Testing Scary Minecraft Lies That Are Actually Real

these are the scariest Minecraft lies you’ve never heard of starting with seed 3123 X that’s rumored to have a terrifying structure beneath the void all right so first we have to go to the void but I found this post on Discord from Ghost who says I just looking for some diamonds and thought I heard something under the void do not look under bedrock in survival and there’s a screenshot but I don’t know what he’s oh wait I see it wait it’s hard to see cuz the screenshot so dark cuzz it’s in the void but look at the bottom right here yeah look at this literally like this structure that looks like it’s it almost looks like a Bastion beneath the void no this is real let’s hop in game all right I’m on the seat ladies and gentlemen and things are looking pretty normal but that’s how these always start oh wait this is perfect oh yeah okay so we have to go down to bedrock so we can get to the void this is huge come on did I see something red now look everybody’s going to call me crazy so before I go back and look at that go rewind and 025 and tell me what you saw yeah CU of course there’s nothing there whenever I look again for a second time there was something red and it was not the granite it was like something like right around here interesting all right we’re going to continue the pursuit of the Void it’s not that I don’t believe the evidence from Discord but moing has never added something beneath the void all right so now we just got to mine down so we can get under the void is that is there Guardian wait why would there be an Elder Guardian above us I swear I heard an Elder Guardian right wait we’re not even no no no wait wait we’re not even wa there is a monument but is there even an LA Guardian in here wait okay but can they reach that far there there’s no way it can reach me when I’m literally that far away also oddly enough I don’t have any of the effects okay well we’re going to make sure that doesn’t happen again and kill this guy type Elder all right now he won’t be Boger than us anyways let’s go back to our void digging what the heck I think it was like right around okay it’s like right here yeah can we just not why is there so much lava okay finally we got the Bedrock it’s just a lava surrounding it now the real question is is this structure actually going to be beneath the void three 3 2 1 there’s nothing wow it’s just empty but there should be a structure like I swear from the screenshot here look yeah like you can see it clearly it’s like right there directly beneath the Bedrock so we would see it right away did he fake his evidence I SM me in Discord wait a second wait this is the guy wait how did he add me guys I just got the Discord message from the same guy that sent us the evidence the ghost 933 what is this guy I say check this void glitch TS how does he even know that I’m investigating his myth all right what did he sent me he sent me a video file void glitch. TS okay finish downloading wait is this him in the cave oh this is him in the cave okay so he mines Redstone wait why does he mine redstone and place it down oh wait this is the same cave we’re in yeah those two diamond blocks it’s literally the same exact ones we have in our cave oh and he even gets the same Elder Guardian sounds oh okay is he building up to to it wait he’s in survival mode buddy you got a long way to go wait wait whoa wait wait where did this hole just appear from yeah he’s freaking out right now I’d be freaking out too if a magical hole appeared wait this is beneath the Bedrock wait so that means does that mean you can’t mine to it and it has to open up is there something he did that made this happen but this is the structure under the void wait this is wicked it literally looks like a Bastion wait it is a Bastion wait and there’s wait wait what wait there’s nether there’s Netherrack in the Overworld in a village is he not going to go to the Village this like crazy buddy you can’t just ignore the village is he scared I think he’s like trying to get out cuz he’s scared wait the Bedrock closed up behind him and then the clip ends but he doesn’t die okay so like literally right here right this is exactly where the hole was but we don’t have a hole the only difference is he came over here m the Redstone and then put it back down so I’m going to start with that all right so he goes over here mines these two pieces of redstone puts them back down on the ground like this and then just comes back over here all right goes to mine the diamonds here’s the Elder Guardian noise no noise but that makes sense cuz we did Kill The Elder Guardian maybe we need to build up grab a few blocks build up like he did okay I see exactly where he builds up he builds up right next to this block right here builds up doesn’t look at the spot kind of looks this way towards the water I’m looking at the water looking at the water and then the hole should magically open up next to us 3 2 1 no way is it because we killed the Elder Guardian I don’t know dude like nothing’s happening ghost I’m sorry man but I think this myth is busted cuz I’m not having anything a appear on M no way and if that’s ghost I’m going to freak out tell me that’s not ghost don’t be do what are you sing me Gore sad facadas hello I literally responded immediately like sends a message at 1219 I respond at 1219 and we’re not even getting in response this guy is such a troll man like okay okay now this hole is not here like that was this is not here and this is also not the same hole that he had all right like I don’t want to do this but we have to I’m jumping in this hole in 3 2 1 watch until the end to see what Happ happens we’ve discovered a lot of scary myths on this channel but this might be the most terrifying item yet the myth of the blood flint and steel all right so we’ve got this image that’s floating around the internet and this is the rumor of how you can actually spawn the blood flint and steel so it looks like to me we going to need some Redstone even need gravel actually have never used that before going to need a regular flint and steel to set this on fire some water bouet and I think that’s it yeah so we have this middle right here okay water goes in like this redstone torches go on each side then on the outside we have three little red stones Each corner has like this weird flame then we have the water buckets over here in the corners and the final step it’s hard to see it but there’s a little flint and steel in the middle on this gravel are you ready for this 3 2 one nothing chicken no did did you ruin my bro okay let me try that again without the chicken 3 2 one wait maybe it’s got to cook a little bit I’m going to give it a little bit of space turn it around and Bam no it’s still just a regular flint and steel okay so this isn’t working but there’s plenty of other ways we can get this to work all right so the next way we’re going to try to get this to spawn is by literally corrupting the gravel cuz think about it we get flint from the gravel then we use that to make the flint and steel and then maybe we can get the bloody flint and steel so time set night get out the little zombie spawn eggs okay so I want a ton of zombies down here that way the gravel falls on them kills them and then becomes corrupt we’re going to stack this a little high too oh yeah here we go here we go okay now we flick the lever make the glass blocks disappear thus corrupting our gravilla oh wow you guys are lucky huh oh so now our gravel should be corrupted so whenever we mine it or you know when we dig the Flint out of the gravel hopefully it’s corrupted once we make our flint and steel come on give me that Flint give me that Flint I dude this is the literally the worst part part about getting Flint is how many gravel does it take oh don’t be doing this to me right now oh we got one okay it’s regular looking all right now we just need to get a piece of iron okay come on come on come on this is big this is big okay it shows regular flint and steel but we don’t know until we actually craft it 3 two one no come on man do we have normal fire as well yeah we do okay I’m just going to do the same thing we did last time leave it on the ground walk away cool guys don’t look at flint and steel okay we turn away come on all right we’re going to turn back please tell me it’s going to be the blood no it’s the same now dude this is crazy I still want to keep testing stuff before we say it’s fake or not all right now we’re at a m shaft cuz I’m thinking now we need to find the flint and steel naturally spawning oh and we have one right here come on my friend though no get your glowberries out of here no we want to see those we want to see the flint and steel oh oh here we go here we go come on come on oh we got Flint okay I’m going to keep those but I’m looking for like a flint and steel I know they spawn in here oh why are you all the way over here and I’m all the way over here come on baby show me something oh there wait a second wait did that just change colors wait yo rewind in 0.25 tell me that this thing didn’t just change colors either way we finally got our natural spawning flint and steel but is it just normal yeah Fire’s average literally looks average wait a second okay am I just not cooking what is it is this is this one already busted I swear it’s always the freaking blood ones that get me all right we’ve been going uh I’ve been racking my brains okay we’ve been going through a lot of different attempts as you can clearly tell but remember the snapshot version the 20w 14 infinite we’ve done it so many times what if we throw the flint and steel through the blood Dimension cuz you can literally make custom Dimensions using a book yeah literally all you got to do build your regular portal just like show and ignite it then you just got to name your book you can literally name it whatever you want I’m going to name mine blood okay then you just throw the book in the dimension and this happens it’s so freaking cool now before we throw this through the blood portal I want to make this extra creepy just ignite a little bit of fire on the outside this is it man like if this doesn’t work I’m saying this is a bust here we go 3 2 1 oh wait did it go in the dimension okay either it burnt on the flames on the back or it went in the dimension wait so like if I throw this in wait yeah so they definitely wait so they don’t get sucked in wait so I literally did nothing great all right I hate to say it ladies and gentlemen but this myth is a bust just like all the other blood ones well not all of them but most of them seed living a socalled glitched World which has a village that is actually aligned that would be terrifying first we need to head to these coordinates because we found this seed on Reddit but if this seed is real and there’s actually a village alive trying to eat us that would be the most terrifying F yo wait a second hey hey rewind the video and slow it down I swear over in this pocket I saw something anyways I was saying that if this Village is alive this would be the most terrifying villager seed we’ve ever inspected perfect we are at the exact coordinates that we’re left on the Reddit post and for a living Village it seems kind of dead like we have one one Iron Golem no villagers okay never mind we have a few villagers but it seems like a low population Village that is if they’re being like the Val by The Village itself that would make sense but honestly looks kind of normal to me oh we are missing some of the farm animals that should be in the pin okay little sus all right but if I was like a living Village I wouldn’t show my oh dude what if we like angered The Village I mean technically if we want to go crazy with it I mean we can literally freaking set the village on fire if I was alive I would be very upset about being why are you why would you do that you have literally no common sense you’re supposed to be the scientist I don’t know how this hasn’t angered it yet I need to kill some the mobs this is the only defender of the village and I’m sorry buddy but I need this Village to reveal itself if it’s actually alive oh man these guys take so many freaking hits oh wow still freaking nothing oh look at this there’s another I think I saw an iron golem up here I hate to bring it to y’all but I think this is fake like I’m checking the wait we at the wrong chords rewind and slow it down we were 100% at negative 5,600 and then positive 3,200 now all of a sudden we’re attive 25500 – 2,000 so we just randomly were teleported and I just didn’t notice it what if that was the village I didn’t even check it like that could have been because we broke the Iron Golem or because we set the house on fire oh dude okay I’m on to you Village I think there actually is something here man and I was about to say this is fake what is this wait wait wait look at this what are what are you doing here this guy is freaking lost man I mean I want to talk I’m at the wrong cords but still this guy is more lost than me like okay so we have a lot of flying to do if we need to get to these coordinates here we go all we’re almost there we’re literally just about to be there and there’s a house on fire oh wait but this way oh this makes sense okay wait maybe maybe this doesn’t make sense wait how is this house on I thought I had something to do with the ruined portal that was right next oh the lava okay now this makes more sense I was getting spooked out there for a second so this is the screenshot obviously from the Reddit post this is what the village should look like it’s got the ruined portal spawn inside of it but I mean at the end of the day I mean this thing’s pretty this pretty normal village this one I okay wao what was that guys what was that y’all just congregating around this Bell in the moment I notice y’all just stop all of a sudden were you guys looking at this Bell or is it something in the well you know that’s one thing that the other Village didn’t have it didn’t have the Bell so what if the Bell somehow like signifies The Village to come to life all right big excuse me villagers big moment here okay we’re going to ring the bell three 2 one watch until the end to see what happens next up is the only world you don’t want to level up in this is the myth of blood XP all right normally it’s never this simple but I got to try it will this count drop the blood X of course you won’t but I had to try okay don’t worry we have more advanced tactics coming up this is our first actual attempt I’m going to see if we can crush this pig spawner with this drip Stone and see if it’ll spawn the blood XP somehow H but first we got we going to set the tune here okay come on let’s get some red stone going around this bad boy oh that looks much better come on we’re going to drop this three 2 one drop the payload all right look I didn’t have high hopes for that but I thought maybe it would do something is the dripstone just not powerful enough right like what if we like dropped could an anvil work okay but not just one let’s go for a few here okay surely this has got to be enough right come on okay literally freaking it’s fine it’s fine know what you know what we know we have more ways to test on this okay all right now this is a crazy attempt but what if we somehow traded with the Villager as we’re about to die right cuz every time you trade with the Villager you get XP so what if we trade with them as we’re about to die so I’m going to do is I’m going to put lava down all right let’s see what what kind of Trades this guy want he wants oh dude easy trades okay I got to time this one kind of perfectly and okay lava’s down make the trade I I was close but did we get the blood XP look buddy I thought it was going to work okay all right maybe he needs to be angrier like the only way I could think of like corrupting this trade I mean we can kind of beat on him a little bit wo wo whoo wo don’t be jumping out of this hole now guy okay he’s definitely angry now but we can make him even angry if we mess with this Village all right buddy stay right there we’re going to make a very rigged little Cannon over here we’re going to launch that oh this is going to be such a bad T hey got worked I need you to stand she’s moving this guy’s got moves all right this is this is taking too long we’re just going to kill him with a sword come here stop running all right now are you angry this guy looks angry like he’s definitely angrier than when we started okay let’s get him like extra extra angry the splash potion of poison oh yeah dude all right this is actually the worst thing possible all right ju just to make sure he’s really annoyed oh I can barely even see the guy all right come on we’re going for the trades are you kidding me man not a single blood XP on the ground huh I iy this was just the beginning of our test we have plenty more ways we’re going to make this work maybe we’ve been going about this all wrong maybe there’s a way to craft it everything that could look like blood is inside of this chest is there some kind of like combination here huh like the XP bottles like something here like Redstone Dust redstone blocks maybe like arrows of damage red candles in the corners like I don’t know man like I’m just trying to cook something up here literally nothing I don’t even know I would do with this enchanting table okay you know the enchanting table is out come on man how do I get you guys to be blood bottles I don’t even I I don’t want to bust this myth come on do give me something to work with here man actually freaking nothing but again I got more ways we could keep testing this it’s time for our final attempt we are resorting to an actual sacrifice I have so many loving contestants over here that have willingly volunteered as tribute now I’m going to like get these guys soaked with XP obviously the blood XP is not going to be green and yellow it should have like a reddish Hue to it if this doesn’t work I’m literally out of attempts 3 2 1 come on man some of these little balls need to be turning into red no man not a single one this is the XP on the top that I put but all of their XP literally regular dog this is crazy like I I really got to bust this myth huh like this been like 10 minutes of investigating hello what um okay we we’re just going to like like pretend like the XP balls didn’t just randomly disappear after I heard that that’s strange but that’s not enough for us to say that this myth is legit you know what I mean okay okay every time I’m trying to bust this what is that wait is this it hold on I I got to throw a regular XP bottle look at that regular XP green and yellow flashing this one is like red and orange okay so I like is there a way to bottle this can I get an empty bottle can I bottle dude I want to bottle you up I can’t I can’t even put it in the bottle should I collect it whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay this thing’s aggressive whoa homie no no no no no no no you stay right where you’re at right where I could see you okay so like what’s the point of the blood XP if you can’t even absorb it I I don’t like how it’s like slowly following me like it’s some kind of like pet no stay back oh my okay stop stop oh it’s not even absorbing whoo whoo whoo whoo no can you chill where did those come from I just got balled out this myth is actually true stay away from the bloody balls dude most scary myths are rare but what if I told you there’s an extremely common block that you’ve seen that will actually kill you this is The Dark Secret of amethyst you’re probably thinking I’m crazy how can I spell amethyst there we go dude look at this block huh like okay of oh wo wo okay that was unintentional now when you break Soul Sand obviously you have like that really terrifying sound listen you don’t get that when you break the am block it actually sounds kind of nice like a like a windchime almost but what if that’s exactly what moing did to fool you I mean let’s just look at where you find this what is this literally this is a purple prison do you ever see diamonds generated like this iron gold no cuz they’re not trying to trap you like amethyst with these beautiful sounds some say amethyst is supposed to seem harmless so it lures the players in almost like a Medusa you might think I’m crazy here right but like what else is it supposed to do can you make armor no what about crafting an amazing item uh no hopefully you guys agree with me rather than saying I’m some kind of crazy person that’s trying to make a bunch of myths about something that’s nothing huh there’s something here okay I respect the beautiful Earth that God gave us which is why I’m excited to announce that I can now officially show my respect with our brand new Earth flame t-shirt only available at firem merch.com Link in the description I just want to show you this watch what happens when I spawn this cow all right which way do you think the cow’s going to go oh literally immediately heads towards the amethyst cave buddy don’t fall for it I’m telling you man this is a trap I what did I say huh what did I how was that Sip and now he’s trapped forever he literally can’t even get out of this cave I mean honestly like the more I kind of look at it the amethyst look like teeth like they’re razor sharp ready to devour whoever or whatever falls into their pits look you might be thinking I’m getting carried away but what can amethyst do craft an amazing item no negative you literally can’t do a single thing with amethyst except for maybe make some Jingles there is one thing technically that amethyst can do you can actually breed a Las with it which is kind of crazy but you need a Shard and you need a jukebox you also need a music disc and this is wild too like you can’t just spawn the LA right no you have to put the Jukebox down CD inside of it then you spawn the LA and you give it the crystal look at him he’s freaking dancing and LA are the only mobs in Minecraft that can like look he’s carrying it I I actually hate that that okay that might have been the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen and like LA are the only mob in Minecraft that can literally you know well reproduce by themselves every other mob needs a partner but the LA don’t they just need amethyst La not kind of look like a succubus huh it’s got the wings it thinks it’s cute it’s trying to lure you in next time I go to a mansion I’m not freeing you from those prison cells like these are the prison cells of the caves they’re spreading just so they can capture more victims like that poor innocent cow which I should probably release should probably help him out either way we don’t have enough evidence but moing I’m on to you and I’m not letting this fool me for one second our next seed is coming from Tazza who’s a part of the Fire Nation Discord who says this Mansion has some weird generation I don’t know if there’s anything scary about it but be careful with a lot of weird typing at the end okay evidence weirdcore Mansion glitch okay so loads into the seed immediately turns down the render distance to two this mansion looks pretty normal bro Ain no there’s not even a single Vindicator or Pillager in this Mansion are they just not home oh what is this wait this is okay it just has an opening uh so they just like what the pillagers forgot to build the wall in the [Music] Mansion uh okay so we go past the farm go oh going back into the Mansion Who whoa okay that is wild wait the dead but okay normally there’s like trees in here in the mansion and there’s definitely not these like banners on the ground like that is crazy oh not even done yet okay Tazza taking us on an adventure here huh wait wait goes in the room comes out wait a sec wait a sec wait did that door shut behind him yeah wait okay if you rewind the clip play it in slow Modo you can see but the door just shuts you can barely see it like this the whole mansion Loops back around and now he’s just in a brand new biome starts in like a dark forest and then ends up in a jungle biome what dude and there’s like no walls it’s like the open Mansion concept okay dude I got to try this okay we’re turning down the render distance here we go here we go okay we’re at two okay simulation is at 60 I’m I’m matching this perfectly 216 250 all right 16 250 I I want to make sure we’re dialed in here dude playing Minecraft for this render distance is creepy all right let’s locate a mansion oh wait oh this oh this is it right wait my wait my Mansion has pillagers Taza bro you click baiting us huh all right what are we thinking here guys like the video If you think Taza is uh maybe click baiting us cuz I got pillagers out of the gate oh but my wait wait but the wall is open okay Taza I’m sorry I doubted you I doubted you and then really believed you like I flip-flopped way too quick there like the walls are always missing and then there was that wait a second wait a second no no no no wait this isn’t right wait Taza is Click baiting us cuz look at look at taza’s video yeah this is the same exact room like literally identical like frame for frame the same freaking area but my trees are alive kaz’s trees are dead mine have dirt his have sand and there’s these banners everywhere oh wait Taza is in survival oh wait okay taza’s in survival mode maybe maybe that’s it okay I’m going in survival I’m coming back huh ah come on man come on bro this room is freaking it’s normal and nothing strange about it wait let me make sure the outside was the same too I got to make sure this is the exact same Mansion as Taza okay so I should come out here to the left there should be a musroom oh that’s the exact same tree again like frame for frame now this is literally the exact same yeah this is exactly the same Mansion as Taza we’ve definitely confirmed that yeah he went in here there was nothing in here though it was like very very very basic but this is the room that I’m more curious about oh yeah this is the one that he looked into and then okay not shut okay weird do did Taza not realize this like look okay so look he comes through down here to this hallway right once he goes into this area of the man like haa doesn’t even know like how do you not notice this it’s wall that just magically appears like right there okay like I cuz I mine did not do that I I didn’t do it I’m too fixated on this I need to see if the Mansion shows me the Jungle jungle oh it should be oh yeah yeah yeah okay here’s the stairs yeah oh that’s crazy how are we in a brand new biome like we just went from the Dark Forest into the jungle uh no okay wo whoo wo wo freaking Panda oh and there what are you doing there what are you like the panda herder I I I got to turn my render distance up I need to see this from we need a bird’s eye view of this Mansion yeah literally the entire thing’s open like what they just didn’t build anything right like we get teleported into a new biome oh we didn’t get teleported into a new biome wait it was just the edge of the forest biome wait two Mansions wait there was was it was there always two I thought we were in one Mansion the entire time this is inter interesting two different mansions that were connected okay this makes sense why there was no vindicators in his video they all literally walked out like all of them are outside none of them are in either of the Mansions like again okay weird terrain glitch but is there really anything scary about this seene I would say no but thank you Taza I do appreciate it and now what happened to The Living Village oh there really nothing actually nothing happened man I was so freaking Hello whoa whoa whoa house you this guy was not here where did you freaking come from no this guy was definitely not here I literally remember no that’s one thing I’ve got I’ve got a good memory okay and this guy was not here what what is this kassier oh dude like I freaking I should know better than to jump down here but like I got to like when you see a hole you got to go into it you know what I’m saying like I can’t just not jump inside right where am I wao whoo what is this what is this oh now this is nuts man no way I’ve never seen this before everything here looks like really normal but like there’s no why are there no doors on the houses you know like there’s that that weird myth that’s still going around like are there more doors or wheels in the world and now I’m starting to think there’s more Wheels cuz like every single freaking house is missing a door is there anybody hello anybody home wo wo hold on I heard some footsteps oh wait there’s a bell down here too wait this is like the same exact Fountain position as the one that’s above what would a village be doing down here man this thing has no business being down here but I don’t see anything living about this Village okay all right all right we’re going to venture deeper whoa what is this dude what are you doing here man what what is this the void why are you open yeah this is literally the you can see the butts of the houses like why are there bottoms out here man like this is freaking oh wait a second wait a second hold on hold on is that a word you found oh found you what do you mean found you all right no I I’ve done enough of these to know that this is kind of my time to leave I need to get out of here wait where’d my house go wait wasn’t it wait this was the one I went down in right oh great it’s gone hello oh no man no no no no no no no i’ I’ve had little I’ve had enough I’ve actually had enough I’m sorry I’m sorry I doubted you ever being alive but I can literally fly faster than you can fly at me so it doesn’t even freaking hello what oh a wall of course there’s a wall well this is where we die I’m sorry I doubted you ever being alive all right and finally was there actually a creepy structure hidden in the void okay here it is guys here it is here it is all right 3 2 1 nothing now this makes no sense man now this actually doesn’t make any sense okay now we can say with confidence that this is 100% busted cuz there’s okay what am I doing with my life huh look like how do you just magically spawn I know I checked behind me but why is it over here cuz his was directly beneath this like where that lava spout is and then mine’s like over here but it’s got like the same little lava Farm area yeah I remember he comes over here peers over then he comes around down over here on these little lava plots yep here’s the Netherrack and the village is there I want to check out the village but before we need to see if the Bastion has any other irregularities like this thing is wild looking okay we have the gold blocks this is normal is there anything in the chests okay okay I Y pretty good loot but normal bro this is crazy like what the freak is going on right now it’s like a totally ordinary Bast it just doesn’t have like the the piglins okay is there anything in the village hello Village how are you doing okay well we have no villagers which makes sense I mean I don’t know how they would survive down here under the void normal loot in the chests even the houses look normal like the houses aren’t even broken and we’ve got the regular wishing well all right I’m sorry like this is definitely this myth is real but it’s not that creepy like there’s just a okay maybe it is creepy maybe I maybe okay I I’m freaking eating my words here maybe it is a little creepy I I know when I see something man and I saw something in that window was there really nothing in here what the heck as I was saying creepy is but not that creepy but it is actually real surprisingly cuz we have grass down here on on the village and then the Netherrack on the Bastion it looks like literally somebody placed these yeah this is wicked like somebody literally put this in here yo did I just hear blocks placing down I just heard blocks wait wait a second no that was a player or an entity no no no they have going invis okay just in case they’re actually invisible I’m clearing their effects target has no effects to remove [Music] wait wait oh what and where did you come from was that not Ghost Skin you know the guy that was dming us on Discord that was literally his skin we saw at the end of his clip wait did he he deleted his messages to me he deleted his messages to me now that’s weird that’s so weird could somebody explain to me in the comments what just happened and in the meantime click this next video cuz I am so confused

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