Our Harvest Grows Ever Grander! | Stardew Valley |

I oh oh you hello everyone Master Zach here today we are going to be playing stardew Valley so without further Ado let us jump right wait let us Jump Right In yeah how is it going everyone how are you all doing today it is stardo time we will be staring the one game that we didn’t want which is which is kind of funny the one the one game we didn’t want somehow won I feel like that’s that’s not necessarily the game that I don’t want wins but I feel like the game that I’m never expecting to win always wins you know living off the land salmonberry oh yeah yeah these things so the game audio seems quiet now huh oh I have a cup of tea oh it’s a decorative Bowl I thought it was tea cuz it’s got the little tea bag but I guess that’s not a tea bag you’re quite unhappy because of stardo but very happy because it’s your birthday in two days true hello dear I know you’re just getting started as a gardener so I wanted to give you a little tip most crops only grow in one season when summer arrives your spring crops will all die out so plan ahead granny Evelyn okay that is good we already knew that but it’s good refresher for everyone here in the Stream who doesn’t know all of your crops die very a very violent and sad death actually want these in there we go we got more uh spring forage Ables though which is really good uh we need to upgrade our inventory space I think that’s the next thing I need a bigger inventory thank goodness this is uh single player and not multiplayer cuz multiplayer upgrading your inventory is a is a Battleground who upgrades their inventory first cuz upgrades aren’t shared well actually more like 1 day 5 hours and 27 minutes 26 minutes now true the countdown begins all right I don’t think we’re going to plant any more of those just cuz look at our energy now and then and then our energy when we’re when we’re done watering all our existing crops is going to be a lot lower but yeah I’m surprised seven people or I guess six cuz I’m always included in the vote I’m surpris six people voted stardy Valley cuz it looked like for a little bit Skyrim was going to win but then I went to go get food and then stard Valley had like a insane lead I think it’s cuz I said I wasn’t going to play it modded but I don’t I like I don’t like playing things modded I think a crow got this by the way unless I just left a space there for no reason which is also a very me thing to do wild horseradish what is horseradish used for like probably feeding horses I’m assuming or like is it like wor sauce shash warer Wisher worshire however you pronounce it is that wood horse Rish is used for all right we’re already halfway through our energy haven’t even watered all our crops what is this this is insanity look at that all right now we’re watered all our crops and we have what we have 106 energy out of 270 so yikes all right we’re saving 32 strawberry seeds for next spring so we can get a full full strawberry seed spring cuz I do think we’ll be able to make it till next spring in this in this world hello Cat hello batro yes I remember my cat’s name I’m not a monster you don’t think you even have the ability to ignore the stream because either autism or ADHD oh no I’m actually holding you captive away that’s the thing you haven’t realized I actually have like a oh that’s why I was staying still I actually have like a superpower that that that captivates you onto this stream in particular and it makes it so you can’t leave ever you’re basically hostage actually you are a hostage look at the cat batro wa how’s the audio by the way chat oh yeah we can salmon berries foraging is going to go up by an insane amount this season chat we are going to we’re going to forage so many salmon berries Salon berries yeah but I also have some food here so I’ll probably be eating that over the course of the stream wow the short stream is not doing as well today huh I think YouTube finally caught on they’re like yeah let’s stop giving this guy shorts views let’s lure him in with a tantalizing like couple hundred shorts views and then let’s strip it all away cuz we actually don’t like him I think that’s exactly what they did never mind crystal is here how’s it going crystal crystal is in the short stream oh hey there’s a quest which is crazy cuz this is the format I designed like I designed this format for the short stream oh you can tell how many stars it is trying to keep the old artif fishing Sunfish sure I’ll try I mean I won’t get that but I’ll try I don’t know where to get sun probably the lake or like the river maybe I don’t know YouTube just tried to force you to watch this as a short you are on desktop oh no how’s it going alexiel how are you today Shorts YouTube is pushing shorts but they they’re not I I’m not seeing as much benefit they should they should give me more views I think that would be cool YouTube you should you should do that uh my head hey farmer oh I haven’t talked to you yet that’s why that’s Goku but yeah okay yeah good uh stream avatars is connected you made a Discord want to join uh probably not but that’s cool also hello Ace unknown how’s it going how are you today you slept all day but you’re fine that was me yesterday that’s why there wasn’t a stream besides the fnf one cuz I got a headache and I was like you know what I’m just going to sleep and then I woke up like 8ish hours later and I’m like huh that did happen came from scrolling shorts yo very cool very cool we’re trying to harvest some salmon berries salmon berries all right lius Tech tips lives here by the way I don’t know why he’s forced to live all the way up here he could probably move closer unless mayor Lewis is like actually like evil oh hi lus oh never mind he just likes to live here that that makes a lot more sense also look guys look at the little look at the little pedals that are floating stard of Valley is such a like beautiful looking game like I like I I know there’s some people that can’t appreciate that because oh pixel game but like genuinely beautiful game proven adventurers only what are you talking about I thought I did I thought I was a proven Adventure I we can’t go in the mines cuz I have literally no energy the mines is like a winter season thing I’m going to be completely honest but uh in the meantime we’re going to I think we’ll get through Spring today I think we’ll get to like the day one of Summer boring game it’s a fun game way dude if you want to see a boring game watch my Animal Crossing playthroughs I did nothing Animal Crossing has like at at least this game has a day night cycle that is not literally the day and the night at least I can get through Seasons like in a timely fashion and not just like huh not to say Animal Crossing is necessarily boring but just oh my gosh oh my gosh you’re going to leave now the soap is distracting oh no that’s the opposite effect I’m supposed to Captivate your attention with the soap it’s a chill game true you just downloaded Discord you can join our Discord server we have an official Channel Discord server that way you’ll be notified whenever a stream starts cuz sometimes YouTube will just not notify you Haley’s too involved with a camera to notice you I don’t know Haley was into photography I don’t know like anything about about like the personalities of people besides that uh what’s her face play video games The Rock eater I forgot her name look at the spring onions dude we’re going to 100% level up foraging today what are we what are we do what are we talking about remember Peppa Pig can you join the Discord yeah you can no not Peppa Pig I think the funniest thing about oh hey farewell till we meet again someday now fill up the rest of the chat box true thank you for the I’m not sure what currency that is but thank you Ace thank you for the 125 uh I don’t know what that is chat what is that it is it is a it is a d with like a little little thing on the little thing down on the left s side and two lines through it D Bloons thank you thank you Ace very very much appreciated very very much appreciated I like how YouTube allows multiple currencies I feel like that’s like the one thing that like twitch kind of like does less good is that YouTube allows so many different currencies that it’s just like I just see things that I would never have seen normally and I think that’s really cool yeah also where’s the where’s the in-game music music did I turn it off no it’s on oh also everything’s like really low let’s turn it up a little bit there we go it’s a little louder now oh I can’t pick this up dang please send Discord server link it is in the description of the video you can you can just go to the description and check it out yams Ys Ys Ys yams oh is it yams also hello Gatlin gamer how’s it going come one with the fire SN donated 125 through Super Chat farewell 12 we meet someday now to fill up the rest of the chat box yeah thank you again Ace unknown I don’t know what currency that is but thank you thank you you know this is not a project moonstream but do you play runia uh I will be playing runia after I finish uh labotomy Corporation after I 100% labotomy Corporation we are going to do library of runia it is going to be a blast it is going to be uh yeah it’s going to be a lot of fun yeah how is the audio by the way chat I have no idea I have no way of checking I it obs has a new audio thing and now every time I talk it looks like it Peaks so I have no idea you play Zelda uh sometimes we used to uh we played we did a uh uh breath both breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom play through however we stopped doing that as frequently because I have slightly less access to my switch than I used to but uh we we could start it up again one day we could start it up again but yeah how’s it going G Bandit how are you today but yeah Zelda’s pretty fun I’m I’m I’m excited for the new Zelda game as well where you actually play a Zelda and you can like build tables and stuff I feel like whatever whatever Direction they’re going it with the Legend of Zelda series no what was that chat what did I just break what crap was that oh no please don’t be wait all right let’s count these out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 all right select something else 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 maybe 30 if there’s one behind here if we if we destroyed one of our strawberries I’m going to be really sad tree die please oh we destroyed a strawberry it’s so over chat it’s so over the Philippine peso oh I see that’s cool racist what do how am I racist what did I do I destroyed a strawberry and now I’m racist what has this world come to Don’t Mess With Us strawberry fans we’ll we’ll kill you Chad what are your thoughts on strawberries by the way what do you click you click the the link that says Discord actually I just realized how similar the the Amore heel sound d d wow wow is to uh the Megalania we will go to sleep for the night yippee progress has been saved we killed the strawberry and now that’s Canon Canon event the strawberry is dead yeah that was a strawberry dang hope you’re are feeling settled in your new home I am writing this to let you know that Pier store is now selling fertilizer that’s really good sadly we planted all of our strawberries before we had access to fertilizer you got some new ideas sleep Bono for foraging leveled up let’s go that’s what spring is for leveling up foraging spring onions salmon berries all the fora bles you can find truly is a forager season and winners for fishing and uh mining but yeah how’s the audio chat how is the audio someone please tell me cuz I cannot check myself that that is why I always must ask you I have to be like chat chat chat what’s the audio what’s the audio what’s the audio cuz I can’t tell but yeah I had a dream and I realized what the basis of my dream was and like I’m thinking about it and I’m I’m like there it was like a dream and there was this place in the dream and it was like layered and each layer you went down was a different like thing and like themed layer and I realized I was having a I I woke up and I realized this I was having a dream about the The Inferno like like Dante’s Inferno like the the the the the the Inferno and I was like wait a second that’s kind of interesting how does how do the layers go by the way chat I want to check something what layer like I know I know uh I know lust is first but I don’t know after that is sloth next or is sloth the one after what basically what are the first three layers of The Inferno chat cuz I need to know cuz I only explored the first three and the third one we were watching the minion movie so I feel like that’s sloth there’s a giant theater in a very small screen and we had to watch the minions we didn’t have to but we got free tickets to watch the Minions movie in in the place so I don’t know Dante’s Inferno yeah I had a dream but I I I realized it’s probably based off of that cuz like they were different layers and I’m like wait a second you know what else has layers The Inferno ogres are like The Inferno lust gluttony and greed oh dang so it’s not The Inferno it was not a dream about the maybe it was is uh uh Paradisio then what are the first layers of Paradisio I don’t think it was Paradisio I’m going to be honest but it was not I don’t think I don’t think you you oh I’ve Comm I’ve committed no sins in my life I’ve done I’ve done a good job I’m going to go to paradise floor three you going to watch the Minions movie in an overcrowded theater it’s like uh I I don’t know oh I that’s not my I you know idea of heaven but okay limbo then lust gluttony greed okay it’s probably not cuz definitely the start wasn’t limbo and the third one was not it was the Minions movie which is weird cuz I haven’t seen them I thought she was an Apple for a second I thought she was honest I Hon to got I thought she was an apple I was like oh there’s an apple I could pick that up no it’s her hello neighbor hello ah yeah first fear the moon in inconsistent second sphere Mercury ambitious third sphere no okay I I the I just went to a different realm I think I think my brain was like all right we’re going to have a some sort I don’t I don’t even remember what cuz there was like some sort of thing where I had to like start and then I had to get into a bunker and then it was and it then it was the layers it was a weird dream but I like remember it so that’s cool I like remembering my dreams cuz then it’s just like what what is on your mind Zach and it’s like huh I guess that’s on my mind but yeah how but yeah how are you Gatlin gaming I do play runia I like how they added the waterfalls these 100% weren’t here the last time I played so that’s pretty cool but yeah video game you still remember the one dream about Zach yeah I don’t I dream about chat but I don’t think I dream about like specific people in chat I’m going to be honest I’ve had dreams where I’ve like like had my like glasses off sunglasses off in streams and I’ve been like scared of that that is a reoccurring one where I like stream and my glasses are off and everyone’s like we can see your eyes and I’m like oh but then I have to continue the stream for some reason it’s I like it’s usually that like oh the stream is like doing really well so I guess I have like somebody raids the Stream but my glasses are off so everyone’s seen my glasses but I can’t stop the stream because if I stop the stream then I like lose the chance of like getting new viewers so I’m like stuck in like this thing where it’s like I have to I have to still do the thing but if I continue doing the thing it’s it’s weird how do you get into your Discord you just click the link in the description it is I believe either the first or second link in the description actually it’s the third first is subscribe second’s membership third is uh Discord it says in the description it is you just click into the description the the link is Discord this is a cool tree I like it look at all the things we get fora bles but yeah I think that uh yeah dreams are cool chat I feel like one of the things that I think we should make in the future is some sort of medication that allows you to dream more or allows you to me remember your dreams more cuz I know you you’re technically dreaming every single night no matter what but I know like to remember your dreams takes more effort is it gaming what do you mean the Discord server’s name is fruit snacks why because I was having fruit snacks at the it is a very unfitting name I’m going to be completely honest I like that’s I I really one of these days like we as a community need to sit down and think about our branding cuz like realistically I’m not saying I don’t like fruit snacks as a as the name of our server but like eventually one of these days we’re going to have to like you know lock in you’re already there oh okay okay yeah you’re in the server then raw fish Crab Pot specialty fish ocean fish River fish who wants to hear the dream you had last night all right cheeky what is your dream what is your dream what Visions have you seen what was this we already got that one winter foraging oh it was the spring foraging fall foraging Construction butle okay that one’s easy Bridge repair that’s for mining yeah you said it wasn’t in fruit snacks it was spring crops we can’t get that sadly because I’m not growing peas uh so we got to get that next season and I know waiting to get the greenhouse season 2 is is bad but it’s fine we’re also we’re like this is difficult I play the game slowly chat I’m sorry I don’t like speedrun stuff this game’s scary but yeah sorry I didn’t say hi earlier cheeky for some reason I can’t read it’s harder to read your name because I also have the the shorts chat up so I can’t really see as well the game you have 60 hours in still haven’t finished you really got to finish it sometime I don’t think you can finish I’m pretty sure stardo Valley is one of those games where it’s like just continuous like I I don’t know if there’s an end there that probably is all right um what are you doing yeah how’s it going Wonder but yeah cheeky we do want to hear the dream you had sorry I didn’t say anything earlier I just ignored cheeky but yeah dreams are cool oh it’s the cut scene oh wait I’ve never been here no I have oh no it’s the cut scene hem Come and Get It folks coupons for 50% off your purchase at JoJo Mt 50% yooo Yoo well any takers dog I’d kill him I’d kill him if I was Pierre but I can’t match those prices I’d be selling at a loss i’ I’d I’d kill him it must be so difficult for you to lose your loyal customers like that but can you blame them joa Corporation is clearly the superior Choice soon the whole town will realize that i’ I’d just kill him who’s there there no police live here there are no police chat there there are absolutely no police just kill him I’d kill him also you’re not at your shop I’m here to sell stuff and buy stuff actually I have no money so I’m just here to sell stuff now you have to actually say something true I did ask twice cheeky I would just kill him dog no no one would find out no one would care I think the only person sad would be Shane cuz he gets a job there but like that’s the thing if you live in like a woodland Society whatever whatever they’re called just kill welcome to jamot how are you doing today I don’t believe we’ve met I’m Morris joa customer satisfaction representative when you decide you want to become a JoJo member I’ll be delighted to make your transition to a joyous experience these bricks we got to throw them into his skull I could get a JoJo Cola wallpaper that’s kind of funny so I can’t tell are these things cheaper or more expensive I don’t know but they’re open my stomach hello Jay how’s it going how are you today I should eat some food I have food here I’m just going to eat it now oh yummy you can Aid joa yeah I know I’m not going to you’re going to go in Discord and watch at the same time very cool you’re on your break let’s go jigy finally had a dream about the Odyssey but there’s really not much to say in response to that other than LOL man that’s wild oh no The Odyssey have I had dreams about any like media that I’ve consumed I had a limbus company dream that one time I still remember that when like Dante had like the like the like worm things coming out of their arm or whatever whatever happened in that that was a weird dream but yeah also hello Blaze how’s it going how are you today you can’t go into detail but the night I had featuring featuring adicus yoi was the first Odyssey dream I’ve had despite being like this for months adicus yahi also I have no idea how to pronounce it I think it’s yahi but it could be like yoi I have no idea yoi can you invite your sister to the Discord server I guess I like I have no qualms you’re going to love starting beef with children oh no good how are you I’m doing pretty good I’m doing pretty good we’re stardo Valley everything is calm everything is chill we need to make a new chest though all right I think what we’re going to do this is kind of how I always set up my farm chat we’re going to set up one chest that is uh Greenery so like plants and stuff like that we’re going to have one chest that is like I think re like resources that one’s going to be like this so basically um anything not green we’re going to put in the other one and I know I know the the trees are plants but they’re not plants enough these are like crops chat all right there we go we’re gonna save this uh and the cookies go in the other chest as well uh and fiber yeah okay there we go now our chest managements have been managed that’s the only way you’ve heard it pronounced okay good cuz I know I have some like weird pronunciations with certain words uh and and I know yeah CH what is this he’s looking through the trash George or whatever his name is old man sounds like those raccoons are back at it again filthy varmints oh hey there’s me you turned up at the right moment son could you do an old man a favor could you go around the corner and scare off those raccoons from me they’ve been causing a real mess thanks make sure you give them a good scare so they never come back George joar oh no hi Linus it was me I’m sorry I find a lot of hot fresh food in these cans stuff that will go to waste if I don’t take it yeah especially in Alex’s house I assume he doesn’t eat his vegetables do you think there’s something wrong with what I’m doing uh yes it’s illegal this is George’s private property that’s crazy that no but you should get a job why okay why is there one like fine I I loot from the trash as well at least in game um no it’s a shame for food to go to waste is the good option yes it’s disgusting yes it’s illegal that’s George’s private property no but you should get a job and stop Le teaching off of others no it’s a shame for good food to go to waste thanks Zach I knew you were an open-minded person I feel good about what I’m doing I’m not harming anyone that’s crazy you can go home I promise I won’t run in George’s can anymore you can tell them you scared off the raccoons for good that’s crazy yeah why are all the options like preceding bad wait uhoh the standoff I know what you were doing lonus if you need food just ask I don’t want anyone in Pelican town to go hungry yo Gus Gus W here I’ve got a basket of zucchini fritters just for you just make sure you dip them in my spicy marinara go on take it Gus W chat Gus W Gus W chat Gus is a real one true but yeah no uh real talk though food waste is a a a massive issue in most in most countries um there’s more food uh going that is being thrown out than can feed every single person Food For Thought chat Food For Thought world hunger is a myth and uh yeah is easily solvable not world hunger is a myth as in like people aren’t hungry world hunger is a myth as in we can’t feed everyone we could if we wanted to if we wanted to Gus W Saloon only good shop I mean I have to get seeds somewhere I am a farmer Food For Thought true like how there are more empty houses than there are homeless people at least in certain countries I know I’m I’m pretty sure globally I’m talking globally though globally there is enough food to feed everyone I’m not sure about houses I know in most countries though there are uh a lot of houses yeah globally world hunger is not a thing if we actually use our resources correctly Humanity manage their resources to be able to benefit the entire global population challenge literally impossible that is why I think that the one sin the one sin that Humanity suffers the most from is greed think about it chat think about it little extra luck oh that was today depends on what you consider a house fair fair a Tapper mushroom log what wild seed summer let’s go we’re prepared also my little cat was here queen of sauce rerun dang also I got bit by I think like either a spider or an ant last night cuz there’s like a bump on my foot which sucks little extra luck let’s go one s mentioned true I literally can’t say one sin without thinking of oh my God I want to kill that uh without thinking of ly Corporation he stole one of my stupid strawberries that I I only have 30 of now I have like 28 all right we need to make a new scarecrow I think or actually we could just put our Scarecrow in the center now now that we have a hole there there we go this could have prevented all of our issues uh no I don’t want to eat this leak but yeah um also Jay I I I I just want to deeply apologize I like stole all your fnf viewers and I’m really sorry about that I checked the like stream and it like has like a th000 views after the fact and I’m like how how I don’t even play fnf all I’m saying if I somehow played fnf if I if my brain wasn’t built the way it is all I’m going to say is my channel would have already popped off cuz I could have just played fnf mods and people would be like yeah that’s cool but sadly my brain is actually physically disabled and is unable to play Friday night funkin that is the one like thing that it’s not able to to do is play Friday night funkin and I think that’s the funniest outcome it’s just like I everything else is like kind of fine except for like procrastination and like you know stuff like that which like actually sucks but I think the funniest thing is the most apparent thing that is wrong is that I cannot play Rhythm games one of the devs for funkin in the inbs comment on your stream I saw I was like yo and then someone else made a comment that’s like I hate funkin in the interwebs and I’m like I can’t tell if that’s a Dev or not but either either that’s a Dev or that’s just someone who’s really mean so I’m not going to heart that if that is a Dev it’s funny but if it’s not that’s just mean you wish your brain wasn’t physically disabled true yeah it is uh uh I need to get more medication I think I I I the the the way I know that the medication I’m currently on is not working is because I have currently been trying to send an email to the doctor to get a a a a higher dosage of prescription and I haven’t been able to do that and I’ve been trying to do that for like a month and I’ve not been able to sit down and actually write the email so that’s how I know that you know maybe maybe we up it to like 30 you know if it’s a Dev it’s funny if it’s not you hate them oh no I mean true fun funin in the interwebs look like real like good I liked it old internet stuff but like cool never mind your sister can’t join yeah that makes sense I’ve been married I’m really surprised none of the mods shown off like after the fact I’m really surprised none of the mods that were shown off had like like lyrics in them considering the rise of like lyric mods but I guess these are all mods that have been in the works for like a very long time dude I can’t believe I I saw some stuff on Twitter that’s like oh my gosh all these mods are so mid and I’m just like dude if you hate people putting in effort for free stuff putting in this much effort for free stuff like genuinely like I don’t know what to tell you man if you’re if you if you if you watched that and were like oh man there’s nothing interesting here oh this was so mid like honestly I don’t think you deserve to be in the Friday night funkin Community I don’t think you deserve to enjoy things I’m going to be completely honest if you see all this free stuff and go ha that’s mid I don’t think you deserve happiness someone just tried and failed to assassinate twum Trump wait really also twum I can’t speak I I I don’t know if I have like a lisp I might I’m not sure that’s crazy what are your thoughts on the Z I think they were all really cool I I I I’m realizing more and more that it sucks that I can’t play Rhythm games because they look actually really cool uh the the the the the like evil Trollface one I thought was pretty interesting um I also liked uh there was one what was they they all looked really like very like visually appealing like every single one like looked really cool except Bop City but I know the reason it looks like that is part of the ch arm and and I I remember I did watch your stream after I I was like I have to leave and then I watched your stream just cuz I I don’t know I felt weird cuz I like didn’t have anything to like say so I was just like all right I’ll I’ll leave and then I watched your stream Jay I saw like the the the back rooms Bob City one and that like was like really good Bob city is 100% one of those mods that like is masquerading as like a like a like a oh this is bad but actually is Peak but yeah kaiti versus the picaru versus I can’t remember anyone’s names also the the uh Friday night Dustin looked really cool dust tail it’s a thing like dude I popped off cuz I’m like wait it’s a thing that I actually know I was like yo I know stuff about this finally all my times in the early undertale fandom was worth it was worth it has a secret song with lyrics in it yo gunshots went off at a rally and he was rushed off stage apparently that’s crazy that is crazy but yeah oh also the the dude the pippy whatever the pippy the pippy one went so hard like dude that was insane like first of all animation on point could literally be an episode of Adventure Time and then like the like the dude okay oh Jay’s leaving dang I can’t make this point but I I actually I’ll make it I’ll make the point but and then I’ll wait for Jay to come back and then make the point again but that’s why they used The Adult Swim logo for the funk cast like every single transition in the funk cast had the like Adult Swim like the the as with the two brackets on the side that’s why it was literally for the piby one like I’m not like I’m not even kidding that’s why they used it which I think is like insane but genuinely awesome uh uh all the fnf mods were Peak I I think they were all really cool um I think Friday night funkin is really cool I think its Community is awesome a pot of gold I have a top hat also rainbow also the chat we’re this is so Peak this is so Peak chat look Top Hat rainbow we found the end of the rainbow it was 200 gold which is not that it’s not like that good but you know not that bad that’s like two crops we have a top hat now chat it’s so Peak is that a new 1.6 things I have no idea I I I haven’t played since like 1. like 4 or actually I think 1.2 I have I am not well versed in in stard Valley stuff I I I remember I played for a bit then I had a uh I like played for a bit by myself and then I had like a with with friends server and the issue is is they would always like play like a lot more than I would so i’ would come back and like it would be like spring 2 and I’d be like oh okay and I just stopped playing I’m really bad at playing on like servers cuz like I’ll like play when I want to play but then when I don’t I’m not going to like hop on and then and then I always get left behind and I’m like yeah that’s fair like I don’t blame them but it’s it’s also like that’s why I don’t like playing on like servers I like I would have to do like one of those things like only on streams and it I I got to like collab with people on streams and stuff like that cuz like I I don’t know I feel like that would be cool more more collab streams would be really cool I can’t plan any for the future though because I have my dental surgery in like a few days which I’m still very like scared for I could just die chat I’m not a I’m not ready for that I feel like I feel like I would I don’t know feel like if I die i’ I’d go to I’d go to The Inferno I’m not really done anything like good in my life I just go to The Inferno if anything hopefully not just disappear into nothing Zach needs a clear path on his farm is killing you I have a clear path you just go it works it’s a path I would go to The Inferno and I’d just be like dang also is it weird that I’m like I like kind of unironically like believe in Dante’s Inferno as like Canon a little bit like a little bit like in the back of my head I’m like wait a second what about this stuff like is that weird I looked into it and like it’s like no one actually believes it’s Canon but like like I I like I’m like kind of like leaning towards that it’s weird I’m like not that like I it’s it’s it’s weird cuz it’s not like I unironically believe it but like sometimes I think like oh I shouldn’t do this because cuz then I’ll I’ll I’ll go to The Inferno and I’m like wait what are you talking about I don’t know I don’t I yeah there’s a chance that I believe Dante’s Inferno to be cannon at least subconsciously uh we did all that weather report beautiful sunny day can you like rain once go to sleep for the night yes when can I do Elden ring again uh eventually O Bee house dude I love bees bees are really cool bees are cool I think people uh hate bees too much living off the land uh rain yeah that’s what I wanted neutral days is in my hands okay that’s good it’s like oh yeah rain’s pretty cool yeah that’s what I want I want it to rain uh but yeah we’ll do Elden ring uh probably soon uh I just want to like the the reason why I haven’t put it on today’s poll and uh I might not put it on tomorrow’s is cuz I do want to give other games a try I I I still haven’t really got a mental grasp on Elden ring like I understand it’s appeal but I I I want to like get better over time you know I got to like mentally understand it cuz I’m not good with like blocking and stuff like that but yeah Elden ring will will be a continuous series I I promise you that we’re not it’s not going to be one of those games we pick up and drop I have the DLC for it like we we got to like we have to play it chat but I I also do want to give other games like Skyrim uh Borderlands 2 rabbit and steel all the games that I got during the sale as well uh a chance sty Valley you know can it be entertaining next time that’s exactly what I’m talking about I need to get better at it so I can like actually be entertaining when playing it I 100% agree way that’s what I need to do we just made that noise oh my crap say hi to batro Cha batro Bowl speaking of games which games did you get and I haven’t put on the PO yet uh risk of rain 2 gorp’s Anthology Buckshot roulette halflife 2 and I might be forgetting one but I’m pretty sure cuz I did put uh rabbit and Steely on the pole which is the game that uh gal and Jay suggested and I’m like huh no that actually looks kind of fire it’s like Toho but but easier and a Rog light which I like Rogue lights I know people hate Rogue lights chat I know there’s like oh my gosh another Indie Rog light but I I honestly really like Rog lights the ability to just like play a game over and over and over and not have to worry about necessarily make missing a story makes the game just like so much more like casual I feel like I can just stream it you know and I can also like play offline you know cuz if a story games I literally can never play offline I can’t watch anything about it I can’t do anything but things like that I’m like okay yeah I can play this offline as as long as I get through part of the story on stream I can do the grinding part offline I of like limbus company but yeah I like Rogue lights I I know people are like H another Indie Rogue like PE but I like them buck shot roulette’s the only one you’re familiar with I’m pretty sure you were the one that suggested it River jelly I don’t know what that is how do we do voice chat you just get invoice and wait for someone else to join that is how that works sometimes you’ll be kicked from it for random reasons sometimes you won’t sometimes mod chat will be available sometimes things happen yep pretty sure that’s how life works sometimes things happen honestly if there’s a game like Elder where you find it hard to focus it’ be funny at the same time if you ask your friend to join you banter is easier than being funny alone maybe I don’t know I feel like let’s go fishing upgraded uh but I I don’t know I feel like I’m at least okay at least with like the more people it gets harder I would say like one other person banter is fine with but I I don’t know it’s the issue is is I have a trade-off cuz then I can’t read chat as much like I could not read chat during the funk cast react stream at all cuz I I was like there were like five people and I had to like think and I had to be like okay what are we doing here you’re going to play Geometry Dash while watching closest geometry Dash is ever getting on oh by the way Wonder uh Geometry Dash was on the stream yesterday it was on screen in the in the closest form it’s going to get all right we have two more fish for that one that’s pretty good actually that’s actually really good yeah uh you Nikki when uh eventually you Nikki is definitely one of the games that I am am going to play not am I willing to play I am going to play that I have I I I don’t know I have this like feeling in my head where it’s just like man these these Indie RPGs are really really really really really really really good I want to do them Justice by uh like playing them on stream while I while the Channel’s bigger like I want to wait for the channel to get bigger and then play them because then I feel like it it makes it more like more people can see them you know like what’s the biggest you may Nikki stream or video probably like Markiplier or something like that but that’s probably like that and then nothing else I want to be able to like make the biggest like what’s the biggest one shot stream probably Markiplier again I want to I want to find the a thing like that and then then make it cookout kit allowing you to cook on the go yo that sounds pretty cool uh while see some beeh house mushroom log oh that’s pretty cool we should make a Tapper I think I think taer is pretty good ADHD what’s ADHD oh not being able to talk to multiple people yeah that makes sense your total play time in uh yum Niki is 12 hours that’s how long it took you to finish the game true I don’t know the only like y Nikki stuff that I’ve seen recently is the is the like the the the videos for uh Nico’s next spots on uh Roblox the the the soundtrack for it all uses you Nikki videos also I should put away my like fishing rod watering bucket all that stuff we’re going to the mines Zach we’re not going like what what are you talking about D D yeah I am why are you smelling me also War crime chat War crime War crime fixed War crime war criminal Geneva Convention violated I think that’s the I hot take chat I think that’s silly I think that’s silly I think you should be able to have a Red Cross I I think I think I think how are you going to argue that like freedom of speech and stuff like that exists for the people that argue that when when you’re not allowed to have a a a a a a symbol a very very simple symbol in your game it’s so silly also work all right the Geneva Convention only applies during war time and only to people who are currently at war look that up that’s true it does it it it only applies during actual war and considering the fact that I’m pretty sure concerned ape is not at war with anybody or at least officially cuz War has to be officially unstated um uh I don’t I don’t see the issue I don’t see the issue I think it’s silly I think that’s like there there’s so much other things to be spending your time on than than instead of being arm action you’re not allowed to have this in your game because it’s a it’s a it’s a symbol that’s only supposed to be used in war like okay that’s so silly one out of four I hate these things crab okay never mind those things are cool I didn’t know I could get crabs from them why did I not get a rock for every rock that I broke easy we need to kill eight slimes chat but yeah I think that uh Geneva Convention more like Geneva suggestion but unironically when it’s outside of wartime cuz like what like what do you mean that’s just such a silly thing how am I supposed to take the Geneva Convention seriously when the people that it prosecutes are just random game developers like oh yeah sure I shouldn’t commit a war crime just like that war criminal right there concerned ape do they actually like try to like take him to like jail or like did they like send a Le legal threat or was it just like a hey can you please not do that cuz if it’s a hey that please not do that that’s that’s that’s like fair whatever but if it’s like an actual like hey this is a legal a legal notice please do not use the the the this because it violates the Geneva Convention i’ i’ just be like bro what are you talking about where’s the ladder not sure cuz eventually like what like at what point like I don’t know I don’t get it I think it’s silly there’s probably going to be like a a vtuber one of these days that gets a Geneva Convention violation because they’re like a like a doctor or nurse vtuber and they they have a Red Cross and it’s going to be like you can’t do that I always forget that I am a vtuber chat like it’s it’s that that’s the thing I am I don’t know with all the stuff that that brings I guess I don’t know oh it’s one of the angry ones ooh retaining soil I mean not the best but uh I’m going to sell that or get rid of that not selling it it’s just getting rid of it all right we need to leave the mines so we can talk to the what’s his face so we can actually complete the quest talk to Lewis come on come on ah what floor is this floor seven yeah we’re not going down to 10 we’re completing this Quest and getting out of here easy easy let’s leave let’s leave we don’t care about that coal but yeah what was I going to say we need a bomb for that that’s how we get there all right please tell me you’re open please please tell me you close at 9: close at 9: prove adventurers only how do I talk to you then I did your quest what more do you want from me I how do I cat this in final day where else is LS he might be at the pub he might be at the pub he might be at the it’s a it’s Thursday night but he might be at the pub he might be out drinking chat he might be out drinking we can catch him there we can catch him there where’s the friendly neighborhood King CR Crimson King Crimson skip time I wonder how many accidents that caused in in the time skipping time time killing time dude the time killing time guy would hate the evalo I’m going to be honest what do you mean you skip time where’s LS I always am shocked by how like detailed this place is like the art style looks like very different just very detailed business has been slow lately yeah no du you know maybe you should leave maybe you should stop being black maybe you should just leave nobody likes you nobody wants you here there’s a wolf time killing time guy would love do true what even is time killing times guy ability he can just steal time from other people that’s not even that bad like he’s just like okay why is this not sorting I think it’s like that I don’t know I have no idea I don’t know how my inventory is normally sorted well we lost $240 hello star plays welcome remember you’ll be back at your streams in like 2020 your name is familiar hold up welcome back back star plays how have you been also hello Tom G how’s it going this is the first thing you hear is for someone to leave o but yeah but yeah how’s it going Tom G they will do your best to make life difficult okay uh request fresh cauliflower yeah I can bring that to you I don’t have any right now but I will time killing time guy he can he can he can take time yeah Jody’s request we lost the green slime Bounty but we got the other one so it’s fine we have a leprechaun hat so we’re actually kind of chilling I haven’t checked anyone’s birthdays actually should I care about people in this game chat I kind of don’t like play the social game ever I just always go to the person that I’m going to like eventually marry but I’ve never actually like cared about other people I’ve actually married someone in this game I’ve never gotten that far in the game I just like farming 1:30 a.m. kind of sleepy since you only had 2 and 1/2 hours of sleep last night o that was me the other day and then I like had a headache and I passed out for like 8 hours make sure you get some sleep it doesn’t matter if it cuts into your other things sleep is important at least take a nap at some point that’s what I always do naps are good and not like one of those like 20 minute naps I’m talking about a full 2hour nap you will never go back once you’re like wait I can take a nap for 2 hours genuinely insane instead of getting married you should become roommates with the monster that lives in the sewers I know kobus yeah I can I know I can marry SL become roommates with kobis but I don’t know if I want to do that I feel like marrying someone is cooler all right let’s go forage today oh let’s let’s first get our Quest oh and let’s feed batro almost forgot to water batro how’s it going batro I’m so glad we named The Cat batro I feel like I’m I should really play that game again but I don’t I like I have so many vods that I still have hav’t made into videos cuz I realized they started performing horribly so I’ve just got like un uploaded vods that are like basically fully edited and I’m just like sitting and I’m like yeah can you lobotomize people in this game no sadly labotomy it’s funny lobotomies aren’t illegal chat you can unironically get a labotomy you just got to find a doctor that’s willing to give you one all right oh was Pam’s birthday I don’t care about Pam flower dance chat are we going to dance we have no hearts with anybody I just realized hey what’s up farmer guy wait that’s you look alexio that’s you look that’s you that’s you that’s crazy all right let’s kill some slime let’s also get a few copper just so that I can complete that Quest as well money’s good can’t lobotomize people chat would you get a labotomy in real life and I guess the second question is if not is there any incentive that you would get a labotomy 4 please don’t destroy my tent I won’t I won’t it’s happened before Oh oh hey two salmon bears oh my gosh what floor do I have to get to dude I did your quest no no no nothing really there’s no do I have to get to like floor 10 there’s no incentive like all right project Moon sleeper agents when they hear the word labot Mar true you fell asleep and got woken up to go swimming got a bit sunburned oof the sun hates me I’m like a vampire basically I burn up in the Sun so easily I literally can’t go outside without sleeves or else I get sunburn we got one copper they’re not real science some guy just decided to stick a needle up a woman’s nose and their brain was cool it doesn’t treat anything I mean it does make women more passive which is why people did it and is horrible but that is why people did it which again is not proven science it’s basically just like uh domestic abuse but different flavored but it does do stuff and that is uh take a woman’s personality away which is terrifying but it that’s why they did it why do they why why labotomy it does treat something and that is the natural human State ah but yeah I feel like what was I even going to say I forgot what I was going to say but yeah labotomy you love wearing jackets and hoodies same okay I can’t eat that have to leave the mine CU I’m going to run out of energy but yeah labotomy is labotomy moment it’s crazy that they’re still technically legal like that that’s that’s I think the wildest part for me is that like lobotomies are still legal you can legally and if you have like a the like whatever the you know the things where like you own somebody basically what what are they called chat what are the things where you like own another person and like what is it called not slavery what’s the way where you own a person when like the person is deemed like mentally unwell and so you’re able to like own them what is that called does anyone know what that’s called I forget I there was some M musical artist that was in one of those one of those things does anyone know what they’re called there’s a lot of very interesting things that are legal in a lot of places you don’t know what it’s called but you know what you mean yeah my question is is could you like lobotomize them since you own them I’m not saying that’s a good thing this is this is this is this is not like oh that would be a fun interesting thing to do no I’m saying like this is all bad but I’m I’m just thinking could you Asylum no it’s not Asylum it’s like something suror ship I think starting to feel exhausted yeah you could just lobotomize them yes you can you could just be like I own you you’re getting a labotomy that’s crazy if you ever if you ever come into possession of a individual uh please do not lobotomize them chat I feel like that would be a really bad thing all right I’m out of energy we’re not going to get our like $300 oh wait I can enter the the guilt now yes let’s go never mind it was kill a bunch of slimes leave the mine yeah pretty sure that’s crazy if you ever are in the possession of another human being please don’t lobotomize them chat howdy uh can I get my quest are you LS is this Lewis oh I know who LW is that’s Gunther Lewis is the Lewis is the may I forgot I’m stupid I could have gotten my money but yeah chat gosh that must suck like genuinely it must suck to just be like owned by another person like and and and like not like slavery cuz slavery of course sucks and that’s like very obvious but like I’m just thinking about like the the like the like when you’re able to own a person because they’re like considered mentally unwell cuz that’s just crazy cuz like what’s what’s the what’s the what’s the catch like what’s the C at what point are they not allowed to be owned you know oh hello Louis what is that why you have a soda machine in your house ah hello there Zach I was just loading some more prizes into the machine here oh it’s gambling why is this in your house it’s a new program I’ve come up with to help promote a spirit of Goodwill among the town folk you included it’s pretty simple sometimes when you help out others in town you’ll receive a prize ticket you can turn them in for rewards there’s some special stuff in there oh gambling my only worry is that people would just go after the tickets rather than cultiv a true companionship with their fellow man I just want to help why does he hit me with three colon 3 is that so well I’m glad to hear that at any rate keep checking the Help Wanted board in town that’s a good way to get your hands on more tickets good luck out there speaking of The Help Wanted board um Louis where are you where are you I’m so sorry but yeah oh there’s LS Lewis I did went through a lot of trouble cuz I forgot who you were I would have gotten more money Louis I would have and could have had more money but sadly that’s not the case once you’re considered too mentally unwell it’s difficult to regain ownership of yourself and you’re very vulnerable to abuse true yeah no it’s it’s that sucks that sucks I would never want to be like owned by someone else like I don’t I don’t I don’t think that’s good I think I think the fact that like in a lot of places you can own a person if they’re deemed mentally unwell is one of those things where it’s like yeah don’t think too much about it cuz like that’s not a good system like I understand it’s for like people who like actually like are unable to like do things like physically and like mentally but like at the same time they should still you know have human rights I feel like I feel like the second you’re like oh wait actually this this group of people doesn’t have human rights well then are you implying they’re not human like what what are they are all right are human rights human rights if you can exclude a group that is human from the said human rights cuz at that point I don’t think they count as human rights am I wrong if you’re not giving those rights to every single human are are they still human rights or are they just rights for XYZ people and not W people you know I don’t think those count as human rights if not everyone has them we always get very philosophical on the the stardy Valley Streams that’s that’s that’s what this game is about yeah like if you’re like oh it’s a human right to do this and then people in like whatever the ownership things don’t have that then then either you’re saying people with disabilities aren’t human which is is a is a take uh and or and or you’re saying that human rights aren’t given to every human which again is a take so which is it or both I think human rights should be given to everyone hot take every human at least what are your thoughts on animal rights chat what are your thoughts on actually this is probably one of my hotter takes and and one of those like takes where it’s like a lot of people are like H I don’t like that but what are your thoughts on animal rights we’re going to start it off with that neutral today but it’s raining so that’s cool I know there’s a lot of Stone scattered around your farm if you have any surplus like uh just swing by a shop with 100 well I don’t need a well I I can literally go here this is a convenient enough place animal rights well I I I meant more like what do you think the rights that an animal will have this is where my take differs maybe from the the the general consensus of humanity this is actually I think one of my hot takes that that like cuz I’m pretty sure every quotequote hot take that I’ve had we’ve all agreed on I’m pretty sure this is my first actual hot take but I’m I’m going to wait for you guys to say what you you you think first just so that you know human rights are important but Animals still deserve the right not to be abused by us oh okay yeah yeah animal abuse I no animal rights as an animal abuse I’m I’m not for but uh what was it what was it I forget the exact phrasing of this but uh I guess it’s more a question of like like uh cuz I well I usually we usually have uh one of my friend groups has a uh a a ve two two two vegan people in it right so we talk a lot about like veganism and stuff like that well not a lot like I know there’s this consensus that like vegans always bring up the fact that they’re vegan that’s wrong it’s actually usually the people that are not vegan that’ll always like go up to the vegan person be like hey you’re vegan what do you think about this but basically the the the the the this is always brought up in the context of like basically are we allowed to kill and eat animals and like what what what is the thing with that so I guess yeah that’s that’s the that’s the basis of the question like are we allowed to kill any animals for our pleasure and our food and if so where does that stop carrots the veganism what are you guys’s thoughts that will be the topic that will be the question chat vegan remember that vegan teacher that’s that’s really not a good I feel like d vegans get such a bad rap because like the actual vegans that like people who are just like normal about it which are like 99.99999% of the vegans they just they just don’t eat meat and don’t eat animal products and that’s like it they don’t like and and then they’ll be they’ll maybe be like oh yeah I think I’m doing this because of moral reasons I feel like the second people say moral reasons it it people get mad cuz it’s like oh does that mean I’m immoral it’s like no morals are subjective but okay uh plant in the spring we can do that yes because we are a species that are meant to eat meat killing animals for fun is weird though okay all right vegans are cool though okay all right now which animals should we be allowed to eat what what should what what should be the the the the cut off what should be the the uh we’re allowed to eat this we’re not allowed to eat that type type thing this is where I differ from most of the people and not because I want to eat these things it’s just you’ll see why vegans who have carnivorous pets but force them to avide vegan diets are really bad I I I don’t agree with that I I think once we get to the point where we can actually give animals like supplements that give them the nutrients and vitamins and proteins that they need that’s fine but I think if you’re just feeding your like dog Kale like that’s not good that’s not good you shouldn’t be doing that uh who wants Dandy lion uh LS wants a Dand that’s a daffodil where’s where’s a dandelion do we not have a dandelion we do have a dandelion but yeah I think that uh like it’s possible but if if you want a vegan pet just get a rabbit dude just just adopt a vegan pet adopt the pets that’s vegan it’s that easy don’t get a if you if you want a vegan pet don’t get a cat don’t get an outdoor cat actually that should be just a period but you know there should be a period at the end of sentence but you want a vegan pet just get a vegan pet it’s that easy don’t don’t get a carnivorous pet and then be like it’s vegan most things we don’t eat like cats or dogs is cultural I don’t think cultures that do eat it are bad it’s literally fine oh never mind it’s not a hot take then I believe the cut off should be based off of intelligence that is that is it I think the determined intelligence of the basically how it should be done is I don’t know exactly what the intelligence meter cut off is but basically take the intelligence of the smartest thing that we eat commonly and then anything that is not as smart as that would I think is fair game like pigs are insanely smart you know what’s not as smart as pigs dogs and cats it’s weird that we eat the smarter thing and I it’s because it’s tastier it’s because it tastes better let’s be honest dogs and cats don’t taste good I’ve never had them but they are they are they are omnivores they they don’t I think some dogs are actually carnivores they don’t taste as good that’s why but I think it’s weird that it’s oh you’re not allowed to eat them because they’re friends not food because I’ve seen pet pigs those things are friends dude I’ve seen videos of pet pigs those are friends have you seen them they are friends so I think it’s weird that that we’re like yeah we can eat this it’s smarter it can feel depression by the way but we’re still going to eat it I think it should be intelligence-based and I think the cut off should be we should find an animal that is XYZ smart have that be the cut off and then work our way back from there anything that’s that’s not as smart and I and that’s probably a insanely hot take for some people but I don’t know it’s weird to just put arbitrarily I don’t like this and I get I get I get saying oh yeah dogs and cats should be on the menu too is insane I’m not going to eat a dog or a cat I think they’re friends I think they’re friends but like maybe we should have the cut off be before dogs and cats you know pigs still not being farmed but you can still get chickens you can still get chickens and I’m pretty sure cows I’m pretty sure cows you can still get as well so you know just pigs because they are smarter you you move them to the side a little bit that’s that’s my thing that’s my point you think we shouldn’t endangered animals for no reason but also Banning like indigenous people from sustainable hunting stuff is stupid true but but where where’s the I don’t know where’s the line where do we draw it cuz I always see those things where it’s like it’s especially that one like pea uh billboard where it’s like where do you draw the line and people always draw like a really squiggly line I think that’s silly I think if you’re going to draw a line it should be straight and it should be distinct you shouldn’t be like oh we should eat this but not eat this because I like this that’s silly that’s silly that’s silly um um actually I know it’s not as intelligent as this thing but I don’t want to eat this thing because I find a cute and cuddly rabbits are cute and cuddly we eat those like that’s a thing I don’t eat them that’s the thing that people eat people eat rabbits that’s okay people are like yeah rabbits are fine to eat well why not dogs and cats oh dogs and cats are not fine to eat because they’re pets yeah rabbits are pets too huh why why why it makes no sense no sense to be fair a pig would eat you if you had the chance so it okay so what a wild dog uh no I got to give you the right one you are Lewis right yeah you are LS let’s go gambling chat we’re going to gamble gamble time ooh it’s not gambling I see oh my gosh that’s a lot of rewards by the way cows can be pets but we eat them true chickens can be pets but we eat them like where where do we draw the line I think fish is fine by the way I think if they’re is a line to draw on fish fish are not that smart dolphins are they aren’t fish they’re mammals uh fish though are not smart I think that’s fine to eat I I feel no like like moral like oh we can’t have fish fish are dumb and I think that is very fair to eat that’s an example bear in mind people don’t usually eat their pets unless it’s like a famine so pet cats and dogs aren’t getting eaten yeah yeah I’m not saying people should eat their pets either I’m just saying like you know whenever someone like posts a like image of their like pet chicken people always like yummy it’s like people should start doing that under pets dogs and cats then people freak out people are like you can’t eat those it’s like why not that’s my hot take chat but yeah fish can feel pain I know they can but they’re not int it’s it’s not about the level of pain a creature can feel I don’t care about that that’s that I don’t I everything can plants can feel pain some plants can feel pain I’m not going to stop eating plants because they feel pain I don’t care about the pain that they feel if their intelligence is not a certain I I call me like a human supremacist or something like that but like at a certain point like as long as they’re not being killed like purposefully to feel pain like I’m against the way lobsters are cooked just because that’s a full but if you’re going to like kill it as quickly and as and as efficiently as possible so that it feels the least amount of pain that’s fine everything can be a pet true everything can be a pet except for like people and all well I mean we should be eating people unless they’re okay with it which that’s a whole that’s a that’s a whole different can of worms I don’t think I’m going to bring that one up on stream oh that’s so rude yeah what how is that rude alexel I think that I all right all right the way they kill fish for food normally is so bad I think it should be better but I don’t think that should be a we shouldn’t eat fish because they feel pain cuz like pigs feel pain when we kill them chickens feel pain cows feel pain they all feel pain I think we should do as much as we can to minimize that pain but at the end of the day I I like okay also by the way uh the second we get uh lab grown meat of like everything that tastes good I’m not eating meat anymore but until then like yeah no the commenting on pictures of people’s pets yeah I know it is it is insanely mean people do that on especially pet chickens but like I’ve seen it on like pet rabbits as well and it’s just like dude how would you like it if you if you’re like oh here’s my new new Pitbull princess and I like show a picture of like fileted dog you’re going to try to get my account banned you going to be like that’s mean you can’t do that and it’s like you did that to someone’s pet chicken you think you’d rather not eat lab grown food I don’t know I think that the the the fear with lab grown meat is is is just I I don’t like it’s going to it’s dude we can eat dragon meat we someone can grow Dragon Meat we can actually have like unicorn meat we can have like the future is now I think that’s going to be so cool dude we can have like do we can have fake meat that doesn’t we can have we can every single bite of steak you can get is going to be wagu grade like seven grade seven wagu I know it only goes up to five but that’s what I’m saying like and it can be cheap it can be cheap as well I genuinely lab grown meat I am very very much Pro just because I think in the right hands it can be really really cool dude we can have like ethically sourced Like Elephant meat dude all right imagine imagine there is a meat that is like infinitely better tasting than any other meat and the only reason we can’t have it is because it’s either on an animal that’s too small to like actually yield the amount of meat or it’s an animal that’s like endangered now we can eat that without having any ethical concerns that’s so cool like dude imagine there’s like a like a like you guys you know the little rly poly pill bug things those are those are uh crustations those are the same thing as lobsters not crustations those are the same things as lobsters imagine if their meat is like so good it’s like the the next peak of lobster we can eat that now and I know people go e eating bugs but like what if it tastes good and it’s grown in a lab so it’s not like dirty I don’t know lobsters are cations okay yeah but yeah I think lab grown meat is cool I think it’s like and and the thing is if you don’t like lab grown meat just don’t eat it that’s fine like I I’m not going to force you I’m not going to be like you have to eat lab grown meat this is the future no I understand why people have like an issue with it but like I don’t know I think it’ll be cool it’s 1: a.m. you got to sleep see you might be back if you fail all right you hopefully have a good sleep have a good sleep let’s go we have caulif flowers yippe not a lot though uh now we just have these like random like things out here oh these are the carrots that I just planted oops all right I think I’m going to save up my money to get summer crops can we start talking about how cute sharks are sure sharks are pretty cool I do think if you’re going to eat a shark because again in intelligence you shouldn’t just fin a shark I think that’s really stupid I think Finning sharks instead of eating the whole shark is really silly like dude imagine if you only ate like the Hooves of like imagine if you killed a cow and you only ate the Hooves of it that would be really stupid I think if you’re going to eat a shark you should eat the whole thing or at least like more of it than literally just the fin it’s like dude what what we have so lost the plot if if if if the only part of a shark the that people are willing to eat is the th cuz like what huh okay that was not watered is this watered yeah that’s all watered okay good I don’t want them to dry out they’re goofy yeah sharks are cool I would not want to go swim with sharks because they’re scary cuz they’re they’re they’re Predator animals but I would not want to be with most Predator animals besides like maybe cats because they’re so small and they also like see us as cats as well I think I’m pretty sure I read somewhere they see us as like big cats that are just stupid how well would you think you could train your brain to remember shark facta pretty well if you put your mind to it but yeah I think that uh I don’t know eat what you want to eat don’t eat me what you don’t try to minimize the harm you do to the environment that’s all that that’s all that really matters but yeah and I do think being vegan is is morally Superior than than not I I do think they that vegans do have the moral High Ground cuz it is causing less harm and it is better for the environment but also I like to eat meat so it’s it’s it’s not it doesn’t matter more to me than than it yeah once we have more like vegan Alternatives maybe but and once we have L me yeah sure but until then I think I’m fine what’s my favorite shark uh probably a sand I I don’t remember what they’re called but like little small Sand Sharks the the really small sharks oh my gosh this is literally going to be here to the End of Time whale oh yeah whale sharks are really cool they just go oo and they open their mouth and they get all the food but I think sharks I have no issue with sharks existing I just don’t like going near them because first of all oceans are scary second of all sharks are scary I’m not built for these types of things you know I am very much a stay-at-home and I think it’s it’s crazy that Humanity has built a society that is perfectly encapsulated around them and and no real harm can come to us besides natural disasters and ourselves yet we still decide to go out into wild areas just just because we’re like yeah you know what let’s risk it we are very like Risk creatures and it’s like why like we literally have oceans that are like not oceans but we have like beaches that are built that have like nothing in them and like that are like perfect for humans and then we’re still like n let’s let’s let’s let the sharks in and it’s like what are we talking about you wish sharks weren’t so hated and told to Children of scary things I mean yeah there’s a little bit too much of scare but I I I feel like if you see a shark on the beach you should not approach it there are other animals that if you see on the beach it’s like oh yeah walk up to this thing look Timmy it’s one of these sharks are not that if you see if you see a shark at a beach um don’t go to it that’s my hot take if you see a shark in the water get out of the water but I do think sharks sharks kill less people than vending machines you know more likely to get killed while getting your little soda than you are being killed by a shark sharks are definitely like not that that big of a deal honestly probably more people die choking to death while eating fish than they do being eaten by a shark so that’s food for thought it’s crazy that we can just eat food and die I I like I hate that like what do you mean there’s just a chance we die like it’s a QuickTime event random chance that you’ll just die while eating food and it’s like that sucks there’s so many ways we can can just die sorry death has been on my mind considering I’m going to have surgery soon and they’re like you could die during this and I’m like I don’t want to I don’t want to that’s scary but they’re like no it has to be done and I’m like dang I mean they’re like they actually didn’t say it has to be done cuz I can just get it without the the the the go to sleep thing but that’s even scarier cuz like I have to be awake for it oh my gosh hit the thing also H Abigail oh you go to school no hit we’re losing the energy it doesn’t even hit it please don’t die you are funny true that would suck a broken CD when ises this thing oh hey it’s here I was going to say when does the thing that’s here arrive blackberry cobbler coffee bean coffeee beans are actually good wait can I like sell enough stuff to get a coffee bean cuz coffee beans are actually like I I I’m pretty sure pretty insane there there is spring and summer so but we missed the spring but we can still hit the summer summer Coffee Bean Harvest well let’s sell some stuff in see if we can get it it was 900 we’re we’re so close to that and I know that’s probably overpriced for a coffee bean but I think it could be worth it you’re going to go find something to eat all right you do that way how much do coffee beans cost chat someone who knows stardo Valley please answer how much do coffee beans normally cost am I going to get scammed by this lady um we should sell uh one two three we should always save one all right we’re going to sell we save one gold star of these I’ll save a silver as well all right this should be enough to get us to 900 I swear if we can buy coffee beans for like 60 in the shop I’m going to be really upset but you know what it’s worth the risk I think either way oh my gosh get in your store I need to sell you things oh I can’t sell the convenience store things either get in your shop here oh my God I can sell I can sell the the fish stuff I can sell the fish stuff it’s fine Chad it’s fine we can make it back my cat let’s sell uh this and this I guess I don’t know let’s go let’s go quick quick quick but yeah the short stream definitely did not pop off today I think that was a bait from YouTu YouTube I think the the the two short streams we did before did well as a trick that was YouTube’s way of tricking sorry my throat that was YouTube’s way of tricking me into doing short stream now they’re not doing well and I think that’s because YouTube just hates me they tricked me they stole the streams from my they stole the views from my normal streams oh my gosh you’re not in your shop either go to your shop no also hello monster how’s it going how are you today 500 p.m. it closes oh no how are you today monster welcome to the stream welcome welcome we’re trying to sell some things so we can afford a coffee bean but no one’s open you like my model thank you yes I like it as well very it is a very cool model good how about you I am doing good I am doing good we just need Pierre to actually be at his shop Pierre pier where are you Pier man you’re shop I hate you I would I would so by Stu I I understand it now I understand why people hate him I would so buy from joa if I if I didn’t have other obligations can’t believe it go to your shop I can’t sell my stuff I can’t get the coffee bean wait I can sell to uh Gus Among Us come on Gus please take my food anything no Gus How Could You Gus I believed in you I trusted you oh no well yeah it’s 9 no one’s open now shoot well huh no coffee for us then I guess which is kind of sad hey thank you for subscribing monster very very much appreciated no coffee uh let’s get some wood and let’s make another chest because we need another chest no coffee beans all right that should be enough wood crafting chest I don’t make basic fertilizer but yeah all right this will be the black one this is for all our mining stuff uh well we saw you recommended so you wanted to come watch and see what’s up you do sadly have to go but you subed so expect to see you in future streams all right you have a good rest of your day monster have a good rest of your day all right let us uh actually let’s make this one the fishing one and then this one the like neutral one for now so all the fishing stuff goes here and all the non fishing stuff goes here organization actually soggy newspaper is fishing what am I doing uh organize I wouldn’t organize it like that but okay game Driftwood uh slime and then bug meat bug meat I can actually leave in fishing because that is for bait actually no I’ll leave that in the cave one probably all right that’s all the fishing stuff all right easy let’s chop down some trees while we have uh a bit of energy left actually let’s let’s clear this out a little bit eventually we want to get a coupe or Sil something put it here actually this is a good place for more uh Farmland actually I think I’m going to put my farm up here and then the cop down we got to get some tappers as well actually I probably could have done a quest and gotten more uh money huh maybe I should have done that easy all right pretty pretty cleared out pretty cleared out get some of the trees down here yeah I think the starting farm at least being here is a good idea cuz we’re right next to the water which is good because it’s getting late no I don’t refill all my energy now that’s a shame literally 10 minutes late oh never mind I still do oh we’re we’re fine then I guess it’s just at like 3: in the morning bloming off the land fishing pool catch the fish fortune teller displeased hopefully don’t we have hopefully we don’t have our Harvest today guess what we we have it’s our Harvest uh you’re back with cereal let’s go away welcome back well we have our Harvest ah we got it’s not that bad two gold stars I’ll take it we can we can turn these into jam and make more money I think I think that’s going to be our goal we’re going to jam them but yeah first day of su we should go in with a lot of money cuz we’re going to want to buy those uh those crops that are like infinitely uh make more of day one I think I think it’s corn we want to buy I’ll have to double check it’s either like corn or like pumpkins or something like that I can’t remember what the best summer crop is I think it’s the it’s it’s got to be the one that’s like re redoble redoble though yeah all right let’s see what do we got here all right let’s see what we can craft first crafting a beehive a Tapper a mise machine furnace sprinkler we got want speech we want to make some sprinklers I think text sign what’s CHP three Uh current favorite and past living breathing things plants and animals I don’t know actually that’s a that’s a hard question I mean humans I like being a human like that might be biased but like I think humans are cool like I I know like we have a lot of flaws but I think we’re cool I don’t think we’re infallible but we’re cool what day is today flower dances soon I still can’t pick this can I like get this with my like nope that’s just going to be stuck there forever until the end of the season but yeah uh what was I going to say stardy Valley I’m glad we got this top hat even though it is a leprechaun Top Hat I still think it’s really cool top hats are cool I remember there’s this glitch where if you ate something while you were holding both walk buttons you’d like just not walk with animations that was kind of fun can’t believe we were only like 51 gold away Pierre just wasn’t in a shop we could have gotten coffee we should get some crab pots I think crab pots are really cool cuz I don’t fish very frequently it’s it’s it’s it’s not that I don’t want to fish it’s just when I’m streaming fishing is kind of I don’t know fishing is kind of boring I feel like to watch at least from you guys it’s probably boring all right carrots strawberries keeps producing strawberries after that we want to feed batro I guess water batro we don’t really feed it we should cats sharks and dinosaurs and three probably me true I’m goated what can we craft or special items and power Forest magic wow there’s a lot of special items batro batro is is nice I got to get more hearts with batro uh campfire beeh High except winter we’re in Spring spring summer fall okay so we want to make these in like fall maple syrup we need to make a Tapper actually first we need to make a uh furnace furnace let’s go all right we’re going to place it like back here I think let’s go you’re the my you are the favorite of the human species saly DK Dan is a close second let’s go all right we need how many for a Tapper I really want to save up for a sprinkler but I have to get further on mines for that uh maybe we should go to the lines today honestly gravel path Cobblestone path wood path yeah today might be a M’s day actually oh wow it’s done wow that’s fast that’s faster than I remember it being jez uh what else do we have in our farm this the greenhouse uh let see grandfather’s there oh I just hit that I should not have hit that always hold the Scythe it takes Zero Energy look at this no energy taken which is weird cuz I’m very clearly like grimacing when I swing this you got a few unnamed plushy could I help you name some of them sure yeah uh let’s put our things away besides these three and let’s go to the mines gising like the funny mascot plus oh actually we need money we need money today uh let me just double check if cuz if tomorrow is the whatever Festival I want to get the rarecrow I’m pretty sure this is the house Moving Castle rarecrow I forget how much it costs though prise now myass was swallowed by the Sea my compass was swallowed by the sea I because this relationship between you and me want it blood I want it black and white clearcut your Evil’s predefined your Evil’s predefined when it’s snapped my compass is curiosity my compass is cu a city oh no thing in there that’s cool so you got a blue one that’s a giant squid Squilliam or Splatoon Splatoon works well wow two you know what I’ll take it yeah they’re like hey go to the next floor oh wow okay yeah hey go to the next floor Squam no weird guy in the dirt let’s go you go with Splatoon and Squam let’s go also squid games works either of them any of those three you could name him Mr games also this is this a thing please squid game please Mr games was my father call me squid games you already have a squid games from before oh okay never mind don’t name him squid games games there is already a squid games please squid games was my father please call me Squam we got to find the way out chat I really should make the bombs honestly that would be a perfect area to blow up I mean we still wouldn’t have found it cuz oh my God gosh I’m running low on energy we found the others so easily oh my gosh where is it actually I still got to get through floor 9 as well okay it might be so over chat never mind we could be so bad come on give us give us a like a cave carrot I will take a hardwood uhoh no we only got 30 energy come on 25 energy 19 energy okay this is a special rock I got to mine it amethyst 11 energy 7 six uhoh chat four two okay we literally can’t we we we have to leave we literally have no more energy on floor nine if we ate sap now we would just die I’m just going to get that out of my inventory so I don’t die accidentally I’m going to eat this as well just because we are too away okay that doesn’t take any now at the very least we have 42 energy batrick H I don’t know I don’t know the bat names that are good I don’t want this I want you I want oh I can’t inventory full which means this one is at least silver ah it’s gold even better big brain we should go in with food actually I should eat the salmon berries the salmon berries whatever they’re called this is fishing this is mines and everything else cuz we don’t go to the mines that frequently more copper you name batrick all right that works yeah sorry if I can’t see them it’s a little harder to make up a name why’ I go oh cuz this is done all right um let me think stardew Valley yeah way you got to Rally people if you want zzz to win I cannot help you I did the best that I could today but you got to you got to Rally if you want it cuz I don’t know I I kind of want to see what the game is about I’ve seen like nothing about it and it probably is like semi- trendy you got a picture of Squam and Patrick yo post them in the Discord and I’ll check them out after the stream but yeah cuz I assume zent Zone zero would be like a a good game to play just because gotta gotcha gotcha game gambling preserve jar let’s go we’re so back we can make strawberry preserves the flower dance that’s tomorrow right yeah that’s tomorrow tomorrow yeah okay good oh it’s so much brighter I just played the game of the dark and I’m just like H actually didn’t you see them they were bat in a squid sitting next to each other I did not I have bad memory gentless Zone zero or whatever it’s called me and the zeros are Zone but yeah I think that uh I don’t know it’ be a fun game to play OB we just changed the way the audio is displayed on OBS and it looks weird now and it’s freaking me out I keep looking up and seeing my audio be like massive and I’m like ah but then it’s not it’s normal uh preserve that’s not the right one uh I don’t have enough coal dang that was the wrong one oh that was the right one I need to get coal now huh oh let’s feed uh batro vatra where are you going oh we already fed you go forth and kill birds batro is in your blood destroy the local ecosystem balatro you must you must yawn no one saw I wonder how lonus feels if you steal from the the trash cans cuz that’s like his food he’s like dude what why you stealing you don’t need that you have a farm yawn again the second one all I’m saying is you know I’m going to cross my fingers and all that but like this stream has had 38 dropped frames total that’s pretty good considering this is I’m pretty sure 60 frames a second that’s less than a second dropped over the total course of the stream so that’s you know hey I’ll take that I think we did fix the internet as long as it doesn’t like random Dro during the stream I think we are fine and we will be fine and everything will be fine and we’ll be so back I got to make the short stream actually look better cuz I I know this the the soap and thing at the top is funny but like I I don’t know there’s I got to figure out some way to actually like make it look nice so that people will stay cuz I I I feel like the irony is lost on some people why is there soap at the top flooring those are my Park SS ah yawn yeah the shorts one we got to make look better I do like the two screens the one big one and the one small one at the bottom so you can technically see the full game except I’m blocking it and then I’m not actually blocking the square in the center but doesn’t the top need something to do with maybe like a latest sub notification thing latest subscriber I don’t know something like that you really hope Philip never learns how to Ping people oh no Way’s just like uhoh did I water these yeah I watered these yeah I have I have missing energy or DM people oh way now way you have met your match I’m going to be honest cuz now now all the people that are like way stop dming me things are are you you you now you now finally have that yourself uh we must suffer now I’ll take like four of these I think that 100 energy that sounds good and let’s go to the mines let’s actually get to floor 10 uh and then we need to get home and sell everything how do we get $1,000 oh yeah we we we sold some stuff I’m waiting for the earthquak so that opens cuz that’d be cool even though it does wait so much more time than it’s worth it’s a fun place we can eat the horse radish too floor five still it is dark you mean people have solved the problem of you dming them random possibly racist stuff by muting your DMs or blocking you oh no I mean I guess you could you could do that to Phillip if you if you don’t want Philip dming you you got some new ideas let’s go I killed a bug with a pickaxe and I’m like wait a second I got some new ideas we can kill bugs with pickaxes okay how am I actually supposed to do this come on where’s the the thing hello weird Oreo welcome to the stream how’s it going how are you today welcome welcome all right wait where’s the exit there we go un infected layer how’s the starting stream going it’s going pretty good we are just kind of chilling trying to get as much money as possible uh-oh wait isn’t the exit already open no it’s not or is it no it’s not I have to kill these all right we’re fine that’s good yeah about 1 day and 3 hours till your birthday happy birthday again way happy early birthday I I sadly again can’t stream on it though cuz I have dental surgery on that day so I apologize guys I get that it’s your birthday but I I I I have dental surgery a way down has appeared oh okay so it appears once you kill everything got it good to know uh we are low on health luckily I have some foods I guess I’ll eat the horseradish that heals like8 Health but you know it’s a it’s a it’s a little bit healing is good oh it it appears right here that’s actually kind of cool yikes tried to kill the bug with the same swipes ah ah they think my hat is a fellow slime that’s why they’re attacking me they’re trying to free it hostage all right we’re goed all right way down way down we need to we need to get to floor nine right and then 10 floor 10 floor 10 we go there we go eight we should have made bombs again I always forget that you grabbed a slime to mold it into your hat true okay easy oh I see it I see it I’m going to get that uh Crystal first as much as I want to grab all these things I’m not going to because we want to go to the next ler now let’s go uh I’ll drop the bug meat I forget what we get here we get boots I have had no shoes I’ve been Barefoot this entire time let’s go keep going I don’t want these yucky all right we need coal so we can make the jam maker the jam we want Strawberry jams that we can make infinite money attain infinite wealth Barefoot stepping on rocks and slime I know it is not not ideal ooh amethyst okay we we oh we don’t have to leave actually we can eat the salmon berries eat the salmon berries eat all of them let’s go that’s almost full health wow literally like five away all right once it gets to like 9 I think we got to leave cuz we also got to sell a bunch of stuff so that we have money for the the the the the dance if I can get to like floor 15 that’d be great to get to floor 12 that’d be great actually let’s you know start small if I could move down one floor wow this floor really does not like us wow okay it was right here oh this is one of the ones with coal perfect okay we have 18 mine cart with coal in it mine cart with coal in it mine cart with coal in it no mine cart with coal in it come on Yes mine cart with coal in it and a hardwood yo okay uh get rid of this get the hardwood in my inventory coal five coal let’s go oh my gosh jump scare jeez uh I can eat the green algae hold up all right go down one more layer just check out what it has ideal oh we can’t get an earth gem um yes we can we just need to get rid of uh we don’t want slime Earth Gem’s better I mean we do want slime but not now okay anything else just perimeter scan perimeter scan there’s slim there Co we’re leaving we’re leaving we’re leaving it is 10: we’re going to leave the mine uhoh come on I think this way’s faster sorry but your V2 Avatar Rems you have combination between Joker from Persona 5 and the pokem and ba from Pokemon sword and shield bayday is spot on by the way uh B was one of my character Inspirations I actually used him as part of my uh old uh like profile picture and stuff like that but yeah yeah bayday that is that is insane read cuz that is absolutely 100% correct all right um we need to sell stuff uh I I’m going to sell I don’t know I don’t remember how many cauliflower we’re supposed to keep uh we’re we’re paused okay sell all the the the the uh gold star these I think um let’s sell all the silver stars as well besides one you always got to save one uh okay uh how much do we have oh we can’t we can’t take that okay nice you can tell from the hair true true okay uh I don’t want to sell my carrots or my uh strawberries because they are going to be jammed and pickled uh but is anything else I mean I guess we can I guess we can sell all this too hey thank you for following weird Oreo very much appreciated very much appreciated um I think that’s it I think that’s all we’re going to be selling everything else can be either saved or used to make other seeds so it’s more worth to keep than sell and then we’re going to go to sleep oh hold up hello batro sleep for the night sturdy ring and Bug steak let’s go and five more HP all right how much money I’ll take it 3,000 one clam and all of this all right I’m surprised Coral doesn’t count as fishing but I guess you know but yeah all right today is the dance where’s my fortune life very difficult okay going to rain tomorrow as well that’s actually really good rain we want we always want rain who are you going to take the dance I will try Abigail but I I’m pretty sure I can’t take anyone sadly I don’t have high enough friendship Parts with anybody I’m just going to be watching on the sidelines just kind of looking but the reason why we saved up all this money is so that we can get the rarecrow cuz I’m pretty sure it’s the the one based off of turnip head from house moving castle one of my favorite movies uh house Moving Castle is is a really good movie if you haven’t seen it I definitely highly recommend gibl movies are always great and it is one of the good ones the best ones all all of them are good but it’s one of the best ones oh I should have made my preserve jar last night dang pretty sure preserve jar why can’t I make another one oh I need more wood okay that’s not the worst to have not enough of I think we’re going to put The Preserve jars here and then the furnaces up there you need four Hearts oh yeah we do not have that all right we are going to put a gold star strawberry there then I think we’ll use our remaining energy before the dance to Deforest ization easy that should be just barely enough yep we will make another preserve jar and then we’ll need more coal for that anyways and our second gold star strawberry is going to be turned into Jam as well all right and then hopefully by summer we have enough we can sell all the things we want to sell let me water batro real quick and then let me clear my inventory so that if I need to buy stuff I don’t have to waste space all right uh now it starts I’m pretty sure at 9: so we just wait a little bit I guess I can chop down another tree while we wait already have set plans nice yes I mean kind of I I kind of make it up as I go along but I know strawberries sell for a lot so we we need those the flower dance has begun perfect timing all right let’s put everything away you love eating cereal for breakfast and dinner way true cereal is good I feel like cereal is more of a like a dessert thing than it is a a a breakfast thing I’m going to be honest that is my hot take where am I supposed to be go oh wait it’s at the bottom yeah I forgot about that I forgot where they hosted the festival all right winter Winter’s the furthest season away so we don’t have to worry about winter Summer’s next and very soon why you leaving the festival here I’ll bring a I’ll bring a flower you can’t have a flower Dance Festival without a flower why are you where are you going I’m going to follow no I’m going to follow you you’re planning something thing you’re going to like steal from somebody’s house you can’t eat it for breakfast cuz then your stomach hurts later on true where are you going she’s she’s a drug dealer that’s what she is she just did you see that did you see that nonchalant pass she’s mayor Lewis’s drug dealer where is she going I thought every NPC had to go to the Festival oh yeah that makes sense breaking into the library predictable predictable can’t believe it so where’s Abigail going why are you not go what why is everyone leaving the festival I thought you all had to go to the Festival what are you doing what huh they’re all breaking into the library that’s crazy that’s where the hidden drug Empire is Walter White sold his drugs out of a van Jazz sells her drugs out of the library and I’m immediately Caught no it makes sense Penny would most likely be a drug dealer Penny teaches Jazz and Vincent stuff penny is the cook penny is the Walter White jazz is the Jesse Pikman this place is nice it should be open more often seasonal Decor daffodils that’s a is that cheaper than they normally are wait a second I’m pretty sure that’s cheaper than what you can sell them for chat can we make a lot of oh wait never mind it’s for one I thought it was for 10 wait I thought this was the rare crow that was never mind it’s not the right rare Crow I don’t want this rare Crow I want the other one seasonal plants let’s see tub of flowers recipe I don’t need that many tubs of flowers wall flow small Wallflower sealing leaves I don’t really need Decor I’ll just not do that then no dang he never misses an he never misses an opportunity to make some money he’s always on that grind set she will not she will not Clint in fact Clint watch this and it’s not you which which uh turnip head the the one with the turnip that’s the rare C that I Want Love is in the air and you’re still single Marne there are like three different people that are madly in love with you this this guy louw and probably someone else flowers I can hardly see them yeah you’re going to it’s too bright out here yeah you been working on these flow for a week do you like them yes yes I do George is just mean dang jelly you’re still live it’s 3:00 a.m. here how’s it going wonder how are you doing at 3:00 a.m. going to go to sleep all right you go to sleep frog season is really starting to pick up what does that mean true waa what are you doing he like started like activating his second phase fnf that’s crazy he was like I can’t go fishing that’s the star to fail fall 16 oh okay yeah you’re the flower Queen right the flower yeah just you know the flower you’re building your Empire your flower empire I see you I see you I got sushi open air Sushi seems like a really bad idea hello pun KH welcome to the stream how’s it going how are you today yeah flower is white powder true I’m just enjoying the scenery yeah the scenery as in Haley we can see you Sam I me Alex whatever your name is you’re good good do you like action movies yeah I think uh I don’t know I haven’t really watched movies in a while but I think action movies are pretty cool definitely better some than some other genres all right well should we start the dance yeah let’s start I don’t have a partner why are you asking me if we should start the dance why am I the dang look at me I’m right here look at this ah Clint you have to stand there I might be alone but you are even more alone than me Clint so can you react to Kill trailer maybe maybe I don’t know I usually only react to things that are like things that I know of you know they did the dance that was fun time to go home the day is over can’t believe it all that day I mean we sold all our stuff so we made some money it’s a Bollywood movie I see you want to be Abigail so badly you married Sebastian every playthrough oh fruit trees oh everything that make my life difficult well at least it’s not a harvest and at least it’s watering my stuff for me so you can’t make my life that difficult Spirits this is not an invitation for a challenge by the way I I I I fear you most violent action uh what were we doing after the there’s something we need to do after the flower festival um h what is it what are we doing chat stop wasting energy oh it’s locked oh no I wanted to check this Pier’s birthday Emily’s birthday 28th okay the 28th we need to sell everything by uh we also need to get more friendship tickets so that we can uh get the tree open 8: a.m. you don’t open at all you realized you are one ripoff you realize you are one away from ripoff SpongeBob Squidward and Patrick oh no you just need a sponge now way all right uh what are we to do besides Forge for some random stuff we need more more of those friendship tickets oh hello old Mariner I’ve got this old amulet set but something tells me you’re not ready for it lad oh okay H we need to make a crab pot that’s what we need to figure out how to make a crab pot crab pots are really good I like crab pots I always put them there because I feel like they get more stuff but I’m not exactly sure I probably should have gotten all our our spring stuff for the bundles but I don’t know it’s fine we can get them next year good morning hope the river doesn’t overflow look I want to get that I want to get the peach tree for free basically I think it would be cool you always just put your crab pots by the entrance of willly shop that’s actually a really good idea now that I think about it yeah cuz then you just get your stuff immediately you can just get it and then sell it time management I think we got to go to the mines today now now that I’m thinking about it cuz we we really want to get silver so that we can get some watering uh we can get some watering things just take a look you will got not regret it maybe maybe maybe later to to react a thing I have to take a down my whole setup and put it back up again so perhaps another day all right this this this this keep these bum bum bum bum uh I guess I’ll take these for energy four of these sh is always about managing time that’s why you first played you started you were already dancing the flower dance with Sebastian oh that is actually really fast wow I don’t even think I talked to him before the flower dance I my goal is always just to make money to bring Jody a cauliflower I like money cash currency Capital liquid assets money money money money that’s what I care about most in this game lining my pockets with solid greed oh my gosh jump scare I got slimed you got some ideas to sleep on that’s good we were one away last time though that means you learned his schedule and memorized it oh no easy all right easy eat this pick up the geode continue mining we want to get uh iron I think is the the ideal cuz then we can make sprinklers there we go run over here we also want more coal of course because okay we we don’t have to break anything here I think I don’t think okay we got slimed uh-oh I want the coal at the end of the tunnel oh there’s no coal a we can’t okay I’m just running I’m out I’m out not going to deal with that uh can you tell the twitch guy you’re asking what his favorite animal sure uh weird Oreo uh another one of my viewers on YouTube cuz I’m multi streaming way asks you what your favorite animal is all right uh any other things here some copper over here I’ll take that need more coal no I should have known oh my gosh there are two of them easy it would have to be cat rabbit or desert rain frog ooh the desert rain frogs are the thing that goes like like the the one video of the Frog yelling and it’s like yummy pick this up run over here get some more rocks floor 15 come on 5 Seconds give me floor 15 little ball frogs true come on where are those ladders thought it was a ladder where would I be somewhere over here oh it was in the Slime no wonder floor 15 where does iron start at like floor 20 is that what my issue is ooh Oh weird little bug things hold up uh let us eat this let’s eat all of them you know what I don’t need to heal I’d rather have topaz you hate those bugs yeah okay come on I know they spawn the other things if you let them spawn kill them all kill them all easy oh my gosh it flies you thought you could ban me I did I did not ban you Crystal that was never a thing oh my gosh the bugs they keep flying in oh my gosh it’s actually so over oh my gosh it’s actually so over I shouldn’t have eaten up all my healing oh my gosh I I actually have to leave I actually have to leave I actually have to leave that’s crazy just get out yeah but oh it’s actually eight I should probably go back anyways then why is it not there food snacks isn’t there I don’t think you got banned that quickly I did not kick or ban you I’ve just been streaming this entire time maybe you left on accident I have no idea also how’s it going Rea welcome to the stream how’s it going how are you today oh that was a lot of them that was a lot of them we have two two we have two topaz two amethyst seven quartz okay so now we can start donating these to the museum I think is our next goal I probably should have organized this better there we go all right batro good night staircases easy fortune teller ah life difficult oh really it’s always on the days when I have the strawberry harvests when my life is going to be difficult let’s go farming upgraded again two Silvers only that’s sad you think I don’t think I don’t know if cheeky kicked him out if so I can just make a roll that’s like hey you can’t access This Server I already have that I’m pretty sure we should make a literal child roll that would be funny rocks batro is dead now batro is alive all right we are fine let us also take all our geod I know it’s a bad luck day but I’m pretty sure luck doesn’t change whether or not you get stuff out of your goess so I think that’s fine I think we’re good luck does affect geodes but is it the day that you find the geodes or is it the day that you open the geodes cuz if it’s the day you find the geodes then it’s it’s fine if it’s the day that you open the geodes then it’s we shouldn’t open them today the day you open all right we won’t open them today then we will instead donate our quartz topaz and Amethyst since we have two donate to Museum oh wait we already donated huh never mind all right we will wait to open these then 13 geod topaz and quartz dog you wish you could donate on the stream but your parents won’t let you that’s probably for the best considering AB Abigail likes quartz I thought Abigail liked uh amethyst we can give AB Abigail the quartz I thought it was amethyst that Abigail liked but it’s quartz as well that’s good Pierre’s birthday they invasive crab species these creatures known as four of them Demetrius okay Abigail I’m here to give you quartz I have invaded your house take the quartz hey how do you know I was hungry this looks delicious Rock eater Abigail The Rock eater yeah same Rock eater Abigail let’s go when we do more Elden Rings uh I’m not sure hopefully soon hopefully soon uh but until then we’ll probably also play some other games as well so it’ll be fine we got Skyrim in the queue we got Zen Zone zero in the queue we got Borderlands in the queue we got Rabin Steel in the queue we got a lot of things lots of games for every every genre every thing video games all right what are we doing today it’s a bad luck day so let’s uh uh how many days left three let’s go to the mines zenist Zone zero is so funny you know weird Oreo if you join the Discord uh which you know Shameless Shameless self-promotion but there is a reason um I do polls before like every stream basically that I let people vote on what they want to uh what they want to see like what games I should play that day and if you like zenist Zone zero one of the people uh in the in the community really wants to see that game but no one will vote for it so you could join and vote for it you could give away the votes he needs wait way immediately join the Discord wa like someone else that that wants to play z z zero but yeah no one else no one else is gunning for that how do you vote uh pole voters basically get the poll voters roll so you get notified Whenever there is a poll and then uh whenever there’s a poll you will just click the Emoji that you want to win that’s how you vote but yeah I let people vote basically every stream it used to be uh I used to stream only on Friday Saturday and Sunday and I used to let people vote on on Saturday and Sunday and then have Friday be just a day where I play something that I want to but as of recent I’ve just kind of let them vote on every day cuz I don’t know I’ll take one I don’t think I need that many yeah I’ve only I I I don’t know one of these days we’re going to do I I’m just very indecisive so it’s a lot easier to just be like hey guys what do you guys want to see instead of being like all right we’re going to play this one of these days though I’m going to do another non-poled stream for just something random those are always fun some of our best streams have been non-poled can we go back to Fridays being the day you choose I would I just am very indecisive so I don’t even know what I want to stream cuz usually Fridays would be things that weren’t on the polls during the week lus lus Tech tips rock crab we got to kill four of them okay that’s pretty easy we need to find four that’s the hard part they always spawn when you don’t want them and never spawn when you do we just basically have to hit rocks I mean we’re going to do that anyways cuz we got to pickaxe them so why not you just finished doing the rooll part of the Discord let’s go all right you should be able to vote now yeah you just choose the Emoji that represents the game you want to play basically I’ll I’ll give I’ll I usually have a list of games that’s available and then you vote from that list and you can vote multiple times by the way there’s not like a you can only vote for one game you can vote for as many of the games as you want it’s just preferable you vote for games that you do actually want to see cuz I’ve had people vote for games they don’t want to see for no reason and it’s been like well why why would you vote for it if you don’t want to see it that makes no sense there we go blue slime I hate you I hate you so much wait I need I need to kill the the small bug I need to kill the small bug so it doesn’t spawn and turn into a big one oh my gosh there’s so many things I should have actually brought healing I forgot I almost died last time all right nice no more please all right there we go there is a guy over here I want to kill him cuz they Dro bombs sometimes come on oh they dropped a geod okay that’s fair come on give me a ladder please I don’t want to have to kill the blue slime they’re scary actually I think they can drop icicle geod so I do actually want to kill you oh hey ladder ooh a ruby yeah very nice sadly we have to donate it to the museum before we can actually use them biggest scam oh you see what’s that oh it’s a donate to the museum I’ll tell you what it is oh yeah that was a diamond you don’t get it back though worth a billion dollars you thought it was the rupey from Legend of Zelda true when will the stream end way uh probably eventually but not not for a little bit at least I’m having fun remember way these are the last few streams you get before I have to go get surgery and then that’ll that’ll I’ll probably be out of the ability to stream for a little bit oh is that a eat this so I can get some rice starter yo oh my gosh all these kill them before they grow up kill them before they grow up oh my gosh he grew up but yeah I got to get dental surgery on the 15th and then I I I will try to stream but I I literally cannot promise that there will be streams and I I would even advise against it because I will be like very much out of it so yeah me yeah basically today and tomorrow and then I have to wait for a little bit I mean I will try to stream that day I will try to stream the day of the dental surgery but I will most likely be like so out of it you don’t like the dentist cuz mostly how the loud the drill is it’s not the dentist I have to get my wisdom teeth removed meaning that’s going to be a full a full surgery so not looking forward to it please stream on the day I will think about it again no promises cuz again dental surgery I don’t care if you’re out of it well I don’t mean like out of it like like oh I’m feeling a little bit under the weather I mean like I I don’t know if I will physically be able to do anything considering they have to put me under anesthesia and my entire jaw the thing that is most useful when streaming because that’s how you guys hear me is going to be like really really in pain so I don’t know I want to take this Earth gem but I can’t all right come on floor 20 I know the ladder is like always like in the center here you had to get your wisdom teeth removed because of your you had to get your teeth removed because your wisdom teeth and uh you had your braces on oh no that sounds very painful also we have no energy get us to the center get us to the center we all right we actually can’t make it I’m looking at the time there’s no way we sadly and there’s a amethyst too oh no cuz we physically don’t have enough strength to mine left PL these in the spring we can’t plant those oh no no no we got to run leave the mine leave the mine let’s go you had to get cavity there was blood everywhere oh no your tooth cracked and broke uhoh text to speech stream that means I have to sit down type everything out that I want to say like I don’t think you realize it would have to be a speech to text to speech and speech to text can’t even even tell what you’re saying half of the time they had to redo a lot of the wires and stuff o that does not sound good it hurt so bad you were crying o yeah teeth being removed is painful oh it doesn’t make I shouldn’t be using the gold star ones it just makes normal oh well that’s I mean good to know but kind of lame ooh oh which is it which do we get Rancher or tiller animal products are with 20% more or crops are worth 20% more which is better chat I think it’s Rancher but like I don’t I don’t remember Rancher or tiller chat traveling merchin Oh I forgot it depends on what you want to do does tiller include uh Artis Goods weird Oreo does tiller include Artisan Goods like will that include jams and wines cuz if so tiller’s better for now at least you hate the time when they put the needle in top right guns then hit the bone wall That’s apparently there o but yeah does tiller count for Artisan Goods can someone look that up real quick cuz if so we’ll take that if not I feel like Rancher is better in the long run cuz I I remember like truffles being really good and I think that’s technically an animal product and I’m pretty sure like cheese is an animal product as well but yeah crops or Rancher someone do a quick Google search get back to me on that your dentist wasn’t even a kids dentist they switch you switched places o yeah that does not sound fun um H uh do I get this this is a hard choice because I don’t know what I I’ll get I think tiller for now cuz I know it costs a lot of money to replace this and like change it out so I get tiller hopefully that counts for jams you’re getting good results on tiller and Artisan Goods oh okay all right luck will not be on your side that’s not good we can’t get geod again all right hopefully we can get one more strawberry Harvest before the end of the season that’s what I’m hoping you lost part of your tooth this morning and now you’re scared cuz you don’t want that to happen again true that happened to me once it was I was streaming and then my tooth just randomly broke and I was like uh-oh and it’s and it and it hasn’t fixed itself they don’t they don’t do that I hate to break two complicate uh it’s compated but yeah it kind of affects Artisan Goods okay as long as it kind of does that’s that’s fine takes eight days we have two that’s not going to work out I don’t think um yeah yesterday was Friday we could have gotten more stuff we had to go to the mines though so we back in the mines we should check our uh Community Center Artis does want jelly animal bundle fall crops do we do spring we did not do spring crops quality crops Crab Pot yeah this one’s fish tank’s going to take a while crafts room craft room is doable though we already did Summer forging I mean spring forging summer forging is really easy uh exotic foraging is difficult but I think we can get all the resins and then like cave carrot and then something else want to do a voice chat after stream I probably won’t but wey could we could we is always asking for people to voice chat after stream do we get a ticket with this no we don’t I can bring you a copper bar though yeah that’s fair can’t believe he has work he has he works on wait who is this yeah he worked on his birthday I’m pretty sure so sad really Alex okay bro is always working besides Wednesdays true except never when I’m in there he’s always like at the store but not like actually running the cashier and it’s like man come on no all right um yeah we don’t want to buy anything from you on the shelves yeah he’s always on the shelves anytime I’m the anytime it’s the afternoon and I want to buy something from him he’s always on the shelves and I’m just like really all right uh copper bar time easy also we want to make another oh we don’t have enough wood Ah that’s fine it’s not a deer it’s standing up what if it’s a standing deer sorry you said I thought you said your niece is dying for a second way and I was like oh no crying it looks like it’s bossed I have no idea what that means oh my gosh everyone opens their thing so late yeah I’m on the job too LS yeah okay I’ll leave that I guess actually we should sell these what am I doing why I don’t need to hold on to Coral I can get them any season and lo and behold fish man’s not at his wait what is that what is this bobber style bobber style b side I don’t know what I’m saying anyways the look The the drug dealers it’s such a small town you can’t avoid meeting everyone yeah that you sell to everybody oh wait we can go to the the thing now you yeah Gus yeah I don’t know why you need a copper bar but here Gus will be pleased uh rock crabs I’m not going to kill them that’s too hard to get all them instead of the Three Musketeers the three drug dealers true me when breaking bad people when they see a bald chemistry teacher people when they see a guy with lung cancer hello I don’t know why you jumped up huh where huh where’s Cinder snap Forest is it like what a sunfish frenzy I want to go to that all right we’re going to get rid of like the stuff we don’t need here I’m just going to bring I’m just going to bring this I want to go to the Sunfish frenzy TR where’s the Sunfish frenzy is that is Cinder snap Forest is this Cinder snap Forest I’m assuming hey I hopefully it’s not this if it is I can’t get there I don’t think it’s here it’s probably here unless it unless it is here which case skill issue for me I guess where’s the Sunfish frenzy what’s this game called stardy Valley there’s got to be Cinder snap Forest it’s on fish come on Sunfish frenzy give me a sunfish that’s a carp where Leia and Marne live oh I know where that is now I went the exact wrong way all right I have to go the exact opposite way I should have checked that one first what game is it again stardew Valley s a r d w v a l l y all right where are the Sunfish I don’t know if this is really a frenzy I don’t really see see many of them but I mean I guess here let me get let me get far in so I can guarantee I am in the area it’s on fish Frenzy again I wouldn’t really call this a frzy oh but that is a sunfish that’s some bait I can’t use the bait cuz I have the starting Rod but that is a sunfish costs $5 I I mean that’s a steal for stard Valley stard Valley is like usually like 20 more sunfish sunfish frenzy I almost missed that all right that’s not a sunfish does it think you’re rich I mean but like if you ever bought a video game $5 for a video game it’s not the the going price usually it’s usually a lot more I facing the wrong way you only have $55 for all your money I if you get this game you’ll have 50 I mean what else are you going to spend your money on get that Treasure Chest what we get a geode it’s still not that bad on roo you know what I I don’t have a response to that for Dragon reor on blocks fruits uh $55 on Roblox 55 like like we we we’re all hearing that correctly $55 on Roblox if it was a mainstream game then it would be around 50 indie games uh around like free to 15 true sometimes like 20 but even then pretty good ones 55 on Roblox though I’m sorry but if $5 is too much to spend for a full video game but $55 is a is a good purchase for a Roblox game for for like microtransactions on a Roblox game I don’t know I it that does not make sense to me like this game doesn’t have microtransactions you get the full game you don’t need to spend Roo on this you should get everything some wood I guess it’s going to cost 5,000 Roo yeah but why that’s what I don’t get why like I would honestly argue that that’s worse than like spending it on a gacha game cuz like at least a gacha game is like a a full enclosed experience Roblox are just like M Roblox things are just like Minecraft servers like they aren’t actually like like things I don’t get it if you buy a thing in one thing you’re not going to get it for the rest of the things you’ll just get it for that one experience I don’t understand I can’t get that dang I agree with you Zach yeah no this is I I don’t get it oh wait can I even go through here I don’t have my pickaxe or anything uhoh uh-oh I mean hey we got two Sunfish out of it a common riverfish we got a bream though oh angry cow Blox fruits has gotcha yeah but it bloxs fruits is still just a random not even like it’s it’s an experience it’s not even like a full full by itself video game it’s a server basically you pass out like 2 a.m. true I I just don’t get it like I understand like customizing your character cuz everyone wants vanity items like that makes sense I understand that but like spending on individual game experienes I don’t get like you don’t make yourself like there’s no I don’t I don’t I don’t get it I don’t get it it helps with fighting and fruits why would you play a multiplayer online game cuz I’m assuming that’s like the the draw that you have to pay money to get good at I feel like that’s bad right I thought pay to win games were bad cuz then what just stops somebody from just being like you know what I’m wealthy I L I’m going to drop a few thousand on this game no one can ever beat me and then what then what are you going to do like Among Us teaches you to never trust strangers I’m pretty sure that’s not what Among Us teaches you but sure I don’t get it I don’t I don’t get it I don’t get it I I don’t understand I mean you don’t have to pay money yeah but if you want to win your chances of winning are better if you pay money that is what pay to win means oh my gosh stop watering the floor Jodie who’s Jodie you jod okay you can have a cauliflower then Minecraft endless Adventure fortnite never give up what what are you talking about Crystal I you don’t have to pay to win you can trade for it it’s not that you have to pay to win it’s that you can that is the issue it’s it there’s no it’s the fact that if you fight a random person they will be much better off if they have spent money than if they haven’t why do the houses have opening times why do I know that still can’t get this salmonberry salmonberry whatever it’s called Blue House all right good to know good to know but yeah let’s go the library all right we need to sell all our stuff today so that we can get money so that when fall arrives we can buy a lot of fall crops not fall summer sorry skipping a month skipping a season jeez well I mean especially a month it’s like 28 days easy you’re going to play Geometry Dash all right you have fun doing that all right to Jody’s house we will give her the colif flow and then we will get money and then tomorrow we spend that money easy lost axe Keeper in the mines raising animals okay we go look at Penny reading books on how to bake drugs true the chemist the cook hello um the weather’s interesting today don’t you think yeah distracting us sorry yeah distracting us look at that evil the drug lord Penny say my name cat all right what should we sell um actually wait is it a good luck day or is it just a decent luck day either way good fortune oh we already know how to cook an omelette we will break open all our geod yoink yoink and we can also donate our Ruby um I’ll take our Ruby with us I’ll take our uh Earth crystal single Earth crystal with us and yeah let’s go 18 geod let’s go gambling it’s going to cost us like a lot of money but let’s go gambling oh dang it oh dang it oh dang it no we’re going to win instantly chat first try I like how it says a blacksmith can open this for you like it in theory it could we could bring it to someone else that’s not Clint but sadly it must be done I’ll run I’ll run at I’ll run against you you should be able to run I I feel like chat I feel like you should be able to run against him I feel like that should be like the final update is like there should be a thing where you have to like actually and you have to actually like run you have to like put up campaign posters and stuff like that okay that’s a new thing that’s good that’s three rocks that’s not good that’s a new thing that’s good copper that’s not that good ooh dwarf Helm That’s Good Earth stone copper soup Thunder egg can I hatch the Thunder egg cuz I know you can catch like the void egg oh okay two of those in a row two granates wonder what that I have no idea what that is malite all right you don’t have enough room in your inventory all right we’re spending all of our money but that’s fine cuz we can just sell everything and get more money tomorrow donate to the museum sad to see you go Ruby let’s go what is the new reward summer let’s go perfect um I’m going to donate one of these one of these one of these new reward okay I’m going to keep the the hat and the thing cuz I don’t know if I can wear the hat collect rewards let’s go can I wear this hat no I can’t and maybe we can can hatch the Thunder egg you can’t hatch it but the wizard does like it oh okay well then let’s just donate it new reward starf fruit okay another Earth stone ooh soup niite Nico one shot oh we already had that do you like want any of these oh gundra can tell me more if I donate okay uh uh okay I’ll leave you just realize you don’t HTE start alley but something else you don’t know but something else that you don’t know I think it’s cuz like not that many people are here why I feel like it that’s the reason you’re just like man you have to like hold the conversation I guess Nico one shot true Nico one shot Nico white all right that was actually really good cuz now we have star star fruit and melons honestly pretty good cuz I would hate to get that later I and we uh you’ve been on for 3 hours true 3 hours and 40 minutes or 39 minutes and 4 seconds we stream for a while here cuz I like to stream all right let’s put our geode in our house look at that look okay that that’s cool all right um now we got to sell stuff what should we sell I know we can get a seed machine somewhere and that’s what we’re probably going to use our star fruit for to get more starfruit seeds um now the question is um well that’s a long time ah I don’t know streams usually go from between like 2 hours to like 6 we stream we stream for a bit but that’s cuz I like streaming um I want to make more Jam makers I think Greenhouse Artisan we need to get honey that’s what it is is not the sponsor of today’s video because we haven’t been sponsored by them stury ring cut the negative status in half bug steak that actually seems pretty good um sprinkler Tapper beehive we need iron we need to get iron how do we get iron the longest you’ve seen was three yeah well you have not been here for that long that’s probably why we go for a while sometimes um Tapper maybe I’m not exactly sure what should we go for um let me think let me think okay first off I probably want to sell all of my forage Ables besides the gold star ones M no I think I’m going to turn them into seeds no wait what okay hold up let’s organize this first um we got to figure out what to sell chat what should we sell to make a lot of money something that’s not going to like we’re not going to need for like crafting or anything probably like Coral I’ll keep one sea urchin I’ll keep one gold star Coral as well just in case we do need it for something uh actually let me check the fish tank uh Crab Pot this this that is Sunfish what does this one oh no not that one this one catfish uh uh I guess I’ll take the muscles and stuff 41 to oh wow that’s a that’s pretty deep uh we probably won’t be getting to there then yikes okay we want to save at least one gold star of each oh wait this is a this is a this is an artifact put this in here prehistoric handaxe that is an artifact I don’t know why let’s keep one of each fish I guess this is a common River fish so I guess I won’t be missing it too much um yeah kind of like this we got to sell as much stuff so that we can get so we don’t not have enough money for the the things that we need I’m going to get the jam sell the jam actually let me try something let me test something I have an idea uh we’re going to take one of this one of this or two of these two of these two of these now I’m going to craft these to Wild seeds and then I am going to go to the shop do wild seeds sell for more cuz if wild seed if 10 wild seeds sells for more than the combined of all these we can just sell a bunch of wild we can make a bunch of wild seeds and sell like half of them Pierre I need to check your prices we could get a backpack all right how much do these 350 50 30 okay so these 100% sell for more these one in fact yeah 100% sell for more we’re we’re going to make a bunch of those chat okay no no actually this is so this is we’re so back the longest he’s done for is 10 hours wait I’ve done longer I’ve done a 24-hour stream before what are you talking about the longest I’ve done is 10 I’ve done a 24-hour one I believe two 12h hour ones I’m goated way what are you talking about all right we’re going to make probably 16 stacks of wild seeds wow that’s a lot of daffodils we still have and then we are going to sell I’ll probably leave like you know what we’ll leave uh we’ll leave like 20 sound good chat so that that way we can start the season and start our our our I’ll leave 10 I’ll leave 10 you know what no no let’s let’s be real no let’s leave 20 let’s leave 20 let’s leave 20 let’s leave 20 let’s make a lot of money let’s make a lot of money chat try to plant sunflowers because they sell for good money and drop a seed or two when you harvest them Yo 4,900 woo woo wow all right yeah that’s definitely enough money to start the next season let me see if I can buy iron from uh Clint real quick yeah who we we can buy the expensive crops then hello there sir nice to meet you again remember it’s you still the one who invaded your birthday stream you apologize for it and say hi how’s it going how are you today it’s locked a okay Clint well whatever yeah how’s it going how are you today yeah wow okay summer is going to start well chat we can start summer off well we can buy good summer crops probably sunflower and then I probably want something that like regrows you know something that regrows oh we’re not going to get the last Harvest of our strawberries RP strawberries F in chat for our strawberries oh also we’re going to get more money cuz we threw threw a bunch of things in the thing oh we’re going to get so much money from this as well heck we can even just let’s clear out you know what let’s clear out our farm a little bit let’s spend this time mix seeds going to be great next season growing mixed seeds start off immediately day one mixed seeds sorry for all the annoyance that’s all right time has passed it’s fine you just got to learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them is your bowl still watered yes it is little cat all right easy all right geode let’s go oh we can’t clear that yeah I think we should save these two trees up here for tapping later my cat just jumped it would be corn you goes in 4 days they last until fall too yo that’s actually really good then another geodo we’re goated yeah if corn lasts till fall we should get a lot of that so I think sunflowers and corn I think that’s going to be our main two crops you know I think I’m going to preemptively now that we still have some energy left I’m going to preemptively like make our rows of crops I think this season especially since we’re going to want to be like you know making more like well thought out stuff I think we’re going to make our crops next to our house and I know that is further away from the watering pit but we can do like a straight line down I think to here is good and I know it’s going to disappear tomorrow but there will still be some left so that’s good and we can’t get the uh the things yet but I’m going to leave spaces for them I’m going to leave spaces in the middle so that we can in the future fut put uh sprinklers all right this will be the last little bit all right giant Square complete put these away go into the house pet the cat sleep for the night oh okay 290 each another 1,600 let’s go summer one let’s go Summer’s Here somewhat annoyed today oh well that sucks no are strawberries me sell hats okay poke come to old old old house poke bring coins hat Mouse well it turns out our other thing also died that sucks yo more money we’re goated rip my strawberries you will be missed all right well I guess we’ll rebuild the farm here fine whatever all right let us go get our crops we already have uh melons uh do we know how to craft speed grow retaining soil where’s fertilizer sap okay basic fertilizer we will be making a lot of just so that we can get silver quality stuff hopefully you like being a sted researcher true that is your task oh hey there’s a moss on the street am I supposed to do something if there’s moss on a tree I remember seeing like something can you look up what to do if Moss stard researcher weird Oreo that is your task look up what to do if there is moss on a tree stard Valley that we can’t loot these look at the butterflies uh slimes okay uh Trout Derby dance in the moon like jellies it’s locked let me in I need to buy my crops all right we can go Forge for some stuff real quick nothing on the way uhoh cuz we want to get Summer forage Ables day one so that that way we can actually craft the the things to get more summer forage Ables easy just let you know you subscribe and ring the bell thank you very very much you care about your content thank you for the tips and advice true and thank you for subscribing very much appreciated all right we will go down here now we should walk back and have just enough time for his shop to open you’re back welcome back Crystal welcome back but yeah what do moss covered trees do weird Oreo no other forage tables dang unlucky anyway Pierre you’re open now let’s go chop chop sell me all my seeds all right let’s see what we already have melon seeds uh tomato seeds continue producing after the first harvest actually wait before we before before we do this community center oh this is the forgeable so it’s got to be Pantry summer crops so tomato hot pepper blueberry melon so before we do anything else we got to get these three but let’s check the other ones radish poppy what is that hops corn sunflower all right let’s see let me let me think let me think there are 28 days so 8 + 8 16 16 + 8 is 24 24 hold up how many days are there exactly yeah 28 days exactly so we get two corn harvests and the harvests are on hold up let me let me open this again we get two corn harvests one on this day which is past the luau and one on this day which is the day of the dance of the Moonlight jellies which would be bad because then we don’t have money for the dance of the Moonlight jellies however sunflowers give on this day this day and this day okay I think that’s worth it Moss can be collected and sells for 5G it can be removed from a tree with any weapon can you oh okay interesting why does it only say one person on your screen where did wey go I don’t know where wey is disappeared all right so I think we will be buying corn uh I’ll buy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 that did nothing okay let’s buy like 25 corn 25 corn let’s buy uh let’s buy 10 sunflower and we can sell the seeds back for barely anything uh let’s buy one this one this and then let’s come back actually let’s sell this grape and buy one tomato seed um um 13 days to mature continues providing after first harvest to provide continues to provide um move please thank you so 13 so it would be actually let’s buy five of each we have the money we have the money it’s farmer Zach sure is three four 1 two 3 4 1 2 3 4 there we go when will this live stream end uh when I want it to your name is Mr Ray true all right very nice uh so main main Money Maker is going to be corn seeds uh inventory full y so let’s let’s make our corn crops the like main main thing so what do we got here one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so we should uh wait wait 1 2 3 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 so we should make it one more this way so that’s way it’s six on both sides 13 so that the Scarecrow is optimally placed I think it is I don’t know I might be wrong it might still clip the corners in which case I’ll be very sad all right I think this is going to be our farm all right wait hold up hold up before we do anything put all of our seeds in the seed chest organize put this away get the jam water the cat batro Bowl pet the cat you’re tired you can go to sleep if you want Crystal I I have no quals with that all right just these and then we’re going to get this this this this this this this this this those are all of the seeds we’re going to be planting so first of all before we plant any of them we have to make uh the better grow stuff where is it there we go fertilizer improve soil quality a little increases your chance to grow quality crops a 95 should be fine also I don’t know why I got strawberry seeds those are not something we’re going to be growing this season that’s a lot of sap but it’s going to be worth it when we do this I know I said I would be leaving room for sprinklers but I guess not this is where the corn goes also we don’t need spring seeds I don’t know why I took those here I’ll do it on this side 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 um Tomatoes can go here five um we’re going to do the sunflowers here then we’re going to have the star fruit here just so it doesn’t get killed and then we have how many other spots left in this we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 so we have enough room for 17 more crops yeah let’s water everything first time for all of our energy to always be gone every single day out of water okay actually it’s not taking that much I think we’ll get more uh sunflowers I mean we could get another five crop to even it out easy I mean yeah cuz we want this this this and that we will get those quality crops ooh pumpkin oh no melon melon’s the quality one we want I guess more melon then would be oh wait this is fall Falls corn huh oh quality corn yeah we can get that so we want melon we could have gotten quality parip but now we have to get quality pumpkins huh yeah cuz there’s no way there’s no way we kept our parsnip yep all right well melon it is need to use the restroom starter researcher is on a bathroom break all right please don’t ignore you do you want to know your address or not I do not want to know your address actually sharing your add address online is not a good idea oh my gosh go to your a Pierre I am trying to you’re not in your spot oh no also how’s it going Kevin sorry if I didn’t say hello to you earlier oh no oh wow you’re still live True how’s it going Jay how are you you just finished your ship shift sorry not ship you’re not a sailor unless yeah how are you doing Jay we’re probably going to call the stream soon just cuz it has been a bit we can do mixed seeds here but yeah it’s summer one you’re secretly ishmail limbus company true secretly ishel limbus company I think I need to use my Scythe here get the Moss off yeah Moss okay I can do that then yeah we are staring the valley and we’re doing pretty good mixed flower seeds hold up mixed flower seeds is actually really good cuz we want flowers for bees you also remember you think Alex mentioned that Donald Trump nearly got shot earlier I think so yeah I’ll have to check that out afterwards if so that’s pretty crazy starter researcher back online what do you miss uh not much we got flower seeds which is pretty interesting you went on it you finish your shift and went on Twitter and immediately saw someone made an fnf mod about it that’s honestly World War II is going to start and the way we’re going to figure out is either someone with that SpongeBob toilet image or someone’s going to make an fnf mod about it that’s crazy see if only the funk cast was delayed a little bit longer all right we can plant these three here and that’s so we have five on each side and then Pierre’s closed because he’s a coward so we just wasted all of our other sap on fertilizer but uh I can put the I can plant the flower like here cuz the thing is we want to plant the FL flower uh near where we’re going to put our bee house but actually you know I I’ll I’ll I’ll try to get some more uh mystery seeds how about that all I’m saying if JFK was killed today the fnf community would be having a field day that is all I’m going to say come on give me more seeds I want all the seeds now that I know you can drop flower seeds no mercy look little bug light bug whatever it’s called why are you giving your address huh please don’t do that I could get in trouble for that like actually that’s not just a like hey you should not be giving your address to strangers on the internet that’s a because it’s in my stream YouTube’s going to get mad at me don’t do that don’t don’t leak your address Mr Beast is not going to go to your address there’s there’s that’s not not a good thing Mr Beast doesn’t want to go to your house but there are people that do and you don’t want them to be at your house I the one thing I will say is is young kids these days need to be more scared about things on the internet hey Jay Jay you still here Jay you still here Jay are you are you still you still here all right bet event has happened event has happened Jay deal with it deal with the event Jay you should know what that means event yes one day it way you are so much further down the list I’m so sorry dong I don’t have full energy but yeah uh congratulations Jay the amazing you were you were already on the list and you have been on the list for such a long time it’s just that we were waiting for something and you know what that qualifies let you live your dreams okay I’m sorry I’m sorry way but yeah Jay you are now a mod uh officially so that is I I you know what it’s usually this like the the streams you don’t expect it’s usually The stard Valleys the the animal crossings all those usually the streams you don’t expect but what can I say Jay you are now mod which you should have been already but you know I’m stubborn like four years in the making I’d like to thank my friends my family who helped me get to this point true all it took was some random kid to give his address in chat which yeah that’s crazy you’d like to thank ninja muffin that’s one was a full bar of energy jeez all right and I all I can also make you Discord mod if you want Jay now that you are actually mod cuz yeah cheeky had to become mod because of an event uh gal became mod because of an event uh all the other channel mods are mods because I’m pretty sure cheeki became a YouTube mod because she was a Discord mod so I’m pretty sure vice versa can happen as well so if you want to be a Discord mod just let me know that’d be cool all right you can be you can join the the super secret mod chat so yeah now next in line is alexiel officially so much to cheeki dismay the order that actually makes the most sense would be would be Jay then alexio cuz Jay has been here for a lot longer but much to cheeki dismay Jay was first all right let’s get some more melons we have three three I we just get some you know what let’s get like 15 that’s a little too much but it’s fine but yeah Jay is a mod now when the mod also Jay when the mod Purge happens you’ll be safe cuz you are actually trustworthy actually yeah it would make more sense if you were a Discord mod because you’re usually available cuz your work your work hours are like in the middle of the stream any anyways so Discord mod does make more sense so I will get you set up with that after the stream but yeah just make sure you don’t abuse your I don’t think you will but just make sure you don’t you don’t have to worry about losing your mod a few days after getting it true I mean that would be funny now that you said that that’s a funny thing that could happen but no don’t worry you are you safe from the and the mod Purge probably isn’t going to happen in a few days but it’s one of those like eventual things you are one of the ones that are safe oh we okay let’s let’s buy two more you know what I’d be fine buying two more just so it’s symmetrical anyway ignore the fact that you gave out your address as your cousin was in the hospital today because of a complex migraine she’s okay though don’t worry well now we can figure out which hospital that it no all right hopefully yeah hopefully she is doing better hopefully she does not have that migraine after a few days or after today it’s so weird Jay’s your name is now blue you went from having a blue a green name to a blue name I think it should make a new color I think if you’re a mod and a member you should have like teal but you at least still get both badges though which is pretty cool you’re blue now that’s my attack oh we said that at the same time all right uh yeah this looks like a good crop I think we got everything we got the star fruit in the center so we’re going to buy some flowers and we can get six wild SE actually the six things on each side could be the the forage Ables we should get some forage Ables day two of Summer already doing pretty good I would say we got to clean out our farm one of these days I think once we get bombs we can just bomb our farm like big bombs summer squash okay we can plant cuz we get uh we don’t get enough cuz six 6 and six is 12 and we get 10 from the the foraging stuff so that’s actually really good ideal even now we can finish the square really nothing I mean I should get rid of the fiber once we get the the actual stuff we still have $4,000 so I guess we should figure out what to spend those on crops is not really what we should because we already have a full thing of crops H we can you know we can get more she pretty sure she’s okay that’s good hat Mouse how’s it going what hats do you have straw hat I already have a straw hat go little cap I have a leprechaun hat I’m sorry I’m sorry hat Mouse foraging come on fora bles where are you fores oh fores little brother started to complain cuz you’re on the computer but he Hogs the PS5 all to himself oh no where is one of these days you’ll be mod no comment maybe maybe it’s not that I don’t trust you it’s that I I don’t trust you I I don’t know if you will go mad with power or not feel like that’d be one of the the things that could happen all right oh nice one more and we just need one more gold star which is kind of sad since we’re going to you know kill it but grind it up into seeds come on where are where are the forage Ables we just need one more you just need the third summer thing summer only has three summer only has three third summer thing come on come on third summer thing you know you want to you know you want to searching everywhere for this thing but come on come on third summer forageable day two it should it should be spawned in come on another one of these that’s fine that’s fine but come on just one one of the actual ones come on I think it’s like a sweet sweet flower or sweet pee or something like that you guess who got kicked out of the computer because your brother started to complain o well you have a good rest of your day weird Oreo hopefully see you around later oh wait hold up there’s moss in that tree sorry fiber not in the cards for you Moss all right where is yeah hope to see you later or tomorrow all right yeah sorry you got kicked off of your computer don’t worry this stream’s going to probably end soon anyways I just need to get my crops set up really wow no no forage Ables that’s crazy any over here migraine was caused by drinking too much Monster energy drinks oh no there’s a 10 to 50% chance you’d go mad with power I think it is more than 50 no forage Ables what even is it sweet pea yeah it is the sweet PE I’ve not seen any of those this is truly so sad you will not be able to fill the remainder of our crops all right MOS goes here I’ll put all the forgea bles here then I will get two of these the very least we’re going to plant some squash oh all right very nice Yeah we’re definitely going to be making a lot of money on these crops once they whoa what was that there was an earthquake during the night hopefully it didn’t destroy my crops I think that opens the thing but still imagine I spent all of my money on crops and then it they just die extra good luck let’s go look at all my crops I lost my lucky purple shorts all right bet look at all these actually I think I will call it a day here I think I will call it a day here chat so without further Ado we’re going to exit to title but yeah thank you all for watching Hope you have a great rest of your day make sure you all stay safe out there it has been 4 hours and almost 30 minutes wow yeah this has been stardy Valley and this is also the first day of Jay’s mod Hood so that’s very cool that out of the way thank you all for watching hope you all have a great rest of your day make sure you all stay safe out there and I’ll hopefully see you all later bye oh

Stardew Valley Stream!!!

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