This YouTuber Faked 100 Records, So I Actually Beat Them

so this YouTuber released a video titled breaking 100 Youtubers world records and it performed well but it should actually be called I broke zero world records and spent 36 minutes lying to you see they tried to beat a record set by my friend minute Tech fastest time to tame a horse which they did by 10 seconds but when I watched the video I noticed they didn’t tame the horse when you tame it you see hearts but there were no Hearts he got kicked off the horse said it was tamed but it really wasn’t so this record is invalid but that isn’t enough enough evidence to say that they cheated recers because what if he just doesn’t understand how horses work maybe he’s just an absolute idiot and not a cheater that is until one record later this is the fastest time to reach the bottom of the world and the record is 1 minute go go go go go go now this is the same video but it’s a different guy Caleb here’s the thing attempt one seems legit he gets a seed with a big cave that literally first try could have taken him to the bottom of the world but he dies what am I an idiot for I want you to remember what this first world looks like but sadly he can’t use it again because the record is for a random seed meaning you’ve never seen it before Caleb loads more worlds none of them as good as the first but after 30 attempts this happens ke ke come on wait a minute this is the same world yeah it’s the exact cave even the coal lines up for this record you’re not allowed to use a set seed and he showed us footage of already being on the world this run could not be more obviously cheated but what if I said it actually could see get this he finds a water bucket from a ruined portal chest that’s impossible and he knows it he says pickaxe but then doesn’t mention the water bucket cuz he knows he doesn’t want to draw attention to it and when I realized this I wondered how many other records were cheated so I started looking and I kept finding more and more cheated records spanning multiple videos some very well hidden others obvious and some so hilariously faked I don’t know why anyone hasn’t talked about this more probably because nobody over the age of five has finished one of his videos I’m kidding not really but the next record fastest time to get to world height is incredible and it’s cheated by Preston plays himself before the run though he says as soon as we touch this wood the timer starts no which just is not how the rules for timing work okay timer starts when I punch this tree timing generally starts when you first move but it doesn’t matter because this attempt failed anyway so he goes on to the next world he gets bamboo and then goes into a time-lapse of building and oh did you catch it there was evidence of him cheating see the video is sped up but also the timer so nothing wrong with that right well here the timer is at 1 minute 8 seconds what we can do is we can go over just a little more than a second and use his inventory to count how much bamboo he places down so 55 minus it’s hard to see but that’s 49 bamboo so he’s placing down six bamboo a second which unless unless he has some crazy secret method just is not possible so turns out what they did was speed up the video and the timer but they sped up the video faster than the timer so when he reached the top I don’t know why he shows feet here he showed feet like five times in the video and I’ve had to been cutting around it it’s actually so annoying but when he reaches the top the timer because it’s been going slower shows a smaller number than it actually should be his actual time if we factor in the 25 seconds it took to gather the bamboo which I don’t I even think that is true but his time would be 2 minutes 25 seconds now I’ve actually been skipping over records in the video but that’s because they’re not really records if they’re not cheating the other way to get records is by doing the most random things nobody has done before like fastest time to die using a command where he just joins a world and type SL kill which is easily optimized by the pasting method even weirder is most baby animals killed like nobody is contesting these except for me I doubled his record but I kind of get it clear I am not the target audience of these videos if you want to find the ages of his actual audience you have to divide Mine by 22 I’m 20 by the way and with kids content it’s commonly whoever posts the most wins so they don’t have time to actually compete with other people they just do like three attempts and wow the viewers love it Preston is the funniest YouTuber keep on being yourself man you shouldn’t ever stop making videos I love your breaking record View and because of that I think you from that record canman found cook cod in 1.5 seconds but because he’s a child I think I can do it even faster fairy treasure can generate at the chunk coordinates 99 which Preston uses to his Advantage he explains that to the viewers then says but now we just have to get really lucky and load into a lot of Worlds oh Preston before you generate the world I think you forgot to turn your cheats on but at least he is honest about one thing he did generate a lot of Worlds there’s video proof nope not even that is true these squares are unique to every world so if he were to generate a ton of Worlds he would have a bunch of different looking squares but if we take all his cut up footage and unscramble it it’s just the same one World Generation just spliced and split up then when he loads into the world he accidentally reveals that he’s 700 blocks away from Spawn it’s funny to think what the actual footage of this would look like okay time to generate a lot of Worlds and that’s how you know Mr legit speedrunner McGee is legit okay now we’re going to cut teleport oh hello turtle um there okay there’s the chest there’s the chest holy freaking freak guys I have no idea where the Buri treasure could be I don’t know how this news of Preston place cheating will be received by everyone I realize my sister knows a few people that would be bummed by this news cuz she’s a preschool teacher th this isn’t a bit she she actually is and her kids love talking about Preston plays then my sister says oh my brother is a Minecraft Youtuber do you know yeah jiren none of them have said yes I guess you win some you lose some this YouTube literally broke this record in 45 seconds but we’re going to do it even quicker fastest time to get the Return to Sender advancement this is Ma’s first record and from how he gets a rune portal that’s completable then gets lucky on the gas spawning in under 45 seconds I’m willing to bet this was at least a set seed run but I can’t find anything concrete that says this is cheated he never shows coordinates I reached out to a speedrunning friend and the loot he gets is lucky but legit and there’s no Cuts hiding things honestly wait a minute wait a minute I just had an idea sorry I interrupted recording my own audio there because I just had an idea and and I did it I proved that run cheated so I’ve been running around this whole uh Mesa biome doing these like slpl structures to try and generate the one that he did no no yes yes this is it this is it so this is the portal he gets if we look here it’s this one this is the only one he could have gotten like you can tell okay so there’s no like overhangs like this one has an overhang uh this one just looks completely different this one completely different uh it’s this one we’re going to recreate what he did he opens the chest so what he does is he goes to the top block one two so we go to the highest block one two and this isn’t a ruined portal it’s a square and that’s how it’s cheated see see what they did is take this generation of the portal and then preemptively add obsidian here and here so then he could come over and make a portal but you may be like well what if it just naturally generated like that but but but it can’t there are specific ways Nether Portals can generate and this right here is none of them I’m still surprised I figured out how that record was cheated but these next ones are a bit of a pace change all of the sudden Preston plays in his group start doing records associated with the letter of the alphabet like a for Arrow B for boat C for cheat I’m glad he’s teaching his audience the alphabet it’s probably the first time they’ve seen it but with this paage change I realize instead of this being one 36 minute video it’s actually three smaller videos put together but good thing for us they cheat in all three now the first record I was suspicious of in this alphabet video was D for fastest time getting a diamond they show him spawning into the world and then getting the diamond but never running to the blacksmith so I was thinking maybe they lied about the timer so I recreated the entire world block for block from the footage and getting to the blacksmith in 14 seconds is reasonable but I did still beat this Rec out of spite oh my gosh oh my gosh this could be it this could be it this could be it oh my God I was very humble about this record and did not brag at all even though it would have been very easy to because I am way better than him but that takes us to mait with the letter e for largest emerald Cube pretty big I’m not going to lie might have to skip forward a little bit as I continue to build this and then they proceed to skip just a little ahead to the completed build what you saw was all they showed for the building process so I can safely say this was pasted in with a mod because viewer imagine you had spent a whole whole day placing down 1 million blocks wouldn’t you have a time lapse that shows you placing more than just a stack and with that record I’ve now shown every member of the squad cheating a record except for Josh does Josh cheat his records so in the first of the three videos in the compilation Josh does two records the first is the furthest distance travel using only Fireballs current record Being 63 when he lands the text says he got 65 but zooming into the sign it says 75 maybe they made the number lower to make it seem like he just barely beat the record but then other than that I can’t really see anything wrong with it the next one is fastest time to break a beehive on a set seed now this isn’t the world record the actual one is like two frames but this run isn’t cheated and we’ll start to notice a pattern of what Josh does Jay for most jumps in a row not much to verify there an M for Minecart I’m led to believe this one’s also real cuz it’s a trick shot and you can’t fake a trick shot cuz you show all the footage and that’s mostly what Josh does in the group yes he does have some weird records like clearing out a Pillager Tower with only a diamond sword then uses a stone sword but Josh does mostly cool tricks that aren’t possible to fake because they show all the footage of him doing it so strangely Josh doesn’t cheat what are you looking for a goat horn I don’t know when to they do some weird things and I’m you could be like fastest time to get two carrots two XP bottles a log and two wheat bro you just world recorded world record nobody can compete with this there are actually less cheated records in this alphabet video mostly because they really lean into the whole what the freak nobody’s done this before most ocelots tamed in a minute but you get infinite fish largest llama of War I can do you one better largest llama race war you is for breaking the most blocks underwater in one breath like that is a record so Random you would not have to cheat it but you still could for 10 seconds Caleb is breaking kelp but when he’s at five little bubbles it cuts a second he loses a breath bubble which makes sense but then his inventory is full of kelp his tools are on the other side of the inventory gets 60 XP levels and the counter jumps up by 70 genuinely this is so cheated I’m at a loss for what they even did is this just two runs spliced together but then why did they get XP what’s the point in that oh yeah is that one of them getting a cocoa bean no for the fun of it but now it is record you can’t do that dude that’s in plays I dare you that’s actually close to like the theoretical limit is actually for quit when Preston opens the world he’s looking down and to the right which is only possible if you’re loading into the world for a second time first time generation is always looking straightforward every time I watch this video I find more cheated records and that’s especially in video 3 at first I thought this third one was from before they even started cheating records but that was only because this is the best they’ve done at hiding it but they do still have that bad habit of going timer starts now whenever they feel like it okay timer starts when I open this chest this one is weird record to get the the most head Caleb brings a charge creeper over to a bunch of monsters because if they’re exploded by it monsters drop their head so he just wants the most from one creeper but there’s a reason nobody has attempted This Record before because it’s impossible to get more than one it’s hardcoded no matter how many Monsters the creeper blows up only one will drop their head so when he picks up five how did those other four get there we can assume he just threw those on the ground to pick up correction though you can only get one on Java Edition he’s on Java Ed though so oops still guilty this is most hyped from a TNT cannon which I paid no mind to it seemed like one of their silly records he launches and gets to 1,000 blocks but at a closer look I felt that this trajectory he was on wouldn’t take him 1,000 blocks high I just have to get suspicious and then it all crumbles but to expose it we need to do a quick physics lesson but don’t worry even a Preston plays fan could understand this the TNT cannon launches him up and to the right so that means he is traveling up and to the right I know revolutionary but when we look at his footage he’s moving up clearly but his X or Z coordinate don’t change even though he was launched to the right it should be changing even just a little because this can measure in 1 1,000 of a block which is this small of a distance it would only be the up coordinate changing if let’s say you launched yourself but then used creative mode flight to get to 1,000 blocks and whoopy do guess who’s in Creative in this challenge I’ll be collecting 69 creepers and putting them in a pin together really we’re going to do this to the only guy who doesn’t cheat his records the only thing Josh sucks at is sucking at Minecraft but to be fair he does not know some of the mobs okay I don’t know what a veex is but I’m spawning it in three two okay Vex the others cheat more in this third video but in ways we’ve already covered like splicing two or three runs together or just straight up lying to the viewer so I don’t care to cover them that’s mostly to get to video 4 so far we’ve gone over the obvious cheats the hidden cheats but now for the funny setting 100 impossible World Records not only are these not impossible they’re not World Records they’re not even setting any of these and they don’t even do a 100 the fastest time to start a raid will introduce us to a new way to detect cheating when Chase starts loading into worlds you’ll notice this chat message that says rep arted but if you’re a YouTuber you’ll recognize this as the recording started message see with replay mod the mod that helps YouTubers make cinematics whenever you join or create a world this little message pops up for 10 seconds first attempt Chase joins and gets the message same for the second meaning he just created or joined the world but when he creates the third world it’s not there and wouldn’t you know this was the time he got the world with exactly what he needed so what they’re doing is creating the world then spending a lot of time trying to find the structures they need and then once they find them they act like they just barely created the world even though we know they didn’t now that’s not funny on its own but that information helps us understand the deeper meaning of this one Chase tries to beat the fastest time to get a diamond which screw you but once again he loads a world nothing around loads another man I really wish there was a village but then on the third world he doesn’t get the message and suddenly is that a m shft is that mine guys let’s just see let’s just see there’s always something Lucky in the caves and I went the wrong direction I’m sorry wrong direction wrong direction implies you know the right direction it’s one thing to cheat but another to just admit it while recording but triple worse is your friend admitting it too Caleb kills a skeleton for bones then tames a dog but at some point he says okay where did they go where did they go oh here I thought that like that’s strange how do you lose the bones until I watch this closer and you’ll notice the skeleton doesn’t drop any bones there’s 16 records in this video and half are cheated by them pre picking spawns Caleb does it with Rune portal and they always follow the same pattern they load a world there’s nothing there they load another they say man this is going to be so hard and then it’s always on the third one the recording started message doesn’t appear and W that was a roof that was a roof everything they need is near them but reusing worlds is actually a big problem in the Minecraft speedrunning Community because it gives an unfair advantage of knowing the best route to take is a great seed and is hard to prove if it was reused one world record when speedrunning was getting popular was at a time only debunked by hm it kind of felt like he knew where everything was already it took an experienced Runner like dream to notice and call it out this comment actually made this the most infamous cheated speedrun until you know dream cheated one himself that takes us to the end of the fourth video where they have the funniest fake record they’ve ever cheated fastest time to bedrock literally a cheat every second remember how crazy the first time they did that record was I saved the best one for last the first cheat is obvious there’s no recording message so he Che his spawn Chase crafts a wooden pickaxe then heads down the cave but you might notice by watching the video this is a comedically long fall to take only four hearts of damage but then here with only one heart obviously this fall would kill you but he’s the main character no why I jump yes oh then he mines down and gets to bedrock this Bedrock is not real when he’s falling you can see this lava flow down deeper than the Bedrock so the layer he mines to is not deep enough to actually generate Bedrock the Bedrock isn’t real nothing in this is real but then for the most confusing part of the record hey Chase Preston I’ve got something to tell you chase whoa whoa whoa wa whoa where are you wait this may not have been a real spot what do you what Preston we saw you were taking quite a while on some of your records so we set up a little prank Preston is this not real absolutely not no C can you do that just say oh yeah so we actually cheated this record and then give like no other context this feels like if I ended my video with okay so for real though Preston actually didn’t cheat any records and I faked all the footage and then just said nothing after that I can’t end a video like that okay but now I’m actually going to end my video like that so we can all go hahaa funny call back but that’s insane but when they say cheated do do they mean just this last one or are they admitting to cheating all of them I was thinking there was no way they cheated all of the records in the video like most Fireballs hit in a row from a gas they can shoot one every 3 seconds and Preston’s timer lines up with that most blocks m in 30 seconds would have been easy to fake by mining for longer than 30 seconds but second try I was able to beat Caleb’s record so they could have cheated every record but the statement made me so paranoid they even had me questioning Josh’s record I’m going to be breaking the fastest record to build to y320 okay I need to spawn to wind swep Hills okay this is just not what I was looking for all right wait is no this is the farthest possible thing of what I wanted okay okay I’m on my ninth attempt wait I’m super high up wait the pattern how could I not see it Josh did the pattern load a world no load another man this is so hard and then the recording started message doesn’t appear and he has everything he needs and on top of that it wasn’t until seeing that I realized I missed him being 5,000 blocks from Spawn I was too complacent when watching Josh’s records and I missed it I missed Josh cheating so I went back to J for jump most two block jumps in a row it’s simple enough and even if it was cheated how would I prove it it it’s not like they would include footage of him messing up a [Music] jump he messed up a jump he me he messed up a jump and then he went on acting like nothing happened Josh cheated Josh cheated records Josh our Golden Boy the man who could do no wrong cheated no one in this video is innocent everyone’s hands are dirty if we can’t trust Josh who can we trust C can you even trust me I could have ended this video with Preston play’s cheat record him bad I call it out me good but we’re talking about honesty to the viewer here so let’s be honest Minecraft 100 days but I can’t jump this video came out right after the success of 100 days on three layers of dirt and I wanted to capitalize on it with a new challenge it was Hardcore because that’s what everybody else does and I want to get this video out as fast as possible wow jiren that was dangerous you could have died there too bad I died 5 minutes prior it’s pretty easy to fake hardcore stuff all you do is open land with cheats to get yourself back to survival and after faking an inventory it’s like nothing happened I did this three times in the video and nobody noticed I share this for two reasons first to say I get why you cheat something a small mistake stake would have costed me 10 hours of work and with the pressure to constantly be uploading I decided to save myself the time but secondly and I’d say more importantly the video suffered because of that when I posted it it it was fine I just wasn’t proud of the video I actually had a friend unprompted say oh I really like that no jump video and my only response was why because now looking back it could have been a better video if I was just honest to the viewers see because I cheated death nothing nothing bad ever happened to me which made it easier but that’s not a compelling narrative good videos come from when things go wrong and we have to adapt I’m not here to say lying in videos is some immoral action I’m saying from a selfish point of view being honest just makes better videos that’s what I hope you take away from this video cuz I don’t really care that Preston plays cheated records I just thought it was funny how bad of a job they did cuz in the grand scheme of things none of this even even really matters holy freck I just beat his time never mind all of this matters I’m way better than [Music] [Applause] [Music] you oh and by the way none of this is real I faked all the footage

I did something nobody over the age of 20 has ever done… watch a PrestonPlayz video. But that led me down a rabbit-hole to discover the most cheated records on a channel… Enjoy!

Where I get my music:

thanks to rekrap2 (speedrunning friend) for helping me fact check certain records


  1. Yo, be nice in the comments. Especially do not go and comment on Preston's video, you're gonna get us all in trouble xD. We need to keep Yeah Jaron viewers being known as the kind ones.

  2. I never questioned your 100 days no jump video because of how much work you put into it to begin with, but there was a point in it where the heart was gone. Most would probably put that up to long-term hardcore projects, but it felt off after the dragon to me. This explains that.

    Honestly, I'm not mad. I get how hard these silly challenges are, and when your income is tied to them you're going to have to do something to stand out.

    That all being said, I would be the bigger man here and put it in the description or a pinned comment on that video. Cause one person cheating and claiming to do things legit is what brought the culture around of "I'll just cheat it to be ahead of the curve, since it's going to take so long to do it properly." You did good here, and I don't think anyone really would take it with absolute truth, but you are also someone who a lot of us are happy to watch because of the honesty. It's the same with Rek. He shows all the failures. He doesn't always complete his goal. Sometimes being on the losing side of trying is more important than winning all of the time.

  3. honestly no one actually cares about the hardcore part, atleast most people don't. So if you die in a hardcore world no one will be like "damn ig thats the end of this series or video unless hes a cheater, because if so we should cancel him." Instead everyone would prefer if you just continued the series/video, especially if its a really good one and especially especially if its modded.

  4. For the Obtaining Mob heads as fast that 1 head rule only applies to java as i trapped mobs alot in my worlds on my switch and every one drops a head thats the best way to do it play a different version

  5. If I knew you died and maybe told us in the video, I still would have enjoyed it just as much.
    Thanks for being honest Jaron, love your stuff.

  6. You’re talking about Preston Plays like he didn’t used to be up there with the greats. I barely watched him personally, but he was up there with Sky, Stampy, Popular MMOs, Waffle Galaxy, Dan, etc in terms of popularity.

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