Playing 100 Years of Minecraft

I’ve stolen a time machine to travel 100 years into the past from using historical Minecraft weapons to win a war to surviving the end of the world what does the past truly hold w why did the graphics look so trash brother what year am I in the 1900s that’s why everything be looking so Boomer at here I don’t want to be hanging out of ye all the time time machine home please wait failed to connect no no no no no no no don’t don’t you dare restarting system wait 3 minutes okay well 3 minutes isn’t a lot of time what does that sound is that a train that thing’s about to hit my time machine bro we need to do something about be stuck here we need to somehow redate the train onto those CHS but how Who would know who would know hold up are those villagers and pillagers just hanging out together excuse me aren’t you guys supposed to be like I don’t know sworn enemies and you’re just chilling are you telling me in the past that they were actually at peace they were in Friends and in the future they become enemies what why okay suddenly I really want to know but more importantly I don’t want my thing Crush oh these guys look like conductors help me out sure thing Buckaroo but I’ve been eating something in return what you got don’t people from the 1900s actually sound like that you talk weird an us sorry guys you just OB objectively uh wrong okay but seriously what do we give them because we are running out of time before our only way out is ruined tortes Oak bro that ain’t good my phone I mean I guess I can give him that we can’t really call for help cuz you know it’s the 1900s there we go is that good enough for you we ain’t got time for a brick what do you mean a brick this is the most magical brick you’ll ever see all right hit that home button and boom you can see yourself on the map check out the weather forecast for the week I don’t know withdraw some cash from the bank get do Amer smile boys say cheese oh and we can play Snake on this thing yeah you impressed you all impressed yeah me too all right okay I’m really bad at snake here guys yeah sure you guys can have it but I just need some rails in advents cuz that train is rolling quick quick quick quick thank you thank you thank you it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming we need to redirect the train and fast dig up the rails we got him we got him we got it do we save ourselves yes yes that was way too close thank you Mr conduct hopefully now that means we can get back to our time period right 2024 please man I’m going to miss when villagers and pillagers were nice to each other they actually held me out and here we go wait this ain’t 2024 you’re telling me that I only traveled 10 Years bro so we have to keep traveling through time if we ever want to get back home to 2024 again where is my my time machine excuse is a time machine where machine where where where is it excuse me bro how did you drop me off over here while you over there man okay we need to get back uh maybe we could like fix this busted old boat do I have anything that could fix it hold up what is this handbell I did not have this before did I somehow gain this through the SpaceTime continu him might as well see what this thing can do hello what who are these dudes villagers and pillagers are fixing the boat for me but hey yo why why are you all fighting BR at 1900s you two were like at peace I guess they’re not technically fighting they’re still working together they’re still buddies and whoa I’m speechless bro when did villagers lose the skill to build things like this it’s because they were working together see guys war never results in good things however in this case it has resulted in a great boat for me so sail for the high seas Army what is that uh uh what are those two giant portals that have appeared in the sky pirates pirates wait Patrol these nerds are the time Patrol Protectors of the future and because I’ve stolen their time machine and Escape yeah their mission is to capture me dead or alive uh hey guys we could talk about this no we can’t run oh no no no there are all these Island on the way bro if I hit just one and it slows me down we’re going to get caught and they’re going to trap me here forever no no no no no they are close on my tail here guys maneuver it through har she’s on shivering in me ERS quick we need to get in the time machine okay we’re at land we’re at land take me back home please please oh no faster faster faster come on man yes yes yes we’re going 2024 this is not 2024 of course you wouldn’t take me back to my home winning against us Village is a useless hey hey hey hey yo yo yo yo yo why are you guys separated you were at peace 20 years ago what happened I really don’t care that much I just want to find my time machine which of course is gone missing okay guys can you sort out your problems later I need to know where it is okay maybe I got a brand new item like I did last time megaphone maybe this will get their attention guys all right we got a announcment to make all right 1 2 3 all right you bozos listen up I’m looking for a large time machine build do any of you guys know where it is you don’t know what a time machine is oh right because you’re from the past I’m not a witch okay wait hold hold up hold up okay uh big piece of metal look very scary the villagers they have it okay great yeah sure I’ll side with you no worries that’s easy what they’re lying we have it hold up which of you guys are telling the truth why did you villagers just say it then is it because I said I would join their side nah your villagers are clearly lying no wonder you guys became useless see you later all right now that I’m your ally which you guys are calling me can you please tell me where the time machine is I I don’t really care about your little petty War here wait you you don’t have it huh huh are you serious check the bolt inside the castle what Castle dude you’re talking about there’s on are you serious whatever at least we know where the time machine is we just need to get back there before the time Patrol returns you guys have been absolutely and completely useless wo whoa whoo wo I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wait hold up what is he doing he’s not attacking me he’s giving me stuff I’m not taking your bribes actually you know what those look like weapons I I I will borrow the bribes all right only because I need to get back home now we have to go to the Village side and they’re not just going to let me in all pansy and nice bro they think I’m their enemy I’m going to have to sneak in if I get caught they’re going to kill me I’m assuming the castle they meant that giant Tower Vault we could try and scour the walls but I feel like that might bring more attention to us if we just slip into the bushes right there while they’re looking away I’ve never been so scared of villagers before guys now’s our chance now’s our chance run run run we are in the back oh there’s a God right there there’s a God right there what if we CH down a trap and then skew him with the spear very slowly is he looking the other way cuz could place it down run I don’t think he saw us have a look Dan here let’s make some noise oh don’t jump don’t jump that was a bad idea don’t jump guard poo poo po po poo yes yes he’s taking that he’s in the Trap oh right get spear to the face boy yeah I am definitely on the wrong side of his his right now that’s okay are there any other guards here no I think the coast is clear there it is there it is that is where our time machine is hiding right now more guards are you serious dude maybe we can like distract them somehow it’s about to be hella risky dude all right throw he’s distracted he’s distracted all right and quick over the hay bales come on come on come on please tell me they’re moving oh they’re gone they’ve moved they’re distracted this is it run they’re going to be back here any second wait this but it yes all right come on we got to get out of here power up boys oh no that villager see he’s going to tell the gun quick quick please take me back home now please please but no instead I am in what the 1930s the era of very bright and Don the saturated colors look I know how this jig goes now all right the time machine hides from me and we got to find it in order to make it to the next decade h no that’s too easy boy are you a Susy imposter kind of looks like an amus right there but actually I think it is legit it seems real enough to be sabotaged please recharge are you serious how am I supposed to charge a time machine wait what’s going on the villagers the villagers they’re at full scale war with each other bro do you think that was my fault no it can’t be my fault right guys wait who’s this dude can you help us wait you want me to help you the villagers are losing maybe I should have sted with in the next decade you know what we can help you out now right we’ll make it up to you hey what is this use the egg on one of the grids to summon our Throne what then you take turns trying to guess where the enemy Throne is hold up is this what I think it is is this battleships I think it is look so if I go ahead and place my throne here then they need to guess where it is so the other side is the pillagers and this is the villagers instead of sinking ships I’m sinking their entire civilization okay let’s take a good guess I feel like everyone always puts something in the top left let’s launch it no a Miss wait how do I protect our Throne though they could guess it oh please help me spot oh okay they missed two but that was way closer than I wanted all right let’s send a missile somewhere else so we tried that corner maybe we try complete opposite side here we missed again no no no they tried the other side okay they tried there they tried there the next SP they’re going to go is in the middle um um wait a minute what are these hold up battle armor did we get that from traveling time hold up let’s try putting this on what can this yo I can see where they put their Throne that’s the Throne of the pillagers and now that we know we just need to hit it right here wait no the floors are like flipped right is it this one or this one dude I can literally see I don’t know all right here goes nothing fire in the hole we did it we did it Cate Good Times come on okay can you guys not rip me off in the future please thank you for winning a war against the pillages here’s a gift for us we sacrificed A Thousand Villages uh bro am I really on the right side of history now you know I thought the pillagers were a bad guys but you just sacrificed your children for this so I’m not really sure although whatever you’re holding looks absolutely dope and I will in fact take it we’ve got ourselves a lightning star which something’s lightning what what am I supposed to do do with this thing hold up Lightnings electricity we could use it to charge up our time machine here goes nothing 3 2 1 Char please please take me home I feel like I asked a seate time but this time surely surely said this is definitely not home overloaded oh no was that my fault did the lightning somehow Short Circuit the core bro but we’re in the 60s we skipped 30 years at once thanks to the 300% charge except the machine’s broken there is Ling everywhere and wait what was that sound oh and there are earthquakes too FR is the 60 have natural disasters everywhere dude oh no no no no this was definitely my f is that a tornado it’s sucking up the villagers I can’t make it pass there wait what are these boots Dash boots hold up these might be able to do the trick jump and did y all see that check it out I can Dash over oh my gosh this might be able to help us out here we just need to Avo that tornado go go go go go ah jump Dash oh that’s close all right house there house there hide in here hide in here wait the storm it’s ending the villagers they’ve been dropped we’re safe we’re free the disaster has been averted but then what are we going to do about the time machine guys we completely destroyed it with the lightning stuff it’s ready seems like things are good to go we are getting out of the 60s and hopefully into a decade where uh they have less natural disasters destroying the entire world ly at this point I just want to play Minecraft with my friends again and I’m sure you guys miss my friends too well at least all of you all can play as any one of them including me in my brand new skin pack just head over to the Minecraft Marketplace search for E streaming friends then hit that minecoin button and now in the dressing room you can equip any one of our skins and play as me wait the time Patrol how did you manage to find me you saw me traveling what you followed me and caught me as I was about to arrive how is that even possible you’re worse than the PAW Patrol confiscated my machine enjoy staying in the 80s no no no guys don’t leave me behind don’t leave me behind my mom wasn’t even born yet dude I need to get back to 2024 he said it was inside their lab we just got to find a way in right except something tells me that this has got to be seriously guarded how am I supposed to break past that there are guard there and I’m pretty sure in the80s they had guns maybe there’s another way in I mean clearly the front entrance is a nogo if I go over the top I definitely feel like I’m going to set off an alarm of some kind is that a back entrance hey yo this could be it oh there’s a door there’s a door no guards okay there’s guards in there though a here we go open it we’re in press to open nothing bad can happen from this right right click get on the lce where am I dude dude what is this lab bro they got full on fungi growing in inside this place all right yeah they definitely did not have health and safety standards back in the 1980s guys and that’s our time machine we just need to get over there that door’s locked and so is that one and so is that one wait there’s red there blue there there are buttons inside we just need to click the different buttons and get across get across the death machine what kind of company has a death machine to protect something bro just get a passcode or I don’t know an i scanner dude they did things different back in the olden days but where is the white button oh wait it’s down there it’s down there all right I see it jump down we go all right oh that hurt that hurt we get to need to get up on that platform jump in click that button click it click it good maybe if we can get on this sliding platform St wait I’m getting launched okay these things clearly launched maybe over to the door has it open now oh yes it has we are in baby oh no there are buttons on both sides through the B oh don’t get cut don’t get cut wait warning intruder alert oh no they found us they no way here they’re no way here self-destruct in 30 seconds are you kid kidding me go go go go go I got to be so careful I do not take more fall damage dude ow through the spikes through the spikes okay we got the red button we’re good lift me up like a frying pan baby okay down to the door down to the door has it opened yes it has we’re on three hearts this is risky as we need to get to the orange button how are we going to do that and the pink oh there there there there there there there there oh come on come on oh good my health is recharging thank goodness for that I really need that to happen here’s some more flippers find me like your potatoes come on yes yes we’re at pink hit that button baby get on the platform no no no no no we cannot have our time machine blow up right now yes we’re through there it is it’s up there the time Patrol they’ve got a bridge to it we need to block them off wait I have an idea I have an idea I have no idea if this will work but it’s worth a shot come on break it down yes no way you’re getting to the time machine now little Patrol dudes oh no oh no I’m sorry quick get to the machine go go go get me out of here oh no it’s lagging it’s lagging it’s lagging I think we made it out I think we made it out I think we’re alive hold up did you all see that does that look normal to you guys it does it does that’s normal in the year it’s 2024 baby we back home oh I can’t wait to just sit back and relax in my own bed why did my screen glitch what happened to the Village why does it say 2030 no no no no no take me back wao what was that oh this is wrong this is wrong I I wanted to go back back to 2024 and stay there take me back please please what is it doing yes yes is is home please no no no no no why is it glitching no 69 120 19 this is too far forward this is too far forward thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want to shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey Mega fan

I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft’s Oldest, Newest and FUTURE Versions! What would you do If you could TIME TRAVEL? 🕗

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  1. We need a second series the magic of Kuma he likes it do it do it do it do it do it please for the sake of like everyone they want a second series of Fame high some people are saying that they don't think it's going to come out and also some people need a second series of freaking the magic of Kuma everyone's like I'm pretty sure they're thinking that there's not going to be a second season and I know you didn't say you would make a second one but you you should what was the best also on the fame high you need to make a second season of that too it's also the best

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