What Happens when Two Minecraft Infection Mods fight eachother?

wait are they com are they going to combine that changed a lot of what I thought was going to happen today we’re going to make two infection Modi def flash. hates and from another world and we’re going to start in the prim maral cave and since there’s a compat with from another world and Alex cave we are going simply to infect a bunch of these Raptors around here and for the flesh we’re going to put an incubator around here there’s a lot of gr to Ser UPS to feed upon I haven’t really touched the config on both mod but as the video goes both of them will become more and more stronger and at the end they’ll be able to convert each other so we’re going to wait a bit and see where it goes cuz right now it’s pretty silent all right so we have our first reveal already there is a dog Beast here probably from one of this vom Raptor it’s only a matter of time before all of the dinosaurs here become infected here we go no never mind it’s just a bunch of normal vom Raptors that’s just the way of the nature but that’s not the way of the nature this is an alien species invading a cave speaking of alien next fight will be on another planet wait wait wait hold on hold on I was starting the time lapse and there’s already wait there’s a dog Beast here how did it get already there it’s attacking the flesh incubator but it’s having a hard time it’s um it’s going to be so hard to see the difference between the mobs they’re almost the same red it doesn’t affect the incubator and this subterran will die oh my God it almost died and we have a Prowler there’s our first fight this Prowler is pricking itself in the turn but it doesn’t really care it is going to convert one of the grto catops this place is the perfect breeding ground for from other world this guy is still here this guy is just roaming around wait hold on it’s attacking the embryo wait is that over we’re already done here so the emo released a bunch of mobs to fight back but the resistance of pro prer is too high the damage was not enough it’s over the infection has been averted so it’s time we move on to the moon and I have spawned in a few structure from the mod so we can have something more than just a baron Wasteland and we are going to start the infection by placing an incub on the structure right here away from harm so it can infect in peace and on the other side of the structure we are going to infect a few of these Pig row that are basically just a piglins and there’s also this lunar Tower might as well infect this guy here there we go and unlike last time the thing from will are now weak to a few of the effect that the flesh that hate can create so if they get some of these effect they will stop regenerating and gaining their super massive damage reduction which will give a chance to the flesh to expand and gain some territory so right now it is safe and there’s also yeah reduce gravity look at that we’re going to let them infect and spread in here and see what’s going to happen they are quite a good distance but this gu is already infected there isn’t much here that will survive and all we can do now is wait for the flesh to infect everything [Music] all right it’s been a while and we have here a massive conversion happening right now they started there they destroyed the tower killed the Iron Golem all of the villagers well sorry lunarian are now infected and now all of the pigin are getting infected right next to this giant flesh structure now they have taken over this whole thing and they are digging into the ground there’s a few Pig sheep and whatever that spawn this guy is still here we are in the biogenesis phase there’s a few Martian raptor getting transformed to inside this Temple hopefully their weakness to some of the flesh effect will give them a chance to fight against these split face cuz these guys are strong and we don’t even have a beast yet although looking at that it might happen soon now we have a Blair thing which is almost equally his worst cuz this thing can just go anywhere and we also have a beginning of this guy’s tender spread around here and we have a war now between the pig runs and the flesh this is going to give so many points to the flesh but there’s a few split face coming here they are converting the villagers sorry lunarian in these towers here and as soon as they’re done with these guys they’re going to have a clear sight of what’s Happening Here and oh my God wait hold on one of them was infected they brought the thing inside the flesh so let’s see what’s going to happen this guy needs to get a few of the effect to be affected and it doesn’t seem to have it right now and it infected one of the pigro the flesh is pushing it away from the embryo what more wait hold on it gave some flesh pieces at the same time of Spawn what the heck some of the thing died here so they’re going to infect the ground now and go towards oh my God we have another Blair thing that’s not good for the flesh let’s look at the amount of things around here there’s another Blair thing here well was another Blair thing here where did it go oh it’s back okay we are now in the enlightenment phase and this guy is now evolved to the biogenesis phase the only thing is the thing is limited to the amount of mobs here meanwhile the flesh can always spawn new Mobs until this guy dies uhoh some of the infection is starting here there we go it’s so hard to see but there’s a Gore there and we’ll see if the flesh can transform it now there’s a few flesh eser Riser going to action but their chance ain’t enough they’re getting destroyed they are not giving the effect needed to hurt the thing oh there we go this is the thing they killed one the decomposition effect this is one of the thing that can hurt the thing I’m seeing T way too much and there’s a few flesh shuer these guys hurt a lot but even though they cannot wait hold on the composition it’s almost dead but it’s no it’s regenerating back the effect didn’t last enough all they needed was a bit more damage okay so we have a few flesh offer here that’s what I thought there we go they destroyed one they got a flesh piece right now these guys are the strongest asset of the Flesh and they are what it needs to kill the Blair thing yep there we go look at the damage it’s almost dead it’s dead they did it they killed one of the Blair thing and one what it spawn too but now it spawned the corpse and it’s going to spread there’s always something even after everything dies there’s always something that’s left with these infection it’s never really gone and somehow this guy was uninfected how how sir how how did you survive right there and the flesh is counterattacking everywhere the flesh shuffer go Yep they’re fleeing as soon as they get to the composition effect they are running away retreating and they leading the flesh offer to well the flesh offer will die though I have no idea right now who’s going to win this battle is extremely thght we have an infection here there’s a thing corpse inside the Flesh and it has not turned into flesh it has infiltrated well I mean it’s flesh so maybe it recognize it as flesh and with the amount of foliage the thing has a hard time to spread there we go we have a few tendril but they cannot spread where there’s turn or grass so they will not be able to spread inside the flesh biome and wait hold on we have a beast here this is our first beast and we have a few split face and a few Blair thing laying around this one is so much bigger than the other what the heck wait hold on the Beast almost dead already yeah the Beast is getting destroyed the flesh shers are really oh my God the thing will run out of mobs I think it’s going to be over for the flesh soon they have a flesh Community this thing does so much damage all right it’s been a while most of the terrain is now tals there’s a fight going over there and we have a split face inside this pigon Tower toing it out with a bunch of mob they are not getting affected right now by the effect that can kill them so they are doing a lot of damage here and most of the thing died over there there’s a few left like this blairing that is still holding on cuz there’s no flesh offer that killed it and also a bunch of heads what is this guy doing it’s just climbing and destroying blocks I don’t understand what it wants oh it’s down it’s down yeah it’s over for this thing the flesh is gaining some terrain de cleared all of the Blair things and stuff that was here the only thing left right now that is strong for the thing are these two split face with a few Palmer things and a few crawlers they are now in the biot transformation phase which means all of them are stronger and there’s even more type of Flesh mob that SK spawn now and where is it okay so this thing is now at, 1600 HP it is just sitting there all right upon closer inspection everything’s dead well almost no left the only ones left are spinning Palmer things and that’s pretty much it these tendrils are almost to the incubator but I think the things are out of the game I think the flesh has one but it’s time we move on to the Lost Cities and we’re going to give the flesh one of the buildings like this one here if we go inside we can put a flesh incubator here and from for World we’re going to wait and see where this things land it’s going to be on this building here oh my God that’s a lot of fire there going to be y there we go we have the thing but there isn’t a lot of things around to infect so uh well we have a lunar Tower here we’re just going to infect this one and let it spread also did you notice this is a ruin structure out in the open that’s so weird and for this final test the mobs can now infect each other so if a flesh kill a thing it will become a flesh mob and the thing can now infect and assimilate the flesh mobs and I can’t wait to see if the assimilation will work on the flesh mob I I haven’t tested that before this is the first time I’m doing that the flesh is getting assimilated by the thing and then turn back into flesh that doesn’t make any sense but it doesn’t matter it’s going to be so cool also that’s a weird coincidence there is literally a primal cave right below the city where we started there we go there’s a flesh going down in this building and we are now in the enlightenment’s phase I don’t know what’s going on with this one he’s not infecting he right hold on they’re fighting and the flesh H is getting assimilated it’s working and right now there’s only one flesh shuer is it going to be enough to kill this F face wait it’s not attacking it doesn’t attack what is going on it is wait are they come are they going come fine oh that changed a lot of what I thought was going to happen oh it just grew flesh might be cooked all right so I forgot to make them not afraid of the thing so now they should fight back yeah they’re fighting back now even though they’re getting ass simulated whoopsy daisies it should be fixed now they should still attack while being well okay maybe not while they’re transforming holy crap that was fast yep it is working now they only need flesh shuer and more to defend themselves and oh my God the thing is sow no balling they are not getting the mobs it takes to oh my God this thing is huge oh my God there’s so many mobs it’s going to crash my game although they’ve reach the biot transformation phase right now so they might have a boost but they need a lot if they want to get rid of this Army and right now they’re just converting everything they see one by one okay so they needed that yeah there we go look at them run look at them run these Boomer bile Boomer are affecting them with the composition and this is the only way they can get damage on them and it’s kind of worth King we are going to need more than that and we have another crash good thing we have this mod that prevents crash and what is going on over here wait there’s a flesh shuer but it’s it’s getting transformed though wait this browler will die it has the co it died and it it became something else there’s a way that the flesh can win they are tearing through the buildings but this flesh suffer is destroying them it has 375 Health although it’s it’s dying right now cuz it’s in the bile but there’s nothing to fight it there’s a flesh unseen here but it’s stuck in the ground I’m going to make it some space oh there we go I’m hit by this thing which means all of them are now hit by this go effect although it wasn’t enough no they they cleared a bunch of them hold on and now the vine tentacles come into play they are yeah the ground is infecting they are hold on they are digging underground here there’s a beast they are slowly digging down into the Earth but they will reach a primal cave and while we’re here might as well just uh release maybe one or two giant dinosaur oh my God how is my PC still holding on I noticed that sometime the flashh sto infecting nothing else is happening so what I’m going to do is to just spawn another embryo right here is going to infect a bit more anyway wait hold on wait there’s a Blair thing here and it’s paralyzed this be thing is getting destroyed though never mind it’s gone this one is dead what is it shooting what the heck look at that it’s shooting like over the building it’s not a mob it’s a mortar speaking of morter I think it’s time we clear out this place here cuz there’s a lot of mobs that needs to die for my PC to survive anyway this place is already busyed over there so let’s just um maybe TP theasaurus here and let it burn them all cuz remember it is weak oh my God to fire so if theasaurus can spit fire it’s yep there we go burning all of them oh my the mobs near the incubator are getting infected there’s a tunnel right here and the Blair thing’s still there all the mob seems to be burning away there’s only one Blair thing left here it is destroying the lurus it’s not doing fire anymore meanwhile over here there’s just a giant sess pole of mob fighting in a MH pit what is even going on I don’t even know where’s what cuz everything’s red okay there’s this one of us here that will die wait the puss it is hurting the thing it feels like the thing have an advantage cuz they can convert everything but the flesh is doing quite well and if they can get more puss well it’s going to be over for the thing oh my God and they are digging straight up with tunnels this incubator is at 9 HP I hear something there it is there’s a flesh Community with 2,400 HP and it’s doing well against the dog Beast without effect the only thing is it’s now infected although it’s killing mobs like really quickly holy crap it’s going to become one of the thing oh yeah there he goes oh my God the tentacles are big and it becomes a beast of course but there’s a flesh offer here though uh never mind it’s it’s it’s infected it’s taking damage right now but I can’t see anything in this mess there’s a Vine below it it’s dying to a Vine This is hell right now this is so much stuff at the same time oh there we go it died from an explosion of Spike it’s over finally can I get out oh my God you know what this place deserve a little something special to just clear that out this is a sess pool that needs to be dealt with so we’ll just get rid of it in an explosive way all right anyway thanks for watching that was refund thanks a lot for the suggestion for the area to fight and I’ll see you in the next one bye-bye

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The mods:
From Another World: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/from-another-world
The Flesh That Hates: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-flesh-that-hates

What Happens when Two Minecraft Infection Mods fight eachother?

#minecraftchallenge #minecraft #flesh, #faw #infection #scapeandrunparasites #thefleshthathates #thething


  1. Here's a tip to make them fight more frequently (copy these commands):

    /team add flesh
    /team add assimilator
    /give @s command_block

    *put 2 command blocks down (set them to repeat, unconditional and always active)
    command 1: /team join flesh @e[type=#the_flesh_that_hates:fleshy_entities]
    command 2: /team join assimilator @e[type=#fromanotherworld:things]

    (you should have the mob battle mod installed as it will make the entites from different teams fight when they meet)

  2. It would be cool to see all of the previous infection mods fight, in a battle Royale. To see Spore vs Sculk horde vs From another world vs Fleash vs Mii invasion, would be awesome.

  3. i come with a warning. do NOT pit withering against the flesh. the withering spreader mobs do not stop respawning new spreader mobs which are easy flesh kills. it will QUICKLY get out of control because the flesh mobs will rapidly and endlessly grow in numbers

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