Stardew Valley Battle Royale – Ponds Vs. All – Update 1.6 – KitaDollx Games

Hello friends my name is k doll and welcome to my Channel today I’m going to be switching things up a little bit I have a battle royale of sorts pitting fish ponds solar panels bee houses and everybody’s favorite mushroom logs against each other I want to see just how well the fish pond and some of the other outdoor farm items stack up against each other we’ll take a look at some of the numbers and try to see just how good each of these can be and which one comes out on top financially aesthetically and for Simplicity can you guess which one will win if you find this video interesting please like And subscribe for more like this in the future with that being said let’s get into it life as the only farmer in stardo can be challenging when deciding what to put on your farm it’s not always cut and dry what makes the best money makes your farm look nice or just be a hassle to harvest and maintain I really like the fish ponds for their aesthetic they also slide nicely in the same 5×5 space that crops with aridium sprinklers would use so I often move in this direction as my crops migrate to the greenhouse or the ginger Island Farm the fish ponds never felt super productive though and I mainly just keep them around for some of the Exotic watercolors you get from particular fish so how do they stack up to some of the Alternatives let’s bring in the scientist and have them crunch some numbers to find out first things first let’s set out some ground rules rules for this experiment rule number one I only want to compare things that have to be outdoors anything that can go inside is probably better in farm buildings anyway two I’m going to limit this space to a 5×5 area I know it’s not ideal for everything and some of these scale better with certain setups but we’ve got to set some limits three I’m allowing processing equipment to be factored in without using up the 25 available tiles kind of like rule one it’s really easy to have a lot of indoor space to set up additional equipment we will keep this in mind though especially if it really affects the work involved in processing the products and four I’m going to assume that we have the Artisan profession I think most people go that route anyway I’ll also assume that we have the angr and gemologist professions those two really only have an effect for lava eels but it’s not a game changer in this context so if you haven’t taken them the numbers won’t be that far off for the competitors I will try to get the most out of them as possible but I’ll hash out some consolations if things start looking ridiculous in terms of processing let’s start out with the fish pond the fish pond can be home to a variety of fish each with different produce Pond Quest difficulty and maybe watercolor for this comparison I have to go with lava eels they Edge out blobfish for the best fish pond for money they get cool red water and they’re obtainable pretty reasonably in year one if you put in some time into your fishing skill and make it to floor 100 on the mines once you fill up your pond with 10 lava eels they can produce row gold ore cave jelly spicy eel food and magma geodes in addition lava eels reproduce once every 5 days so you can also fish out and sell a lava eel from the pond for some extra gold all told selling everything outright will net about 680 gold per day on average the row can be aged in preserves jars the geodes can be cracked for additional profits using the geode Crusher and you can smoke the lava eel in a fish smoker if you don’t have gemologist or a geode Crusher taking them to Clint will result in a net loss on average so you can just sell them outright once these processing steps are accounted for the average gold per day gets bumped up to 1,704 okay not terrible there is one other secret weapon for the fish pond though in patch 1.6 golden animal crackers were released when thrown in a fish pond they permanently double the output doubling all of the items other than the lava eel Spawn from reproduction brings the average up to 2,820 gold per day but is this good next let’s look at solar panels this one should be pretty straightforward solar panels can be crafted using 10 refined quartz five iron bars and five gold bars no door-to-door salesman needed these generate a battery pack after s sunny days not every day is going to be sunny on the farm though to keep things simple we’re going to give these guys the benefit of the doubt and optimistically assume that they average out to roughly One battery pack every 8 days we can cram 22 of 25 tiles with solar panels while still being able to harvest the batteries so there’s not too much wasted space this would get us 308 batteries packs per year hopefully that’s enough to have a few left over after fulfilling all the requests from the ladies in pelicant town anyway at 500 gold per battery pack we would be making an average of 1,375 gold per day there’s no other processing for the batteries so unless you need them for your crystarium business that’s that it gets beat out by a non boosted lava eel Pond and on top of that the solar panels are not cheap to make and you won’t be getting the recipe until after unlocking Ginger island with the animal cracker the fish pond wins handily and I think it’s got Aesthetics in the bag as well all right next up beeh houses are you at beekeeping age this is for you the bee house is a piece of artisan equipment that makes Honey every 4 days it’s craftable at level three farming and requires 40 wood eight coal one iron bar and one maple syrup this makes the bee House available able very early honey sells for 140 gold and can be boosted up to 532 gold in the summer with nearby poy flower or 952 gold in the fall with a fairy rose flower it’s probably not worth bothering with flowers in the spring since honey can be processed into Mead in a keg in update 1.6 the base price of mead was increased from 200 to 300 gold so the Artisan bonus bumps up to 420 gold you can then further increase the value to 840 Gold by aging it in a cask for 28 days of course then you need the third house upgrade and a seller full of casks and nothing better to put in the casks however if you are willing to devote casks to your me you can actually skip the flowers Al together and go with a similar setup to the solar panels since you can fit a couple more be houses in place of the flower and sprinkler keep in mind this will not necessarily be the case for a bee house that can extend beyond a 5×5 square and there are some really cool designs out there for bee houses with optimally placed flowers committing to casking all of your me also seems like a big ask since even our 5×5 squares enough to keep a seller full of casks busy for most of the year so let’s take a look at some of the numbers with and without all right so if we factor in the lack of production during winter we can get 20 honey harvests per year with an average of 2,25 gold per day by making Mead in the spring making poppy honey in the summer and making fairy Rose honey in the fall if we go all out with the casks we can get 3,300 gold per day throughout the year to be honest the whole Cask route seems like a stretch when there’s a lot better uses for the cast this means bee houses are pretty comparable to a fish pond with the winter depending on your golden animal cracker situation it’s kind of a judgment call and it might depend on which one fits your itic better okay last but not least everybody’s favorite let’s take a look at trees and mushroom logs for this one we’ll need some trees some tappers and some mushroom logs as of update 1.6 the tappers and mushroom logs are both craftable items that you can get fairly early in the game at level four foraging you’ll need 40 wood and two copper bars for each Tapper and 10 hardwood and 10 Moss for each mushroom log the quantity and quality of mushroom logs is kind of complicated but for a 5×5 area it looks like six trees may be optimal for making sure each log sees four to six of the trees for calculating mushroom quantity if you’d like to dig deeper into the mushroom log math and why it works out this way please check out my other videos on mushroom logs this setup will give us six tap trees that produce syrup tar or resin depending on the type of tree and 16 mushroom logs that can produce a mushroom every 4 days or every 3 days with with rain rain complicates the calculations so we’re going to assume that we get mushrooms every 4 days as a worst case scenario anyway once we have our mushrooms we can throw them in our dehydrator to increase their sell price further the type of tree does affect the type of mushrooms produced so this is important for more than just what comes out of the Tapper Mystic trees are by far the best choice for money since they make Mystic syrup worth 1,000 gold each as well as boosting the odds for purple mushrooms the most expensive type that you can get from the mushroom log that’s kind of a tall order since you have to have reached foraging Mastery so we’ll also compare this to pine trees which is pretty much the easiest tree to get and the runner up for best daily revenue with pine trees in this configuration we’re going to get a pretty measly 120 gold per day from standard tappers but the mushroom logs crank out a total of almost 3,800 gold per day once the mushrooms make it through the dehydrators upgrading to Mystic trees increases standard Tapper products to 857 gold per day with mushroom logs bumping up the total to almost 6,200 gold per day on average it almost seemed too good to be true to the Alternatives so I tested the profits out for a couple mushroom log harvests and everything seemed to be in line with the calculations with actual revenue for the first 8 days at 5,696 gold per day these are some pretty impressive numbers and they blow the fish pond out of the water it seems like mushroom logs are the clear winner for money but the other three are somewhat similar if you don’t go too crazy they each have certain aesthetic appeals depending on the situation but I think I like the look of colorful fish ponds on the farm the best though I think trees mushroom logs and Bee houses can all fit in pretty well in all fairness to the fish pond all three of these options can be placed outside of the farm and they aren’t confined to a 5X 5 area so maybe that makes the decision easier in the end since the desert is always sunny and doesn’t have much else going on it’s probably the best place to put solar panels out anyway assuming you don’t mind making the trip to collect your batteries so what do you guys think which of these do you like for your farm the most is the money the most important aspect or did I miss something about any of these that you think makes some special let me know in the comments which ones you like best and how you set them up if you made it to the end thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video or learned anything new please give it a like And subscribe or come say hello to me over on Twitch until next time goodbye

The scientists have crunched some numbers to compare fish ponds to some of the alternative outdoor farm equipment. I’ll give my impressions on which is best for making money, efficiency, and aesthetics.

0:42 Background
2:39 Fish Pond
4:20 Solar Panels
5:40 Bee Houses
8:00 Mushroom Logs
11:12 Final Thoughts


  1. Deluxe Retaining Soil is ideal for flowers for beehouses. Alternatively you can also water any flower boxed in by beehouses with an upgraded watering can and you only need to water them during the growth phase anyway. So using a spot for a sprinkler to keep watering the flower is a bit of a waste.

  2. When it comes to fishponds, I tend to first get a pond of purple sea cucumber so I can get a head start on iridium tools and they have they have the 3rd best roe price. Then I get one for sturgeons until I can get around 5 or 7 lava eels then I replace the sturgeon. What are your thoughts on crab pots with the new baits, are the professions still not worth it?

  3. I was going to say, I want to see this tested in a bigger area, maybe 10×10 as the equivalent of four fishponds but I guess only mushroom logs and bee houses really scale with that. Mushroom logs are already winning, and bee houses are generally better on GI as they can produce fairy rose honey year round which makes them significantly stronger than on the farm. I think there is a VERY strong argument for at least one fishpond on meadowlands so I donโ€™t need to walk as far to water my crops ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Fish Ponds are useful just because you might get some really Valuable stuff from them. it's a Low Chance but still a chance.

    I mean Rainbow Trout might give Prismatic Shards

    one of the Sea Cucumber could give you Iridium.

    I wouldn't put too many on the Farm but some Definitely.

  5. How do you still have less than a thousand subscribers? These videos are so well done – I keep expecting to see 50k views and 200k subscribers but apparently not (yet!)

  6. Did you put all mushrooms in dehydrators only? Wouldn't throwing as many in a preserving jar as you can be quite a bit more money, while only dehydrating the extras?

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