Surviving on a RAFT in Minecraft’s Infected Ocean

all right guys you’re probably wondering why I brought you here okay the world the world is finished okay there’s way too many dwellers on the surface so we’ve set out to see brother what it’s the only way we can survive what the waves bro yes see it looks crazy can we just relax hold on hold on what do you mean it’s overrun by dwellers every single dweller that we’ve added to this world is just roaming around it’s impossible to live on the land like look at that house up there whose house is that I don’t even see the house bro exactly see we don’t know look go go turn your R distance up and you can see yeah let let me slap that up real quick bro I don’t have a nicer PC oh oh yeah you see that see that’s not us who lives there I don’t know see that’s the thing okay we should go knock no definitely not because the surface is bad okay the the world is bad we stay at water because it’s better for our mental health okay interesting also by the way your cape I don’t know if that’s normal bro like it’s uh you know like if you turn around look like it’s on your uh yeah like don’t yeah don’t do that no chill okay sorry sorry sorry sorry this is our what what is that chest this is our boat yeah so inside this chest has something that can wipe away every single dweller we we need a key for it what is it that can Keller every single dweller bro on this world and we can’t open it a nuke no no no it’s better than a nuke we can’t you can’t you can’t I tried bro what do you want me to do how did this chest get here I picked it up and brought it you picked it up oh okay what do you mean oh okay why you believing it of course why would I lie he put the Dwellers on the world now he wants us to live at Sea because he he probably doesn’t have no friends so he just wants to live on a raft Linux don’t listen to him surely right you believe me right l makes sense exactly what do you mean to make sense you think there would just be a random chest and how would he even know that what’s inside is because I I I I put the mod on there that has the chest in there but since to open the chest you need to find a key and to find a key we need to find other treasure chests that are easier to open okay see what are the treasure chests they’re everywhere they’re under the ground they’re all in the floor and stuff oh my God so we’ve literally become Pirates yeah and we’re Pirates and there’s other ships out here okay the pirat make what what is that noise what is that bro I’ve been hearing weird sounds ever since we what’s that in the water where where where to the right oh my God it’s a whale oh what oh my God oh my it’s a dolphin a sheep you did not hear a sheep what are you talking about I swear on my life I just it’s a whale or a dolphin or something wait there’s a you see that in front of us what wait what is that just oh the come outside someone just said help bro I know someone just told me to come outside see is many scary mon are in this world bro bro there’s probably like he said 9,000 maybe 5,000,000 bro look there’s a bird the right there on the island that might be a dweller though watch out oh wait there’s villagers there’s nice villagers yeah so there’s now villagers at Sea okay because we can’t trade with them you know what do you mean they’re at Sea cuz we can’t go on land to go to Villages do so all the villages have now been turned into pirate ships okay so are they friendly though uh they look nice we’ll see huh are you sure that we we can just roll up and they’re villagers man why is it going R we trade with them or are we going to be like a bit more uh uh you know uh let’s trade with them what’s the word with it we can page them be a bit more violent we can pillage their Village how do we get in there it’s a v ra it’s a v ra it’s a raid no no no we’re here to trade we’re here to trade and have peace oh you’re here to trade maybe no one trade Boy watch Wait guys guys you are so stupid I’m I’m trying to yeah look we don’t come on Linux we got the r oh my God wait that’s the faceless villager that’s not a real villager it’s a faceless one look look look at it kill it you jump jump on the on the on the SE thank you bro he died no no not that oneis you’re crazy fler you’re insane oh my God guys look at the achievement look at the first achievement I just got lier someone just knocked on my door but there is no door we’re on C how how is it even possible look look at the achievement I got in chat yeah diamonds and acquire Hardware yeah so look it says can be thrown into wishing wells for loot where’s their wishing well where’s the wishing well I don’t know interesting oh emeralds o puffer fish they said emeralds can be F into wishing wells too and and and there’s some bread on here maybe maybe just throw it into the water watch just what are you doing why you fighting him I’m trying to get he just fell in the [Applause] water oh my God how did he chase me over here the the help what’s wrong with him all right let’s loot The Village while he’s dying dri you sail [Music] it I kind of need the wood get me fine I think you need to kill the IR yeah that’s my iron yeah you’re not allowed to take my iron okay I won’t touch the iron thank you oh dang what do you mean old D what happened can you rescue me yeah doing it relax yo this little blond guy did not rescue me I told you to rescue him rescuing scre my screen I see faces come oname why he tweaking he’s tweaking I don’t know what’s happen TW faces small eyes oh my God Li look right below us there’s oh my God look at the W there’s treasure right down there yeah idiot bro go go go go I’m trying I’m trying i l no we got to wait for him man oh my God I don’t care what you say Linux I’m going back back for him I just said let’s go back for him I’m here for you brother I’m kill him you dare say that sacrifice lcri so loud L I know it’s very loud isn’t it the rain is very loud so I’m going to turn it down cuz you’re a good boy so you won’t talk to me cuz you’re a good boy good boy guys what is out there where oh it’s like snow it’s just snow all text I hear a very ominous sound sounds like I’m in a Blockbuster movie oh my God you’re definitely in a Blockbuster movie guys do you not hear that sound and my whole screen is red the sky is red for me by the way I hope you know that uh something’s happening Don what’s happening oh God something is happening and it it is not looking good for us boys we might even die here yeah we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die I’m going to say what I always wanted to say Linux is not funny why is he coming for you why are you coming for me linux’s whole thing is just screaming and going Li’s whole thing is just saying good boy I said it first all right whatever bro I don’t want to talk to him anymore that’s what you get for trying to kick me off the boat I didn’t kick you off the boat you jumped off what do you mean Donny came back and he said I’m coming back for lagger even though you didn’t want to cuz you’re my brother that’s why he’s a liar bro he’s a liar liger he’s a liar turn on cruise control let let that go on he’s a liar what the cruise control yeah buing out for me bro I know I’m tweaking oh guys is that siren oh my God look at the island bro look at the island you see that guy there what do you mean the guy there’s two of him oh wait where’s s head SED is dead that’s what I said siren head all right I’m Taking Over Control bro you guys are f bro oh I have Darkness what the flip just happened a line what are you pressing oh my God ly he disabled the boat L he disabled the boat he disabled what did I do oh no I turned theat oh my God what are you doing Li stop did you guys just fly Li get in what what happened can you just the did you guys just fly no exped you just fly in the air no what he what he did he is he is he’s walking into the ocean bro bro I thought the water was supposed to be good for us brother can you please get out of here I don’t want to be lagging so bad game is lag that’s what I was saying bro my game laging too so maybe I’m not the only one with mine’s at 50 FPS I think it’s siren head I think it’s siren head I’m at 58 FPS yeah I’m at 50 as well yeah can you please keep moving the boat like to maybe a secluded area where there’s not so many animals around us I’m oh my god look okay Darkness Darkness we’re dead we’re dead we’re dead no Don don’t worry there’s nothing in front of us just keep going oh my God L stop it l oh my God what are you doing what are you do what he help me get in the boat get in the boat wait wait for me away for me we can’t we need him why is there a shark there’s a shark l l is a sh what’s he doing we still got him though he’s hooked wait he’s not revive him from the boat Bo get him get him get him he’s got my leg get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat there a shark bro like get us away from the shark what is that what it’s a Humpty Dumpty where’s Humpty Dumpty what do you mean what’s happening I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know yes away from the sh L’s about to die I can’t Ste the boat I can’t steer the boat he drive the boat let me drive the boat all right you drive the boat then wait really I was just kind of saying it go for it my brother why we why do we turn around turn back around Linux turn Lin turn okay I’m turning see it’s not working the boat is broken I think that the flesh oh maybe wait no the boat is even now the boat is even I’ll do it I’ll do it you guys don’t know what you’re doing bro all right you do it this is why I’m the captain I don’t have my captain’s license sorry what is our pirate name oh my God wait you guys are right my pirate name is guys you might jump again okay no he won’t jump bro chill out there you go oh oh nice oh my God my screen shaking yep that’s siren head why did I just hear a cat I heard a cat too I heard a sheep early and you guys L at me bro you did hear what what guys that siren head in the water he’s in the water he’s catching up to us why is he catching up there why is he catching up he’s walking in the water I said before bro he started walking into the ocean but he’s actually like walking the that he’s it’s not real yeah that is that is pretty crazy that’s that’s uh uh siren’s top three coldest moments right there oh my god look look on the land look on the land what guy with a white face I have something ful we just need to find a key to this is that test and then we’re good right is that on the right bro that’s not me oh my good it’s Megan Megan is still here yeah L this whole this whole island is a right off Linux well like a tax right no it’s like a right we need to write off the whole island it’s it’s game open at this point like tax off like oh my I’m going to scream what is a 401k you’re not American I hear Americans say that I don’t know what that means me neither I say one of you go up there and explore that land zie has no mouth I was about to say look at his eyes where what the flippity flippy Flip Flip zombie back there oh yo is it true that oh my God that I can’t see I can’t see bro siren is still following in the water oh my God I don’t want to be here anymore I just want to go home I don’t want to do this anymore what do you want raining nonstop man I know bro can the rain please stop why is that boat in the water the work oh thatat sink that boat must have sank I see I see you guys go explore it oh Donnie just keep going straight why heard don’t worry about anything behind us oh my God oh my God oh my oh my God oh my God oh my God if he get on the boat we’re dead if he gets on the boat we’re dead he’s not going to get on he’s not going to get on how about we take off the ladders of the boat no because we need it to get on okay you’re right hold on I’m going knock him back I’m knock why did that ship sink I don’t know ship can’t sink right oh my yeah that was me you got it D our ship can’t sink like that one right um anyway huh all right yo listen listen listen listen wait what was the answer he he said L please L like a bro Lin you need to sing Justin Bieber baby so that the rain will oh maybe maybe maybe baby baby baby no better than that baby baby baby oh my God what is that what’s happening oh oh don’t stop l l keep goinging keeping keep be m oh my God oh my God oh my God y that’s right it’s right behind us sh that’s friendly no shut up I’m going to I’m going to hit him I’m going to hit him so he disappears what [Laughter] theer okay guys we UPG our yeah yeah yeah I’m down I’m down I’m Lamborghini I’m down I’m down so we need to go on land so right here we’re going to set up on land we’re going to grab some stuff we’re going to go back out to sea okay but oh my God this is like a Bieber baby baby baby baby ohy why is this guy always here what an idiot right all right guys don’t die don’t die okay wait what you guys go here you guys go here I’ll bring the boat around wait so this BR you know this oh my oh my oh my oh my what oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God L help him help get away from my friend get away get away from my friend where is he like a s where’d he go play movie oh my God move move yo this is sick Bro Look at the action music tow bro I hate I hate music still going I don’t know but stop now you Justin Bieber baby before thanks funny wasn’t wasn’t the song to stop the rain called something like uh party party rock is in the house tonight yeah you have to sing Party Rock why do I still hear music party rock in the house tonight and we going to make you lose your oh finally it stopped keep going wait it you know what you know what this literally feels like what Don’s about Don’s like you know those what are those boats called that people sleep on before you keep talking bro I just want to point out how everything just went so peaceful you know I actually feel like I’m at peace well we need to somehow get through here a cruise that’s what it feels like yeah stop we’re about to stop and get off at the cruise is there a massive shadow on the right uh because of that building and I think yeah he’s definitely here somewhere e him bro you can’t okay let’s go in for here what this so what are we grabbing oh oh oh my God oh my God wait we can go up waterfalls guys I got a plan okay somebody go up there get a bucket I’ll get a bucket with this with this with this yeah I got some iron I got some iron take the iron all right I’ll see you guys in a bit I I’ll come back yeah get us get us a water bucket and we’ll get out of here wait do you want me to stay here or you going up there alone ler I’ll go up alone but you have to build a pillar outward so that we can get on from here okay of course of course of course this is the dumbest IDE we’ve ever had look at the look at all the Rocks falling down as he breaks them I know hold onys this is glad they trusted me the one and only lagger oh should have trusted you L you know I just saved him like 10 minutes ago I know bro he’s actually useless by himself the only reason he you know he’s really handsome he’s really handsome guy he’s so handsome you seen his beard he that why did you tell me to stop talking bro he’s just so handsome and good looking though no he can’t no he can’t oh I he can hear us way he looking at us bro this gu what’s your what do you like most about Leger he said yo in chat I can’t hear you oh he can’t oh okay okay this absolute idiot yeah what’s your least favorite thing about liger I’m going to start building out now he he everyone talks about his beard being like the beard game being good but it’s not even that crazy you know I’ve got a better beard than he does yeah I I don’t have anything bad to say about him so I wouldn’t say anything bad are you saying that cuz he can hear crazy that huh no no no he said he can’t he told me he said in chat that he can’t hear oh yeah see he’s talking right now we can’t hear him hurry back there we go can’t wait you’re so fun funny oh good now he wants to spect the thing look at all the Rocks just flying off the top bro oh there we go let go yeah this is going to be our our actually like top five our dumbest moment he right here on this top five coldest moment bro we’re not going to be able to get up see on water yeah can he hear us he can’t hear us okay oh you can’t hear us absolute idiot hurry up I don’t have anything that bad to say about like say Linux said hurry up you idiot I heard every single word you said you little idiot you called me useless you thought I would have you thought I would have say sry right now say s right now sorry boy I to say about you but now I do you are the worst what do you mean blonde boy I’m baldy good boy good boy they would you [Laughter] [Music] in4 here we go oh no wait wait wait wait downo chill [Music] chill wait wait wait wait what now he keep coming keep coming up keep coming up go go go but we need to I don’t all this this a good perking job here let me help up real help me go wait wait wait stay that stay like that wait what’s he doing oh he’s making like a little waterfall under us push us up genius hold on hold on hold on we need to kill grab Leger grab that water down there there’s more water right below is everything getting dark oh my God oh my God okay we safe bro this is actually perfect right here you can park it just a little bit higher don’t say you’re going to park it you see how it’s sitting bro this is parking it’s secure that guy’s going to kill us Sy the should be go right there yep here we go yeah [Music] ouch sir you can’t park here that’s going to be the best ball jump ever man there best Donnie parking right here beautiful bro wow why is there a piece of wood at the bottom of it look it put that there acent I break it yeah I’ll break it I’ll break it you all right we need to uh let’s go loot that place over here bro oh there’s a village wait there’s a village right there where oh yeah yeah let’s Lo this first though what I’m going a messy I’m going a messy look oh watch this you ready no Uncle Messi Uncle Messi Uncle Messi Uncle Messi Uncle Messi so messed up bro he’s playing football with his head oh God whose idea was this go out and live on a 8,000 mods 8,000 it was it’s like 7,800 it wasn’t 8,000 you know what I hate Linux just as much huh Lon I think you need figure out my bad my bad Bros my bad should we go inside this building like is already inside isn’t that the pizeria from Feddy Faz FNAF from Five Night yo I think this is some type of super villain HQ watch this door open my brother to what are you doing I’m trying to open the door what’s inside shut up let’s all break it at the same time and then we’ll be good all right yeah thank you for break thank you for canceling my animation bro huh yeah oh my thank you thank you bro thank you yeah yeah yeah nice all right it’s about to break in three two one there you go guys you idiot guys I’m just trying to put the pressure plate down oh my God whatever bro what’s in here oh my God Fredy Fazbear is this Freddy frar yeah but if they’re here that means the animatronics are here no they’re not I don’t care about animatronics bro you just say no they’re not it’s not real what do you mean what do you mean they’re not real you could just you could see them right now what is this men’s restrooms I lost my P can you give me yours animatronics employees only guys employees only please give me a torch uh sure I’m an idiot why did I make a crafting table earlier there you go oh thank you didn’t know you got powers like that powers like what what I do giving us a giving everyone a torch oh yeah yeah I found one on the floor in here that was mine you idiot that was Li as you idiot is there an echo in here yes there is is there an echo here bro I don’t want to be here anymore I’m going to take this with me as a souvenir to put on our ship to upgrade what is it oh you’re taking the Freddy Faz that looks so funny thank you okay guys I’ll I’ll I’ll do the thing pickax thank you all right let’s move let’s go back oh L took the pressure plate oh my God he took the pressure plate cuz he wanted to trap you in there and hope you died what are you waffle laughing about bro say I’m a good boy say I’m a good boy say I’m a good boy guys I’m going to bring I’m going to bring the boat around yeah wait here help me hope monster kills you B Don it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God hold on let me just deck out the boat real quick Donny there’s a psychopath on our boat right now uhoh boom check it out bro all right can we please move oh guys yes just swim up buddy you’ll all be okay wait guys I’m going to I’m I’m going to move the boat okay I’m going to move the boat back don’t worry my brother no I meant not for this not for that yeah did you just turn the boat static yeah I lyx what do you want L is just dying oh my God like look what became the part of the boat what what happened look at the front of the boat what you built pretty cool no now we’re top heavy no we’re not you guys you guys what is going on with the boat right bro the boat is finished we should build maybe we should build a house on the boat oh my God the boat is ruined look what did like no it isn’t bro there you go I’ll disassemble it there we go wa get get on get on no I’m trying to we’re trying to get rid of all what you’ve done like us why are you saying Linux idiot ler what’s your problem what happened lagger keeps hitting me I’m going to kill him oh thanks I’m not going to kill you sorry can you two stop fighting please I have only been nice to you today only all right all right now now let me on you can take my joke all you want but it’s never going to be as good as the time I used it on you say good say good boy no oh oh my God no say you’re like say I’m a good boy all right don’t BR okay we have to go Linux sorry LX just say it so that he can we can move on please lyx please just say it please the one hitting me yeah just say it please all right oh what did you do sorry oh my God bro we’ve been at days I’m already seasick weren’t we supposed to take off the ladders what wrong with you I don’t know I I thought it’d be easier if we just wait look guys guys guys why is why did that boat sink it’s a Minecraft boat but it’s underwater what in the world is going on that wait who is that I thought that’s impossible what wait what’s happening wonder you guys place that I didn’t yo I’ll be behind you boys God my boat wa w w no no no no this is like a a life I’m just going to go it’s a life boat we’re going to need one of these wait look look let me eat you oh look at this oh I pooped them out let me get let me get up there by the way you get in it what’s he do oh I’m sh that’s how it happens my boat just sank all right let’s leave l no chill chill wait for me please wait for me please wow guys look it’s so much more peaceful did you like the addition I made to the boat by the way like the the fourheads I think they’re cool I like it I really feel like it adds a Vibe also there’s a ship up ahead let’s go loot them okay the Iron Golems just staring me down but I’m let’s go trade with them why no bro no trading man did you not at the vibe with pirates we steal we we steal stuff we don’t we don’t ask for it we just go and take it we kill them exactly all you see this my hand I got a I’m ready to kill them what let’s go I’m ready to pillage their Village and that’s not how it sounds go go go go go I’m going swi ahead my screen’s red oh my God my screen’s red oh my God my screen’s red why are you going to swim ahead when we’re going to get the same time yo wait wait bring the boat up there bro I place the water down not again get the up here boy wait wait I got you here you go here you go here you go bring it all the Way Up Wait lier put it on the put it on the the thing up there above you all right here you go yeah yeah SM idea there you go all right come up come up let’s move let’s move to invade hold on imagine someone the boat like this give us a second to invade what it doing that we’re here to pillage your Villages I’m trying it’s so hard why do he got found diamonds okay I’m not doing this this is such a stupid idea is there only one chest in here or what stop talking bro pleas get back that’s my oh no he’s already taking it move it won’t let me move get back I can’t do this no no l tell me wait why is the wall push I in why is this water so strong I don’t know bro oh my God please my God why is this water so strong I can’t swim we’re the worst pirates in the world I’m getting back on our ra oh my gosh wait they give golden wait I why you I think he wants to attack me but wait the water is so strong that I can probably kill him this way right oh what was that what was that noise what is he trying to do why did he just explode the water’s pushing me in I can’t move man this water’s too strong where did he go Minecraft water bro oh it’s a faceless one look what what do you mean fa it’s not real it’s not real it’s not real Iron Golem so what will you run away now I don’t know he’s like a it’s like a bob boss looks like he’s trying trying to hug me I don’t think he’s trying to do that bro you get any closer he one shot you I think no no way bro oh my God why did he hit me you know what down a bed I got it I got it I got it guys get on the RO before someone steals the raft okay yo I I decked out the boat a boat boys we have beds now let’s go I got you an iron ingot oh thank you so much man you’re so you’re so nice guys I think here’s what we do right oh you see that ship over there we’re going to go there that why is there villager here bro does he want to get on is he trying to attack me I don’t think so oh my God villager there no villager there’s no villager okay okay what is that can he swim okay just keep moving it doesn’t matter bro also I’m been seeing eyes for a really long time now and my whole sky is red oh my God what you mean it’s okay should we sleep Happ no we can’t it happens sometimes you know oh my God look at that big ship is there a Shar P ship that’s a yacht bro someone got a yacht no the one on the right is a yacht the one on the left is a pirate sh Wait let’s go to the bro I’ve been needing a yacht there we’re on a raft and you’re talking about you’ve been needing a yacht day oh my god oh I see it now bro that looks insane is that a pyramid wait that’s a Herobrine pyramid where bro I can’t see my sky is red let’s go to the why are you laughing so much l is ridiculous before they please please please we can hear you idiot let’s go yes double chest oh what’s it got sticks and carrots why did he have a heart attack over stick in carrots no oh for real what the someone said trapped bro it’s the it’s the heavy water sorry sorry sorry sorry oh my y enjoy enjoy be enjoy life down there boy why is this what’s going on I don’t know what this is but I’m just going to throw it at you what is it I have no idea it look kind of creepy I hope it kill oh I got I got red eyes all right I’m going to the next get up I can’t share with these guys bro they’re s you trust me they’re greedy they would have done the same but I have to go there and I have to first to the boat because they’re all going to Ste my let’s go steal that leot bro I I’m hearing scary sound bro there’s two dwellers here you want to try driving the boat no no no no why is everyone scared to drive the boat is so chill what is lier doing he’s just he’s trying to I think he’s losing is it to fight them oh look at the birds I got potions it’s a witches oh he’s definitely dead so much loot all right maybe I just have to kill how do we get underneath put it under me yo get out of here L leave liger alone yep leave my friend alone get oo they’ been making potions they be whipping and whipping and serving did you get I don’t think these guys know you got to barrels what lenx where did he die what were you saying to me help what were you [Music] saying with you but I can’t right more right Rescue Me LX don’t do it what what did he say what did he say Len I feel like he said that something else he said that he no I said I’m going to share every piece of loot that I got with my friend like do you see this can you please revive me I only have 5 Seconds 5 4 3 trolled you loser loser what emoji oh what were you saying yo 3 seconds 3 seconds uhoh what just happened L died can you get me up please I’m sorry oh that a good boy this is our chance to get rid of him don’t revive him I already late what is wait is this connected to the boat now no no no guys what huh what what are you looking at what are you looking at there’s some weird smoke coming out of it oh look at the bird oh yeah oh oh what the get in the boat bro take us away move I hate I hate boom boom I promise you that’s I knew it I knew it my God yo cruise control boys look wa just go fast go fast cuz this is the one that can get on the boat no don’t worry about it bro cruise control is yeah yeah don’t worry about it save us from him bro it is it’s going the fastest possible way we’re approaching a lot of waves should be fine no no wait wait I have a potion I have a potion look at the end you missed oh wait I’ll hit him oh where did he go where did he go oh he’s behind you oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God us oh my oh my oh my I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die he’s gone guys guys you see this down here we have to go get this loot oh sleep sleep I sleepy sleep he’s right see flu that was smart I don’t even know which bed’s not being used that was smart SLE Linux what is that siren I back head wait oh my God what is that what is that is huh I dropped you and you just place it down no what is this that’s what I’m saying it’s animatronic it’s a new day it’s a new dawn where we going feeling good good we need to find some land so we can expand our boat because right now I can’t lie this is looking do right now what do you guys think yeah we need to we need to at least have like a roof over our head 20 AA planks all right lag let’s not talk to him anymore um I said did you have 20 that’s what you want to provide for this you have 20 aasia planks listen man we haven’t really stopped oh drink this I’ve been eting on out there bring that where is it said he needs a YT day Li please don’t justify he crazy I’ll kill him okay kill him kill him kill him next up we kill him oh okay okay do not go into that yacht bro there’s no point just find land please wasn’t there golden apples in it or maybe we use materials from the yacht to use on our Bo why does that boat have a bunch of leaves on it don’t know maybe it’s abandoned go to that one first it is abandoned look you has spiderwebs on it ooh let’s try it let try I that’s a good idea but I guess we’ll try it out and then we can use that boat to expand ours you know there is more than enough materials on it oh that’s such a good idea wait can we just make that our boat thank you for the idea like like I said bro these guys are cap they don’t care about anyone else that’s why I’m going to go ahead on heard that yeah it literally echoed yeah go why do we keep letting him in bro he keeps saying I’m sorry every time he makes a mistake and then we let him in and he makes the same mistakes then he robs Us in broad daylight you know what guys comment section let us know and you know we’ll kick ler off this R right now let us know either exec execution walk the plank yeah or or kissing the vanishment or vanishment or that or that oh God no you’re going to hear oh there’s zomes my God oh my God ler oh my God every time it’s like days off bro how does this happen all the time you ready to fly yep W yeah yeah get get off wait I’m get out here oh [Music] no oh thank you don’t worry about it baby huh what else do we have here nothing else in here wait do these spawn then what else do we have do these like sorry D sorry all right all right Lads it’s [Music] time it is time to loot this ship and make it ours yeah I think the black and white colors go as you can I like the black and white colors let’s take them let’s take the black and white colors what what do you mean black and white is cool expand our boat I like this it’s out ours now wait you want to just you want to name this boat our ours I like this I like this whole take era that we have don’t talking to me no I said we take it all yo so what you’re saying is this is ours now yo I’m feeling very American right now this is all land yo take all of the wood and take all of the uh uh black wool wait a second cuz we have to make our flag right we need to make flag yeah yeah oh wait I’ve got a flag oh my god I’ve got a flag wa I it says DN on it DN D not oh my God you fell for that it doesn’t count if you get Linux he’s idiot I couldn’t hear what you said I was I was behind the block so it like blurred oh okay another one of these he too easy I’m not going to say again what was it what did you say nothing man don’t worry you’re so pretty well then there’s no point in the joke then you didn’t even say it stop talking to next please no no no I need to know what it is follow me I someone just said hey to me follow me you know I’ve never seen Minecraft blocks be like diagonal uh thanks man I say we leave him bro he just yeah he’s a sassy boy we go boy today bro what are you thinking about my parking job bro that not crazy me no I’m saying it’s crazy like crazy good you ready let’s go here let’s go make our boat better over in this direction just you have more here we go right here yeah yeah make a static make it make a static I’m trying okay just make sure we don’t blow up please we won’t there we go there we go so now we could build on this guys everything you don’t need put it in the chest so we can like actually like you know what I’m saying like and also make sure everything is built evenly all right wait I got a crew block stop talking to me bro what is your problem today leer I don’t know you e yo have you eat boom did you eat lunch liger are you hry stop talking to me bro you’re annoying this guy man so angry a sassy little guy this and then you look hold on man hold on man little bit more to the right shut up yo shut up little I was coming a little bit more I you can he us down there bro little Noob bro Li ho is can you guys hear me they just pretend we can’t yeah it’s a little bit there you go there you go you got it Donny I hate him so much what’s that noise yeah I hate him so much too cuz like bro you’re so cringe like what who said her you know what I’m saying like why you soing you know what I’m saying like a little bit more to the right no you placed that one wrong you placed that one wrong so so what is he going to shut up look you guys you guys need anything from me need one more fence we need shut you one more fence you got out you cut out you went behind the block no I don’t guys this then then we could do this look you see ner go like that yeah yeah yeah I like that I like that hey guys I decied to come up I feel like you guys couldn’t really hear me oh my God bro Linux man listen it’s nothing that like we don’t we like we just don’t like you bro like I don’t know like every time you make a joke it’s not funny bro like you’re so annoying bro like I just want to kill you bro I’m just playing bro I love you man we Donnie no no no he does not talk for me he said he doesn’t like bro weird I heard the same thing from him about you dude what I we get one of the chairs put guys there’s definitely on this island do you hear this growlet oh there is something there bro looks like Godzilla what wait wait wait how many how many beds do you guys have uh none oh no I can go grab should we should we sleep up here should be should this be the Sleep Place yeah where’s the other beds I got two oh I got two beds yeah yeah come over here I go one I go up here this this actually feels pretty safe up here you know no isn’t it are you ready for the fly you ready for the flag yes bro look what do you think wow what is that okay wow I don’t know looks likey Cobblestone let’s go [Music] sleep what the someone’s just laughing hey I have something for you I have something for you it’s not like auction I have something for you to get rid of these heads I didn’t like them anyways oh bro can you please go and place this statue up there somewhere put it in a nice place sure me thank you bro okay and then let me get a crafting table down here so we can actually start crafting on the ship so this has to stay here and then we can we’re going to protect what is this I don’t know break it I put a craf table here and then we’ll get oh we need a furnace does anyone have Cobblestone no a what a furnace not no furnace yeah why is he is he how there we go need a thir seat or do you sit as you the ship yeah I don’t need to are you guys ready to see if it works I don’t know if it will we look very uneven right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah why is the oh should we get rid of the wait wait and then we could do this lager yeah we can go around yeah yeah yeah that’s actually smarter yeah and then we get and then we get just one place to go up on the ladder on either side yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah why is he talking to us yeah yeah yeah I don’t know why’s he who’s he uh leave the last one at the front yeah leave the last one all right guys you want you want to be mean to me no I was joking Killin no I’ll start my own boat what you me your boat capiz within 2 minutes oh my God oh my God that’s a good joke that’s a really good joke I’m a good game no way he’s actually mad though there’s no way there we go now for the captain we need like some type of space like this this where did he go huh that is looking are you kidding it is looking nice still oh God look at that boys look at that oh my God what Linux look at our boat bro it looks like a fish what do you think Linux how do you think it looks looks pretty good but my boat looks better no it doesn’t oh my God L get up here your boat doesn’t work you and you d and trust me you don’t want me to do it you do not want to spell come on let’s go Len tell us how it looks from here that is a boat and a half look at that that’s what I’m saying bro that’s what I’ve been saying why did I make oh yeah it this yo that’s looking nice eh wait you you left the boat oh you left the ladders on here on the bottom okay I need to do that as well yeah yeah cuz we need we need to be even otherwise it’s going to just like capsize right yeah all right uh Linux you do the honors of uh starting up the new boat for the first time what’s he doing why is his boat going down he actually turned it into a boat boat how did he turn it into a boat he actually turned into a boat oh yeah yeah who’s boat’s better now huh you all right then let me let me see a flow let me see a flow move it a bit struggling Lin there’s too many dwellers to be doing this bro please get over here how do I brother your boat is filled with holes how do I move it I’ll help him you can’t move it the boat is filled with holes how do I move it what’s wrong how do I move it how did you even make one of these bro oh my God I want do anymore I it’s because it’s stuck on all the leaves that didn’t make it bro all these leaves at the top is stuck on here look so to get it down we need to break these oh my God are we really are we really doing this right now do we have to do this he wants to be special leave are you gonna let me come back over and leave me alone yes I said come over and start up the ship for the first time bro I I’m giving you the honor bro all right all right right what the wait is it moving now yeah there you go we got rid of half of the it’s oh my sideway give me just a second how do I yo I don’t think that I I don’t think that’s how a boat is supposed to be yeah how do I let me go look at it oh Linux it’s going to cap siiz we’re going to die the phone’s going to cap size L the pH go down I think the only thing that’s Saving right now is he leaves and I’m going to break them real quick no wait wait wait like wait wait wait wait Captain goes down sh all right what saving it now it’s these ones up here yeah it’s these ones can we please I can’t get up anywhere these ones I got it I got it no wait wait wait wait wait there’s one more oh my break them oh I’m what is happening this working what oh yeah of your boat is I can just swim into your ship bro oh my you know what let’s just get out of here bro I’m starting up this boat most your boat underr bro I don’t like this wait guys all right assemble oh my God oh my God oh my God okay Rocky start but I think we are good boys hold on on brand new ship brand new adventures boys what’s our team name I turned on cruise control now boys so now keep floating 10,000 blocks and then we’ll we’ll we’ll uh we’ll we’ll just see what happens then why is thisy yes everyone go to sleep all right 10,000 block trolls on what what are you doing up here I’m looking I’m getting look at the view it’s looking really nice isn’t it yeah why are you tweaking anyways we need to go out 10,000 blocks L your boat is almost sunk now no one cares about his stupid little flipping ship buom is underground it’s just going down so slowly why are you guys each I asked him to be nice and he’s just being mean being nice I think you need to go eat your lunch I think you going BR fight fight say sorry why would I say sorry kind of right he’s kind of right Linux is kind of right you like that what did he just throw it you no idea why is everyone on the standing standing up falling I’m going to go here oh it’s my ankles so where can we find the the key to this chest oh it says that you can find it anywhere at the bottom of the sea but we haven’t I haven’t really been looking at the Bott to see if we if we use this carrot or so let’s find another thingy ship right um another witches what another oh we’re going to crash crash bro we were about to crash into that look it’s automatic cruise control Man cruise control doesn’t mean it’s going to stop you from cring there you go cruise control enabl bro is that so difficult listen we need to find another ship that has the witches stuff on it then when we get the witches stuff then we need to make a potion of night vision so that we can see underneath the water while we’re swimming out of the ocean I have a bunch of potions but do you don’t have night vision I do give me the show me the night vision I I can’t see what you’re holding you guys are just floating in the air I know it’s so glitchy oh my God herey herey this is the one put in the chest or is it this one all right I put in the chest that’s a potion of lock how did you know see ly he’s just lying cuz of the color how did you know all right boys listen the Sun is setting can we just can we just be friends supposed to be like triplets bro we’re supposed to be like twins both your capes are white okay why is he saying that you guys say h yo come do the Titanic scene with me hold me from the back okay why you saying okay L he said me me your your waist is so small Agger yeah thank you he’s saying his waist is snatched it’s so snatched can you can you come here and uh hold me though your turn what to hold his waist if you’re yeah just if you’re grabbing his waist don’t get too close like your W cuz no I won’t I won’t you swear yeah yeah yeah I don’t want like anyone just getting out yeah okay we’re both tweaking underground right now there we go thank you took screenshots I heard it I heard huh no one’s taking any screenshot he did that’s a shark we should kill the shark bro no no no that’s the oh God where’s the shark guys I placed the block and it’s going to be uneven now oh my God guys goep everyone go sleep every go to sleep wait should we turn off cruise control if we going to go in the water yeah go no go sleep go sleep there’s there’s also a shark in the water I turned off cruise control go sleep go sleep go sleep go sleep what’s that noise I don’t know Brand New Day brand new day see that guy there you see that you see the ship there that’s the witch’s ship right there I don’t see the blue and purple or black and purple one oh all right so we need you to we need to make lier AR armor so that he can get on there okay you’re the sunken ship you’re a fighter huh the sunken ship right there yeah no no sunken there’s a sunken ship there’s one ahead as well like here take this I put in the chest no one cares about no sunken ship it’s your job to go in there go there and find it and and and and uh and you need to kill all the what am I looking for uh do you have a weapon yes good good good you need to go in there kill kill all the witches okay I’m on 20 FPS but it’s so laggy oh God wait Linux is right is right about the ship what you said it was in the water there’s like a it’s so laggy I’m going in all right fine I’ll go check it out then oh my God you the key of the treasure is in here maybe please uhoh chest oh look at that oh God oh God oh board up the windows Bard up the windows nice oh my there anything in here no I don’t think so bro this water is unbelievable bro so ridiculous there we go nothing in there what is that no what is that what is what to the right thank you for caning my animation oh my bro it’s the water the water please oh my God it’s a treasure no it’s a treasure let me see I found a treasure look oh can we open it what is it oh no we need another key he’s breaking it he’s breaking it like wait we need a key like we need a key okay fine I’m pretty sure you can just break it but okay try it then try it all right I don’t have a pickaxe exactly pickaxe pickaxe pickaxe you are an idiot he picked up he picked up he picked up he picked up it’s okay I got it and let me use this give it to me oh my God oh my God why did it spawn in here my right you know what I’m out of here bro all right yeah use my hole use my hole I’m such aimy little oh my God L what did he say I don’t know I’m sick and tired of this sicking tired of all the bullying where’s the boat there it is wait so that gold one might have the key inside oh no please don’t sink please don’t sink oh I got a gold strong box yeah so that box we need to get key for I don’t know how to make a key cuz the black got the craziest key where is he oh he went straight okay BR he’s so angry today oh land chill yo chill brother chill yo chill brother uh brother oh my God I you okay help let’s go I call you my brosi all right what’s in here nausea that’s not what we need weakness oh weakness but that water bottle will work oh and uh I’m taking all the ingredients take all the ingredient we need nether W is carrot [Music] absorption ouch these are pretty crazy I just ate 40c potion bro is there anything up up the up at the top ouch I think I’m dead here no you’re not no way we need to destroy this spawner otherwise you’re going to keep spawning what can I throw out what do I not need this D ouch ouch yeah I’m dead do we do we need a pickaxe huh yeah but I don’t have a pickax I’ll be using my hand all right boys I got every ingredient all right so let’s get back on the boat it’s time so I got carrots and stuff too but I don’t know what the carrots do I think you need golden carrots which is I have I have three three what shut tiger what is wrong with you he’s so moody today I don’t know he doing I don’t know he’s in a bad mood yo we should have more than huh we should have more than enough to make any potion sorry oh there is for now what so now we need a uh brewing stand was there one on there I don’t think so oh dear was there a cauldron no there was now what did you what did you why did you take so long huh I was looking to see if there was a potion on there okay and what did you find nothing all right now what do we do we have to go to land and then I have 20 frames I’m Ling why you good at me what do you want me to do d i yeah I’m sitting here on 20 as well that’s a lie I swear bro I swear L said he’s on 77 I’m on 27 25 20 I have 10 I have 10 i l have 10 I have 10 FPS I have 10 FPS 41 39 my I’m I’m I’m not doing this I’m not doing this I’m I’m actually leaving I’m actually leaving I’m actually leaving I’m actually leaving I’m gone I’m gone I’m gone unless you say sorry I and say that you’re a good boy sorry for what say sorry and say that you’re a good boy I think you don’t have to say that he going crazy I see land over there so you think I’m crazy I heard you two I heard you two talking crap about me that was earlier we’re said sorry we was joking we need it wasn’t a joke and I I’ve realized that you guys are may not even my friend and I haven’t said a single thing against you harass me first no I didn’t yes you did no I did not when did my harassing start what when did my harassing start like the last like 20 minutes and then when did Linux harass me like 40 minutes four episodes ago 50 five episodes ago F what what when I was going up there to get to put the water down for you guys to come up on your boat you were talking a lot of bad stuff about me you know I lier is a great guy I I have no no you didn’t no you didn’t you said yeah we should kill him okay you run it back and then you realize how wrong you are and how you’ve been mean to me all day over me saying absolutely nothing to you okay lyx say say you’re a good boy and say sorry like you and who was the one who was the one talking bad about me I don’t man that’s not my place you know it was Donnie wasn’t it I’ve got it all wrong you were trying to protect me whilst that evil man what kept talking a lot a lot about how many times have I said my brother my brother in the last couple hours huh my brother my brothery that you have not said my brother once you have not you have not said my brother once not once okay this is has lost it this is you have not said my brother once selfish say it my brother my brother for real see hold on All Is Forgiven yo keep moving the boat bro though I only have 10 frames per second let’s let’s call it here come on let’s go let’s all go to sleep let’s go look at it look at it BR look at that are we going to go sleep because I really like this Google slideshow that I was uh experiencing oh oh what’s that sleep sleep oh my God the island looks crazy we’ll go check it out bro after we uh wake up oh my God I just I just I I I just saw I just saw Alex or something Island okay okay okay okay okay this getting a bit too much please please let me sleep let me sleep look in the water look the water look in the water look in the water look in the water what in the water bro look over there oh my God look at the water that’s what I’m saying that that that that’s that’s what just popped up in front of me look at the water to the right that’s what I’m looking at oh my God oh my God okay just sleep just sleep s oh go to sleep again go to sleep again go to sleep again oh my God guys yes it’s still there

Surviving on a RAFT in Minecraft’s Infected Ocean w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft


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  1. Only a True Friend would put up with Liger… which is why I stopped watching at the 7:10 mark. Adventure needs to be in a True "HARDCORE"… or at minimum… a "3 Deaths and You're OUT" game. Might make him (Liger) "Less Annoying"… and more of an Actual Gamer… which I suppose he has a "Slight Possibility" of doing so. Would definitely be more of a Help to everyone… and less the "Fool". I mean… "Comedy Relief" only goes so far before it's not even worth having anymore. Doni and Linux at least have a "BALANCE"… whereas Liger does "NOT"!!! But hey…. what do I know? I only Watch Doni's and Linux's Vids… not produce them. ~ I know… I know…my opinion won't be worth squat to any Liger fans out there. Let's just hope that he's not like this in Real Life… because even fans wouldn't be able to put up with him for very long. ~ BTW… I feel the same about Minecraft gamer… Jelly… due to all his constant Yelling and Screaming… which is why I stopped watching his Vids too. Although I have to admit that… Liger would be the winner in the Yelling & Screaming department. Hopefully he'll grow up once he turns 21. But these days… who knows? ~~~ I'm just bummer that I'm missing out on yet ANOTHER Doni adventure vid.

  2. Bro they pre video destroyed the environment by braking icebergs

    If you get it then like ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Ans: his previous environment video ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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