Mojang’s NEW MINECRAFT 1.21 DROP Is Interesting… (more copper updates?)

how you doing it’s me Chapel Ro a mere few days ago Mojang released yet another Minecraft 1.21 map today with our tinfoil hats let’s look for Secrets dive in and just in general check it all out enter trial chamber Legends I’m sure there’s some kind of tragic comment remark or joke statement that could be made with a name like that odd choice now this world was made with I assume partnership with Mojang by starfish Studios I’m AIG fan one of the biggest of clean looking UI and graphic design all that kind of stuff and wow right off the bat I’m highly impressed this is high quality give this world a brand new name and let’s Jump Right In right off the bat we’re placed none other than ourselves handsome eyed beautiful boy inside of a void like it’s a like button or something we tap that start button a beautiful graphic and then actually an intro cinematic our tail today begins with none other than big nose me walking around talking to my dearest Al friend stranded in the sandstorm what in the world we’ll come back to that later it’s like an absolute beginner or something I guess I haven’t watched any of my own videos I wander clean into the trial Chambers and walk over to a spawner that is definitely the the wrong kind of spawner okay we’ll come back to that too no no buddy don’t do it don’t do it don’t walk over to the SP oh like some sort of raging mob V vo or something the Ally is thrown into a cage and I run away like a coward oh so what a long morning but wow I am dropped off inside of a brand new beautiful world with a apparently an invisible wall a barrier I can’t go that way not yet upright top Corner we’ve got a brand new objective though that’s going to be the big thing with this map we’ got different goals and quests to take on archaeologist lad that I thought was me just a moment ago I should have known by the nose it’s not me absolutely not it’s just our friend we’re cleaning up the mess for walking into this place for the very first time it feels so real so familiar feeling except at the same time a couple of strange differences and inconsistencies and apparently a ghost but anyways it’s about time we go ahead and gear up and take on this challenge so I guess the challenge at hand here is probably right dead up this hallway the only way that we can go walk into the so familiar wait a second that’s not right either H while this insanely intense gruelling combat sequence kicks off judging by the lore and what I’ve learned about the trial chamber it seems that somebody has been here before and made quite a few modifications to the structure that’s whole business talk though we go spawner by spawner and wait a second did two melee mobs whoever made this did not even play the trial chamber update no it doesn’t work like that no there should be a range one or a small one or anything else no no no and while I’m at it that’s clearly a normal plane spawner that’s not right this step up never happens ever there should be a tall ledge and moving around the rest of the room do lights spawn on the floor like that I’m not too sure still moving mov around the rest of the room this looks pretty good but I thought this is usually all closed off and stuff and what in the world some of my finest work later and I think just like that I’ve done it all of the husks are gone but now that spawner all of a sudden it’s starting to normal real one of the breeze boys here oh it’s insane how different the breeze plays on Minecraft Bedrock vers Java flashback the breeze if you didn’t know has this whole mechanic where if you overwhelm it and you’re up close it’s not going to try and shoot a wind first and so I mean that’s so easy on Bedrock working my way through the 1.21 Quest like a union man next up I need to make a wind charge use the wind charge to moonwalk over to the potato and then actually use the wind charge to let the alley down from the strange copper cage that was floating there the entire time Mojang what are you doing um huh please please no somebody please let me out of the cage Mojang please I’ll do anything Microsoft no let me out of the cage please save me oh all right so backtracking a little bit here this big map is in honor of Minecraft 1.21 essentially what Mojang has done here is drop a brand new map on the marketplace for free to kind of introduce the 1.21 update to you if you know you haven’t checked it out over the past 3 weeks or so by now and yeah kind of just in general celebrate on the big release of Minecraft 1.21 whoa um who in the world is banging around the the chamber moving our way into one of the strangest things that I have ever seen inside of our chamber room listen it sounds like large and dense in the corner we have what is called a warp stone look at this thing and it’s copper too anyways we interact and just like that we’ve done it Minecraft story mode is now over and back outside of the temple we can interact with a villager but instead of getting a thank you or anything we get a solid arm and so Minecraft story mode is over except at the same time no it’s absolutely not and check out the top of the temple we just finished one piece of that puzzle right there from the looks of things there are maybe four more pieces five if that circle is a separate piece all right now I know in this new version of Minecraft story mode we do have a goal to be focused on and trying to actually accomplish here but I have to take a minute to just look at this beautiful landscape with the subtle sand blowing in my eyes like wow this build right here is one of the most magn beautiful builds that I have ever seen in my life it’s striking the beauty the orangey Flames everywhere it utilizes a bunch of the 1.21 blocks or at least like tons and tons of tough here and it’s just just stunning looking I love what they do with the staircases too like that’s such a clever build trick turn the staircase sideways you get small chips in it what you took you to design school always in every single one of these world maps that we end up checking out though off camera I end up doing so much exploring and running around and I end end up cutting out so much of it because I mean this is how I play games like this what if there’s maybe some kind of hidden secret somewhere in the far Corner that not a single soul is ever thought to be so dedicated and one or off to yes exactly well if there is I would find it looking around at the rest of this world I have found one of the most beautiful views of all time I think the sand definitely switched directions that it’s blowing but wow that is stunning anyway this map is a little bit of a Minecraft story mode of sorts we have a goal that we should be focused on which has definitely followed the Ally over to the Village I don’t know really where the Ally went but using my raw intuition I’m going to have to guess if I came from that spot over there maybe I should go up this way over here mhm and walk over towards what definitely absolutely looks like a village cut scene number two now I’m not going to lie cut scene number two was definitely beautiful but it was a little bit longer so I’m just going to go ahead and chop it up for you we get a little bit of an intro into this fascinating Village a little bit of a highlight of some of the drops or drop that happened right before the release of 1.21 and yeah just kind of a who’s who of the Minecraft village you know what’s kind of funny thinking about it this map is all about introducing us to 1.21 and everything like it maybe next year Mojang should totally do this again for 1.22 but perhaps release it the week before the update comes out I don’t know not to manl or anything but just a hunch of an idea H that building right there that is a tasty tasty scrumptious looking building the golden statue too yeah that’s a whole another conversation but that build building right there I need to to build that inside of my world too wow that’s beautiful also the the Minor Details here that’s a beautiful wall right there very clever design and this lamp right there how did I not think about that you have the Redstone up top accenting the Redstone dot in the middle wow golden statue a beautiful golden statue how can I get one of these inside of my world this scall throws me back to that world and add-on that Mojang just dropped for the 15th anniversary special you can still get them by the way but a bunch of the things inside of the map were actually imp mented in the atam anyways anyways I have a goal we walk into this big building and this is sort of like our Quest hub for the rest of this world right here every single thing on this board is a different job that I could potentially take on and surprise surprise these different jobs related to different things inside of a Minecraft 1.21 with this guide book we drop it down just like the other Adams we’re familiar with nowadays we interact and kind of start to learn about the update and everything like it interestingly we get a little taste of some of the later drops in the 1.20 update cycle with the armadillo and the brand new Wolves and the Wolf armor fascinating idea I wonder if by the time 1.22 releases next year we’ll have like a bunch of 1.21 drops that we could include in this stuff too these mini pixel art style things I don’t know exactly what you want to call them but they are gorgeous they’re so cool I wish Mojang would drop like an official resource pack or something like with these textures I’m so sorry I hate who I become but they spawn form trial spawners now before I run away way I meant to on this board right here pick and choose a single quest to take on and I don’t think I have an option legally with a symbol looking like Batman or something adorable armadillo hey wait a second I get it now maybe this Museum Hub Building is meant to show off the other things in 1.21 as well I mean no sight of a crafter here but the beautiful paintings that definitely didn’t really fit in with the theme of the update but our gorgeous nobody’s complaining aha I think I’m in some sort of Lial trapped Zone the whilea that’s shiny or something because it seems to be forever at sunset hour did I unfortunately deceased inside of that Temple H the lore it builds so check it out this cool little signpost thing if I want to take on the armad quest which I definitely do it’s probably back this way so on a different note the different quests and cutscenes inside of this pack are so beautiful and gorgeous I love it the idea to of a pack a world kind of like this to show us all about the update and newer things inside of Minecraft Mojang please keep doing this Minecraft story mode is Alive and Well it really is masterful it seems like they have learned I didn’t even do anything yet Rebecca it seems like Mojang has like really masterfully learned about promoting Minecraft with this update or something like from the big snapshot after big snapshot that raised so much hype it was beautiful to now actually like dropping things after an update releases to talk about like the new things inside of the update what in the world no way she gave me a Village map I think and a bone as well I guess I get to choose whatever wolf in the world I want to be my wolf and how looking at them old chop decision but you ad horable the Bono the Bono come with me and just like that not needing to save a single armillo I get all of the things needed to craft the wolf armor except I I forgot the recipe beautiful dog with the wolf armor you’re perfect you come with me armed with an iron sword and a brand new beautiful dog I’m sent into battle the nearby barland to take out all of Rebecca’s departed [Music] cousins oh I get it now it just clicked the zombies near the armadillos they’re not moving because they’re terrified of zombies oh that’s so nice attention to [Music] detail and so like the resourceful strong handsome farm hand that I am just like that my chore was just about done dusted and put into the bag every single armadillo saved rescued please pay me the reward is mine oh w w w that’s about where I draw the line I’m so sorry about this but that’s about all I had time for today so it’s not that deep like Minecraft is most likely never going to add a beautiful sign wall as stunning as it is with the copper as much as the copper still needs it to actually be a building block Mojang will most likely never add any of this wonderful strange stuff into the game but that doesn’t stop me from bringing out that good oldfashioned tin foil hat so with these map things if you unlock the settings then you can go ahead and essentially I mean it does kind of entirely ruin the immersive beautiful experience but we can go ahead and flip our game mode to something different put it back to the bright and early morning time and then much more quickly get to travel around this world and to prepare for this video I did myself a little bit of exploration into this world and I found one of the strangest things of all time sliding under the ground immediately underneath The Village we have none other than the the strangest collection of weird obscure seemingly randomly placed voids all over the place one of the most interesting ones that I found though is inside of what I like to call the Frog Light chamber we have a room of bck and then some secret signs going on here with the different coordinates going on what the it’s kind of like a breakdown as to the quest we have armadillo Quest armadillos are lured into the pen and then they have the different locations of what I believe to be every single armadillo like I found one in the cave then there was one in the farm outside of the farm and in the forest right next to the Giant armadillo room of Bedrock we have a gigantic chamber it seems like when they were setting this map up they probably definitely came down here by hand at least my theory is and mind out every single one of these blocks to move them up to the surface to actually place this stuff down continuing to move around the map under the ground from a strange view inside of this room we have a a piece of what was formerly a villager house what kind of tragedy happened underneath Rebecca sha yeah like checking all this out every single one of these spots in here was totally definitely an ancient Village that this whole civilized society just repopulated continuing to look around the rest of it is just different to more various remnants of former Villages including the setup in ways that they should never spawn and components of villages from the complete wrong B looking around back above the ground you can see this beautiful land formation definitely custom here but wow this makes me remember that Amplified is absolutely still not a Minecraft Bedrock I wonder if that’s going to be like one of the next things that they bring over to that version oh your boneso you’re walking in the sky okay buddy very cool not demonic at all this part of the map in particular is one of my favorites though because you have these cool tough castles built all over these strange crevices and canyons and hoodo whatever you want to call them and then there’s kind of like a little road cutting in between it as well which is really sweet maybe some spoilers here from the looks of how the platforms are set up I haven’t taken on this Quest but this totally seems to be some kind of Parkour course with what in the world is that I saw that in the marketplace greenshot is this perhaps a another brand new mob with a Target huh whoa whoa wait a second look at how Mojang is doing that oh showing the damage that is dealt oh poor bonso don’t waste your time but that stunning that’s so cool ah so anyways where were we armadillo armadillo make sweet love and make make a tiny brand new baby just like that the next Saga of our story today is complete and I can move on to something new the idea of a map something kind of like this where you could like learn about the upcoming newest Minecraft features is so cool I am meant to heal my dog but I think it got stuck on that weird dummy thing at the back of the map so I guess that’s where we call it today honestly final two points I like to make is again such a weird name Legends how you going to call it that they did his old dirty and and honestly Mojang is on a roll lately with all these different add-ons packs maps and more I hope they keep this up like indefinitely forever whether you personally check them out or not they are so cool and I feel like it’s such a great way to spice up the community and make a little bit more hype going on anyways if you haven’t yet check out that time they added Minecraft Alpha the Bedrock Edition in this video right here tap that like button if you enjoyed it subscribe for more playlist on the Y card a huge thank you to all my patrons and channel members who helped me make content like this possible it’s been me Waddles and I’ll see you all beautifully in the next video tomorrow p

Minecraft 1.21 releases continue with a brand new map called Minecraft Trial Chamber Legends for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. This world is free to play & has tons of strange things

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if you read this comment “breeze”


  1. Looking at starfish’s other stuff they were either putting in there best work for mojang or mojang did infact actually work on this with starfish instead of letting them make it, cause there other stuff is kinda bad

  2. 14:36 It wouldn't bother me at all if they added dummies to the base game, a support for armor and some straw could be a good crafting to have an item that can be used to test our equipment, It can already be done with the armor supports themselves but I feel that a dummy would be more appropriate

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