeah so we definitely need to burn through uh all of those oh oh pale L’s done oh if the pale ale is done uh what do I put in the middle grapes there we go nice okay that’s good means we’re going to be making a lot more money on those on yeah on those wines fantastic sleep time bedtime and I think um I think this day is going to be our last day for this evening oh yeah all that wine see the melon whoa look at the the melon wine I know yeah okay I definitely pick the right wine to to age cuz that’s going to double in price so is the melon wine what’s in the um the Aging jar it’s in the it’s in the box in the basement to be aged next okay so if that’s standard melon wine then that’s pretty good yeah all right so when you said uh this will be the last so we’re going to play one more day yeah yeah okay so we play Saturday in that case what I’m going to do oh hello I’ve got mail oh oh okay uh heck I have an event to go to oh yeah Ellie it’s reading his book because he’s finished it Spirits are in Good Humor today I guess I’ll do some more social stuff um I’ll grab a wine to give to Leah and I’ve got a pale ale to give to Pam here’s a vegetable from the little garden I keep out B you probably have more veggies than you know what to do with but oh well cauliflower actually that’s kind of welcome I don’t think we have many welcome we got some silver ones but that’s it yeah I like cauliflower I don’t I don’t like it cooked uh we’ve had this conversation before I I don’t eat a lot of cooked vegetables I prefer things to just be as you’re intended oh Peppa pop has give you the speed boost as well pumpkin pie stir fry um Fiddle Head Roto oh my goodness that sounds amazing in oh I’m getting yeah I’m I’m definitely getting hungry now wow okay yeah that that sounds fantastic oh so what I was saying before is what I’ve done is I put the regular um Quality ancient fruit into the seed makers mhm so now we have 17 ancient seeds oh brilliant so I’m going to go and put some into the um Greenhouse oh no do you just want me just to do the one row don’t don’t do that like I said we’ll wait until we get the aridium fertilizer otherwise we’d have to tear them up and do it all over again ah okay all right I will put them back into the chest then yeah definitely a good idea to to get them made but don’t plant them yet but on that what was the plan were you going to do the one row only or two uh just well we could do two rows of ancient seeds if you really want um yeah I was just coming over here to count how many we could probably do two rows of ancient seeds six 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay so I’m going to need 24 Al together know it’s 13 across isn’t it is it five this is six five oh 12 no you’re right sorry yeah it is I miscounted um right so yeah we’re going to need a total of 24 cuz we’ll probably dig these ones up but we need the F we have 17 yeah as you say okay I’m going to do some socially bits yep I’m going to let the animals out and then I’m going to do some socially bits right uh first things first wine for Leah oh hi this is exactly what I wanted thank you decorations accentuate the feeling of the season I think it’s a worthwhile tradition I agree I wish we could decorate here that’s probably the one thing that I hate about rental like really really hate about rental is the fact that oh excuse me is the fact that we really can’t do anything here yeah like most things even if you were just doing a little bit of casual decorating like you want to put some Christmas lights up or something like that you kind of need to put pins into walls give me that M that’s the stuff you’re about to drive it’s real nice and hoppy not it’s a citrus and pine but with a robust body to keep it grounded thanks kid this means a lot to me I knew you I could count on you you’re about to drive I wish I given that to you now I was going to say you’re the one that ran up to her when she’s at the bus stop I didn’t think she would drink it immediately I thought she’d be like oh yeah that’s a that looks like a really nice Pale Ale Thank you very much it’s pale okay um Demetrius want a melon akihiko welcome back uh what is ammo for slingshots no idea pass next question I think you can put can you do um can you put the cherry bombs into it oh okay I I I’ve never used the slingshot I don’t like the control mechanism it’s it’s kind of weird uh Gus wants a coconut we have one of those unfortunately they’re all iridium but okay uh Ling Cod oh I need to actually catch that squeaking that’s not my chair that’s the fridge no my chair is oh your chair right okay Gess wants a lobster think I have a lobster Lobster uh Aquatic Research puffer fish for Demetrius I don’t have that Emily uh Clint wants an amethist oh hang on someone’s calling hey aniron it’s me Pierre how are you doing good that’s good well I just wanted to say that I appreciate your business I’d like to remind you that Pierre’s General store carries the finest seeds and produce anywhere I hope to see you in the store very soon bye dude you have the finest products cuz you buy them off me wait where do you think that no you know what no no no I’m not even that’s the way I’m not even I’m I Ain even uh so akihito uh sorry akihiko n um not so much speed running as dealing with the backlog I have so many quests that I haven’t done speaking of speed running hang on a minute right so Gus wanted a uh a coconut Su get get Pam get out the way get tired there you go and he wanted a lobster I believe G yeah cool hey o okay hobster nice okay Demetrius hang on there’s a man over there looks like he deserves a coffee you’re welcome Kent I didn’t call you Clint earlier I swear uh Demetrius I have a melon for you Demetrius metrios oh I’m going to steal your wife instead stop collecting the red heads I I require all the red heads this is perfect just what I need for my research it’s going to be hard not to eat it thanks a bunch cool oh oh o okay I didn’t think I was friendly with um with lonus yeah I remember that you I was going to say he’s fall on some hard times since uh since YouTube stopped working out for him no more Tech tips for lonus come stand next to the fire pit it feels great I mean he’s not wrong I was hoping you’d come by sometime I wanted to say sorry for mistrusting you at first most people don’t treat me well so I’ve learned to be cautious but you’ve been uncommonly nice to me you’re a unique person and I consider you a good friend okay hey I want I want to show you something come inside he’s going to stab me isn’t he that’s it it’s over game over yep I got stabbed yeah he’s still stabbing me brilliant ah there we go see this is a special kind of fish bait that I make it’s top quality stuff i’ eat it myself yeah I want you to have the recipe it really did sound like you were stabbing me then what the hell you learned how to craft wild bait okay that’s interesting all right so uh what have I just done I need an amethyst a puffer fish I need to go see jod with a large mouth bass I need to catch a lingard I don’t even remember where to catch a ling cod hey where’d you get a staran fish what the heck from kobus but I want I want Star then come down to the sewer and talk to Kus oh heck it’s getting late ah it is indeed it is make I’m also going to make an irresponsible financial decision and buy a void egg oh no wait is that count of fruit what does can I can I make wine out of Wild Plum h Hello dog you got the dog tonight I got the dog tonight okay I’m just going to check the basement okay and there we have it ladies and gents oh is it the same way that you load up a fishing rod you pick up the you pick up the uh the item that you’re going to use as ammo and then you just click on oh use the alternate click so it be like right clicking I suppose on PC like I said I’ve never actually used the um the slingshots I I don’t like using them but uh apparently they’re pretty useful with the explosive ammo cuz then you can like blow up rocks from across the room which is you know pretty useful you can see what they drop and if they don’t drop anything that you want you can just okay I’m not going to bother okay that’s a decent Hall 12,000 and and um with that one you can use eggs as well oh wow all right we’re going to hit okay it’s going to save and we’ll take a quick little look around before we call it there for this evening mostly I just want to see if the Aging kegs have popped nope still not yet okay it’s the first week oh I got a guest event good morning ah what a beautiful day huh you know as the saloon owner I hear about everything that’s going on in town I remember when you first moved here everyone was a bit unsure of what to expect a strange from the city an unknown personality what are you doing on my porch sorry I have to stir this pot every 5 minutes oh what no no okay anyway what was I saying oh yeah you know it’s like when you’re making a source hey are you making a SCE right now is there a source in the room with us if you put in a new spice you could ruin everything what is that sauce made of nitroglycerin but then again there’s always a chance you’ll create something new and delicious right um what I’m trying to say is it’s been great having you in town and I’ve come to think of you as one of my good friends anyway I came to give you something I was cleaning out the back room when I found this old Mini jukebox I want you to have it Jukebox thank you it’s actually an old do-it-yourself project of mine from many years ago they’re pretty easy to make no they’re not that’s a lie that is not true this isn’t school this isn’t college or university um don’t listen to what he says where he says there is not a fact jukeboxes are hard to make so just in case you wanted to make more I brought the blue that’s how we say it where I’m from you’re only going to get this event again or we I realized that well I’m going to head home I got to get this Marina marinara back on the stove no you don’t no it’s hot enough it just caught fire and here I am just casually carrying a jukebox that looks so cool though oh my goodness yes yes right there perfect okay check the basement again right yep cool what’s the the farm actually look like right now grapes gone outside okay we should have the sturgeon Quest now we do okay the sturgeon Quest is up all right so you left the door for the animals open yeah I didn’t get back in time I was expecting to but the thing of kobus took longer okay cuz it started a small cut scene all right so yeah grapes haven’t popped cranberries haven’t popped corn has um beets look like they’re ready yep beets are ready um cool and we got do the sturgeon Quest nice all righty then in that case I’m going to take us back over to the chatting screen like that and uh exit the game where we going there we go oh some row is available yeah blobfish row is available that was the other thing and uh some uh Oak resin yeah we can collect all that stuff next time yep yep all righty so that is going to be the end of today’s scream okay yeah this is definitely a good place to end the stream can’t even get my words out also I am really hungry I don’t get this like I said add had a large bowl of food before we started it’s like a big bowl of rice and some veggies and and chili and cheese and sour cream and it yeah that’s usually really filling yeah I am so hungry right now why is the picture Monster Hunter because I am a terrible streamer that’s the reason why thanks for reminding me pal how does Getting Hope for Monster Hunter now no there we go no it’s Burger time now it’s Burger time now all right yeah so like I said this is the end of today’s stream stream with a tea thank you everyone for coming um just quickly going over what we’re going to do now on Friday Friday is going to be our first just chatting stream we’re going to give this a shot I mean uh we’re not really fully up and running just yet with streaming so I figured it’s a good opportunity to try out a just chatting stream but also to be able to use that stream to get everyone up to dat with everything that’s happening everything that’s been happening the past few weeks and hopefully I’ll have some news about my PC tomorrow I really hope that I have news about my PC by tomorrow uh um the one thing we really really badly need yes definitely I hope it’s good news as well like I’ve managed to to get some uh money together just in case I do need to pay for anything but just in case you know I I I hope that I don’t have to I hope that it’s something that is is solved and something that they can uh you know really get to the bottom of what these problems were and then we can start looking into doing some more streams uh in the future um but I’ll talk more about that on Friday so if you are interested in coming along and uh catching out catching that stream do come along on Friday regular time 6:30 to 11:30 um what else is there oh yeah I need to do the Mario Kart Banner so uh the next Community race day is going to be on what did I say was Saturday 27th yeah uh in the future not obviously not including this one this will be Saturday 27th but in the future we may shift the day for Mario Kart uh it depends what I’m doing with the streams uh but at this moment in time uh I am considering doing uh doing a little bit of a change to the streaming format uh I’ve mentioned this in the past the idea of maybe doing let’s plays as video videos as well as streams and I think that that is actually really useful because it means that I’m not you know stuck on one game for a long period of time on stream when I could be using those streams to do more multiplayer stuff with you guys and I think that’s where I want to uh delineate the difference between videos and streams is that I’m thinking if I do single player games as videos and um do multiplayer games and games that I can do more of an interactive uh thing with you guys as streams I feel like I can get a lot more games played and up on the channel and I don’t know may maybe maybe that will work better I’m willing to give it a shot at very least but uh like I said we’ll we’ll talk more about that one on Friday um yeah so that’s it if you’ve enjoyed tonight’s stream do consider leaving a like if you’re new here don’t forget to subscribe and if you’ve really enjoyed it do stick around until the very end and when the stream closes consider leaving a comment as well that would be actually that would be really cool because I I always respond to the comments when it’s a a comment I can respond to so yeah leave some comments and uh let me know what you thought and I look forward to reading them pling to add on to that mhm our community has recently moved from gilded over to Discord we have a new Discord server you can find the the link to that in an iron’s description yep and for the just chatting stream that’s going to be happening on Friday we will have a uh Channel open for people to post suggestions to talk about or links to videos that you want an iron to react to yeah that’s right yeah so the the thread is already up it’s in the workshop it’s just locked at the moment so I’ll unlock that on Friday and what will happen is you guys can post videos and things try to focus it on like gaming stuff and as usual no no politics no religion none of that I I’m not interested in talking about that stuff on stream try to keep a gaming focused if you can um and what will happen is you can post that into the thread in the workshop Kiko is going to go through to make sure that someone isn’t trolling and posting something uh really inappropriate and then she’ll send the link to me and then I’ll be able to react to it on Stream So if that’s something you want to do if there’s something that you might want me to take a look at um then you’ll be able to send it there in the Discord so if you want to contribute to the just chatting stream on Friday do consider joining the Discord uh everyone is welcome and uh yeah look forward to seeing what you have to say on on Friday and with that one I think uh this is a good place to to call it good place to end I’m tired and I am hungry and I’m going to go get a cheeky macers yeah this was a good one I I I always enjoy playing Stu Valley and it is just nice to be able to relax and and chill and even if sometimes the the the game can be a little bit chaotic it’s still really relaxing compared to a lot of other games so it’s fun to to just play and enjoy it and have a good time so with that one I want to say be good to yourselves be excellent to each other play more video games and until I see you I wish you all peace and high scores good night everyone good night everybody

Well howdy stranger, don’t get many outa-town folks round these here parts. Yeah, I may look like a part of the land, but once upon a time I was standing where you’re boots are right now. I came into this town from a big ole city, I was lost and confused when I arrived, but Pelican Town turned me around and gave me a star to follow. It’s a bit slower out in the backwoods of the world, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It mightn’t be much to look at from the outside, but why don’t you let me show you around Stardew Valley.

Todays song: Country Again by Thomas Rhett


Switch: SW-8516-7285-6795

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Twitter: https://x.com/AneurynPlays
Instagram: https://instagram.com/aneurynplays

To join the community Minecraft server: first, join our Discord. In Discord go to game-library → Minecraft VF Server, and leave us a message saying you want to join and giving us your Minecraft Java Edition username, so we can whitelist you.
The server is Java Edition only, so you won’t be able to join using Bedrock Edition.


▪ YouTube’s rules are my rules, whether I like it or not. I can’t stress this enough, if something it against TOS, please don’t do it in the comments. Pretty simple.
▪ No Gods, No Kings. This is a gaming channel; politics, religion and other divisive nonsense isn’t welcome here. There are plenty of other YT channels for that.
▪ Be civil. Don’t go starting arguments and being abusive in the chat for no reason, we’re here to enjoy the games.
▪ Don’t be a snowflake. Someone disagreeing with you is not harassment, someone saying they don’t like something isn’t an attack. I don’t want people being abusive and starting arguments, but being overly sensitive also causes drama that I don’t want.
▪ No backseat gaming. Please don’t spam the chat with what you think I should do next, I want to play the games my way, and I will definitely ask if I am having trouble. Trust me, I do value your input, but I also don’t like using guides. It has to be fun for both of us.
▪ No game begging. I am willing to hear suggestions and discuss ideas for future games, but ultimately I will play what I want to play. I can’t play everything everyone asks me to, so please don’t continuously ask or demand I play something – ESPECIALLY while I am playing something else.
▪ I have some back issues if I sit around for too long. I may take a break to move around, every couple of hours.
▪ Let’s just have fun and play games, ok? 🙂


[Coming Soon]


80s Retro Background 01 video and derivative images are used under license from Evanto Market.
©patgrap https://videohive.net/user/patgrap

Music by Harris Heller

…oh yeah; and don’t forget to like and subscribe, or whatever it is the cool kids do.

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