JJ and Mikey Hide Inside Golem To Prank Families in Minecraft (Maizen)

[Music] hey Mikey look over there it’s our wives and they’re doing something uh-huh yeah it looks like they’re trying to build a Golem doesn’t it huh why do they need a Golem hey you old monster stop right there old man do you have enough to live for give us our pumpkins back here now are you out of your mind man Jay why is your girlfriend being so mean to this poor old man did you see what that old man did he’s a dirty Thief my girlfriend did the right thing I would have done the same thing myself uh let’s prank them huh how about that huh Mikey yeah I think getting inside that Golem and waiting for it to show up would be a great idea yeah that’s exactly right we’re going to become a Golem and Widow prank our wives how about that I like it but how are the two of us going to fit in here it’s like a coffin it’ll be too cramped for one of us come on come on you’re the one who wanted to prank them so get in there and don’t resent it ah oh my God this Golem is so tight I hope when they revive it we’ll have a lot more room than we have here we finally got our pumpkin back that dirty old man’s got a lot of attitude don’t you think yes let’s get the pumpkin installed and the Golem will be alive we can finally rest when the Golem is working in our vegetable garden hey JJ I don’t agree what are they up to Mikey be quiet maybe they’ll hear us or not can they hear us why does that golem look so strange what is that color combination green and orange well because it’s our Golem and look over there I think that old man is back here again are you sick of living I can’t understand what they want from Us JJ what are we going to do Mikey be quiet let’s just listen to them hey Golem why don’t you go after the old man and beat him up I want you to teach him a lesson for what he’s doing Mikey go after him come on we’re going to get him Jay stop we can use the old man for our own purposes huh I don’t get it Mikey come on tell me more about what you’re up to Jay there’s a Golem voice function so we can talk to villager don’t destroy it we can use it to prank our wives huh I hear you Mikey well then I’m turning on Golem’s voice hey you old body stop right there I’m talking to you I’m sorry Golem don’t touch me I’m very hungry and I need this pumpkin to eat oh is that what it means it’s bad to steal from strangers old man what am I supposed to do with you I’m sorry don’t touch me but I can do anything you say you’re saying anything I say huh why don’t you help me with something you are you’re going to help us with something I want your hands to be a tool for us I want you to dig something Mikey why don’t I talk to him I don’t get it can you be more specific about what you want dude let’s do this you’re coming with us we need you to uh let’s say help us set some traps do you understand not really but although you do SC scare me a little bit Golem if you do what we tell you we’ll leave you alone understand look what I’m doing is that enough for you let’s put it this way old man your job now is to dig a little hole like your vegetable garden so go ahead are you sure you promise you’ll let me go wait a minute why would you if you’re a Golem a Golem do you have two minds JJ is he starting to suspect something don’t you think he’s asking a lot of questions old man you ask a lot of questions I’m asking you questions not you so tell me do you want to live of course I want it to live but what am I supposed to do that’s right old man look here I want you to spill a bunch of lava in here come on move your body and then put a huge Earth pillar in the middle of the lava I hear you Golem I just feel like you promise I’ll be okay I’ve already answered your question oh my God if you do what we tell you we’ll let you go and you’ll remember it as a funny story yeah that’s great old dude you’re doing exactly what you need to do can I be free I did what you asked not exactly I want you to stand on that table and scream for help when I bring those girls you stole the pumpkin from are you serious why would I do that does that make any sense I thought we told you old man that you ask a lot of questions and if this continues yeah ah oh God forgive me Golem so I get it I’m going to stand here and when those girls get here I’m going to yell and ask for help right uh why what’s your plan JJ I want them to see it and then we’ll just take off and throw them into the lava isn’t that funny uh yeah cool JJ that’s an interesting idea but I kind of feel sorry for the old man we have to let him go you realize that don’t you yeah of course I do I’m not cruel enough to do anything to it well we’ll let him go after we’ve pranked our family oh look who’s here looks like he did what we asked him to do huh is he showing us something he wants something from us huh yes yes yes why are you so stupid come on come on let’s follow us let’s go after the Golem it seems like it wants to show us something or something don’t you think it’s weird Behavior huh what’s weird about it you’re about to see the circus that’s going on here and you need to get ready Mikey oh help me this stupid go led me here help me please hey old man how did you get in there oh my God how come there’s so much lava in here all right Mikey get ready for the next stage give me the controls I’ll show you come on Mikey now just look at it oh my god look out oh my god oh no you think this is funny who did this to us I don’t get it did a Golem do this to us are you out of your mind hey it was funny but it looks like they survived and didn’t quite appreciate your prank oops looks like my wife got mad huh hey you stupid Golem stop right there what the hell do you think you’re doing what kind of a circus is going on here is anybody going to help me today Jay you better run away because it looks like we’ve made them very angry yeah yeah Mikey they didn’t understand the prank at all but it was fun wasn’t it I don’t even know JJ I don’t like that they’re after us now stop you stupid iron body and if you show your face to us one more time we’ll do it to you oh my god Mikey do you know what else I have in mind uh JJ I think we’ve lost them wait I don’t know what you mean well let’s do another prank on them look it looks like the house is standing there huh well let’s see if we can find something interesting there uh aren’t you tired of pranking them do you still want to yeah we’re just getting started what’s your problem it’ll be okay it’s fun isn’t it ah it looks like we can’t fit through here we’re too big for this door JJ oh no you don’t have to break their Windows why because that’s how we can get into their house now we’re going to see what they have here okay so tell me what do you want to do what are your plans well look I want to look for some things that we can use for pranking in the future huh how about that oh and by the way what’s this button here look I’m going to press it now H oh what’s wrong JJ I think you changed the color of the Golem to its primary color yeah now we don’t stand out from the other golems and we look just like the others that’s great for us because our family remembers what that Golem looked like cool JJ what a great idea you’ve got with the disguise what can I say to you and look we found some iron blocks and a pumpkin do you know what that means huh you want to build something don’t you build more Golems to mess up our families or something yeah Mikey you’re absolutely Ely right and oh my God are you reading my mind I want to think of something that would our family see the golems and get confused so they think there’s something wrong you know yeah I get your point but I don’t understand why you want to confuse them is this some kind of plan of yours well the next prank will be that we have to gain the trust of our family we’re going to be basically I just a new Golem for them that they don’t know or suspect uh I hear you and then what first I want a lot of golems in this town there’s going to be a lot of golems and then they’ll realize there’s so many they’ll want a Golem too and that’s where we come in what if they find someone else and not us what do we do then we’ll think of something so that’s my plan I feel like your plan doesn’t quite make sense to me I guess there’s something missing what could you have come up with something better I don’t think so Mikey okay then let’s go with your plan what does that mean you got a problem with something something I can hear your thoughts or suggestions or additions to these pranks uh there’s really no JJ my brain doesn’t want to think or think of anything new right now and I wouldn’t mind getting some sleep right now Mikey don’t go to sleep I actually need your help uh what can I do for you you’re doing just fine on your own without my help huh hey look over there JJ it looks like it’s our family they found something didn’t they yeah they think they’re they’re trying to find the Golem that threw them into the lava oh my gosh how they want to get back at you for what you did to them why me we’re both in control of that Golem so it’s our fault for what we’re doing are you sure they can’t hear us did you turn off the voice if I do that they’ll hear us but right now they can’t hear us hey I heard some weird noises in here it sounded like I can’t even explain it JJ stop playing with the voice they might hear us and suspect something I can’t figure out what they’re trying to do but what I do know is that they don’t suspect that you and I are in the Golem great Mikey but now we have to get their attention so they’ll turn on us and uh well just wait a little bit they’ll come to us soon enough and we’ll do something about it right wait what about this Golem H did we look at that Golem oh maybe it’s him uh-oh they think we’re a danger to them well let’s destroy some enemy mobs so they think we’re peaceful and protect them hey Golem Golem H what are you doing are you destroying spiders huh uh what now so did it work or not I think this Golem is good and that’s exactly what we need so come on golem follow us we’ll find a use for you and a Jobo oh my God JJ we’re so lucky your brilliant plan worked they think we’re going to help them don’t they yeah kind of now we just have to figure out a way to get them to trust us even more and then we’ll just prank them Heist that’s your plan am I right hey Golem I need your help around the house I think you’re the one who can find the Golem who threw us into the lava we can’t let this go unpunished it’s funny to think they can find that Golem he’s gone like a shadow so Mikey I’ve been thinking of something I’m going to create another prank this time using the pit uh the pit again wait what do you mean pit what does that mean come on tell me what you’re up to I’m going to build a huge deep pit for our families to fall into just by accident is that your prank it’s kind of boring not really the prank will go on because we’ll help them out of the pit but then what’s the point of your prank I don’t understand your logic you’re about to see it for yourself they decided to build something around their house but suddenly the two of them fall down there and it looks like hey Golem oh gentlemen help us please no problem we’ll help them out right Mikey we’re about to create a ladder for them but I want to add a little bit of a hardship to them what if they get water on them when they’re climbing up uh you want to throw water on them huh I think I understand your prank not exactly pour water on them but anyway I want to make the nearby Creek start pouring water on them and to do that you and I will have to dig a little hole for the water to start pouring out do you understand oh thank you so much for your help we thought we were trapped again yes and it’s not even our fault it was just an accident the river suddenly decided to spill out on its own don’t worry guys it’s just beginning and while you’re out there trying to climb that ladder we’re going to make this stream randomly start pouring down the hole right on top of [Laughter] you and what do they say to that oh my god oh no where did all this water come from oh my God help us Golem sorry guys but unfortunately we can’t help you at all so goodbye hey JJ look at this was it in your plan that they could get out of there yeah Mikey you’re right it looks like they’re trying but they’re not going to make it because we’re going to make sure there’s no more water oh no Golem Jesus Christ don’t just stand there help us do something or at least throw us a boulder Boulders nope no rocks you’ll still be sitting there oh no it looks like they’re trying to grow up they were holding a boulder but where did they get it from hey spider we need your help friend go over there and attack them do you think he understood what I told him let’s see oh my God there’s a spider what the hell is going on oh my God the Golem help us what is this hey spider go drop right down there and mock them now that’ll be fun ha Mikey I think it’s time we did something else with them do you have any ideas for the next prank uh we could search their house I have a feeling we missed something in there okay here’s the deal there’s a nub standing there and he’s going to help us with something to keep us from being discovered hey nub hey nub let’s do exactly what we plan blow up that Dynamite you’ll regret this I’ll find you all and I’ll get revenge on you you can’t escape us blah blah blah blah well done thanks nuub now you can be free that was a blast JJ I think we’re done with the pranking for the day yeah you’re right Mikey but here’s the problem they’re going to come back here it’s going to be a battle do you think they know we did all this I don’t know but uh I think my wife is starting to realize that we’re the Golem that’s been taunting them well then let’s fortify the defenses of this house I see there’s some supplies here to put a bunch of defenses around the house yeah you know yeah that’s a great idea since they’re coming back here we’ll have to fortify the place a bit listen JJ I don’t want to fight fight them I don’t think they deserve it yeah Mikey you’re right we’ll do anything not to fight them they’ll just be so angry they’ll want us to but you’re right we’ll have to stop them somehow okay so we just keep building these barriers for now just fortify their house we’ll give them a little surprise I think they’ll be happy to see it here M okay then let’s do something nice for them they’ve gotten too much today hey you stupid Golem get down from there we’re here to beat you up hey you got it all wrong don’t hit us us stop what a talking Golem oh huh so you’ve been able to talk this whole time and who are we if you’re standing here alone you’ve got it all wrong and it’s not really a Golem it’s us inside JJ and Mikey Golem don’t mess with me or I’ll drown you in lava hey looks like it’s time for us to show who we really are here he comes see forgive us for pranking you ha it’s not funny we’re going to beat you so bad you’ll be done oh my God God JJ run they’re out of their minds

JJ and Mikey Hide Inside Golem To Prank Families in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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