MIRTHWOOD: The Ultimate Mix of Skyrim and Stardew Valley!

Hi friend welcome to today’s video where we’re going to be checking out this demo for mirwood it’s available right now on Steam and I’m really excited because this one caught my eye almost immediately um it’s an enchanting RPG SL like life Sim um it has fantasy elements it’s based in this mideval fantasy world it has elements of a lot of games that we already really enjoy such as farming and farm animals there’s crafting um there’s exploration some survival aspects and an amazing storyline SL like questing system there’s even some romance and from what I can tell some kind of social system so I am very very excited let’s go ahead and Jump Right In All right so we’re going to go ahead and Jump Right In with a new game now just as a reminder for anybody who’s playing the demo um you can’t save so home is not where you’re from it’s where you find light when all grows dark and Your Story begins in darkness the Embers of War burn after all these years it has finally reached your doorstep you must reach the Docks but first tell us who you were here uh right off the bat I do love the cards the way that they have this setup looking like kind of old cards and things like that I love I love that okay so let’s get started with our character creator I’m going to name myself K we have male and female body type skin tones go from it looks Fair medium tan deep and light I’m going to go Fair we have height which is cool so we’ve got high uh average tall and short I’m going to go short um size is average thin or large we’re going to go thin um hairstyles okay we’ve got a lot of different options Duchess is really pretty I like Fair Maiden to uh little guy okay um all right we’ve got some silky soft simpleton I like the names of these uh let’s just go with the wind blown let’s go with Duchess um my hair color is kind of like a brown yeah we’re going to go Brown um uh you also have beard and beard color not going to have a beard for obvious reasons um and then we’ll have uh eye type which is we wide pretty I’m going to go pretty brow type bushy normal thin okay we’re going to go thin and I’m going to make my brows Brown as well right so let’s move on to origin we have Tyrion center of the continent and land of Conquest here Nobles and Lords squabble over favor and fty you are assertive okay so each card kind of gives us a personality trait I guess uh Kel planes and pastures stretch across Kel making it home to many farming families and Tradesmen um Azora um uh Kel means you’re agreable Azora is a desert land intertwined inspired mountains compos the land of Azora uh a home to the continent continent’s hardiest Craftman you are curious and then we have have seir uh the Golden Forest of seer are home to a small but ancient line of Elves and the last of their kind who were remain on the continent you’re conscientious I really like this I love anything that mentions elves anyway so um and then we have Vora home to a solitary Woodland loving people and the Ancient Forest of Vora Lie encircled by the White Mountains and the Sea this card is really pretty too I really like the trees says you are introverted I think I’m going to go s sear uh just for elves all right class we have Royal a life of extrav extravagance and luxury can quickly become one of pressure and protest you are regrettably desired um you are socially alluring your gear degrades faster okay so your gear can degrade um you can be Noble dances fine wine food and friends nothing could darken your day safe for an unhappy brush with the peasantry on you clothing is more potent your crops grow more slowly and then peasant higher Society had little concept or care for your work and so they remained ignorant to your importance for now energy is less of a worry for you you are socially unpolished um we’re going to go with let’s just go with royal seeing that we come from a line of elves maybe uh this is probably not going to line up because immediately I think I can see cards that speak to me already but herbalis uh the uses of herbs and plants there can be few who know more you can unlock the potent of the Wilds around you you might Forge extra herbs you take more damage in battle that does not sound like it’s going to be good for us we have tinkerer a keenai for Metals gems and wood lead you to the workshop years of practice have led to Excellence in your wares crafted goods are more potent your stamina drains faster okay and then farmer dirt stained hands Rich tilled soul and deep Green Fields your labors are not only your stomach but your very soul your crops grow faster or you’re more prone to hunger okay actor distra distraction and Escape you gifted wait distraction and Escape you gifted to the nobility and the lowly alike a beloved thespian thespian the sapian thepan the world is your stage you are romantically inspired all weapons do less damage primel uh a childhood lived on the streets taught you certain survival skills and life is about survival in the end is it not your goods are worth more coin it’s harder to make friends fighter drenched in Conflict opportunities for battle and cont are many there were few enemies that you fear all weapons do more damage your goods are worth less uh and then rat catcher nobody notices a ratch catcher that is until he’s absent oh my God house of dragon if you know you know you’re craftier and harder than most believe you to be less vulnerable to hunger and disease you are romantically challenged so there’s disease in the game too this fills very much echo of Plum Grove um just because a little bit of the art style and then also because there was a survival aspect to that game too you’re romantically challenged yikes um immediately I feel like I want to go with either herbalist or farmer I don’t want to deal with my stamina draining faster so let’s just go farmer finish and accept we are done now to the dogs now to the dogs okay WD to move I am playing on PC um so I wonder if you have access to like a controller to play with a controller but I’m just going to play with mouse and keyboard for now oh this is our father my heart is relieved to see you unharmed but you do not linger for our sakes Raiders still prow the shadows and their numbers may swell at any moment we shall SW uh we shall share words again I promise you now haste make for safety okay who’s on the ground ah you were here uh we are scattered when the attack came I feared the worst Asher pierced downward mother is fortunate to be alive yet her leg is badly hurt she’ll be okay already ordering us around again nonetheless she needs help that we cannot provide here he locks eyes with you there’s a ship in the harbor if it hasn’t sailed yet you must be on it I do not suspect the path there will be clear father and I will manage here and follow when we can go now seek out a safer place it could be important for all of our sakes I do love the cards and the story line you must flee for make for the docks okay I love you I love you bye-bye not them just sending me off I’m not prepared I don’t have I have nothing all right it’s fine everything’s burning oh my God not the Deer what’s this okay a chest we got a health eliser a rusty sword tights okay so it looks like tab to equipped he we have a sword inventory all right well just as I said we didn’t have anything to wear looks like we do now oh oh my God it’s a Raider okay attack heavy attack is shift ooh very nice we can V roll oh my gosh okay Dodge space Base Bar to dodge block oh god oh oh it actually has like a little dizzying buff for them and take that you criminal anyways we’re out of here and we are out of here very good press X to unequipped an item I like that I do like that a lot press tab to use a health elixir okay pretty easy um menu I like how convenient it is oh no what’s going on with this guy a deserter fate it’s just like this is literally just like a story book I’m I really like it I really like the UI okay you come upon a group of guards weary and disheveled they explain that the bound man Thorne abandoned his post at the village bridge during the raid leaving it unguarded Thorne admits to leaving his post not out of fear but to intercept a rope group aiming to uh poison The Village’s water supply his absence allowed the attackers unhindered access to the Village resulting in significant loss of life oh there’s decision making in this game too um we can leave them at our alone free Thorn or kill Thorn yourself I feel like okay but they tricked him let’s free Thorn I’m sorry I got neg5 mortality and plus 10 Renown some actions and decisions will affect your mortality and Renown I don’t oh God this guy’s really get back so listen I don’t want any problems but Thorne he was tricked don’t you see yeah that’s what you get Run free Thorne you don’t deserve you didn’t deserve that oh my God there’s just this guy who’s deceased back here okay great we got a a rusted nasal well I mean I look official now I look official oh time your block just as an attack lands to Pari Parry par Parry an enemy heavy attacks cannot be parried oh I did it okay not too bad okay let’s try this again is there a way to know oh there we go okay so you do have to time it like perfectly there we go hey combat is pretty nice it’s smooth I like it it does take a little getting used to but it says you can typically flee from enemy encounters well you don’t have to tell me twice I’m out of here shift actually allows you to Sprint oh yep there it is hold Sprint to shift I mean what hold shift shft to Sprint I just completely turned that sentence around okay let’s go below deck it says um can we talk to anybody my gosh is everybody okay this is a lot all right we’re we made it to the boat alas all good things must end it came to pass the bitter conflict and ceaseless War engulfed the continent those who dared to Brave the sea fled you were there this is where your Journey Begins freelance wow this is it’s literally set up just like a story book which I think is pretty cool all right so I’m going to remove my camera so we can take a look at the inventory um I just love I love the menu this looks so cool so we have all we can separate by weapons I do love a filtered menu we’ve got foods and stuff here okay very nice we also have our Journal we have Quest contracts notes and books love that we already have 500 gold I’m rich a skill tree available cards I guess we can collect cards or unlock cards melee uh archery oh archery yes um farming Trad Charisma and survival okay oh we also have a map here which is huge I mean wow okay very nice let’s get going yeah I’m taking everything I’m a I’m going to loot literally any and everything that I can find all right we got Mead Red Apple and goat cheese we can cook oh my gosh look at the recipes a sweet tart we can make a honey apple all right so we made a baked apple that’s very cool and down here we have it looks like time of day the actual date of the day so it’s 8th of Summer and then Health stamina and I’m thinking this is hunger okay the man be you and though you’ve never met murmurs your name welcome to the free lands he says with a crooked toothed grin someone’s been waiting for you almost as though they forsaw your arrival I know not who he is he gestures towards the Steed ride West bring this horse to the stranger the road will take you where you need to be I like that part of it as voice acted too that is really nice okay um I love the voice actor whoever that is is really good he says just to ride off on the Steed can I give him a little pet first oh we can be friends I love it look at us horses I do love horses in a game [Music] oh bad Ridge precense is that bad yeah it’s bad Ridge wow this this is beautiful I’m impressed the music the music’s so good [Music] [Music] mirwood I’m loving it so far this is really really pretty I love the music it feels just like a a fairy tale or a story book which is right up my alley absolutely adore that well the flowers okay we’ve arrived bring the horse to the stranger okay the stranger says welcome a weary traveler The Stranger lifts his head eyes shadowed beneath his hood your journey has been long and I imagine you are full of questions first you must rest for you have carried the weight of many miles this land it belong to someone I once knew take care of it you’ll find that some things make more sense in time for now watch listen and settle in we’ll likely cross path again until then keep your eyes open you may carry or you carry a luck few can claim the hood this just like the faceless Hood hey wait that’s my horse you’re just gonna take my horse I hate it here I want my horse back all right get some get some rest all right I don’t know okay here’s our house oh wow oh oh she’s oh we can’t go anywhere around the house right now we can go oh no we’re blocked okay so we just need to go straight inside she’s a fixer uper yeah it’s definitely giving fixer uper that’s fine okay we’re taking our first rest I think I actually just napped by accident but maybe it’ll count all the same all right so I see we have five days I’m assuming this just means five days in the demo so we have five in game days for the demo uh humble beginnings uh gather 30 Stone 30 wood and craft a cooking pot we’ve given you a chest with a few items to jump start your demo experience equipment with crafting or check your quests if you feel like venturing outside the farm I absolutely want to venture outside the farm so we shall do uh oh look we have everything okay so there is going to be crafting in this game which I love there’s a copper hoe a watering can we have a bunch of seeds I’m going to just take them all more food an iron bar malted grains flour and animal fat oh we just got honey from the The Beehive and it looks like we can eat honey that will improve our health and stamina um and flour I think there was a recipe we can make with flour apple and honey I’ll take that too okay all right let’s start by um okay q and E rotates through your tools I like that I like that a lot so they’ve went this route instead of doing like a little toolbar at the bottom I don’t I’m I kind of don’t mind that actually oh I like that animation a lot okay that looks great the little sparks flying and I also like that they haven’t made the mining noise too harsh in some games it can be a bit much like too sharp of a noise on my ears specifically anyway all right so we’re going to mine up all of the stone we need 30 Stone eight 27 I did see some Stone down here I think that had blue on it oh yeah right here so let’s mine this and see if this is a different type of stone oh yeah it’s copper okay so the stones with blue are copper I’m going to gather a little extra Stone I’m assuming we we’ll need Stone and wood we in games like this you always need extra Stone and wood all right now it’s time to chop some trees okay can’t chop that big one maybe the small ones yes oh I like that it’s also just you don’t have to click over and over it’s just hold you just hold down um left C left click oh very nice okay Gathering seems relatively easy too like you don’t get one or two pieces of wood when you’re chopping on a tree it looks like we’re getting four pieces yeah get three to four pieces of wood it looks like and I can see my stamina and uh or I guess my energy and my uh food is decreasing as we work which I guess makes sense for a game like this yeah it’s definitely feels very much like a survival I love the storyline so far um and it’s also has like the mixture of Echoes of Plum grov with the art style and you know I wasn’t a big fan of this art style but after playing echo of Plum Grove and now taking a look at this game I it’s definitely growing on me I think even this game has a better um better art style maybe better graphics than echo of Plum grve I mean they’re kind of different in their own way but I just like how this one gives a little bit of a realism to it I like it a lot though all right so we have enough wood let’s go ahead and craft our let’s craft our um cooking pot which is what we need to do next all right so use the workbench to craft items for your farm from the workbench you can craft stations structure Decor in storage containers use tabber ey to access and place crafted items okay all right so we’ve oh we’ve got a lot of recipes so Anvil um a cold blue steel it’s uh used for crafting of weapons and armor o I love that we got five Renown I think for completing that Quest I wonder what Renown is we have that in Pia is it like your reputation Maybe um okay and then we have a workbench which we already have a furnace a keg a cast The Keg is for making alcohol a cast is to age the alcohol a press oh I love all of the crafting oh look Al Loom oh my God we have so many options I want to like make all the stuff this is just a demo um okay let’s let’s put down our cooking station we have like a little open area here uh we did get a SE maybe we clear let’s just clear this area out we can use this area for like farming and cooking cuz we have a hoe a garden hoe and we also have um our cooking pot now so hey nice all cleared out I wonder by clearing out some of these flowers you don’t get anything for using the SE it looks like you’re getting hungry refill your stomach by eating forg herbs or food cooked foods will provide a much greater benefit to you come comine ingredients at cooking stations you discover on your travels failure to keep your tummy full may result in your character passing out okay we don’t want that uh this stump is in a position that I don’t love oh okay we can remove it I think yes I’m so glad I didn’t need to upgrade my tool to get rid of that all right we’re just going to clear out a bit of a walkway I think I love the flowers so I’m going to leave a lot of them but maybe just clearing out this little area right oh I see okay we’ve got a build menu looks like rotate left so we can rotate items hopefully we can put things on an angle that would be cool um refund I don’t know what that means toggle grid path mode oh my God stop oh it’s so nice it’s done so well oh I I love it Bobble eraser and you can just erase it I I love that oh so this might be a really fun one for decorating too okay um oh next PATH so we’ve got Cobblestone and dirt let’s look at Cobblestone oh it’s so good okay let’s do it better than that though yeah leave it to me I’m supposed to be working on a quest but I am going to do some Paving just a little broken broken up Cobblestone path kind of imperfect this side that was a little bit much there okay nice oh my God I’m about to starve to death because I’m I’m P oh no oh no I’m okay I I’ve already died um well it looks like if you pass out your hunger kind of slightly increases they did tell me to eat okay let me how do I get out of the okay I okay let me just focus on doing what they say to do I literally just passed out let’s put it let’s put it right here right next to the house maybe it can light the road a bit okay so let’s use this let’s try to make a sweet tart apple honey and flour okay so we made a sweet tart maybe we can make a couple more apples baked apples okay so that’s done um I guess we’re going to take advantage of the rest of today I’m so upset that I passed out I need to get it together okay so I think you can toggle the grid when you’re using certain tools let’s just start a garden I think I have five of each seed oh I like this this is nice oh I don’t want to put it there okay that five 1 2 3 4 5 and we’ll do it again it’s definitely dark at night I’m just going to make five rows or four rows CU I think we have four different seeds this has done really really nicely so far though I really like it okay so let’s keep it going it has it feels like it just has aspects of every game every type of game that I love the role playing story line you have farming and crafting can’t see maybe right here okay perfect look at our first Garden I do love her okay can we put Paving down not this y’all are probably thinking not this again oh we can I would love for them to add sliders so that you could make something bigger or smaller I’m going to erase that okay um let’s do some dirt maybe here around our fire pit and then up this way [Music] okay not bad okay and then what we I think I accidentally put some down here oh my gosh wrong button okay erased that okay okay you just have you just press B to exit back out of the menu um I think I also have a watering can love it thank goodness you don’t have to water one by one I feel like in Farm Sims that’s one of the most annoying things for me I know what usually gets better when you get like a watering can upgrade or something but I just really do not like having to water individually so glad to see that that is not the case all right um so we’ve cooked let’s check our uh quest to see what we have it says the road to bright bright to in the far distance the faint but distracting sounds of Life beckon a bustling murmur a pulse of activity perhaps we should head south and discover what lies at the source of these sounds so we need to follow the Farm’s Southern Road and then we have tilling oh ending the soil uh it looks like I already kind of started this one now that you’ve cleared some room let’s see how fertile the soil is with tools in hand and seeds at the ready it’s time to turn these once forgotten grounds into a thriving Garden plant your crops and nurture them as they grow so too Will your connection to the land this is so pretty to me all right so Harvest five cabbage Harvest five barley and five onion now as a farmer I think that we have I wonder if I can access the seeds from my to oh you can okay perfect let’s do cabbage first um but yeah as a farmer I remember it said that we would our crops will grow faster so this should be helpful for this Quest I think I’m interested to see once the game is fully released which I think they’re aiming to release this game in September I am interested to know um you know how the cards really affect your gameplay over time you know cuz there were so many options to choose from so it’s cool that you could do like multiple different playthroughs depending on you know your gameplay style or whatever you could play this again and play with different cards make a totally different like lineage and storyline or background that could be fun too like it’d be cool to play as um a thief or as someone who’s like cuz it looks like we have decision-making so you could play as kind of like a bad guy if you want that could actually be really fun and I think there’s relationships too because uh so maybe you can have like kids and stuff who knows all right so it says that it’s nighttime I think we just need to go to bed I don’t know if that’s going to skip our days down I cannot believe that we passed out that we passed out I think we’ve already watered these though so I think we’re good to go there look at the sign oh upgrades um so we’ve got home upgrades and materials it looks like we can repair the exterior and interior with 100 of each okay I’m feeling hungry I’m going to go ahead and eat because we all remember what happened last time we all remember what happened last time I didn’t eat um okay so I’m going to spin the rest of maybe uh never mind let’s just let’s go to bed let’s get fully rested maybe I should just nap I’m going to nap since we already have half energy I’m going to nap and see that was not that was not worth it okay let’s just go to sleep we still have days left four I wonder if this is going to change I’m hoping not okay perfect all right we’re still doing okay hello hello oh wow so I just have a hole in my roof okay fantastic oh the sounds are absolutely wonderful the bird’s chirping I want to go ahead before we kick off the day I want to start watering our crops um and then I think we should gather the materials we need to upgrade our house or at least half of them and then we can head to the town I mean we do have five days after all all right so let’s get this fully watered up this I don’t know about this Hawk right here oh we’ve already got some things sprouting out of the ground which is nice all right so let’s um let’s get our ax out and start with the wood we need a 100 of each I wonder how difficult it would be to collect can’t chop those trees down yet I wonder if like tool upgrades will allow you to chop bigger trees I assume trades level three Okay so we’ve leveled up to level three oh the skill Tre is nice oh oh okay we’ve locked new unlocked new skill cards okay this is how you get them very cool so it says Lumberjack excavator and Artisan I love how this is set up I mean it’s your traditional skill tree um but I do like how you have cards to choose from um okay so a chance to harvest more wood uh chances to harvest more rock or ore crafted items are worth more H do I just pick one oh I’ve got all three okay so we’re level three in trades level one in survival and level one in melee so we can just apply cards right now I think I’m going to apply Lumberjack can I oh I can switch it oh oh okay so you can this is interesting so I’m assuming maybe you can switch depending on what you’re doing so let’s leave Lumberjack on for now and see if we get some extra wood okay so we get five instead of three now which is really nice so I think I’m going to switch the cards depending on what I’m doing um I don’t know if that’s like a hack or not oh expansion as you clear and develop your farm you’ll be able to purchase additional land and expand your property this will allow you to create large multi featured layouts multi-featured layouts oh this is good this is going to be good I’ve got a good feeling about this game I wonder if we can fish I don’t have a fishing rod yet so maybe not in the demo okay five wood uh how much do I I need to check my inventory to see how much I have I don’t think I’m close to 100 yet but let’s just get as much as we can uh we’re pretty good on food right now and we have food our inventory hopefully we can forge and harvest as we go on oh another Hive perfect we need the honey we can make another tart and that would be really useful this is so pretty okay all right wood we have 50 oh we’re so close so I’m just going to gather I’m going to gather all 100 I mean why not we might as well we might as well still very early uh oh actually it’s it’s into the afternoon now so uh let’s switch to doing rocks now skills we’re going to turn into an excavator sorry I’m sorry it’s the mom of me I I’ll I’ll stop what hello excuse me what are you doing here sorry he probably I I’m actually a woman hello can I greet you okay this is our first look at social interactions so we can greet jir and then talk oh wow we have a lot of options so we have chat just Romance I’m excited about this gossip and influence I mean this guy’s kind of hot so maybe we’ll do romance let’s give a little compliment oh okay Braden flirts clumsily are you drunk sir what did they mean what did they mean flirt clumsily oh Raiden Praises your eyes what about a little flatter okay I didn’t see a menu for like getting to know people but maybe we’ll see let’s just keep chatting um let’s do a intellectual conversation see how he likes that oh hates intellectual okay so you oh he said get back to the romance Don’t Mind If I Do I guess okay we leveled up our Charisma flirts clumsily this [Music] little I don’t know if like the longer you do it if something happens compliment your height okay you like short short girls okay well it’s good to know you now let me just check the menu Charisma okay codex I’m wondering if the Codex which isn’t available right now is like the area where you’ll learn about um relationships or something maybe all right well it was good to meet you good sir might you be on your way and sober up what a flirt it looks like we’re getting three stones you feel hungry I oh that tart filled our energy all the way up or our hunger that’s perfect okay let’s let me see if we can upgrade okay we just need a few more rocks let’s try that oh we got five I think that’s enough but we’ll do just a smidge bit more um I think we should repair let’s repair the exterior oh wow okay so it just does it immediately this is so Cottage core I absolutely love how the house looks all right so for now let’s run down they said travel South to town let’s just go take a look in town and see what we find oh uh okay I was going to say I can’t I don’t see a path but maybe we can connect that with Paving open your map to help you navigate only a small section is available in the demo maybe just this area here um but wow it’s huge it really is a big map look at all of the mountains up here I wonder if we’ll be able to like rinse a horse or have a horse on our farm that will help us with traveling around I would assume I also feel like hunting maybe is a possibility oh some honey oh my gosh there’s Braiden again your interactions with NPCs will affect their feelings of friendship and Rance towards you when in range of an NPC an icon will appear at the bottom of the screen click to learn more about that NPC oh okay every NPC has a unique personality enjoys different topics and Gifts uncovering traits can be helpful to get to know an NPC oh I love this higher wait a second okay okay okay um so Braden is a hunter a peasant from Vora Vora I liked Vora um he’s in a Mystique mischievous mood our friendship is acquaintance um we’re still in a cold status with relationship but we’re getting there they have traits skills likes and dislikes there’s there’s marriage which means there must be kids right we’ve got invite hire gift and propose oh this is absolutely this is so exciting oh this is so exciting I just found I found a rusty iron sword oh wow wow that is so cool I feel like I struggle with ro like relationships always in games like this but I’m really excited about that all right we found a season book all right let me just get a I’m just going to read over this quickly to see I think this might teach us something the season is not just about growth in the fields but also a time of community and celebration the Spring Equinox brings the Festival of blossoms okay ideal crops to sew include tender lettuces hearty kalees sweet snap peas all of which thrive in the cool moist soil of early spring and look forward to the next volume where we explore sultry days of summer uh so right now we’re in summer so at least we learned a little bit about spring and it looks like we got some XP for survival when we found bright tote okay Festival of blossoms can be held on the 24th of spring um a day of Tarts wine and other seasonal Delights let us celebrate and welcome the season of renewal together oh so there’s going to be little events and stuff too oh it looks like a little ledger board or oh it’s a quest um okay locate the metery town spoke of brioke it should be no news to you that medeval meery has fallen into troubling silence many are eager to learn why shipments of me have ceased and I must say quite dissatisfied with the me now being brewed in town furthermore Dunkin medville and his family have not been seen around town in weeks if one among you is willing to explore the state it lies north of the end of The Meadows signed Benedict Hughes so we need to find the metery I do love a good questing what’s this oh hello hello hello who are you sir oh are y’all arguing can we chat oh you don’t want to talk to me okay great look at this fine gentlemen I do love a beard hello let’s chat um maybe leisure how was your day today something like that is this is Clifford bartender uh Bartender Bartender Noble from oh my gosh we’re both from seir uh Mariel daughter oh he has a daughter okay he’s being bored right now uh anxious Clifford is worried about bad weather and Clifford had a pleasant walk so this will tell us kind of like what’s been going on with their day traits are quick let’s say intellect ual maybe you seem like an intellectual guy yeah I figured this is so oh he’s like it’s night time now uh not gossip you don’t seem like a man for gossip uh let’s try romance maybe compliment I love your bar I like Clifford too you need water are you thirsty okay that’s very cool uh it looks like we can purchase stuff here hold on I just saw the trade pop up we can we can purchase stuff so I have 500 gold just going to go ahead and sell some stuff I have a ruy rusty copper sword let’s sell that have two iron swords I’ll probably keep both that’s all we can sell for now vegetable stew oh these are pretty inexpensive I love that the little icon pops up down here and you can just easily click on it that’s very cool okay so I’m going to get a little rabbit stew oh there’s alcohol I’m a wine girl I’m going to buy a couple of those it looks like it improves your health does any of these improve your your stamina no okay let’s check this Quest here Reginal DRC contract okay contract for Reginald Reginald DRC the M miscreant has long plagued our trade routes turning profit into Peril his exploits have become the stuff of wary traveler Tales he must be dealt with swiftly and decisively to restore peace and order to the roads it believed that he has Hol Up in the Northeast across the bridge and into the old Force look for the abandoned Tower a likely hiding spot not not Reginald oh Reginald oh the little decorations the room must be rented okay we can rent rooms probably good when you’re out exploring and can’t get back home a suspicious note Brena you were right there is indeed some sort of tunnel system beneath the Inn I shadowed the inke keep into the store room as he headed down the stairs I glimpsed that what appear to be some sort of hidden passageway the secrets that could be down there I am staying in the end tonight I mustn’t forget to send this letter tomorrow I shall meet you in a week’s time back at ashmir we must discuss next steps archal archal did forget to send the letter indeed let’s see What Lies Beneath oh it’s locked for the demo okay I think I saw yeah I saw right here is there another Quest oh no it was the same one okay all right so I’m assuming that once you get to know these NBCS a little bit better maybe you’ll get access to more places look what’s that don’t mind if I do listen as long as we’ve got energy we’re going to use it okay I’m not going to bed until I have to sleep those oh my God a plague mask a feathered B’s hat that’s cool a painter hat I like this one lovers Cape a coat for the hopeless romantic with intentions on full display oh they have Buffs okay so this this Lover’s coat you can wear it and it romantic actions have a greater chance of success simple purple dress a grateful yes a Greatful a graceful yet practical dress with minimal detailing uh it’s giving Cottage core I love her a Rogues cloak we also can get health Elixir a game table we can buy oh we can buy furniture here oh I I’m sorry but we have to try decorating right look at these little I okay a skull painting we’ll put something we’ll buy something for each thing so I found something for the ground something for the wall the deer mount small ale painting some of this stuff’s pretty affordable let’s get a bed small pink Bush uh yes please I’m gonna get two of those we’re already poor oh this is so cool okay and should I get new clothes I’m just going to get I’m going to get the simple dress I’ll wear it when we’re at home okay I have no idea what if I’m going to need money for anything so I could really have just hurt myself but it’s fine uh Marketplace oh my oh wow okay um Town treasury tax rate is at 4% town coffers coffers does not sound good oh we have trade routes uh ashmir is connected but Crossroads and gray Shores is not connected it looks like Goods that are in demand are Stone chicken egg and cabbage so 8% increase in value maybe yeah in value okay I have some Stone we could sell that um it looks like Edgar wants some copper ore oh and you can give it improve your relationship oh wow okay uh Abel wants some wood and there’s another page okay Town Caravan departs in 3 days status is unguarded oh I’m sorry let me let me turn my camera off for right now so you can see so Town Caravan departs in 3 days status is ungard unguarded improve [Music] cart what I have to know more about this so it looks like you can improve is it your cart by money Crossroads gold oh and then you can get paid for fulfilling these things oh this is that is awesome [Music] I adore the marketplace that is so cool what a what a cool feature to have in this game look a little chicken pick berries okay we found some elderberries on the tree so there is some like definitely some foraging oh look here’s the dress we just bought is there anything else out here I guess we could continue to chat with people but I’m I want to kind of explore look at this fine gentlemen this is Gage Gage enjoyed some Leisure Time Gage is worried about bad weather mood is silly right now I think okay so if the mood is silly I wonder if that helps us with building relationships so like if I chat hold on let me get close enough hey can you stop oh my gosh stop for just a second let’s just funny joke okay okay oh okay so that ooh feeling romantic H okay so let me look at friendship so we’re right here with friendship let’s see if I just again let’s do another funny joke and see jokes about the privy chamber let’s flatter oh does not care for flattery boring flirts quite awkwardly okay very interesting it’s not going up much but I assume you’d have to spend a lot of time maybe talking with people okay we’ve got some crops we’ve got a bunch of buildings oh look a blacksmith can I buy new weapons Maybe no who is this this is Clayton a peasant uh is feeling Tinder excuse me yeah see these doors have locks on them you’re not friends with Clayton okay so we’ll get access to more buildings as we make friends so relationships are going to be very very important okay can’t can’t go down that road oh this doesn’t have a lock on it can we go inside hello but what’s going on in here I’m going to leave I feel like I interrupted something he this area down here seems a lot more rustic for lack of a better [Music] word there’s a Cellar that’s locked just exploring the town this is very very cool uh that says hazy hazy hag look at the rug oh my God okay there’s more food now let me see something if I sell here let’s look at what our stone is worth can I sell Stone here no just food and stuff food and [Music] clothes oh my gosh this is so cool okay um let me just look again to see porch light ale and me I think we should stand by the fire and enjoy maybe some some wine I’m just curious to see if it has an effect okay mortality maybe is between life and death Renown I’m so curious about this okay I ate all the wine it looks like it had no effect okay you’re getting tired over the course of time your energy level will drain certain activities like using tools or running will cause your energy to drain faster you can recharge some energy with Foods or elixirs but eventually you will need to sleep to fully recover sleep at camp sites campsites you discover on travels or at your home failure to rest may result in your character passing out okay we do not want that so let’s go ahead and head back home steal oh I forgot to turn my camera back on okay hi I’m back steel steal don’t mind if I do wait what happens if I steal the Bell we got chamomile I mean chamomile is great so it’s totally worth it uh okay our mortality is not looking good I I don’t know if that’s a great thing to have bad mortality I wonder if that affects your relationships as well o some honey all right let’s head home for now we didn’t I don’t even know if we explored the whole town it looks like it’s pretty big stay let’s stay on the path of the lit Road let’s go up this way and we should probably also oh my god oh it’s a rabbit I thought that was like a wolf or something I I almost Fe myself okay it’s fine we’re safe I’m going to clear a path so that we can easily find our way back down here next [Music] time there we go so literally this entire area is our plot which is when you think about it really huge it’s big I want to do cobblestone [Music] I love that you can literally just run and drag this Cobblestone Paving you can just it’s you’re just painting it on very nicely done so easy I think we’ll do the decorating in the morning but for now let’s make some sweet tart how many can I make um I can make only two [Music] okay we need both those Sweet Tarts I am do I have any apples left no apples okay so at least we have some food and I probably should eat something going to eat a little bread anything else I can do I mean it’s not night time just yet let’s uh let’s actually work on getting some more Stone got to make use of our days right we’ll go to bed right before our energy of is completely out I know we’re feeling sleepy but we need the stone to upgrade the interior of our house which would be cool to upgrade the interior and then see what decorating is like we need 50 more Stone we’ve got 13 man this has been really enjoyable this is I feel like once this Demo’s over I’m going to be kind of sad because this has been so nice Okay we got five stones and then and also tomorrow what we’ll do is go visit some of those enemy camps I guess whatever it is the tower see what’s going on over there I’m sure that we’re going to need to engage in some type of combat or something 38 okay so we’re at 40ish we need two more Stones all right we’re out of energy hurry up don’t pass out okay we made it just in time so this shows where you’re what quest you’re on the 10th of Summer let’s see if I have enough to upgrade the house now okay we need wood and a little bit more Stone okay Three Stones I guess uh the bigger the rock too you get more back okay okay so we have enough Stone now let’s go ahead and let’s get some wood we just need a little bit more wood okay we leveled up again let’s few our skills maybe we’ll get another card trades Charisma survival melee okay not bad are we stuck oh let’s look what our dress looks like how cute are we don’t mind me I’m just a simple [Music] lady I am just a simple lady let’s water our crops too we don’t want those going unwatered for too [Music] long we can get all four if we water right in the center these it seems [Music] like okay perfect all right so we’ve repaired the interior let’s go see what it looks like now wonderful beautiful but where are the windows we have Windows on the outside no no windows on the inside okay let’s start placing things down so we can rotate oh no angle that’s okay we’ve got a bed now I like it um hanging pictures on our wall oh what happened are we about to starve yes we are who’s this guy people just walking on my land like hello I’m going to hang the skull painting right above our bed cuz who doesn’t like a little death knocking on your doorstep what is oh this one this is I absolutely love love love this can I how do you pick something up okay so if you left or right click you can pick something up left click to pick up and place down right click to put back in your [Music] inventory oh well this is I love it I love it all right now what else do we have did I purchase anything else I could place down no okay so let me grab some more honey we can make some baked apples let’s open our inventory oh I do have something I have plants to place down these bushes now can these bushes be placed inside they stop are you kidding you can even overlap it a little bit wait okay it looks like it it’ll just snap back into your inventory if you accidentally place it too far outside the wall I mean does it make sense to have bushes inside probably not but I was just curious to see if you could put them inside and it seems like you can which is really really cool I’m going to put these right outside the front that is beautiful that is [Music] beautiful see right [Music] here I even love the little detail they have where where um The Bottom already has like a little a little dirt area filled in very nice touch now let’s see if we can craft anything new I think we can craft an anvil oh no we don’t have any well we have the iron and stone we just need more Stone okay all right so for now I think what we need to do because we have like half stamina I think we should probably try to figure out where this guy is we’re supposed to go get um I’ve got a helmet I’ve got my sword I’ve got some food so I think we’re doing okay also drop items on the ground oh it looks like Elder birdies are good for energy I’m going to eat some of that right now to improve our energy a bit okay um let’s look on the map or let’s actually go back to our Journal first it looks like we need to locate the metery um it’s north uh it’s at the North End Of The Meadows let’s go to our map uh it must be this one it says Blue Meadows and it’s at the North it looks like we’ve got some stuff on our map here so maybe it’s one of these buildings so we need to just go straight up straight up let me also look let me be prepared wow the decorating is so cool I’m really happy with that I think you’re going to make some really beautiful spaces I think in this game oh the little Fallen [Music] log normally I wouldn’t even like games with like an aerial view can I can I try to get a I want to try to get a rabbit hello oh my gosh don’t you know not to hit a lady ooh I should probably try to Parry I have to to be smart about this too because oh my gosh oh my God he just got me okay we did it sorry I was focused oh we can loot Bandits too we got Alo leaf and two letter letter leather um of course betum fell down the well all I asked him to do was to draw a bucket of water I’m going to see if I can lower down a rope to reach him right this note for Prosperity vam you idiot um babe I don’t know what happened but all you were doing was lowering a rope how did you end up dead too what okay that is not good there’s a letter here my feelings for Reginald have long tormented me he sees only the path before him the thrill of the raid The Clash of Steel but in The Quiet Moments by the fire light when Shadows dance across his face I see a different man a man I Dare To Dream a life with far from the chaos of maring Maring yet I fear such dreams are such are fleeting as the Morning Mist should I confront him or bury these feelings deep beneath the rugged Trails we roome I shall tell him when he returns from the tower the Reginald we’re supposed to take out oh dly beloved he won’t make it to you we picked up some more stuff is this a potty nasty oh berries I will take that cuz we’re going to need the stamina I think all right got some more honey that’s good oh almost got I don’t think I’m going to be able to [Music] get I got rabbit meat and a rabbit pill okay so you can you just have to try to catch them I’m so sorry little rabbit I’m so sorry oh we found it okay we’re at the metery it says investigate the metery we’re looking for three things on our investigation Cow Cheese o we do need a little snack okay so that is filled up and then I’m going to have some more Elderberry cuz supposed to help our [Music] stamina oh that deer is that deer was gone no there was no catching that one okay um let’s actually run back over here I’m going to investigate this building there’s a chest a beekeeper’s [Music] hat babe I can’t see I can’t see the seller is locked for the demo okay um the outfits are very on on par with like the oh my God hello can’t talk let’s chat later get back get back man oh oh you got me okay oh my God yeah yeah yeah what are you what what were you think oh my God I’m going to die he’s trying to he’s trying to break my kneecaps oh my [Music] God oh my God oh oh oh god oh this Bandit is okay he was he was tough I’ll give him that okay we picked up Jensen root and a bread chunk let’s see what that does for us a bread chunk gives us some energy and the Jensen route gives us energy too I feel like energy goes up very slow though right it’s a little dark hopefully you guys will be able to see it I’ll try to brighten it up on um when I’m editing too all right we found a note I see the toll this takes home on you you suffer under the weight of our circumstances pouring endless resources into remedies we both know will fail and there is nothing left for us here Duncan the workers Whisper of instability and our patrons lamit in the decline of the meals uh the me’s quality I understand your actions for what we wouldn’t sacrifice to change things uh yet I fear the path we tread leads to ruin not only for our livelihood but our Spirits so yours Sylvia okay Duncan and Sylvia have fallen on hard times they own the meter it seems oh and not me just finding some meat on the ground don’t mind if I do okay the manor keying for a key oh it’s right here all right got it found the manner key looks like we can loot these barrels we found some bread loaf and Elderberry yeah we’re staying up all night boys we’re about to be up all night let’s go inside can I light a fire or something no all right let’s see what else oh look it’s a little kids room there’s a letter here Duncan your note has reached me and I am moved by your plight from your description of aa’s symptoms I have identified some rare herbs that might offer some relief if not a cure I caution you these treatments are experimental and not without risks I would prepare for I will prepare some concoctions and send them with instructions post um it is imperative that we proceed with caution monitoring her closely for any changes your dedication to your daughter’s recovery is clear and I will do all that I can to Aid during this time Mariel the herbalist that’s so sad oh no so I mean this room looks fairly clean I wonder if the daughter made it or not it looks like they’ve just like abandoned this building though can’t I can’t go there let’s go downstairs maybe we’ll find a key or something down here okay we found two chamomile what does chamomile do uh it improves improves our health and a little bit of food or hunger I guess I should say raisins in a wolf pelt look at how look at the art style I mean look at this that is really nice okay I like it a lot the art style is really beautiful okay don’t oh I meant to see what does raisins do a chewy Sun drenched grape makes for a chewy earthy snack okay that is exactly how a raisin tastes doesn’t seem like there’s anything else down here though so we’ll go back upstairs oh there’s a key we found the bedroom key I’m only looking for one more clue I’m assuming it’ll be in the bedroom maybe oh what’s this some nightmares defy even the most Twisted imagination the wisest among us should have foreseen the evil that would have awakened bleakwood long had some ancient magic festered there gripping passerby with a palpable sense of dread thickening the air and clouding the mind it is clear many have perished there swallowed by the murky Waters or entwined in the cold gnarled roots of the decaying trees evidence of great battles Adorn the ground so this is just a story I think I think we keep these books too if I go into my journal oh yeah so we can reference back to them I’m assuming these books are probably going to have some importance like um maybe they have hints or something in it all right but we have a key so the the lock on this door is open I feel sleepy well we’re not going to bed just yet oh my God Duncan one second Duan picked up the oh oh oh look we have a armored maiden’s dress oh I love the dress okay hopefully we’ll find more dresses that have armor like that but for now let’s put on this outfit loot oh Duncan’s dead oh we picked up Duncan’s rabbit foot where’s the rabbit foot that’s rabbit meat oh Duncan Duncan what happened my dearest Alara I hope you have found peace and Realms far Kinder than this we sought out every remedy and every blessing but fate was cruel and it seems your path was sealed the day you fell ill in my grief I neglected everything your mother uh most of all so a left I can no longer provide I find myself now surrounded by the ruins of a life we once held dear you will forever remain in my heart my sweet child though I write these words knowing they will never reach you your loving father Duncan um so Sylvia signed your still left with aara who was sick and Duncan oh my gosh Duncan this is actually terrible can I sleep in this bed all right let’s see what does it say searching for Sylvia with grim fight of medieval metery now uncovered one mysterious remain one mystery Remains the whereabouts of Sylvia okay so I guess Elena passed away too has Sylvia found refuge in a distant town or does she wander alone consumed by sorrow her fate is uncertain perhaps a faint Trail remains I don’t like syia just leaving her her family and in ruin what’s going on babe all right well I guess that’s all for the metery it’s just non-existent now medville metery that’s a pretty sign all right we should probably go home though cuz we are definitely getting sleepy so let’s let’s hurry up and get back home I wonder if like fast travel points or something is going to be in this game probably not it might just be like um you get a steed a trusted steed I’m going to stick to the the pathways I feel like that’s always the safest option in [Music] games so we’re running our energy is going down yeah we’re going the right way cuz I remember that we’re home we’re home to my beautiful beautiful house let’s make sure we water our crops yeah they definitely needed to be watered I wonder how many days until these are fully grown usually takes like four or five ingame days this is so nice look at the outside of my house I love it wow that is so nice Okay let’s go to bed starting a new day we’ve got two days left and we still have to find Reginald whose lover is not going to be very happy with oh we have taken him off the planet Earth oh they’re ready today okay so it looks like really it only took three three days two or three in-game days are all of them ready oh this is awesome okay they are already ready barley we’ve got our carrots we should probably do our some cooking uh what is this oh you can’t carry any more food oh we can’t make make baked apples is there something we can make with the food oh okay so this is dessert we can make porridge we need wheat and cow’s milk rabbit potato and animal fat vegetable soup I can I think I can make vegetable soup oh look we can cook the rabbit rabbit meat one why can’t we make it oh am I missing something maybe that’s locked for the demo oh and um okay so herbs get you different Elixir that are useful I have some chamomile I had Jensen and lavender okay well there’s nothing I can make right now I don’t think not even baked apples um what should I do I guess I should store some stuff away I’m going to put the rabbit in there medieval me we have some bread that we’ll eat in just a second raisins I feel like I need the food though right all right a rare token believed to bring luck to those who keep it close info May improve fortunes when kept in our inventory oh that’s cool okay so we need to keep the rabbit foot on us these far fabled feathers can’t be sold I’m going to put the leather away Alo Lea we can’t use right now copper ore will’ll put away let’s eat some food first okay now we can probably pick up some more stuff gather some cabbage We Gather it all now oh I guess maybe it’s a slots thing like I needed to have two more slots available as they stack all right so I’ve got all of our oh we completed the quest okay we get anything from that no oh Renown perfect honey [Music] apple don’t have any flour potato animal fat vegetable stew I was I really want to cook this that uh those rabbit legs that we have but I guess we can’t all right um I think now we should probably focus on the next Quest that we have which is all of these are locked for the demo so let’s do the Reginald Quest the contract we need it’s believed that he’s H up in the Northeast across the bridge and into the old forest look for an abandoned Tower so across the bridge this is the Old Forest there right here that’s definitely definely a tower right that’s definitely a tower okay so we need to go we’re here so we can just go straight across oh wait no this might be the Tower actually okay let’s go straight across go find Reginald oh okay and then maybe we can sell our crops and then just get a bunch more stuff to decorate with since we only have two days left I feel like it’s probably going to go fast Raiden is back out here y’all are just I like how it’s kind of bustling like people are just out around doing their own thing so the town must be right beneath us what’s this rock is this just a bunch of stone oh that’s iron I felt like that looked different we found another fabled feather oh floating in the sky that’s funny oh what’s this can’t carry any more food well then we’ll just have to have a snack won’t we I’m going to eat the raisins actually okay we found the ginson route Jens I don’t know if it’s Jensen or ginson but I also don’t know if we’re going the right or the wrong way right now but we’ll we’ll find out let’s go this way oh my god did you do something to that deer sir well met traveler you’re not familiar to me you must have arrived on a recent ship I see you’re headed in the Old Forest be wary those woods are unted and much remains unexplored you’ll also find good hunting under the trees farewell very well sir oh my gosh I was just going to loot this guy’s stuff uh Elderberry we’re already like super low on energy let’s do that I’m going to pick up some mushrooms I do love a cute little mushroom may cause sickness if eaten raw oh my well because I can’t cook that right now then I’m just that is such a cute mushroom how can we can we drop it oh I picked it back up again oops okay so we’ll drop it and then let’s try to pick up this mushroom and see I’m just wondering the difference between the too these are common mushrooms where are those oh right here uh can be eaten on its own or combined with other ingredients okay so common mushrooms are good but the red cat mushrooms those have to be have to be cooked first right into the Old Forest we should see the tower is like right here somewhere feel like Reginal it’s going to be kind of like a boss fight or something um okay so we’re getting experienced by finding these different places oh my god oh I’m using the wrong thing okay oh oh actually okay we’ve got a better sword now I feel like we’re going to need it oh oh he got me okay oh that was a good hit oh oh I’m my gosh you definitely you definitely look menacing with this little thing you got on Sir oh the dodging oh how did that not hit him Reginal I’m so sorry about this I think you have a lady that’s looking for you oh okay can’t block can’t block those I [Music] forgot okay that’s a heavy attack fine I’ll return one of my own then I mean you don’t want to mess with me is all I’m saying we got cow’s cheese abandon abandoned something oh we got his plague mask we also got his Bandit outfit oh we got 20 Renown and 10 mortality plus tin mortality for that so it looks like this armor the bandits Brigade it looks like it has a negative effect with talking to people flexible armor made from heavy cloth um affiliation is criminals so I wonder if that uh like it affects when we’re talking with other people or whatever I love the music by the time this parchment Graces your eyes I’ll be off to relieve another ponderous Merchant of his burdensome wealth keep your blade sharp and your wit sharper remember it’s not theft it’s reimbursement of Misfortune well isn’t that one way to look at it we found some me need um I can’t pick up any more food those that looks like something but I don’t know what anything down this way okay that’s definitely blocked for the demo let’s go inside oh we got a nice chest up here can’t carry any more armor I know I bought this dress oh the this can go I don’t know let’s get rid of the bandits armor too I don’t need it I want to open the chest what’s in here studded leather jacket and a steeled sword oh yeah yeah that’s perfect looks much better than what we had on and also I don’t want to be affiliated with a bandit so I’m definitely not going to wear that although it might have been good to sell all right we’ve dealt with Reginald maybe we should go let’s go into town and sell a bunch of stuff that we don’t need right now I think that would be good and then we can maybe purchase some more decorations maybe a new hat you know the good stuff oh what’s up here actually can we explore a little bit more I’m sorry sir no no really will you help me will the H do you guys think the hunter will help hello I’m just going to let’s just come back this way hello oh the Hunter oh my God ouch oh God he’s got a shield this is kind of crazy oh did y’all see that yeah that’s right that’s right your Shield will not save you sir it will not save you today can’t carry any more food all you had was food on you what a waste what are you guarding over here I think it’s hilarious that this Bandit is just over here chilling and there’s a whole Hunter some rugged Brown trousers oh now now we’ve got some clothes on okay can’t carry any more armor there’s more in there all right we got to get rid of the purple dress up a white cloth shirt okay something simple to wear very cool some more [Music] honey we leveled up oh my God sorry hello uh your desires have bled you here bound to this tree by your own hand and blade you betrayed our bond for a fleeting moment with my sister what with your sister let this be a testament to the choices we made and the paths they carve uh I hope you find peace in the end even if it eludes [Music] me pinned to a tree beneath the shade of green leaves you encounter an unexpected sight a man made with made one with a tree his own sword binding him into the woeful Fate a note on the ground nearby reveals the likely cause um take the man’s sword or bury him with his sword you really can choose to be a good or a bad guy I mean he slept with this guy’s sister but or maybe it was a girl um I don’t know being stuck to the tree I’m just going to bury him with a sword it improved my mortality I shall live a little bit longer for that kind act oh my God he was right here by Midville mville oh another feather literally there’s so much to see and explore look at this a little locked area hopefully they’ll have something to increase your um what’s it called like your inventory I got a note Festival suspicious note okay I guess I didn’t have anything on it or would have popped up I assume right let’s just keep moving I think the town should be straight down here just want to sell my stuffs oh that’s reading the sign this has got to be it right oh look these are like little crop Fields can I swing on this no you can’t have no idea where I’m at I’m lost hello okay the town is straight down this is what happens when you don’t follow the road friends okay um all right now where to find the place where I can sell stuff those berries if I could steal those I I actually would my gosh I have access to someone’s house look at how you can decorate I’m assuming this is how the inside of my house could look at one point or at some point very cool I want to go buy all the stuff that we can use to decorate we only have one day left in the game so we might as well where is where’s the place where I bought that stuff is it over here I look so menacing with this hat so first let’s sell these Rusty swords don’t need the helmet yeah I can serve I can sell a lot of stuff I’m going to sell this that shabby black tights can go now got 630 doll hairs or gold coins um I want to buy this little painters hat I think that could look cool or we’ll see how it looks anyway blue fine tights um I want the refined dining table I will take that the deer mount yes please I did buy a I don’t know if I bought the bear rug wolf skin rug oh we’re going to decorate our entire house it’s going to be perfect let’s get a cushion chair a small wall lattice oh my God there’s more stuff this wasn’t here before or I must have missed it I want to buy two of those two windows oh that’s 30 can I not buy anymore oh my inventory must be full oh we have so much to decorate with I’m so excited all right let’s run home I am so excited okay done a lot of exploring hope you guys are enjoying the video so far it is um going to be like a long playthrough cuz I just want to play through the whole demo so I hope that it’s um kept your attention and that you’ve been liking it if you have enjoyed so far please don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up that’s super helpful I’m debating on whether I want to do more videos like this but um yeah I’m really enjoying this demo so far it’s a it’s a pretty in-depth demo I think get a taste for some of the questing farming the um the financial system I guess you can call it like selling trading all that stuff all right I don’t want to do this at night so I’m going to do it in the morning let’s go to sleep first also if you ever run into a bug while you’re playing this demo you can apparently report one down here okay I’m ready to decorate it is the morning time first oh this always happens to me I always pick a hairstyle where the hair disappears off your character when you wear it but that is what a hat looks like I’m going to take it off for right now we’ll just wear our dress okay let’s put this table down right here I think and I can’t remember only bought one chair so which makes sense um it actually it probably should go on this side here this is I love it I love the decorating so far all right I mean I think it could definitely it’s a demo so it could definitely use some improvement but right now it’s been really really nice I want this beer rug maybe right here in the center the bear’s face though can we be honest about that bear’s face I’m going to add another rug uh wolf rug right here be right underneath the bed I love it um okay we have the the deer’s head oops okay see I accidentally went outside the wall and it disappeared let’s try this again H okay it’s difficult to place it because I’m not trying to place it outside but let me see if I can place this little toy everything inside you can let’s turn to the front maybe actually I think I have a better idea this is what we need to do we need to go into build mode we’ll move this down a little bit so that we can go we can run closer with the item that we’re trying to place ah okay I’m just going to place it as best I can for right now I’ll put that right there try to get this on the wall that is so that is so cute oh I love the aesthetic oh let me see if I can toggle the grid all right if you toggle the grid I think it just helps you to place and then um let’s also put down these windows that we got too oh the lighting it lets in is so pretty much easier to place the windows I can tell you [Music] that I’m so proud look at that you’re feeling hungry okay can I sit on anything I guess you can only interact with the bed but you can’t interact with other Furniture right now but look at this oh it’s so pretty can I cook a rabbit now no any Elixir no that is so cool I probably should have checked to see if I could purchase any milk I guess the other thing that we can do today too since we completed the quest that we can is we can make let’s make a keg we need 30 wood so let’s I want to see what it’s like crafting that’s the one thing that we haven’t done yet so we have some iron in our inventory so we’ll do a a keg okay so let’s craft I am going to make a think I want to make a keg I need the iron bars okay cloud storage would be nice just throwing that out there I do love me a good cloud storage um okay so we can make a keg maybe we should make a furnace cuz we have some copper so it’ be nice to see kind of like what it looks like when um the furnace is working we can smelt some bars or something okay furnace perfect now maybe we can just set these down I’m assuming some of this stuff could probably go inside but I’m going to put the keg here and maybe the furnish right next to it does it make sense no but it’ll be fine okay let’s do some Paving [Music] yeah okay so let’s use and make a copper bar so we need more copper I’ll go collect some of that up right now oh we can make me cuz we have honey so uh we need five honey to make one me and meat is pretty useful because let’s see it is it fills you up well not much but it’s 10 for hunger and sells for 10 I mean maybe not bad maybe not a bad Money Maker Okay so we’ve got some more copper and then I think I don’t know if that’s enough copper though we’ll see hey so the Little Green Dot going down I guess it’s like a pie Circle um tells you when it’s almost ready to be harvested again or to you know pick up your crafted materials which is really nice this is cool this is cool I do like it a lot um is there something else we can craft I mean I’m sure we can make like a whole little craftable area so maybe I should show that too while we’re here Anvil we can make another Anvil we need more Stone Cask we need more wood a press Ed to produce cheese ferment fruits and more oh I want to make a press all right let’s get more wood for this press cuz I would really like to do some kind of artisan good all right picked up the copper bar uh and we’re still waiting on that but while we do that let’s check to see if I have enough wood for this press we just need one more [Music] tree so we’ve got three more wood that’s good you feel sleepy oh a tanning rack [Music] oh we have we have hides I don’t have any fruit I don’t think let me see I don’t have any fruit I have vegetables I wonder if I can pickle vegetables let’s see what it says cheese fermented fruits and more I’m just going to go with the Press let’s just do the press for now I’m hoping that I’ll be able to use it we’ll put the Press here for now oh no okay goat milk cow milk we can make cheese with cow’s milk or uh goat cheese with goat milk and from what I’ve seen in the trailers and like pictures of this game we will um be able to have farm animals and stuff which is so exciting we’ve got 4 minutes left in the demo so I think this is probably a great place to leave the demo off so again I just want to thank you so much for watching if you’ve made it this far in the video that is the complete demo and if you want to try the demo out for yourself it is available on Steam right now so you can um download it and give it a try yourself I would highly recommend it’s a lot of fun to play and it looks like it’s about uh 2 hours maybe about two-ish hours to play through the demo but thank you guys so much for watching I hope that you have enjoyed if you did please don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up I would greatly appreciate that it really helps out the channel also if you’re looking to stop by in a stream we would love to see you again thank you so much for watching and until next time friends I will catch you all in the next one peace

In Mirthwood, you embark on an enchanting journey, and brave ferocious creatures in an immersive medieval fantasy world. Will you settle a new homestead to live a life of farming and trade, or pick up the sword and take up the adventurers’ path?

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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com

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