Going For Perfection in Stardew Valley

hey there she is hey man hey how how we doing bud how was snap dude actually fun you want to play sometime no I’m glad that you had fun though she is so honest always [Laughter] guys what am I supposed to do lie yeah lying is fun huh how many Subs to play chain together with me right now like how many Subs would have to get right now yeah a th000 straight like a thousand like right now within the next two minutes girl girl yeah guys Chris asked me last night if I wanted to play chain together with him and I was like I’m gon to be so for real I have zero interest in that game it would be so fun though we would have a blast would we would we have a blast don’t worry I got you let’s go Naomi’s got you she’s about to give the oh naom thanks to the [Music] Thousand dude no I don’t think that we would have fun like I have F we have fun playing whatever but like I think we’d get tilted and I appreciate our friendship y what’s up dude how you doing no you’re right we would actually I think hate each other that’s what I’m saying man like I don’t think it would be a good time and and and by we I think I would goof and then you would get like I would like [ __ ] up and you’d be like yeah be like ah Chris again bro make the jump make the [ __ ] jump like you would curse and then you’d make some kind of noise when you’re falling down and be like dude stop stop wait what kind of noise you’re like like but every single time and we’re falling like every 2 minutes what’s wrong with making a noise you just keep making that noise so yeah it would be irritating irritating I thought we were friends yeah every 2 minutes if you’re making that noise consistently and then I’m irritated that we fell okay might go back to snap now I’m coming bro I’m just saying I’m just saying no and you get you get frustrated that’s the problem too you’d probably get frustrated not necessarily at me but just like at the game and then I’ve never once gotten frustrated frustrated playing a video game you literally played um Five Nights at Freddy’s the the new game and qu it wait my outfit slays in game yeah bro it’s already in the game I’m paused bro I’m doing uh I’m I’m dressed as the Pink Pony Club girl oh right I forgot about that right right no drops aren’t enabl the one on uh stardo so you might have to oh Sam it’s for our own good that I don’t want to play I for forgot I’m in I was like what where the [ __ ] am I I’m in Samy’s house yeah we we we’re not done with it it’s just like I don’t know what to do cuz we we have to get to Perfection but I don’t really know what the next move is Anila Sentry goblins could slip in Mr neeg haat and Destroy X yeah you’re right oh yeah I app I appreciate that Mikey yeah thank you yo paxi thanks for the 19 Also Mikey I’ll probably go to the PO box sometime this week yo Gina thanks for the 33 as well appreciate that dude you reach Perfection and then uninstalled W I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick okay right like for for yo uh did you join yeah where are you here paused oh in what room it’s just a black screen until you start it okay oh yeah what room am I in man I don’t know I don’t know where I am oh you killed my family what I didn’t kill your family oh hey man you just hit my kid with an axe the [ __ ] Sammy what you inspire ired me what do you mean I inspired you you just hit little Tweedle D in the head with an axe I think that’s peanut butter or whatever peanut butter whatever you know hates my hat my kid yeah I forgot that I was sleeping in your house I was in the guest bed I think I was trying to goof you cuz I thought you were going to come home and then you never came home no yeah I woke up in your room that’s why and I I killed great yeah all right what what what what do we have to do oh I have to ship 100,000 gold worth of freshly cooked items get cooking sorry bro’s got to cook bro’s actually slaying the boots down no you’re actually like different right a hot ass bro showed up different today look at my look at my horse’s hat oh yeah that’s cute it changes oh I we did the trout fishing I was like why do I have all this random stuff over here okay I need to buy wheat I think to make bread wheat yeah it sounds about right ah good old stardo huh it’s good to be back on yep bers you could say that again yo our farm kind of slays low [Music] key it’s really good yeah I’m about to buy a ton of wheat wheat flour I [Music] [Music] think okay yeah I’ll check I’ll check the C uh the cave out in a sec good old yeping please do and we’re in Fall okay excuse me bless you thanks sound like a cartoon sneeze lowkey [ __ ] oh Leo’s on the uh Island I forgot oh yeah he moved here yeah good kid that is a good kid true thanks guys sorry sorry Leah I think we’re like 44% or something yeah something like that but it’s I think it’s just like mainly having to cook like recipes yeah we need to cook and we need to DIY every every single thing yeah like I don’t think we actually have to do more key quests I feel like we’re kind of like good no no no no I think we’re done and then we just have to farm money from the kegs and whatnot cuz we need the golden clock we need the rest of the obelisks true don’t worry I’m hard at work though okay we’ll be making money all right Dragon Teeth we got we got to lock in here locked in is actually my middle name so is it yeah Sammy locked in hster girl yeah exactly that’s that’s what they said actually didn’t I didn’t even know the more the more you know I need to bring Gus a ruby remember when we went into um the mayor’s basement and his haunted Underpants chased us yeah if I had a nickel for every time that happened to me so true men I’d have one true same I had I had 15 cents not the 15 cents oh wait I need a grass feeder made 500 bread brege can I get you any more bread please I think the book sell is in town really yeah don’t know if we care tell tell them um see if he has a bookmark for us a bookmark okay let me go ask you know what those are I’m familiar I think yeah this girl reads yeah so what where’s where’s Gussy at wait I think you just walked out of the grocery store I think I saw him yep thanks also by the way looking good without the Hat yo thanks man it was a little bit of a jump scare when I opened up your stream today so people are saying uh we need I need a trigger warning next time sorry not like not even like in a bad way I just wasn’t expecting it I was like whoa yeah it’s uh it’s it’s a new thing we’re going for here hey man we need new things sometimes we do um but yeah the hair is kind of hairing low key I appreciate that yeah we’re you know we’re doing stuff out here we got [Music] to um yeah the mullet isn’t like gone it’s just like on a break I I had like she taking a rest I had to trim it up a little bit for the wedding all right right yeah bro I was I was on the Dance Floor I hope you were Krispy was like bro I saw some moves I’ve never seen [Laughter] before at one point dude you have the Arsenal of like um your fortnite locker noit disposal so Nick I’m sure Nick came up came by um like towards the end of the night for like the after party nice and and him and I were on the like literally going and my and my little uh my like I guess my cousin we were all going back and forth just like doing fortnite emotes but it was like funny cuz Nick was dropping like the most random ones I was doing like the classics but he was doing like the freaking like clap like and he’s like tall as hell so it’s extra funny like that’s hilarious yeah is he taller than you he I don’t I think we’re the same height kind of nice I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in real life uh oh maybe you haven’t I don’t think so we’ll have to change that yeah you’re right I’m going to get my wife a coffee dude twitchcon is in like a month and a half yeah bro I still have to figure figure stuff out yeah me too I texed you like two weeks ago and I was like well well guess this is happening so are you going to go or yeah yeah I’m going to go I have my I have some stuff booked not everything but I heard you doing not showing up bro you have I heard you were doing a panel no I’m not cool enough for that come on man literally so far from the [Laughter] truth I’m I’m not doing anything though I’m just looming you’re a lummer yeah it is weird that it’s so soon cuz I feel like Las Vegas felt like two weeks ago well it was only 11 months pretty much from the last one you know CU it wasn’t like a full year because it was at the end of October okay so kind of wild yeah that is weird and plus we just saw each other too in a March oh you’re right Ren nice also we might be seeing each other again before twitchcon too t i mean what n come on bring it in what not come on N guys we don’t hang out n we never we’ never hang out all these fruits not our style another Arizona trip possibly yeah you guys know I love going to Arizona yep we love that place big fan Ren I knew I knew someone was going to do that this guy’s a forehead we do we do okay I’m going to go talk to this guy what are we thinking uh we’re at if you had to guess 40 something 39 I feel like we’re at like 30 s 37 I’m going to go and say 41 whoa what 41 41 okay okay okay so I need to get monster Slayer I need to get uh we need to catch more fish we need to make more we need to craft more and cook more yeah sounds about right and find some more nuts who who who all right real quick guys we’re going to do a prediction here for people who want to make or lose money two minutes we’re going to roll this D20 as well seems like a lot but it’s easy rolling a D20 out here I’m such a [ __ ] sorry nah you’re a good guy um do you know what happened to that uh document that we had with all the gifts it’s in the stardo channel my Discord I believe nice yeah are are you doing gifts right now yeah I got to R everybody up R them up it’s dire we have a dire need yo R sub to uh Maya Maya welcome back enjoy those emotes yo Sam y to we’re so back let’s go yeah I’m I I’m just going to start killing stuff I think do your thing man I could I should probably actually [Music] go yeah I’m I’m going to go to the I’m GNA go over here and just like start killing things for like monster Slayer o you got this okay oh [ __ ] [Music] for it’s already bedtime what okay okay I’m going to roll this thing once I get back to the farm does anyone know how it works you haven’t heard the song Oh that’s that’s yeah that’s a that’s a slapper if we’re doing uh Co-op do we both have to do 100% for like the cooking or does it count does it take both of us into consideration so I have no idea cuz I feel like for fish I I think I’ve caught way more than Sammy has and it said like it was 82 so maybe we’re good o it’s already 130 a.m. yeah I’m sleeping nice I all right here we go guys roll noticed all right dang that was close I’m hustling run all right we’re in 6 to 10 Believers it was an eight it was an eight GG’s to the eight Believers I’m ruined Yo Miss bisy thanks for the three months appreciate that Sam welcome back dude as well appreciate it God damn it great we’re uh we gaming tomorrow we are gaming tomorrow you excited I am excited love good games with Pals you know big fan [Music] are you excited uh yeah should be good what if you were like no no lobb’s goingon to suck nah come on yeah you’re right you know I would Duos uh fall guys be fun I think it would do they have Duos 100% nice it could be fun great thanks you’re welcome there’s just something about starting music that I instantly feel relaxed oh yeah the pebble moment was I’m vibing yeah it’s nice I made that emote yesterday last uh last night I was watching Julian play batro and I cut out up Acres cuz she was on stream with with Shan Valley got you okay I need to go f I need to go find all the fish chat back seating is is now strongly encouraged here if you want to let me know where certain fish are like I need like I don’t even know what half these are you saw the clip it was super cute hell yeah yeah she’s great I’m also going to go to the adventurers club and see if I could uh take out some monsters here yeah a lot of them are going to be the legendary ones so I would have to figure out how to do those I think I have the right stuff to catch them in any season though which is cool crab pots in the river in the ocean okay smart Matt so I did we did um we we caught all the legendary Juniors already we did that quest for Mr key so I think we’re good there but we could put some crab pots in the ocean and rivers cuz I don’t think I don’t think we’ve done that [Music] yet oh there’s a qu there’s a a quest for the legend two okay I probably have to uh catch the legend one first right and I I think I caught him he’s over here I think Jil I go with the uh cold bre with cold [Music] foam do we know where the legend is [Music] below me like right here he’s on that log okay next to the sandfish okay let me double check and see if I have them yeah okay I don’t have them yet is this right right it says stand to the left by the fence oh over here I should probably I don’t have anything yeah hooked up to this so I should prob come back for this okay it’s only in spring so I’ll you know what I’ll do I’ll um I I have I have items that can make it so I can catch them whenever yeah the season doesn’t matter because I can catch it whenever I have to just get the items for it Y what up Matt how you doing dude yeah I I have I have magic bait and I think I also have like a better lure as well just going to also check on the monsters we have to do here okay so we the star means we’ve done it right I see to kill more mummies more pepper rexes and then we’re done it seems what’s is the pepper Rex the dinosaurs okay yeah I gotta I gotta get oh that’s gross Sammy all I need to do is kill more dinosaurs and mummies and we’re good for like the monsters we in yep I am just running around town gifting everybody their stuff do what you got to do man thanks someone’s got to rise this town up and someone needs to defend us from mummies and dinosaurs yep yeah and together we’re a team like unlike no other or the guzin or the goo the gozin um also do you have any hardwood in your inventory I don’t cuz we’re out there’s probably some on the island in a in a box m true let me pop over there yeah I’m going to give a coffee to ABS nice for me no that’s Caroline this is ABS not Hy for little old me bro thought Caroline was Haley yo we should do a D and D campaign you and me and some and someone else we should we’re creative people so we could probably nail it okay self-affirmation we’re funny guys I all right confidence cool yo Sammy I’m not going to lie at the wedding when I was doing my speech and people laughed IRL felt crazy cool dude you’re like yes it was wild it reminded me of it was like I said this yesterday on stream it was like it’s like when chat spams like lol’s or LS or kws it was like that but like in real life mhm exactly it is like that there’s nothing quite like getting people to laugh at a joke you said you’re right especially if you don’t know them they’re like new people or it’s like a crowd you know mhm then you’re like yes still got it we still got it Bud still got it still the funny guy okay I’m eat this did I call the audience chat no I’m not that goofy come on man was it like a long speech or like short and sweet dude it felt kind of long like maybe like 5 to seven which is like pretty long for a wedding no that is pretty long impressive thanks bro bro had a lot to say thanks what kind of food did you have uh chicken and salmon for the others and then it was like a beet and a beet and garlic scape like side which was really good oh okay interesting kind of love that though yeah it was nice thanks cool yeah I’m just taking out all these mummies right now yeah garlic Scapes are good if there if there’s a a clip of it I could show you guys uh at something but I don’t know if anyone filmed it to be honest but it was fun my sister got married oh my god dude we are cruising I’ve already taken out like five mummies y I’m building more um casks for the uh basement wine smart so that’s why I needed the hardwood and whatnot I found it by the way it was on the island so Sam was definitely weird but it was cool dub the dou day oh sweet roll how do I do that what I wonder what um do I need like the like a solar essence or something on it like a topaz I can enchant my sword apparently to kill directly yeah take those guys out yeah the rainbow thing I’ve used that already I think my swords has yeah it’s crit chance bro did it oh Prismatic Shard okay I’ll go do that right now actually we have so many I’m pretty sure yeah we’re we’re we’re swimming in know and you could say that again yeah see I went I pretty much went off the cuff but I was reading it from my phone as as well you know what I mean one Prismatic Shard it’s random so fingers crossed oh [ __ ] what’s up basement sloth how you doing dude oh what up take a few because you can reenchant okay cool yo Hue thanks for the one year googly yeah I mean I was nervous then I realized like who cares like there there were half the people there I didn’t even know but I was like bro who gives a [ __ ] like I do this I started my speech off with wait so Sammy so I started my speech off uh with how’s it going guys I don’t usually speak in front of people and like yes and like all my friends laugh but a lot of other people like didn’t I don’t think got it yeah like speaking in front of a lot of people’s like new to me or something that’s so funny like it’s like the grandparents are like okay it’s cool they’re like okay good luck man they’re like loser loser talk to someone bro that’s so [Laughter] funny okay yeah that was for the that was for the gamers that joke it was what’s Artful mean is Artful good or should I go again I’m trying to get the one that uh lets me kill mummies yeah I don’t know what it’s called is it called mummy full yes I think I need I need I need [Laughter] Crusader Crusader bug killer man hay maker I’m losing all rocks vampiric I think vampiric means you get heal when you hit and what do we got here bug killer again oh great Sammy well guess I got to go back with more Prismatic shards what does bug killer do yeah I I probably do have a sord crusader on it but it’s like a [ __ ] sword I guess I could use it for this but just wasted five Prismatic shards oh killing the armored bugs is actually cool to be honest food was good oh yeah Sarah I mean we’re in the end game now like we’re we’re we’re we’re it’s it’s getting it’s getting a little wild 3G I guess oh sweet world gotcha I’ll try um I have all the skills I think I think I have that sword I’m going to go I’m going to go back home and then see what we got here it’s raining [ __ ] I I’ll just I’ll just bring the Crusader sword with me that I have or do I not even have one bro I don’t even think I have one unless it’s somewhere else want to check Sammy stuff okay outfit body y y y body y y y thanks do you have a sword that has um Crusader on it by any chance I definitely don’t cool yes could you not roll it yeah I’m just going to go back and waste more Prismatic shards and try my best all right well good luck man how about this I’m going to go right now and and if I don’t get it we’ll just restart the day oh okay yeah sure I I I’ll get it within three though I guarantee it but if I don’t then we should probably restart I believe you cuz yeah I believe you guys fingers crossed here guys we literally Jonathan Noob I think I have the mini Forge oh I think I already built that so I don’t have to go all the way over here then I don’t even have enough [ __ ] I don’t even have enough [ __ ] power Crystal Cinder shards I’m such a noob and a noice come on man you’re not all that yeah I am and I’m and I’m ugly bro come on you’re not all that yeah and I smell kind of sometimes no man come on you don’t smell I do you don’t good [ __ ] unless you stream for like 10 hours then probably no you’re right but like that happens to everybody now you’re true have you been playing Elden at all offline no I’ve been back on my reading Mar ooh words okay words okay words I also like mad busy the past couple days right kind like yo guys slow it down it’s so July you know I don’t know I thought you were going to say gelatin or gelatinous or something I was like I wasn’t expecting July would have been cool but it wasn’t what you said didn’t do it though but it would have been cool it is very much July out here very birthday soon it’s whatever though true it’s like not a cool SE 27 for you H 28 ah sorry I was one off that’s cool man definitely not 34 34 [Music] okay shut up bro I can’t say anything I turned 30 in March like I lit can’t say anything I don’t know haven’t planned anything should we go to Switzerland yeah all right Tor you can’t say yikes when you’re 32 okay the dogs sorry long rocks 29 34 same difference you guys remember High tail that that trailer we watched I think I tweeted about it today but that trailer that looks like a Minecraft colog yeah I remember it at like E3 or something yeah dude and it looks sick and they just still haven’t done anything with it it’s probably just like in collecting dust like yo let’s get some 22 in December the prime of my life honestly enjoy it man I remember when I was 22 a [ __ ] Cinder Rock to my left okay cool thanks now I appreciate get the back seats we need to we need to get the cinder blocks yeah we got lethal tomorrow with the new update should be fun Y is it officially out or is it still in beta I think it’s still in the beta nice time to blow the truck up more yeah and like not drive it anywhere literally blew up in like 5 Seconds every time we got it yeah I don’t think we actually utilized it once I wonder if there’s already mods out for it to make it like stronger there’s mods to make it like easier to drive I think we should probably do that yep yep I feel like we need it no you’re true [Music] oo lots of random stuff coming out of [Music] here I think tomorrow’s what like eight or 9 Eastern probably I have no idea if I had a guess cuz it’s got to make sense for Carla’s uh time because she’ll be on at like the ass crack of dawn all that yeah that’s that’s that’s I I do not know what time we’re playing I’m clueless yeah I don’t want to wear my steel pant as a hat though I’m I’m in the pink pony clerb right I feel like I’m slaying I don’t want to put on a freaking stupid teal hat or pan hat yeah you got o dragon dragon teeth nice I need those for Stuff when’s the new uh Sims thing come out this weekend for this week no the 20 something 25th it’s at the end of the month the uh Gameplay trailer comes out Thursday though ooh gamep playay yeah code hanster girl guys in the in the uh Sims shop thanks man you know this Thursday wait hold on seeing long legs too late I already said it you’re right there’s three no you can say stuff um there’s three dragon teeth here dude also that movie looks crazy bro no way yeah I’m really excited three dragon teeth is like phenomenal odds right there bro got different RNG holy [ __ ] that’s so lucky I wonder if there’s it’s a lucky day today dude long leg sand wants to too I might see it yeah I’m really excited about it it’s the first showing that my theater had so have you ever seen uh the thing yes mhm I watched it Rec for the first time dude it’s so good yeah I feel like it um I feel like it holds up right oh no it holds up more than well it’s like phenomenal mhm it’s also I will always remember that one scene with the wolves or the dogs or whatever yeah dude it’s [ __ ] up it yeah I’ll literally never forget it also mad scary it’s literally an Among Us Lobby there was one point where they’re all arguing and I was like this is just this just sounds like me and my friends it’s an Among Us CU they’re like bro I I wasn’t in comms like I was here the whole time and it’s like yeah but we don’t know that and like the way they were yelling I was like dude this is just literally a Discord call Stakes might be a little bit higher but That’s funny though bro I wasn’t venting I was in the kitchen the whole time bro I was cooking I was with Dave the whole Do’s not hot oh Hadley so good so go yo what up B B you excited for tomorrow B I invited five other people to uh the lobby tomorrow if that’s chill a bunch of people you barely know and you might not even have good banter with that’s chill last minute if you’re down to uh for that some of them are are first time Chatters actually you’re in Europe let’s go oh golden coconut cool I did this whole uh volcano without having to use my water bucket once yeah what the heck yeah that’s that’s big luck that’s that’s different we’ll take it okay here we go give us Crusader and say nothing yes first try it’s the luckiest day of my life y that’s how we play semi and Sam as well back that’s how we play m i don’t have infinite water yet no epic gamer alert yeah you could say that Bo game yeah you could say I’m an awesome [Laughter] gamer yo Hannah thanks for the nine months welcome on and bring it in as well dude yeah you’re right yep aers and July 2024 I know I know I know some someone called the authorities lock us up bro you could do an expanded Farm there’s all new quests and people loved your stardo and if you feel like you’re not sure what you want to play right now could be a could be a Vibe okay that’s epic yeah that’s awesome sauce yeah that’s a epic moment right there yeah I’d say that’s pretty epic in POG uhoh I did a thing no [Laughter] sorry not that I did a thing that always gets me Le bacon narwhal up vote get out of my bed what do you mean I’m at home see your little chat bro that’s not me happy cake day this is getting up votes for sure good night man I’m in my house right now I’m in me house this is vile I’m sorry guys we all had our we all had our cringe Reddit moments I’m pretty sure some might still be there dude I actually used to go on nine gag who remembers that that is is diabolical at least you weren’t on at least you weren’t on I funny no I was not on iFunny I was not I just woke up in my house my babies’s out playing with toys next to a turtle that’s healthy oh well I’m sure they’ll be okay true I was verified on I funny and I just got the most heinous comments so I never used it again I how I didn’t even know you could be verified on that you could it was like really hard to but my shoe was always stolen it was just like the worst comments people who were just like really mean and I was like this sucks actually yeah yeah what can you do but it’s also just like useless now no one uses it I’m pretty sure I don’t even think it exists maybe it does but I think the the the like the account on Twitter is like still posting but it’s like a weird account now gross yep yep gross yuck all right I’m going to go kill all of these mummies real quick uh go for it XD by the way oh I went to the wrong freaking place great you’re still on I Funny is it no dude ooh that’s going to be an epic fail on my for [Laughter] me do you remember like um socially awkward penguin yeah and like all those like random old Bachelor Frog phosa Raptor Scumbag Steve yeah bad Brian come on how me and my boys would communicate that’s what we used to have back in the day that was it f712 Rage Comics come on Derpina we come on Poker Face Miga come on come on man sheesh he knows them all uh there was like high guy or whatever troll face I know these names better than I know my own Grandma’s they were like kind of on the way out when I was in high school yeah I used to run a but I was in high school during Peak Vine so oh I couldn’t imagine what what what a glorious time it must have been it was very good I feel like being like I was like a junior senior and then like a freshman in college um when it was like at its peak dude unmatched unmatched vibe I was a young I was my I was a young 20s something on when vine was a thing which is also still kind of cool cuz if I would go places people would be like yo yeah dude vine right yeah Vine heck yeah man hell yeah dude put it in hell yeah bring it in man like dude I used to scroll like when I was hung over and whatnot cuz like you just don’t have anything you got hung over in High School no uh I mean when iort when I was uh uhoh guys Sammy hster girl was crazy I definitely wasn’t drinking when I was in college guys I wouldn’t have done that doesn’t sound like me I meant when yeah when I was a freshman in college and I was 21 yep exactly okay sure man we got her we got her got her come on you guys hearing this crap y epic games get her get her but no seriously like it was the vibe like you’re just doing nothing anyways you’re just not feeling good I scroll literally for hours in my dorm room in bed just like hung over I used to I used to try to make at least one Vine a day that was my goal what was your goal to make one Vine a day did you do it usually sometimes twice if I was feeling wild this guy was booked like I wouldn’t feel did you like cluster film or did you film literally like every single day um I I would usually film every day but if I had like one that I knew was going to pop off I would like save it for like a weekend post mhm dude it was like there was so much like analytics and like like overthinking behind the scenes yeah but yeah sometimes one would take like five minutes or less and then sometimes some they would take like four hours oh snap for one sixc video 4 hours because you would have to get like certain shots you would have to edit it you know it was just like a whole bunch of [ __ ] yeah that’s wild though yeah but you know it paid off like I you would you would know if like one was doing well or if you had to delete it before anyone else saw it yeah fair dude it’s just interesting because I feel like Vine was perceived as so chill and like laidback versus like what Tik Tok is considered these days but in reality it was just as much work behind the scenes people do well I think the experience on Vine was like dude it was just a very simple like Vin’s uh viewing experience is is so much more unmatched like there was no ads there was nothing in your way it was very simple to the point Tik tok’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] show when you go on there now I’m like what the [ __ ] is going on like I’m getting hit by lives I’m getting hit by all this [ __ ] random [ __ ] they’re trying to make me open up my DMs they trying to make me buy [ __ ] like it’s just non-stop goofy to make me open up my DMs dude no for real it’s like it it sucks it’s like so ugly yeah but there’s and there’s also so much more [ __ ] going on there is a lot going on it’s true that’s how it is and with Vine it was like if you’re like you had to catch someone’s attention immediately because it was only six seconds so by the time it was over you already watched it whereas Tik Tok if you don’t watch it and it’s a minute long video then they won’t push it because they’re going to be like no one gives a [ __ ] about this video so it’s like mhm that’s also interesting too true lots of nuances yep oh my God no I agree like the Tik Tok shop stuff is so annoying it’s like get that off my page right now it sucks it’s so bad because that and Instagram are both trying to do that now I know it’s just so dumb and then every like three Scrolls it’s somebody trying to sell you something on TI Tok it’s either a Tik Tok shop ad and a a promoted ad or some weird dude with a fake crying face playing uh like Minecraft and you’re like dude what is this dude you know what I hate about Tik Tok lives is if you accidentally click on it your name shows up in the feed yeah so it’s like embarrassing like ah great man I didn’t mean I didn’t mean to click on this I’m sorry dude the same thing happens with Instagram bro I like I clicked on like uh an Instagram live on accient the other day and the person had like 20 viewers and they so saw me join does your name show up on yeah dude it says Chris melberger has joined and I’m like ah [ __ ] like Chris Chris mberg what’s yo what’s up dude it’s been a while I’m like oh [ __ ] now I’m here I guess great great yeah everyone great they like announce your presence I know imagine if twitch chat was like that you clicked on and it was like Chris malberg has just joined the chat well I was talking about uh like a while ago you know how Discord will show who’s typing imagine if twitch had that you be so chaotic like no one would like I would never type again true cuz sometimes if I’m crafting a joke for chat I’m working on it for like a second you know what I mean so it’ be like it would be like I’m typing for like a minute one and only yeah it’s super fun dude yeah it’s so funny it’s weird yeah calling someone out uh in uh who’s lurking on Twitch chat is gross like that’s such a a weird move no you’re a weirdo for that like I’ll say it yeah that [ __ ] sucks I if you did that to me I would never come back to your stream ever again I agree no point I would feel so uncomfortable cuz like why you calling out people who just want to Vibe you know what I mean I would simply never come back cuz it’s like what’s the point yeah do you remember that era on Twitch where people were downloading those um unfollow Bots where people could tell if you like unfollowed them pathetic what a bizarre what a bizarre time if you ever if you if you have’t any if anyone has an app or like a program that lets you know when someone unfollows you you simply need to log off Lally just log off there’s no log off there’s no point like who cares yeah guys it was really popular and like I want to say like 2019 or 2020 but it was like a whole set I appreciate the lurks dude appreciate him cuz I used to I used to like if someone unfollow me I’d be like ah man that sucks what did I do now I’m like bro I simply don’t fit their Vibe anymore like they’re probably like moving on or they’re doing their own thing I’m not going to be upset I you what I will do notice what I will do I will unfollow them immediately back if like if not not immediately but if I see that they unfollow me and we were just mutuals I’ll unfollow them because I simply don’t probably give a [ __ ] about their content either so I’m like all right a mutual unfollow and move on with our lives see you later you know what I mean I don’t normally I only unfollow people if they turn out to like stink you know what I mean so if someone unfollowed you you would keep following them I mean I’d have to notice first which is so let’s say you notice some like randomly um I don’t know maybe maybe I’d unfollow them it drama I probably would oh yeah no drama I definitely do but sometimes I’ll unfollow someone just to get that skinny looking uh follow ratio wants that ratio I want that I want that good ratio he wants the good looking ratio no I it would be so rare for me to even notice because I genuinely don’t check like I don’t know I L I’ve got a million more serious things to do than check and see if everybody who I follow follows me back oh yeah no you don’t yeah don’t don’t do that but some people do and that’s weird oh yeah Fair like the people who follow 4,000 accounts and have 20 followers it’s it’s it blows my mind like I just don’t know if I give a [ __ ] about that many people like what and what they have to say that’s fair you know like not even trying to roast it’s like I I could I simply couldn’t care about that what people have to say that many people at least I follow way too many on on I I I follow way too many on Twitch I want to unfollow a bunch but I also don’t want to like upset anyone cuz I’ll probably see at twitch conon they’ll notice but like there just people who I haven’t watched since like a raid and I’m like I just have to scroll past their [ __ ] face every day I I like following a lot of people for raid purposes fair cuz it gives like it gives you more options to raid people but I feel you like if you only interact with somebody like once ever and you’re like I don’t even know who this is then Rob you’d be surprised Rob said no one would notice uh if someone follow you on Twitch you would be surprised unfortunately that’s not true a lot of people so surprised a lot of people have too much time on their hands yeah yeah it would it would be a thing you would get like a a twit longer wow I guess you know people are different these days no the do it longer no Rob it’s not even like the fing list it’s literally SL user Chris melberger in chat and like oh wait doesn’t follow me anymore what happened what what what I do what what bro think you know what I mean like because you can see immediately they don’t follow with the user [Laughter] time yeah yep yeah but honestly if if they have that much time to be upset then it’s probably it was probably worth the unfollow T you know what’s funny too sometimes seeing like old regulars in like other like streams like flourishing it’s kind of like it’s kind of nice it’s kind of like it’s like Bittersweet but in like a nice way you’re like oh look at them like they they found they found a place where they’re comfortable and they’re vibing and like doing their thing yeah that’s cute like all at them there they are look at them go look at them look at them go I’m so proud of them okay I’m simply going to go back now I un followed someone in Pokemon go once and they hunted me down on Twitter and sent you a message about it yeah like that’s oh my God big old wiener I hope they’re doing good I forgot about big old wiener sometimes when I’m streaming um and I’m showing my my Twitter I I’ll forget that I have people muted and like you could definitely like kind of tell who the account is and I’m like oh [ __ ] oh why cuz it like pops up well it’ll just say like this account is muted oh yeah but it’s like muted for like real reasons like I don’t want to see you know all all your tweets about like this singer sorry don’t care everybody like overthinking that it’s them now they’re like oh [ __ ] I tweet about Taylor swivel I tweet about K-pop oh [ __ ] [Laughter] wait yeah I didn’t even think about that I only have people who are like uh controversial muted cuz I’m like I don’t ever want to see any of your stuff ever but you but you also don’t want to break the the mutual follow no if I follow you I don’t have you muted cuz I would just unfollow you oh oh oh you’re saying you mute people who you don’t even follow yeah I mute people that I don’t follow cuz like they’ll show up like on the like whatever for you oh yeah I have so many annoying streamer Twitter people muted I’m just like I don’t care about these takes at all bro me we’ll be muting you cuz I usually don’t do the full block I’m not really like a block guy yeah yeah well block guys are like that’s like a serious move to be a blocker but some people don’t care like Brian G Biggle is like I’ll I’ll block you even if you just if your Tweet had just a weird vibe to it I’m like I respect it that’s fair do your thing yeah but yeah I’m definitely like I don’t know I’ve just never really been a block guy but I’m a big mute guy true yeah I’m mute and not even for people like that I interact with or followers just like complete randoms if like you’re if they’re in shows up too much on my page whether that’s like the following tab or the for you like you’re getting muted we’ll be muting you I don’t want to see your stuff we’ll mute you we’ll mute you we’ll be muting you bud I’ve had I’ve had some uh phrases blocked or or black listed for so long that I forgot about it so like I’ll randomly see like a Spider-Man tweet that has all the words muted I’m like oh [ __ ] cuz it was like oh I didn’t want like Spider-Man to be uh spoiled for me or something oh that’s true I probably have like random stuff like that as well oh yeah like the Haw 2 [ __ ] like oh yeah that’s so funny for sure it’s just like it’s like why we why why that’s that’s all I have about it [Music] fair but yeah if it brings you happiness to not have to see words like that please feel free to mute them you know Rob yeah no I I I’m actually happy that I didn’t know about it either until uh it was brought to my attention and then it was everywhere all of a sudden cuz I didn’t know about it at all I was like I don’t even know what the [ __ ] this is and now it’s like all over the place okay it’s like okay here’s the thing it’s a funny it’s a funny little moment that she had when she was drunk with drunk out and about and like it was probably like a funny thing it didn’t need to become a [ __ ] Global sensation at all didn’t didn’t have to it was just someone being silly and drunk and having fun and then of course the internet had to make it creepy and stupid and there you are especially like the amount of like older dudes who are like oh yeah this is what you want this is the kind of girl you want to bring home and marry dude [ __ ] yeah it’s like dude you have a family you have a family your daughter’s closer to her age than you are to her age you [ __ ] creep [ __ ] weirdo oh yeah but Ryan drinking kombucha and talking about like spitting on a dick is very different as well right or no [Music] uh you know probably taste the same hey I would not know any fact Checkers guys we move along we simply move along that was so out of pocket [Music] but yeah I don’t know as long as she’s having fun and not and not uh bothering anyone I don’t think it actually matters we simply just wipe our memory of the last five minutes yeah Saint also also true yeah I mean I think she just I for me I think she deserves whatever the [ __ ] she wants get her bag I just think the people behind her getting famous or you know it’s it’s just weird but it doesn’t surprise me either the internet’s [ __ ] crazy but it it is kind of bizarre like Britney brosi didn’t like how a kombucha tastes and then she’s met like celebrity and has a podcast and is just like super famous now but that’s also just that’s how it is and they kind of leaned into it and they’re like this is my thing now yeah exactly like she continued to follow up with it and has been entertaining enough for to build and cultivate an audience like that’s just how it is yeah I think that’s like a lot of people if they have one viral moment they either say [ __ ] get we ball and we go for it or they simply go all right I don’t I don’t like this at all and I’m out and both are valid both are valid moves you know Scout no exactly exactly yeah going from being uh an insurance agent to like interviewing Harry Styles is pretty cool oh yeah no I mean dude the amount of people who moved to LA because they had like a viral moment and then they’re like all right now what like it doesn’t happen overnight sometimes it does but you have to like continue [ __ ] grinding also you don’t have to go to La anymore I feel like and I guess like things don’t go viral as much anymore so like having like something that go Mega viral is a big deal okay we’re going to go down here I thought La would be a cool move uh for this to like live near JN so we could like do NE more and uh like hang with Julian and Pals But ultimately I just the scene for for me I just wasn’t like thrilled with it I don’t know like I I I like I like having Seasons I like being near grass and I don’t know like yeah I I I just I just like that I like Jersey but I I do like visiting uh California like I love visiting it but I’m just not like sold on living there for me personally cuz I’m not used to it like I’m I’m a east coast boy [Music] but I I go like three times a year usually so I’m there enough anyway yo Natty thanks man I appreciate that cool yeah the traffic sucks too okay we’re we’re in a good oh what the [ __ ] is that cool we’re in a good we’re a good area right now for uh killing mummies for the most part but I’m not going to lie the the weather has been so gross lately here I don’t I don’t think we’ve had a a summer this hot in a long time I feel like like was this was this arguably way hotter than last year I feel like last summer didn’t get to like the ’90s every day and this humid like every [ __ ] day has been like really gross we are doomed grueling is a good word what y’all’s high like temperature wise or humidity wise temperature wise it’s been like 90s 93 94 but like the humidity has been just like it feels like it’s been like 70% or more it’s really heavy and sticky yeah Mom yeah it’s it’s just it’s just too much 115 is diabolical yeah the and the rain feels good but for a sec but then you’re like oh this is still gross bro I made it to 43 without even doing like any stairs really which is kind of cool yeah my my sister’s wedding was so hot I felt so bad like it was it wasn’t like terrible but it was definitely very uncomfy for a little so luckily when we went inside it was like air conditioning super nice but it was definitely a little spicy yeah it was in New Jersey yeah should bust out some water balloons yeah and hit hit everyone with some water balloons in their super nice outfits it’s been a cooler summer oh in Chicago really you go swimming most days bro my dad’s been on a swimming Arc I might start doing that like just go to the pool cool off a little bit get some laps in feel stronger about myself I just can’t do anything really until my tattoo heals cuz the sun is diabolical yeah fall weddings are cool but here the fall it’s only pretty for like maybe two weeks and then it’s gross so you would have to like hope you get like a good fall cuz then it just like looks ugly like there’s no leaves and it’s just like s sad looking oh yeah swimming is really good for working [Music] out fall for used hurricane season oh wait I can build another I’m never get to get a tattoo again in the summer yeah dude I had to wear a whole I had to wear a whole cover cover up thing at the wedding and it was like leaking and I was getting like a rash cuz I was like sweating while wearing it cuz I didn’t want it to get ruined really cool here we go I feel like we’re close I feel like we’re at like we’re we’re almost at 50 come on you can’t swim bro I haven’t swam in a while Chris I just had a cut scene and your wife was hitting on me is that okay sure nice what was she saying she’s uh showing me space that’s not hitting on you that’s just showing you space no she showed me space and then she said Sammy um can I tell you something and I said yes and she said never mind that how’s it since when is that hitting on anyone what bro so clueless what do you mean I’m clueless she was just wanted if someone said that to you they’re definitely hitting on you no she wanted to say that she was that she loves me in the game but she but she didn’t so why didn’t she say it because she’s nervous why did she say never mind I don’t know copium I’m divorcing [Laughter] her clueless oh great I’m going to pass out good you deserve it too long you home wer no I’m kidding come on I deserve it she’s the one who did that not me Pro said you deserve it did you entertain it a little bit wild no I looked through the telescope and then I left then I passed out in the Quarry you know you know Sebastian gave me a look the other day no he didn’t he did he said hey nice H never mind and I was like okay no he didn’t say that because I know all his cutcenes so okay creep creep you know sorry I’m just kidding bro said creep I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding like actually I know we’re not playing this is why we’re not playing um tied together or whatever tied together what’s it called chain together oh so the same thing you’re right so wait come on let’s play it guys GI her a 100 subs and we’ll play guys no all right Chris I value our friendship isn’t that enough you said you wanted 1 th000 Subs before yeah okay yeah I do I I would play for a thousand Subs okay okay so you going to gift them or me personally no but like I respect you all right you know what that’s good enough I play can I do a quick pause I want to get a a ginger yeah yeah Chad be right back enjoy this lovely music bye oh yeah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] love [Music] [Music] sup Shelby how you doing okay I actually grabbed a Coke Zero sugar oh snap yeah who is he oops oops oh that’s kind of nice what up biles kind of refreshing right what up KC it is actually yeah yeah you’re right yeah all right I’m going to go check and see how many mummies I have to kill now we’re almost there going to kill mummies that’s what I’ve been doing yeah nice how many days do you have left for it it’s not it’s not a quest I’m just doing it for Perfection oh right right bro saying right right right right oh that’s nice uh Garden’s been good we went live yesterday in this in the garden actually uh we got a few jalapenos and some peas that were that were uh edible I think our tomatoes are going to be ready though in the next like I’m assuming week we’re going to have a lot of red tomato what’s up Chris thank you dude how you doing man Pepsi guy here too oh [ __ ] let’s see oh I need okay I need to kill 26 more mummies and then 15 more pepper [Music] rexes I feel like the pepper Rex one’s tough because those are like hard to come by no yo Burger heart’s in the chat guys if you can by the way for Juba Juba we appreciate you yo Haley page with the 26 what up Haley how you doing good to see you than you for the 26 Haley it’s been [ __ ] years I feel like hope you good hope you’re good they pop up more than uh when you go deeper into the skull okay Su G ismo yeah we’ll um we’ll maybe see if we can get uh deeper uh in the cave how many I think I have a decent amount of stairs okay oh monster musk could be smart too growing pumpkins is tough because they take up a lot of room that’s the only issue so that’s the that’s the one thing like we don’t have like the space for them but that is a the fun idea it’s been too long been lurking oh nice well I hope you’ve been enjoying the vods dude want to hear an awful Farm secret maybe maybe but I’m also scared yo sorb let’s go Katie happy 28th can we get some beat G’s in the chat yeah mais I need to beat uh I need to beat hitman I’ve been slacking cuz that was a very we were almost done with it too I think I have like one stream left and I will probably get it yeah happy birthday Katie Hy birthday yeah but after uh fortnite with Sammy later tonight I might stick around and either do some like batro or some snap because snap has drops and the new season just started so we’ll probably do some like chill late night Vibes possibly okay dude biles no [ __ ] way how many crops you have to do you have to destroy that sucks is it like a lot regardless that stinks but is it like a [ __ ] ton or is it just like a little patch yeah the company that sprayed your stuff owes you owes you a lot for that damage right I’m assuming no 90% of your income that is [ __ ] oh you you you definitely can sue I’m assuming right you that’s a lawsuit that has to be that they they literally [ __ ] you over that’s that’s got to be something tomatoes peppers watermelon Canal love onions yeah dude that’s they have insurance okay but even still it it it it for me like and I’m sure you probably feel this way to have to like destroy your crops must feel like [ __ ] because like you put a lot of you know time and energy into cultivating them so I I’m assuming you’re it’s like a bummer regardless cuz if you guys didn’t know bil is a farmer and they actually share a lot of their uh pictures in our Discord of like their crops and everything so that’s really [ __ ] sad wow well dude keep us posted and good luck with everything that’s stinks oh yeah all the soil and stuff because there’s so there’s so much like logistically you have to deal with with uh crops and stuff three Monon process okay we got Aaron Brockovich on their ass okay there we go another one of these guys two Dino eggs it’s actually I got two Dino eggs from one Dino that’s all we like to see right there BR was a [Music] mother I’m still rizing the town up or Mak it oh my God a bunch more dinos also keep keep the Risen going you’re you’re the you’re the rard of Oz over there oh nice okay we just just hit 8 out of eight with Elliot another one another one another one this game’s kind of [ __ ] up lowkey like I just killed like a dinosaur and all his bones just th like flopped everywhere oh God right like when you think about it that’s a lot yeah why is Caroline so picky girl only loves two things true I’m getting sushi for dinner today oo yummy yeah we’re going with the Philly roll and a spicy tuna roll a classic yeah you you know how it is I like spicy tuna rolls too I didn’t really I I didn’t think you were a spice kind of guy I don’t mind spice I can’t do like I can’t do like wild spice but like like mild spicy I like you’re right you’re right yeah you know what you’re right my favorite um Sushi is a cooked shrimp roll though ooh okay unmatched goated California roll is good too I like a California roll oh my God it’s is it it’s downpouring outside yeah it was here oh my God it looks heavy like heavy rain I love that game yes nice did you ever play Heavy Rain or no I did I did indeed actually nice really really nice yeah I’m going to go farm that level real quick I think it was 15 yeah dude that rain is so heavy like the game no exactly exactly exactly exactly I want to play more GIC phone true it was fun it’s a good vibe I agree it’s also just like something different you know something that’s all you really need you just got to switch it up occasionally switch it up switch it up touch your friend’s hair throwback random [Music] random you had to be there guys you had to be there you had to be there in Chris’s chat in 2018 and if you weren’t then it’s too damn bad you missed it there should be an item that they that uh he drops next that instead of a stair it’s like a elevator thing or something that that goes up one floor thoughts on that interesting I like it I’m going to try doing that going down there one small random come on nice oh my God there’s so many many dinosaurs down here Sammy profound Jurassic Park profound Jurassic world yes dude we I I got I got the dude I got I got the one that I thought was going to be really hard let’s go pepper pepper is very pleased let’s go Marlin yo chat W on letting me know I can go back to that cuz I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t know yeah you’re going to like the way you look chat thank you silly who helped with that that was smart as hell pwned just P just poning noobs don’t mind me nice yo casual thanks for the 13 months Pon in 2024 crazy uh AJ thanks for the resub Haley thanks again for the resub as well appreciate that meouch thank you also yo we’re lowkey rich bro the rain’s done already it was a torrential downpour and now it’s gone also we are rich you had a weird Cloud yeah I think I [Applause] did oh now this is a tune oh it’s Sand’s birthday today I got to get to the desert oh she likes daffodils right like stuff that reminds her of home let me see Sandy s yeah dael or Sweet Pea surely I have one of those sitting around yeah you definitely St do Valley fairs tomorrow do we care at all or couldn’t give three [ __ ] [Laughter] Sam I figured I’ll keep it a full stack um I pretty much feel the same way so you can say it just say you don’t give a [ __ ] I can’t come on just say I can’t come on I can’t just say it please I’m dying just say it please please I’m dying I need to hear [Laughter] it say [ __ ] or [Laughter] [ __ ] not all that um so I think the uh for Perfection it’s it’s combined which is cool makes it easier it is combined yeah it would be literally impossible if it wasn’t let me talk to this old man right here oo a Knights helmet oh dang cool look like a nerd actually giving coal from House of dragon anyone Rob saying something and then doing the immediate side eye anybody think it’s funny anyone get the reference or who cares anybody yo C I appreciate that thanks even all the emotes have hats bro oh true you’re right all right let’s get let’s get 11 mummies out here yeah a lot of people are really enjoying it which is awesome let the Scout breathe hey there she is hey man I just had to give Sandy her gift okay body Y yti and then a little a little helmet body body y then a little protection on the head okay we stand safety is uh what’s his name Edward uh Ed Ed Sheeran is Ed Sheeran in the in house of dragon guys he needs to be in the last season and he needs to sing again so clamoring I didn’t know where you were going with Ed shiran sorry no one does was there any Ed Sheeran at the wedding no oh w w is me no bro they’re always playing edge here in at weddings it’s like hey man there’s somebody else there’s there’s other artists out there there was a there was a cute moment where like my sister and all of our friends and a few other gals um uh I think Dancing Queen played and they were all like just in like a circle that’s fun dancing Queen’s iconic at weddings yeah gets people moving did you do the Cupid Shuffle dude that one didn’t play no Cupid Shuffle that’s that’s very I mean I don’t know if if this makes sense or not but it’s very like Southern like at like a lot of like Atlanta weddings that one plays a lot but like it never it would never really play up here I the C shovel at every single wedding in Wisconsin I’ve ever been to yeah I don’t know why it’s not as popping here I’ve actually been to two Atlanta weddings uh Rob believe it or not that’s okay to say the cupid it’s like the cupid Shu that’s all I really know oh is is it to the right to the right or is that a different one no that’s chaa slide you’re right what about what about the YMCA did you hit that uh that might have played I don’t I don’t recall I feel We are family is also like a classic one oh okay yeah for sure sweet car they also have to play um um don’t stop in that one that one definitely played trying think of it has to has to play there was a lot of like 2013 bangers like levels played which was sick oh okay yeah Clarity by Zed played and I was kind of like Clarity was moving a littleit there’s something in that song I don’t know what it is but there’s something in it yeah there there I do think there’s drugs in that song yeah it’s there’s just it’s a perfect song it really is no latch did not play sorry oh Mr bright side yep that’s a banger you got to have a little something for everybody at weddings yeah there were some slow ones there were some fast ones oh God poisoned poisoned I’m I’m poisoned [Laughter] brother Macar I might have played I don’t remember I don’t think it did ma the Macar honestly is whatever I feel like it’s very like hey I’m at a third grade party right I feel yeah I feel like it doesn’t play Super often at weddings at least here yeah but I do like it like the song is a Bop but it’s like yo why are we all doing this little dance okay there was one song that played I forget what it was it was like a Brazilian song um and uh my sister’s fiance’s family who was there went wild it’s like a whole dance that they have and it was awesome oh snap yeah it was like the dad the mom the sister uh and a few other and it was it was sick okay sure pop off yeah I forget what it was but it was like so [Music] fun I I think some Wicked played for my sister cuz she’s like a music musical girly hot to go was supposed to play um my actual gay cousin requested it but that’s funny but the guy didn’t have uh didn’t have it on his like Shuffle or whatever the [ __ ] or like to download it I was like well that sucks so we we did we did the dance anyway all together it was cute [Music] get with the time [Music] bud rattling bog play that one was fun cuz like there was a giant Circle and everyone had their drinks and then like you it’s the one where you have to like keep drinking until like the part stops and one dude drank two full beers and it was epic it was like such a cool moment was epic it was so pagers two full beers that’s actually nuts yeah and there were like dark ones too like o OD Stouts like bro that’s a lot of beer at one one moment nice I haven’t been to a wedding in forever bro get married again can’t to lose spent too much money you’re right yeah it’s a little expensive [Music] shees but yeah all my friends already got married so get new friends yeah you’re right I mean it’s like hey man come on N weddings are fun but they’re also like I I went to like six this year you know what I mean dude I’m not even joking when I was 20 I went to 10 weddings in one year bro like you’re you’re you’re in the negatives from all the gifts you got out that’s what I’m saying like I went to so many weddings when I was young like not young but like you know like a while ago and now I don’t have any left to go to yeah the next the next one would be like B true like realistic B get married I want to go to a wedding B come on speed it up bud speed it up speed it up is wild like B Carla I’m trying to think of other people who who just need to get married that’s funny any any any of my mods I love a good wedding B honestly I’m on the dance floor at any at any wedding no matter what oh I always go on the Dance Floor are you kidding crispy Kev yep but also like not everyone wants to get married either like it’s you know it’s one of those things where like some people just don’t feel like they need to even though even though the tax benefits are worth it true I will have been married for six years in at the end of September look at that is wild kind of crazy you didn’t invite me to yours but whatever didn’t know you yet thought we were friends since high school literally didn’t know you li the chat so we were friends since high school it’s fine man whatever dude chain together though would be fun thoughts Sammy you me a chain jumping scaling just like only up together for what for chain together no Chris come on dude why do you want to play so bad because everyone’s been asking on my tail about it well play with band no he’s playing with luxie oh play with Lopes Lopes Lopes doesn’t his internet sucks right now oh all right like we have like play with somebody else someone who actually wants to play You’re right thanks I’ll just play solo game’s easy chain to yourself just chain both my legs are chained game’s easy that’s funny already time for bed time for bed great I haven’t gone to bed successfully in so long you always pass out yeah me IRL n come on I think chrispy’s playing already with with with a lob it’s fine I just won’t everever play it I don’t even want to I got to focus on the Elden ring DLC anyway and balers gate you’re right what’s Su caffein how you doing cool and outer wilds and tears of the Kingdom dude I didn’t see one [ __ ] mummy really yo Nick thanks for the 74 months dude we playing with the first time chatter could be hype actually that’d be a good idea you start a new uh tiers of the Kingdom safe file it’s been fun any gours around [Music] n Julie already play with with uh Julian okay that’s fine uh let’s go let’s sell some stuff here play OverWatch 2 later um yeah I’ll check my schedule and get back to you I might be busy [Music] why are you playing OverWatch 2 later [Music] no all right I don’t even have it downloaded personally I feel like it’s a bit Hefty now it’s Hefty yeah it really is OverWatch isn’t isn’t a fun stream game it it’s fun to play but it’s it’s it’s hard to watch if you don’t know what’s going on I think it’s also kind of like hard to explain too like you know how to play it but it’s like kind of hard to put into words yeah like hey guys so it’s two teams people are like I I already don’t remember anything I already don’t [Music] know oh yeah you might get OverWatch fans in chat which is Yo oh there’s a festival today all right well I don’t care [Music] there Maisy no way yeah we’re kind of we’re kind of killing it when’s Lala paloa even Lala I’m going to the desert yeah that’s going to be a good time though for real August uh 1st to 4th oh [ __ ] that’s fun okay we’re almost done with this with these mummies here who’s Orville peek do you know how that is isn’t that they aren’t they a singer or something I don’t know it’s probably right why I don’t know someone said I look like Orville peek meets Chapel rone oh I don’t know what they look like so I can’t confirm that same I have no idea he’s a country singer okay why the hell would I know that Yeehaw yeehaw H yeah oh gay country oh okay still still wouldn’t know that I’ll check him out though I’ll check him out bro I can’t lose ally points for not knowing a country singer come on if anything I should be gaining ally points thanks okay you went to do his concert last month and cried like a baby yeah I never heard of him I’m also not on Tik Tok really so that’s probably why I’m sure he has like four viral Tik Tok songs okay okay there we are [ __ ] hole let’s go give me give me give me some mummies here oh there we are so floor 22 has mummies so I could just keep coming back here I guess never mind I got got it complete all complete all the Metro Guild monster Slayer goals let’s go y we are so back we’re done I can I can finally come home I can finally come home what Su Cloud Strife how you doing my wife and kids Natty Fair yeah y Cloud thank you dude appreciate that general for a photo of him okay okay so that’s he’s a Cool vibe he’s got a Cool vibe okay new outfit thanks man felt like changing my FIT today you know that’s fine you’re allowed to do you’re allowed to do that thank you you’re welcome okay I’m going to bring that with me I need hardwood and Moss oh okay hardwood and Moss where’s all the Moss at man there it is lying [Music] voice hey there’s my baby there’s my [Music] son there is a little guy all right I’m going to go I’m going to go to the island and check to see how far we are I’m going to go the island and see what our percentage is do you think it’s 43 now or still 4 May yeah probably right like one or two% let’s hope fingers crossed we need this we really do also I can’t talk to anybody in the town today because of the festival so oh I can’t Riz anybody up today unfortunately we’re rless we we’re rless [Laughter] there we go lot of fruits on the trees over here have you played four in a while or not really yeah I uh I played the other day what was it for oh um the Wounded Warriors Project tournament oh how’d that go good nice good 51% Sammy 51 oh we’re so back we went up 10% yeah that’s what we call Good Guys bro we’re close to okay we had to figure this out man don’t worry we’re about to be even closer because I keep gifting everybody’s stuff so yeah that’s huge actually nice uh I’m going to go I got the quest we have to uh sell stuff to him in his collection box different colored items also pretty fun um do you know off the top of your head what the next Obelisk costs if I had a guess 500k maybe 850 yeah I feel like they’re not a million right we already I feel like we bought the two most expensive yeah we got the big ones so I think the other ones are like maybe even 500 yeah okay cool I might go check on that tomorrow all right yeah let us go let us simply go let me give this guy a mango real quick here cool later little man later little bud has anyone seen weathering with you by the way or weathering for you I think it’s weathering with you I watched it last night really good very good yeah Sahara it’s awesome it’s uh it was on HBO but it’s essentially in the same universe I think as your name and I I loved it it’s so pretty oh my God I have seen the cat returns yes say some poppy John’s get a hot like Papa John on and on Apple I need to watch I need to watch that next I know it’s the same creators what sup Warren how you doing so that is next on my uh agenda copper ore okay you love that movie yeah it looks awesome your name’s one of my favorites though like it’s I’ve seen it I think three times and it’s like my one of my favorite movies ever so good Hazel I would recommend it it’s and I would I would watch it in uh its original language and do subtitles because it kind of forces you to also pay attention but it’s it’s just like it acted incredibly it’s it’s it’s such a good experience and a really cool uh story as well hey Alex I would watch uh your name first and then you can watch weathering after but the order doesn’t actually matter too much I don’t think big Tad’s all good yeah Yousef same I did watch I did watch um the boy and the Heron dubbed but that was because the cast was like stacked it was like all it was Robert patson William defo Florence Pew and it was like a really like Christian Bale and I I didn’t mind it but uh yeah Hugh Jackman I think was also SOA that’s not even a hot take I don’t think I think your name is is definitely better than weathering with you but weathering with you is cute do you mind if I take a really quick BRB sure thanks man no problem Chad rear back as well I think my food’s here that for okay it’s interesting it has an older kind of vibe to it which is cool it feels like it you know like I don’t want to say Johnny Cash but you know what I mean like it has like an older kind of like I don’t know like a cooler his new song with no Osirus is good yeah it’s cool oh this is an Euphoria okay oh [ __ ] I’m just not muted how’s it go that low if a tumble weed could okay for okay yeah it’s very yeah this has Elvis Vibes to it I’m Gonna Roll I’m Gonna Roll this by the way if anyone’s down it’s not so it’s not my like kind of music that I normally give a [ __ ] about but I can see why people are into it if that’s fair to say like I’m not like going out of my way to listen to this kind of stuff but also like I can see why people like it it’s it’s very it’s very nice it feels like it it’s a kind of thing that would grow on you yeah I also love the idea of like a bunch of country dudes listening to this and not knowing like this guy’s Vibe and like loving the music and then being like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay dang okay sure if you like it I love it my wife was originally a fan then I got into him because we’ve seen him live a few times oh dope yeah no for sure I like it oh [ __ ] D bear no way with the seven years I should probably make an alert for this hey man did I hear you say you’re getting food before I got up I thought I was going to but it’s not here yet oh great yeah so I’m just a little hungry boy again all right I’m going to roll this thing now bro starving that’s actually kind of the key is when you you think the food’s here and you’re like all excited yeah then nothing when you were a kid you got excited like because the you thought the guests were here and then they they’re not you’re like ah great remember that like when you miscalculated and you thought Christmas was earlier than it was your mom’s like no it’s tomorrow actually you’re like no oh crap great great great next time next time y so true all right damn I should have gambled more 34k only nine people won or 10 people won that’s that’s wild tattoo by the way guys is uh it’s healing nice but it’s still a little like crusty and [ __ ] at times that’s just how it is been moisturizing as much as I could you’re welcome for donating my points day 17 of fall it’s already almost winter me IRL let me peel that crust 28k gone got 15K nice don’t have these blueberries um who the iron ore I can donate those fiber I’m going to donate the fiber as well anything honestly these mangoes and these bananas I could probably donate too we have so many Hazel it is wild actually what sup bkin how you doing dude [Music] yo Hayden thanks for the 11 months dude I appreciate that man hope you have been good brother for the 11 months yeah big tatties we went a little while with our outfit LG’s in the chat for the reubs appreciate that dude I’m Go Fish here real quick okay bring back the lfgd guys come on we need we need this lion fish oh my God my neck okay let’s do the let’s do Green’s done yellow’s done I think red Blue’s almost done okay need more red and then oh purple okay purple red and orange and blue okay yeah so Those ads are are cool the ones that like pop up or whatever but they don’t like take up the whole [Music] screen yo Claire nice I kind want to put on a hoodie it’s a little cold in my room if I could say that y y need some red and some blue and some purple o void Essence are are purple I think and then rubies are red Fire [Music] Quartz [Music] blue Frozen geode yeah I think void Ence is smart aquamarine for for blue as well and then solar Ence for yellow I think we already did yellow that right I mean orange red oh [ __ ] honestly Ru rubies or strange buns are probably smart for orange and then copper ore okay uh Leah yeah people have redeemed that in the past we have one recently actually yeah I’m going to do the uh copper war first to get those out of the way what’s up you son of a [ __ ] but the only person who’s done it twice is why yes indeed there they are there they are they’ve done it twice and they got the VIP badge do a bit and the tier n moments bad [Music] sheesh okay okay done nice okay oops whoops come on to buy some stuff but I have I’m sell those I’m going to buy some magic bait [Music] here cool I got 200 nice I’m F I finally made stuff for the kids oh that Ashley eme’s great for gifts oh oh wait what oh the little the little one the run that run around I had to make cakes and whatnot so that took forever smart I think hay also like anything else yeah what do you expect they’re kids you know what I mean they’re kids man they only want sweets they only want sweets those freaking Rascal Rascal those Rascal Flats yep does uh what’s his name Clint work today couldn’t tell you true dude sucks dude sucks dude’s cringe dude’s the worst I have no clue hey bud every long lost Road has its thorns who’s that fossilized skull is that new I don’t think so think I’ve never haven’t seen that in a while you could be true though I simply don’t know and an ancient sword and a golden pumpk cool oh that’s for the island [Music] okay we still need to finish the donations too I think somehow um for the museum yeah yeah I think we only have uh four left okay so if you see worms just hit them hit them hit a bunch of worms out here we need this mean not you this person I was like dang what I do dang my bad my apologies I’m going to yeah I’m going to try doing the treasure one uh up by the train I think so I I have some Mystic syrup or whatever it’s called oh nice okay cool every rose has its thorns where is the hardwood at oh I have it in my inventory cuz I was making kegs oh okay I seen five dump it back at home okay I just got to go visit the uh M doorf real quick oh I’ll meet you there okay cool I got to gift him something he likes uh rubies yeah I I have Jade for him nice [Music] [Music] okay oh yeah yeah so I’m going to uh probably try doing the treasure thing in an area that we don’t really go to often and see if we can get some more stuff for the Muse are you still there you are he no I’m not here anymore man bro just one give me one that’s so annoying wait just put uh put him in here oh you’re right I thought I’d give you the stack there you go thanks I was so good just handing you one out of that old stack I thought you doing it as like a goof I was like haha no I was trying to give you the whole thing haa so funny all right fingers crossed we get some good stuff up here true we need [Music] this ainus is over here what’s he looking at let me give you a coffee cool o jack [ __ ] oh just just clay oh my luck had to be atrocious today cuz we just got literally nothing dude great oh my God yeah I’m going to keep it real I never check the TV anymore so yeah I’m going to keep it a full stack no idea I haven’t checked in years true I need to go get my gift from uh slaying the mummies too yo just the 85 hey goodbye good to see you yo what up Mikey how you doing man appreciate that dude [Music] ooh oh dang [Music] cool so I think we’re done [Music] here that’s a fun hat yo what up too Jaden thank you very much appreciate that you for the 17 slappers yeah I think we’re pretty much close to Perfection I’m actually going to change my title to say that like they were close to Perfection so people tuning in could be like oh cool let’s just guy doing get out of here man bed’s full great bed’s full great let me just squeeze right in there and good night guys we’re all booked we’re we’re booked and busy I thought you crawling in the bed squeezing in there was so goofy let me go throw my baby oh it’s still sleeping let me go throw my baby as well y your poor junos are locked in here what is this jail that you made them no they’re how the [ __ ] are they supposed to get out of there they walk no they’re locked in here look at this no bro they’re magic this is a jail cell you you gave them bro they literally walk I don’t know man they’re magical Chris they use the laws of magic to get through nah honestly you know that if you ever talk to them I can’t speak their language actually well yes you can because the wizard taught you yeah yeah pack it up bud they’re in the timeout Corner yep no no they’re good guys they’re literally good guys over there okay I’m going to put uh the crab pots in a bunch of different areas to catch other fish too oh nice that we need I’m going to go to the ocean and to the secret Forest that we have and going put some like nice bait as well in there oo some truffles over here I’ll eat those yum what are these dude look how many freaking raccoons are here now oh we need pumpkin juice and a pickled eggplant For the raccoons by the way these raccoons they always want something you know what and it’s always something weird as [ __ ] it really is p juice and a pickled eggplant okay bud literally it’s like all right are you sure you want all that you [Music] positive you want to play maple story later never played before that’s fine okay [Music] chat any maple story [Music] Believers [Music] me hold the wife’s texted me real quick let me see what she has to say here what is this oh Chris it’s perfect timing that you show you showed up both the children on a little field trip into the countryside you know all about life in the country right so I was thinking could you be my guest speaker today I’d love to just call the children over bro this girl is always jump roping by the [Music] way can even tell me what a natural resource is natural resource is a material source of wealth that occurs in a natural state and has economic value well actually teacher pet why am I wearing this outfit teaching kids country life is all about farming the valley soil is an ideal Valley soil is ideal for growing delicious vegetable raising animals YY what up sloppy steak can I put a saddle on one of your cows and ride it into town I’ll be a real cowboy [Music] Oh [Music] okay it’s a lot of work to take care of these kids I don’t really mind I enjoy seeing them learn hopefully I can help them grow up to be good people would you ever want to be a parent Chris bro I have two kids what do you mean bro bro doesn’t know anything about [Music] me I’m getting cut scenes that I should have gotten probably when I first started playing cuz I was a penny teaching the kids stuff and she was like would you ever want to would you ever want to be a parent Chris bro I got two kids that’s so funny and one’s name is peanut [Laughter] butter y classic Brianna she probably does yeah oh Penny Penny was hitting on me oh okay rizzler Riz melberger that’s what they call you nope nope not today did the kids already go home no jazz is uh jump roping by her tree nice yeah actually helpful coms right actually genuinely helpful yeah you’re welcome man I got to give her a pink cake give her a cake she needs this yo karma coming in with the four years in the prime let’s [ __ ] go dudes in the goddamn chat for karma coming in with the four years bro four years four years is is a lot dude that’s wild I’m going to go catch the legend real quick yo Co all delete Thanks for the 22 months as well I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you let’s [ __ ] go dude oh it’s marne’s birthday it’s Mar’s bday today if you give a [ __ ] yeah I’m already best friends with her so oh sorry it’s all right I forgot I forgot sorry man I thought you knew like what can you do though I just gave her coffee for her birthday that’s a nice gift guess you could say things are getting kind of serious are you stealing her from you no I could no just in general from Lewis probably ooh no LS has that kill you yes he would with a yeah I get those vibes too yeah okay here we go we’re going to catch us something nice right here he’ locked me in the basement with his weird underwear yeah he would Death by underwear is wild it’s probably some some people’s like most exciting way to go I would say oh sorry is this is this where it is by the way this guy like right here am I doing it right I’m trying to catch the legend the legend there he is oh get him stick him what the [ __ ] oh Sammy did you get it oh man hold on why is bro far away where where’d he go [ __ ] oh my god dude you’re right you’re right bud it’s going well I think yes you got it [Music] finally get us out of here that’s our friend first try it’s too easy that took a too long that’s fair go we’re so back we’re doomed we’re so back we’re doomed for real though what the hell was that eat it I I kind of want to bro I kind of want to fry this thing do it cook it up I’m going to I don’t I don’t even care I’m going to cook it yo brevity thanks for the 43 months LG’s in the chat let’s go we’re going to live forever we’re going to eat this fish I’m GNA go cook this thing real quick over here top emotes of July incoming nah come on yep we’re cooking it I’ll come back for it God bless our troops God Bless America and Gent start your engines let’s go chat let’s actually go yo what up Philly cheese how you doing dude oh that’s where I have those this music’s Goofy this such like a Legend of Zelda kind of beat hey man what the heck sorry yo frolicing f with a thousand bits well there it is smoked yo smoked Legend oh my God 1300 energy and six it sells for 22,000 bro put that thing in the in the Box bro sell that thing holy [ __ ] it’s actually wild what the heck 22k okay yeah we’ll be taking that yeah we’ll we’ll be selling that okay who else do we need to catch this guy that guy it’s a cooked Legend right there yeah for real for real after this after this uh day I’m going to go grab my food okay sounds good yo geek girl s thanks for the tier one I’m actually G to go lay in bed and do it now while you’re doing some stuff chat be right back I’m G to go get my food while you guys uh Chill on this hype train I got some sushi [Music] okay thank you for think yo BL thank you dude silly goose magnalia thank you for the reubs as well I’m back and then what we what do we challeng out on today uh some sushi and an egg roll oh right right you already told me already forgot bad friends I’m used to it what I’m kidding wow guys it’s been a really great day today that reaction was wow that such a good what you think you know a guy mhm bro I’m actually mad jealous right now I got a [Music] meal you could order some if you wanted no why not I’m having a sub tonight you give off um either Italian sub or turkey sub Vibes yep I ordered an Italian tonight yep there’re so good a twitch Prime sub no that’s kind of nice though also hey I’d accept a twitch Prime over here but that’s just me bro why am I catching garbage in these things things what the hell is that I don’t know was that just a bad day like yeah I put I put magic stink like yeah what the hell off day probably um does anyone know where any other legendary guys are I’m going to go catch another one [Music] Fizz this is this today’s the day dude today’s the day we need to get to level five and then you can get it I need this angler guy I need this thing [Music] um I need all these little guys which will which come from the uh chest or the uh River pots I need I need a clam it looks like is the angler fish in the ocean or is that uh from the submarine so might be a submarine vibe north of the joj oh the wooden bridge okay I can just get that right now then and the mutant carp in the sewers oh this is free this is free so I don’t even need to use the magic bait technically since we’re in the fall so is it just right here there’s got to be something right there nope okay what’s up Finn okay middle of the bridge first try nope [Music] H [Music] ooh gold chest is cool [Music] is [Music] [Music] H the season matters but I have all the stuff on my uh Rod that would wouldn’t make it matter cuz I have like magic bait and I have special lures everything as well so I don’t know why we’re not getting it yeah we have shared money on this one yeah yeah I’m surprised it’s not popping up there it is free let’s go Sammy yeah that’s how we play right there men let’s go I got a question for you sure bud is something universally loved if one person doesn’t love it out of the group I feel like universally loved is a percentage based thing cuz it’s impossible for some for someone to like everything great I argued against that really cuz Okay listen so the starting Valley Wiki considers a couple things Universal loves but one or two characters don’t like it okay so they’re going off a percentage base but I’m well actually over here and I’m like well it’s not universally loved if they don’t all love it but that it’s not a universal love I think that’s different maybe than the the phrase in general for real people like yeah I think I I feel you like in real life there’s no way everybody could love some like one obviously but like in start new Valley like if you’re being Technical and you’re like well this is a universal love but don’t give it to Haley cuz she hates it well then it’s not universally loved it it’s just it’s it’s lik by most yeah it’s just it’s just loved by most see that’s what I’m saying like the stard valley Wiki like what are you doing that’s not a universal love I caught another legendary we’re actually cruising right now yeah nice so what’s the next one I need to do I don’t know what do you have left um we have a uh a bunch of them are like the the crab pots I think I just got the mut cart just right [Music] now I’m going to cook these two legendaries and then sell them for money [Music] what Su rogal who’s what the [ __ ] is this guy doing all the way up here look at that lamb bro’s chilling okay yeah I think I think a lot of them are from the crab pots and then the Night Market Fish what’s up Maggie toffee yeah normal speed’s a little slow cook Brook Fizz Kristen thank you guys all for the reubs as well I already got winter 4500 and 3,300 what bro what why the legend sell us for so much more yeah cuz it’s tricky oh oh night mark it is winter okay so that’s when we we could do the uh okay plotting and scheming yeah I got to catch the weirdo on the submarine oh right R run run are there any legendaries at the island that I have to catch still I feel like there’s probably one yo stir fry for dinner yep ra what’s like a what are like three veggies that have to be in stir fry like that are just like they have to be there I’m saying Peppers broccoli and onion for me yeah toally one sec let me just uh collect some stuff water chestnuts yeah dude water chestnuts [ __ ] those things are so crunchy I’m a [ __ ] for water chestnuts they’re good Sammy there’s a ton of uh ancient wine on the island should I sell it um like in the kegs yeah uh no I need to put them in the basement so you’re smart bring them back I’m not going to touch him then okay you’re you’re a good guy I got a question for you Sammy yeah so if you’re ever eating or or having stir fry right right what is the what are what are three must have vegetables for stir fry for you and a stir fry okay I’m going I’m going uh oh this is interesting let me think I haven’t had a stir fry in a minute so let me let me simmer on it I feel like it’s got to have um it’s got to have carrots are good too like a pepper of some sort right absolutely absolutely like some kind of some kind of pepper and then I feel like normally there there’s broccoli yeah okay got have a little Brock and then I’m going onion because I love onion and rice tell those are the three that I named so we’re friends what that’s are the exact ones yep literally there three bring it in man yeah we’re friends so what some Runner UPS though from chat snap peas which I agree with carrots also agree with and water chestnuts oh those are really good in stir fry okay oh the baby corns too yeah all right real quick what do we think we’re at Perfection wise what were we at Last Time 5 51 I’m going 53 okay I’m gonna go with 54 52 okay that’s fine okay okay sure respectable take that carrots Peppers garlic yeah that’s good um I think I’m going to buy another one of the obelisks tomorrow bees I’ll check them in a sec um a lot of ancient fruit just just we’re we’re cruising right now but I’ll check him in a sec you have too much free time all good oh bamboo shoots true I feel like you get that though if you’re like at a restaurant like fancy you know true Garlic’s also like a a I feel like Garlic’s more of like a seasoning kind of in that mix cuz it’s it Cooks down so much right I don’t I don’t think you would put like actual garlic in there I mean I guess you could but well you have to cut it up right well it’ be cooked you know yeah y I’m on a boat thanks for the 16 months I’m into it I love garlic no I am actually a garlic Fiend I pretty much only use garlic salt I don’t even use regular cuz garlic salt is just like Elite although I will shout out onion salt onion salt or like onion powder or is on like onion salt onion salt it’s good but like I prefer garlic over it true thanks oh sorry fish collection yeah I need to get a lobster still a crab yeah car song in your house right but why you are you are you in the basement yeah you eat pickled garlic daily okay you have 10 minutes to go to bed in game oh [ __ ] get the hell out of here I had to I didn’t know farting I’m farting you say you’re farting great ew look at the smoke bro is like still alive but on fire is he okay tly are uh so where are those ones at those are I think Night Market Vibes right like there’s no way I can get that unless I go to the night market or one of them at least is the ice fish the one in the ice Caverns cuz I can go get that one too ice pip is floor 60 okay I’ll go get the right now and then the spook fish is Night Market only which blows cuz it’s 10 days we’re not getting that today at all we are not getting that today for [Music] sure level 60 oh yeah this is free first try first try [ __ ] bro you got to be you got to be right on there you got to be right on it bro H I should I should take like a uh a thing that makes your fishing stronger too here we go okay so that’s going to be a ghost fish I think oh my God bro this is this is a ghostfish and it’s hard to catch okay what is that ice pip wait is that it oh it’s not a it’s not a legendary oh that’s just a regular fish that was it though okay cool and then that’s then we have to just go check the beach cool Legends let’s go to the let’s go town okay that’s what is that thing called perwinkle are there stardew parody songs like Minecraft ones dude probably stardew had like a different audience though it was like a lot more feminine and less children where I feel like M uh Minecraft has so many like yeah like I don’t know like this game’s a lot more has a lot more adult themes even though it doesn’t look like it would that that was those were all good by the way I think holy [ __ ] we just got so many Is are these also in the ocean are oyster and lobster in the ocean as [Applause] well or is that pond they’re both okay yep here we go or is it on the beach currently yeah it doesn’t count though cuz I have to catch it right Sam I just CAU like four things that we needed we’re cruising we’re literally so incredibly back we’re the backest we’ve ever been true they they actually have no clue what to do with us because we’re so bad yo Miranda with the 80 months holy [ __ ] with a tier two guys any big brother Watchers in the chat any big brother Watchers or Believers Miranda just made a new Twitter account for it if anyone gives a [ __ ] feel free to feel free to follow her big brother Twitter account you’re a huge big brother girle oh you’ve had it oh I’m sorry my bad well you guys want to go follow anyway there you go your favorite reality show there you go there you have [Music] it let me get over here Chan’s rewatching lost right now so good they don’t make them like they they don’t make shows like they used to man [Music] any love Island UK [Music] Watchers dude it’s really good and it’s also um just like crazy that they had so many episodes per season and it was just like a good budget it looked good a lot of practical effects great Cara like great actors like had like a just a ton of really good things going [Music] on okay Prime TV slot yeah oh my God oops little DeForest station I think we’re probably at 55 Now 52 still a [ __ ] you buy that obis today or what ah I can’t today I or maybe I could if I could get over there in time but I’ve been gifting people stuff that’s fine man just say just say you forgot dude yeah I probably did it’s fine yeah I forgot I was too busy handing out piz and cakes the the the ending is is Hit or Miss for a lot of people but the the writing is just so like the way they would just go like into other people’s it felt like they didn’t try to you know try to save money or like break any I I don’t know how to explain it but every scene felt intentional and like it mattered and they didn’t want to like budget cut you know what I mean like every scene when they would go back in time when they would go to they the people’s lives everything looked real good it felt like every episode felt like a movie kind yeah they weren’t cutting corners of what we’re looking for there and that’s why it was successful because now nowadays half these [ __ ] shows just look like [ __ ] they’re filmed all in the same spot there’s no there’s no love Yeah Jukin exactly cuz like there are a lot of different characters that you either find to love or hate but that’s why it’s exciting let me sell some [ __ ] here shrimp okay plus there’s a dog Ryan yeah they were like figuring out as they went slim yeah the uh the 100 I remember starting off and I thought it was cool I I I didn’t really stick with it though yeah I finished dark matter I loved it it’s not going to be for everyone and it’s a little I think convoluted or complex at times but I loved it I thought it was [ __ ] awesome I read the book though and I thought they did a great job with it and I think if you have Apple TV you should check it out Breaking Bad was is is also up there with loss for like best one of the best shows ever honestly Game of Thrones before the ending was some of the best television ever as well it’s not that long of a book no like everyone was talking about that [ __ ] everyone was talking about it that [ __ ] was everywhere the battle of the bastards the Red Wedding like so many moments that people were [ __ ] losing their minds over The Last of Us is amazing still on a rewatch Miranda not the not the [ __ ] the only Pro my only problem with Battle of the bastards was how dark it was I’m sorry it was a little too dark for my liking bright can we brighten that [ __ ] up a little bit or no it was kind of hard to see at times but it was a great episode I couldn’t see [ __ ] I couldn’t see [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s why like watching old movies is nice because they didn’t give a [ __ ] about like making scen super dark so every scene was just like the saturated as hell and you could see everything even scary scenes you could see almost the whole [ __ ] screen because they give a [ __ ] about lighting and making everything super dark so you can barely see [ __ ] Hollow what can’t you figure out Jack it help you with Batman it takes place in England they don’t get sunshine you use lights you use a bunch of Lights alien was really dark I never saw alien and I have to I know I’m an idiot for not seeing it so it’s on my it’s on my to watch list cuz I just watched the thing recently and I loved it so that’s that’s next on the agenda if you guys have never seen the thing by the way I feel like it’s not that popular uh culturally compared to like alien or you know any other horror movie like like for me I I never even knew about it really until crispy was like bro just watch it and dude it’s [ __ ] awesome Kurt Russell John Carpenter um Keith Davis it’s a really cool movie genuinely like really cool and it’s it’s literally you could if if you ever if you played Among Us during the pandemic or if you ever watch the stream you you you’ll immediately see the parallels of like essentially where Among Us got its inspiration to a T it’s it’s [ __ ] up oh the Practical effects are so good too they’re so good they’re freaky as hell prehistoric hand ax Annihilation very good I’m excited for Long Legs CU everyone’s been talking about that how it’s going to be this like it’s like the next horror installment that’s actually like true horror and and like going back to its roots so I’m excited to see that yeah I’m excited for that I have not I don’t think I’ve seen the ritual Rosemary’s Baby I I I saw the omen recently for the first time I thought it was okay it was it was good it wasn’t like [Music] terrifying I haven’t seen rosary’s baby though no but yeah Shan and I’ve been like we’ve been really enjoying watching scary movies lately because she used to not watch them a quiet place watched uh the first one for the first time and loved it thought it was great very interesting idea for a movie I didn’t see werewolf By Night S I didn’t see that um I know that was on Disney plus I heard really good things it follows is good I the witch was great I watched the witch with Luke and Sammy and we loved it the dad from the witch is going to be the voice of than of uh Galactus rather the Northman yeah that’s on my that’s on my list I think Shan already watched it though this music’s kind of fire yeah the lighthous I like the lobster a lot I didn’t see the Agatha show trailer no [Music] but um yeah long legs and uh I think Shane wants to see Maxine cuz she likes Pearl and ax so I think Maxine she wants to see I didn’t watch Haunting of Hill House or House of buer but Shan did she loved both she really liked House of buer a lot bro I didn’t see the Gladiator 2 trailer but I’m I’m stoked I love I love Gladiator you saw it today you didn’t love it eight-legged freaks Now That’s a classic uh bedtime check thanks man I was running for my life true oh my God that cheese sprinting that cheese were Rich yeah we’re talking movies over here nice which one just all of them long legs dude I’m excited for you to see that thank you I’ll let you know what I think I’m very excited Shan and I might might go check it out if you like it I’ll let you know I have a feeling I’m going to like it though it’s getting isn’t it getting like really good like it’s getting Perfect reviews yeah then you’re dude you’re going to like it it’s it’s SE up your guys alley cuz it’s like it’s be like a return to true horror I’m very very excited yeah and I love the marketing for the movie too so are you going to see Maxine do you think I don’t know I didn’t watch any of the others mhm so but I I heard they’re really good they are thanks um do you want to make the Pickled eggplant and the pumpkin juice uh yeah the pumpkin juice might take a bit because everything is full that’s okay I’m going to go check I’m going to go check and see what we need for this Tower okay thanks man you’re a good guy actually on the island that these are open unmilled rice gravel trap bobber tea sapling I think T could make a lot of money Highway 89 I’ll buy that rare Crow buy that buy some tea [Music] yeah I I haven’t seen Pearl or X but Shan pretty much watched both and explained them to me Shan’s been on her movie [ __ ] binge lately so she told me how she pretty much told me both movies completely let’s give this guy coffee okay junimo Hut Island desert okay for a water Obelisk we need 10 clams 10 coral and aridium Bar excuse me okay all right I’m I I need a Earth crystal and aridium bar and we can make these [ __ ] things I’m going to do the Earth one and then the beach one after yeah nice cuz the beach one we need Coral so I’m I’m going to go and clam so I’m going go get those we probably have that in the Maxine flopping really bro the movies are weird you know what’s crazy Dune 2 I think is like second or third right now in in the box office pumpkin juice by the way like it’s it’s cooking oh nice W you inside out to has made double what dun 2 made like the box office [ __ ] just blows my mind like I liked inside out too but it’s crazy that like it’s cuz I think I think Dune 2 was just like uh an R movie so like a lot of kids probably didn’t see it but like that’s wild dude cuz like Dune 2 you couldn’t escape it was everywhere it was literally everywhere like everyone was talking about it I felt like it was breaking records after record and it did it made like I think 250 million maybe or something like that and then Inside Out made [ __ ] F over 500 already Finn I mean I I I liked it I watched it I thought they did a good job dealing with uh puberty dealing with you know mental mental health um I thought it was an important and I I cried when I saw it so I liked it I liked I liked furiosa furiosa as well but I feel like it wasn’t as uh like big for pop culture as Fury Road was if that makes sense like I feel like Fury Road when it came out it was like like everyone was talking about it it was a big deal Fury OA was good but it wasn’t like I don’t know it wasn’t whatever it wasn’t like you know oh my God yeah I I like those movies yeah children I mean dude if everyone has children like it’s the it’s like the one thing to do it’s go go to the movies and it was cute seeing it like hearing kids in the audience like excited about it and stuff what sup L how you doing dude okay so I need more Earth crystals oh we got we have nine H I need one more Earth crystal oh never mind they’re they’re all right here W good thing I went over there to [Music] check ory that’s weird and there’s a lot of speculation that um the girl character is by or gay they don’t necessarily like allude to it super hard or outright say it but there’s a lot of speculation that she is and I I I I wonder if like there are some parents who are like what the hell is this [ __ ] yeah kids don’t pick up on that at all they have no [ __ ] clue but I’m sure parents if they thought there was any potential and their [ __ ] you know they would probably have something to say about it but yeah know children’s movies are for fun because especially when they have like funny adult moments that aren’t like over the top okay we’ll build this oh the movie barely started you know what it was I bet you once they said puberty they probably left they’re probably like oh this is too much this is too much for my kid was that cool I literally was walking down here to show you where I wanted it but it’s okay that’s that that is cool we’ll take it oh it was not exactly there at the right spot no it’s okay I was thinking it could maybe go in the middle of them so you could like see all of the obelisks I was literally talking to we were L like oh yeah that could be cool so I like walked down here and then it just appeared the timing was actually so funny no this you’re still a good guy no this this is cooler I think CU you can watch when you walk past it you could see it like it’s in yeah yeah I mean I don’t mind it but also the floor isn’t gone either like the other two but it’s okay you’re still literally still a good guy no I got this watch this ready it it still looks cool I fixed it nice right [Music] yeah I need the other piece of the floor back thanks F we did it she go she H my [ __ ] guts I I don’t it was honestly my fault for not doing it earlier but true red was great too bro said true you [Music] know ah ory that stinks yo Elm thanks for the 15 months appreciate that but yeah the boy and the Heron if you guys haven’t seen yet very very good it’s on Amazon you could buy it right now if you if you don’t want to do that you could wait but I really liked it yeah I like turning red I thought it was great will make you cry uh honestly maybe for me it was more of just like a really sweet movie for like I I it was it was like really cute okay Miranda didn’t have to put everyone else on blast like that for sure I haven’t seen that phonic I’m going to I’m going to see that next we watched weathering with you yesterday and uh I loved it so that’s going to be the next one for us what Obelisk is that by the way that one brings you to the uh mountain mountains oh nice nice yeah and then the next one’s the beach so get away wait what they going to say the beach um there’s five right nope four that that’s why I wanted to do the the only four yeah the square and then the gold clock is what you’re thinking of ah I think you’re right thanks yo see nice yeah suzumi I want to watch next or Suz I don’t know how to pronounce it but I’m excited for that one clams clams salmon sea jelly trash [Applause] cockle oh you’re talking about turning red Oh I thought you’re were talking about boing the Heron that’s my bad suzume Shrek five bro they got if there if that’s actually coming out they got to call it this wait hold on that they got to do that also is there a three and a four there’s a Shrek for am I [ __ ] up put some goddamn ears on the five oh I think I saw is three where the where the um donkey dragons are they did put ears in the five yeah I feel like Shrek is such an interesting pop culture phenomenon oh with Rumble tilt skin okay Rumble tilt skin uh Hayden yeah I think we’re probably going to do some after this we we might even do Customs so if you guys are feeling extra wild yes Ashley that’s a great one that’s a great great movie some salmon I didn’t realize they announced STK five today it’s a huge deal tea sapling I’m going to plant this tea somewhere are his kids going to be adults now probably it’s going to go it’s going to be like a Toy Story after story where it’s like oh wow people are getting older uhoh wait no actually if Shrek’s like old and dies and that then that’s the that’ be I would actually cry I think I would actually Cry he’s like on his [ __ ] rocker in the swamp old as [ __ ] just smiling I don’t know if you’re still talking about movies or not Chris but did you remember that there’s a Borderlands movie coming out we’re talking about Shrek five right now but yes nice um yeah I I heard about that and there’s also an Among Us show coming out too there is an Among Us show coming out yeah we were talking about like what could Shrek 5 even be is it like his like he’s like Grandpa Shrek his [ __ ] rock probably yeah he’s just like somebody want to me you know what I mean like kind of just like on his yeah like an acoustic cover like like Johnny Cash is hurt but like a Smashmouth song for sure yeah yeah yeah what was the it it wasn’t I don’t even think it was that song it was the other one yeah Borderlands movie could be good though I mean Fallout I think was pretty well well received yeah I I don’t know I feel like a show would probably be better though right versus like a [Applause] movie it depends what your your I think what people where are my clothes huh oh my God the scary mannequin stole my clothes in the middle of the night I woke up naked what not actually naked but like look it Stole My Fit what the hell this piece of [ __ ] bro took your drip I so confused I was like what happened what the hell hey not my wedding fit what’s up guys what’s up guys yeah who wants to get married over here I’m going to go kiss Sebastian hey Seb get over here all right [ __ ] okay let let me put my Alit back on okay oh my baby woke up I’m throwing it can you see it yeah throw it really high I’ll try okay I’ll know noral come on it won’t go let me try one more one more one more I don’t want do it it’s not showing on my screen I’m throw this thing high as hell dang bro hasn’t talked to his own kids in 85 years oh F I forgot I have some yeah two man wait Sammy check this out real quick we got wine today Rich era Sammy check this out hold on I’m collecting lots of wine all right where you at bro get that away don’t accidentally set that off cuz I already collected all the why I don’t want to restart the day all right another day another dollar star New Valley yep Acres 2024 who wants to talk about it that’s what they say man yo alen thank you guys yeah we uh I had to get a nice little cut for the wedding so I going to feel like wearing a hat right now I think we’re going to go over here another crayfish little Craven s’s a little sad [Applause] you love about your emo true cool there’s that let’s go get some more Coral yo cat pebes with the 46 months welcome on in dude you have not mentioned your vanity play what what what’ you get does that to do with cat stuff or is it twitch related or what thank you for the 46 by the way dude appreciate the LGs in the chat guys if you got them two crabs over here Captain fart sucker cat pubes what a lovely Community we got going on today guys it’s always good to see these [Music] two here we go we’re going over [Music] here I think we might be closer to 60 now with that new tower that we got and then and then it’s going to be uh time for some reload I believe but chat’s been saying that the uh that ranked also doesn’t have cars it’s a black plate with white letters and have a black car windows emo Forever Wait that’s actually [Music] fire tinted windows let’s go the emo the emo mobile where uh where are you located let us know exactly l so we could go find you and go sick I no I’m just kidding but I feel like that kind of car you have to be blasting Like My Chemical Romance almost [Music] exclusively okay [Music] do I have my there it is give us a golden coconut nope I don’t know where the other coconuts are on this island oh there’s no fist either in ranked oh yeah I haven’t even seen the Magneto [ __ ] at all I’m I’m I’m I’m like completely out of the loop Salt Lake City W all right well if you guys ever see an emo plate in Salt Lake City area there you go they [ __ ] you up in 5 seconds yeah I’m I’m I’m good on that 53% okay are you still are you still doing the 50 uh gifts do you want to do the quests for seven days I feel like it’s free for you uh yeah I’m I’m gifting everybody’s stuff anyway so we might as well smart but they have to be loved yeah that’s what I’ve been handing out anyways smart I think I have over 30 tattoos now and the most painful had to be my bicep or close to my elbow I think also my thigh was [ __ ] [Music] up which was weird cuz you wouldn’t expect a thigh to be that bad but it kind of sucked actually but I think different people uh are different with like the tie takes 20 days to mature oh you don’t need to water it cool yeah the the the thigh I thought was going to be free I was like I’m like I’m I’m kind of thick here like it’s a lot of fat you know like nothing crazy and dude that [ __ ] hurt that [ __ ] hurt man knees [ __ ] y I’ve heard the knee is also really hard that’s another one that I’m just like I’m good on foot was awful ankle or uh oh my ankle kind of sucked my long Gary uh ankle tattoo was rough behind the ears hurt like a [ __ ] SP okay everyone’s like one uping me so hard people are like yeah my uh my calf my behind my ears my [ __ ] neck my eyeball like okay yeah my my arm was was was tough my brain your Co got her first tattoo on her knee and I was like you’re first Shan will get Shan got her um her thighs like her all of her thighs are completely done and she’s like completely fine with them okay we have so much row I kind want to move this nah I don’t know if I care enough actually I’m Gonna Keep the squid in though also I’m going to bring the river jelly and sea jelly in I’m GNA I’m going to do some cooking with uh some clothes you hit hurt the most that was off I’ll never get elbow the the ditch the ditch sucks okay this song is kind of fire okay let’s do this what what are we getting out of this a sailor shirt hardwood we got that coffee red mushroom makes a hat oh Bonnet a spotted scarf eel [Music] shirt o May mayoral suspenders okay that’s what mayor Lewis wears I’m pretty sure I got to try that [Music] on nice I’m I’m going to make some more stuff I like making stuff you guys think Samuel will notice oh we need one more what’s the last scarecrow we need do we not have the mall one two three four five six seven 8 N I don’t know actually I think we might have them all okay I don’t know for sure though oh there’s one you can get from the casino oh maybe that’s the last one then that would check out now wouldn’t it right right true true true true true [Music] try makeing uh making some more cool clothes over [Music] here oil of garlic we get okay we make that pine cone a beanie okay is the beanie diable [Music] no [Music] dang ew the eyeballs in that came came to life fossilized skull PR stor tool caveman shirt nothing else okay yeah if your tat if your tattoo artist moves away and they’re like the one of the few people you trust with your body like that’s very valid that you didn’t you know you haven’t gotten one again in a while I’m just going to get a bunch of different like stones and [ __ ] o Raleigh true [Music] Emerald let’s see green shirt Jade same thing Fire [Music] Quartz petrified slime oh a slime shirt that’s cute as [ __ ] [Music] that’s funny as [Music] hell bro I have so many clothes I should probably for Perfection do I need to beat junoo Kart does anyone know like the uh the actual story version or does it not [ __ ] matter at all CU I could do that probably you’re good okay cool we got to go to bed I don’t want to I don’t wanna good night man hongu hong shu hongu me me me me me me me me me me bro we’ve been cruising today we have we’ve also been making mad money this money’s angry bro yeah it’s literally upset because it’s so much it’s [Music] pissed bless [Music] you kazun enough sorry you one more what if I only started responding like that I never did anything else then we would not play ever again per personally huh guys you you heard it here first yeah what do you mean you heard your first of course why would I want to listen to that all day long dude wow what so I was going through something and I just that’s not going through anything that’s speaking a new language all of a sudden so if I spoke a different language you wouldn’t want to be my friend if I couldn’t understand you be awkward for communications guys you heard it here first bro is trying to cancel me just do it already get it over with you heard it here first man get me out of here release me let me let me move on I love jokes like that where it’s just like so ridiculous like why why would you ever talk to me again like why would I like it there’s like zero point no offense obviously is it what is this all the Pickled [ __ ] you were making where oh these are dried cranberries yeah where’s the uh pumpkin juice at in The Keg on the island not yet okay sorry that’s all right man and then did you do a um did you pickle any uh eggplant no because these were cooking I I’ll do one real fast couldn’t they were cooking wait do do which one almost almost just sold all of our hardwood oops didn’t but almost do you need five to do it yeah you do need five bro I don’t have five eggplant man awkward um we can see if uh the trader has it this weekend you’re right H yeah you’re right or we could grow it on the island if we had seeds bro’s always in that chest I’m trying to steal some stuff and see what we can work with here great okay can’t have anything personal on yep Acres you know I’m I’m making clothes don’t mind me I was always making clothes where are my cloth pieces out here I think you used them all no I have like 30 something oh nice yo s dude welcome back dude I appreciate that man we had like guys W shout out to s coming in with the 51 appreciate it brother welcome on back back where are my [ __ ] where is it though I had like 30 I put them in a dude I lost I lost [Music] them do you think we have more diamonds anywhere or not uh on the island probably in one of the chests I’m assuming Okay cool so we’re a little low let’s [ __ ] go dude and a lot of people love the stuff dude where is my cloth H I could have sworn I had a whole bunch my am I new guy oh oh there it is I put into that uh Bin on accident all right let’s make some more random [ __ ] right now while Sammy does uh some of the work okay let’s try the star shards cool star shirt apricot makes jeans we don’t need those Rainbow Shell makes bikini top battery pack up nanite spicy eel we already done that uh Pearl oh it makes that okay um dinosaur egg makes dinosaur hat iron ore radioactive ore makes that rore we did not pull a Starion last night no unfortunately we uh we got close I’d say but it wasn’t we we didn’t luck out we did pull the the $200 Pokemon card though so I’m very very stoked on that very very happy with that for [Music] sure I haven’t drank water in a while I just realized should probably do that we did see in Discord yeah I still can’t believe that bro what a [ __ ] drawing sausage and air Fred potatoes with sauerkraut yeah I’ll take three I’ll take the whole trolley Kristen knows a thing or two about all that let me go to the beach we love a good classic German meal yeah we do some Far some Farm duking my hair is so soft right now sheesh oh s thanks for the resub by the way man I appreciate [Music] it all I was missing is a Dunkle beer but it’s a bubbly it’s oh okay nice a dle beer sounds good I might actually have a leftover beer from when crispy was here I’m just not sure how thirstday I am sup poptart we got you later don’t don’t worry Saint it’s it’s a local brand um it’s called zigmeister so if you’re into that if or if if there’s one by you you might be lucky but it’s they’re based in hacketstown do I have a time for Fort uh I don’t know actually probably I would say within the next hour most likely I do have an a PO Box yeah I think someone’s already planning on sending me one but if you felt like sending another the more the merrier I could also potentially do a giveaway if we wanted to do like a fun giveaway or something during balers gate streams oh saint word uh do you know what parts you’re going to be in I’m going to sell that that that yeah dude Jal this part’s cute as hell what why did I come here I forget why I’m here I’m going to go I’m going to check our Perfection levels and also I need to get Coral that’s what it was Park Ridge okay oh pickled stuff yep I got to check the pumpkin yo Ali Mary Ali Marie thanks for the 22 months yeah Nan I feel free I think people would be down we a lot we have a lot of uh balers gate Believers in chat yo Mr meat you can definitely say that 54% okay that’s good it’s very good G to message Sammy actually my character looks at me thanks man I’m excited for the pictures from the wedding to uh get posted so you guys can see them very fun my sister’s on a honeymoon right now and she’s sending pics and it’s such a cute uh Vibe where they’re at that works BR my house is [ __ ] awesome here shot espresso complete breakfast roasted hazelnuts tilapia cool okay I’m going to go uh put some more stuff away looks cozy and acentric thanks man bringing in soggy newspaper magma geode solar Essence batwing white algae quartz Cherry Bomb clay Mystic syrup okay we’re going to try that with the cloth and maybe we can make some more fun [ __ ] good good tune by the way okay trash can shirt clam sailor shirt trash white algae solar Essence let’s go magma geode snake vertebrae Cherry Bomb quartz okay Gray vest clay o another shirt spicy do that on the GE bone fragment cool what’s up Mike how you doing Jalissa yeah the junimos harvesting for you is a game changer they kind of just do do like your [ __ ] work and they get a house and they get paid which is nice you know they’re chilling I think going to grab a twisted te sheesh the song’s good where’s my hardwood and Moss at Sammy take it or is it it might be up uh in the mines actually um poptart so I think we’re probably going to hop on Fort in a day or two in in Minecraft or uh stardo term so probably soon probably soon because we we’ve been cruising on stardew for a little bit I’m not sure if we’re going to do Customs immediately or if we’re going to like cook a little first before that but if you guys are trying to get on I would recommend updating your games and all that okay what’s up Eli how you doing a lot of coal what the [ __ ] so certain areas just have certain things I guess that was like all coal it’s cold as hell well this is a really good run today bro we got so much done today I feel like we did we did thanks do you want to call it after this one or you want to do one more day you think [Music] um we can well actually can we play one more day because I’ve been um making people’s stuff and I want to gift it no I’m down you’re at uh 6 for 50 yeah I’ve been cooking though a lot of them like you have to do random cooking stuff for their loves dude so that chest I have on the island the one all the way to the right has a bunch of [ __ ] made for people already like weird [ __ ] oh I’ll go check that out tomorrow yeah if you have that the sheet still mhm okay I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick too in real life be right back okay be right back guys for for cool I’ve also been standing chat for like way too long I think I forgot I was standing this whole time it’s been like three hours so we’re going to go back down yeah let let him sit here we go all right I’m back if that’s chill very chill welcome back dude I was uh standing like for like that whole time oh really yeah I was like I like forgot let’s go though that’s like healthy thanks you’re welcome why is Maru staring at this weirdo yeah dude I we met Tim and Eric like nine years ago which is crazy to think about I’m getting a cut scene with Sam oh his band’s playing a show tonight huge oh I don’t think I have to go tonight but yeah I wouldn’t I mean I don’t got time for that sorry Sam yeah s that’s like Shan’s favorite that’s like that’s that was heror they they their shit’s so funny a lot of uh I think you should leave you could tell kind of basked in like Tim and Eric early on which I think is great sour cherry yeah that’s what they’re saying out here that’s what they’re saying okay oh P Pam is not she’s on vacation today sheesh no one wants to work anymore man no one wants to work anymore bud should probably get a let’s see here a diamond maybe or a ruby for this guy I’ll find one immediately just wait yo sour thank you it’s uh it’s in its like peeling and itchy phase but that’s what happens when you get a massive tattoo uh no that’s not an old drop the shorts that Shen were was wearing will be our uh newest drop that’s still cooking TimeWise but should be soon yeah those shorts are sweet I love them a lot spoiler alert yeah yeah but they’re going to be uh they’re going to be awesome those are ones that like I’m I’m I’m proud to say that I cooked on a decent amount I like the idea of doing like the two different colors and I feel like they look really cool in real life there we go bang I’m going to give this guy a ruby no no no you’re cool you’re cool people knew it was going to happen regardless what can I give Penny over there process geod golden pumpkin I’ll give her that okay I wonder if I could bring a golden pumpkin to Gunther nope [Music] can you believe that I can I can absolutely believe that yo Jay come on man come on stop bro goes to New Jersey one time Saint that’s that’s wild how is the rest of your jersey trip I know you might still be there but how was uh the rest of AC okay we got more of those which is good scout that’s so true then I’m going to go back to the ginger Island see what we got going on over there uh grab some more red coral maybe a little pan slap it it should be before that hopefully it’s this month or early next month like realistically will’ll be a lot of [ __ ] that we’re going to be dropping yo pan [Music] what’s good Pam here have a coffee on the hot beach day Ocean City Kate May Atlantic nice dude you did all all the cities those are all really good spots though how was the food what what were your thought what was your thoughts on the food for the most part we got some good pizza man did you grab all the Coral at Ginger Island not the coral no okay food is good but yeah our servings are silly our servings in America are like just so insane kind of it’s like hey I’m good I don’t need I don’t need all of this you were ordering appetizers yeah and you were like all right [Music] oh sick yeah no absolutely like it’s it’s a weird balance cuz you’d be pissed if like it’s not enough but at the same time it’s like bro this is so like I’m always taking food to go with me I want to go back to New York yeah New York is very cool Upstate as well as the city there’s there’s honestly like too much to do I need to buy this recipe upper new New York near Central Park was nice yeah that’s a good spot it’s also just so hot and gross right now so the city can be a little rough cuz I I know where you’re from it doesn’t get this hot right like it’s it was grossly hot this past two weeks it’s 102 right now in Oregon yeah like I’m good you need leave your apartment today to ensure I didn’t actually bake well you also don’t want to you don’t want to like let the AC Escape for like one second either oh you g in South Africa okay is South Africa like a a dry heat or a humid heat cuz they’re so different to me yeah my electric bill is [ __ ] the song rocks I can’t believe we we did a day stream in the garden yesterday it was honestly not too bad though mostly driving near the uh Coast te it was fun man it was fun but yeah it was definitely not as hot as I thought it was going to be yeah I still can’t I still can’t get over the pebble moment she’s so cute dude yeah dude Kristen she was she was just she was just happy to be there she’s she’s really come out of her shell a lot which which I’ve been super uh happy to see he heat an X of 110 yeah that’s but yeah guys I I cut that out myself I did that uh last night I’m pretty proud of it she had the zoomi she really did she was like I think she thinks she’s a cat or she wants to be a cat cuz she’s not scared of our guys at all and I think she wants to like play with them which I wish that she could but the problem is if they played with her they would play too rough and probably kill her or hurt her and I can’t have that so it’s a conundrum it’s a conundrum indeed but she’s also kind of big like she’s not like she kind of can hold her own but definitely not against like a young cat who wants to [ __ ] be aggressive h Kristen that’s funny yeah no a lot of people were very surprised at her size she they’re yeah they’re like weirdly bigger than you would expect Mayday I don’t know because my cats beat the [ __ ] out of each other other and then eventually one just like stops and just leaves but it’s playful but it’s also like yo guys what’s up what’s going on what’s going on here buddy I think like pip is very playful and little man for the most part is but sometimes they can get like if Gary’s just trying to sleep little man wants to play he’ll bother the F [ __ ] out of Gary until Gary’s like all right cat box in the regular and then we’ll call it on night oh that’s a fun hat beanie Brown overalls cool [Music] you’re asleep ass to ass hey sometimes it’s good you know good good stuff you have this outfit oh nice let’s go Samy is tucked into bed hey man get out of here why you in here bro leave security security this man right here he’s being a creep he stole my wedding dress security great bro he stole my wedding dress and now he’s getting in my bed it’s like hey what’s up sorry yeah sorry sure man sure bro broke in and stole her knickknack first time chat that’s a good first time chat all right good morning good morning good morning so I got a little I got a little something to say to your family oh great got her great bro wanted to kill my family not not today bud no no not today no no no no no no no no no that’s funny I will be back in a few minutes all right h h h how few we talking like three three bro I’m kidding why don’t you talk to your chat man H these guys no I’m sorry these guys over here what what do you guys want to talk about I’ll be back all right see you

Welcome to Yupp Acres. Sami and Chris start a new Stardew adventure together with the release of update 1.6! Vanilla run with NO MODS. #stardewvalley

This is part 21 of the playthrough – Fall Year 4.

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  1. Also, a golden walnut I think you missed, if you wanna know…..

    By the owl trader on the island, the trees right there, if you chop them down, you can see a pattern of tufts of grass that you need to hoe the middle of.

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