POOR TRAIN vs RICH TRAIN Build Challenge in Minecraft

this horde of zombies is coming to eat our friends cash and Nico now me and my brother need to build poor versus Rich train houses to escape and keep them in their fames safe can we build working train houses before the sun goes down and the zombies attack it looks like the sun is in the middle of the sky so we don’t have much more time to build these trains get cash and Niko and their families to safy yeah cash and Niko’s families are with us but Milo we can’t possibly build for both of them we’re going to need to split up yeah I’m going to build Nico’s family’s train yeah and I’ll build a train for me and Cash’s family the zombies will attack this train station at nightfall so we need to hurry oh man cash why is that trash on my tracks I’m not sure Miler but you better make sure you get rid of it and that you can properly build I’m going to build my train out of really rich blocks like diamond iron netherite gold and emerald well I’m going to build out of the do and the sand and the C s what Milo that’s not going to work dirt sand and Cobblestone will not be helpful at all when building these trains oh chip that means you clearly don’t know the big secret wait what there’s a secret what’s the secret Milo it’s simply the dir is the best thing in the world Milo that’s not true dirt is not the best thing in the world the best thing is surviving and a Milo look Nico is helping you clear out your train track well thanks Nico you’re such a good friend to me yeah Nico is really helping you out and it’s so useful cash and Nico are both helping us today Milo it’s so good being able to count on our friends to help us survive this thing yeah and I just thought of something oh what did you just think of Milo if I see those zombies I’m pretty much going to punch them yeah you know what me too we’re totally going to punch these zombies but also we do need to run away from them Milo these zombies are very powerful and very very dangerous if they manage to get us we could be in serious trouble yeah and I don’t want any trouble over here because I’m just trying to live my life like a good boy exactly I also am and I really don’t want trouble trouble would be absolutely the last thing I need right now all right we’re going to add more walls here here we go this is so exciting now we need to make sure we add some glass panes to the sides of this Carriage pretty soon we’re going to give it a test run that way we’ll be able to see if this thing can actually drive I am very excited this is going to go really really well we also should definitely grab some train doors just like this we should also probably grab some train trap doors too that way we can have walkways in between the carriages oh good thinking cash oh this is so exciting now I’m also going to grab a ladder to put on the outside of this train this way we’ll be able to climb up and get inside in an emergency oh no the front of the train is impossible to drive I’m going to grab a glass pane just like this here we go oh that is looking way better although hm I might have to push these walls a little bit further back this way we’ll have a window that we can properly see out of hi cash oh this is so exciting soon we’ll be totally driving this thing now we also need a train seat I think I’ll make it orange because that’s my favorite color I’ll put it right here oh yeah this is looking so good and now I just need train controls before we can test If This Thing Really Works CH do you remember the one time I pretended to be the train for the whole week yeah I do remember Milo that was so silly you totally thought you were in an actual train yeah well I really was yeah it was really funny and wait a minute Milo look a huge partt of my train is now complete I just need to make the front section and boom it is time for me to test if this train really works all right come on this really needs to work all right come on and wao wait a minute this really is working the train is actually going but uh-oh I need to move this back into position so we can make the rest of it this train is only an engine so it’s not big enough to save me and Cash’s family we need to park it properly so we can make the whole rest of it but guys isn’t this so cool that is actually so crazy that your train is actually walking I know it is insane but cash we have so much more to do come on let’s make the rest of this thing hey Milo do you think that your train will also work just like mine did yep I even got the steering wheel oh that’s amazing so Milo why don’t you test it out now okay I’m going to test it out uh okay Milo I’m not seeing it move you’re just kind of twisting the wheel um um well it’s not working just now but it’ll work later I promise oh my goodness Milo that’s terrible oh my goodness are you sure this is a good idea hey Nico you do realize you and your family can come over to of my training in case you need it and Milo’s train doesn’t work hey my train will work perfectly fine thank you very much in fact my train will be faster and stronger than yours in every single way oh Milo that is not true there is no way don’t worry we’ll totally be able to do this here cash right now we’re going to build the living room this area will be where we can all sit together and just have a really nice time we’ll be so happy in here and you know what while we’re here I reckon we should totally plan out the shape of our train I think this is a pretty good size for the Next Room each room needs to be absolutely massive it needs to be this way because otherwise we’ll totally run out of space oh my goodness that would be really sad here we go oh my goodness we need to make this area absolutely full and wo okay this is actually looking pretty good we might even be able to make each of these carriages a little bit longer okay I’m actually really liking this right now okay perfect you guys I think this train is looking incredible I would be pretty jealous if I had a different train than this one I’d be pretty sad that I wouldn’t get to go on the chip and Cash Express here we go and now we’re going to make the next room I reckon having maybe five or six rooms is a really good idea that way we won’t run out of space and we can fit every possible use we could ever want out of these rooms I wonder what sort of amazing fun stuff we could build these rooms out of probably something seriously cool like netherite or gold and what sort of stuff could we even use these rooms for oh I bet we’ll come up with some Amazing Ideas cash we are going going to have the safest train in the history of the world there is no way these Evil zombies will be able to hurt your family I promise building the living room is really important so we need to make sure we make it out of a really important and luxurious block just like gold wo this looks so fancy already we need to make sure this is a really nice area that we all want to sit in we also need to make sure we make the insides really really comfy because otherwise nobody would want to be in here and that’s not much of a living room or a sitting room we also should probably grab some glass panes and put them right over here oh yeah this is looking so good but Milo what room are you building right now W this is pretty much where I’m going to put the cabbages and I’m going to put some bedrooms what Milo that’s a bedroom um how many beds are you going to put in that um probably like five five wait Milo who are you building the beds for me Nico Nico’s wife ni’s baby and probably jip jip jip jip oh my goodness Milo jip jip isn’t even yeah why would you build a room for him well what if he shows up out of nowhere I don’t want to not have a room for him oh my gosh Milo jip chip is a snowman I don’t think zombies like to eat snowman I’m pretty sure jip jip will be fine wait why do you know that are you friends with the zombies chip no Milo it’s because zombies eat brains not snow sounds like you’re friends with the zombies to me right Nico oh my gosh guys I’m not friends with the zombies Milo stop agreeing with Nico I’m totally not friends with the zombies cash agrees with me right I would never be friends with zombies that would be evil exactly see you guys I can’t believe you’d even think that this is what I think my oh you dabbed again oh my goodness you are absolutely insane all right here we go I’m going to grab even more slabs by making our entire train out of these really cool colors we make it look so fancy it’s going to be way richer than the other train which is your guys’ train sorry to break it to you guys but I think you might be the poor train I’m not the poor train I’m the beautiful train um Milo you can be beautiful and the poor train at the same time but I don’t know you’re kind of disadvantaged there my train will automatically be a lot better and a lot richer too the only disadvantage we have over here is being really awesome and cool and everyone loving us a lot what no way everybody loves me and cash a lot that’s why we get to be the rich train oh my goodness you’ll get it someday Milo don’t worry look we can even add doors in here oh these train doors look so cool they also work really well because they Glide really smoothly they’re a lot e easier to open on a bumpy train track than a regular door now because this is a living room we need to make sure it is lit really really well yeah that’s why we’re going to have lanterns in here wo this already looks so comfy but we also should probably grab a sofa wait a second I have a really good idea we are going to do an orange sofa and a red sofa this way it could be really really fun for me and you and your family oh wow this living room is looking so cool but it’s definitely missing something I think I know EX exactly what it is by adding in some orange carets here and some red carets there we really make it feel like both of our colors are in this room oh yeah this is so exciting but we need something to do we’re going to put down bedside cabinets and I think it works really well because even though this is not a bedroom we can add in some flat screen TVs look we can even turn them on and change the channel and oh I think we better turn them off or at least leave them on a safe screen that way we won’t waste any electricity that we could use to make the train go a lot faster okay this is so exciting I can’t believe how well our train is already going and we still have so much more to do we can even expand these little cabinets nobody will be in these corners but if we add little flower pots with cool flowers inside I think it’ll work perfectly wait a minute what flowers could we put in these oh I totally know because our colors are sort of matching in everything else I think they should totally match for our flowers too we can have an orange and a red tulip cash this is so exciting I know how much you your family love red things like red flowers so I just have a really good feeling you guys will love this train now it won’t exactly be much of a train if we don’t have more than just one Carriage otherwise it would be more like a caravan on Rails that is not what we need to build right now we need to make sure we make this train as perfect as possible and part of that is making every single Carriage now H we definitely need bedrooms but I’m actually a little worried Milo’s bedroom is looking pretty cramped but if we can make this bedroom room really really tall it might actually be enjoyable to be in here we can make sure that this goes really really high up then we can have super double triple bunk beds for everyone of course your baby can be on the bottom level cash that way he’ll be really really safe and there will be no danger of them falling off wait a minute where is your family oh no Milo I can’t find where cat’s family’s gone and oh okay that makes a lot more sense I was getting really really worried the zombies might have taken them already but then I remembered something the zombies only come at night time and I think it’s daytime yeah totally this is really relieving I was so worried for a second but now I’m feeling a lot more chilled out hey Milo and Nico are you guys feeling all right about your train yes simply fantastic and ever since I installed the Frog chairs everything’s been looking good wait a minute myo I thought you were building useful rooms like bedrooms and sitting rooms I didn’t realize you were adding frog chairs yeah the Frog chairs are in the engine room so everyone can sit there what Milo I thought everybody would be in the sitting room uh-oh this is really worrying Milo are you sure this is a good idea yeah come look the Frog chairs I’m sitting here oh my goodness hey I guess your bedroom’s pretty well decorated and wao this feels like a school bus Milo it’s not a school bus that’s actually so good oh Milo I can’t believe what’s happening right now and oh my gosh Milo the front of this looks like a duck it’s not a duck it’s a choo choo train okay Milo why does your Choo Cho train not have a single steam whistle oh well that’s actually something I should add I’m just going to do that right now yeah totally don’t worry Milo I’m sure your train will look really really good I’m sure you and Nico have a great plan that will eventually work out in the end time for the party wait a minute Milo did you say partty or potty potty like the toilet ew Milo you’re adding a potty section that’s gross what where were your people going to go to the toilet um Milo we won’t have a potty room we’ll have a bathroom yeah that’s what I’m doing I was just saying it’s silly oh my goodness Milo this isn’t the time to be silly this is a really dangerous time with zombies on the prowl M the prowl that sounds like a funny word what no Milo prowl is not a funny word the zombies being on the prowl means that they are on the hunt they’re waiting to get us and cash and Niko’s families and Milo if you’re not able to make a train that’s good enough to work you and Niko’s family would be in a lot of danger that is out of the question chip I’m actually building a world class train right now oh really wow Milo where are you building it I’m right in font of you don’t you see it Milo the only class your train needs is a how to be good at building trains class because you definitely need one wait is there actually a class for that yes Milo this class is for everything you could totally learn how to build a better train but I don’t know it looks like you haven’t been to any of those classes yet yeah I have been to those classes actually I remembered it I did it last week what Milo I was with you all last week wait a minute who was the teacher for those classes jip chip Milo that doesn’t count jip Chip’s never made a train before he’s literally a snowman he made a snow train do you know the Polar Express yes wait what Milo Gip chip made the Polar Express yep okay I don’t think that’s true Gip chip is not old enough The Polar Express is like a bunch of years old oh my gosh Milo you’re being so silly right now the bedrooms up here are going to be so perfect here actually I think I’ll make this top level orange I don’t think anybody else is going to be here except me so I can make this whole room for myself this is really really exciting I think I’ll have a very very amazing bedroom hey I might even have a front-facing window I do not think I’ve seen one of those before and wait a minute I can even have a back facing window too this is so exciting look I can see all around I bet I’d be a really good zombie spotter from up here now I also should probably grab some more carpets orange carpets would look perfect here but one thing that would also look perfect is a bookshelf as well as a chest of course I think I need to grab one of each of them here we go we’ll have the bookshelf be here and maybe the chest could be right next to my bed oh that looks absolutely perfect but I should also probably grab a lamp I think orange is such a good color it basically fits everywhere you can make anything orange and it would look absolutely perfect he CH what is it mil you have any friends what Milo that’s a crazy thing to ask of course I do you’re my friend and cash is my friend well I’m your brother and cash is just a guy you’re saving do you have any other friends what Milo Nico is my friend too and what about Mikey and JJ I have so many friends oh yeah they’re kind of random though what Milo okay they’re your friends as well who who would you say is your friend well actually my main friend is jip jip what Milo weren’t you and jip jip just fighting oh yeah but we’re friends again oh my goodness Milo it sounds like you and jip jip have a really crazy friendship that doesn’t sound too nice honestly yeah well it’s not nice sometimes when he shouts at me but well what can you expect from a snowman I don’t know what to expect from a snowman honestly Milo I don’t really know many of them and wait a minute cash that’s a great idea we should totally add blinds let’s make sure we add them on every single doorway and wao we can flick them open and shut as well because this is a bedroom it’s really important that we have them great idea cash we totally nailed it now we can go back downstairs and this bedroom needs to be absolutely red now there are so many different kinds of red we can get but I think this simple Oak red bed works really really well now what else can we grab from here oh I think I know we can obviously grab a red carpet of course yep that looks perfect now just like my bedroom has upstairs I think you really deserve a red bookshelf too not to mention a red chiseled bookshelf and I think I’ll also give you guys a red chest it is going to look so amazing down here and of course I also think you should probably have some blinds that way in case you or your wife or your baby needs to sleep you can totally block out all the light it’s a little bit darker down here than it is on the other levels and that’s for a really good reason that’s because your baby needs a lot of sleep babies need way more sleep than most people so it is really important that you give your baby lots of it well will also add carpets along the entire floor and here this can be your bed oh this is looking so so cool now because your guys’ room is a slightly different shape we’ll need to put the bookshelves up the top like this then over here we’ll need to put the chests on this side maybe we can have three of them that way there’s one for you one for your wife and one for your baby too oh and we’ll also put one little chiseled bookshelf down here and I think we need to grab some books to put inside it let’s give you guys a bunch of looting three books that way you’ll be able to loot any mobs you come across you might come across a lot or you might not come across many it all depends on how strong this zombie apocalypse is we’ll also give you a lamp as well and H I feel like I’m missing something oh I know we can add lanterns to the top here and oh wait a minute what if we had a little flower pot on this bed a this looks kind of funny and then we’ll give you a little red tulip as well or wait a minute we can give you a poppy flower oh this works really well because it’s also red just like your favorite one oh this is so exciting I can’t believe we’ve almost forgot the train doors train doors are very very important because otherwise your baby could just wander off and get really really hurt here we’ll also have some train trap doors in between the carriages and wo this is looking so amazing right now H I just have one little worry I don’t think I added enough storage to either of our rooms that means we need a dedicated storage room inside our train here we go we’ll make this storage room out of gold and black just like we’ve done for the other rooms but this room is going to have a different shape that’s right because this room is not really a living area room it is going to have a different shape than the other parts it’s going to look pretty cool actually I have a great feeling about it it’ll look really really epic and because it’s super intense we can also make it look like a castle and wao what’s even going on inside here a cash you made a birthday cake oh my goodness wait a minute is it your baby’s birthday today that is so exciting hang on cash I think I might actually be able to help you out here here you go now we can light the candle for your baby a that is so exciting don’t worry cash I’m going to make sure that even though it’s a zombie apocalypse your baby will not have to worry about having a fun birthday we’ll totally give him the best gift of all which is survival I feel like it would really really suck to die to a bunch of zombies on your birthday so we’re not going to let that happen to him hey Milo Nico did you hear that it’s Cash’s baby’s birthday yeah I heard about it yeah and aren you excited um you guys got him a present right no what Milo why didn’t you get him a present that’s so mean I don’t do presents anymore oh why not Milo did something go wrong yeah one time I tried to get a present from my friend Jimmy Bop and he hated it oh I’m sorry to hear that wait a minute why is there a red question mark above you guys’ train what do you mean Milo don’t you see it it’s right next to you yeah I see it but I know why it’s there and it’s pretty obvious uh no I’m not sure why it’s there Milo I’m really confused right now well it’s just there to scare the zombies off like confuse them or something what Milo your plan is to confuse the Zombies by adding a question mark above your train yeah the zombies are going to see it and be like what the um Milo I hate to break it to you but it’s only a question mark from one angle right now it looks like a hook yeah well that makes them think of Captain Hook and that’s also pretty scary true and I guess from this angle it’s an exclamation mark which might make them think there’s danger here or Milo it might have the opposite effect well now I’ve done a question mark as well but what’s the opposite of fact Milo it might make them think that there’s something really good there that their brains just got an exclamation for well I’m just going to have to hope that’s not the case oh my gosh and Milo the question mark kind of makes it look like a train is a lucky loot box where they could get loot inside like I don’t know you or Nico’s family hey that’s rud we are not loot I know but Milo these are zombies they’re not thinking straight like us yeah and that’s why they’re trying to eat the brains oh my goodness probably if zombies could think like normal people could they probably wouldn’t even need to eat brains in the first place zombies are absolutely insane Milo you need to be very careful around them yeah that’s fine but have you seen how much train is puffing to smoke yeah actually that’s pretty cool Milo that smoke smells pretty weird are you sure your train isn’t burning I’m putting the seaweed in there what ew Milo your train runs on seaweed yep it’s really really economical wow I guess it is pretty good for the environment but I don’t know Milo are you sure if seaweed is going to be able to power an entire train well surely I got it from my little friend Jimmy poop because do you know what he is is yes Milo I know what jimmmy buff is he is a puffa fish so he goes and collects it for me and then he sells it to me for $3 for $3 Milo that’s so expensive no no no for $3 wait a minute for free for $ Milo do you mean for free rather than $3 I said $3 I said it really clearly and if you don’t want to know what I’m saying to don’t even talk oh my gosh Milo you’re so insane but cash look we now have a really good storage room we can keep absolutely anything we want in here and do you want to know the best part oh yeah we can actually remove some of these lanterns and only have them on the side that way we can add shulka boxes to keep some of our most precious items on this side we can have red shulker boxes just like this and we can also have orange shulka boxes on this side these shulka boxes do not open but they’re actually just decoys it is pretty exciting how amazing we can make even simple things like a storage room we can put anything we want in here and any member of your family can grab anything from it wait a minute uh-oh we’ve made so much progress cash I don’t think we’ve checked on Milo and Nico in a while we should probably see how they’re doing um hey guys how’s your train going a that’s a zomie chasing me what a zombie Milo that’s clearly Nico wearing a zombie head wait what really yes Milo it’s Nico it actually says Nico above his name and he’s wearing old blue oh my gosh that totally got me me me to I didn’t know you were such a good prankstar oh my goodness guys have you been pranking each other the whole time instead of making your train properly work well yeah we have been actually doing a lot of the pranks oh my goodness guys the first thing everybody knows about trains is you can’t prank people to build them you need to actually build them well it works so why you even worry Milo you clearly don’t even know things about trains this is really worrying me I actually know everything about trains so it’s definitely going to work okay Milo name one train um okay his name is Thomas oh my goodness Milo that’s Thomas the Tank Engine he’s a character and wait a minute okay Milo can you at least turn your train on yeah absolutely do you want to see it yeah sure okay I’m just going to get it to walk just one second oh my gosh Milo that flag’s just going up and down are you sure everything’s all right um actually we’re actually having some problems oh my gosh Milo wait a minute I know you have a campfire power by kelp but where’s your furnace engine room furnace engine room what is that oh my gosh Milo you don’t know the first thing about trains you need an engine if you want your train to go you can’t just burn some seaweed on the front but that’s not it toomas the Tank Engine no exactly Milo he’s a cartoon don’t worry do you want me to help you make a furnace area so your train can actually go I guess so all right don’t worry here we go we’ll need to grab some blast furnaces regular furnaces will not be strong enough to move this train then we’ll need to remove some of the stairs so that the blast furnaces can actually fit in then instead of dirt we will need some deep slate this train is pretty rickety but if we at Deep slate it should be enough I don’t know why you have so many buttons on the walls but if I remove these ones we should be able to fit in some trap doors not just any trap doors though iron trap doors these will definitely be strong enough then instead of a button we will add in a lever now all you need to do to activate these trap doors and activate the filling at these furnaces is to flick this lever and this just one thing left what we need to add in Hoppers so that you can actually fuel up the furnaces these Hoppers will be where you throw in your kelp and you can also use coal if you like too sh what is it Milo no I don’t like L I only like but okay um maybe instead of a lever oh how would a redstone torch work yeah that’s fine I guess but I’m probably going to punch it okay Milo don’t punch the redstone torch because if you do it’ll totally break this thing now we also need to make sure we can actually throw in the dried kelp but Milo blocks of dried kelp actually work a lot better and can have way better burning power wait why doesn’t Jimmy poop sell me the blocks I don’t know Milo I think Jimmy poop is scamming you he’s not a scammer I don’t know about that Milo but look the item Hoppers now have a bunch of material inside and look the dried kelp is going inside the blast furnace now we need to make sure we also add the dried kelp to this one because the regular kelp doesn’t even work no wonder your train wasn’t going Milo Jimmy poop was totally scamming you oh rats I’m going to have to tell him off yeah probably but Milo you’ll be able to tell him off after we get this train working are you ready to see if this thing will actually move I’m ready I’m ready all right try activating it now all right guys this is really positive I’m good ready y totally except wait a minute Milo it’s still not going a why isn’t it going oh Milo I think it’s cuz your train is too heavy and doesn’t have enough power Milo your train has so many carriages and wait a minute you built the entire thing out of rocks sand and these redstone blocks yeah what’s with it Milo those are not powerful blocks at all you can’t pull that stuff using just a dirt engine Carriage yeah but can I show you inside why it’s like that okay of course you can what’s inside well because it’s about the design and the Comfort because this is the bedroom and we’ve got the little fairy lights and the paintings and then of course we have the toilets with the little toilets and the basins and the bathtubs e Milo this is sponge on the floor except okay I do like the bathroom and wao bathtubs Milo this is really heavy no it’s not it’s for luxury and I’m not willing to give it up oh my gosh okay no wonder this isn’t working Milo I can’t believe you and Nico were doing these crazy things but hey do you guys want to come and check out me and Cash’s train oh yes oh yeah this is about to go so well me and Cash’s train is right over here and we’ll start at the back here is the lovely chest room where we can store so many of our items and it’s really really good for it is there anything in here for me what no Milo don’t look through our chests that’s crazy you probably would try and steal everything no I wouldn’t and Milo over here is cash and his family’s bedroom it even has a cake for his little baby and a little lampy yeah exactly it totally does now Milo if you come right up here you’ll see this amazing bedroom and can you guess who this one’s for w this is two stories and this one is orange it must be for b or chippy what who’s Bozo chippy my name is Chip yeah that’s you hey Milo that’s so mean I am not Bozo chippy but yeah this is our bedrooms and there is one more room I’d really like to show you before we get to the main Carriage well let me see it let me see it here is the lovely sitting room and we actually have real working TVs look we can even put on your favorite movie yeah the Shrek movie please yeah here we go we’ll actually have the Shrek movie playing if you like but you might also want to check out this main engine room it actually works and can properly move the train yes well it’s quite good I think yeah it’s pretty epic except wait a minute Milo the sun it was in the middle of the sky before but now it’s about to set over the mountain what the what I totally lost track of time me too oh no cash we need to get working on the final parts of our train before the sun sets and the zombies attack come on Nico we don’t have a lot of time cash I wasn’t going to tell Milo or Nico this but we need to make an extra room just in case Milo can’t get his train work we need to save Nico’s family now we need to make a crazy bedroom area we can’t say what it’s for cash but we will secretly know the whole time we need to use quartz blocks for this because this bedroom is going to be two stories tall just like our bedroom all right now we need to make sure we build this really really well we’re going to use quartz and gold rather than just the netherite and gold that we’ve been using the previous times now the Ws will be made out of blocks of gold just like this this is going to be one of the fanciest bedrooms in the entire train we’ll also make sure the gold is at the front here too and we’ll also add it on this side this bedroom will have some seriously awesome windows and it will even have a bathroom attached this will be where the bathroom goes on the train that way if Milo and Nico don’t need to use it we can still use this Carriage as a bathroom and it’ll be really useful to us okay here we go now I definitely think we’ll need to add some more glass panes here we go we’ll add them right in here and wait a minute I think we definitely could add something a little fancier maybe instead of glass panes we could add some sort of ornate iron Windows oh these are going to look so fancy and cool wo that looks really awesome this looks really incredible let’s make sure we add it on this side and hey I think because there’s iron built into the glass it makes this into a really really strong structure now we can also grab a block of raw gold now we can add it to the sides of this building just like this and this will help break up the bottom and top floor before we actually fill in the levels of this flooring we need to add the final few blocks of gold up here here oh this looks so amazing Nico and Milo are going to be really really grateful to us for this now we’ll also just add some final few blocks of gold up here and there we go oh this is almost complete I’m so excited right now even though the zombies are still making their way towards us this is still going to be the best train ever here we go we’ll also Place more blocks of netherite here just like this and we’ll need to make sure that there’s a ladder maybe in the front area let’s add the fanciest ladder we can which is the brass ladder of course we’ll pop it right up the side here like that and then up the very top we’ll just add some slabs to the ceiling I think some deep slight slabs are absolutely perfect we’ll put them right up here just like this wo these make the train look really really fancy actually I kind of like this a lot now H wait a minute what was that noise hey are you guys spying on us what no um Milo you guys both have spy glasses and they’re both pointed directly towards me I even heard you use them I was looking at something behind you um do you mean cash well yes Milo spying on cash basically means you’re spying on me too because we’re building together well I just wanted to show you something W um what did you want to show us well you know how you said my train was too heavy yeah I totally did and that’s why I’m building out of the hay bale oh Milo hay bales aren’t that heavy but Milo you just need a powerful engine your train can’t be heavy but it also can’t be weak you do know that zombies can just tear through hay bales right no they can’t that’s a myth what Milo I’ve seen it with my own eyes oh my goodness you really don’t know anything about making trains Milo please and hey stop spying on us no I’m going to keep spying on you if I want to oh my goodness okay cash we’re going to need to be really secretive about what we’re building right now they can’t find out about what this room is otherwise they’ll get really angry and CH what is it Milo I hear a lot of whispering uh yeah that’s cuz me and cash like to have secrets otherwise you just spy on us and know everything instantly well guess what me and Nico have the secrets what you guys are keeping sec secrets from us yep that’s right and it’s really crazy what Milo there’s no way your secret could be that crazy oh when you find out you’re probably going to cry oh my goodness okay that actually sounds really intense okay I’m kind of excited Milo but there’s another thing I really want to add inside this room and that is blinds now cash we can shut the blinds and they won’t be able to hear us talking it’s a genius strategy that means we can stay really hidden inside of here we can also shut the blinds on the other side now we can grab some light blue carpets luckily both Milo and Nico love the same favorite color this way we can just make sure we had a bunch of light blue beds in this room and they’ll be totally happy H we might be able to put them along this back window I don’t think we need blinds here because Milo and Nico are not about to go near my rich station they hate it so much I don’t know why I think it looks really cool but we can add the beds in here and then we’ll just add one here and one here that way there’s one for n Nico’s wife and Nico’s kid as well as one from Milo too Milo likes to be up high one time Milo even told me he liked bunk beds and I don’t know what that meant exactly but I think it means he really likes the beds that are up high okay now we also need to add some trap doors otherwise Milo would fall off and he would probably be really angry about it luckily Milo and Nico are not here yet but if they ever do arrive we need to make sure this place is ready for them okay now Milo’s bed is looking pretty cool but we also need to add some chests for everybody I don’t think these regular chests will work we need to add light blue Shar boxes these are going to work perfectly and they make really good Smart Storage but we need to be very careful if they come in here and see light blue colored everything they will instantly know that it’s a bedroom for them they cannot know that that’s actually what this is so we need to make sure they do not come in here to investigate now we also should probably add some lanterns that they would really like so Soul lanterns are perfect we’ll put them right here above mil loe’s bed because otherwise the shulker boxes wouldn’t open now that we’ve made this bedroom absolutely perfect we should come up here and add in a toilet room we need a bunch of toilet paper and even a toilet paper handle for the wall here we go we’ll put the toilet right here oh my goodness this is so funny we’ll put the toilet paper stack right over here like this and we’ll maybe put it this way against the wall maybe now we can even add a sink this way they’ll be able to wash their hands and so will we it’s a rich train so we need to use a quartz sink rather than a wooden one W this looks so fancy I really like this and of course we definitely need some fancy coets for this bathroom we’ll put one right here in front of the sinks and H maybe we can even grabb grab some towels we’ll grab one for me one for you and maybe one for Milo and Nico to share that’s because they might not even come here in the first place so I don’t want to give them their entire own towel just in case they might not use it in the first place here we go this is looking really really good I like this bathroom a lot but we need some sort of fun area if there are going to be a bunch of kids on this train we need to make sure they’re really enjoying themselves otherwise they will not be happy here and they might try and run away where they will find nothing but zombies don’t worry cash we won’t let them do that we are going to make the most fun area ever seen on a train before this is going to be the fun carriage and they’re absolutely going to love it we’re going to add diamonds to this Carriage that’s because this will be the second last one meaning it needs to be very strong if it’s this close to the back it can also be really really tall it looks like it’s double stories but it’s actually just one story high just a really really tall story it’s going to look so cool and H wait a minute I have a really good idea we can add smooth quartz stairs to the sides here this way it’ll look absolutely perfect I think we also definitely need a smooth quart slab that way we’ll be able to place it down here wao all right this is looking like an actual castle right now we’re making a bouncy castle so that’s actually kind of perfect we’ll need to make sure we do this all the way around the sides we also should probably add more blocks of diamond that way they will not be able to fall off the sides this is about to be the most fun train in history now we’ll also need to make sure we add a way to get through the carriage otherwise it probably won’t work very well well as a carriage and it’ll just be ridiculous here we go we have enough room for one more window up the back and another window on the side this is so exciting this fun room is about to be so amazing I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fun room in a train before this will be probably one of the first ones ever let’s use this same really cool ornate iron windows for the sides that’s because if we have glass panes anybody jumping on the trampoline we’re going to put inside this train might land on the sides of this wall then they’ll get really sore but if they land on the trampoline they’ll be totally fine it’s a really smart way to make sure everybody stays safe and uh wait I don’t want this to be light blue this definitely needs to be orange and it also definitely needs to be red H where’s the trampoline oh there’s the orange one and then we can grab the red trampoline too now we both have our favorite colors built into this trampoline oh this is so exciting and it’s also really easy to get in and out of this room whoo look how bouncy we are cash this is so exciting I can’t believe this at all hey Milo Nico yeah yeah you guys have a fun bouncy trampoline room inside your train no because we’re serious boys what Milo you built a carriage made of hay I don’t think you guys are serious boys at all yeah but do you know what’s inside the carage um no I actually don’t Milo what’s inside the hay Carriage it’s an armor room for defenses oh a defenses room that was going to be the room we were about to build just now ah so you’re copying me Milo me and cash aren’t copying you you were the ones spying on us you’re imature hey I’m not immature and neither is Cash oh my goodness you guys are so cheeky we’ll show you exactly how mature we are with how incredible we’re going to make our final room what Milo why are you evil laughing yeah something I thought I’m doing what okay Milo I’m really really nervous you better not do anything cheeky to us I want a want okay that’s really good to hear cash Milo says he won’t do anything cheeky to us so I think we’re probably fine now we can focus on making this super cool armor room also known as a caboose this is so so cool let’s also make sure we add a train door here and we’ll definitely need to add a train trapo as well that’s because this room needs to be accessed it is one of the most important in the entire Carriage now I do not want to use gold or diamonds or quartz for this one this one needs to be netherite pure netherite and nothing else that’s because it needs to be the strongest room on the entire train and netherite is insanely strong we might be able to have little bits of diamond and little bits of gold but mostly it just needs to be really tough we can also use bass salt and Polished bass salt specifically bass salt is very very strong and Polished bass salt is pretty hard to destroy by making sure we add as much Bas salt to this as possible we help keep our train really really strong here we go that’s looking so good right now we also should probably add some more ornate iron Windows to this thing that way we’ll be able to see out the sides no matter which way we are looking it’s important that we have really really good Vision in this room this is the defenses room and if we can’t see what we’re defending against then we’re basically useless the on the train go round and round wait Milo are you singing nursery rhymes right now that was such a song I made up Milo you did not make up the wheels on the bus what that’s not what it’s called I said The Wheels on the train Milo you just copied The Wheels On The Bus song I am not a copycat that was an original song Milo you are a copycat and okay if you’re not a copycat you’re released a copy birdie yeah I can be that oh my goodness you’re so silly but Milo our final Carriage is looking really really good right now we’re adding ornate windows and they’re going to give us a massive benefit in being so secure yeah security is number one exactly at least on our train Milo do you and Nico even have any Security on your train yeah pretty much and that’s why I’m going to build a snowball shooter oh my gosh Milo is it a snowball in a dispenser or are you literally going to Spa in jip jip no not jip jip although now that you say it oh no I didn’t mean to give you any ideas please Milo don’t spawn in jip chip why you don’t like him Milo jip chip is so silly also all your other friends keep scamming you Jimmy Bop gave you scam kelp and I don’t know what jip CHP is doing but he’s kind of scary I’m not going to lie Jimmy Bop is not the smartest fish in the tank so maybe he just didn’t think right yeah Milo I knew that already Jimmy poop is not even the smartest fish in a puddle he’s so crazy and don’t worry Milo I’m sure everything will work itself out in the end especially if me and cash are helping you and nio fight against these zombies yeah but just because he isn’t smart doesn’t mean he’s not a good friend oh yeah I guess that is true Milo that’s actually really really nice of you yeah I’m feeling smart and nice today yeah you actually are being smart and nice today Milo and wao our train is looking insane but it’s not really worth it unless we can get some seriously cool defenses in here we need to grab some Stone fences and put them in the back just like this okay this is looking pretty good but we need to make sure we add actual weapons and defenses that includes a chest full of crossbows these crossbows are going to have actual ammunitions inside we’re going to need to grab a bunch of them that way we won’t run out then H maybe we’ll need to give slowness five to these zombies but oh no this also gives them resistance four that’s terrible I don’t want them to have that they would make them way too strong H what can we give these zombies oh I know we can give them regular slowness for these arrows are totally going to destroy them yep I’m really liking this then we can add spectral arrows here and wait a minute I just had a genius idea we can get a crafting table and we need some Gunpowder and then we need some diamonds and paper we are going to make some fireworks these fireworks are going to totally damage any zombie that dares come close to us we’re also going to dieye these fireworks red and orange oh this is so exciting these orange and red dyes are going to seriously let the zombies know that it is us that totally took them down wow I can’t believe we get to make these now we need to be pretty careful when making firew so we should go up to this level wo this is a very fancy looking area first we’ll need to put in the gunpowder here now we need to add some red dye and some orange dye okay this is looking really really good H if we add more gunpowder no I don’t know what happened there here we go now the gunpowder actually works H we’ll need to make sure we add in some glowstone dust because now it has the twinkle effect this is so exciting we can also add in a diamond wo it even has a trail I’m so excited right now let’s make sure we can make a jillion of these types of fireworks I am so excited for this now if we put down this cool firework we can add in a bunch of colors hey it even Fades to Orange hey this is pretty cool now we need to make sure we add even more details to it because otherwise this would not work very well at all now H how do we turn this into an actual firework this could be pretty challenging but I think we’re definitely going to be able to do it this one only has a flight duration of two ew if we move these gunpowders to these three slots we get a flight dur of three that is the most powerful kind of firework now we need to test this out all right come on cash we got to go outside we cannot light this inside because it’s too dangerous all right come on this needs to work and wao it’s going really far and wow these fireworks work really really well this is so exciting hey what’s all that noise about uh Milo this is our firework system these will be able to be launched at the zombies to destroy them wow they’re really pretty yeah they’re also really destructive look at this oh wait that was an arrow hang on let me try that again here we go now if we launch the firework boom it actually explodes and they do lots and lots of damage well don’t go shooting at a me okay I won’t I promise Milo the best part about it is we can also enchant ourselves this one now has multi-shot so it shoots three fireworks at a time and watch what happens if we get quick fire all right come on it’s charging in wow that charged so quickly we can fire these rapidly now this is absolutely insane all right cash we totally got this in the bag now we can put these down further in our storage area in the Defense Zone we’ll put these in the right hand side chest because they look insane although wait a minute we can actually preload these with the fireworks now they will actually come from the storage with a firework already loaded in them that makes them even stronger and will be a really good powerful force to help stop the zombies now H we also need some actual armor stands that is because we need some armor to wear here inside these armor stands we need some netherite armor we should also probably have some chests full of the netherite as well or even shulka boxes oh Yep this is really exciting we’ll put the shulka boxes right over here now wait a minute cash what’s going on oh a bell that’s a great idea we can use this to alert our friends in case of a nearby zombie attack and this can also sound the alarm for when the zombies attack us great thinking cash this will really help us survive now speaking of helping us survive we need full stacks of netherite armor here I’ll make one for each of us and one for you and and every member of your family here we go we’ll put the netherite chest plate leggings helmet and boots here oh my goodness this is looking so fancy right now cash I think we might have a really good defense but we’re going to need a little more here we can grab some golden carrots enchanted golden apples and regular golden apples by adding these to the chest we really help fill every single zone with ultimate fuel all right come on come on this needs to go really really well otherwise we might be toast here now we can grab this Shel box and replace all of the other ones with it now every single one is full of golden apples carrots and enchanted golden apples this is so exciting and we can even access the secret ladder this zone is looking a little bit Barren so we’re going to add some more chests up here here we go we’ll place the chests on this side and at the very end here oh wow I can’t believe we get to make something so insanely amazing we’ll need some secret little devices maybe some endel maybe even some eggs in case we need chickens to distract the zombies not to mention we also will need actual swords I can’t believe we don’t have swords yet that almost went really really badly here we’ll add eggs Ender pears swords inside this chest and then H what else can we put inside the other ones oh I totally know we can add some Trident inside one of them and then some buckets of lava lava will really help us against the zombies and hey maybe we can even add buckets of fake lava that way in case we need to trick the zombies we totally will be able to I don’t exactly know where we’ll need to trick the zombies but I’m sure it might come in handy we’ll also have buckets of water and buckets of fake water as well as some Shields just in case we need them here we go we’ll put the shields in the middle then we’ll put water buckets up the top and we can put the fake water buckets down the very bottom this way we won’t get confused because we’ll know exactly where everything is now we just need to add the final few decorations to this area and then I think we’ll be ready to escape oh boy I really hope the zombies are not getting close at all now we need to add some lanterns downstairs here as well and done okay that is the final lantern that we need to place oh wait a minute oh no it’s night time this zombies are going to be here any second but I actually have one final secret I need to tell you about follow me cash this is a big one we can’t let anybody know about this otherwise things could go seriously wrong if you follow me up here I have something I need to show you okay we need to shut the doors this is how secretive this needs to be all right I need to show you this ray gun this is the final defense against the zombies I have no idea if it’ll even work but I really hope it does it’s very powerful so we need to be very careful with it I’m going to hide it inside one of these chests I think the only place that’s safe enough to hide it is oh wait a minute uhoh this feels really crazy to say but I think the only place that’s safe enough to hide it is in one of Milo’s chests oh no Milo it can be really really crazy with things like this as long as we keep it safe and hidden inside there it should be really fine but we need to make sure nobody gets it and definitely no zombie should ever get it come on we need to get your family on this train and get this thing moving before the zombies come Milo Nico the zombies they’re about to come make sure you get Nico’s family on your train as quick as you can hey Nico’s Family come on that’s not a lot of time hey Cash’s family don’t worry I know it’s been really hot and oh no the baby’s hiding don’t worry you guys we can all hide on this train and we’ll be totally safe we’ve got this okay everybody is safe and sound inside our Carriage except wait a minute oh no everybody the zombies they’re making their way to us we need to drive our train through them it’s the only way let’s go oh yeah we’re to doing it Milo how’s your train going um sh what is it Milo my train isn’t moving wait it’s not moving oh my gosh hold on cash we’re going to reverse and park our train so that we can save Milo and Nico’s family I’m trying to shoot the Snowballs to stop the zombies oh no Milo this is terrible the zombies oh no more and more of them are going to come the longer you take to get your train working hey it’s not my fault it’s not working oh don’t worry my Lord we’ll save you luckily and cash have a bunch of weapons that we can use to get rid of all these zombies and it doesn’t look like there are that many zombies so we should totally be able to handle it I’m chip are you so sure about that um yeah I’m really sure look I’ll grab a crossbow some arrow and hey I might even grab the really powerful crossbow we just need to be really careful not to use it inside cuz otherwise we’ll definitely die oh man there are so many zombies right now wo that is way more zombies than there were before Oh no luckily we’ve got really powerful tools but uh-oh I don’t even think that’s going to going to be enough quick Nico hit the snowball oh no guys this is really bad Milo I thought you said you were ready to fight the zombies this doesn’t look ready to me at all I am ready I’ve got the Snowballs down down oh my goodness this is insane and oh no these zombies are making their way towards me this is really bad I can’t believe I forgot to get any swords or any weapons like that oh no I need to make my way back onto our train but this could go really really badly chip I can SP you a sword oh wait really thanks Milo oh this is going to be really useful come on be careful there you go there there thanks Milo oh no one of these zombies has a shovel it looks really scary and strong oh no everybody make sure you’re safe oh man I wish my little train was working yeah Milo I can’t believe your train isn’t working that’s so crazy yeah well I really thought it would work ever since you put in that new system Milo I told you that it still wouldn’t work I worked on it with you a man this is not good chip I really don’t want n’s family to die no neither do I this is really really bad but okay I need to clear away in between you and our train that way you’ll be able to make it through the zombies in time and you can totally come over here and be safe yeah chip that’s a really good idea except there are so many you’re right there really are so many zombies oh my goodness I really am getting worried cash I think it might be time we need to use our secret extra weapon secret extra weapon what’s that Milo I didn’t tell tell you about it because it’s a pretty scary device but our secret extra weapon is actually really really useful and wait a minute where did I put it oh no I’m going to quickly grab a netherite sword while I’m here and some Ender pels and oh my goodness guys this is really worrying me I need to grab as much resources as I can possibly get because if I die with the secret weapons and the zombies get it into their hands oh no we could be done for yeah all the zombies are the here are coming to watch me now oh no don’t worry Milo I won’t let them every zombie ever hey look at me I have a super cool weapon that you’re going to want to see get them chip get them okay I totally will all right zombies Feast your eyes on my laser Blaster you have a laser Blaster oh yeah I totally do this laser Blaster is killing these zombies so quickly wo it’s doing so much damage to them right now this is absolutely insane W chip it sounds crazy wo it is look at this laser Blaster this is amazing it can hit the zombie from an infinite distance away you’re actually killing them this is amazing hey Nico I think it’s time to get your family on Chip’s train oh yeah it totally is come on everybody you got to come on over it’s the only way to be safe okay we’re coming over n Le the way come on Nico you got this oh no guys I can’t hold them up for much longer this laser gun is starting to misfire and I’m really worried about when it loses power come on guys down here okay we’ve got Nico’s wife out here now we’re just waiting for his back baby come on Nico’s baby what are you doing wait he’s stuck I’m going to have to break this chair that he’s on oh no don’t worry everybody we’ll be able to make it over trust me oh no Milo I’m on my last few abilities of this laser gun come on guys come on we’re going over here yeah everybody this seems to be less zombies every single second that we fight them all right everybody here at endel we’re going to need to use these to make our way over to the inside of our train you’ve totally got this don’t worry at all oh yeah it’s adding me yes we managed to do it everybody is safe inside the carriage don’t worry guys I’m totally going to drive us everybody say goodbye Zombies by zombies oh this is perfect now we’re totally safe Forever Wait chip stop the train wo okay wo okay Milo that was terrifying um why did I need to stop the train we forgot someone oh no we forgot somebody um was it somebody’s baby or who could it be that was Chip Chip wait Milo you brought chip chip with you yeah yes he was on the train and I totally forgot to get him oh man I feel so bad oh my gosh okay everybody stay on this could be really bad okay where is he chip jip jip jip okay I’ve got him on the lead what Milo you had jip jip oh this is so insane come on Milo you got to be able to get jip jip through I can’t hold up these zombies very much longer hey come on chip jip not a lot of time hey he’s even trying to fight them chip this is amazing oh my goodness come on chip chip you got this this but Milo jip jip is really weak he’s getting distracted it’s like he’s saying let me at him no he’s trying to shoot them it’s really good all right let’s go let’s go we’re going to get on the train yeah come on everybody we got to get back on now okay is everybody finally inside the train we’re here we’re ready to go okay chip chip Nico cash Cash’s baby Nico’s baby Cash’s wife Nico’s wife and Milo is all in yeah let’s go let’s do it all right come on we can do this we can escape the zombies right now all right everybody this is our final chance right we got this come on let’s go everybody and yes we made it outside the zombie area we’re totally safe and this is so exciting our train safe the day hooray [Music]

Who can win todays challenge, Poor train vs Rich Train in Minecraft?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


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