Stardew Valley 1.6 – Let’s Play Ep 119

good morning friends and Philip Farmers let’s get these beans now if I remember correct we have ourselves a little dance today uh again I don’t I don’t think kobis is going to be there that’s a bit unfortunate so we’re going to have to we’re just going to pick a partner here for fun see who we can uh I think we have enough people that are willing to dance with us at this point maybe maybe um weather report it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day fortune teller Spirits whisper bring that they feel pretty neutral and the queen sauce was a rerun just confirm complete breakfast all right y all right sh and then oh no no no oh let’s okay we’ll work it back into this base there we go don’t want to pour water everywhere unnecessarily okay so complete breakfast is we got the hash browns we got the pancakes so I need to get some eggs in here all right and then we’ve somewhere is to complete breakfast so okay that’s good that’s that’s excellent uh how many cups of coffee yeah need a few of those we are blowing through it at a pretty good clip uh I don’t know what the green stuff at the end was I don’t want to know what it was what do we got here wanted to say thanks for taking interest in my work here’s a cooking recipe Autumn bouty thanks to me Tris very good what are you doing over here kitty you want me to dig through the wall with my pickaxe all right no I don’t think we’re finding anything I I don’t think there’s any treasure there right here oh okay care careful I’ll just no nothing there all right you just keep licking your paw I’ll be uh back in a couple hours let’s go um right so I was dumping off um see I’ll keep swap that out do we have any of those see I don’t know man I don’t know if I have any of those okay we’ll keep a couple of those delightful bullheads like that oh that’s smoke sine I’m like where where does this fish go this amazing fish uh okay that I did have a bunch of this all right all good um rep Pat sakes let me go get get the coal oh we do have solar good yes going to need that soon uh right sure you’re in there okay we got a couple minutes I think before we got to start here before the the ceremonies get underway don’t don’t don’t even think about escaping now okay how’s going our bird what’s up sheepy okay you look like uh you had a little bit of wool today little bit of wool how about you how about you and how about you okay and then let’s fill these in my inventory is [Music] full excuse me excuse me coming through coming [Music] through all right let’s dump off some stuff um do okay flower dance is beginning all right G I got to get I got to go I got to date with Destiny here or something how are we looking good stuff of course yeah I’m going to have a huge pile of that whatever grade that egg is I’m going to have like 400 of those by the time I’m done here uh no oops come on okay let’s put those away and then let’s get this in the recycler and then let’s go dancing uh just to confirm I think we have everything we need from the flows right like if there’s any weird scarecrows I don’t know which one it would be I do not remember any of these things in this game it’s not the witch okay well worst case I’m blowing money on a scarecrow I don’t think so though I think we’re good I love that except I I wish I could cut the tree down nothing says Community event like uh did they is this is this bigger this whole scch or is it always this it feels yeah this has changed hasn’t it I think I thought the same thing last time maybe I don’t know yeah okay we got that rare Crow that’s good um I’m good I don’t need anything else hey Will hi these Waters be teid with big fish shame I didn’t bring my rod have you tried the dandelion salad to prepar a fresh right here if you spend some time pondering the hardships of life it can put things into perspective suddenly dancing in front of the whole town in an ill-fitting suit doesn’t seem so bad it can be a little ner I can ask himone to dance with you the key to dancing is to have confidence right one two 3 one two oh hi I’m a little busy hey George flowers more like bumblebee magnets can’t smell much anyway y you guys are on the other side last year weren’t you I used to visit this B when I was younger it hasn’t changed much over the years if there’s a flower Queen there must be a flower King exactly right oh I’d love to get to I enjoy this get together more if it wasn’t for my allergies I just have to suck it up snot everywhere Vincent asked me to dance with him isn’t that cute did you have a successful salmonberry Harvest I picked enough to make a sweet dangy jelly I brought some today for everyone to taste oh that is awesome I want in on that I couldn’t find any clean shirts so this one has to do uh no no I don’t am I doing it right probably you just got to spin in a circle till you feel dizzy this open field is perfect grazing land for livestock wouldn’t you agree good afternoon the weather for today’s festivities couldn’t be more perfect Come on talk to me when you’re ready to start the ceremony I didn’t come here by choice it’s a hostage situation they should make the seniors dance this year I bet they’d love it I really feel connected with nature this far away from town to dance among the Whimsical backdrop of flowers is an uplifting experience [Music] oh everyone has partnered up and here I am alone once again he’s he’s going to be more Eeyore every day I have a special earrings on I once a year for this event that’s interesting is that to smell flowers or is it Caroline’s perfume oh you can’t oh they’re little daffodils see oh that’s cute let me through no I’d ask my husband to dance but he doesn’t really know how he has four left feet H thought I saw something moving across water keep your eye on that do you wonder why do we find flowers beautiful Gatherings like this give a sense of identity to our community or as my wife says it makes the town Lively the red jelly waon in the wind looks like it’s [Music] dancing we’re we’re dancing jelly okay uh Emily uh Best For Last uh we’re going to ask Emily is easily the best dancer in town so uh the only one who can possibly live up to our dance moves is Emily hey Emily I don’t know what you’re doing now but it looks amazing oh hey this year I’m giving my sister competition for the flower Queen title I’ve been working on my choreography yes I’d love to dance with you all right de let’s do this let’s get this thing going I can’t not dance with I was trying to think about it I was like who do who should I dance with and it’s like it’s obvious the best dancer oh I like how that everyone else has to get their chump outfits nice prison guard boys and uh I get to wear my lucky Electro leprechaun outfit here electrocon okay so wa oh we’re creeping up we’re creeping up we going to do the big lift what are we [Music] doing very good what well we did it that was fun time to go home Spring’s complete now okay let’s uh time to go home time to go and uh process 5,000 things okay let’s get ourselves a couple of things here and then put some eggs in here could sell a couple billion things over here Bo boom boom boom bo boom it’s important they make the sound when you’re when you’re selling things too so the bin really gets into it the bin knows what’s going on Bin’s like oh we’re selling stuff cool oh W hello what do we have here what is this ancient fruit wine look at that well that’s interesting we go let’s got a new look oh my this is going to be uh we’re going to have a good day 13 bottles of that jazz wo shump that’s the sound of us turning into a billionaire um okay and there must be more soon but I guess for the the moment let’s just focus on we’ll get the rest of the beans going then cuz this all right and then I guess sure there we go got all the Hops going those won’t take too long so that’s all good oh my goodness got some blueberry jelly that’s nice and then what was this over here oh it’s our pickled Tomatoes very good yeah I love how uh things have gotten a lot more like detailed that looks really good the new ancient fruit wine has a a beautiful color to it all right let’s keep going because obviously that was a really short day $24,000 a day that’s not bad what do we get there on the uh ancient fruit wine we got 21,000 for the 13 bottles at $1,600 a bottle so that’s good um now today we should have a bus that starts back up I don’t know if anybody’s going to come to the front door and tell us about it they’re waiting it’s 6: a.m. they better be waiting uh I don’t remember how this bit goes here cuz we did do everything I think we needed to do but we got to make sure we bring a um solar thing out there if I remember correct and we could also bring something else I think [Music] um probably let’s see here this is going to be it this is good we’ll get uh also some fish that we need we got some resources that we don’t get otherwise we can go say hi to Sandy this is a it’s exciting day hopefully or I’m just building up B nothing uh it’s going to be clear and sunny all day tomorrow fortune teller says Spirits are good humor okay um put those leaks there [Music] okay let’s go and uh drop off drop off a few things let’s see smoking fish um oh throw that in there kitty cat’s running around um all right let’s get over here drop off some coffee [Music] beans all right is that it that’s it okay and then uh let’s get this thing hello Birds oh hey gang I’m like playing this in the wrong order all right um a new baby lizard has hatched Lenny Lenny the lizard yeah we’re we’re in it oh boy this is exciting so I’d say we’ve had pretty good uh luck so far in this playr hey Lenny Lenny seems curious but a little cautious it’s a strange New World Lenny’s been extinct for Millennia uh that’s all good okay close the gate yeah Kitty I wasn’t trying to give you stuff oh my gosh my little dude you got to move out of my way I just I need to get out of here I got stuff to go do it’s a big day it’s a very important day let’s put uh this in here oh I’m not a I don’t have coal okay all right I’m just going to I think head over there uh did I oh my gosh no did I use all my coal uh do I only need one of those probably interesting okay [Music] um oh boy I’m going to grab that and I’m going to put the chub BR therey kitty cat ah there is my coal okay I was wondering for a moment I just thought hm that just doesn’t seem right uh good so let’s grab this stuff here put it on a rod and go grab guess any of these should them and [Music] then all right uh and then a crocus if I had to have a crocus here it’s over here I Was preparing for Sandy okay I think that’s everything think so let’s go see it’s 940 oh hello what does it say now to drive oh enter sign text I’m off duty today kid you’ll have to drive yourself Pam what that’s amazing that is so cool you have to drive yourself kid I love it that’s a great use of the sign but it’s nice that yeah this doesn’t imped our ability to come out here oh my goodness you know I’m usually not that excited about coming out here but today I am you place the essence in the dragon small only then do you notice a small note hidden in the eyce socket You’ proven your so kid check with the pile of lumber next to your house Mr key okay let’s go visit our new friend in here well hello who are you never met you before a customer hi welcome to s’s Oasis hey you look just like the new farmer that Emily wrote to me about then the bus line to St Valley is back in service oh I’m so happy all right uh even in Winter stardy Valley has beautiful flowers please visit again soon I get bored out here okay there we go Cactus rhubarb starf fruit beets got mannequins dressed up power be like oh that’s really cool coat stand clothes line wow old world rug it’s okay she’s got cool this that’s neat stuff now the idea to dress up some mannequins that’s really handy um huh Cactus root Barb starfruit beets I don’t know what I want to get going here um guess we’ll get like uh there we go we’ll get a few of these going and [Music] then we’ll pick up some coconuts cuz how can you not and then we got to come get a fish and a cactus we got to put a uh Prismatic Shard here man so much excitement in one day it’s too much really look at that oh my gosh the Prismatic Shard changes shape before your very eyes this power is tremendous you found the Galaxy sword H all right that’s that’s very very nice to uh get on with that I don’t know what is the Galaxy sword compared to what we had we had uh 39 29 to 44 damage we had negative3 speed but plus three defense plus three weight slime gather and plus one attack whereas this thing is 60 to 80 damage and plus four speed me is it even a you know really it’s not really even a competition and let’s get ourselves a sandfish here forgot how fast that thing is oh my gosh okay let’s try another one I guess we’ll get a few sure [Music] oh did we get we didn’t get the chest oh we did oh my gosh that was close got some sandish row that’s good what’s that plant over on the left that looks different I don’t remember ever seeing that maybe it’s always been there oh come on buddy okay so yeah there we go we got some sandfish what is this oh it’s it’s just just it’s decorative huh okay interesting let’s go say hi to Buddy over here I like the way the clouds Flow by there okay we’ve got artifact troves warped home to the desert Triple Espresso spicy eel make bombs bombs magic rock candy I mean only three Prismatic shards warp totem to the desert butterfly Hutch uh green turban magic cowboy hat midnight Beach bed oh this is new isn’t it that’s nice I like that dark piano it’s a th000 coal I 100 % want that oh my gosh okay so there’s new items here that’s exciting we got a war [Music] P all right huh well that’s all very cool that green grass has got to be new it sure feels it um okay so let’s put this in our back pocket here um so we’re going to pop in here for just a minute oh what is this hello we don’t know what it is oh man there’s goodies uh okay that’s cool who we got two coconuts out of that tree really I did not realize we’ get all these coconuts huh I don’t recall that you got that in the past okay um let’s see here what do I want to put in here I guess I’ll put all of my tools in here and then yeah really I mean I don’t really want any inventory so worst case I have to make another trip out here you insert the skull key into the keyhole it’s a perfect fit okay now is this like an elevator no I don’t know we don’t know about this yet that’s exciting okay we found a way down got an emerald and those things take a lot of damage oh my goodness [Music] all right what else do we have down here got some gold there we go got some more coal I’m going to need it when if we want to get to 1,000 coal to get that excellent uh the bed of Doom there all right you’re indestructible all right let’s get out of here oh now it’s just hovering oh what did I do I caused it to uh go into a full hover mode our pickaxe is so weak out here now so now I’m definitely motivated to like get some idium to get uh get upgraded because this is uh this is painful all right oh there we go I don’t think there’s anything else good here is there we got some new ideas did I reach uh level 10 then on mining I did so we got forging and combat well that’s cool all right um yeah I don’t feel like I’m going to get anything good till like way deep but I thought you know what let’s just get a start here which is get back into practice it’s been a while and our luck isn’t terribly bad today oh we got a note hello we got a gold breastplate that’s cool it’s just dark but hey to haly and Emily hope you two are doing while I we’ve sent you your favorite gifts pink cake and sunflowers for Haley gemstone and wool for emate love Mom and Dad well that’s night okay uh let’s try this on or golden breastplate it’s actually not bad yeah I might wear that sure it’s kind of ludicrous like when this you see this dude just sort of like off on the sidelines dancing around waiting for Us’s to do something stupid okay I didn’t see if there’s anything down here probably not whatever we we see lots of quarts I’m not too concerned we see lots of mushrooms not too concerned all right really this is kind of devoid of anything good here oh boy we’re only only level eight we’re going to get tired is what’s going to happen though oh I didn’t bring my hoe there we go there’s our stairs down all right drink the coffee buddy it will truly be living on coffee is what’s going to happen come on champ there we go oh hello we got explody thing and a path down that’s good if one of them would give me like a meal that would be great oh my gosh I’m going to get murdered here uh did anybody give me food can I eat this that did very little I got four rum or though so that’s good yeah no you can’t live on espresso alone I can’t eat the bomb I actually think I’m going to need to get out of here pretty quick because I think we’re going to be without anything we’re going to be toast if we get attacked I’d rather not start out by getting toasted uh it would have been nice to get enough stuff for a full uh part of the of aridium though okay there we go we got one bar of aridium and I think we had enough for another bar at home so that’s good all right I I’m not going to complain that was pretty good uh so let’s go with that that take our tools and then our gifts uh the sandfish yeah we’ll take those we’ll take our stuff for cres um guess we’ll take the good fish there oh yeah definitely need the coal I don’t really need oh the stone does p stack in nicely um okay so then I’ve got like a whole pile of chum guess I’ll take the other bait and then we’ll just see does any this other stuff plum in I doubt it oh something did okay good enough now I’m assuming yeah no idea yet I’m excited that’s intriguing huh cool all right well we got to save our uh our warp home I figured may as well not use that if we’re going to be struggling anyway I could have brought the coconut and stuff down with me I really wasn’t thinking that I would go very far does the bus come faster it really seems like it does that buz came whipping in look out that’s uh that’s what I’m hearing on that okay so let’s grab our other pile and then we I guess may as well get the gold going that’s a few things it’s what that is uh bo okay cuz I’m right I’ve been gifting this to rasmo so that’s why I’ve got all the void Essence here um got to remember right keeping that around so now neither of these are used that’s Sam’s favorite but neither are used for uh the community center which I I thought one of them was this is okay and then can I’ll put my other sword there I no point really logging that around now we check the wood pile by the house here look at that we got our club card under a piece of wood you found a club card you’re not sure what it’s for but it seems important it’s been added to your wallet okay there you go beautiful hen well that was a that was a busy little day I it’s excited when you actually get um that unlocked we feel like uh yeah it’s a whole other chunk of the game now we get to start thinking about it’s exciting the first time especially when you don’t know what you’re getting into I think now you know now that we can go and kind of unlock everything in one go it’s not such a big deal but it’s still [Music] cool but it’s not as uh momentous as the first time you go to the desert oh uh and even the idea that the uh desert Trader is uh there we go um is out there there’s there’s just so much going on all right and then let’s put okay let’s put a CD in [Music] here put some stuff in here oh we got some big site is that what that is and have we seen that no we don’t know about it I don’t know what this new this strange new thing we got it’s uh we’ll have to go talk to the Gunter okay and I will just sell one of these then I don’t need them for the community center okay let’s go get some decent um Quality crops yeah we’ll go for Quality if we can here all right oh it’s getting dark um okay and then we’ve got a bunch of uh starf fruit here that we can get in the beautiful we got some strawberries and we got a p pile more of ancient fruit so load those back up again keep on going very good all right okay we got beets um yeah now that we we can get beads from Sandy so that’s actually not a big deal I couldn’t remember where we got beats before so that’s that’s all good and let’s go put these uh ancient fruit in here all right and then Ling on to everything else I think okay we got some pickled cauliflower sure why not going to be pickling everything may as well pick a cauliflower uh uh make two more of these all right so we don’t have too much to drop off here I don’t think um I’ll sell the pickle cauliflower smoked fish and that’s that I think go and put our our seeds in here okay and then uh I’m going to sell that beat and I’ll put the other three in the fridge just cuz he’s one stack nice and then oh yeah I’ll need to grab a stack of eggs too and bring them out here cuz that’s an issue is I can’t even cook because I don’t have any eggs but we have so many now I think we can probably find a good pile here that’s not a big deal silver grade yep that’s it mean I would grab almost you know what these small do basic grade eight of those let’s do that actually sure all right it’ll be a good enough day again um where’s my there we go so yeah now we can create uh a few dishes we got pancakes we going do two of those hash browns and then the complete breakfast is oh it’s right there oh I need fried egg and any milk oh my gosh uh talk about like majorly consuming okay uh uh I don’t have milk here but what I can do is surprisingly I’m going to put these three dishes here for now I feel like if I made a combination of those uh you’d be kind of you’d be doing well because you could give some of those to uh jod likes the pancakes isn’t it any rate that’s a good start to our day I think I’m going to keep the armor on I like that it’s a good look it’s not as funky as our green shirt but it’s it’s definitely a look it seems like a leprechaun thing all right we’ll see you all next time till then bye-bye level 10 mining blacksmith metal bars are with 50% more or a chance to find coal doubled I’m going to go with coal doubled I don’t remember these choices uh but I think I’ll go with coal cuz we never have enough of it and I also want the dark bed or piano or whatever that was see you then bye-bye

It’s a double day special – first the flower dance and then a trip to the skull key mines!

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