I looked on Google for the most loved animals around the world, and here's what I found.
The ones that I crossed out with a red line are already in the game, the ones that have 3 white dots are the ones that are in the game, but not really, and the ones with the green dot are not in minecraft.
Which one would you like to see in the game?

by PetVenturer


  1. Fine_Project_760 on

    Sharks. The water isn’t dangerous enough to keep me from getting too cocky with the drowned lol

  2. BigDayforGrimely on

    sharks to make the ocean more dangerous, and whales to make me want to go there FR

  3. fortnaytci_uldu on

    gorilla cuz i want a fucking massive monkey to evolve into a smol pillager in 5 days

  4. DarkMustang15 on

    I reckon more ocean life would be cool and birds and reptiles would also add a lot to the game.

  5. Affectionate-Hall505 on

    Hear me out

    A crab.

    They could be quite cute and also could drop crab claws which added to tools to give them more reach.

  6. TheMNgaurdian on

    Birds please omg. It would liven the game up so much. I swear it would genuinely take away a little bit of that terrifying silence.

  7. sharks the water feels to safe lol it would be fun to have a mob in the water to watch out for

  8. Cinderblock-Consumer on

    Pangolins, they are real-life pokemon and mojang could spread awareness about them

  9. Savanna looks really empty compared to other bioms, so probably Lions, Elephants and Giraffes.

    But chirping birds would be amazing. I played with a mod that had ambient bird noises in one of the biomes, I ended up settling there listening to them all day.

  10. Sharks, like Enderman look them in the eye and they attack. We have dogs (wolves), fish and birds?

  11. Fabulous_Poetry6622 on

    Whales. Everything else is too much, can’t explain it but it’s just too much.

  12. Squalidscarab7 on

    Rhino and you could tame it and use it to charge at mobs and maybe through blocks

  13. ZeusCockatiel on

    More birds definitely, i love giraffes so i would add them i also like elephants 🥰

  14. Playful-Independent4 on

    That list is really strangely worded. There’s species (dog, guinea pig…), families (primates, sharks…), and three of the five major branches of vertebrates. Why not all species? Or all families? Why have reptiles fish and bird but not mammals and amphibians? Why is there only vertebrates? Where are the insects? They’re animals too!

    Those categories feel especially weird considering the game already has birds and fish… specific ones (parrots, chicken, salmon… ). Just like it has mammals… specific ones (pigs, cows, wolves… ). So why specify pigs cows and wolves but not the fish and bird species?

    Edit: I know OP just googled and the screenshot isn’t meant as a masterlist, just visual support. I just think it’s not particularly good visual support and I like to overanalyze.

  15. I want ants.
    Imagine wild ants just picking up (food) items on the floor and bringing it into their nest where they either feed it to their queen to spawn more ants or store it in “nestblocks”.

  16. 0SupremeDino0 on

    I think it would be cool to see a giraffe in Minecraft. It probably wouldn’t have any use though. I think that’s the case for most of these. Birds might get updates. An Ostrich would be cool

  17. Fishfinger00 on

    We are definitely missing more birds and reptiles. Would bring more life to certain biomes and the game as a whole

  18. I think they should add whales and maybe they sometimes drop ambergris which can be used for a potion that makes it harder for mobs to sense you

  19. KrazyMarchese on

    Different dog breeds like different size dogs and you can breed say a poodle and a lab to make a labradoodle etc so like golden retrievers dachshunds pugs German shepherds etc same with cats also ik we have different versions of wolfs but I still want a Weiner dog in mc

  20. Birds bc ambiance and we could get a new way of flying to a new sky land with rich loot

  21. Pigeons. You tame them with seeds and they can carry stuff (not as much as a donkey or llama though), and send them home so you can sort their inventory later

  22. delicate_blood_moon on

    imagine if we had whales and honey badgers in Minecraft! That would be sick asf

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