Why is Stardew Valley Like This?! #stardew

I love starty Valley so naturally here are some of my biggest pet peeves about the game it’s actually not all that serious but here we go number one the freaking Greenhouse why are you going to make me work so hard to get you all fixed up to then be met with a space that is begging for symmetry but just isn’t symmetrical maybe this wouldn’t be such an issue if the sprinklers still fit nicely but they really don’t so I am pulling my hair out not as much of an annoyance but please tell me why can we make chocolate cake in stardy Valley when there is no chocolate product to be found in the game you mean to tell me that I can make chocolate cake with wheat flour sugar and an egg only what in the haunted chocolate here is the insanity and you know what I take an even bigger issue with the fact that all of these characters get their birthdays plastered up on the town’s community calendar except you know you the one person who has single-handedly brought this town to the 21st century although they still don’t manage to have bathrooms at anybody’s homes so truly I’m a little lost anyways let me know what pet peeves you have in stardo okay bye


  1. ooooooo those stools at that table! Inspired! 😊

    I was soo excited for the greenhouse too and after getting it I noticed I barely use it. I hate how I set it up but I'm too lazy to redecorate it. just not enough time in the starday! I also agree with the bday thing I think they should definitely include the player and every villager you're friends with should send or give you a gift that day

  2. Man, I wish we could select a birthday for one of the seasons. It would be so fun! And like- all the npc's could have a unique birthday dialog for ya on that day :>

  3. Man, the bathroom thing is something I didn’t even realise, but it just made me think of a fun idea where instead of being mostly decoration (with some interactive objects that give more background to the characters like how the bedrooms and houses already are) the toilet could function like the bins with drops specifically related to stuff you might find in sewage or accidentally thrown in a toilet. Kinda gross, but then again so is rooting through bins, so eh. Also the symmetry thing in the greenhouse really bugs me too!

  4. It’d be cool if you could select the season and day your birthday is, and npcs would have special dialogue.

    Npcs would then give you gifts, and they will become better quality and overall more valuable the more hearts you have with an npc!

  5. The player having a birthday and it showing up on the calendar is totally something I can see being added to the game now that you've made this video! 😄

  6. My pet peeve is how magnetic your horse seemingly is. Gates and horses don’t mix well for me. Got to be really careful with where you click

  7. 😢maybe the update we want is integrated and organized storage according to the source automatically and maybe a storage skin. on the other hand maybe update more pants.😅

  8. about the bathrooms IS SO TRUE lmao, like Haley got all messed up with mud and she said "I'm gonna take a shower", WHERE?? THE LAKE??

  9. Having a player birthday would be cool, and being able to make chocolate would also be awesome (and I say this as someone who can’t stand chocolate), but I’d go as far as to hope vanilla beans get added, so vanilla can be made, as well as the avocado tree, since that could have been added, but never was

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