Dash is a SCAMMER in Minecraft!

oh yeah oh yeah boom take that cam oh you just got destroyed no no no no 360 are you serious dude why did you just s a fall damage dude guys guys hey what are you doing and oh Ruby uh we’re playing video games you want to join us oh I mean I will later but not right now there’s something I want to do and huh what is it guys the mall just had its grand opening you have to come with me and oh wait the mall is opening today well Ruby we’re kind of playing video games right now let’s do it later wait what you guys promis that you’d come with me to the Grand Opening we’re kind of busy gaming right now so uh if you could get out the we yeah Ruby is this all even that important hold on this next round is starting in 10 seconds can we talk about this later you guys play games every single day come on please what’s even at this new mall that’s so special well there’s going to be clothing stores and then like other kinds of stores like video game stores and stuff and wait video game stores okay hold on now you’ve got my interest I could use a new gamer too well yeah but I want to see the other stores too but I promise we’ll go to the video game store okay okay sounds like we got a deal in that case hold on let me put my controller back in the chest cam I guess we can finish off this game later yeah yeah you’re going down brother I don’t know about all that all right well anyways Ruby where’s this mall at yipp okay let’s go this way I think the mall is uh somewhere over there this mall better be worth the time oh yeah I’ve been waiting for this for month and I’m going to buy a horse and I’m going to buy a new shirt and we’re here wao wait a minute this mall is kind of huge I wasn’t expecting it to be this big oh my gosh this thing is massive wow I have been so excited to come here thank you wait Ruby are you sure it’s open there’s like no one in here right now not even anyone at the front counters over here um it’s the grand opening maybe people haven’t heard of it yet um I guess so that can make sense but that means that we’re the first ones here ooh okay okay this actually starting to seem kind of fun now uh we’re the first people here but a lot of the stores seem closed down look there’s like a bunch of boarded stuff and stuff yeah every are you sure the mall is open already well some of the stores are probably just not all packed in yet I don’t know all right well anyways we’re the video game store at that’s the only reason I came to this place is it this one no this one looks like it’s closed this one looks like a hardware store with wood and stuff where is it I’m going this way wait there’s an upstairs to this area maybe it’s upstairs well maybe O Let’s split up until we find it o all right wait guys we should play hide-and-seek in the mall later that’s going to be so fun yeah there’s no one here so I we could probably do it D yeah ball hide-and-seek would be epic and wait guys I think I found the gaming store it’s right over here wait I think I found it to wait we’re in the same place oh hi Ruby but wait there’s a sign here all new PlayStation 6 what wait the PlayStation 6 is out and guys wait they have five it says only five left we got to get one what the heck we have to I didn’t know there was a PlayStation 6 okay okay well Ruby thank you for bringing us to this mall let’s head into this gaming store this must be the spot um hello there uh employee Johnny we’d like to buy a PlayStation 6 please we heard you guys have them oh what PlayStation 6 huh yeah these are she’s pretty nice and huh what what is he talking about W that looks epic look at that shade of blue wa wait are those the ps6 up there those things look sick yep she’s a be Dash the color almost matches your nose what the really oh yeah it kind of does well anyway we want to buy one how much do they cost and oh yeah what’s the price oh uh they’re they’re kind of a a hefty Petty they’re $499.99 and wait wait wait what $499 for a PlayStation 6 really yep that’s how one of them cost are you sure you didn’t put the dot in the wrong place or something are you sure it’s not $5.99 why would console cost that much H you must be joking or something okay well hold on a minute do any of you guys have that many dollars uh he said it was $499.99 right hold on let me check my wallet M let me see wallet wallet wallet oh there it is um no that’s a cobweb and what dude we don’t have any money a man I don’t have anything either oh man I forgot my wet at home all I have is this piece of sand oh man well hold on will will this cut it Mr Game Store guy can we buy it with a piece of sand nope all I need is money a man okay okay well hold on guys I’ve got I’ve got an idea I I heard this in a story one time pretty much you can like negotiate prices down hey there um best we can do is five yeah uh what 500 H I can do 500 no no five $5 uh no lowest I could go was $499.99 oh man guys it didn’t work yes I think that only works at a farmers market not at the mall oh man okay well none of us have enough money um wait hold on game store guy do you think you could like uh put one of the PlayStations on hold for us so that we can come back and can buy it when we have enough money ah sorry no can’t do buddy first cup first serve oh man are you kidding me oh no what are we going to do oh no there’s only five in stock that we don’t want him to sell out oh gosh yeah you’re right okay guys what’s the fastest way that we can make $500 get a job that’s going to take way too long plus I don’t think we’re old enough yet oh we could get a ps6 and then sell it and then that’s how we get $500 where are we going to get the ps6 from that’s right that’s right well if you guys ain’t got no money I can’t help you so get out of my store brokies what are you did you really just call us brokies oh my God terrible customer service terrible terrible wait I’ve got an idea what’s your idea Dash give me your teeth give give them here why do you want my teeth Yo stay away from my teeth I want them wait hang on no no he’s got a point that’s probably a pretty penny yeah dude we’re going to go sell these to the tooth fairy and we’re going to be a millionaire come here give me those pearly whes boy dude no no no I’m not I’m not giving up my teeth my I I don’t want to do that unless they’re like already falling out but oh man what are we going to do guys we’re not going to get the ps6 someone else is probably going to buy it before us and they only have five in stock so we’re not even going to get a chance to buy one what should we do and I have an idea what if we just go home and sell some of our old stuff and huh what do you mean sell some of our old stuff well I’ve got a bunch of stuff that I don’t use I don’t mind selling it what about you guys oh yeah I have some things that I don’t use anymore I could probably sell them um I don’t know about me I kind of use all of my stuff I don’t really have anything that I don’t need you sure what about like your NightLight or your teddy bear or something what ruby I need those those are very important all right it’s good for sleeping you seriously still need those yes we have like eight controllers we can sell at least like five of them or something what dude the video game controllers no way what if we have like friends over at the house and we want to play video games with everyone well they can bring their own controllers we shouldn’t have all of those there we we barely use them come on dash there’s only five ps6 is left oh gosh yeah you’re right okay okay well I guess maybe we can go home and look at some stuff although I don’t know if I have anything to sell okay to home okay let’s go sell some stuff and home time all right let’s start looking for stuff to sell you two dash come on um okay I guess I’ll look around although like I said earlier guys I kind of use all my stuff I don’t really know anything I can sell no you don’t we don’t read any of these books let’s sell the books well no Ruby I remember these books from my childhood we can’t sell them whoa who Ruby are you really breaking the bookstands come on now just a couple of them not all of them just a couple um okay if you’re going to sell the books you can only sell this row only this one row okay okay okay oh we can also sell these four controllers there we go that’s a pretty penny and no no no K not the controller those are like valuable controllers each one of these controllers I remember when I got them I got this one for my fourth birthday and then this one for my fifth birthday and then this one for my sixth birthday and then this one for my seventh birthday oh come on dash don’t be a baby you know I’m taking these and I’m selling them we only need three controllers there’s only three of us leaving here bro like I said earlier Kim what if we have guests over and they need to play well they can bring their own controller or they can sit out I don’t really care guys guys come on let’s go check the rooms oh my gosh guys I’m telling you I don’t have anything I can sell how about we just find some of your guys’ stuff to sell oh I bet you do have something let’s see this is Cam’s and this is mine I can sell this trumpet wait you have a trumpet yeah I play the trumpet you didn’t know I can sell my parrot plushy I don’t know how much it’s going to cost okay okay well hold on do you guys think maybe selling all of this stuff will be enough for $500 M I don’t think so come on let’s go to Dash’s room and no no guys guys I don’t have anything in my room I can sell I use all the stuff in my room let’s see did you see anything in there let’s get rid of your books you don’t read these anyways do you and well well Ruby I I come on I read these every night okay what we can sell your homework it’s fine dude you’ve already read these books you don’t need them oh yeah but I like rereading them oh come on what about um this table right here yeah you don’t need four tables what yes I do Ruby I need the extra table space what if I like want to put down a pencil on there or something or like a piece of paper what about your door you don’t need your door how about we sell this expensive Monitor and buy like a cheaper one what dude no this monitor is so awesome it’s like a super big Monitor and it takes up a lot of space I like it well you keep on saying no to stuff what can we sell um okay okay well hold on I might actually have something that I can sell let me look at my drawer real quick and yes here it is all right guys what about I sell some bricks H bricks no one’s going to buy those Dash and well sure they will I’ve got eight bricks and you know people need bricks for building houses so uh these are going to be a good thing to sell okay I have two things to say one why do you keep bricks in your nightstand and two no one’s going to buy eight bricks to build a house bro what are they going to build one wall well I don’t know someone probably will you know bricks could probably suffer a lot they’re pretty heavy so that means are more valuable I think you have to get more bricks to sell them in bulk bro maybe we have to go and get some clay yeah there’s no way eight bricks is going to be enough to afford the ps6 bro okay okay well hold on a minute everyone let’s go ahead and put down all of the stuff that we’re going to sell over here in a pile that way we can see how expensive everything is so wait are you really putting the controllers there cam yes h fine I guess we can put the controllers there oh man I’m going to miss those okay and then here’s my trumpet and then there’s Dash’s door and then here are his books well Ruby not my door give me my are those my books yeah there your books like and there’s my parrot and this looks like not enough Dash we still need you to throw in some stuff bro um okay well hold on hold on we’re also going to be selling my bricks so there we go that’s the selling pile that’s everything that we can sell your bricks are probably like 5 cents total dude those bricks are not 5 cents total there’s eight in there they’re at least like $1 each that’s still $8 bro we probably need like at least $200 $300 more yeah everything in this pile is probably only worth like a $100 oh my gosh okay well guys um like I said earlier I don’t have anything more that we can sell so uh unless you guys want to sell some more stuff then uh I guess we’re not getting that ps6 oh man a man well I guess we’re not getting the ps6 well come on dash me and K have given up a lot of our stuff to sell what about you you have to contribute well Ruby I already put in those bricks and those controllers like I said earlier okay well choose some more stuff ah okay okay um well let’s see maybe we can give up one of these stairs over here yeah one of these stair blocks bro a stair is not going to cut it dude just stop it wait a minute I just got a really good idea hold on hold on cam do you have have any yellow dye by any chance your hoodie just gave me a good idea what no I don’t have any yellow dye do you think I just carry yellow around me you’re weird I mean I don’t have any yellow dye but I have a lot of flowers that you can make into dye wait wait really okay okay do you have any yellow flowers yeah hang on U let me just check my pockets let’s see here oh yeah I do have some and perfect wait wait how many do you have oh just three well I have more than that but you’re not going to get all of my flowers oh what okay okay well hold on can you also pass me the bricks I just got a very very good idea guys you know how gold ings are worth a lot of money what if we combine these bricks with some yellow dye to make fake gold ingots and then we can sell these wait what hang on that looks legit what yeah Ruby all I did was just combine the brick with the yellow Dy to make it yellow and now it looks like gold take a look at it w it looks so realistic and guys we can sell this to people as a real gold ingot and then get a bunch of money for the ps6 no way people are going to fall for this this is just a brick dude this is not going to work okay okay well hold on pass it over right now it’s just a but uh does anyone have an anvil it literally looks like a gold ingot so if we just rename it gold ingot we’re going to be able to trick so many people with it ah that actually sounds like not a bad idea but I don’t have an anvil well I’m sure we can find one easily guys I don’t think this is a good idea isn’t this basically scamming people well yeah but Ruby if anyone’s dumb enough to buy a brick that’s painted yellow then they kind of deserve to get scammed oh gosh I don’t know about this I don’t know Ruby Dash’s idea does seem pretty good not going to lie yeah yeah we can get a bunch of money from selling these bricks and that way we don’t even have to sell my Gaming controllers or and you guys won’t have to sell your trumpets or your plushies or whatever well I do want to keep my trumpet but I don’t know Ruby come on it’s a good idea okay it’s not scamming if the other person agrees to buy the gold brick I think it’s still worth a shot let’s go back to the mall and buy s some Plies so we can make like a little shop oo yeah that’s a good idea we can make a little shop selling these goldings okay okay that is a 10,000 IQ move guys it’s time to make a lot of money let’s go oh gosh okay I guess I’ll just come with you guys and here we are the Mall wait wasn’t there a hardware store here maybe we can get an anvil in there they probably have one oh yeah it’s uh over uh This Way oo all right guys we’re about to make a lot of money guys I still don’t think that we should be doing this no Ruby trust me no one’s going to find out and um hello there hardware store guy do you guys happen to have any anvils around here oh anvils you’re looking for some anvils huh yeah yeah we just need some anvils all right well we got some anvils here you can either rent them or buy them and ooh okay okay wait how much does it cost to rent them uh I think it’s uh 20 bucks for day wait 20 bucks for a day wait do any of you guys have $20 no I don’t have $20 you’ve seen my wallet I’ve got a tumble weed and a cobble W oh man okay okay well uh hold on I have an idea do you think that maybe I could um use the Anvil one time right now for a sample and then if it’s good I’ll pay you later uh sure okay okay perfect I can just use this anvelope right over here you think yep just go ahead and use it okay okay perfect um let me just go ahead and put it down and all I got to do is just rename this brick into gold ingot there we go all right that’s all your free samples is done now get out of my store and okay okay wait wait but before you kick us out do you think I can buy that envil now sure okay okay but instead of paying for it with money how about I pay for it using this gold ingot right over here that should be worth a lot more than $20 wait are you serious a gold ingot take it take it take it I’m rich baby I’m moving to Las Vegas let’s go guys it worked we got the Anvil woo I’m out of here oh gosh guys I think he’s quitting his job because of you he totally quit his job that was perfect that was awesome guys we could use this trick to get as much free stuff as we want oh heck C you know what I’m going to go ahead and make a few more of these bricks wait Ruby can you hand me some more of those yellow flowers I’ve only got two bricks right now I don’t think I want to dude you made that guy think that he was rich when he’s not oh yeah Ruby but that’s his fault he didn’t look at the brick closely enough I’m not doing it with you guys I’m going to be getting money in a different way and what ruby are you really walking out on this opportunity right here this is a once- in a-lifetime Opportunity we can make so much money we’re literally on a gold mine right now Ruby you literally have infinite gold no I’m just going to start um selling uh pliers yeah you have to buy them first oh dang it I have to put it back well Ruby I guess if you want to make money the slow way um you enjoy doing that me and Kim we’re going to go sell some more gold oh yeah we going to be rich boy all right all right K we got to go find our next customer see you later Ruby I’m going to get rich too you know I don’t know about that we’re going to get that ps6 before you and then we’re going to play on it all by ourselves oh heck yeah oh yeah wait what I can’t play on your ps6 not if we pay for it by ourselves oh gosh okay I’m going to go make some money all right well Dash what are we supposed to do we have to find a way to get $600 and yeah yeah we just got to find more people that we can sell our bricks to and I think I’ve got a pretty good idea so why don’t we grab a little bit of wood and build ourselves a little gold shop right over here outside of the ball then all of the people walking in and out of the mall will see our shop and they can buy gold from us oh yeah that could totally work okay okay yeah let’s just go ahead and grab a little bit of wood from this tree over here we got to get enough wood to build ourselves a little shop and then we’re going to be able to make so much money I’m finally back I can’t believe those two are trying to scam people that is so wrong okay I have to have something else to sell right maybe something back here I don’t know all this here is just flowers and I have an extra flower St I totally forgot about this let’s see um this can probably make some money what if I just start a flower stand people are going to love that okay I’m just going to go back to the mall and I’ll get a stand there that’ll be super super good and oh yeah cam this stand is looking so sick it’s looking very professional I’m sure people are going to trust us and give us their money oh yeah people are going to give us all their money oh heck yeah all right all right let’s go ahead and just finish up the stand you got an extra piece of fence we can put over here yeah yeah I got one more all right all right put it up there and then yeah we should also change the floor from dirt into something else we got to have this place look super fancy this is going to be the gold shop oh yeah people are going to come here and we’re going to sell the gold for cheap and then they’re going to get scammed let’s go all right all right here let’s go ahead and put down our Anvil right over there and hold on do you have a crafting table yep right there you go let’s go all right I think think we are now officially in business yes now we just got to wait for some people to come out and wait wait hold on do you have an item frame we got to build a sign up here saying gold shop uh no I don’t have one maybe we could buy one later and ooh yeah yeah once we start making more money we can buy more stuff all right well time to start racking in the money let’s go any customers we selling gold over here hello anyone out there wait you stay here I’m going to be like those guys that hold the signs and I’m going to tell people to come here and buy gold o yeah yeah okay you go try to get some customers that sounds good wait actually hand me one of the golds um all right there you go right now it’s still called brick though so make sure not to hand it anyone oh don’t worry I can rename it let me just uh do this oh yeah right we have the envil over here let me go ahead and rename this one too let’s go we got gold OTS this is awesome all right I’m going to go get some customers I’ll be back all right you better be quick all right and just this way sir you could buy your own gold bar wait did you really get someone that quickly well where am I supposed to buy this bar at uh right here sir what the heck how did you get a customer so quick it was like 5 Seconds don’t worry about it just sell in the bar um okay okay well anyways nice to meet you there Josh um right here is Dash and cams gold um store we sell professional made gold bars would you like to buy one sure I’ll buy one how much will they cost oh um that’s a good question wait cam how much do they cost uh tell them we’re running a sale and they cost uh $64 each oo okay $64 that’s a good idea so um sah we’re running a sale and they’re currently $64 each well that’s a pretty good price but uh all I have is U $45 what you only have $45 uh okay well cam what do we do I say we just take the $45 bro cuz these are just bricks it doesn’t really matter how much we get from it oh yeah true you’re kind of right all right well uh I guess in that case yeah we can sell a gold bar to for $45 here’s the gold bar okay thank you so much here’s your money I’m going to go tell my friends they’re going to be rich like me oh oh yeah yeah tell your friends tell them to come to our store as well we got to get more customers yeah tell everyone you know yes I I will do let’s go we just got our first sale dude look at it we’ve got $45 this is the most money I’ve ever had in my life oh yeah dude all we got to get is just uh $500 more let’s go okay okay let’s go ahead and put this inside of our chest but anyways I think we got to ramp up our gold production we got to make some more gold right now I’ve only got five bricks I don’t have any gold yeah we got to find some yellow and some more bricks wait a minute hold on Kim there’s a bunch of yellow flowers all around here let’s go we can just grab these oh yeah this doesn’t seem that big of a problem the yellow doesn’t but uh still still got to find more bricks oh gosh yeah we’re going to need to get some more bricks hm that might be a little bit harder to get than the yellow Dy how did you even get those bricks from your drawer and oh um I found them on the road and I just picked them up cuz I thought they looked cool well I don’t think that’s going to work for us but uh wait what what if the mall has some wait a minute you’re right maybe the hardware store sells bricks oh yeah there’s probably something there we might as well check it out all right all right but hold on a minute let me go ahead and just craft these five bricks that we already have into some gold boom there we go we got some more fake gold and anyways let’s go get some more bricks yep we got to get us many bricks as possible and all right here we are back at the hardware store um let’s see do they have any bricks around here bricks hello any bricks they’ve got a little bit of wood around here H they’ve got some bricks over here on the furnace but I don’t think we can just take those yeah I’m not finding nothing um I don’t think there’s any bricks here wait maybe we can ask the person who works here oh wait they quit their job yeah there’s no person that works here anymore maybe in these cardboard boxes up here no there’s literally nothing we have to find a way to get a bunch of bricks H we could go craft them ourselves but then we would have to go find a bunch of clay what do we do all right I’m back at the mall let’s see where should I start selling my stuff what if I just put it right here um what should I make my stand out of though H I guess I can use this dirt right here that’s probably fine right okay and I’ll just start selling oh wait I guess I have to put these flowers down somehow oh wait what if I get some flower pots they probably have some inside right let’s just see here no no no is this a flower store no is this one oh wait maybe there’s something in here oh greetings what can I get for you hello do you have any FL flower pots that I could use flower pots yes we sure do what what what kind of flower pot would you like um anything uh small and cheap I don’t have any money but I can trade some flowers for it a I guess um I can give you something small and cheap but I still need money not flowers is it okay if I just pay you later I promise I’ll do it you can pay me later but I’ll charge you more okay here’s some flowers and can I have the pots sure you can have the pots uh here take a 10 what 10 pots that’s so awesome see this is so much better than scamming people thanks all right have a great day bring back my money I will I will okay let’s get this flowers stand started okay I’m just going to put a flower pot here here and here and then I’ll start planting stuff and then I can sell stuff when people walk by yeah okay maybe we could go find some clay in like a river or something but then we’d have to like go underwater and actually dig up the clay to make bricks wait look over there I think it’s an art store I see Paint wait an art store hold on a minute do you think the art store might have clay clay is used for art you know people make like clay sculptures and stuff oh yeah there’s something well made to find out hello Mr art store guy hello there what can I do for you welcome to Leonardo’s art store oh well uh we have one question do you have any clay around here we need some clay for something yep sure do I have the sculpter clay super super high quality wa okay that’s perfect he’s got clay all right well uh how much do you have and how much does it cost I have 32 and it cost $40 per piece $40 per piece of clay what what dude that’s so expensive how are we how do you buy that damn I’m sarting to think this guy’s more of a scammer than us yeah wait what if we try and like negotiate with him like you know the gold yeah yeah okay okay well uh sir do you think you could maybe do um like $1 per piece of clay clay is not supposed to be that expensive oh this is special Clay comes straight from the ground hand harvested by my pet friend what why is it so expensive though because my pet harvested it don’t worry about it oh man okay okay well do you have any like cheaper clay if we buy clay for $40 each then we’re not going to even make any money when we sell our gold oh well this is the only clay I have that I can’t sell anything else oh man cam what do we do maybe we can find a different store but I don’t think we’re going to find anything better than this yeah honestly I don’t think so you know what I think we just have to do it ourselves we got to get down and dirty and go find our own clay straight from a river I don’t want to get dirty but here we go all right all right here we got to go look for a river before we go though we should probably grab all of the money from our chest we don’t want to get robbed or anything that’d be really bad yeah yeah yeah all right let’s go find a river wait there’s some water right over here do you think there’s going to be any clay in it maybe um this pool looks like it goes pretty deep I don’t think there’s any clay in there oh man okay we’re going to have to find another River then man finding Clay is harder than I thought yeah but once we get it it’s a gold mine cuz we can smelt it for bricks and I see a river wait yeah there’s a lot of water over here okay surely one of these Rivers has some clay in it you should keep on selling These Bricks even after we’ve made $500 we’re going to be able to buy so many cool things we could buy like a like a Lambo yeah oh yeah what if we try and like make a gold block and then and then sell it for the lambo well Cam hold on keep in mind these aren’t actual golden we can’t really do anything with them other than craft bricks oh wait dude I found clay let’s go ahead and dig up all of this clay oh man this is actually going to be insane each clay block that we break drops like four pieces of clay balls and we can craft each clay ball into one brick that’s insane we’re going to be millionaires each one of these clay blocks is worth like $200 to us this is actually wild okay well how many clay balls do you think we should get I’m at 36 right now oh I’m at 40 actually now I’m at 44 I’m at 32 maybe two stacks and then we’re we’re good okay yeah let’s each get a stack of this stuff this is going to be crazy but wait we’re also going to need to get some furnaces and Co if we want to smelt these into bricks oh yeah you’re right okay well that should be pretty easy as soon as we’ve got our furnaces set up everything else is going to be smooth Salin let me just go ahead and make us a crafting table real quick and all right we should probably make a pickaxe so that we can mine some Stone I wonder what Ruby’s doing right now she’s probably just uh I don’t know sitting at home thinking about what to do next she’s probably trying to sell all of our stuff from the house she’s probably trying to like sell her bed right now to get the ps6 I don’t think Ruby will do that I don’t know Kim she was trying to sell a lot of stuff she was trying to sell my door she’s probably at like a pet store trying to like sell pets yeah that does seem like something groy would do anyways I can’t wait to see your face when we get the ps6 way before her it’s going to be so epic all right and I’ve got enough for our first furnace perfect okay okay I’m going to grab one more piece of stone nice now I’ve got 16 Cobblestone I should be able to craft two furnaces with this so we’re going to be able to have a lot of bricks cooking at once oh yeah we’re going to be million let’s go okay okay but hold on there’s also one other thing that we’re going to need we’re going to need to get some fuel let’s go find some coal I think I actually saw some back over here oh wait there’s also a cave over here any coal inside of it nope no coal there uh hello coal anywhere um I’m pretty sure I remember seeing some around here somewhere and huh wait cam I think there’s someone in our gold shop who is that wait that’s not a person what is that uh is that a bear um do we have a bear inside of our gold shop what oh gosh wait cam I see the coal right over there but there’s a bear in the way dude we have to get rid of it and there’s coal right there oh my gosh wait hold on what did we put in the chest that could have attracted a bear I think there was only flowers a man well cam don’t you know flowers probably attract bears if they’re all bunched up in a chest like that we have to get rid of this guy hold on maybe we can try lur and get away with some more flowers hey uh bear you you want you want some flowers yeah yeah these could be um really good Dash be careful this is a wild bear uh yeah yeah but look I it’s friendly it’s friendly hey bear you want to just um follow us this way away from our Gold Store why is it getting faster why is it getting faster yo yo probably wants to eat you bro yo wait it’s getting faster it’s getting really fast yo it’s chasing us okay run run run go go go I have a better idea push it into the water yeah yeah we’re got to drown it drown the bear drown the bear cover up the water so it can’t swim back up yes I don’t think Bears can swim so we should be fine all right there we go that problem has been dealt with all right well anyways back to business let’s go mine this Co I can’t believe there’s a bear in our shop I can’t believe we drowned it I can still hear it meowing yeah Bears don’t meow they Roar all right but anyways let’s go ahead and put down our furnaces right over here and all right time to get to business oh heck yeah let’s go the clay is cooking up oh yeah this money is going to be sick I’m going to buy I’m going to buy a gold suit oo same here this is going to be epic okay and there my flower stand is finished wow this looks pretty nice I hope I get more customers I haven’t seen anybody yet there’s someone hi hi do you want any flowers uh flowers sure I guess I’ll buy a flower for the old Ms oh okay um I recommend this blue corn flour yeah o all right uh how much do I owe you that’ll be $3 uh wo that’s kind of expensive oh um okay uh what about at $2 I I think $2 for one flower is kind of a lot you know okay then $1 sure I guess I could do $1 U there you go my first sale thank you uh yeah thank you so much for the flower okay bye have a nice day oh my gosh I just made my first dollar this is so exciting I wonder what I should do with it um I heard it’s good luck to actually just plant your first dollar so I guess I’ll do that let’s see I’ll plant it right here maybe I can get like a money tree out of it or something okay there it is it’ll be nice and watered and it’ll grow pretty soon I hope okay let’s wait for the next customer I wonder when my next customer is going to come by and hello huh oh hello can’t believe this mall had no designer stuff for me to buy what’s this oh this is my flowers shop um I’ve got uh white flowers and blue flowers and what do you not have anything designer here uh no ma’am this is just a flower shop I only sell flowers I don’t have like handbags or anything wait what why would anyone want to buy anything here this is awful service awful I tell you wait what no no no ma’am I I’m not trying to scam you or anything um do you want a flower for free would that make you happy I don’t want anything from you but if I’m going to take a flower give me all of them wait what no don’t take all my stuff I’ll take this and this and this and and this goodbye wait you didn’t pay for them wait come back a man what am I going to do now I just got robbed now I don’t have any money or any flowers well I guess I have some over here but that’s still not enough to sell um okay I guess I’ll just go and pick some more flowers yeah there’s some over here a production’s good we got all the furnaces going at full speed oh heck yeah let’s go we got 12 bricks in this one three bricks in this one and then 20 Bricks in this one I think that adds up to like uh 70 bricks or so I don’t know but anyways you know what time it is it’s time to start combining them with the yellow Dy let’s go oh yeah it’s a it’s about time to get crazy oh yeah all right let me go ahead and grab these other flowers we have in the chest and just turn them into some dye oh yeah we’re going to be able to make so much money with this dude I’ve got 40 bricks right now that are painted yellow oh yeah this is crazy all right I’m going to go try and get more people all right all right yeah you try to go get some more customers I’ll turn these bricks into gold ingots oh yeah let me just go ahead and rename them gold ingot oh heck yeah this is actually so good it only cost one experience to rename all of these bricks into gold ingots all right there we go now hopefully cam comes back with some customers quick all right this should be enough Dash and what the heck wait cim how did you get all these customers so quickly um I just told them about the business we’re running who whoa okay okay wait so you guys are all interested in um in our gold ingots yeah yes I’m here for the free money what’s it to you I’m here for money oh um well uh guys guys I’m excited that you guys are all here but U Can you guys make a line or something cuz there’s a lot of people what you want me to get on a line I’m not moving from this spot give me the gold now okay okay well you’re in the front of the line chill out but um anyways how much gold would you like these Golds are um $ 64 each $64 can it not be any cheaper what uh no this is premium Quality Gold it’s very high quality good stuff from um underground in the caves yeah premium quality I’ll decide that give me one I want to look at it um uh okay there you go there’s the golden it you better not run off with it though I’m sorry I took you Roney give that back right now all right let’s look at this gold I know how to look at high quality all right and um wait Cam hold on is this person like a golden Spectre or something why are they like stiffing the golden stuff I don’t know just run with it all right I’m going to bite it and why does it feel like that what do you mean it’s just normal gold what are you talking about I don’t know it feels kind of grainy like sand or like clay oh no no it’s it’s because um this is a special gold uh yeah mined in h Peru yeah it’s pretty cool yeah it’s it’s special and the reason that it tasted like kind of Sandy is cuz uh these Golds were in storage for a long time it’s actually very dusty it’s actually aged gold it’s been like aged for 100 years oh I see and it smells like flowers exactly yeah it’s beautiful and uh give us your money and yeah yeah it’s scented gold it’s scented it smells good no more questions give us your money is it naturally scented yeah yeah naturally scented with flowers just give us your money just just give us some money M all right I’ll give you money all right I’m going to be taking this one can I have this one as a sample piece for free what no you can’t have it as a sample piece unless you want to buy like a bunch more all right I’ll just take this one and I’ll pay for it don’t worry okay perfect that’ll be a stack of dollars okay and here’s the money and I’m going to be taking this let’s go Kim we just made another stack of dollars this is crazy we’re like hold on how close are we to the ps6 um pretty close Okay okay we just got to make a few more sales I’m sure after we sell gold to all these people we’ll have enough money excuse me I like to buy something and yeah oh yeah yeah you’re here for the gold you want to buy some this will um one gold ingot is $64 I’d like to buy three and wait three oh we’re going to be rolling in it cam all right here you go there’s three gold ingots for you sir wait cam once we get home we should try making a pool of money and swimming in it oh yeah that’ll be three stacks of uh cash please okay here you go take it let’s go oh thank you very much sir oh wow this this is excellent hold on let me let me sniff this real quick yep that’s hard cold Cris bunny thank you very much okay thank you I go away now and all right would you guys like to buy some premium 24 karat gold as well yeah I’d like to buy some gold please oh oh all right wait cam you want to handle this other customer we can deal with them both at the same time oh yeah yeah I got it I get it all right all right well here you go sir uh Carl here’s um you want to just one gold ingot uh yeah I’ll take one gold ingot please all right there you go one gold it that’ll be a stack of dollars please one stack of dollars okay that seems like a pretty good deal oh yeah it’s a it’s a really good deal okay thank you so much here’s your money and oh oh thank you very much sir let’s go just got another stack of money D how much money do you make from your customer and oh I just made a stack of cash uh what about you I made a stack of a water cash and what the what is a water cash I don’t know it looks like a bunch of cash I think we’re rich yo let’s go we got so much money I think this should probably be enough for the PSX wait wait we should probably count it let’s let’s put all of our money in the chest over here we got one stack two stack three stack four stack five stack what a cash stack and then another 45 oh yeah okay how much is this in total let’s see that’s 100 okay okay uh and then this is another hundred wait how much is the water cash going to count as probably like four times how much it actually is yeah that seems about right it looks like it’s four pieces of money stacked on top of each other so let’s just say this one is what is 4 * 64 uh 256 yes okay perfect so we’ve got $256 plus $100 so that’s 356 plus another that’s 456 and another 100 556 we’ve got more than enough money let’s go let’s go all right let’s take this and let’s go buy our stuff oh heck yeah time to go buy that ps6 I can’t believe that my store is feeling I worked so hard I’ve only had one pain customer all day and I’ve been here for hours and then I got robbed oh man I guess I’m not going to get that ps6 well if I’m not going to get it then I just want to go look at it for a second just to make me feel feel better oh man I just want to look at it and huh you guys are here all right cam you’re ready to get this ps6 we’ve got all the money needed oh yeah we’re about to get the ps6 boy what I can’t believe they’re going to get the ps6 and I’m not and oh wait Ruby there you are we haven’t seen you all day where have you been oh hi guys I’ve been trying to start my business what has not been going well and oh oh Ruby that’s rough well you want to know how much money me and cam made look someone customer gave us a whole stack of cash wait a whole stack how’d you get that and what what what ruby you can look but you can’t touch but uh like I said earlier we were just uh you know doing our thing we were selling our gold you want to buy some $64 each it’s not real gold I’m not going to get that I don’t know our customers say it is anyway Dash let’s get that ps6 and oh yeah Ruby we’re going to get this ps6 I guess um we’ll see you at home later tonight we’re going to be playing this ps6 all night let’s go oh man I can’t believe they’re going to get a PS six without me because he scammed people how’s that any fair oh you guys are back you want to buy the PS5 and oh yes please sir we’ve got more than enough money um excuse me were you the people that were selling the gold earlier uh uh uh wait Kim are are these all of our customers what are they doing here I don’t think they’re going to be happy with us um yeah we were selling the gold do do you want to buy some more you you you sold me a brick no we did not sell you a brick we sold you fine premium 24 karat gold oh yeah then how come the bank didn’t take it and what what you tried to take it to the bank yes I tried to take it to the bank and they said it wasn’t real what we would like that PS5 to go please like right now yeah yeah yeah can we get that PS5 ASAP like like right now right now hey that’s our money give it back no no it’s not you scammed all of us if this is solid money I’m going to have to call the cop Jam I think we should run we should probably get out of here we should go we should get out Ruby this way follow us wait what why um we I think we kind of got caught wait what are people angry at you yeah you can say that oh okay um we can hide at my flower stand come on and wait you made a flower stand yeah I made it outside um it’s this way oh um all right all right well let’s hurry and hide and all right guys here you can hide in here this is my flower stand and huh is is that my tree and huh what the heck is this this tree doesn’t look normal wait it’s hang on this is my money tree wait wait wait wa wait hold on you’re saying all this is money and this is yours how did you even get this well I planted the first dollar I ever got there’s like thousands of dollars here wait so you planted a dollar and it created a money tree yeah dude that’s what I just said I did it cuz I heard it’s good luck and now I have all this money and what okay how did Ruby actually make more money than us I’m not scamming people this I don’t know well I guess it goes to show that good honest hard work pays off literally what the heck that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Dash is a SCAMMER in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are want to buy the new play station 6! But none of them have enough money to buy it… Dash comes up with an interesting way to earn the money, how will it go? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


  1. jk

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