Crawling Around in the Sewers?! || Stardew Valley – Episode #102

[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to mossley farm here in stardew Valley and I just woke up on this beautiful winter day and came outside to find Gunther here so he has come to visit us I am kind of excited because I have no idea why Gunther is here he’s not even somebody we can give presents to but maybe he’s come to report some awesome archaeological finds oh good morning Miss Siri I hope it’s not too early well I just wanted to stop by and thank you in person for all the wonderful artifacts and minerals you’ve discovered you’ve done so much for one person in fact I’ve just received a letter from the office of regional Secretary of artifacts we’re being honored with the coveted golden shovel award for our significant contributions to the field and it’s all thanks to you well I shall let you get back to your work oh thank you Gunther it’s been really exciting to find chewing sticks and tibas and all sorts of fun [Music] things oh I almost forgot I have a gift for you it’s an old key I bet this is what unlocks the sewer that has been sealed in the museum f for at least 100 years it’s a little rusty but still beautiful oh my gosh yes all right there we go you guys we’re going to have to go we’re going to have to go I have apparently where do I find it in the key H there we go oh oh wow there must be a lot of things to find but we have the rusty key now so we will be able to go and let’s go see if we can open up the sewer Siri how are you doing hope the winter hasn’t been too hard on you anyway I’m riding to ask you for some hardwood I need about 10 pieces if you’ve got it if not no worries take care from Robin oh no problem Robin okay so we will finish Robin’s Quest too and then I have been thinking guys that I want to build the dinosaur Coupe I think the dinosaur coue would be a good thing to build soon um and we’ll go check out where I want to build it soon too all right let’s grab this let’s see Crystal fruit jelly and hello everybody so I don’t know if we can build the dinosaur like start building the dinosaur coup today that would be amazing if we could hello everyone hello there’s a duck egg and it’s Sunday which means I can start giving people gifts again huzzah I’m going to keep all the eggs then all of the eggs for presents I’m going to sell the crystal fruit jelly and the mayonnaise though um hello everyone yes I know you’re all so cute all right and I need to get like six of those um but yeah I’m thinking that we might try building the dinosaur Coupe um just now because the sooner we can get that done the sooner we can have more space for our chicken and we can get more chickens we can get more eggs we can have more gifts for everybody and I can have my dinosaurs just roam free I really like that idea of just letting them kind of roam free during the Spring where they can just walk in our forest we can have a forest filled with dinosaurs that would be really really cool all right oh and because it’s Sunday let’s go ahead grab a couple gold bars to give away his gifts for crying out loud cuz why not why not I might as well grab another Crystal fruit to give away as gifts too um duck egg as gift gift uh well actually I think the duck eg I was going to give to the doctor and I think he likes wine more as a gift so I have some salmon Berry wine I can give to him all right and I can keep the goat cheese to give to Leia it’s awesome hello Primrose how are you doing and let’s see yeah one goat cheese okay so I’ll keep one goat cheese there put one goat cheese here uh make more goat cheese now that I know I have somebody no do not drink the goat milk uh now that I know I have somebody who loves it all right that’s normal size goat milk sooner we can get large goat milk the better it’s the large milk Primrose has no milk right now that’s fine all right and we’ll put down more hay so that the ladies have enough to eat good good good we’ll leave the large milk to turn that into cheese in the future I guess I might as well build another cheese machine at this R all right let’s get out of here but yeah down here like is where I’m thinking about putting not like right over up in this section is where I’m thinking about putting the dinosaur CPE maybe up here yeah why not put it up against like the stone wall that I have started to build and then my dinosaurs can roam free down here so yeah that would be really fun do I have enough time to cut it down well what am I in time for oh yeah the sewers okay um maybe I do all right let’s spend just a little bit of time clearing this out then cuz we just need enough space that my little my little dinosaurs will have enough room to roam and that means I need to clear this out and then maybe even sorry rast Stone I keep making trees fall on my poor horse and then maybe even a little bit down here we’ll clear this out too so that there’ll be room to put grass for them to be able to eat so I won’t have quite the thick Lush Forest I was dreaming of unless I just keep it to like the southern half of my land all right there’s that and that’s a rock all right I got this there we go and let’s see got to get get all these little guys up we can let them grow along the side after I have my coup built and then we’ll come down and we’ll kind of clear out some of the trees that are down here just a wee bit just so we can see but then we’ll let this whole area more or less become like a wild forest and I can have my dinosaurs just roaming in it cuz that would be adorable wouldn’t that be so cute all right let’s clear this out of the way and then let’s go look at the sewer cuz I think that’s going to be really cool all right what is this is this A rock again yeah I think it’s two rocks one rock rock to rock and we’ll clear away these little pieces there we go there’s that there’s this and maybe some of these two ha so now I can come down and I can actually reach the little meteor there we go so I think that’s fair I think this is a good little line to be able to like come down here and then we’ll add in a ton of like grass all right well that makes me super happy so let’s go down and see what’s going on um I have a lot of stuff let’s put some of the ores away so I have enough room to see what’s going on elsewhere all right let’s put this way this way um keeping some of this stuff got to go crack these geod oh got to go pick up that wine too that I want to give to uh is somebody’s birthday today oh please tell me I didn’t miss Evelyn’s birthday I missed Evelyn’s birthday I missed Evelyn’s birthday I’m going to have to spoil that little old woman I’m going to have to her so many so many presents you guys you have no idea I can’t believe I missed her birthday this is why I need to spend the money on a calendar but they’re 2,000 gold I don’t know about that you know that’s that’s hard that’s a hard Choice all right so goat cheese um coal and copper can just stay in here for a second you too gold or um and that’s good that’s good that’s good oh my little drum thing’s going off and there’s the salmon berry wine that we can give to the doctor all right so let’s get moving let’s go see how the doctor’s doing let’s maybe go see how everybody else is doing oh I should get the hardwood for Robin let’s get the hardwood for Robin we’re going to make that happen it’s going to be a quest we are going to take on I think I’ve got where do I put the hardwood over here yeah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 there we go uh yep 10 hardwood pieces we’re good I saw some noodle doodly little worms that oh there’s noodle Doodles the cat but some little noodly worms up here so let’s go let’s go see what they’re doing because we have the key from checking out what the little worms are doing all the time and then let’s go ahead and keep writing we have gifts to give we are bringing Joy the Santa esque atmosphere of Joy to the World and I need to remember to keep a diamond to give to Jodie all right how’s this going I can’t believe I missed Evelyn’s birthday oh my gosh I’m not going to miss Leia’s birthday that would be terrible all right hey Pierre how you doing he’s doing pretty good nor normal flooring and carpeting right now um I could sell him something if I wanted to you won’t even take any mix seeds for any money no way all right well I don’t really need to sell anything right now I’m kind of keeping all of it Pierre all right how you doing if I didn’t have the shop to run I’d be outside right now it would be fun to throw a snowball so I guess he really likes the snow that’s pretty cool all right Pierre I would like you to have this egg cuz I think you would appreciate it there we go he did appreciate the egg is Abigail home I should definitely see my girlfriend for first thing oh she is she’s talking with her mom all right well this isn’t awkward let’s just keep moving we’re hiding in here so we don’t have to talk to anyone oh cuz it’s Sunday I get it and then people come to the chapel and they let them come I seriously love 10 Hearts yes Abigail oh I love it Carolyn how you doing that’s right so they’re letting they’re letting people come and worship at the chapel which is kind of nice no don’t eat the crystal fruit give it to Carolyn don’t eat it give it to Caroline for C out L there we go oh my gosh you guys we reached 10 hearts with Abigail I’m so happy oh and there’s jod hey Jodie oh I need to get you some pancakes and she’s talking about a maid and then here’s George I don’t really have anything that he would really like at all um except maybe an egg like here H well it’s better than nothing I think there goes Abigail we’re at tin hearts with Abigail woo we can see the 10 heart event whenever that’s going to happen and I have no idea when all right who else do I need to see oh yeah the doctor Leia Clint Clint also got to crack open these geod for me all right doctor hello are you open oh here he is hey doctor he looks busy right now have some salmon Berry Wine yes his favorite stuff it’s like we read his mind sweet so he’s busy but oh and we can read his books what’s in here do it yourself knee surgery are you really a legitimate doctor I have my doubts now all right well let’s keep moving and I have gifts to give to people I’ve got to go see Clint cuz I want to see what’s inside my geod cuz the geod are so cool and I need you know what I’m just tempted to kind of start buying pizza from the saloon so that I can give it to Sam because am is one of the the people with the lowest relationship with us and I don’t have the pizza recipe yet apparently you look at from like you learn it from the Cooking Channel I just haven’t found it yet all right there’s that it’s a shiny new thing it’s a Fairy Stone that’s so cool and then it is some iron ore so technically we caught a Fairy Stone of all things from fishing last night so that’s pretty cool hey Clint so how are your tools holding up uh pretty good Clint thank you uh would you like a gold bar here yeah that’s what he wants that’s awesome all right so we have another thing to turn in for Fairy stess so let’s come on down here we go here we go and we’ll come over here dig around nothing in there is Elliot here Elliot’s not here Gunther’s here I still need to figure out what the skull the skull thingy doodle does um I kind of like leaving this for artifact so let’s start spreading our new collection of gem stones and things like that over to this table huzzle well we’re really making that look like an awesome Place aren’t we all right so now let’s see if we can get up to Robin before she closes so we’ll just go ahead and go by the mines like this and then actually I have a tier so I can give it the little like frozen tier so I can give that to Sebastian I haven’t seen lius like for ages cuz he’s just hiding away staying out of the cold by staying up inside of the the spa and that’s really a very smart way to do it so I’m not going to question it all right we’re going to wiggle this way wiggle this way Robin how you doing hey Robin and I don’t have enough money dang it I forgot about that ah I don’t have enough money to get her to build my chicken CP no cuz I need my chicken coop it’s a table plant I need that table plant I need it Robin you don’t understand also I do have enough money for a chicken coop yes okay I’m going to have her build it I’m going to have her build it oh I’m glad I cleared out as much land as I did I didn’t think the chicken coop was that big but yeah we will put our new dinosaur Coupe down here um that tree grew there since I cleared this out I think but I think this will be okay then so there we go that’s where my dinosaur Coupe is going to be built and I think that my dinosaurs are going to like it there we go I like that you can build multiple CPS that’s very helpful hey Demetrius how you doing feel free to harvest as much Lumber and Stone from this area as you please thank you Demitrius would you like a fruit he does like fruit so let’s give him a crystal fruit there you go thank you this is a very interesting specimen wonderful they’re easy people hey Siri it’s good to see you you’re a regular member of the community now don’t you think I sure am there you go yeah everybody loves presents and let’s go up and is Maru here I wonder where Maru is hey Sebastian I built a snow goon but Demetrius made me get rid of it yet maru’s cute little snowman goes unharmed ridiculous I don’t blame you for being upset about that snow goon sound awesome there you go all right sweet and we’re at eight hearts with him now too I wonder what’s going to happen all right let’s see if maru’s home whoa this actually just kicks me right outside okay that took me like a second hey the gri ball game is on today this might be my favorite favorite day of the week all right so he enjoys the grid ball games I don’t really know what Alex loves so I’m going to hold off on giving him one of his two items of the week because I don’t really know what’s going to like make him super duper duper happy H all right so other than seeing Maru that kind of covers everything on this side of town that’s a good old Crystal fruit and I do happen to have my chicken cop being built so that makes me super happy and I’ve got enough wood left over I can probably build a few preserve jars to go up along the side of my actual Chicken Coop um and other than that other than that H I think we’re good I think I can’t decide if we get more money from fishing or we get more money from mining I’m it’s kind of like a toss between the two and I think we actually get more money from mining I’m just going to glance at this and we need to head into town and let’s go see what happens when we use that skull key so that’s going to be our big thing of the day using that skull key maybe I’ll have enough time to go to the mines I think I think I have enough time no not the mines um the beach I meant so I think I have enough time to pop down by the beach I need to make Willie his clam chowder and I also need to make that shash oh there’s there’s Elliot all right let’s see how you doing Elliot I really should scrub my floorboards today I think an algae is starting to form oh my do you make time for cleaning like are you trying to get me to scrub your algae sir cuz here you go you can have a flower instead I’m a little dubious about this all right so he’s happy about that nless shells everywhere and look at that more clam shells that we can make into clam chowder oh there we go and this little guy right here there we go oh and Willie is going to have closed up shop just then so we’ll have to wait to give him something at the um Saloon tonight all right and what’s going on over here there we go there we go a lobster that’s a good sell there’s another clam whoops I didn’t mean to pick up the crab pot and then I’m going to have to to get my bait off of the hook get that there we go wonderful and let’s put the Crab Pot back down there we are and just fill it on up that seems like it’s just a fine place then I didn’t even get any Trash that’s actually kind of cool all right but yeah I need to make Willie some more clam chowder cuz he seems to like that quite a bit more than just giving him like a plain fish all right so that is done and we have hauled in another little cluster of food items given Elliot some things we’ve given pretty much everybody gifts except um Vincent so let’s give Vincent something and Maru and Evelyn maybe I’ll run up and give Evelyn something and Haley okay we haven’t given anybody really gifts so we’ll work on it we’ll work on it you guys we’ve got this all right there’s that Vincent are you awake there’s Jodie who needs pancakes and here’s Vincent hey Vincent hi there Miss um and let’s give you a grape klet to make you happy wow thank you so much this is terrific I’m so glad I saved pretty much all my grapes now all right and Jody’s listening to the radio so hopefully that’ll make her feel nice and relaxed so she can unwind for the night and let’s go down ooh I hear the ice flows moving around let’s go down to the sewer and see what happens when we use the skull key you guys I have no idea actually so this is kind of this is kind of interesting I need to give Evelyn some gifts sometime this week too it is like early in the week so this is pretty early to be giving so many people gifts already all right and what happens if we do this we unlocked the sewer Hutch with the rusty key now what okay well this isn’t creepy and scary at all all right then hello okay oh all right well then okay here this is fine I’m sure this is I’m sure this is fine okay uh a human visitor kobus we can have a relationship with him this is most unusual I’m kobis Merchant of rare and exotic Goods oh really void Essence he sells void Essence and a stardrop oh wait I don’t need void Essence why did I think why did I think why why why did I think that the void essence I thought that was ah I got really excited cuz I thought it was aridium nope that’s not aridium the wicked statue that actually seems kind of cool Crystal floor he sells a stra star drop for 20,000 gold and he sells these things so now we have a void Essence to give the wizard at least well bye kobis um can I get up here oh my gosh I guess it’s the fast way to get through town well that was pretty cool kind of creepy pretty cool I guess he sells like the rare monstery Goods that we could get so there is that all right well I kind of feel like I need to scrub off after going to visit him cuz that was kind of um I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t be crawling around in the sewers but there we go you guys so kobus stardrop 20,000 gold one day I don’t really think we need a lot of extra energy but one day one day we will be able to buy that it’ll be one of our little one of our little goals that we can have all right and there’s some more wiggly wiggly little worms they’ve just got some clay for me so pretty good day we’ve gotten quite a bit done and now I at least have a a Essence I sometimes observe the local villagers in secret okay wizard that’s not creepy I am hoping to find an apprentice someday I will leave this Mortal plane but continue my AR but my Arcane Pursuits must continue um maybe Jazz who would I give to him as an apprentice all right he’s very very happy about that so maybe it was worth spending the 100 gold on so we made the wizard happy and I almost never get to make the wizard happy all right so we need to work on making some clam chowder I need to work on some other things it’s getting pretty late so I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and do a little bit more fishing down here cuz I seem to have found a good fishing spot just right off here and then I will show you guys the results of the fishing and we’ll just have to see what to do with our money next oh and maybe we can catch Leia before in fact let’s go by Leia’s house and then we can hopefully catch her before she comes home to go to sleep and give her the GU cheese and then we’ll be starting pretty darn strong on giving everybody gifts so that’ll make me pretty happy come on rast Stone scooch over a little bit uh maybe right over here right over here probably all right and I’ll see you guys just a little bit all right so not a bad haul all together we got some perch and we have a chub and we’ve got the nless shells to sell still uh I don’t think yeah I already turned the nless shell in for Demetrius we’re just looking for that purple mushroom I have never found that purple mushroom that we actually need to turn in for demetrius’s um little bundle that we have going for him we also got a couple rubies and a little bit of bait from some treasure that we managed to snag and let’s see we’ll go ahead and sell that too yeah so we’ve got quite a bit and I forgot to turn the hardwood into Robin oh my gosh we ran all the way up there at least she’ll be on our home tomorrow because she will be uh building our Coupe our new Coupe and I thought there’s Leia there’s Leia sweet all right I I was waiting for her to come home no don’t eat the goat cheese give it to Leia oh this is exactly what I wanted thank you all right so we have completed that do you ever take a whole day off it’s a refreshing break you know what as an artist she probably feels like that too all right so let’s come up here we have given her a gift she is coming home at midnight it’s good to know that we can just swing by her house with like goat cheese at midnight and and she’s amiable to that um and we’ll wiggle up here and that’s it for now you guys guys so we have the dinosaur Coupee we have found the mysterious like kobis or whatever his name is who is kind of creepy and we have managed to um buy a void Essence by accident from him but we know that he sells a star drop and we know that he kind of has like this awesome shortcut into town if we ever need to take that so there’s some perks to that there’s some perks to that for sure I’m go ahead and put the snow yam in there and there we are so next thing to work on we’ve got the coupe coming I want to build the um um yeah I’m probably going to work on building The Preserve jars in the morning just to have that out of the way and then I think I can focus on just saving up money for spring crops or saving up for getting the gold the gold pick that I really want so so many things to do so many things to do and I think we are doing an absolutely fantastic job so I’ll see you guys next time bye-bye

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We’re hard at work on a farm of our very own in Stardew Valley, a beautiful pixel-art spiritual successor to the Harvest Moon games of years gone by! Farming, fishing, chickens, archaeology, mysterious magic mysteries – this game has it all and more!

Join Seri the Pixel Biologist as we roll up our sleeves and dive into our weed-choked fields to start gathering up seeds, greeting the villagers, and helping to tend to the town and watch it grow! There are so many projects, plants, recipes, fish, and missions to keep us busy so let’s get started!

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• Seri is a biologist-in-training with an intense passion for plants and filling her house to the brim with finches, potted plants, and biology “specimens” that look oddly like snail shells, mossy, and twigs covering every available surface.

She is also big into spreading her love of the natural world through the entertaining medium of story-telling through video games! Jump on in and see what our amazing, animal-loving, plant-studying community is all about! And remember, stay curious!


  1. Seri I've got the purple mushroom I got it from the
    Little cave you can choose from bats or mushrooms I chose mushrooms but your gonna have to work hard to find it

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