I Got Trapped in YouTuber Minecraft Prison…

imagine you were captured taken prisoner by your favorite youtubers would you fight back there’s only one problem each youtuber is built to prison more indestructible than the last can i break the impossible and escape their prison stick around to find out maybe preston why are you setting this tree on fire no no no stop it stop it wait i can’t put out okay baby preston why are you lighting this entire forest on fire what is wrong with you listen my son sometimes is very unruly as you all know he gets it from my wife brianna stop stop it stop settings can you stop setting on stop setting everything on fire what are you doing this was a perfectly good forest until baby preston decided to light it all up with flint and steel i don’t approve of this wait a second wait what mr beast um wait a second whoa whoa whoa whoa what have i done no it wasn’t me it was it was baby preston why are you blaming me you saw him where’d he go oh my gosh should i just get framed by my own son are you kidding right now you think you can just burn down forest no no no no no no i didn’t no i did not do this it’s a misunder what’s happening uh hello what just happened no listen listen wait a second whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why did you put me inside of a prison mr beast i hope you like your new home no no no listen you’ve got it all wrong i was framed by my son we look identical but we’re not the same person i promise you might as well make a video i know you like spending 24 hours in prison bro you got to be kidding me it’s 4th of july weekend and i got to spend my day filming a minecraft video in prison for 24 hours enjoy your long stay buddy there’s no escape okay this is just great i would just like everybody to know that i did not do anything wrong i was not the person chaotically lighting things on fire also i was randomly punching walls and then this key popped out of it so pretty much this doesn’t seem like a very secure sell to me but what does this key unlock it unlocks the door that makes it makes a lot of sense well i can’t say this is i’m definitely not gonna say this is the most secure prison i have been locked inside of we got a few security cameras literally no security guards though on the floor which is a little bit concerning looks like i was i was the prisoner in cell number 16. so what i still find funny about this entire situation is i was literally framed by my own son who’s like five years old also concerning as a parent right like a little little bit concerning i think you guys have to agree can we get an unsub from baby preston down below in the comments guys i think we need some of that energy right now okay how do we get out of this cell in time for fourth of july weekend oh my god what is this there’s an atm inside of the prison pretty sure atms are not supposed to exist in here what is a scooter [Music] what is this name cracked me up oh god me escape what did i do with this dad damn scoot what is this it looks like um is that a coin what i literally have no idea what i’m holding right now okay well okay so there’s uh there’s we have a generator room inside of the prison there’s actually a lot of crazy rooms over here i love how fancy this prison is oh training balance 100 000 is that the balance that i have is that how much you need to get into the room oh what is this the nature room oh yes you know in prison one of the things i just absolutely love nature rooms bruh all right there’s a very this is a dude this is a scary looking hallway i don’t want to go down that a million dollars to get inside of the warden’s office that’s kind of low-key where we need to go the kitchen costs ten thousand dollars to get into it’s free to go inside the storage room computer room is a hundred thousand dollars where am i supposed to get this kind of money okay well you know what we are going to attempt to go into the storage room and see if we can find what we need i need oh my wait a second wait there’s no way this stuff is free what oh okay yeah i don’t know if i’m gonna get punished but look at all these nom noms oh my yo 30 blocks of diamonds you gotta be kidding me oh wait a second hold the phone there’s a chest with a credit card a jail credit card is this new technology what what is this oh what credit terminal beat boop new credit card detected my balance is zero dollars to deposit money on your new credit card find anything of value and put it in the circle within 60 seconds um okay okay i’m just gonna dump all of this stuff in here oh wait a second okay oh my god i gotta okay i gotta take all of this stuff out okay oh my yo the pressure’s on baby so we’re just like taking stuff from the storage room throwing it in the circle this makes absolutely no sense by the way i’m just gonna go and point that out this makes no sense but i love it at the same time take all the blocks take all the blocks take all the blocks yeah look at all this if this was available in money wars or bed wars i would be the richest bed wars player alive oh we got 18 seconds i’m throwing as much of it as i can into the circle but it’s got i’m trying to go fast man you want to see some real speed all right 10 seconds i’m going to try to get a big haul [Music] okay we’re good we’re good oh no no i don’t have time go go go go go go go go go go go go yeah yeah come on come on yes we got everything in there right before the end what do we make we only made ten thousand dollars are you kidding me wait can i put more money in i can’t even ah dude i can’t put any more money inside either ten thousand dollars is not bad for 60 seconds i’m pretty sure this is no ordinary prison because there’s no way a regular prisoner would be able to do that but i do have enough money to go inside of the kitchen however before we go in the kitchen guys you see the red pigments on my minecraft character’s face if you see a subscribe button and it’s red make it gray enable those notifications i know it’s annoying hearing me say that over and over again but please do me a favor we almost had 10 million subscribers baby i’m just gonna go on record and say i’m not good at cooking at all so if i have to do any kind of like if i have to do any kind of crafting or recipes i’m going to have a terrible time oh great where we got we got chandler and tyler over here what’s going down oh by the way fun fact if you guys didn’t know chandler used to watch my minecraft videos when i did a lot of factions episodes just a little fun fact in case you guys were wondering i thought that was actually really cool our boy chandler i asked them what they wanted to eat chandler wants a golden potato pizza very interesting tyler wants a salad with golden apples cooked chicken and beetroot bruh what do you think i am some kind of chef listen listen listen i love jimmy and his team but i ain’t no chef i can make great french toast bacon and eggs and spaghetti bolognese all right that’s about all i can make i don’t have a lot of culinary skills all right i’m uh what is this pizza dough potato oak wood golden ingot and tomato sauce this is gonna be a disaster of a recipe i think i just had a voice crack i’m very embarrassed okay we got an apple a bowl some leaves some more tomato sauce so i guess i gotta bake okay i’m gonna bake these items i don’t want to be giving these guys raw chicken so i’m gonna give them some chicken potatoes uh wait do i have a crafting table is there a crabbing oh dude bro where the crafting table at fine oh there’s a crafting table okay so we need golden apples for one of them wait no no no no wait wait somebody wanted golden apples and then another one and one golden pizza all right so check this out i don’t know if this is gonna work but we’re gonna put the pizza dough tomato sauce baked potatoes oh you get an uncooked pizza okay dope all right so can we cook the oh dude wait a second then we cook the pizza okay this is sick now we’re slamming the jam all right we got more potatoes wait a second so i think i can make the salad tyler once for the salad i think you need beetroots golden apple and leaves bruh why am i okay so i’m making a salad with leaves not lettuce by the way no just leaves i really hope he doesn’t notice the difference okay then we got the uncooked pizza in the oven no no sorry it’s now cooked wait a second i think okay i’m gonna do some ingots i don’t know if this is gonna work hello this is a very expensive pizza did you guys see this video when chandler chris and mr beast ate a 70 000 golden pizza no it’s not clickbait golden pizza let’s go wait a second look at the caption of this food who puts potatoes on pizza i personally love pizza and potatoes i’ve actually had skillet pizza it was like pizza with skillet potatoes inside the pizza it was phenomenal like you definitely don’t want to knock it to you try it we just got 71 000 for making that yo can i redeem this cash 71 000 doesn’t get me into any of the new areas i think i need to have at least a hundred thousand dollars to get into this section wait a second oh wait a second hold on with fifty thousand dollars we can get into whatever this part of the prison is it’s called games i don’t know if that means it also sounds kind of scary i’m gonna just we can oh yeah okay okay i’m gonna put the money in the atm hello atm please can i eight atm hello oh oh this is sick okay wait can i just throw all of it at once so you throw the okay that’s actually really cool your throat if you throw throwing the money into the atm actually gives me the money in a deposit it deposited it deposits into my balance it’s got to keep oh my yo this is the worst atm this is taking so long there we go now we’re making it rain this is what i like to see 83 000 not bad for making some pizza and some scuff well i made the most listen for tyler i made like the most scuffed salad i don’t know if you noticed that i put leaves in there instead of lettuce but hopefully he doesn’t notice because you are so beautiful we are doing 20 off the entire website if you want to get the 20 off use this code tag us on social stay beautiful and we’ll see you all next time boom shaq lockup oh baby look at this we got the games room i’m a little scared to go in the games room oh it’s like games like nothing scary this isn’t even that bad actually oh what is this loading thief in town okay am i loading into a game right now i think i’m loading into oh we are literally loading into a game right now avoid the guards and loot as much as possible within three minutes what yo this is sick i’m playing a game within a game right now oh okay so we just checked oh dope okay so i’m just gonna scoop up as many of the gyms as i can in the city so i don’t know what happens if i get caught by a security guard i’m assuming nothing good happens i’m gonna stay really far away from them how close like wait a second that’s not even a security guard it’s a it’s a hall monitor oh he’s coming towards me okay yeah we got a real guy or i gotta run i gotta run so i have no idea what happens if they uh is he coming towards me did he leave i think he left i feel like i’m not doing a very good job of looting this is like this is almost like playing the hunger games except instead of like getting gear to fight people i’m getting as many emeralds diamonds and gold blocks as i can i don’t i have no idea by the way like literally i have no idea if i’m even doing good i think i’m doing okay it looks like i’ve got a lot of gems i just i don’t know oh and by the way beautiful viewers listen here you handsome people on the internet don’t forget if you comment the first 60 minutes of one of my videos you do have a chance to have your comments featured on the screen and i have also been spotted ouch yo did you just smack me i’ve been captured wait a second did i win or did i lose okay so i was distracted by talking to you guys but we do have a balance of 108 000 which means we can finally move on to the next room so wait oh yes we’ve got enough okay i’ve got enough balance we’re going into the computer room what is this hello mr computer room look at all these dudes look at all these computer terminals i feel like these computers look kind of uh they look kind of cheap they don’t look very expensive anyways ooh master terminal welcome guest 6000 what would you like to do adjust your balance access the security system or create a new profile unable to execute command no okay what about secure can i get into the security system i literally just forgot i was in a prison this entire time i’ve been having so much fun okay what about number three create a new user profile oh wait hold on oh yo wait a second i could create an admin account okay yeah i’m gonna go with the admin account make me become a beautiful admin to verify you are mr beast please answer the following questions what is your name well for those of you who do not know his name is jimmy donaldson i’m making sure i spell that correctly how many trees were to be planted for team sapling wait a second wait so there was no team sapling there was team trees that was jimmy’s big team saplings didn’t exist but team trees did and that planted over 20 million trees that mr beast did so i’m going to say 20 million that better be the right answer by the way come on what did you build a giant house out of legos it’s got to be it’s got to be legos i mean technically they’re not legos they’re actually like called mega bricks people just call them legos because they look like legos lego does not sell those big bricks you might have seen my videos are like unspeakables mr beast those are actually not legos they’re just big bricks what did i give my 5 millionth subscriber oh no this isn’t cheating this is not cheating this is for scientific research what did what i need i need to know i actually have no idea what what did he give him popcorn five who would ever need five million pieces of popcorn all right whatever we have the answer it’s popcorn account upgrade complete admin status updated adjust your balance oh dude i want to adjust my balance okay i’m gonna do uh let’s do adjust balance if i get 900 000 more i can go into the wardens room so i’m gonna say i’m not gonna go anything crazy i’m gonna say 900 000. come on please warning this increase could cause a system failure i i don’t care this isn’t even my prison yes yes dad please oh unable to set balance system shutting down alarm activated oh chill chill yo yo chill fam you might be wondering preston why are you hiding behind some chests that’s because i set the alarm off and now i’ve got everybody in the prison looking for me and now i’ve got wait a second and literally they’re patrolling the halls they’re literally everywhere i i this is the only room i could get inside of without getting caught i will save you beautiful viewers the encyclopedia of text right here basically there’s super powered rabbits in the basement of the generator room i’m in right now and i’m gonna go check up on them also chris and chandler were in the generator room so i’m gonna just shut these doors low-key now where’s the bait oh my gosh this basement looks daunting i don’t know if i like this little spooky basement action man oh look at the rabbits wait um okay i right clicked the rabbit and i got a fuse are these mechanical rabbits oh it’s a mechanical rabbit only trained mechanics should install what does that mean install what okay rabbit number two and a rabbit number three oh this is okay so this is where i got you so the rabbits were holding the fuses that i need to fix the generators with oh generator power restored don’t know what that means i’m assuming it’s a good thing anything to get me free from this prison the alarm is no longer going off no longer are they patrolling the area which means we can finally go to the training room come on give me that access granted baby oh whoa do we want to do easy medium or hard that is the real question ah we’re going to start with easy easy mode started hit 10 to complete the level wait i just gotta hit zombies that’s it are you kidding me is this supposed to be a difficult challenge yo i can literally do this in third person and still win this is the easiest challenge i’ve ever done in minecraft easy mode is a little bit too easy yo yo bring me up to medium come on yeah let’s try medium 20 to complete the level so if the zombies touch this platform we lose a point not a good thing oh my god okay maybe it’s not that easy oh these zombies are everywhere okay medium’s a little bit more difficult than i thought it was gonna be this is actually a little bit more difficult than i thought okay medium oh dude if medium is this difficult what is hard gonna be like all right give me the hard mode here we go here we go okay prepare for motion sickness viewers i’m about to be spinning to win look at all this i’ve gotta cover look at this literally spamming i’m spamming i don’t want anybody to touch the platform oh my gosh let’s go baby look at these baby zombies dude the baby zombies are literally the worst oh that actually wasn’t even that bad i feel like hard was easier than medium i’m the first person in complete hard mode jackpot wait a second hold on i just got a big balance update one million ninety eight thousand dollars and 574 bucks let’s go baby so what do we do now do i okay seriously i would like um a hashtag unsub from baby preston in the comments don’t forget the reason we’re in here is because my son set a forest on fire hi bro listen since we are about to go into the warden’s office it’s time to get diglett back on the microphone we got enough cash we’re going into the warden’s room let’s go dude okay so what how do we i don’t know what oh hold on suspicious looking paintings huh wait a second not suspicious maybe oh wait no this one’s suspicious this one’s suspicious i told you dude i literally any secret is always hidden behind a painting inside of minecraft oh wait a second oh no wait a second hold up hold up what is garrett doing here this guy can’t even get through did i just fall into a trap did i just am i that dumb please tell me i’m not that dumb guys i know i’m not that smart but please don’t tell me i’m this dump it’s been fun seeing you running around but play time’s over what are you some kind of like disney villain this is the cheesiest line i’ve ever heard of i’m literally gonna respond with yeet try whatever you want you can’t get out of the cell no matter what or is there an invisible block somewhere oh what is this oh it’s one of the rabbits wait a second hold on you might call me crazy you might even call me vegan vegetarian i don’t care i love everybody but this rabbit may have the ability to get me out of this prison cell please let me out kind sir i will love you forever now we sit and we pray oh he’s going away okay either he just got really mad at me or he’s actually let me out of the cell imagine this works listen if it works you gotta subscribe pretty sure there’s no other way about it hey let’s go well i’m very uh i’m actually shocked i uh i can’t believe that worked a rabbit literally just opened up a prison door for me never thought i’d ever see that in my lifetime oh i gotta thank you listen what what are you for a super intelligent rabbit you pretty dumb what are you doing what are you doing under there yo chill chill man okay listen listen i will give you a carrot i took this from the kitchen earlier that is your prize for letting me out thank you thank you i’m i’m kind of worried about the the rabbit now so i didn’t check any of the chests in the warden’s office i betcha i knew it the master key wait so where does the master key go to is there like uh there’s gotta be like a big like a big door to exit out of or something oh wait you know what actually wait a second i’m pretty sure i remember seeing this hallway earlier and thinking to myself it looked like the exit i’m gonna try to see if this key works out here please in the name of jesus let this key relieve me of my stress from being in this prison yes wait basement dungeon or the surface exit why would i ever want to go to the basement dungeon that sounds like a terrible time i’m going to take the surface exit please oh look at him oh look at the boys oh yeah you don’t want me to escape hey listen this is all your fault for imprisoning me you didn’t even take the time to see if i was actually a criminal or if i was a victim of false accusations see you later taters the video clip you’re watching right now is from a few hours ago but it’s undeniable proof that unspeakable is the one who trapped me here here you can see unspeakable himself walking up to me punches me for no reason tells me don’t disrespect my frogs i was literally just walking in his swamp then he gives me nausea and blindness and that’s how we ended up where we are today and speaking of the devil here he comes welcome to my prison preston thank you you know i was really i was really just awaiting that warm welcome from you nathan you may have noticed it carries quite the frog theme with it yes indeed i have noticed there are quite a uh you know are frogs reptiles no frogs are not reptiles frogs are amphibians i’m not even gonna look at and speak well i’m gonna sit here look at him through the tree out of just disrespect by the way if you think i was wrongfully imprisoned do me a favor leave a like down below on this video i think that this has gone a little bit too far with people trapping me in their prisons i find this situation pretty funny because this weekend i’m actually driving up to unspeakables place in houston texas and filming videos with him for our real life channels yet he has decided on the gaming channels to put me inside of this cell thankfully i’ve been trapped in enough minecraft prisons to know that there is always a way out you know i like i don’t know if your parents did this but like growing up my parents always left a key somewhere outside near the front door like hidden inside of a plant under a rug and every prison cell is no different they always have some kind of hidden way to get out i just need to find exactly what that is oh bada bing bada what’s this nathan ho-ho-ho a very conveniently placed button oh my gosh it’s glitching out the prison door latches open but is that even correct grammar does a prison door latch open or does it unlock when you latch something doesn’t it close i’m a little confused what a okay dude is this a prison or is this a theme park i mean i see the massive prison walls keeping me inside of here but this place looks like way more fun than pain and punishment you know what shoot maybe maybe i want to get trapped in unspeakables prison more often i’ve also i’m noticing something right now it looks like nathan has spawned npcs of the youtubers that he plays minecraft with i see favor my saber log not zip we’ve even got moosecraft if you guys know any of these youtubers leave a comment down below what happens if you oh and if they look at you you get teleported back to your prison cell so i can’t look i can’t even look at them oh if you step anywhere in the particles so if you go into their particles that’s how you get teleported back to yourself so duly noted we do not want to mess with any of these npc security guards or whatever they are now this place looks really dope the fun house explored many of unspeakables fun houses of houses stop catching me while i’m trying to read the signs anyways before i was so in a rudely interrupted find the exit to earn your prize so i’m gonna go inside of the fun house right before moose craft catches me again okay i’m pressing i just pressed a button and i heard some glass break oh do i gotta climb the ladder oh dude it’s whoa it’s an i just oh my gosh it’s an upside down house look what is this floating lime wool oh i know what these paintings mean oh i just love this i like i love seeing unspeakable’s face as the house and then looking straight up on the ceiling and look at this little dirt turkey look at he’s just big chilling up there okay so so if you go into the paintings you get wart where am i getting warped to i don’t even know where i’m getting warped to oh my gosh wait i just went through the painting i’m in a new area of the house okay so i’m collecting these lime wools i’m assuming i’m supposed to get a certain amount oh now they’re painting oh there’s another one oh this is just creepy what is this it’s looking it’s like oh my gosh i just ran through it by accident and got another piece of wool wait am i done i think i’m done i think i got everything i needed okay so i’m sure i’ve got to place these down somewhere i’m looking for a place right now so i know that somewhere i’ve got to use this lime wool i keep getting teleported back to where i came into i’m not trying to do that anymore hello bro my brain oh wait a second hold up hold up baby there is an unspeakable face on the ground missing four lime blocks boom let’s go okay what’s inside of you big pig a blue key baby oh my wait what is whoa that’s trippy i just like i walked in and then i turned around and then it changed completely this way how do i get out of here um hello i’ve got the blue key i find this to be very um i’m a little bit i’m kind of i’m sad you know why i’m sad viewers what was that explosion hello is it coming it’s coming from the blue house what what is okay something is going down in the blue house i just hear tnt explosions over and over again slide on one of unspeakable self-made water slides that sounds like a danger to humanity oh boy can we oh we use the blue key to open this up yo don’t you guys remember wasn’t it like three videos ago i saved unspeakable from a prison using colored keys now he’s trapped me in his prison using color keys to escape is this the kind of friendship we have this is the kind of friendship we have i save him from prison and then he decides to put me in a prison so we’ve got a boat just got a big bodacious boat over here okay oh no no no no wait i’ve got to go in the oh my gosh i don’t know if i want to go in there i do i don’t think we want to go in here hello hello and jemima syrup coming through hi oh it’s it’s fireball explosions what i thought it was tnt it’s just fireball explosions i think we’re gonna be okay this is wild dude this is this is oh whoa whoa oh no hey hey hey watch out johnny tsunami’s coming through baby don’t die day don’t touch me there fireballs that’s my no-no square always stand up for yourself ladies and gentlemen don’t touch my no-no square yes okay we’re gonna wait for this one oh my gosh i barely made it through oh what is this it’s it oh please don’t tell me it’s a maze no no no no no no if you’re a regular viewer here on the channel you know how much i despise mazes to me mazes are literally toxic the mask is coming on okay dude i feel like i sound so different talking through this mask hello can i get out of here please i feel like i sound muffled it’s like i’m inside of a fish tank hello where is the end of this maze please please let me go hello please let me go what is this oh i don’t like where we’re going this looks scary okay okay that’s that’s the beginning okay that’s the beginning that’s all good that’s a bad sign oh yes we’re out of the maze i can take the mask off oh my fudging gosh did i just die and get reese i have added a face mask to my valuable companion diglett i am i’m going to be okay okay i i made it we made it baby we got the arcade key a key to unspeakables arcade room can you just get me the heck out of this place that place was dangerous also my ears are ringing from the constant fireball explosions over and over again so where is this blasted arcade the lego i was like i was like oh where’s the arcade where could it be i don’t know man preston maybe the big giant arcade sign in front of you uh you know big brain oh what is this disappeared on my right hand side unspeakable as arcade we got frog coins oh my gosh there’s a rubber chicken that’s actually mad hype oh what is this lights on match the pattern oh i can do this come on this is like too easy it’s a man wham bam thank you ma’am wham bam thank you man oh this one’s a little bit more difficult okay it’s uh that one top three corners [Music] round five oh we got oh no we got five oh my god that’s like the easiest pattern ever so it’s like boom boom yeah yeah yeah okay now i’m not really liking this as much this is looking i mean it’s not too bad dude okay stop stop i’m i’m happy this is too much this is this is too much boom boom boom boom boom boom boom stop it how many rounds are there going to be this is getting ridiculous all right boom boom boom boom boom oh i lost what is this we got freak frag frog that sounds like it could almost be a bad word okay fine i’ll play this one playing a tic tac toe game with unspeakable i don’t know why i can’t say tic-tac-toe so the way if you didn’t know to always win tic-tac-toe get the middle spot then you get just like just like that oh this is gonna be so easy look at this what a dumb computer that’s the dumbest computer you could ever play tic-tac-toe against the melon shot hit the moving melon this is way more up my alley as you can tell by my frog coin balance i’ve been in this arcade for way too long i’ve been here for hours just earning frog because like i really want the 500 coins to get the toy chicken but i don’t got enough oh this is this looks like my jam melon shot hit the moving melon how did i miss that oh you just hit it over and over again okay this is this might be the easiest way to get frog coins you just look at the melon and right click wait i think oh this oh my gosh i’m actually hacking i’m cheating i’m actually cheating this is so easy oh dude i’m gonna get so many coins after this look at this this is my true calling in life 53 coins wait i’m gonna play this watch oh my god that melon whoa oh the melon turned up the turbo speed boys why is this melon so much faster than it was just a moment ago this melon oh my gosh this melon had a lot of coffee melon stop it why are you going so fast you dumb melon this melon is moving at supersonic speeds now i’m getting dizzy just playing this game yes doesn’t matter 502 coins we have enough to purchase the rubber chicken i don’t know why i just spent hours i spent hours of my life in minecraft playing arcade games when i could be playing them in real life but was it worth the virtual in-game item yes it was worth every second don’t you dare deny it wasn’t haha but stuff can you not who caught me that time it was shark i hear i bruh if you catch me one more time can you can you npcs leave me alone i was just trying to read the sign reserve of unspeakable’s most second most favorite animal hey leave me alone dude i literally see this guy coming to my stop it stop it that’s right you big bully oh my gosh the chickens just opened the door for me that’s adorable oh the chickens like the rubber chicken wait a second that’s kind of creepy why do the are these cannibalistic chickens do they want to eat their own kind why are they attracted to this rubber chicken oh no i know what this is i know what this is drop the chickens here so we’ve got to use the rubber chicken guiding them through the maze and then drop them over there at the drop point okay how do i do this chickens follow me come to me my brothers okay okay i really hope i’m not leading these chickens to get slaughtered or something i’m gonna feel really bad come with me chickens come with yes that’s right keep following your pops okay let’s not go into that i do not want to turn you guys into fried chicken all right i think i took it i take it i took a roll i took the wrong direction chickens follow me i promise i will lead you to the promised land oh my gosh no no no no no oh chicken chickens don’t walk in the lava oh you are smart chickens i thought for sure we were gonna lose like half of the chickens oh can they go over water is this toxic is this toxic water please don’t die okay it’s not toxic water we’re fine chickens we’re almost there okay chickens all right it’s nothing bad chickens follow me come on in chickens the water’s fine keep coming yeah you guys gotta all drop in there oh my god i’m gonna push these chickens in go inside of the hole chickens all of you there we go door latches again with the door latching open i’m pretty sure it unlatches it doesn’t latch open you know you got to go in there too i’m sorry you guys will have a beautiful time in that hole thank you chickens for your beautiful and noble sacrifice i will always love of you and i will think of you when i eat fried chicken aha this is the chest it opened up red key a key obtained from the maze opens up the red building i’m sick and tired of mazes by the way i’ve already had to do to this video and i could live for an entire lifetime without ever having to do another maze in minecraft again i just get i get so angry when i have to do them don’t do it don’t you dare do it do not put me stop it right now why are you looking for me stop it stop it dude these guys these npc security guards are literally bullies the red room ladies and gentlemen what is in this room ah it’s a race i’ve got to race the npcs with pigs all right this should be easy okay actually though loki these npcs are kind of oh my gosh dude using a pig bruh this is actually dude it’s like taking candy from a baby look at this why am i so much faster than these guys did i get like the superhero pig yo i’ve got i’ve got the anime protagonist pig look at this go oh my gosh i’m so fast i’m literally laughing these npcs oh no my pig is slowing down why is my my pig is no longer the anime protagonist my pig is now the damsel in distressed he is very slow i think i have i’ve put too much pressure on him and he is now a very slow pig please pig keep this up we need one more laugh and there we go final lap thank you mr pig for your service listen maybe this pig knows i eat kosher so i don’t actually eat his kind um and also you are very like low-key you are a beautiful pig this pig is solid gold and of course this gives us the final key which is the rainbow i was wondering when we were gonna go to this area because look i don’t know if you guys notice this big beautiful rainbow spiral thing house above us but it looks sick this looks like a condo i would live in in real life here we go okay we have we have entered the rainbow house it does not seem to be like there are hostiles nearby do i have to go all the way up oh my god whoa it’s a spin wheel why is it levitating oh i just spun it oh is that a bad thing i right clicked the wheel and it started spinning oh i’ve gotta do park what what is this we have spun the wheel and now we are forced to do parkour when did this become a thing why why am i doing this wait can i even make this jump oh i can make this jump because i’m a beast at parkour oh this one’s kind of tricky all right what about this one we got another one oh my gosh these are actually not the uh these are actually kind of difficult parkour jumps but they are no match for preston plays oh by the way you guys see that red on the spin wheel if you see a red subscribe button do me a favor and make it gray enable those notifications as well because if you don’t i will lay in bed tonight and i will be very sad and i might cry and i don’t want to cry do you want to see me cry maybe you do if you do i understand but hopefully you don’t anyway spin the wheel again give us something good to eat oh great more parkour are you kidding me oh this time we’ve got oh this is actually kind of cool this time we’ve got speed parkour i actually really like speed parkour i know a lot of people are not big fans of it but i really like it for whatever reason i think i’m also a strange individual i feel like most youtubers don’t like doing parkour and minecraft but it’s like something i actually really enjoy doing it is a little difficult to get into but once you master parkour and understand how to do jumps it’s so satisfying when you land them now we’ve got slime slime parkour a slime parkour can be very irritating if you don’t understand how slime blocks work like once you master them though it’s very very fun oh that’s that’s a that’s a dicey looking jump please oh my goodness okay [Music] audience i low-key take back what i said about slime jumps being fun they’re actually very nerve-wracking and i don’t prefer them whoa so i finished the slime parkour and we’ve been teleported to the top of the tower what do you want nathan what do you mean where do you think i’m going i’m trying to get out of here obviously i’m trying to leave so so i can watch anime oh my god what is this he just got full geared he got struck by lightning like an anime character okay wait can i put um is he okay okay well he’s following me he hasn’t waited saying wait is this gonna be as easy as i wait can i just okay i just like punched him off and he’s gone oh wait a second hold on yo there’s water wait i can just jump into the water oh my gosh easiest escape from prison ever ladies and gentlemen why are you stuck inside an emerald i can’t get the rest of the zipper out and i’m stuck i’m stuck okay did you get stuck inside of this bree put me in here i don’t know why i didn’t do anything wrong you don’t know why yeah you might have stolen all my diamonds so i stole all his emeralds crusting that stealing if you don’t get caught preston it looks like you got caught is abuse husband abuse can i get some hashtag husband abuse comments in the description get me out of here um i think i’ll just leave him here nick can you get me out of here next thing i would but you know i just learned yesterday that stealing is wrong i’m going to zip you [Music] i can’t believe they actually put me inside here what do they expect me to do escape emerald prison in minecraft wait that’s exactly what we should do i just want to say that it’s not fair that i’m being prisoned just because i stole my wife’s diamonds i mean come on isn’t that a husband’s job to steal your wife anyways all right let’s move on let’s get out of this thing i have to be really bad but i can’t because i’m stuck in this emerald tent anyways what the heck is this i just grabbed a toothbrush oh no oh sneaky chest with a diamond helmet that can break mossy cobblestone i don’t know about you guys but i’ve never seen a diamond helmet that can break cobblestone have you and why are my hands not moving this is kind of freaking me out all right i’m not gonna ask questions the faster i get out of here the faster i can go to the bathroom is there something oh there are vines hidden behind the painting revealing a fork i have i’m holding a fork what the heck man anyways we gotta focus on the task wait there’s a whisper i heard the prisoner in cell 54b has a lever should we go check it out this guard is such a doodlebanger where is cell 54b if i can find that i can get that lever and maybe i can get out of here where is cell 54 b okay that guy just gave me the creeps is this cell 54b hello oh my goodness gracious it’s like they’re all sick or something i’m not liking any of this where the heck is cell 54 b this is 53 b wait am i 54 b no okay i’m 55 b alright that makes a lot more sense where the heck is 54 be then huh this is 56 b so we’re going up where is 54 b why is cell 54b over here if i would okay you know what i’m not even gonna ask questions like i said i really gotta use the bat nick is in here emerald steak he wants me to get him an emerald steak for a dorky where am i going to find an emerald steak oh great it’s one of these isn’t it now i’ve gotta find an emerald steak in the prison if i was an emerald steak where would i be i’ll answer that for you right now i would not be in a prison i would probably still be a cow oh what is this somebody dug their way out of prison how did the guards not know this these may be the worst prison guards i have ever seen in my whole entire life whoa okay what is this oh boy oh these trees look sick and not like in the cool way like yo man those trees are sick bro more like in the sense of like hey these trees i think have caught a disease or something like that okay now where the heck am i it’s like an emerald village or something wait this guy wants a toothbrush for a plate ah i don’t know if i want to make that trade i don’t know about that one chief okay maybe we should make the trade just in case i’m gonna make the trade i don’t even know what i’m doing here wait a second maybe these villagers have an emerald steak the shepherd my man a fork and a plate for a emerald steak why do i feel like there’s some kind of rhyme play there going on anyways doesn’t matter we’ve got the emerald steak ladies and gentlemen now we can get the lever and maybe we can get the heck out of here when i bust out of this prison i’m gonna steal so many more of brandon’s diamonds she doesn’t know but she thinks she has a hidden vault of diamonds i know exactly where they are okay cell 54b mr nick here is your steak give me that door key i’m getting out of here i don’t know how much longer i can hold it before i gotta go to the bathroom you know what i’m saying oh there it is there it is tell me this leads me out of prison tell me this is it come on oh no what is this oh i don’t think this is the end oh great what is this supposed to be why are the doors upside down something about this place just isn’t right prisoner obedience training okay why is he following me oh wait do i have to oh i’ve got to leave this villager no no villager come back come back yeah yeah come here come here all right yeah keep following me bro keep following me i will lead you to the promised land i don’t know where the promised land is but it’s not where you are currently buddy yes yes keep going no no no come back over here why is he following me in the first place i do not even know come on come on yes yes just like that boom maze completed and we received a lever okay now can i please get out of this emerald tent so i can go to the bathroom sheesh this is an absolute mess ladies and gentlemen i just want to go to the bathroom so bad you can see it in my eyeballs okay can we please get out of here now oh no what is this oh great some other prisoner test so this iron axe can break oak logs okay now oh great now what no no what is this do they want me to burn the logs where’s that sound oh that sounds really scary step out every preston you gotta get out of this prison wait a second hold the phone i think we need to make no am i doing this right i think we have to make a wooden pickaxe yes okay now we get the cobblestone put the cobblestone in here make a stone pickaxe oh wait and then iron how did i not see this coming sooner how did i not see this how am i so blind to the truth ladies and gentlemen now i see what we have to do so we have to get the iron right here right put this bad boy in here we need to smelt this up take our iron out make an iron pickaxe now we have to mine is this emerald or is this diamond what is this okay it says diamonds but it looks like emeralds is anybody else finding this like really confusing right now like let me tell you guys something i’m not colorblind this is definitely an emerald pickaxe not a diamond pickaxe so wait now that i have this there’s gotta be something we can use this on prismarine bricks i feel like i’ve seen prismarine bricks somewhere wait are these prismarine bricks okay these are not prismarine bricks where are the prismarine bricks seriously guys if i don’t find these prismarine bricks soon i’m going to have to use the bathroom and it’s going to be really embarrassing but wait we can use our wooden pickaxe then the stone pickaxe then the emerald pickaxe no no iron pickaxe diamond pickaxe oh my gosh are we out we’re still not out breathe i have to pee so bad don’t need to let me out of this tent otherwise i might have to use the bathroom in this emerald lava okay fine you know what it’s fine we’re good i’m cool everybody knows i’m the king of park court right ain’t no way we’re gonna be slipping in this lava today just gotta make this momentum jump oh my gosh i was so close all right this is actually a lot more difficult than i thought it was gonna be wait do i have to go backwards or this way hold on what’s in this chest wait and now back oh it’s for the wool over there okay we can do this we can do this oh boy okay i’m just really scared i’m gonna hit my head and fall on this emerald lava i think that’s the last thing we want to do mo men i can’t believe we just did that let’s go bree you’re gonna regret putting me in here when i get out i’m gonna steal all your diamonds even the ones in the secret vault and you know what i’ll have diglett as my witness diglett together we are going to get out of this place oh we just gotta make sure we don’t miss any jump stiglit okay no jumps can be missed otherwise we are going to face um oh no oh no there’s no way to get up here this is bad thankfully diglett knows the move fly so he flew me back up here otherwise that could have been messy all right come on down on the slime yes oh wait a second why are these okay why are these pieces of carpet here they’re starting to kind of freak me out yes please tell me this is the end prison’s movie theater bro i’m about to have to use the bathroom in the movie theater i don’t care about a president’s movie theater just get me the heck out of here why are we even in a movie theater in the first place what does this guy want huh he wants a backstage pass where am i gonna get a backstage pass huh you tell me i don’t have any backstage pass on me why are there a million buttons over here it’s gotta be like a hidden chest or something in here i need to get that backstage pass all done what do these buttons do these buttons blinked into the wall i didn’t even realize they were here oh my gosh it was right in front of my face the entire time oh oh i really hope i can get back oh always check under the stairs wait oh i just touched a day i just touched the dead prisoners boots i do not want that okay i got the backstage pass let’s get the heck out of here all right bud here’s your backstage pass give me that backstage door key thing finally please tell me this is it tell me i can get out of here oh now showing the village of oz okay i don’t care about the village of oz i care about the bathroom of oz where is the bathroom of oz please stand here when ringing my doorbell okay um oh what the heck what just happened what the heck just happened okay uh where where the heck are we what what why are there two giant chunguses um who dares who is this who are you okay did brianna hire some kind of prison bodyguard force or something just let me out of here whoa he just disappeared where’d he go where did he just go okay let me i don’t even know what’s happening just get me the heck out of here oh no do i have to fight these guys no who is this wait is that him what the heck oh oh um what is going on what is going on oh i’ve never seen a witch through that before all right i don’t know who these people are but i’m taking them out oh he just turned the villagers into witches no no no no no no no no not on my watch oh boy zombie pigman oh no oh what the heck what the heck what what is going on what is this okay i’ve got a bow and arrow oh my gosh what the heck is happening oh i’ve got to shoot the minecarts okay i can do this i can do this as long as i can use the bathroom afterwards oh my gosh that was a really big potion oh no okay i’m poisoned oh come on come on come on come on come on yes nailed it one more to go one more yes let’s go oh i see your heart come on come on oh oh my gosh no i ate an enchanted golden apple which gives me fire resistance you pleb i can’t see anything with the fire though come on yes direct shot aim for the hat how the heck am i supposed to hit that from all the way down here don’t ask me how i got back up here okay diglett is a absolute wizard come on come on hat yes we got it what’s happening oh my gosh is it over oh no have you ever seen this before in minecraft i’ve never seen this before in minecraft and it’s really creeping me out ding dong the witch is gone exactly what i was going to say wait what is this what is this what is happening i’m in a giant cauldron right now oh what is this press for scissors yes finally if i get scissors i can cut my way out of this tint and go to the bathroom give me those scissors get the key and you’ll be free wait what okay that told me was gonna give me scissors oh my gosh there’s more guys i can’t wait any longer wait this way to escape into prison get me the heck out of here get me the heck out of here wait what is going on what just happened yes i think this is it i have no idea what’s going on anymore doctor strange get me the heck out of here super emerald cutter yes yes yes finally with a super emerald cutter i can cut my way out of this i finally escaped next time i’m stealing all of her rubies

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I Got Trapped in YouTuber Minecraft Prison… with PrestonPlayz 👊

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Crainer – CHOOSE The *IMPOSSIBLE* PATH To WIN (GTA 5 Funny Moments)

Kwebbelkop – SURVIVING 99 years as VENOM in GTA 5! (GTA 5 Mods)

Aphmau – Living With ANIMATRONICS In Minecraft!


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  1. It’s Baby Preston !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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