How to Build an Ultimate Doomsday Secret Bunker in Minecraft

come on chip we’ll miss the new episode of blowing I’m hurrying Milo don’t worry wao what was that explosion that was so big oh man that did not sound good we got to check what happened I think it came from our missile silo over there uhoh Milo we need to check this out and wait a minute is that fire something’s burning oh no this is not looking good there was also a hole in the wall somebody broke in this is bad let’s scan our way inside and oh Milo it was Alexis Alexis what are you doing here hi chip hi bird brain I just thought I’d have some fun with these fireworks you’ve got lying around I must say I thought fireworks were supposed to explode in the air but that one seemed to explode on the ground uh what fireworks no Alexis these aren’t fireworks this is our missile storage what missiles nah why would you guys have missiles set up like this out outside your house don’t shoot anymore Alexis a come on just one more what about this one it looks like fun no Alexis not that one it’s called The Strange Love chip you bought this firework for me and an explode to the shape a home waa look at that beauty Alexis what have you done Alexis that was not a firework that you just launched that was a nuclear missile nuh absolutely no it’s not I was playing with one before and it was fine let me try another no not that one oh no this is so bad Alexis you’re launching more and more missiles n they’re fireworks Alexis what did you just do you need to stop shooting missiles oh my God P brain they’re not missiles they’re fireworks trust me um Alexis where where did that missile land my beautiful house Alexis don’t you see that was a missile not a firework at all and it just destroyed Milo’s house oh my I thought you were joking I’m so sorry oh sorry Milo you poor house Alexis why would we be joking and Alexis wait a minute we have a bigger problem how long until that nuclear bomb lands this nuclear bomb is heading straight for our village now now we must build a doomsday secret bunker to try and survive can we build it in time and what happens when the nuke explodes we only have 10 minutes until the nuke crashes back down on us don’t worry you guys I know exactly what we need to do we need to build a secret doomsday bunker to protect us and our Village from the falling missile true now that you’ve gotten us into this situation Alexis we need to try and do something crazy to save everyone come on we totally got this let’s go guys we need to build our bunker right here and the first step for that is digging down but uh digging it by hand would take way too long luckily I have a solution as you can see Alexis we have a really big missile storage and we’ve been experimenting with explosions oh my goodness did you make actual fireworks uh no we didn’t but we did make a digging TNT watch what happens when I flip this down this is going to help make a hole all the way down to where we need to go look how cool that is wao why don’t you jump down first Milo and tell us how the fall is hey that’s weird I’m not jumping down there guys it’s not safe yet we need to light a couple more of these digging TNTs to make sure there is enough space we’ve also got to be careful to make sure they don’t just launch off into the distance and hey look they totally don’t all our research on making the best types of digging TNTs totally worked yeah because Alexis man she were really smart and we’re scientists well I hope for out sake that new a bomb doesn’t work too well Milo well it definitely does that was our final bomb that we built and it was really powerful yeah that’s our best one and every bomb that we make works really well that’s why the digging TNT worked so good now we need to get down this hole and luckily I have the perfect solution watch this you guys no ship we can use slime blocks to break our fall and bounce our way down so that it’s totally safe and the landing is soft that is genius W you you are really smart chippy thanks I think so as well now we need to grab our drilling TNT oh boy I totally hope this works we’ve got to clear out a pretty big area for it otherwise we could have a serious situation on our hands now it is time to see if this thing really works all this research needs to come to work wow it works that totally did work but um uh-oh that is not what I wanted it to do Milo we still need to do a bit more research on our TNTs yeah it looks like we really do I think they’re too powerful h we’ll need to use some sort of other TNT oh I know Milo we can use TNT * 5 to dig a huge tunnel these TNTs are absolutely massive and they’ll clear out a huge area for us watch out everybody wao look how much damage that did we even need to replace the slime blocks because of how destructive it was that’s some genius science chippy you’re so smart uh thanks yeah I am pretty smart but Milo’s smart too he actually helped me work on a lot of this TNT it would not be this powerful without him yeah I’m actually a genius you know what Milo I normally would discount you but I believe you wao Milo see Alexis is being nice to you this is kind of good I guess all it took was an actual nuclear bomb yeah we now really need to work together so that we can save each other from this N I know you guys can do it don’t worry you guys totally have it in you and you’ll be best friends in no time look at this TNT it’s clearing out a tunnel so well pretty soon we’ll be able to go to the very end and dig out out a giant area to make a huge bunker wo do we get to share a bedroom chip uh no we will all have our very own bedrooms and they will have so many cool things in them just for us now once this TNT lights up it will be time to clear out a huge open area where we can have all of the storage inside a chip I actually have a TNT here called squaring TNT wo Milo why don’t you put it down I have no idea what this TNT could possibly do yeah it’s a crazy one that I’m at what you made it without even telling me uh-oh I’m a little nervous about this one yeah I wonder what it’s going to do let’s say oh Milo it’s taking a while to light up and what’s happening what the heck Milo wow Milo this TNT is so powerful this is incredible you totally did a great job and look at how big of an area it’s clearing out yeah it’s amazing hey wow this is so good wo Milo that did a lot more damage than I thought it would now this is our chance to fix everything and make a huge bunker here this is about to be the best underground bunker we have ever seen oh yeah boy shap is crep as M we have space for a mansion now exactly now we’ve made the entire area really really smooth we can actually start building the real bunker oh yeah boy let’s get it going first we’re going to need some iron blocks and we’re going to need to build it just coming off from this little platform here we’re going to need to leave a huge tunnel entrance way this is about to be so oh good you guys we are definitely going to be able to survive the nuclear explosion with this yeah and Alexis if you didn’t already know Iron is a really strong material chip always tells me that ah it’s really pretty too it’s really shiny and iron is one of the strongest materials especially when building a nuclear bunker to protect us against the explosion here we go don’t worry Alexis we won’t need to place any iron over here we are going to add a little entrance way tunnel into the main event of the bunker this will be a giant deep slate cylinder room with iron in it as well it will be so safe and so secure we can actually start making it now yeah and I can go let’s have a dance party yeah Milo you totally can although it will be used for more than just dancing this bunker is going to be the ultimate security system that will keep us all safe from the bombs don’t worry you guys we’re going to be so happy here and so will every single villager from our village they will not need to worry about dying to the blast from the bomb because they can survive here happily and for ever we have to bring the villagers down here they’ve been really rude lately What Milo they might have been rude but there is no excuse for not saving someone from a nuclear bomb that’s just common kindness Alexis you agree with me right we should totally save everybody well I don’t think they should have been a nuclear bomb in the first place it shouldn’t have been set off quite frankly Alexis you’re the one that set off the bomb cuz you thought it was a firework well maybe you shouldn’t have made it look like firework then chip we didn’t Alexis it looked like a nuclear bomb in wait a minute Alexis what are you building here I’m building the dance floor that Milo wanted I thought it’d be really fun to have one as well Alexis we can’t have the dance floor here don’t worry we will have an entire floor dedicated to just being really fun and entertaining this floor will be a huge survival area it will feature a really big dormatory for the villages and some cooking areas and some storage areas too yeah Alis we need to be serious about this I am being serious Milo you’re the one that wanted the dance floor yeah but then ship told me I was silly and he’s right I just wanted a bit of fun don’t worry Alexis we all want fun that’s why we are about to make this the most fun nuclear doomsday bunker ever here let’s make these walls really really tall so we can make the first floor absolutely massive oh I love H ceilings me too they’re so fancy and that’s because this doomsday secret bunker is going to be the fanciest ever most bunkers are actually only one story but this one is going to have four maybe even more levels it’s going to be huge and because it needs to fit the entire Village and us for a very long time to survive the radiation it’s going to need to be very fun and really entertaining that’s why we can have some of our favorite things here what sort of fun things do you reckon you’d want to add oh I really want my dance floor is still there chippy but I know anything that you build is going to be beautiful cuz you’ve got me in mine what no way I also have everybody else in mind I’m really just wanting to build the bunker for everyone not just you Alexis although I am am excited for the dance floor too I can practice my sick moves hey chip can I show you a move that I just Leed uh sure Milo um I didn’t know you danced yeah look at this waa Milo you learned how to dab Milo that dance move is like a villion years old by now what I thought it was really cool I even thought I invented it Milo you did not invent dabbing that’s so old but okay I guess it is pretty cool you’re a better dancer than I thought you’d be Milo yeah now I can dab on the haters yeah Milo you can totally dab on the ha although I don’t think you’ll have any haters inside this bunker the only people that will come in here are people that we’ve saved and I have a feeling they will be very thankful to us and will not exactly be haters they’ll be total fans yeah but sometimes Alexa seems like a hater yeah I’m happy to be a hater if you need one down here Milo what Alexis no way we can’t have you and Milo fighting you might be a crazy fan of me but you’re also going to have to be a fan of Milo if you guys are going to get along down here well I don’t think we’re going to be down here too long and as I said we only have 10 minutes chip you’re right Alexis come on we need to get building even quicker now we are going to use polished deep slate on these edges I think we might have made this a little bit too high don’t worry we can lower this deep slate block down by just one that way it gives enough room to put exactly what I want to put down inside this square hole oh I can’t wait to see what it’s going to be yeah I’m pretty excited too this is about to be so awesome we are going to build this Secret Door first it’s going to to be an actual secret door that will open and shut that way we’ll be able to seal ourselves in and keep ourselves safe when we’re inside the bunker how will that work I don’t quite understand chip oh don’t worry Alexis I’ll make it work and also you’re using regular deep SL that’s the stuff from the minds this is polished deep slate it’s actually so much more secure it is very strong and very difficult to break especially from some sort of explosion oh I think I should go sit in the corner I don’t really think I’m cut out for this chip don’t worry Alexis you totally ah we need all the help we can get if we are going to build this bunker in only 10 minutes we don’t have a lot of time so I need to get started on this crazy piston door whoo here we go I can use these sticky pistons to make this door lower and raise it might be a little bit tricky but I totally think I can do it I’ll need to push these down a little bit and oh yeah this is about to be the best security door ever seen now I actually can use a sticky mechanical piston instead of just a regular one these mechanical Pistons are so power they can push entire structures with just one click this is about to be so good you guys don’t worry we’re about to have the best defense ever oh yeah boy chips on the doors that’s how we know it’s going to be good yeah we totally do it’s about to be a great defense Thanks for believing in me Milo yeah no worries I’m your biggest believer actually actually no you’re not I’m your biggest believer chip I’m always your biggest believer and I’m in love with you uh that’s kind of crazy but guys can’t we all believe in me I totally think I can have bul from everybody Alexa stop creeping him out he’s trying to work I’m trying to work too I’m trying to work on getting my husband to Love Me Wait Alexis did you just say husband uh yeah duh we’re married who are you talking about when you say husband because I know it is not me ah you’re funny prank there prankster boy oh my goodness Alexis I don’t want to be your husband hey look I just got done building a really nice little bunk of for us that means the bunker needs to include everybody not just me and you that would be really weird and I don’t want to get married yeah sure wink wink nudge nudge I’ll play along with the game that this is for everyone as well chippy oh my goodness this bunker is for everybody I really do want to save every single person in our village and all of our friends and both of you guys I don’t want to just live in a bunker alone with either of you yeah I’m Lexis if you didn’t already know me and Chip are really popular and we have lots of friends uh have you not heard of all me and my friends um you don’t have any hey guys we all have lots of friends Milo I know you’re talking about jip chip and Jimmy Bop right yeah they’re my really good friends yeah they totally are and wait who else are your friends Milo well there’s also strudel strudle Milo a strudel is a type of pastry are you sure a strudel is your friend yeah Milo this sounds a little bit made up no I’m not making it up wait a minute Alexis who are your friends I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them before well I can think of at least three three me myself I four chip there you go that’s a lot wait a minute Alexis your friends are you yourself and you that doesn’t sound like three people that just sounds like you’re saying yourself over and over again well maybe some of us are a little bit extra special there’s nothing wrong with that Alexis oh this is going to be a really good bunky you guys you just have to stop fighting oh my goodness look I’m almost done making this really cool door once I link everything up together it’ll totally start working I just need to do a little bit of redstone magic and then it’ll totally be ready hey chip you should make it so only you and me can go through the door oh okay Milo why would I do that well because then we have VIP what Milo but if web VIP how is Alexis going to get in that’s true I guess uh actually Milo all of us are a little bit in danger oh yeah I guess so yeah exactly see guys we all agree on how dangerous this nuclear bomb is about to be I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a nuclear bomb before this might be the biggest one in history I do not want to know what it’s like on the surface when this thing lands so we got to work together and start building come on surely there’s some way that you guys are excited to spend some time together in the bunker well I guess me and Alexis can play four in a row four in a row wait Milo do you mean connect for yeah that one yeah that’ll be such a fun game we can all play it together I wonder if they have three player versions of that if they do I’m totally going to win um yeah that’s so funny chip that is the game you’re really bad at remember I beat you every time yeah my Lord that’s cuz you try eating the pieces that’s not the game how am I meant to win if I don’t have any more little circles left to put in the thing uh tactics are tactics there chip what I thought the little cires were crackers for me to eat no my lord they’re parts of the game oh my goodness Alexis you would never eat any game pieces right I would probably eat anything what Alexis that’s not a good idea once the surface becomes radioactive you won’t be able to eat anything from up there it will all be really dangerous and you could get it’s seriously sick well thank goodness you’re building us a banker then oh my goodness Alexis it is not a banker we’re not building a bank yet we’re building a bunker and this bunker is about to protect all of us are you guys ready to see if this door really works I’m ready but also I really don’t like this glowstone Alis uh it’s actually for our dance floor and we’re going to have the glowstone glass on top oh my goodness guys we can’t have the dance floor here Alexis this is going to be the kitchen and living area don’t worry I promise we will have really good dance floor we’ll just need to find a special place for it that way the Dance Floor can be as big as we could possibly want to make it I’ll even help you with the Dance Floor we can have all of our favorite songs we can have Milo’s favorite song which I think was Mimo Mimo moo last time right yeah that’s the one yeah and wills on the bus as well and Alexis what songs do you like wait a minute don’t even tell me it’s probably romantic songs right it’s Chip it’s Chip chipper MC on YT oh my gosh that’s a crazy song wait a minute did you write that just now ah heck yeah I’m a really good rapper actually oh my goodness that’s insane I don’t like this at all guys I have a feeling this door is about to work really well look at that yeah chip it’s working chip you put blue orange and pink all together yeah I totally did I wanted to have all of our colors since this bunker is going to be for all of us after all this is amazing yeah boy I actually do just need to make a gear shift instead of a clutch though oh my goodness right now I can’t get inside no matter how I flick this lever this could be really bad if I’m stuck on the other side from you guys oh no chip are you safe yeah I think I am unless the nuclear bomb Falls but we still have time here if I put a gear shift instead of a clutch I should be able to reverse the flow of the Redstone now let’s see if this works and yes it totally does now I’m safe to come back to you guys a thank goodness oh few but you know what we better hurry up you’re right Alexis come on now we need to grab some deep slate stairs and start making a staircase to get down here we go this is perfect we’ll also need to grab some polished deep slate and put it just here the very first area needs to be a big hallway I think we can totally make it out of gray concrete that’s because this looks exactly like the reinforced concrete that real bunkers use against Real nuclear bombs that is so trilling also we need to be really smart chip because I do not want to become radioactive yeah no no neither do I being radioactive would be terrible imagine trying to eat food but you keep glowing green that would be so silly yeah imagine how bright Milo would be if he was radioactive yeah he’s already a really bright blue color imagine how cool he would look if he was green I kind of want to see a radioactive Milo although I think it might be really deadly radiation doesn’t just make you glow green it can also cause you to mutate I don’t want to see a mutant Milo maybe that’s how mutant skeletons and mutant creepers and even the mutant Ender happened it was radiation all along W that is a really crazy thought chip yeah I really hope that’s not true because if it is I’m a lot more worried about the radiation than I ever was before now I think this hallway can end right about here we will have two deep slate rings around just like this we’ll need to make sure they match up to the other deep slate in the walls then inside each of these rooms we can place the important areas I think first I’m going to grab some kitchen materials like oh I know we’ll grab magenta kitchen counters as well as some light blue kitchen counters and finally some orange ones hey guys we’re about to have a kitchen that is all of our colors combined oh yeah boy that sounds really fun that’s a really ugly Blue Chip what no the blue looks great I think it’s such a nice color and look we can also add kitchen sinks that are the exact same colors I’ll grab blue orange and wait a minute did I use magenta or pink okay it was totally magenta now I can also add some kitchen drawers as well wow guys this kitchen is is about to look so incredible call me color blind Milo but I don’t reckon that’s blue yeah I don’t think it’s blue either chip I think you’re wrong what I’m not wrong guys this literally says light blue kitchen sink see yeah but it doesn’t look blue with my eyeballs my that’s cuz it’s terra cotta terra cotta is normally kind of an orange color so when you mix orange and blue it makes this color here it’s still the blue one oh okay I didn’t know that don’t worry you guys will learn so much I’ll be able to teach you so many things here I’ll even put our sinks like this this way we can wash our hands all at the same time I think I might actually put myself on this side though just so you can be in the middle Milo yeah that’s good because I like to be in the middle why don’t I get to be next to you chip uh I don’t know I just think you’d get a little distracted instead of washing your hands distracted wait Alexis we need to focus wait Milo did you put down this bed um no no I put this down wait Alexis this is a blue hospital bed yeah I thought sometimes M and I getting tussles and he might need a hospital bed are you threatening to beat up Milo Alexis that’s crazy does that sound like what I’m doing yes that sounds like exactly what you’re doing Alexis we can’t be fighting don’t worry we might even need to have a hospital but it’s not cuz we’re going to be beating each other up no way it is going to be because we have so many villages we need to take care of look I’ll even add some drawers in this kitchen that way we might be able to distract ourselves from all this fighting with some nice cooking I’m also going to grab some cabinets and hm how do we get the perfect Colors oh I know I will use aaca for the orange cabinet cherry for the pink cabinet and of course I’m going to use warped wood for the blue cabinet Milo we each get our own storage doesn’t that make you so excited and happy yeah I’m actually jumping around like crazy right now and look at me oh my goodness wait Milo what are you doing you’re practicing your dab move uhoh yeah I’m dabbing cuz I’m happy wow that’s so cool Milo it’s really amazing that you can be so happy even though we’re in danger inside of this nuclear Vault although we won’t be in danger for long now we need to make a little dining area for just us we’ll have one for the villages where they can all dine together but I think we should have tables that’s just us three I’ll put Alexis on one end then Milo on one end and then I can be on the other just like this although hey maybe it’ll look even better if I do it like this oh yeah this is going to be so much fun hey this is really nice uh I have a better idea what if we get rid of this put the orange here and put the pink here then it’s just us to wait Alexis do you mean like this m yeah Alexis that totally excludes Milo how is Milo going to sit with us if the tables are just us Milo can go have a table somewhere else Alexis we can’t give Milo a naughty Corner that would be so mean and Milo loves to Yap all the time while he eats it’s really quite funny and he won’t be able to do that if he’s just by himself yeah and I can talk about lots of things like the planets and all the things that I like to think about when I’m sleeping I’m sure Mara can talk to himself about the planets and all the stuff he liked when you’re sleeping yeah mil why would you sleep at the dinner table well I just like to think about lots of things okay yeah anyway we can also grab some flower pots I really think these flowers will be perfect we’ll have a pink tulip for you Alexis and an orange tulip for me and then Milo I think we can get you a blue orchid yeah that’s really good thank you very much that’s a very bougie flower Milo yeah I know because I’m kind of a fancy guy yeah Milo totally is fancy one time he wouldn’t eat any of the bird seeds because he only wanted to eat golden ones yeah that’s right I like gold in my food because it’s a really expensive metal M what’s the point of eating gold it’s so expensive do you really buy it just to eat it all it actually tastes good oh my goodness Milo is this where my golden shirt went oh my gosh you ate the whole thing guys you better not eat any more of my shirts while we’re down here together that would be so mean well Alexis is actually currently eating really poisonous fish Alexis don’t eat the puff of fish that will poison you and make you really sick oh my goodness here I’ll grab healing potions just for you to make sure you do not take any damage oh thanks chippy I’m really enjoying the taste of these ones yeah wait what you’re liking the puffer fish M weird texture oh my goodness be careful of the spines and okay I think it’s really crazy that you’re not dead right now okay as long as you’re not poisoning yourself I think it’s fine but guys we currently don’t have any defenses we only have a little kitchen in an eating area we need to make sure we build tables for every single villager to be at as well I’ll grab tables and chairs and I’ll make sure they’re made out of spruce wood those are the same colors as the villagers clothes that way they will know that this is their eating area and I’ll build it just like a real cafeteria we got this guys we don’t even have to worry about feeding these Villages they will all have a place here at our tables I’m actually going to put these tables a little bit further apart that way they’ll have plenty of room oh boy this is about to be a great eating area for these Villages I have a feeling they’re totally going to like it and oh are you guys building a little circle eating area for them yeah this is my table design wait what Milo this is so cool I like your table design a lot actually really yeah I think you did a great job we just need to make sure we leave the other side of this floor empty we need to make some other things here but we won’t be able to do that if we make the entire thing into a cafeteria hey what s I really like the chairs you just put down yeah I’m giving all the villages director chairs cuz they’re Superstars oh that’s so cool it’s really important to have fun with things like that while we’re inside this bunker cuz otherwise all we’ll have to think about is really sad things I’ll also need to make sure we give all of these villagers some plates and Milo I just found something really cool what is it what is it I found some blue plates we can put these on our table and it looks like you made the plates yourself oh wow these are really beautiful yeah they totally are this looks so cool and I’ll need to make sure we give the villagers wooden plates because villagers love to build using wood it’s why all of their villagers are actually made out of it and wait a minute Alex what is this ah this is my dancing Podium for everyone and I’m going to sing some songs as well so everyone entertain Alexis I think this dancing platform looks a little rusty ah it’s character yeah okay sure but what if the rust spreads to the iron and destroys part of the bunker well that would just be unlucky wouldn’t it yeah I guess so but H okay I think this can totally stay I’m just going to replace some of this iron with diamond blocks instead that way we won’t have to worry about the rust totally spreading to other parts yeah andus if you didn’t already know diamond is really expensive are you giving me a diam Diamond base cuz you think I’m a diamond girl uh no I’m doing it to stop the rust just like I said but hey that’s okay now we can also build up these walls to make them really really big here we’ll also build up this one too to make sure we don’t leave any room for error guys this is about to be a great kitchen area then once we’re done with these walls we will be able to build an actual Armory this is where we will keep a bunch of very important equipment it’s what will make sure we do not take any damage during this apocalypse and I think we’ll make the Armory right here yeah and we can have ha suits wait Milo did you just say a ha suits yeah like hazmat suits yeah that’s exactly the right name for it we can totally have hazmat suits that is going to be what will protect us from the radiation the more Hazmat protection we have the safer will be they are designed to protect against nuclear bombs and nuclear leaking we do not want to be caught off guard so that is one of the first things we will add inside the Armory and weapons room we also might have to fight off some Radioactive mobs so we will definitely need to have a bunch of swords and other equipment to make sure we can properly fight them off radioactive mob sounds really scary chill yeah it totally does I do not want to see any radioactive mobs today so we better make sure we are ultimately ready to fight them here we go I’ll just place these final few blocks of deep slate and then we can start adding in the weapons and armor first we will need to grab hazmat suits I really hope we’re able to invent some to put down we’ll grab some armor stands first and okay we’ll definitely need at least three of them but H I think we should have a bunch of them spare on this wall just for the villages they’ll need some armor too especially if it gets really Radioactive in here yeah that’s actually really true because they’re going to need someone to stay and be really careful yeah totally all right here we go this is actually looking really good you guys now let’s see if we can properly grab some hazmat suits and oh no we don’t we’ll have to craft some on our very own don’t worry guys we’ve got this we will need to grab leather armor and dye it yellow to be exactly like what a real hazmat suit is this way will all totally fit in and everybody will also be very easy to see this is really important when you’re in an apocalypse and h leather armor is not strong enough on its own that is why we will need a smithing table and an amitri we are going to use the Sentry amitri and gold wao look at that this looks insane and it looks very protective the gold will stop any of the leather from letting any radiation through and look at this Milo we have an actual hazmat suit wow that is incredible chip you did such a good job thanks Milo now we can make sure we add this hazmat suit to every single one of these ARA stands most importantly we need to add it to ours this way we will be able to protect ourselves first against the radiation and we make sure there is no chance of taking any damage from it yeah and then we can walk around outside and not get the radiation in our fingers and stuff exactly Milo and wait a minute Alexis what is this there’s a bunch of paintings here oh yeah I was just decorating and I thought people would like some activities to do while the world’s ending that’s actually not a bad idea I really like that point I like this a lot Alexis good job now I’m going to grab some item frames and some netherite swords that way we will be able to defend ourselves against any radioactive mobs and we’ll also be able to help the villages help us mhm heck yeah this is going to be so good I wonder what other fun stuff we can put in this bunker to make sure we don’t lose our minds oh I know we can totally add a bunch of bookshelves to have a library area then we can even have some villagers working the library to make sure we can trade with them for supplies that is such a good idea I really like reading books me too wait Milo you can read yeah I actually Leed yesterday AR can you lying what no way I totally believe him Milo what books have you been reading well I’ve been reading books like the long ones and the short ones wait a minute Milo you’ve been reading the books but you can’t even say any of the titles yeah well I kind of don’t really know how to read the titles ah sounds like a load of phony Boney to me yeah Milo how can you read the books if you can’t read the first words on the books because I believed in myself okay I guess that makes sense but anyway one thing I definitely believe in is a villager trading area now we need to fence in different parts so the villages have a nice little private area for each of their different professions guys this villager trading area cross with the library is going to be really really useful we’re going to have some seriously amazing trades in here that we can get some real good use out of uh I think I know what this library is missing what’s it missing Alexis some loud noises I reckon Milo do you want to hit it with a ratp oh yeah boy oh no Milo please don’t start rapping hey everyone my name is Milo and today we are going to survive the nuclear attack waa that’s really good and wait Alexis your beatboxing that’s so funny you know what I say we can totally keep this loud music if it means you guys will be working together and be bonding and becoming friends also so can I say something oh sure Milo what do you want to say I want stream let me rap in his song what Milo you’re an actual rapper now yeah actually it’s really good that’s very impressive I’m so proud of you Milo now we also need to grab these functional blocks first I’m going to grab the grindstone and I’m also going to get the loom not to mention we cannot forget the composter that is what helps the villagers become farmers and if we have a farmer we can trade with them to get resources we also definitely will need some sort of smithing table or even a lecturn yeah that’s a great idea H the smithing table can go here and then we will need to grab these rest of the fences and oh I know we can totally grab some trap doors and uh guys that’s a lot of note blocks I don’t think we’ll be able to reach the village of trading area Alexis this is too messy we need to keep this area kind of clear a I thought it looked pretty neat yeah wait Vio you’re destroying the not blocks but I didn’t realize you were going to destroy everything yeah I hate a thing what Milo what’s gotten into you and hey Alexis come on you got to keep the not blocks away from the villager trading area otherwise we wouldn’t be able to reach any of the villages and get any of their trades stop it the noises are going into my bra wait Milo do you mean into your ears yeah and also done into my brain okay I guess that makes sense but yeah come on guys you got to stop fighting I thought you were all getting along for once I thought we were getting along yeah I was getting along until Alexis put out the not boxs everywhere H actually we were getting along until Milo decided to destroy all my note blocks from everywhere oh my goodness you guys are back to fighting again this is terrible H maybe we can build some fun area where you guys could learn how to be friends oh I know the perfect place for learning is a classroom we need to build a classroom right here where you guys can get lessons on how to be nice to each other yeah classroom smashroom no I don’t want to do the lessons what okay um maybe the classroom can be in the library I’ll just add some chairs down here I’ll add one pink chair and one blue chair that way you guys can learn to talk to each other I’ll place them facing each other and maybe I’ll just add a little table on The Middle I’ll put the table as orange even though I won’t be sitting down here because I don’t have to learn how to talk to you guys we’re already friends one thing we definitely do need though is a sleeping area for all the villages we haven’t added one yet we need to add one as soon as we possibly can otherwise we won’t have anywhere for all of our villager friends to stay we can totally add the sleeping area out here although I don’t know that we should make it out of Glowstone what if we make it too bright and it’s all glowy and they can’t sleep well you can’t sleep too easy when there’s a nuclear I’m coming um I guess that makes sense sure okay we’ll make the floor out of Glowstone yeah this looks good and I think this is a good distance to build it backwards now we’ll make polished deep slate walls that way there’s at least some dark areas in the sleeping area and hey the glowstone is kind of like a nightlight I guess when there is a nuclear bomb these villagers probably don’t want to sleep in the dark it would be really scary for them to hear the distant rumbling of the nuclear bomb without being able to see anything you’re right thanks Alexis I totally think so too oh wow this wall is looking so good once we finish this wall we will have completed the first level of our bunker then we only have to make the rest of them this is going so well you guys don’t worry we are going to seriously build the best bunker ever and we’re going to survive the nuclear bom and wait a minute Alexis you’ll placing glass on this kind of like how you placed glass on your dance floor well yeah this is actually a little bit of a change for my dance floor this is just so they don’t get burn on their NightLight oh okay that’s actually a really good idea sorry I thought you were making another dance floor and I I got really worried for a second how are they going to sleep if there’s a dance floor under them yeah true don’t worry Alexis I know you’re not crazy enough to do that now we just need to finish these walls then I can make the roof and add in the beds you guys this bunker is going really really well I don’t know when that bomb is coming I’ve totally lost track but I know it is definitely soon as long as we keep our minds focused on building this room we’ll totally get it done in time H Alexis I really think we should get brown beds for The Villages I ALS think we should get the bunk beds H bunk beds is kind of weird what about bunk beds on one side of the room wait bunk beds on one side of the room what does that mean and wait these are all different types of beds yeah everyone has different preferences thank you very much chippy H okay maybe we can have little beds over here for the baby Villages and oh I know we can use these Spruce Brown beds to have bunk beds over here for the adult Villages then we can have ladders next to each of the beds and that way they’ll be able to climb up we can use as much of the space as possible that way so many of these villagers will be able to come over here and sleep safe and sound all right Chip sounds good I liked it how I had it been happy for you to make your changes thanks Alexis don’t worry these changes are definitely for the better and I have a really good feeling about this this is totally going to work oh boy I actually am kind of excited to introduce all these villages to our amazing bunker it’s so sad that there’s a bomb that’s coming that’s forcing us to build this but even if there wasn’t a bomb this would still be a really good bunker and I think the villagers would all really like it hey Alexis what are these trap doors for uh these are bedside tables made out of eco-friendly wood veneers oh that’s actually a great idea now we can also give every single one of these Villages an emerald green lamp these aren’t actually made out of emerald but every single one can turn on and off that’s because they probably really missed their homes back on the surface where they had a bunch of emeralds that is very cool did you get them from your auntie chip no way these are my design hey are you calling these Auntie lamps yeah I think they look a little bit dated but if you’re into it I’m happy with it I think they look really really good and we’ll even give nightlights to the little baby villages we should also build them little cradles there we go now the baby Villages are all safe and they can all have fun together playing and jumping on the beds this is going to be so cool hey wait a minute Alexis have you seen Milo no I haven’t yeah me neither I haven’t seen him in a while and wait a minute I hear explosions Alexis what’s that noise chip quick come here I’ve got a save you it’s a nuclear bomb it’s here again hey Alexis look at me I’m setting off next no no don’t do that Milo don’t be silly wait a minute Alexis calm down these aren’t nuclear bombs Milo are you just launching fireworks and trying to trick Alexis into thinking there’s an actual nuke Landing yeah because she’s so dumb and it’s her fault that there’s a nuk that’s going to get us and I’m really sad about it that’s not a funny joke Milo I thought they were fireworks I wasn’t doing it to tease everyone you’re just being M yeah well here’s a lesson for you Alexis see this that’s a real firework not a nerk stop bang me guys come on we all need to hang out together and be nice Milo throw those fireworks away you can’t have them inside the bunker they’re mean to Alexis they’re totally scaring her and hey if we scare Alexis how is she going to help us build more of this bunker to survive it will put us and every single one of the villages in danger I don’t want her to help us what Milo come on we need her help come on this bunker only works if we can all survive together I’m going to build my own thing down here and it’s going to be a cool a car what Milo you can’t build a car Milo get off the pumpkin car come on we need to build the next level of our bunker we don’t have a lot of time wait a minute speaking of Time how far away is the nuclear bomb does anybody know um I don’t really know but I wish I did yeah me too and wait a minute guys there are 5 minutes until impact this is really bad come on Alexis why don’t you keep reinforcing the roof like that while me and Milo can make the next level down of this bunker hurry we don’t have much time come on Milo we’ve got to make this going down so that we can add the second level on why don’t you make this little elevator platform and then I can add the second level downwards just like this yeah no bobies I’m really going to do it good this is going to be so epic I know you’ll totally do a great job and hey I think I have a great idea I’m going to use frog lights as the ceiling to make it seem like there is an actual Sun this is going to be pretty important because this whole level is going to be about farming we are going to have Automatic Farms for every single crop and maybe even every single animal too this way no matter what food we need or thing we need to survive we will never run out of it and hey maybe the villages can even join in on the farming I know they’ totally love that and they’d have a lot of fun what s do you like frogs oh I love frogs thanks Mara wo you guys have something in common this is good you guys should explore this more I kissed the Frog and sometimes I eat them too what Alexis you kissed a frog that’s gross only Disney princess isn’t meant to do that a who says I’m not a Disney princess then me yeah I also don’t think you’re a Disney Princess Alexa that would be crazy um if you are where’s your Castle uh are you trying to insult me no I just don’t think you’re a Disney princess in the same way I’m not a Disney prince and Milo is not Mickey Mouse yeah I’m not Mickey Mouse okay I definitely knew you’re not Mickey Mouse but chippy I reckon you’re a bit of a prince what no way I’m totally not a prince to be a prince you need a really big castle and you need to be really rich and really handsome too well I can say that you’re really handsome oh thanks Alexis but um I’m still not a prince and even if I was I don’t even know I’d probably try and find Cinderella or maybe even Rapunzel so you’re saying you want me to have blonde hair and being a Blue Dress uh no I’m saying I’d want to get married to Cinderella or Rapunzel probably not you besides we’re all going to be friends in this bunker not married this bunker isn’t for married people it’s for all of us to survive as a community our Villages are also going to really be happy in here they’re going to love this especially the farming area I’m making right now villagers love to farm they also love to grow all their crops and to harvest them at the same time it’s really cool when you wake up early in the morning and you can walk outside and see all of the villages harvesting their little carrots and their wheat together it could be so cool to have something like that in our very own bunker yeah Max maybe you can marry one of the villagers ah maybe you can too Milo hey no I don’t want to yeah Milo’s a bird I don’t think Milo can get married at all now we also need to make sure we do these walls really well although H I don’t know if ion is the right fit for this I know we can totally get light blue concrete and instead of having iron walls we can have concrete ones this way it looks like the actual real Sky that’s pretty important for when you have big farms if it feels like you’re farming indoors it probably won’t work very well and none of the crops will grow right it’d be really sad and I think the more we’re underground hiding from the radiation that’s going to come from this bomb the more we are going to want to visit the outside world and this farming area will be perfect for that yeah and I really am excited to eat so many seeds yeah and we’ll also grow crops that are not just seeds Milo we’ll also grow carrots and potatoes and we can also grow melons and pumpkins to make pumpkin pie I think we should also totally grow some sort of cocoa bean that way we will be able B to make cookies cookies yeah I love cookies so much they are my absolute favorite food in the entire world and I could eat them all day this is going to be so cool oh I’ll back you cookies I’ll back you cookies chip W hey thanks Alexis that’s really nice of you Chu chip cookies Chu chip cookies CH chip cookies uh yeah I guess if it’s a Chu chip cookie then it kind of technically is a chip cookie good point I think the snow golem farming area would work perfectly over here first we’re going to need to put down some snow blocks and then we’re going to need to replace them with some chests just like this oh what does that do well Milo you’re totally going to see in a second and you are going to be absolutely amazed this is going to be one of the coolest Farms I think you’ve ever seen before it doesn’t involve them dying does it no it actually doesn’t but it does use the snow golems to give us infinite snow forever wow I really want that because then I can throw snowballs everywhere yeah totally and snow is pretty important for keeping this place cool just in case the nuclear bomb lets off any fire explosions inside fire explosions oh man that would be kind of skary away yeah it would but Milo look it’s a snow golem friend what do you want to name him he’s called go go go go okay that’s a really funny name now Milo whenever we use this shovel on the snow block it should drop snowballs and then we will actually be able to use them and hey look I’ve got a couple already oh W that’s really awesome it’s so cool now we just need to add all the speci snowballs inside this chest and we can also keep a bunch of span netherite shovels in here too yeah I’m going to start farming so that we can use it for all the important stuff good idea Milo now we’ll need to make sure that we add some other farms in here as well I think the next Farm should definitely be some sort of Animal Farm oh I totally know we can have automatic sheep farming areas in order to get it we only need to grab some shears dispensers and a spawning sheep egg but uhoh I don’t know where I can find it oh hey there it is perfect now we will definitely need to grab some more things like some torches too so the grass can grow and oh yeah this is definitely looking exactly how I want it to now if we place down a bunch of sheep here we can add some grass blocks and some observers now whenever The Observers detect the grass block being activated they will power the Redstone which will trigger this dispenser normally that would just kind of be it but this dispenser will have shears inside it Milo that means every single time the dispenser is used it will use the sheia on the sheep yeah that’s actually good excuse me Milo what what are you doing you’re looking into the dispenser I’m observing The Observer Milo you can’t even see the Observer it’s hidden by the Frog lights in the dispenser well I’m trying to observe the Observer Milo maybe instead of observing The Observer you might want to observe what it can do instead or I could just dab Milo you can dab but you can dab away from where I need to place these blocks all right fine thanks Milo now we can place these glass blocks and we just need to add one on top this sheep is about to be so happy there we go now if this sheep ever decides to eat the grass it will actually trigger The Observer and then the Sheep should seriously be sheared it will be very cool and we just need to add some sort of Hopper here we’ll put a chest here and then add the hopper there like that oh yeah the Sheep automatic shearing Farm will totally work we can place a couple more and have different colors chip this is so cool why did you learn to do all of this amazing stuff I just dreamed it all up myself it’s a really good idea though right yeah it’s really genius and hey what the work this that’s a really good question uh Alexis where are you uh I’ve actually just been making sure that our bunk is actually safe because neither of you decided to build a roof oh wait Alexis that’s a great idea this roof is looking awesome and wo you’ve even reinforced it with proper steel galvanized steel this is very impressive wow good job Alexis now that you’ve made the roof why don’t you make this little iron bit go down it just needs to go down to the level that we’ve made the bottom floor at as long as it connects up we should be safe don’t worry we’ve totally got this then at the bottom if you just want to add maybe an iron floor will totally be set I’m confused how am I meant to connect the levels chip uh by building a little Elevator Shaft don’t worry we can build staircases or some other ladder or something later for now we just need to make sure every single level of our bunker is connected I don’t know why there’s concrete here the concrete would totally block off the access into the bottom level oh yeah I definitely didn’t do that Alexis did you put the concrete there by mistake well I thought we needed a bedroom cuz we don’t don’t have one yet oh don’t worry Alexis we’ll make a bedroom area for everybody I promise in fact we can keep the staircase area going slightly further down that way on the very bottom level we’ll just have some bedrooms for us hey chip that’s a bit sus that you’ve made us lower down than the villages is our lives more important than this uh no it’s just that I wanted to build the villagers first so that they could be saved before us that way in case the bomb happens they will be able to be more safe it’s really important to make sure that everybody can survive this not just us m sounds like you want me to get out of this more than anyone else what no we’re going to build all of our bedrooms on the same level at the same time don’t worry Alexis I totally want all of us to survive in Milo what are you looking at just looking for ants ants Milo you’re not going to find Ants in this bunker that would mean it is not air tight if ants could get through looking for sweets or sugar or something imagine how easily the radiation could get through it would be terrible don’t worry Milo we’ve totally got this I’m also going to add some Hoppers because we are going to add one of the coolest Automatic Farms ever W that’s so cool this automatic farm is going to be a chicken farm we’re going to have infinite eggs that will come right out of this dispenser actually this is going to really be epic now in order to do it all we need to do is spawn down a bunch of chickens are you ready to see this Milo I am boy I’m ready for infinite omelets yeah this will be totally cool here we go we’ve spawned the chickens down and oh no we’ve spawned too many there we go this seems to be the perfect amount now every single time one of these chickens lays an egg it should go right into the dispens ens and all we need to do to make sure it works is to add a couple observers we’ll just put one like this and then we’ll need to put down one like that as well perfect now every single time there is an egg it will actually shoot out and start spawning infinite baby chickens ah Milo need I remind you that you’re a bird what what does that mean why are you eating chicken I’m not eating chicken I’m just eating the omelet Milo Alexis actually has a really good point you’re a bird but you’re eating eggs I can eat whatever I want oh my goodness Milo you are so crazy that’s insane maybe we’ll need to make some other food that’s not just chickens for you some birds eat other birds eggs all the time it’s no big deal guys uh Milo why am I the crazy one here sounds like you’re crazy yeah it totally does Milo you’re definitely being crazier than Alexis right now and I think there’s only one thing that can fix it for you what is it well of course we need to make some seed Farms you’re probably going crazy because you haven’t been able to eat any bird seeds in a really long time and I just know that if you could eat some bad seeds your mind would totally go back to normal and you’d be back to your regular crazy self instead of this Ultra crazy self that we’ve got now exactly see you really understand ship you know that I really need to eat my yummy bad seeds so that I can be normal again yeah well normal is a pretty strong word Miler but yeah I totally agree now we need to add a little bit more water and a little bit more stairs that way we can totally hydrate all of this ground normally this wouldn’t be very important but it totally is right now now because we are going to turn this ground into a farm area this is really going to help keep every single one of us alive don’t worry you guys this Farm area will be so smart and very well done this water feels really awesome on my feet hey Milo careful okay I was a little worried about you swimming in there at first because it’s the water that will grow our crops and we kind of need it to be clean but then I thought about it for a second and I think it’s actually fine this water can double as a nice little swimming or a dipping pool area that way we’ll eat be able to relax when we need it and we’ll be able to retreat away from the really difficult areas of the bunka that might just be really sad to be in like the great concrete or the iron zones even though they’re really important for our safety it also could be really nice to get away and beat in nature hey look I don’t know if any of the eggs have actually been laid by the chickens don’t worry I’m sure they’ll totally lay some soon yeah and in the meantime I’m going to do the grass oh wait Milo that’s a great idea by using this hoe on the Farmland we can help turn it into hydrated Farmland that means we’ll be able to actually plant seeds on it you’re a genius Milo this will totally be the best farm ever let’s go what tit are they going to survive this nuke that Alexus accidentally launched yeah definitely I completely agree now H I think I’ll just need to move each of these stairs a little bit over like that oh yeah that looks really good much better than it was like before perfect we’ll do the same on the other side just like this hey this looks so amazing now even more bits of the Farmland than ever before can be hydrated I think we just need to move it one more over and then it’ll be totally done at least the Water Area will be totally done I still think there’s more crops to plant hey Alexis me and Milo are making a farm right now but what crops do you want us to plant oh be I love them what you like beetro that’s kind of a crazy one and Milo I have a little bad thing I want to tell you what is it every time you use the hoe on those dirt blocks they’re just going to go back to dirt because they’re too far away from the water to actually become Farm but I fill it back in with glass what no Milo not these ones these ones are fine look see how none of these ones that are four blocks away from the water are actually turning into the hydrated Farmland oh yeah that’s really true yeah that just means they’re not going to work but every single one that is close to them will there we go see this is the perfect farming setup Alexis I totally will grab some beetroots for you there we go we’ll start planting them down right now guys the crops are growing very very quickly now we can start making our way down to the final level where we can have our bedrooms I’m just going to remove a couple of these iron blocks so we can stretch this staircase out and have it come all the way down that way we won’t have to jump and we’ll be able to head back up after coming down here yeah that sounds awesome this is so cool let’s use iron blocks and hey for our bedrooms we should use other kinds of blocks as well I say we should definitely use even more concrete I really want my bedroom to be made out of orange concrete that sounds awesome I want mine made out of orange concrete too wait what but isn’t your bedroom meant to be made out of pink concrete and Milo’s out of light blue but I want to think about you all the time chip what no way you don’t need reminders of me when you’re asleep besides it’ll be really dark in the room and your eyes will probably be closed I don’t think you need to dream about me Alexis that is just crazy true not as if I need the orange Concrete To Dream About You Anyway Chip you’re always in my dreams what oh my goodness that’s insane the only person in my dreams is Milo and he never says anything he just makes weird sarking noises at me yeah because I’m actually chips brother so I’m there all the time yeah you totally are although wait Milo the sarking noises could be me hearing you from the next room over oh yeah I do actually squark in my sleep yeah it’s pretty crazy and it’s very loud now what fun stuff could we even make in here I have no idea you guys and wait a minute how much time do we have until the nuclear bomb hits we’ve totally lost count this could be really really bad I hope we’ve got plenty of time I need to grab some orange concrete to start making my bedroom because I have no idea how much longer we’ll have to do it oh my goodness wait we only have 3 minutes until the impact this is insane we need to hurry so much quicker than we ever have before oh man this is not good guys I’m actually feeling really nervous oh Milo don’t feel nervous guys as long as we work together to make our bunker and our bedrooms as secure as possible we’ll totally survive this whole build is confusing me chip what are you even doing Milo we need to build complicated shapes down here because it will make it harder for the explosion to travel through them this this will make us very safe and it’s important that we keep ourselves safe too not just the villages if we keep ourselves safe then we will be able to survive the explosions yeah and also I’m actually the most important person here so I’ve got to be really safe what Milo you’re not the most important person here we’re all equally important what I thought I was really awesome well we’re all equally important but I’m a little bit more important what no way we’re all important at the same level and Milo why do you keep building those blocks why is there a hole in your floor there not going to be a hole forever I’m going to put something really cool in there oh really I can’t like to see it yeah I’m excited to show you guys and wait a minute while I’m building my bedroom why don’t you guys make your bedroom somewhere okay I’m going to make the best bedroom ever no way my bedroom’s definitely going to be the best bedroom ever well actually I was going to build my bedroom here but now it’s become a stairwell so I will just share with you chip what no way guys we all need separate bedrooms we’re already cramped in a bunker we are not going to be able to handle having to spend every second of every day and night with each other and wait a minute Alexis what’s this down here it’s my dad’s room oh my goodness these not blocks can’t play sound because there’s blocks above them the sound waves can’t travel look I’ll help you I’ll get rid of some of these blocks and I’ll even add some more iron behind them no they totally wack oh jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle yeah that’s a great description of what that sound is like now Alexis you’ve already made a dance floor but you should probably make a bedroom you can’t share mine cuz there won’t be enough space it’s just just for me and you probably won’t be able to share Milos because I think he’d lose his mind why can’t you build my room for me chip um okay I guess I could but I don’t know your bedrooms always look really crazy and I can never figure out what it is you want from them you always build the most insane things and they look kind of cool but I don’t know if I could do that oh well what about we build it together that’s a great idea oh this is going to be so cool I just need to build my one first that way I’ll have enough space to be able to plan exactly where ol that bedrooms can go why don’t you get started on the pink concrete wall of your bedroom then I’ll be able to come over and help you fill the inside M sounds good oh yeah this is about to be so amazing and hey Milo how’s your bedroom coming along it’s good I’m actually building it really quickly yeah you totally ah I can see you speeding along this is going to be so good you guys now that I’ve made the roof to my bedroom I need to grab some more frog lights because I actually really like the lighting that we had in the farming level it really made it feel like we were back on the surface wow I already missed the outside world it was so much nicer back when we didn’t have to worry about a crazy nuclear bomb but I guess it’s too late to worry about that now instead we need to focus on making sure that this bunker is perfect and I’m going to do that by adding a giant trampoline to my bedroom look at this it’s so bouncy and really fun wow that sounds so awesome yeah it totally does and Alexis is this your bedroom here yeah wo this looks pretty cool I like the door actually these are both doors and wait so is this glass I can’t believe you have three different doors well it just depends on what mood I’m feeling in wow okay I did not know there was a mood for going through a glass door but that’s pretty cool to know now in my bedroom I need to grab an orange bed although wait I could grab a fancy one instead wo that looks so cool I also definitely need to grab some bookshelves and put that in here too guys this is not just going to be a super safe bunker it’s also going to be a really fun bunker too I also need to make sure I add some really cool flower pots to my room this is because I want my room to be so well decorated it should be the nicest room in the entire house and I’ll even grab some nice orange candles that way we can have some really cool Lighting in here oh Moon Lighting for date nights what no Alexis there won’t be date nights in here instead there will be nights where everybody inside here can come and maybe watch a movie together or something not just us besides Milo’s here too and I don’t think Milo wants to date anybody in the bunker yeah no thanks did you just invite me on a date night chip uh I invited you to a big hangout where everybody can go watch a movie together but I guess so yeah m d not don’t get too crazy about it though Alexis it’s just a movie watching night for everybody in the village not a date night for us I’ll make sure I wear an extra special outfit okay I actually always see you wearing the same one huh do you even have any other clothes well I actually just wear the same thing but I have about 50 pairs of the exact same thing you only have a one outfit that is so funny yeah I’m going to make a table inside my room just like this and wao I’ll even even add some chairs so that people can sit at the table this is going to be so nice imagine I can invite all of my villager friends over and I think I can also add some paintings besides I should also have some buckets of orange paint just in case any of the paint wears off from any radiation seeping through that could really destroy things a bit and if the radiation gets to my painting oh boy I do not think I’d like this room anymore it would fade from Orange to a crazy other scary color it would go way darker and it would be much creepier at night time I’ll also definitely put a sign that lets everybody know that this is Chip’s room oh wow this sign looks perfect now the second we walk in it immediately is my bedroom um chip I re can I could work out up with your room because it’s all orange anyway I don’t think you needed a sign yeah that is pretty true I guess everything I make is orange especially when it’s just for me and oh my goodness Alexis how can you talk to me about my orange when your room is this pink oh isn’t it beautiful don’t you just wish you could stay here all the time not really no why are there Hospital dividers in here Oh I thought they looked pretty artistic Alexis these look like you’re about to have a surgery oh my goodness I need to get out of here Milo how’s your bedroom coming along it’s good I just pretty much finished it almost can I come in and see yeah oh my goodness okay your bedroom has no reation Milo what is reation that’s what you say when you say radiation Milo this doesn’t say radiation that’s a totally different word and wait a minute Milo is this meant to stop the radiation from coming inside your room yeah that’s how it work oh my goodness Milo I have so many things to say we have hazmat suits to keep the radiation out and a bunka to keep it out and besides radiation can’t read it’s not going to see these signs and leave radiation seeps through everywhere yeah but this is just a really good defense that I came up with um okay is this making you feel better about the radiation yeah okay then it can totally say oh wait Alexis what is this why are there guitars here oh I was gifting Marlo some guitars so his room isn’t boring anymore hey that’s Rudd I don’t want this in here yeah besides Miley’s room already looks pretty interesting and Alexis why are you giving him pink medical bags uh just in case he gets some R in here oh my goodness no ration isn’t real you guys wait a minute guys we’ve made bedrooms but we haven’t made anything fun we need to make one final really entertaining room or wait a minute I have a really good idea uh I actually did make a fun room chip downstairs oh that’s the dance floor but I was thinking of something completely different I think we could really do with a mine cot racing track I like the sound of the dance room better yeah maybe for now but once you see how amazing this Minecart racing track will be you’ll totally change your mind I’m also going to put it right on the upward staircase which is the way that we get from level to level it’s going to fit in so well you guys just trust me this is about to be one of the coolest RAC tracks ever made now we’ll just make it circle around like this it can go all the way around the bottom floor and then we we’ll just move it right past you and oh yeah this is about to be so much fun I’ll also make a powered rail like that and H there we go we’ll make the rails go like this this is going to be so cool you guys have no idea how much fun this is going to be yeah even though this is a really safe bunker it’s also mostly the funnest one I’ve ever seen exactly I don’t think there’s ever been a bunker that’s more fun than this one you guys when those bombs hit which will be really really soon we need to make sure that there is going to be not just an explosion of nuclear energy but an explosion of fun yeah let’s go funery yeah if that’s a word then that is totally what’s happening now here we go we just need to place a couple more Redstone torches like this we’ll Place one right here then we’ll Place one down here and one final one here we’ll get the rails ready and oh boy I think it is time to test if this roller coaster can really work can I go on it yeah sure why don’t you start right up here Milo okay I’m coming up all right are you ready this is going to totally test if you can ride this this thing oh I’m going wo you’re going down the drop and it looks so intense how are you feeling this is so fun chip I love it wo and it totally circles back up and around the roller coaster works exactly as I planned W chip you’re a genius I think I should go on that all the time yeah me too this is such a fun area now Milo we’ve completed this bunker and Alexis I think everything’s ready we need to get every single villager and every animal down into this bunker but we only have 1 minute left to do it 1 minute remaining we better hurry come on guys we got this come on everybody every villager in this Village needs to come to us now we have a bunker that will keep every single one of you safe there is a massive nuclear missile heading right for us and if we do not come down into our bunker you will all be in serious danger come on guys we got to go good idea Alexis some of these Villages only speak villag language so it’s good that you can speak it too come on everybody we need to get down into the bunker look guys they’re dropping in yeah work they standing on the Slime wow this is perfect it is not causing them any harm come on everybody in we don’t have a lot of time left oh quick go je that was a seriously populated Village all right I think the last villagers should be falling in at any moment come on guys we got this we can’t leave a single person behind oh come on get down there get down come on there’s only two Villages left guys we’re going to need to push them in oh my goodness okay this one’s about to fall come on come on bud Milo did you just hit him in yeah I had to do it oh my goodness all right come on now we need to go down and show them all the way to get into the bunker we really don’t have a lot of time that nuclear missile’s on its way come on everybody you got to come through here yeah and oh no Milo Alexis I just realized something really bad what this lever will only work if somebody stays outside to shut it off you got guys both need to be on the inside I’m going to sacrifice myself so that you Milo and every single one of these Villages can be safe and sound on the inside of the bunker while I shut it down from the outside no chip don’t sacrifice yourself no I’m not having my true love die so young what Alexis but I need to do this and we’re not in love Alexis we’re oldest friends trying to survive a nuclear explosion chip come over here I need to talk to you seriously oh okay what do you need to talk to me about chip you can’t do it you can’t leave me in here with her what Milo but I need to shut off the bunker from the outside I can’t let Alexis Die For Me Oh man chip this is really sad wait Milo why are all the villagers running in here um I don’t know I think maybe the thing’s starting oh no Alexis Alexis where are you okay you guys need to stay in here I’ll go outside and shut it off myself no chip you’re not doing that come here quick Milo get somewhere where we can hold chip in here yeah let’s go keep them in here wait what no you need to let me out I need to go and save everybody this is my time everyone stay safe chip and Marshall bye-bye villagers you got this oh my goodness Alexis no not Mar oh no this is so sad but Milo she sacrificed herself to save us wow that was really awesome oh no wait a minute Milo I can hear the rocket I think it’s going to hit in three 2 1 wa that was a really h- hitting explosion Milo the bunker Alexis we need to get hazmat suits right now before we become radioactive okay let’s go get them oh my goodness oh my goodness quick quick oh no a lot of our armist stands were destroyed here you go here’s a full set that you can use and oh my gosh I’ll need to put on this stuff okay I’ve totally got my hazmat suit on but wait a minute Milo we need to get out of here do you have any sort of pickaxe um no but I do have something else what do you have Milo well I have this wait elytra how did you get that well I just put it in my inventory earlier oh my goodness thanks Milo this will be really useful and uh hey you don’t happen to have those fireworks you had from earlier when you were oh yep you totally do perfect now we can use these fireworks and these elytra to break out we’ll need to use this glass section to break out of because we won’t be able to break the other bits come on let’s go let’s go come on okay we’ll need to firework on through and wow ow I’m taking some serious damage this could be really bad but Milo are you ready to see what the surface is really like yeah but I can’t get out of the stupid thing hang on I can now open the door to let you through here you go hey thanks wait I don’t see Alexis anywhere hang on let’s go up and see exactly what’s going on out there this could be really bad oh my gosh CH oh my goodness Milo the entire world is destroyed these nuclear bombs seriously blew things up and hey there’s somebody down here come on you got to see this and wait a minute Milo it’s Alexis sh I chip my smart wrinkly brain boyfriend and is idiotic but delectable brother would you be up for an improvised dinner date sweetie perhaps we eat you no Alexis this can’t be you kill it with fire yeah get her wao W back back come back here zombie Alexis no leave me alone this is my world now no way ha

After Crazy Fan Girl Alexis accidently launched a NUKE towards Milo and Chips house, they are forced t Build an Ultimate Doomsday Secret Bunker to protect their families!

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. Milo and chip I will jump scare you when you're asleep it'll be so scary that you get nightmares😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm laughing at you

  2. My love you are cool and other videos you are silly and I like you Milo and chip and chip is very smart and you're a smart to Milo

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