The Gate to the Mountain! | Hermitcraft 10 | Ep.22

hi guys before today’s stupid intro I’m just giving you a warning that there are some flashing lights is it true you were faking being ill no of course not I had a chest infection and two rounds of antibiotics I was pretty bad yes you’re in the red why is your ego so big it isn’t it’s perfectly sized is it true that you’re obsessed with EO no that’s false he’s obsessed with me and we all know it yes you who looks like a sheep is it true if you subscribe to the smish beans Channel you have a longer and Fuller life uh I can’t confirm or deny but there’s some evidence that it does so make sure to subscribe is it true you think your audience is stupid uh I prefer not to comment on that one all right y last one you in the blue why are you holding this press conference I don’t know to be honest I thought it’ be a fun idea people say I’m going to run out of ideas for these intros but I none of them predicted I’d host a press conference on a Minecraft video the stupid idiots anyway let’s stop this and get on with the video why hello there everybody welcome back to hermitcraft season 10 and oh my gosh I’m feeling so much better guys so much better I can’t wait to get back on the server and get doing some stuff and we have a lot of things to do today but firstly look at that fell look at him look how fun he is I definitely want to do more stuff like this in like more detail this was was inspired by Blade Runner 24/7 you know with the woman reaching over I want to do something bigger and better in the future than that but that was just like you know my first attempt very minecrafty but I like it what is this thank you in advance Pro tip don’t store this in your copper chest what the heck two stacks of excuse me don’t store it what someone’s just G me two stacks of copper and told me not to start okay I’ll store it in here then I guess not a clue what that’s about but maybe it’s a love letter or gift from someone I’m used to those just going to buy this for a few seconds lovely it’s been like 3 weeks since I checked my shop so surely I’ve loads of sales no no no oh yes no no no no no eight diamonds in three weeks oh baby we are not rich we are very poor and we’re nowhere near the 250 sales man big sad now since I was last online uh I believe impulse has blown a big old hole as you can see in the volcano this thing oh my gosh is that have they broke Bedrock oh no something bad’s going to come out of this I’ve not lost all my stuff yet so I really don’t want to but that brings us on to our project today and you see my house here and this sort of area this hasn’t really changed much like since episode like four four or five this road has always just led to Nowhere we’ve not connected this up yet to the temple this rail as well just sort of ends here at the moment today we’re going to change that we’ve got a big terraform project on our hands and I also want to make like my entrance to the Magic Mountain volcano thing whatever it’s called and I’ve been doing a lot of like cyberpunky modern sort of builds recently and I want to go back to you know the more Japanese old school style so that’s exactly what we’re going to do but first we haven’t completed our mission yet which is build yourself a bedroom in another hermit’s base and we’ve got to have all this stuff in it and guys I think you know where I’m going to build this don’t we we all know where we’re going to build this so of course here we are you know where we are let’s head inside cuz I think I remember a place where I could quite easily hide a secret bedroom yes down here there’s this lovely Corridor with nothing so let’s just randomly go off to the side here and clear a little space so I’ve made a piston door to keep this secret uh I’ve also just added in random like corridors and holes and stuff in here to make this less suspicious uh because I’m terrible at piston doors basically you break this block here and it opens up and here is our room so let’s get decorating let’s start with some walls here and I’ve decided to use some warped wood for no particular reason and some warped fungus blocks and then we’re going to use some smooth Stone and some oxidized copper chiseled for a ceiling and here is our light sauce we’re adding in lovely in fact let’s do it like that so it’s symmetrical add a bit of detail what was that what is that I have no idea anyway let’s add in some flaw and we’re going to do a simple checkerboard pattern like so with some Spruce and then let’s add some other stuff in that we need like the bed a little bamboo potted plant an ender chest and that is everything on the list but let’s add a few more things like some furnaces another potted plant some invisible item frames with honeycomb in because I don’t know just thought it look cute crafting table and that’s probably it to be honest kind of cute little room here so let’s add back in that and it’s hidden away behind this wall and that is mission complete let’s hand this in to get our coin thank you very much and we’re going to get another mission which we’re going to do later in the episode and this mission mission 24 is build a fancy bridge over something somewhere in the hermit lands where it’s not necessarily needed okay I know where we’re going to do that later but it’s time to focus on our base for now and we’re going to start out with some terraforming this is a big terraform project we’re going to need a lot of Stone Light gry wool and andesite so please tell me someone is selling andesite and light gry wool although we’ve got a lot of andesite we might be okay light gray wool however not so well the moment of truth is there light gray wool in stock please please please please please please it’s never in stock it’s never in stock let’s see if Pearl has any light gray Dy two diamonds per stack oh gosh this is going to be expensive that’s 16 diamonds and I think we’ve got enough for the wool for that let’s just buy out the pink wool eight Stacks there we go and we can do this oh what a waste of diamonds and time Whoever has the light gray wool permit step it up and we’re just going to have to hope that’s enough all right I’m hoping we’ve got enough stuff here if not we’ll just stop and go diamond mining so I can buy some more but let’s to a cheeky time lapse now of us doing a bit of terraforming I promise you it’s going to look good so very similar to the terraform we’ve done on the other side of the mounting but we’re actually making it higher this time before we were just sort of adjusting the terrain this time we’re actually you know increasing the terrain and it came out looking very nice now I know what you’re thinking Joel you’ve missed a part where where what’s going on here what’s going well well I told you right I’m going to build something there be patient sh up and sit down and wait we got some other stuff to do first all right God but so far so good this is a massive change I think it looks really good especially if you like come down here uh and you just see it’s like towering above the buildings now it’s quite nice it was just like flat before and kind of ugly but now it’s pretty cool we’re going to add some flowers in and stuff a bit later as well uh but for now I’m happy with that we’ve also got this bit here where the train is going to go but we’re going to sort something with that a little bit later as first it’s time to build a fancy bridge over something somewhere in the hermit lands where it’s not necessarily needed I’ve got some pretty basic blocks but I think I could build a fancy Bridge of this also I didn’t point this out earlier but I’ve added in some windows here now that we’ve sort of cleared this bit up and we got a pathway along I thought it was like necessary as this wall was just a blank red wall before so now it’s got a bit of detail added onto it which is nice probably should do that one as well oh well can’t be bothered right now anyway I found a lovely space where I think this bridge will remain till the end of the season because obviously it’s in skz’s area we we’ve got this little pool here which you can very clearly walk around like so uh so let’s build a bridge over this which is just going to be completely pointless lovely so we’re going to start off with some Spruce and Oak slabs and make a very basic bridge over the water here obviously it can’t be too big as the pump isn’t too big and then we’re going to use some stone brick stairs I kind of want to make like a sort of hole pattern along this entire thing let’s see how that looks yeah that’s looking pretty good I like it it’s got a nice curve to it let’s make it a little bit more fancier how does that look yeah that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool although it does need something in the middle I think maybe that oh I’ve not placed it in the right spot oops there we go yeah that’s looking pretty good it’s kind of fancy now let’s replicate this on the other side okay it’s looking okay but I do want to add in just a little bit of like detail here maybe a little thing like that put a lantern under there or do I get rid of the lantern put that in and just add a lantern on here and here in fact let’s move the lanterns onto these bits here how’s that looking yeah that’ll do that’s a fancy little bridge I call that mission complete and you know what let’s just do this a bit a very pointless bridge over somewhere where you can literally just jump over the water I’d call that mission complete let’s see if skiz notices it and with this I believe we get a roll at a prize let’s see let’s put our bck in get our coin and then we can do this come on give me some good it didn’t work what’s going on oh well I’m sure it’ll be fixed later we’ll come back and do that then I’ve sent a message to iscal hopefully he gets it fixed and we can get our reward soon but it’s time we got moving these villagers down here at the moment these guys are all converted and are all well useless and we have this rail going up but it it at leasts to Nowhere currently we need to fix that and I thought of a really fun way of getting them around our base and involves using our Rail train Network thing that we’ve already got in place so let’s smelt up some smooth Stone and get some polished and theight and let’s extend this rail system here but wait iscal is online and I want my prize oh what was that a little noise what’s wrong with that little noise excited to see you is it’s been a while why am I not recording oh for goodness sake that was so perfect what’s this piece of trash why is it not giving me my stuff I don’t know try again here okay cheers was it two you put in or was it yeah it was two okay did it thing like that or not it did two dings but it didn’t do this all right did we okay I’ll take the TT you would have the right because it I I actually have the item that was stuck that you should have got what was it please don’t tell me it was the spinny hat it was the spinny hat no stupid game want that no you you’re allowed to have the TNT hat instead yeah no wait can I have the spinny hat oh you want yeah yeah you’re allowed to trade it because this was actually cued I’m not even joking oh yes let’s go I saw it and I was like oh no that’s like the best I’ve not got the AR the what’s it called pumpkin thing on but that’s amazing I love it right not wearing my helmet from now on all right thank you very much iscal appreciate that all right just one more thing jeles I’m not going to keep you but okay I’m just going to say that I’m going to need you in a su are you going to be on this week cuz I’m going to need you for a thing that I need your help with I should be on if not message me and I’ll come on hopefully unless it’s when England play and I won’t be on I I didn’t hear what you said you just you you f you mumbled you mumbled I’m mumbled sorry bloody hell sorry okay iscal I will be on is this better for you yes okay thank you Joel I like Comm clear Communications very clear good by iscal see you let’s go we got the bluming spinny hat oh I needed to put the bluming resource pack on there we go fixed oh I love my little hat it kind of goes well with my uh skin I feel like I don’t know anyway back to the train so I’ve gone ahead and extended the rail system here as you can see at the moment I’m not sure where this is going to go so we just left it blank but you’ll see there’s a little hole here and this this is my plan we are going to get the villagers up here somehow send them down here drop them onto the rail there so they go off and we can then like change the rail at different points around the base where we need to drop them off so for example the XP building we can like change the rail here get them off get them into the offices easy peasy so let’s make a tunnel from our villager converter and see if we can get them up here right so it’s probably the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen but it’s done it’s built for practicality let me show you how it works so we hop in this mine cart here excuse me fell imagine we’re a villager we go up here all the way up there probably should light that up come up here and then bam thrown onto the track and off we go and now we’re free to explore the city but mainly we’re probably just going to be sending these villagers to where they’re going to live for the rest of their lives it’s pretty dark I know but hey that’s how it is but at least they get a nice tour of the base before they get sent to work for the rest of their lives lovely and with that done I think we can work on the final build of today and this build actually is inspired by somewh I visited on the first day I went to Japan unfortunately I was so jetlagged I didn’t really get any photos but it’s going to be like a lovely Shrine gate thing and I’m very excited to build it so let’s go gather some materials and there may be some something quite fun for this material gather [Music] Montage think about me every night oh is it that sweet I get so see you can’t sleep baby I know that’s that me it’s move it up down left right switch it up light Nintendo see you can’t see baby I know that’s that me is my soul I can’t relate to desperate [Music] give FES are on vacation and I got this one boy and he won’t stop calling when they act this way I know I got too bad don’t do it for you walked in and drinking true for you skin and enough perfume for you oh yeah baby we mainstream now oh and we got all the materials we need as well look at these lovely jubly not too many as luckily we only really have to do the front of this as the back will be hidden by cave so should we throw it back again to some Sabrina Carpenter I think we shall let’s get [Music] building baby I know that me a up down don’t like Nintendo so you see I know me sugar is it that I gu I’m late Minecraft Youtuber wow wasn’t that fun but it is done look at this area oh it’s looking so much nicer if you come down here stand on the balcony out here look up you can see oh there’s just you know there’s just something there now before it was nothing and now you walk up and you greeted with this and eventually this will lead I don’t know if it’s going to go down up I literally have no idea what’s going to happen also I’m showing you the back now I realized I’ve not shown this yet yeah it’s uh it’s a bit Hollow but yeah it’s got this will continue on into magical Mountain whatever we do there but whilst I was building I had a bit of a weird visit from XB XB you good you better not be stealing from me what’s this oh no no no no no I’m not no no no no okay what are you doing no everything’s fine no it’s fine why are you in my base go about your business okay why nothing to see here have fun this is I am not the Droid you were looking for okay I’m going to go back to building now you okay continue being weird goodbye okay okay bye and now I’ve gone to put my shulker boxes back in to find this and checked my copper chest and we have this I don’t know what this means but thanks for the mine carts I guess I’m guessing it was XP bit weird but I guess we could use them let’s see how big of a hole we can create here from the sound of the explosions being a lot further away I’m guessing this is going to be a pretty big hole oh not bad thanks XB that saved me a lot of mining this place is looking kind of crazy isn’t it this building’s so big by the way I forgot how big it was until I logged in just now but look at this this is looking so good I really really like this new building we’ve built today especially if you come up here and it’s just in the background the mountain as well it’s just making it look so much nicer I do wonder what we should actually do with this building because I was joking really a little bit about building it to hide uh the water stream here it it feels a bit of a waste of space to just use it for the water stream to be honest there’s a few things I do need and those are a new storage system as I’m sick of mine however this building is a bit narrow for that I also need to build I also need a way to get emeralds so I can trade with my XP villagers so I can get XP bottles to sell but again it’s a bit narrow so so if you got any ideas what we could do with this let me know in the comments do you know what would be really good though is if right now we just got a blue Axel lottle that’ be really cool wouldn’t it and it’s definitely going to happen no you’re yellow no you’re also yellow and you’re pink great fortunately though guys that is all we have time for today a little bit of a shorter episode I hope that’s all right we’ve got lots of stuff to be doing next time though I hope you do enjoy this I hope you did enjoy this new build and that little bit of fun material G we did earlier thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed goodbye

Today we do a huge amount of terraforming, complete some missions and build an awesome gate! Leave a like and subscribe if you’re new 😀

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Bonemeal farm:

Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames

Get ‘Espresso’ by Sabrina Carpenter and over 1M mainstream tracks here:

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lol you smell bad, cya idiot


  1. Two Words.

    Raidboss penthouse

    Or is that 4 words…
    Either way, what’s a Japanese cyberpunk city without the mysterious billionaire who takes up an entire 2-3 floors of the top of a skyscraper with armed guards everywhere? And it’s all yours Joel… All yours!

  2. Joel is so powerful he made a microphone float!

    You can definitely hear that your energy is back!

    A mini-game in your shop might help drum up business. Naybe something involving sliding down Honey blocks. 🤔

    Furiously takes notes as you build a bridge. (I like Minecraft bridges.)

    Dang! That's a great entrance build.

    Wellp this video is gonna get copyright clamed or demonetized or whatever.

  3. So glad to see youre felling better! I really enjoyed the builds and the music! Its crazy how everthing you add to your side of the mountain looks amazing!!!

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