A Ninja Has a Crush on Me!

all right guys ready to see our new car oh yeah you’ve been hyping this up for weeks oh yeah this thing is going to be absolutely awesome I got it from the store the other day put it on let’s go all right all right here the big reveal in three 2 1 boom there it is what do you guys think dude what is this a it’s got a smiley face isn’t it awesome what do you mean what is this cam look it’s the pumpkinator it’s got four wheels one engine 500 horsepower this thing can go really fast bro I thought you were going to get like a super fancy car or something this is a pumpkin on Wheels dude it is a super fancy car it’s literally a pumpkin as a car and it’s got a face on it it’s the pumpkinator yeah this guy is lighting up my life right now yeah this thing is kind of insane cim you haven’t even seen how fast it can go look at this we where even is the steering wheel um the steering wheel is the stem you see that little green stem on top that that’s the steering wheel it’s like a helicopter you have to like push the stem around wa oh wait did I just run into you and ow wait what the heck just happened I just took a bunch of damage yo did the pumpkinator just damage me oh just got hit by something else what is coming from over there what the heck I just got hit by something else too huh wait guys I think that person over there is throwing something get us what the heck wait what are those things they’re they’re really sharp DH tell that guy to stop yo hold on we got to go tell this person to stop hey up you over there can you stop throwing whatever those are right us we’re kind of just chilling in the park over here and then I had some big flying object hit me in the head huh wait I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to hit you yeah yeah it’s all right but uh what were you even doing um I was just practicing throwing these ninja stars again I’m really sorry for hitting you wait ninja stars hold on are you a real ninja uh a ninja in training so yes whoa wait that’s actually sick hold on hold on so you can like um you can like like jump to really high places and uh wait what what other stuff do ninjas do uh they vanish and they throw ninja stars and they wear uh really black clothing and really cool armor wait do you have a sword um I get a sword when I’m done with my training but man no one’s asked me this many questions about being a ninja before hey being a ninja sounds pretty cool I’ve never met a real ninja before a thanks and your sweatshirt’s pretty cool too is it purple and oh wait really you like it yeah my sweatshirt is purple it’s pretty epic wait do you want to come over to my house for dinner later wait come to your house for dinner later uh sure I’m down wait can my friends come too oh I mean I wanted it just to be you and me but you they can go if you want yeah Dash well we’ll sit this one out mhm mhm and wait why why are you sounding like that what are you guys saying Dash this is obviously a d oh wait it is oh I couldn’t even tell okay well U sure Hannah I’m down to go to dinner with you tonight wait what’s the address the address is 524 Oak Street and I actually have to go right now but I’ll meet you there and oh all right sounds good I I guess I’ll see you at dinner tonight bye whoa guys that was awesome we just met a real life Ninja you just got yourself a date bro yeah wait that’s so sweet you can go to her house too well wait guys she invited me to her house for dinner tonight we got to go back home and get ready I’m hopping on the pumpkinator see you guys at home oh yeah we got to make you look awesome for the date let’s go and okay guys we’re finally back at the house have you guys caught up yet oh wow you guys are actually pretty fast I was on a car and you guys are still right behind me yeah that thing does not go as fast as I thought it would hey that wasn’t even going full power all right but anyways guys I got to get ready for this date um so um anyone know what ninjas like um probably other ninjas right um apparently not ninja liked your purple hoodie but I don’t know what the other ninjas are going to like mhm okay okay those are good points those are good points well um I got to make myself look like a ninja if I’m going on a ninja date do we have anything that like resembles ninja armor ooh do any of you guys have like a sword I can borrow no I don’t think you should take a sword on a date I think that’s kind of a bad idea wait wait guys what if I take some eggs you know how ninjas throw like throwing stars I can throw eggs that could be my thing yeah I don’t know about that if you bring a sword or uh eggs they might think that you’re hostile what okay I guess that makes sense well then what should I bring to this date um maybe like flowers and uh yourself you need better clothes come on upstairs and oh oh I need better clothes but I thought she liked my purple hoodie dude you’re not wearing any pants right now what yes I am there I’m just wearing my underwear you need pants for a date bro uh yeah ew anyways let’s go over here all right all right what type of clothes should I wear to this um date I’ve never really been to a date before so I don’t really know there’s too many things in here to choose from what do you think um yeah what how do we make Dash look the best ever Dash put on this hat and um okay I guess let me give this a shot wait it’s called a SC scarecrow hat what the heck is this I’m put on these shoes uh okay wait Road Runner boots are you sure about this these look like running shoes what do you think about this and then also this what the heck is this wait Ruby I don’t I don’t think this is really uh the the outfit that I should be wearing on a date I I think my purple hoodie was better I’m not going to lie what are you making him wear he just needs a pair of pants this doesn’t fit you at all I look like a scarecrow right now what the heck DH take off all those clothes in here put on these pants okay okay hold on let me take all that stuff up let me try putting on these pants ooh the these pant um these pants kind of make me look like a hobo wa look at this hat I really like this hat she okay never mind just try these pants on all right all right let me try these on mutant wither skeleton pants ooh okay these ones look kind of nice they they come with like a shirt too okay yeah I think that this should be good enough uh it kind of looks like you’re wearing dirt but it’s fine I guess any pants are better than no pants e these might be better than those though wait what leather pants oh all right yeah I guess this is probably the best but anyways I think I should be ready to on this date uh yeah I think you’re ready yeah you look pretty fancy to me now you just have to mind your ninja manners and yeah yeah I guess um once I go there I can like um ask her what her favorite sword is and like you know I can ask her all those ninja questions oo that’s so exciting and wait you should also bring a gift and o yeah you’re right you’re right do you guys think maybe I can bring an egg I always like eggs so maybe if I give one to her she’ll like it um I was thinking that you could get this leftover cake to bring there leftover a cake R me that’s a leftover I can’t bring a leftover cake as a gift okay then what about just like a carot eggs are not a good gift you guys suck at gift giving here Dash use this it’s a flower girls love flowers and ooh okay okay actually the flower is a good idea I guess I’ll give her this okay with that I think you’re ready let’s go let’s go all right all right I’m pretty sure the address was um 524 Oak Street yeah yeah I remember it here we got to hop back on the Whip and get going oh wait it’s also getting dark right now I think dinner’s probably starting we should get going quick oh gosh you don’t want to be late yeah uh we’ll see you whenever you get back from your date dude and oh right wait you guys are coming no yeah no we’re not going I don’t want to uh get on your personal beeswax with your date yeah I don’t want to get in the way o um all right well anyways I guess I’ll head out then see you guys later I’m pretty sure the address is this way good luck bye see you and all right here we are I’m pretty sure this is the spot 524 Oak Street and wa okay this does look like a spot where a ninja would live in wait hold on I think that’s her right there that’s Hannah okay I got to go meet her hi there I’m Dash remember me from the park oh you’re here yep I made it hopefully I wasn’t too late um I think the Sun is going down pretty dark hopefully you didn’t have dinner yet but I got you a gift check it out it’s a purple flower light a a gift you didn’t have to do that ah don’t worry it’s nothing but ooh we should probably get to dinner what have we got prepared for tonight o my parents are going to make sushi today they’re not home yet but um they should be here soon wait we’re having sushi sushi would be so good right now I’ve been craving sushi for a long time and huh what’s going on huh oh no I got him and huh wait where are we right now what is this place wait I think that we’re in a prison cell oh no wait prison cell hold on did you put us here hey let us out of here dude nope I’m not letting you out welcome to your new home I can’t believe I finally caught you what the heck wait okay Hannah do you know this guy what what is this what’s going on right now oh no I think I know what’s happening you do okay what is it explain oh no we just got kidnapped by the nether Clan there are a group of enemy ninjas that hate me and my family what the heck okay okay well hold on hold on if they hate you and your family why did they kidnap me why am I in here with you I think they kidnapped you because you’re friends with me I’m really sorry oh my gosh hey ninja dude what do you want for us to get out of here I can’t be stuck in prison I got stuff to do you can’t give me what I want only she can and we’ll be back for that later what the what does he mean by that what does he mean that only you can give him what he want I think he just wants me and my family to die what the heck that is messed up okay um we we got to find a way out of here so um you got experience being stuck in prison cells how do you usually Escape I don’t know this is my first time I don’t know what we can do oh my gosh okay okay well you’re a ninja surely you can figure something out right can’t ninjas like jump through like uh small holes can you just like jump through this I a ninja and training I don’t know how to do stuff like that oh my gosh okay well uh it looks like we got a toilet maybe we can go through that oh I see a little hole in the toilet um do you think you can like fit through that and like go call for help um no I’m a regular person I can’t fit through that there oh I thought ninjas could do that well what are we going to do now we have literally no way to get out of here I don’t know I think there’s no hope I have to just wait for someone to come get us oh man how long is that even going to take is there even someone coming down here to rescue us we don’t know that I don’t know man I need some coffee wait a minute hold on it looks like the guard is coming back maybe we can ask him to open the door for us again yo uh guard can you can you open the door for us please that’d be really good what no I’m not going to do that for you guys you’re stuck here forever oh my gosh are we even going to get any food or anything leave me alone I’m making my coffee what the heck this guard is so mean wait hold on henah do you still have those throwing stars from earlier yeah I have them okay okay um can you throw those at the guard he’s being super mean we might not get out of this prison but we got to get our revenge somehow wait what I’ve never thrown these at an actual person before well I mean you kind of did you threw them at me at the park well that was an accident well now you got to do it not on accident just hit that guard with the throwing stars we got to take him out okay let me just get a good angle and uh right there ow my knees wait you got him let’s go whoa wait a minute hold on is that a key wait wait um Hannah I think killing him dropped the key to the prison cell this is actually so good uh kind of it’s just Out Of Reach oh gosh yeah you’re right hold on we can just barely grab it um you think you could just like jump out of this Gap with your ninja skills come on that’s not how that works oh man okay okay well hold on we got the key this is good but now we need to get it um let’s see do you have any like ninja stars that you can throw that could like grab the key and then come back like a boomerang again that’s not how that works a man okay well how are we going to get this key I don’t know I think it’s hopeless and this cobweb keeps on getting stuck in my hair wait a minute hold on that gives me an idea the cobweb wait wait what if we grab the cobweb to make string and look we can use the dead bushes to get sticks so what’s that going to do we can craft a fishing rod if we have string and staks we can make a fishing rod and then we can use the fishing rod to grab the key but we should probably hurry up okay um maybe we can use this to cut the cobwebs down wa wait is that a knife oh yeah it’s a training ninja knife W okay okay yeah that should the trick I guess tried cutting the cobwebs down hopefully it actually drops the string let’s go it drops the string okay that is actually insane how did they not take away this knife when they put us in this prison cell I don’t know I guess they were in a rush but let me get the other ones too yeah yeah grab all the cobwebs I’ll grab some sticks from these dead bushes sometimes dead bushes drop sticks and oh there we go we got two sticks from that perfect hold on I need one more stick let’s go I got exactly one more okay perfect all right and I have three string is that enough for a fishing rod I think there should be more than enough let me just go into the crafting table and try crafting a fishing rod real quick there we go and let’s go we got the fishing rod okay okay here let me quickly grab this key before someone comes here let me just fishing rod it over towards our way come on just got to pull it back like two more blocks yes I got the key you got it let’s go okay hopefully this is actually the right key to the door here let me try it out real quick there we go and let’s go it worked I can’t believe we’re actually out of the cell okay okay escaping that prison was actually easier than I thought but um where are are we right now what is this place I’m not sure I’ve never been here before hold on I’m going to pick up that guard’s coffee cup all right I’ve got a coffee cup now it looks like we’re underground so I can’t break out of this door oh gosh yeah wait where in the world are we hold on let me look around here um yep definitely looks like we’re underground hold on maybe there’s an exit somewhere around here that we can use come on there’s got to be an exit hello any doors there’s a hallway over here we can go this way wait wait wait wait wait wait what let me look at this hallway really quick yeah there’s a trap here be careful huh a trap what type of trap could there possibly be in this hallway there is literally just a hallway Hannah look at the ground and oh wait a minute there’s trip wires hold on hold on good catch I didn’t even see that yeah it’s almost invisible these guys are good oh gosh okay okay well um what do we have to do do we just have to jump over the trip wires um we just have to avoid all of the dispensers see and waa wait there’s dispensers there how did you know that what’s even inside of these dispensers oh they’re poison arrows okay okay yeah we got to avoid them but um you think we can just run through really quickly or should we jump over them what’s the move you’re the ninja here we should definitely be jumping over them here just follow me okay all right all right I’ll just follow you and wao aah you stepped over it what was that I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry okay okay um well if you can’t jump over it properly I don’t know if I’ll be able to let me give it a shot oh I did it I’m not that good at this stuff ninja in training remember yeah okay okay well hold on it looks like there’s a few more trip wire hooks over here we just got to jump over that and then H it looks like there’s another one over here jump there we go oh h on how do you keep hitting all them are you kidding me these things are really hard to see wait can I just break this string I think if you break it the dispensers yeah they’re going to go anyways it’s fine it’s fine all right all right well anyways what the heck where are we now what is this place are you kidding me wait what’s inside of this Barrel over here wait there’s a bunch of throwing stars yeah yeah yeah but what is this all parkour wait a minute is it that’s what it looks like o it looks like the next door that we have to go through is over there why do they have this inside of their Prison Room this is this is a weird spot and why do they have these throwing stars here an oh I think I know wait what you do what is it um check this out and if I just throw this right here and huh it just lit up and wao whooah a block just spawned over here yeah we have to activate all the jumps oh I see okay okay and hold on um it looks like there’s some lava at the bottom we got to be really really careful if any of us falls down there then um I don’t think it’s going to be good um can I confess something I’m really bad at these oh gosh okay well um if you fall I still got the fishing rod I’ll just like pull you back up with it okay okay okay well I guess we better get started um let me go first jump there we go and okay these first few jumps over here aren’t too bad I think we got this all right I got to see in parkour class but let’s try this all right all right I guess just try our best be careful be careful don’t fall in it whoa whoa you’re just going ahead wa wait what do you mean you’re not good at parkour you’re just went crazy yeah I know I my foot just got placed on the wrong spot for a second there what the heck okay okay well that was pretty impressive but wao um where do we go from here it looks like we can either jump on that fence over there or wait there’s another Tet taret block over here I think we have to throw a throwing star here yeah I think we have to go get those first do you want to try throwing it all right all right I guess let me try throwing the throwing star boom there we go oh gosh these things are kind of hard to throw let me get it oh there we go I got it look at that it activated these slime blocks down here I see what we have to do okay and wait do we have to hit the other Target too I don’t know wait there’s another Target over here hold on let me try hitting it with the throwing St can we even hit it from this angle oh it’s got to hit it oh there we go I hit it it just activated that jump over there okay perfect okay now that we’ve H that let’s get the Slime jump real quick and wait wait wait before we jump I think we forgot something important wait what what did we forget we missed that Target down there and oh yeah wait I don’t think we got that Target yet okay well um I guess we can just hit it maybe it’ll activate a jump to make the Slime jump easier let’s see let me just hit it once and yep perfect oh yeah that was really important oh yeah if we didn’t have that block there I don’t know if we would have made the Slime jump but still this slime jump is going to be super oh oh I was about to say it’s going to be scary but you’re just going okay what just don’t fall in the lava it’s that easy okay let me give it a shot yes I made it okay I thought I was going to fall in there but all right I think we’re good all right this might be a little hard but it should be fine yep okay okay let me try these jumps over here oh there we go made it and okay I think we already hit that Target block over there that’s the one that spawned into these blocks let’s just keep on going I guess oh there we go and wait hold on I think we’re really close to the end but oh gosh what the heck is this next part oh it looks like there’s three more targets over here there’s a sign that says Timing blocks what does that mean oh wait I think I know wait what what is it oh these are timing jumps that means wait what’s that over there uh wait I think we’ve been caught oh no this isn’t good what are you two doing the prisoners escaped we have to get them oh gosh they H out we got to hurry up okay how do we do these jumps again you know how to do it right um yeah I know how to do it we just have to hit the targets and then go really fast cuz these jumps disappear oh gosh okay okay well uh we better get going then let’s hit the targets there we go oh first jump activated all right second jump go go go and then we got to hit the last one right over gear yes go we’re not going to let you leave get him hey stay away I’m going to throw these guys in the lava actually you know what we don’t got time we got to run is the escape somewhere around here um yeah it should be around here somewhere but where oh gosh um let’s just hide into one of these rooms for now I think the guards are like right behind us here uh let’s go into this room okay okay okay get in get in get in we got to close the door let’s just hide um right over here oh gosh those guards are right on our tail oh where are these two oh no I think the guards finished the parkour okay okay we need to hide really really well yeah how about we um I I got this door I got this from the other room why don’t we just like put it down there oh yeah that’s a good cover your Hannah just get over here sit next to me they’re not in this room oh no I think they’re searching all the rooms this is not good not this one either they’re going to find us what are we going to do no no no we’re going to be fine we’re going to be fine we just got to um we’ve got this door blocking us ooh we can even put this coffee cup on top yeah this is um really good cover oh gosh I see one of the guards name tags right there oh gosh I think we need to get out and find a way to get out of this room sh sh the guard’s right there be quiet uh I don’t see anything in here feel I don’t think he saw us okay we’re good we’re good they must have kept going through this parkour we have to catch up to them all right boss oh wait I think they’re leaving the room oh okay perfect perfect about time but anyways um now we got to find an actual exit to this place this room just looks like a sleeping room there’s a bunch of beds on the floor how do we get out of this place um let’s just look around and see if they have anything here maybe we can find a key wait there’s a room over here what’s over here and whoa wait a minute hold on I think this is the Armory room look at all this stuff wait that looks awesome hold on hold on wait are you thinking what I’m thinking we should probably grab some of this gear in case we run into those guards again we’ll be able to fight them ourselves yeah and if we take their weapons and they can’t fight us as well right exactly and wo look there’s purple armor over here it’s called the amethyst Samurai armor oh you know what I’m taking this give me that oh yeah I’ve got the purple armor this is awesome okay start putting stuff on and then raiding everything okay yeah we got to take everything we can from here hold on is this a sword this is actually awesome look I’ve got a sword I’ve got an actual Katana wa have you never been been able to use a sword before this is awesome okay hopefully I can actually like uh use this sword properly I’m not actually a real ninja like you well it’s my first time using a sword too I’ve only used training swords and wait hold on look inside of the barrel over here there’s a bunch more stuff there’s golden apples there’s grappling hooks there’s I I don’t even know what this is I think I’m just going to stick to this sword though there’s a bunch of insane stuff in here these grappling hooks look really really useful but wait let’s destroy all their weapons and yeah yeah that’s a good idea that way they’re not going to be able to gear up all right let’s just break all this stuff yeah take that we’re going break all the armor and weapons wait there’s also a bunch of throwing stars over here we don’t really need this though we’ve already got a bunch yeah yeah yeah let’s just get this armor and then all the stuff in the picture frames oh yeah we are bankrupting these ninjas let’s go they’re losing all their armor today there we go it’s all gone pH okay now let’s get out of here we’re taking too long yeah yeah we should probably get going it looks like the next place that we can go to is this way over here I think this is where those other ninjas went and what the heck is this it looks like an exit but I don’t know how we’re supposed to exit oh gosh wait hold on I think I see the outside over there we just got to keep going that way and um yeah hold on how do we get through this what in the world is this I don’t know um okay okay well what do we have is there something that we could use maybe o maybe how about I throw one of these throwing stars and then you jump on the throwing star and fly with it you know that I think the throwing stars are a little small for that dude well I mean I’ve got 52 of them what if I throw all of them at once no there has to be something else that we’ve picked up that we can use what can we use wait a minute hold on what about the fishing rod I can like um pull you with the fishing rod um I don’t think so wait what about the grappling hook and oh wait actually hold on a minute the grappling Hook’s a really good idea we can use the grappling hook to get on each of these little platforms over here okay well let’s practice with them first before we go over the big void in the middle let me try grappling on the ceiling real quick and okay okay I think I’m getting a hang for this you just got to like grapple and then you can swing around and then you can UNG grapple okay that’s pretty easy yeah wait this is actually a lot easier than I thought I would be all right well um let’s see how are we going to do this it looks like the first area we need to get to is over there we need to get to that platform okay well that can’t be that difficult here I’ll go first okay okay good luck hopefully you don’t fall down all right I’m just going to try this and wish me luck all right all right good luck you got this oh you almost made it you got it wa you actually made that look easy okay um hold on you got any tips for me I’ve never really grappling hooked like this before just make sure to let go of the at the right time and then don’t make your rope too long okay okay I got it I guess let me just uh grapple hook onto that and uh this scary Hold on let me grapple hook onto the higher part and then jump go go go no oh I’m kind of hanging down oh wait hang on to the wall hang on to the wall wait hold on how do I get up from here I’m kind of in a bad position right now can I jump oh oh I got it let’s go pH I was going to try to lift you up but I’m glad that you got it by yourself okay well it looks like there’s only a few platforms left hold on let me try going on this next one over here real quick there we go yes I I made it kind of I’m I’m kind of just hanging on the wall oh gosh careful hang on I want to go over there and help you okay okay um I’ll just try climbing my way up while you do that oh I made it let’s go oh good oh good all right and I’m here and wow you just made it look easy again what the heck I mean I’m not all that good at it but thanks okay well it looks like we’ve only got two more platforms to go on just got to jump on this one oh there we go I almost had it no I fell off the end are you kidding me it’s okay these things can be hard to use see and uh oh I just did it first try okay but hold on it looks like we’ve only got one more grappling hook took to do we just got to Grapple our way this way and let’s go we made it to the other side but wait wait hold on we got to be careful over here this is where the guards went all right wait hang on let me get up there all right all right yeah pull up but okay this is where those other guards went so we got to be careful around here wait hold on there’s someone over there wait a minute hold on who is that is that the boss oh no that is the boss I thought this was too easy look who’s finally here wait how does he know we’re here we were literally hiding behind the wall his senses are really really sharp oh gosh okay um hello there um ninja boss guy um hold on is there any goons around here no we’re good hey um we’re just trying to escape this place hold on hang out we’ve got armor so does he and there’s only one of him and there’s two of us we can probably take him um I don’t know about that I wouldn’t be so sure about that what is it whoa whoa what the heck is this oh no I thought it was too easy say alone to my minions yo this guy’s got minions hold on hold on these guys are actually insane these minions are actually insane hold on we’ve got throwing stars and golden apples though we can fight these take that take that yeah throwing star oh gosh wait these guys hurt and oh gosh the boss is fighting me too I’m going in the corner over here I’m just going to throw throwing stars at them take that yeah wait and be careful be careful oh gosh wait there’s like three of them over here on me ow their swords really hurt they do a lot of damage wait I just picked up one of their swords I’m going to use the sword back on them yeah take that yeah come here let me take this one over here out there we go oh gosh I don’t know how much longer of this I can take what the heck are these ones over here yo he’s got like big goblins Guys these guys are huge oh gosh we got to take him out it looks like there’s only one left let’s just beat him up and let’s go we did it and oh gosh now we just got to fight the boss okay remember to use your throwing stars you may have took on my minions but you’ll never take on me oh gosh hey yo stay back dude stay back we just want to leave this place we just want to leave this place can you leave us alone come here come on we got to beat this guy up we got to take him out ow this guy hurts a lot more than his minions I’ll tell you that oh gosh wait can I have a golden apple please you don’t have any yeah here you go take those take those hurry up I ran out oh gosh I’m at one heart Hannah cover me I’m literally at half a heart I’m one shot okay okay I’ll try but this is hard oh gosh hey boss go away come here I’m going to win oh gosh he hurts really bad I’m so low I’m so low right now hey hey come on come on come on how about you just let us go and we won’t tell anyone that we saw you here or how about I kill you both right now I think this is the end oh gosh no no no this can’t be the end we have to do something good watch out guys what the heck wait how did you guys find us e we thought that your date was taking too long so we came over to um save you from awkwardness but uh we didn’t expect any of this huh wait are these your friends from the Park yeah these are my friends they came to rescue us thank you so much guys we were actually losing that fight you guys kind of carried us oh really we just wanted to try out our bazooka speaking up where did you even get a bazooka from oh I got it from the store where we got that car thing from yeah Ruby was like follow me this way and then bought a bazooka what are you guys wearing oh it’s a long story uh you guys want to go to get sushi at my house yeah that would be awesome right now let’s get out of this place oh Sushi I Love Sushi wait what happened that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

A Ninja Has a Crush on Me! (Minecraft)

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam meet a ninja who ends up having a CRUSH on Dash… How will their first date go? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


  1. So😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😮😮😮😮😮😮😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😅😢😅😅


  2. Dash can you face reveal with Ruby and Cam I watch all your videos and I'm from Philippines Filipinos like Americans and Filipinos are nice all your videos are awesome ❤❤😊😊😮😮

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