Could the Terrarian Kill Minecraft Steve?

a common joke in the Minecraft Community is how buff Steve is the dude is a god amongst men when you think about it and this had me thinking could the terrarian beat Minecraft [Music] [Applause] Steve see what had me thinking about this is how Minecraft Steve can only carry amly 64 Gold Blocks per space in his inventory while the terrarian can carry 99,999 golden bars which is the equivalent of 1,000 111 golden blocks plus the terrarian has even more inventory slots than Steve does so clearly the terrarian has to be stronger right we’ll dive into that more later but that’s what started this whole Rabbit Hole of trying to calculate who’s stronger and as a terrari YouTuber who will never really understand the hype around Minecraft what what is this what is this monstrosity you better believe there is zero bias in this analysis terce steel also did a video on this idea but I’ll be f focusing purely on combative advantages if these two were to meet in a dark alley who would be the one coming out on top now one thing we need to make clear before we start we’re going to be basing the theoretical power of these two characters based on how they would appear in a normal game that means no creative or Journey mode no mods no commands and no duping or special tricks like NBT data I want to know how powerful the intended terrarian in Minecraft Steve would be otherwise we could make everybody just infinitely strong and of course there are a couple types of power that can be acquired when it comes to combative Readiness we’ll be looking at Raw strength and battle prowess for the purposes of this video which will cover things such as how much each of the combatants can hold who would win in a fist fight and who comes out on top when they’re both given prep time first let’s take a look at Raw strength we’ll need to take a look at a few things for this such as how much each player can hold technically speaking the Two Worlds these characters inhabit may have different gravitational forces which would affect how much things weigh but considering how Terraria can have three different world sizes and yet blocks like sand will still fall at the same rate the exact measurement of terraria’s gravity I find dubious at best so we’re going to assume that both of these worlds have the same gravitational force as our home here on Earth we’re also going to make gold our standard unit of measurement as this is an earth ore that exists in both games Minecraft has netherite which might weigh more and I’m sure there’s somebody out there claiming they know the exact weight of a netherite block but Terraria has all kinds of ores that don’t exist in this world such as Demonite Caine hellstone mythal or a Calum High chlorop FY and luminite you could even add Spectre and shite bars if you like so we’re going to use gold to measure who can lift the most so that way it’s the most consistent and we can guarantee we have the right numbers let’s first take a look at Minecraft Steve who can hold up to 64 of any one type of block in any one slot of his inventory in his inventory are 27 storage slots nine hot bar slots and offhand and four crafting slots assuming you’re playing in Java because in Bedrock the offhand can not really hold much of anything at all but we’ll assume Java and give Minecraft Steve that extra slot so there are 41 slots that can be filled as for gold he can craft them into gold blocks which amounts to nine gold bars per block and because Terraria doesn’t have golden blocks will refer to how many bars Steve is carrying and not blocks so one full stack of 64 blocks is equivalent to 576 golden bars per space in his inventory if Steve were to fill every one of his 41 slots then he’d be carrying 23,616 golden bars but that’s just the beginning Minecraft has shulker boxes that have 27 more inventory slots each so we can fill every one of Steve’s 41 slots with a box holding another 27 slots giving us 1,17 inventory slots to be filled with 576 golden bars a piece giving us 6376 32 golden bars for a total weight of just over3 billion weights by the way was calculated knowing that one golden block is 1 M on all sides 1 cubic M of gold weighs 19.3 tons which converts to over 42,000 lb this brings us to the terrarian who has a measly 50 inventory slots available to him by default however he is able to carry 99,999 golden bars in every single one of those slots more weights could be added using the coins and ammo slots but for Simplicity sake we’ll only count the primary 50 slots as they are the only ones that can carry golden bars I considered not counting the trash slot but I counted the crafting slot for Steve so we’re going to count the trash one here bringing us to 51 slots however the terrarion can add more with the piggy bank safe and Defender Forge all of these have another 40 Slots of storage and although you might argue the items are stored into space separate from the player since they can be accessed from multiple saves and piggy banks I beg to differ because if you destroy all of those containers except the ones that you’re carrying then the terrarian has to be the one with it where else with the contents be stored I am also not counting the void bag because it is clearly meant to be a sort of like inter dimensional pocket or whatever all that to say that with three inventory slots filled by those extra 40 spaces we upgrade the terrarian from a meager 51 spaces to a solid 168 in each of these 168 slots 99,999 golden bars can be stored bringing us to over 1 and2 million golden bars for a total weight of nearly 8 billion which more than doubles the total weight Steve can carry but there is one small issue golden bars are not the same in Terraria and Minecraft see 1 cubic meter of gold makes sense as a unit of measurement in a three-dimensional game but what about two-dimensional well every block in Terraria is 61 M or 2 ft in size as compared to Minecraft’s 1 M or 3.3t blocks now because we’re working with golden bars and not blocks we calculated that a golden bar in Minecraft weighs 4727 lb by dividing the weight of a golden block by nine but we don’t have golden blocks in Terraria so how do we find out how much they weigh well one gold ore in Minecraft can be smelted into one golden bar meaning a golden Bar’s weight is defined by the entirety of the block it was mined from guess there’s no impurities in Minecraft at all if we take the same logic into Terraria which I think is more than fair considering how Terraria ore is all Solid Gold without any of the stone clearly visible in the block then we can conclude that one golden bar in Terraria is the weights of four blocks in game as it takes four ore to craft one golden bar now how much does a single golden ore weigh in Terraria well there is a slight issue in trying to calculate this as calculating the weight of something requires that it exists in three dimensions so how do we do this for our purposes we’re going to say that Terraria exists on a piece of paper the most common reference we have for things existing in a more or less two-dimensional space a piece of paper has an average thickness between 05 And1 m so we’ll average it out to 0.075 mm so if a piece of gold ore is 075 mm by 2T x 2 ft then we get a total weight of 66 lb * 4 because it requires four order to make a single bar and we get to 2.64 lb for each golden bar and I’m not liking how things are looking for the terrarian recalculating the weight we can conclude that terrarian can carry up to about 4 and A2 million pound pounds of gold a pathetically low number when compared to Minecraft D and again I’m sure there are heavier things both of these characters could carry that change things wildly but we’re sticking with only materials that exist in our world today that also exist in both games to keep things as Fair as possible while making as few assumptions as possible and so the terrarian would be absolutely decimated by Steve in a lifting contest and a fist fight wouldn’t even be an issue for Steve not only because he’s got much larger muscles but also because the traran literally cannot throw a punch but what if these two weren’t duking it out in an evening bar brawl What If instead they had prep time and went to war well there’s a lot that needs to be considered here as well for one we’re going to assume that both characters max out their damage and defensive capabilities we’ll first take a look at how things would play out potionless and then move on from there so how much damage are these characters actually dishing out well let’s take a look at Minecraft Ste leaves netherite sword and enchant it with sharpness five in Java this would deal 11 damage while in Bedrock You’ do 15.25 respectively so we’ll average them out and say that each hit from this sword deals 13.13 damage if the terrarian were to forgo all movement accessories and focus purely on dishing out the greatest amount of damage possible with a legendary Zenith they would dish out a whopping 15,000 damage per second to a single Target and that’s without potions or passive Buffs now for Steve I only calculated damage not DPS so let’s be fair and calculate that as well and this is going to be more complicated than you think see 1 second is 20 ticks in Minecraft and assuming you’re on bedrock and can spam click perfectly theoretically you can attack 20 times per second so using our average damage of 13.13 that means Steve can deal 262.50 damage per second still a poor showing compared to the terrarian but this assumes both characters can also hit each other every single time that they attack the issue with this is how both games have immunity frames meaning they become invincible for the time that the immunity frame is active in Terraria immunity frames last for 67 seconds so if Steve can only attack the terrarian every 67 seconds instead of 22 times every second then he can only actually do about 19.6 damage per second to the terrarian so that diminishes Steve’s output significantly but what does this mean for the terrarian well Minecraft’s immunity frames last for 10 ticks or half a second and since terraria’s attack speed isn’t very exact we’re going to to work backwards to figure this out if we deal 15,000 damage per second and Immunity frames in Terraria last for 67 seconds then if we divide 15,000 DPS by 67 seconds then we find that we’re doing over 22,000 damage without immunity frames if we then plug that number into the equation and replace 67 with .5 then we conclude that the terrarian will hit Steve for 11,194 damage per second when the competition can only deal 19.6 there is no competition but we haven’t even taken into account their defensive capabilities yet can Steve’s defense make up for that massive Gap well let’s see in Minecraft all defense is calculated using percentages with defense points offering damage reduction full netherite armor offers 20 defense points resulting in an 80% damage reduction but then when we add protection four to each of these armor pieces the damage reduction is brought to as high is 96% slicing the terrarian damage output to 447 this massive cut still leaves Steve miles behind the terrarian and that’s not even the worst part for poor old Steve that’s because in Terraria defense is not calculated through percentages but with a flat number even if the terrarian ignored all defensive accessories and modifiers and only use solar armor the armor best suited for the legendary Zenith he’d be up to 78 defense meaning Steve could only ever do one damage to the terrarian every. 67 seconds because the minimum damage Terraria allows is one so even if Steve could punch the terrarian out of existence the moment the terrarian is given a weapon Steve no longer stands a chance but wait just a second what does damage even mean in these two games in the first place what does Health mean well the terrarian maxes out at 500 health while Steve has 20 health or hit points available to him sounds straightforward clearly the terrarian has far more health and thus has yet another advantage over our poor friend Steve but wait let’s try trying to find an anchor Point like we did with weights and gold what can we use for damage and health to understand how they work in each game proportionally after all maybe health and damage in Minecraft means more than it does in Terraria how are we going to do this well the only hostile mob that the two share is the zombie so we’ll take the basic zombie from both games and see what percentage of our combatant’s health they take and see if there’s a wild difference or not both games also have three difficulty options so we’ll be using the in between difficulty of them both that being X in Terraria and normal in Minecraft we’ll also assume neither of them are wearing any armor in Minecraft a zombie does four hit points of damage 20% of Steve’s Health damage in Terraria is not as exact as it is in Minecraft having a lot more variance but on average you can expect the zombie to deal somewhere around 50 damage to the terrarian assuming the terrarian has Max Health just like Steve then that’d be 10% of his health so then we can assume that things in Minecraft hit about 10% harder than they do in Terraria and we’re not going to even worry about any more calculations after that because the Gap is so wide that another 10% is not going to make any difference the same could be said about Potions there are simply no overcoming a gap between 447 damage per second enough to kill Steve 22 times over every second compared to Steve’s pathetic one damage but let’s just see how much we can level the playing field if we take Steve and hand him a potion of the turtle Master 2 then he’ll be granted 80% damage reduction I don’t know exactly how its damage reduction pairs with armor so we’ll give it the absolute best odds of succeeding by slicing the teran’s damage by another 80% bringing it down to 89.5 damage per second let’s say Steve also uses a potion of weakness Plus on The terrarian Cutting its Zenith damage by 20% that bring the terrarian down to 71.6 4 damage per second and that’s just about it this is still enough to kill Steve more than three times every second Steve could have every totem of undying a man could ever ask for but he’ll still die even if all 40 of his inventory slots apart from the one Reserve from a sword had a totem in it not to mention he need to switch to another totem every time one popped and thus wouldn’t have enough time to attack back but what if he did have time what ruined things for the terrarian in the lifting contest was the fact that he exists in a 2d space how would that affect things in a battle some people might just imagine it as the terrarian being stuck moving along the X and Y AIS while Steve takes a single step off into the z-axis and becomes Untouchable by the terrarian this is one way of looking at it but is that how things would work we see 2D characters and other mediums moving around in a three-dimensional plane so in the end it all come down to interpretation but let’s just give Steve the best chance he’s got and say that he stands off to the side and attacks purely from a dimension the terrarian can never reach well I’m sorry to say Minecraft Enthusiast Steve still loses because we’re putting both of these characters in their best possible position so the terrarian would presumably go into this battle knowing full well he wouldn’t be able to actually hit Minecraft Steve and so would build a purely defensive build this is where Steve might have a serious problem the terrarian solar armor deals a base 150 explosive damage when struck with Steve’s damage reduction that mean the explosive damage would deal measly 1.2 damage now this explosive charge only occurs after the solar Blaze bump is maxed out and it takes 3 seconds to recharge when equipped with the cross necklace the trian can extend his immunity frames up to 2 seconds this means that Steve could theoretically keep the terrarian from recharging this explosive damage buff but that depends on how much knockback Steve takes after being hit by the explosion which is something I’m not sure how to calculate and there are all kinds of Terraria accessories that deal damage on their own but they all require some sort of projectile that we’ll assume also exists in a 2d space and wouldn’t be able to hit Steve we’ll also assume that homing weapons like Cory bullets cannot track a Target into 3D space and returning to the increased immunity frames something we also should keep in mind is how Steve is only doing one damage each of those two seconds and the terrarian can raise his regeneration high enough to easily recover that one Health each of those two seconds meaning that no matter how hard Steve tried he would never be able to kill the terrarian so where does that leave us if Steve can simply avoid all damage and the terrarian can become invincible then we’re stuck at a stalemate which might just be where it’s going to have to stay I guess Steve won one of of these contests I laid out being able to you know lift more than the terrarian so I guess if the two bumped shoulders on the street or were competing and lifting then Steve would win but if they go to battle and Steve makes the mistake of running along the wrong coordinate along the z-axis then Steve would be reduced to thin slices of meat but I guess it’s okay not to have a winner we don’t need to compare Minecraft and Terraria to each other when they were both conceived they shared many similarities but they have both grown into their own and become quite distinct both of them have their merits and their pitfalls and millions of people have enjoyed each game and the devs of Mojang and Rel logic are in friendly terms even including in-game texts that encourages people to try out each other’s games so in the end maybe we don’t need to consider who had win in a fight when in reality Steve and the terrarian wouldn’t fight but would raise a glass together as they look out over the millions of lives they have touched [Music] nah just kidding Minecraft sucks play Terraria

People often joke about how strong Minecraft Steve is, but what would happen is Steve and the Terraria player were pitted against each other in a death match? Who would win in this ultimate death battle?
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Video Sources/References
Terrasteel’s Comparison Video:
Pushing Steve to His Theoretical Limit:
Disney Soul scene:
*Terraria Original Soundtrack:*
*Terraria Otherworld Sountrack:*
*Calamity Mod Soundtrack:*
*Mod of Redemption Soundtrack:*
*Core Keeper Soundtrack:*
– Axolotl Pet, New Animations, New Shields, Shadow Armor Revamp, Color Buffs, Colored Emblems, Chinese Moonlord, Tomes retextured, Desk dragon, Better World Icons, Colored Boss Relics, Pylon, Crabby Angler, Dryad Deer, Eevee Fennec, Cyborg, Clockwork Dragon, Kobold Invasion
#terraria #gaming


  1. 1. Teraria is canonicaly 3d
    2. In teraria you can make stuff like thrones or crowns with gold so you could use them (i know you said things in both games but a throne is literaly a couple of bars and some silk) or titanium if its hevier than gold its not in minecraft but its real

    The terarian solos neg neg diff

  2. Constructive Criticism: This was a cool video, but as someone who loves math, Minecraft, and Terraria. The errors really stuck out. Moving forward, it would be cool to see more math. However, please find some other people to help you catch these mistakes or oversights. Nothing wrong with making mistakes and oversights, we all do, just that it's better for a team of 2-3 people or friends to find them, rather than the thousands, who will be ready to critique them.

    If you already have a team, or cant find one, then sorry, just tryina help.

  3. Theoretically Minecraft Steve could hold even more, as Enchanted Golden apples are 8 gold blocks each, that can be stacked up to 64, across 1107 slots.

  4. Theres this furniture item called the throne that is 30 gold ingots combined into one item, and the terrarian can hold 9999 of these, so the terrarian can hold 30x the calculated weight in the video. Just wanted to point this out.

  5. We are talking two beings that surpasses even the GODS above GODS clashing with all their might. Reality has trembled before the fight even began

  6. Are you all ignoring the fact according to the dnd collab minecraft enderdragon can collapse and destroy infinite dimensions and steve beat her pretty easy so…

  7. While interesting, i would say steve would comparably be a demi god in mc but the terrarian is a straight up deity in endgame, the weapons and tools are hogwild. Imagine fighting a rod of harmony zenith sword wielding solar dude, i can imagine trying to fight that as steve as A G O N Y. But ultimately both are powerful in their own games

  8. Btw yes, terraria does take place in a 3d space but even if it wasnโ€™t the terrarian could still hit Steve (take the moonlord boss fight as an example)

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