6 Ways To CHEAT – Stardew Valley

hello everyone today I’m going to be showing you six amazing ways you can still cheat at stardew Valley and yes these all currently work as of the latest version 1.2 at least on the PC I’m not sure about the consoles if someone could let me know that would be amazing so let’s get started the first trick I’m going to show you involves walking near the edge of the map and swinging a tool or weapon until you slowly creep outside of the map at which point you can walk all the way around the outside unobstructed and access normally unreachable areas now where this comes in handy is you can reach all the good fishing spots you can’t normally reach in the beginning of the game because your fishing skill isn’t high enough but you can simply walk out to where they are such as by this rock and cast right into the good water the further out you are and at the good spots the better quality fish you get so in early game that makes a big difference this next trick is awesome I mean who wouldn’t want infinite health and energy and that brings us to the bath house in the northern area of the game once you’re here use the same trick I just mentioned to get outside the map in the bath house once you have successfully escape the map you’re going to want to head to the doorway in the bottom right right here which brings you into the lower area of the bath house and for this trick you’re going to need one single fence post which is made from two pieces of wood or other items depending on what kind of fence you want to use so simply place a fence post right there in the sauna like I’ve done then when you jump in you touch the post and then you’re always swimming if you’re always swimming you’re always regenerating health and energy as long as you’re holding still but as you go to leave obviously you cannot walk through the area just above me because you’ll change back into your clothes and stop swimming and you don’t want to do that so you need to use the same trick again to exit the map through the bottom and go back out the door to the left alternatively you can use a return scepter if you already have 2 million gold to burn on one whatever the case once you’re out of the bath house you’ll be swimming and land everywhere you go which means infinite health Infinite Energy easy everything and this trick does keep going even if you sleep overnight it goes continuously no worries next is a spring onion trick which means you can only find gold quality spring onions which again is especially helpful in the early game because gold quality items mean more health and more energy now to do this one you need to fill your backpack with everything and then one gold quality spring onion and no other spring onions of any type that’s because as you click every time you click a spring onion it tries to spawn as one of the three or four different qualities and if it can only spawn as a gold quality you just keep clicking until it spawns as it’s gold quality and then it goes into your backpack so by having one gold quality spring onion in your possession that means you only have room for gold quality spring onions so click away until you spawn one and repeatedly do this and all your spring onions will be gold quality the quality of items does also affect how much people like things when you give them to them as gifts next we’re going to look at the crystarium trick which essentially changes any Gem and Mineral into any other Gem and Mineral so starting with five quartz and one Diamond we’re going to turn this all into five diamonds I’m starting with quartz because it is very easy to find it’s very inexpensive and it works very quickly in in the crystarium it does only take 7 hours to be done in the crystarium but I don’t want to wait that long so I’m just going to sleep for the night and today it’s raining so I’m not going to do anything because I don’t like the rain that’s better anyways now that our five quarts are done we simply take our single diamond and try and place it in crystarium as you can see somehow it now has a finished Diamond inside of it take that diamond out and it’s already working on replicating yet another Diamond now we simply do that with every other crystarium and suddenly we have five crystarium all producing diamond every few days and our original Diamond comes back we did lose five quartz in the process but the quartz not very valuable especially not compared to a diamond like I said this could be used for basically any gem or mineral so they can be used as gifts or whatever you want them to be maybe you just want a big collection of whatever go ahead and try it and how about another fishing trick this one makes it so time doesn’t pass when you’re fishing so you can fish virtually forever within a day normally when you’re trying to catch fish it can take up to an hour or two to catch a single fish especially when your fishing level is slow though but not anymore with this trick once you Cast Your Rod simply open your Journal now you do have to have an active quest to do this but in the early game that’s not a problem they’re often on Pierre storefront so once you cast open your Journal sit and wait for a fish to bite no time will pass while your journal’s open then as soon as a fish bites simply click to catch them reel them in no time has passed no time will pass while you’re reeling them in you can catch a whole bunch of fish in a single day this is obviously good for money and if you want to increase your fishing skill a whole bunch in a hurry that’s a good way to do it too and our final trick will stop you from passing out and ending your day like you normally would at 2: a.m. so as you’re falling asleep simply open your Journal once again and that seems to pause time or whatever and then you can still run around after 2: a.m. now you will try and fall asleep every few minutes so you have to continually hit the journal button but it will save you the energy penalty if you make it to bed now or you can keep doing whatever it is you’re doing fishing or diving into skull Cavern whatever I’ve definitely used this trick quite a few times to extend my days when I really needed to get a whole bunch of things done well there you have it a few fun ways to cheat the game make things a little bit interesting using all these if you put them all together you can get an amazing amount of things done very quickly if there’s any more tricks or glitches or anything that I haven’t covered in this video out there please let me know I’ll try and incorporate them into another video make them work somehow also I’m going to be doing a Q&A video in the near future probably around my 50,000 Subs Mark sort of thing so any questions you want to ask me let me know in the comment section I’ll try and roll those into a video in the future other than that if you haven’t seen my channel check it out new videos up all the time all sorts of interesting crap like this other than that hope you like this one thank you for watching

From infinite energy to endless time, I cover all the current known ways to cheat!


  1. There's a glitch that I dont know if it's on PC but you need 2 people for this trick
    First grab the item you want a lot of like prismatic shards and then go to a table and the other player needs to be using a a tool and has both have to hold the grab button and it will give infinite amounts of that item

  2. Infinite Energy trick sort of works now it doesn't give you infinite Energy but you still enter the swimming animation but when you leave the room it goes back to normal

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