After 14 Years, the True Story of Steve Was Just DISCOVERED…

Steve is perhaps the most recognizable and known character in all of gaming people who have never even played Minecraft or any games in general can recognize him as being the Minecraft guy one of the faces of Minecraft so it’s quite interesting that despite being so universally known and recognized the story behind him was only recently uncovered and for 15 years his Origins were almost entirely unknown Notch didn’t name Steve Steve he’s just as confused as us so how and when did the most popular character in the world’s most popular game get his name the world of Minecraft would be first graced with the presence of Steve on May the 13th 2009 mere days after Minecraft would first release in Minecraft preclassic version rd132 328 this was back when Minecraft was simply a small flat grass block coated floating cube shaped Cobblestone Island and all you could do was place and Destroy extremely Bare Bones in this update Notch would first add mobs to the game which looked like this technically whilst being the first ever mob added to Minecraft this mob was never given an official name although it was referred to as zombie in The Game’s code 100 would spawn at random positions upon loading and generating a new world now the actual texture for this mob came from another game Notch was working on a few months prior in February of 2009 known as Zombie Town this game was never released publicly nor was it ever finished the only footage we have of it is directly from Notch’s now private YouTube channel where he showcases the game for 16 seconds you can see in this footage that these same mobs moving around in the exact same way are present Notch actually states that the blocky design for this mob worked well in Minecraft which is the reason he initially added them considering this was seemingly a zombie horror type game and Notch had also been making other zombie games around this time in Prior it’s likely that this texture was actually a zombie which is interesting as the Minecraft zombie skin has a very similar texture basically a zombie version of Steve anywh who about 2 weeks later on May the 31st 2009 Minecraft classic 0.0.1 5A would release the first version of Minecraft ever with multiplayer compatibility because players needed to see other players now there needed to be a model for the actual player no decided to make the player’s model the mob’s model and despite a few changes over the years including one where Steve would L his facial hair that’s right this isn’t a smile but his beard this is the skin that would eventually become the famous face of Minecraft but up to this point he still wasn’t Steve Notch never called him Steve the players never called him Steve as far as they were aware he was just the player or the mob so where did Steve even come from well to figure that out we’re going to have to take a brief detour through Minecraft’s obscure history but first we’re going to take a pit stop at my channel here where you can subscribe to help me hit 700k Subs by the end of the year and check out my patreon where you can get exclusive content no pressure of course anyways if you are a Minecraft history nerd you may recognize these characters or rather models Beast Boy black Steve and Steve and yes those are their actual names or are they Steve and black Steve would first be seen in another video uploaded by notch in late January of 2010 being added to Minecraft inev as a mob around the same time with each of the two models being its skin variants also Steve and black Steve were technically replacing another model named r that was added a few days prior not long after Beast Boy would also be added as a third skin variant for this mob these models were all made by a game designer named doy who briefly worked with Notch during inev and it would be revealed about 10 years later that these models were planned for another game which never came to be these three models were in the game for approximately 2 days from January the 29th until January the 31st 2010 where they would then be removed and replaced by the original mob skin again anyways why were these random and seemingly out ofpl models added and where did they get their names well as for the first question we don’t exactly know the models were removed and replaced so soon after their addition that is theorized that Notch considered switching to this art style for the mobs and player models but then changed his mind this does make sense as the models are still rather blocky and Minecraft shaped with the key difference being a more animated and expressive art style as for where they got their names well we know R was named and created by docky but Steve black Steve and Beast Boy were not named by him nor were they named by notch or named as such in the game’s files Beast Boy makes sense since well it looks like Beast Boy but Sten black Steve how did they get their names they were named after the Steve we all know and love right that would make sense and as a matter of fact up to this point was what everyone believed but this is where the first discrepancy becomes evident you see the first time Notch ever officially referred to Steve as Steve as far as we know at least is from October the 24th 2010 on his Tumblr where right at the bottom not refers to the Minecraft guy Steve with a question mark even here you can see he isn’t exactly sure where the name came from as evidence by the question mark it was also around this time that a variety of threads on the forums would pop up acknowledging that the Minecraft guy had been officially named so it’s highly likely that this was where Steve was officially named for the first time so how was it therefore possible that these mobs were named Steve months before even Steve was named Steve well this is where an anonymous player named a comes into the picture a was the first person to seemingly noticed this discrepancy in the names of these models and decided to do some research of his own he went through all of Notch and Doc’s old social media posts from around the time attempting to find references to these models or their names but found nothing he checked the gamees files from the time they were not named there maybe the information was lost to time or deleted so he started going through old revisions of the Minecraft Wiki to see what the older pages had listed and if they had had any clues and that’s when he discovered that the models were first referred to as Steve way back in September of 2010 over 1 month before Steve was officially known as Steve how could this be though this once again begs the question how could they be named after someone who wasn’t even named yet a decided to next look through Minecraft IC logs from the time which for those of you who are younger was like an old extremely primitive version of Discord where all you could do was type to other people in Old IRC logs from not even a after these models were first added to the game almost a year before Notch would officially refer to Steve as Steve players were already calling these models Steve black Steven Beast Boy and the first player known to refer to these models as Steve that wouldn’t be Notch but a player here named SEO who would comment so I’m not the only one that thinks black Steve is pantless mentioning so because of the black Steve model due to the color of his skin being the same as the costume he and Steve wore looked like he wasn’t wearing any pants as for why he decided to even refer to this mob as Steve in the first place we do not know but only two messages after a player named as Tu would state that the term black Steve has been coined and that was now his name players were quick to take a liking to the Steve name clearly the same player would then refer to the other model as white Steve about 15 minutes later who would eventually become known as just Steve not long after a player named snowman’s message here being the first to refer to him as simply Steve from then on in that same IRC Channel you can see a variety of people mentioning Steve and black Steve to refer to these new models but what’s even more interesting is that Notch himself was in this IRC Channel actively talking about the newest update as he regularly did so at the time and right here where a player mentions mapping the skins for the Steves another player confusingly asks Steves where they then receive clarification that this is referring to the model for The Game’s new Mobs the black and white Steve this player then sends a message saying Steve and Steve likely talking about the hilarity in the name of the mobs to which Notch actually saw replying with the message no and no we don’t know if Notch was actually replying to this message or the one above about skinning swords but if Notch was in fact referring to the Steve message maybe he was saying he disliked the name that’s just speculation though and regardless you can clearly see that right here in this IRC Channel not would first read and acknowledge the messages where the Players called the model Steve so that’s where the name Steve came from but when did the Steve we all know and love take up the same name as well well if you search the m C forums for the word Steve you can find a variety of posts and comments from early 2010 referencing Steve here’s a post where a player asked a question about the names of the new mobs and one of the first comments from only a couple days after the IRC conversation took place was already officially calling the characters Beast Boy Steve or white Steve and black Steve players would even mourn the loss of the three mobs when they were removed only 2 days later but then for a period of time there weren’t really mentions of Steve anymore the few times Steve was mentioned it was still referring to the two models in August of 2010 we can see on the forums that a few people had maybe begun referring to the player as Steve now but these references were still rather ambiguous players would also sometimes refer to sheep and other mobs in the game as Steve as well making it even harder to distinguish when the name Steve began being used solely to refer to the player in fact there were more mentions About Steve the Slime some random early Minecraft player slime who unfortunately died then there were to actual Steve I think that probably the first absolutely clear time Steve was referred to as Steve on the forums was in this post here where a player directly refers to making a different version of The Steve skin there are also some creepy pasts from around the same time which had a character named Steve in them for the most part it seemed like the name was Fading Into Obscurity more players knew of Steve the damn slime than actual Steve fortunately though in October when Notch would make his tumblr post officially naming Steve Steve likely due to him recalling people referring to the mobs as Steve in that fateful IR Channel 9 months prior it finally became known as to what the name of the character was people generally liked the name simple but straightforward and from then on the Minecraft guy was Steve interestingly Snowman the original player to first use the Standalone name Steve would comment on this in an IRC channel the same day mentioning that Steve was Doc’s dude and was not meant to be the minecrafter so the Steve we all know and love the Steve who would later become potentially the most recognizable character in all of gaming was was actually named after some random testing models that were only in super early versions of the game for 2 days which in of themselves were randomly named by a player named seal who for the most part has been inactive on the internet since 2014 meaning that we probably won’t ever know why he decided to randomly refer to these models as Steve ironic how one random throwaway message in an old IRC Channel had such a huge impact on Minecraft as a whole check out my patreon for exclusive content be sure subscribe to help me reach 700k Subs by the end of the year thank you all so much for watching

Steve is perhaps the most recognisable character in all of gaming. But up until now, nobody has known his true origins…

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0:00 – Intro
0:36 – The Mob
2:44 – Diving Deep into Minecraft’s History
4:51 – The Discrepancy
8:21 – The Wrong Steve?

Music Used:
1. Tom Fox – Expat
2. C418 – Haunt Muskie
3. DBadge – Void Essence (
4. Scott Buckley – Escape Velocity
5. Scott Buckley – What We Dont Say

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.


  1. One thing I kept wondering about is why it started as "Black Steve". Like, Black Steve implies the existence of a White Steve but why would someone EVER coin that before anyone ever mentioned "White Steve" or at least called either or both "Steve" establishing the need for a distinction? Could it be they talked to a person/friend or a group of people somewhere else that called one or both Steve or referred to any random little guy as "Steve" or already had White Steve and Black Steve despite the fact that the one person seemed to think it was coined right then and there? There's always the possibility that Cial was just like "White Steve" "Black Steve" or even "Green Steve" in their head as a sort of Power Rangers-like group but idk, just thinking about it.

    That aside, I never thought Dock Steve was named after Notch's model, I'm pretty sure most people who had looked into this came out with the impression that Dock Steve had the name first despite the other model coming first unless they just heard of it on a random video and made assumptions.

    Either way, I was not expecting Dock to not have named those characters, that's pretty crazy because I just assumed Notch either unilaterally decided they were sort of the same character, hence the question mark, or there was a vague understanding between them that Dock had based Steve on the player/mob model sort of maybe but hadn't straight up said they were the same and Notch extended the name of Dock's character to his own on a whim.

    It's crazy to think about how much you could indirectly influence the world without really trying just by being in that server! Even people not making a suggestion may have gotten Notch into a certain train of thought from a regular-ass comment like "i love pizza" and indirectly led to a feature or difference in the way Minecraft turned out! Hell, just distracting his eye for a millisecond could change a line of code and it would only snowball from there!

  2. it's crazy that back then that small community of players were just goofing around and having fun but little did they know that they would make history to the whole world of gaming

  3. Steve is what you called that random guy that was always around who was cool but, nobody really knew them or knew their name. And if you had a friend named steve, he would then be dubbed steve dave.

  4. It kinda reminds me of the GTA community about a character named Claude, there are actually 2 Claudes in 2 separate games, one of them didn't had a name until GTA SA, the only problem is that the community called the nameless character as Claude Speed since Speed is only from GTA2 and has personality, while the other don't have a last name and doesn't show any personality that much, and he appears in 2 games as a protagonist in GTA III and as a NPC in GTA SA

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