1. It’s a 10/10!

    It’s perfect as it is. Don’t change it. The reason you might think this lacks something is because it’s lonely. There’s no life around it. Imagine if you were to put this build in a village, it would look fabulous.

    So yeah, it is asking to be put in a village or get some bushes and flowers around it for colour (but then again, I do not recommend it as it has its own story, there are many other builds which could include colour).

  2. SuspiciousDuck976 on

    It looks weird because it doesn’t make a lot of sense from a physics perspective. The tower doesn’t seem to be a part of the house, rather an individual build that was linked, and the supports are way too thin to make sense. Either add a section to the left of the tower as support or have it blend in with the house.

    Other than that great build!

  3. Aldothegreen85 on

    If you wanna upgrade it look into redstone gates

    But as others have said it looks great

  4. HopeOfTheChicken on

    Looks amazing. You could go even crazier with the shading, but that isnt going to make it look better, it will just give it a different style. Your build is already perfect as it is right now, it perfectly achieves what it tries to be 😀

  5. dogmeatpizza on

    Reminds me of my final build before the old bedrock server became deserted for a Java server. I was all alone so I moved to the Java one.. they sped ran to the dragon before I ever got in and now I’m all alone 😐

    I’d mix up the roof texture a bit more or do mostly dark and fade to the lighter colors nearing the tower. Localize the moss in areas and add plants and greenery experiment with multi layer walls. But idk looks good as is heck I never even fully completed mine.

    10/10 reminded me of my storage building

  6. Different-Vanilla657 on

    Personally, I would add some small variations to the roof to look less uniform. Three-five blocks scattered around the roof can go a very long way. But it also depends on the look you are going for.

  7. looks fine, maybe make the base of the tower wider to give it more of a feel of stability

  8. Looks really good I think the left is void of something and should have something there maybe another part of a house or part of a crumbling wall or something but, what others are saying about mor village is good idea also.

  9. You could make the windows on the tower a block or two smaller (and use lamps and torches on your build)

  10. EffectiveScratch7846 on

    The gradient is good, don’t change that.

    Only think I’d modify is fixing the bit of frame between the tower & 2nd floor of home, and I’d add stairs to part of the roof to make it smoother without changing the shape

  11. Educational-One300 on

    Love the trick with the signs —I’m definitely gonna use that— but for the tower I would get rid of the wall and stair indents in the sides. Since u have the main indent in the middle which was intended, using the walls to make it look more crumbled look a little weird imo. Love the texturing on the house; just enough yellow in there. Id add a bit more texture to the roof tho. Really great build!

  12. Sea-Management8504 on

    You can add some greenery, either around the build or on it. I found that even the most beautiful build feels empty without extra decoration. This might have been your plan since the photo is in flatworld.

  13. I like the shape. It has overall the same tones and texture for me. So there’s not really a focal point to look at. I think some of the cobble in any of the areas (but esp in the tower since it’s the largest part) could be toned back to give it some more textural difference from the house part. And I would maybe go for a different wood color (either dark oak or one of the colored woods) to add more contrasting tones. This is all to say if you want it to be a more stand out piece. If this was going in like a large town build and is supposed to fade into the background it’s actually pretty good as is.

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