Protecting My Wife at All Costs | Stardew Valley

oh here Glen stop you in you creepy way oh [ __ ] I just I I need take this St on the chin I’m pressing the wrong button to fight I’ll be fine I’ll be fine when do we getting married by the way I can’t see it is oh this thing’s strong Mor F tier one we saw the stard valley video absolutely to St Valley oh K’s one look at the meme in eler I’m going get married though like so that’s all really matters to me your weddings in two days I don’t understand you slap that together Glenn yeah no x-ray sent it in chat oh okay yeah of course it’s X me he’s ex is a pous [ __ ] we [ __ ] know right he seems like he’s grown up a [ __ ] boarding school I see you what on the agenda boys marriage getting M bro so you are m i stuck the price up to 75,000 oh M divorce I need to do that the chickens are not happy there is no hay we heard about [ __ ] the chicken Stu on I will if you want to if you guys want to wipe all the animals out just pay me 5,000 coins 5,000 and I’ll just do it 5,000 bits ni thanks for tier three we’re getting married soon you know last time we sorted out the cinema yeah do we have any other big tasks left like that or are we just pretty much doing the marriages and dinosaurs are too far away right crowd control load up what’s up with have you updated it update we have to upgrade a bunch of like of the of the facilities but it’s working for me that’s what I’m saying I don’t want to walk in that takes like two minutes one’s a Willie what you mean I raised I raised anything Stan raised them give a I didn’t touch anything what do you want about you raised the animals like Raise Me Up oh yeah I raised the animals yeah I did do that I need to do that sorry I got aggressive I think you talking about raising prices I wouldn’t do that who would do that I raised the price right oh you actually raed are you talking about M right right yeah come inside you no um oh Rusty 200 bits while I’m so scared what’s that going to [ __ ] do me or 300 bits why I’m scared like how that going to do like I just have to do it like that can anyone in chat guess where I went yesterday sorry not not city right we we all know I went to London for like what I actually went to yesterday the old fashion way what’s the old fashion way regular fishing updates taking ages mine’s at seven from regular fishing Rob stand who you [ __ ] talking to by the way you beat the [ __ ] out you like you I’m talking to you I’ll bring my proper [ __ ] glus man [ __ ] not [ __ ] you like you know that Rob I’ve seen the house you think it’s medium exactly me I’m [ __ ] POS me I’m [ __ ] gr up the streets of Glasgow man sorry you are Posh sounds like you grew up with [ __ ] Cambridge like no that’s C Bridge you’re thinking of me I know somebody comes from C bridgely I have here oh I have that that’s why the slowest download I’ve ever seen will that work this one oh wow wow how how original you teleported me wow that’s original near wow that’s the most original thing I’ve ever seen in my life like just before bed they able to pull their coins together to divorce you yeah shut your [ __ ] goddamn mouth T cat like honestly honestly I think you’re just getting aggressive for like no reason I don’t want to get divorced I worked hard well nor do I’m working hard hard to get her back exactly m 75k is a bit much right that’s why I done it ni me honestly I don’t know what it is with me I might be on my period I don’t know cuz men get periods now you can’t just I’m pretty sure Rob’s going to say this as crap but the streets Rob grew up on was so hard due to all the spare change laying about I mean when they was when I mean is that not a common thing when people get mad used to throw like money at you the scramble is he all right that’s not what that’s not what was said yeah SC the scramble mate uh okay nobody guessed so yesterday we went uh blizzard invited us to play the new war within Alpha and uh yeah recorded some content probably make a video on it on the side Channel like our little journey some of the fun stuff we got to do oh sick it’s the first time Blizzard’s actually invited me to go somewhere it was actually class how is it I uh I can’t comment on how good the game is cuz I only got to play about two hours um the delve was pretty interesting just a short little Adventure we did the first dungeon the dungeon [ __ ] us up but it was fun the general look of the new expansion I really like I like the way it looks it’s very colorful but we are uh I think we’re heading underground are we not or something like that I don’t know this update is taking [ __ ] ages isn’t it NDA there was an NDA till about 23 minutes ago Nia I hope you get your flat yeah can I tell chat what happened to the glass no no okay if you want to like admit your crimes on stre exactly me yeah you beit into littering then yeah but I didn’t litter I mean you did I mean it was right on our property what happens if someone used a glass and got gyms from it and died that’s on new they shouldn’t have nicked a dirty GL all right well you’ve ruined the [Music] story so basically chat there was a wasp in the office didn’t save it didn’t save there was a wasp in the office for a few days days and I I was being a brave boy and I decided to cup it and try and take it outside it would not leave the glass as I dangled it out the window so I had to recup it take it downstairs and leave the glass outside the door I waited for about 3 hours and it never left the glass we had to lock up and leave with it still sitting on the rim of the glass I I firmly think you should have waited I came back and the glass is gone me and Glenn definitely seen a drug deal happen the the WASP could have taken it but it was most likely a person uh I may need to rejoin the game right Rob okay what was up going be 9:00 now Crow control doesn’t think I’m playing stard okay my Crow control’s on I need you to get 100 hardwood we’re going to fix a tree Rob’s the [ __ ] tree boy did someone just Dowry my why what I do I let me do my task first then I can do your [Music] one oh yeah what oh okay okay it works [Music] um oh do you need some water okay right feel M honestly I will do anything mate I will down to the base of your ball wow she still doesn’t want to marry me [ __ ] me what what I [ __ ] put down a bowl of water for Remy and I came back and I died to a red slime where’s Stan why is he there F black chat do you like my uh my jacket by the way it’s got my name on it I got it from pubg years ago but uh I didn’t use camera as much so I never showed it Middler getting married cuz I’ve got full but or at least I was yeah yeah yeah see I can gift her something today though I might as well do that you know got some I think give her a diamond I [Music] guess even though she likes rubies where’s your jacket merch what do you mean oh right for me I forgot I’m a content creator aren’t I [ __ ] do we have paint to or Moss anywhere I got Pine to on me mate can you make speed fertilizer then c one two three calling in wait have I got Pine pinear is that Oak let me check and Cat one two three no sorry res mate I know what he’s me someone upgraded my pick as well what did he WR c one two three oh my God he’s still his name is tan cat by the way feels but yeah I will go down to the base of your balls mate that’s so much I don’t want to get divorced [Music] M thank you X-ray in stank out one 2 3 is this stank out Stinky cat one to you guys got goggles on that’s that’s wrong oh [ __ ] sake what’s up why I don’t know I don’t know um don’t even make any bombs all right let’s see uh where’s let’s see where wait I just realized something the view account just doesn’t even work now what the [ __ ] why the [ __ ] no kind of mood beanie man I’m really it’s really sad oh oh I’m going to die it’s um it’s very sad that like these slouch beanies that are wear are not uh not easy to get like as much kind of rare how how many days did St spend on his chickens yeah but you can buy them back I can’t buy the [ __ ] SE NS I you call everyone a nons St where are you uh I’m I’m uh blue thing above your head was that I’m back in the farm I feel like my sword says is getting upgraded but I feel like it’s getting downgraded well it looks like I’m D Bo CES round but I feel like it it’s going lower and the I just got 12 days getting things and Glen just destroy it you carrying the blue F oh [ __ ] I don’t know what blue thing honestly mate Glen can I just say this to you mate and I mean this what I am never ever taking you back home in the car I’m done but hang on you’ve terrorized people this entire thing someone once and you instantly go to mode I’ve never G you left in the car again ever my stuff keeps I I have no idea what’s happen can I get a pickax upgrade this is super slow so what Glen do in the car then I I spent 12 days foraging for seeds right I got them to make the wild season he just put a bomb in it straight away and Destroy them all not all of them chill out I’m exaggerating yeah but could they made more [ __ ] n wasn’t all of them did you get the hard wood not yeah i’ be trying to find you I’m I’m at the farm I’m you’re quite literally [ __ ] deck Kad did you see that SPS SPS mate can you just divorce glad mate I’m not even married do these serent spawn in this [ __ ] desert cave yeah oh people spawning them on me I think they can they can spawn in I’m pretty sure um Stan can you come to the the chest yeah these things are [ __ ] annoying I can’t I’m trying to get my energy back up by the way because I’m F you like my hat it’s a nice hat yeah is that is that yeah but you should maybe look into my hat what do you mean by that I maybe maybe I see chat about it what does his hat mean I’ve been teleported to the island oh no so my energ is almost full when I’m still exhausted how does that work [ __ ] I have no idea what Glenn was trying to tell me these serpents are so annoying means he used the golden pumpkin to make it the Relentless little [ __ ] Glenn yeah did you steal my golden pumpkin yep why what was funny who told you that who told you that he was admitting to it when just now he was like I’ll look at this hat tell ask your chat where I got the Hat oh I’m going to die it’s cool it I don’t see what the issue is like I’m pissed you Glen game I hope someone divorces you I’m not married like exactly the teleport like um what else can we s I have no idea where I finally did get the Hat this is what I was trying to do last stream stand and you guys I didn’t have enough time cuz the you were trying to troll me hey I read eventually okay I’m sorry [Music] sorry wait till tomorrow [Music] now I I’ll go get some hardwood although hang on I don’t even have an axxe I do it’s a crap [Music] one this is a normal tree right the hardwood is the massive trees in there I was just giving a rusty sword way I need to get rid of that if someone upgrades my stuff I don’t want it to be on that winter sucks for growing thank you video g yep I really appreciate it mate glad we put our differences aside mate the copper pickle but any chance you can upgrade it a bit more like what do you need 100 hardwood for stand oh [ __ ] um there’s a that’s beautiful V there’s a there’s a big old tree that we can fit coconuts I don’t know what it does but you were asking for a task so I think you okay well I get married first am I allowed to disable my divorce feature you ever allow to disable one thing right no that was that’s never been something [ __ ] dealate inrease 150,000 no you cannot increase it to 150,000 you already increased it which is a bit of a scam yeah it’s a scam that you’ve increased it higher than one we have it’s not a scam that’s just logic I got divorced you can deal with it if it happens too we get raccoons apparently Stan oh that’d be cool that is actually kind of cool I like my little Trash pandas I love them I think they’re great they probably smell but that’s fine on funy seeds as well what I want you to do is just not divorce with me you’re one of my loyal viewers you’re a VIP in my chat me uh I’m just asking for a wee bit of Grace feels me you can use those coins on Minecraft I’d like to remind everyone that Rob sold no no Rob deleted the dog all the G sang you asked me to pacifist please like sphs oh pacifist mate pacifist mate can you help a boy out here right can you tell the chat not to divorce me by the way it’s 75,000 coins like what people back like I am just asking right I am just asking asking for a little bit of courtesy right like divorce is not a good option right I think divorce is not a good option for me right now I just want to have a baby with haly big tits and just live my life a happy lifel by was I not allowed to live my life Rob I never asked people to get you divorced stand that just happened right you show me One Clip I said get stand divorced one clip right there right there someone can clip that right there that’s a bit C M of context guys we should got a bed I think today’s Rob I think today’s Rob’s uh Rob’s wedding boys it’s [ __ ] crashing where am I going to be divorced man I can’t go that way joj joju is the way to go look it go he go a cinema Community Center that was falling down was rid me I did this place and absolute service mate are you taking credit are you taking credit again for something that we got through in spite of you yes yeah what’s wrong with that can you can I go go go time for bed no no me I am biging you [ __ ] grey wolf he’s he’s a wanker right grey wolf is a wanker legitimate wanker I will do what I did to my webcam to you guys if you divorce me I’ll put you in a [ __ ] ball of w doesn’t know this story doesn’t matter T doesn’t need to know that story that’s a threat rob you can’t do that that’s a threat ke doesn’t need to know the story right what you do um a bit classic Bobby rage yeah I have got a webcam sitting in a ball of what can I send the CLI I can no wait c c come into my stream I second show something going to be also who hasn’t clicked Glen Rob just walked away uh yeah one sec right is it the webcam disconnected reconnected right and I’ve had this you to sell g face cam you much are a problem right yeah so I got this when it first came out cost me like two 300 pound whatever it was right H so it started disconnecting reconnecting for no reason every time right so I had to get my revenge on it so I got a Pyrex jug filled it with water sriracha sauce um vinegar soy sauce and I think webcam in [ __ ] o sauce I showed it who was boss like you [ __ ] show that webcam I show that who was B can you show the full story though n the full story GL well can you show me your wall Rob show me the wall Rob wait don’t tell me through the webcam at the wall ask him Rob did you throw the webcam at the wall he’s not there a sec no he can hear me yeah I can knew you yeah I because it was pissing me it deserved right it deserved what it got right Rob can I see the wall there’s a picture floating around somewhere I don’t know what it is what if you just move what if you just moved the onion blanket so I can see it’s not it’s where it’s over the other side me I that hard where’s the picture um Kate had it somewhere k it doesn’t matter in the end of the day right the webcam deserved right Rob what if it was a software issue what are you going to do then beat up the inside of your PC thing is I have I have yet to have guys wait a minute please please do not divorce me I Am Co my balls she’s got mass of [ __ ] TS me can’t you got put your deck into and get a good [ __ ] job off of to see me to be [ __ ] happy like if there was anyone that was thinking about not doing it you might suade them to do it Rob you’re a woman at the moment that’s f [Music] please I’m [Music] P what’s wrong Rob NE the link tree should be fixed let me just check yeah it’s fixed mate that’s been for a while unless like is there is there something else wrong oh anything D sent me a picture nice nice Rob the entire thing not even crowdfunded bloody H Glenn have you proposed uh not yet I’m not happy I am not happy H is it legit you you’re not even married wait Rob what happened you Rob’s been divorced already touch lips and bang she she kissed Rob she went oh God that was a mistake what a disgusted man what a creature. it’s like kissing a fish mate Rob that’s [ __ ] funny proba you all right Remy yeah he’s B inad breath it’s not nice is it Rob I don’t think I deserve that personally I [ __ ] do 100% think you do you up the price and it still got paid she’s there she’s like a ghost in the house look I can’t even interact with her you talk to her and she’ll be upset with you rob can’t even talk to St well Rob guess you if you really want marriage you’re going to have to start what I’m doing remember we go the cinema now I’m going to go after the Emily you can get a new uh I’m going after I’m going to after your woman no you’re not I’m definitely going to ask you woman I’ll beat you up in the car park like what are you going to do me he’ll slice you up with his sword mate I don’t have a sword he boys good question would you trust me with a sword uh no why not just [ __ ] metamorphosized did you say why not yeah I can’t don’t kill someone right boys I’m hly doing something wrong she still doesn’t want she still doesn’t want to get married look I’ve given her flowers he’s my girlfriend and we got Full Hearts we Full Hearts yeah have you given her a bouquet yeah there’s like a picture of a bouquet in the top right of her paint okay so you need to give it like a mermaid thing yeah I’ve got that a mermaid pendant [ __ ] i’ been teleported got to give her a ring scet bread did you guys have to give her a ring you you don’t you don’t need to give a ring but when I use the mermaid pendant she literally says it says Emily doesn’t want to get married right now have you got 10 Hearts yep have you tried again um yeah is it because I went over 10 I technically got 11 Hearts I don’t know I think it should cap and it shouldn’t matter what are you trying to give them the MIM pendant oh I got [ __ ] teleport again I’m never going to be able to see her what this tastes like oh well that was exciting for a moment oh my [ __ ] help SC mug oh is Rob yeah Rob have you upgraded your house uh sorry Glenn have you upgraded your house uh oh that’s what is he’s not upgraded it you have to have fat coins you need the second room before you can marry oh that would do it yeah you need to go to um you need a bunch of wood and some money and some Stone [ __ ] you you guys have obviously blit all our money like but we currently don’t have we only have like enough for a freaking you’ve all upgraded your houses right yeah we haven’t had money for a while because we haven’t uh we haven’t really got a farm the do I need like I got the smallest [ __ ] Farm you’ve ever seen right now yeah I am too poor for x-ray SC I don’t have a mediumsized house like Rob oh never mind I’m in the mountains [Music] now 10K [ __ ] [Music] 450 wood oh my Lord [ __ ] I I must have [ __ ] mind cut so much [ __ ] wood hey Glenn yeah there some Stone thanks I don’t need Stone but cheers I’m try to be helpful can you me get they’ve just Jes hell was that pix is gone was that that was Glenn’s mic I think me that was weird as F [ __ ] that was terrifying that was like something from a horror game made your mic like clipped is it still bad or no no just once that’s why it was frightening that’s probably one of the worst horror sounds I’ve ever heard if that was in a game I actually would [ __ ] piss and cry yeah someone could take that okay okay right so we got to get the wood St can you help me get wood [Laughter] hold up I’m I’m trying to do something but I can I can help you after honestly holy [ __ ] all the money never mind I guess I will I guess I will go help TR you just let life in peace you [ __ ] wreck me already feels at least give me some upgrades mate come on bro was it spars who did it yeah [Music] popper axe I don’t know if my axe got upgraded or down it got upgraded yes I can chop faster I need to go to a better place so did you finish the hardwood for the tree oh me yeah did you get the hardwood no no did you get any hardwood no okay I’m going to I’m going to head down there um there’s 60 wood chop that way you Ed would you go to by the way not great what what these bugs even do they just just stand there menacingly yeah oh my pickax is back now too yeah boy yeah upgraded if I have a fancy pick is it can it be better than a crap axe for wood or is even like the crapp of I really want a sword steals mate that’s what I really [ __ ] want me oh my God why would someone do that he that the [ __ ] is this I am actually to I’ll come back to that need to find a normal tree what have I done existed where are all the trees we have no trees back place I’m being attacked a g for the pizza let’s try this well you know what the the that forest with the hard wood is now a danger oh just flow doesn’t work okay is it it doesn’t work who is it you’re trying to mared Glenn I can’t remember Emily oh I need wood she needs 450 wood a sucks [ __ ] man why you attacking me for man [ __ ] slimes [Music] eh I love like if slimes accidentally spawn in a river there’s nothing you can do to stop them repopulating like [ __ ] man there’s been a skeleton that’s just sat in the river for like a month there’s something you can do I’m pretty sure you might to slingshot him [Music] Rob holy [ __ ] yeah you’re right that is that inhabitable oh did you go to the forest oh yeah yeah I don’t know what I did but apparently I’ve upset somebody time did you get any W I’ve been trying I gave you 60 oh nice a they’ve upgraded my a thanks treat me I appreciate me holy holy yeah video game just spawn 100 on me St I got a fan yeah oh God go go somebody heal me please somebody heal me I can’t move is it that bad what’s happening to you guys oh do you have to kill me a second time oh they gave me the heal it was just a little too late they gave me invincibility as well I’m so sorry I couldn’t live how many wood how many wood do I have a it’s actually quite fast we just need a couple more trees my Pizza you guys have pizza yeah chat sometimes sends pizza but I don’t have it no more where are all the trees is it cuz it’s winter well that did nothing for me have you been replanting the trees no Le’s your answer have you been replanting trees yes when I cut them down I replant them loser Diamond I do have some pine cones the little ones no want to fly I get thaty no please sick the big thing chat has done so far is got robbed divorced and now he’s a Sad Panda use sword like I’m sick of using a wooden sword I’m not asking for much right don’t I deserve that oh let me get these trees in [ __ ] sake man there’s too many fences in this game oh I got teleport to trees oh [ __ ] should I mean getting close thank I’ve no food to eat I can salad nice yeah Stan also got divorced by chat are you close to remarrying Stan no no it’s going to take him a while yeah I know it’s it’s going to take a whole minute are you going the same woman or you do yeah up oh yeah you faking erased your memory like a creep didn’t you bro he trying to tell me that’s not creep video gamer creepy little stand she’s going find I’m going to to on you mate why am I being killed I need one more tree can’t please have not taking anything oh it’s sick teleport to the treat thank you very much salads those are specifically for her why is it not chopping that way I had so much else you could have taken but no he took the salad where did you buy the house stand the upgrade uh in the sort of Mountain Area you buy it from um from Robin like that their house Robin Robin Cal the shop yeah you can’t you can’t go now why eyes closed yeah I’m assuming it’s that one I have um I’m upset my salads are gone I used to love chat I think chat why is there a squid in the top left corner for me now oh everyone’s fishing down you oh it’s a fishing event yeah I’m not really need to sleep get a new W boys and decided yeah yeah cuz you know how creep like stand when you raise your memory Rob ah [ __ ] it I got my Joel that’s what you didn’t know did you were divorced even before the wedding was over you had even got a chance to walk home yet that time fast it was her stuff didn’t even go in my house mate her stuff didn’t even go in my house it was that fast she’s just stuck bedart from in my bed are you in now it was just the closest house as I walked in did you guys drop 65k on the big house oh level 9 combat nice when is cave getting divorced I asked if you actually get to go on the honeymoons don’t know oh I’m in did it again yeah I did it again my [ __ ] broke who knows it just [Music] popped these [ __ ] keep Waring me the price is only going to go up you [ __ ] I’m here too at the railroad hello it goes out bit by bit every time you do it St should we go clear out the woods uh go to the comp place again you have 246 out of 50,000 for divorce oh it’s inevitable it’ll happen how much is you divor my divorce is 50,000 what’s it at just now like s something been B [ __ ] oh is it being crowdfunded I’m in a gang GL what so just your mic every now and there and goes like I want to buy my salads back but freaking got stolen I’ve been mimed and we have no money I’ve been slowed down imagine Glenn’s rolling on the cable no I just checked the cable I so like there nothing anywhere near it [Music] I manag to kill a couple right but like there’s still a [Music] lot whoa so is one of you buying something plan is 10K man I know who W hold up that’s my money it’s closed what do you mean what’s the money for Stan you’ve already go a big house you greedy [ __ ] I need salads I be honest I want a big a house 200 g for a salad L you didn’t just buy salads I I haven’t been able to buy any salads but now there was more money given to someone else I I can’t buy salads right now anyway the time’s not right but I do need to buy a bunch wait St did you kill them all no but they appeared to have been disappeared when I got tpd there do you want meang me I was trying to I should try the where’s the money going oh that was the right okay that was the constructed house that’s your boy bigger house and I guess I have to wait a day and then I marry it you have to wait two or three is a long game like it’s AIT like a like Sim I’m going see if I can do the the other [Music] thing I’m not talk to me a blank you know [ __ ] believe why shot W me murdered so bad stop it get some help well have you takeen the um cam out to see if it works what C oh Rob be [ __ ] class if you tried to uh plug it in see if it works it’d be even funnier if it breed your PC Le for safe I wouldn’t tell you that why that doesn’t work that also doesn’t work spish me could just leave me W me f he’s beating down he’s a single man life’s tough I’m trying to get more piss as you kill [Music] man I still think like we’ve skipped over our creepy the stands wipe their memory it’s not [ __ ] up can you say those words it’s not I just I I wanted to be with her that’s all I wanted little messed up it’s [ __ ] up St I think you need to oh I can fight the squids in you it’s OB squid boy these drop nice little we just want to play the game we did too and then you made us go JoJo M you have JoJo mate you JoJo for life my weapon got down I like the per of Jojo M but I also like the community center oh my God again I don’t there oh my God man the 10% ones I might just is there anywhere else you can get hardwood if you just got a PL there also have I got what is the seeds you need is it the mahog ones sick yet but he’s wiped their memory um which I think is disgusting and he trying to remarry her it’s [ __ ] disgusting I think he deserves to be instantly divorced if he gets married again cuz that’s how rageous what is your I’ve done nothing what is my problem I’m not okay with someone it’s not what you’ve done to Glenn it’s what you did to that poor girl yeah I’m not the victim St she is [ __ ] shake you [ __ ] where are we I’ve been killed like you going to say Muppet then I don’t think been here before they like Lo of something you got that fishing upgrade book why don’t you just fish or maybe I have actually and you a low cun me what have I done to you Rob to be fair we’re like actually we’re a good hour in almost an hour into it but you’ve dropped a lot of them like I appreciate the food but I needed the [ __ ] oh hello why am I at the wizard tower this is not what I need right now I’m need to go talk to Leah yeah I’ll just have to wait till the morning but I thought I’d try anyway [Music] we go to the desert again I think you talk to Le for you [ __ ] up St cuz it’s Sunday we all raid the volcano mine wa are you not what am I done now I’m sely like injured been [ __ ] for I’m going after LE stand by the way oh no you pissed right off she said to go into the movie yeah I’m going to [ __ ] after I’m going to after her no you literally I [ __ ] am why divorce you and I’m sing him yeah when you swap guys be fair yeah you you could plan early Rob cuz he definitely it’s okay she won’t remember how good Rob’s [ __ ] was where did she live she’ll just feel as something wasn’t quite right you know where does Leah live it’s in the barn right no it’s not it’s below where you bu animals yeah oh below oh here we go I wonder if you can both try and marry the same person oh she’s not you where does she work uh she’s she she self-employed oh there a market tomorrow boys she’s heading to the bar now I think though I’ve got heart I’ve got a heart with her now I don’t even know what she looks like because I want I want to take it off I want stand at mag I’m going to swoop her and take her why do you want to do that sure beingz a man he’s a cruel man friend M’s [ __ ] weird yeah every now and then it just does did anyone clip like the horror movie sound it’s really weird what it could be like um it scared the [ __ ] out of everyone to upgrade my axe that’d be appreciated J is that it Fab they’ve just he look at that clip look at the clip in my chat by the way and you’ll get to hear like what happened all right one sec um hang on can you what all right let’s catch up a little bit should we got reload stream labs um Benjamin thank you for the $2 Neo says the read chat thanks man um guos thanks for being joining the good eggs qxz thanks for joining the good eggs Benjamin thank you for being a member for 9 months and thank you for the $5 uh have you seen R 2’s DLC announcement yet I haven’t uh I was told there was a new one wasn’t there Alo I missed where am I okay um aramon thanks for the twitch M sub mate welcome leading Ranger thank you for the T1 sub uh welcome t v thank you for the T one sub wait this is not showing reubs huh flip rules thank you for the twitch B sub Marshall Phoenix thank you for the tier one sub fa thank you for the tier one sub th virtual thank you for the twitch F sub anamon thank you for 150 bits sty thank you for the twitch F sub gaming newbie thank you for the twitch sub paroi thank you for the twitch sub K left thank you for the T1 sub and for or for thank you for the ti one sub if they reubs I I can’t it won’t show me isue cuz it doesn’t seem to happen on my stream um I could try and go back and find the could be something happening with Discord mate it’s [ __ ] scary noer n thanks for being a member for 18 months dude yeah I might make that a sub sound I might take that sound Glen that you did and then put on epidemic sound as a sound effect that people can have broken mik wait wait for a while profit um I need to go to bed go to bed and wait for my house oh does it take more than one night for your house to go big yeah [ __ ] this honestly this game it’s designed to waste your time in it yeah it’s like a life some man tomorrow travel merch oh okay whatever blah blah blah blah M it’s so weird Haley’s sleeping in my house she’s like sleeping on in the kitchen like a good woman wait she sleeping in there you sleeping in the citchen me kind yeah um where are you um I feel like it’s taking me 10 miles to walk a mile to the house okay cuz I I’ve just dug something up and I feel a bit confused by it right I want to show you it I want to show you [Music] it hi Hey so uh I dug uh I dug this little guy up what the [ __ ] is that it’s a it’s a strange doll uhuh you can donate it to the museum apparently holy to war to war kill the [ __ ] B Jesus let’s Ser a crash for you guys oh no no I take that as a no I’m going in the house yeah I’m going in the house I think it was just you Glenn but they spawned a lot of stuff so I wouldn’t be surprised if it broke okay [ __ ] my B little [ __ ] wa wait Rob there’s a reason Who Sold mahogany seeds sounds like a St thing that might have been me that sound like a St thing no I’m at the ward Tower why why at the Wizard’s Tower I didn’t work [ __ ] plant them you godamn wet WIP I’m going to CH Le what the [ __ ] bro you need you need to back off now could you do that cuz I’ve been trying to ask her to the cinema for the last couple of days does she not want to go she has a refresh period like everyone else right and I don’t know how long ago it was I asked her people could get there before you they could catch up with hearts cuz you can get two hearts from the cinema R yeah and I need Rob the KN so I need someone to not let him do that that would be quite funny oh my God I’m being overwhelmed entertainment value it would be more funny go it I don’t care about entertainment value I want America you yeah but you’ve like taken in mind it’s [ __ ] up son like I don’t feel like you should be allowed n the court of public opinion should shun you you here Glen stop you in you creepy way oh [ __ ] hey I I come on guys let me have what the [ __ ] like she’s a real man like un wipe their memory that’s the that’s the main reason you need I’m going back to [ __ ] no the mahogany seats do you even know what day what time her door opens oh 10:00 [Music] interesting oh my God why are you just warping me for stand alone cun he doesn’t deserve it something just spawn 50 serpents on me what’s up baby actually I decided if you’re like messed up in head enough to enjoy that marriage you do thank you we’re super [ __ ] up St yeah oh my God why are people helping stand what happened in the village he’s literally taking a away three W like [Music] this is the one thing I want you took everything else yeah the uh the village the farm oh [ __ ] on I need to eat I need to eat I guess those bugs are there forever Chad can I get a sword upgrade [Music] any times oh you [ __ ] you won’t like it but you can try it it’s coffee yeah because it keep you awake M bouncing on the wall oh my God oh my Lord those things hurt Rob did you find out what was waiting for you at the farm yeah go go [Music] go oh my Lord much just cing me let me leave I need play [Laughter] uh you know what I’m safe I’m safe I’m safe in M I have any more food a [ __ ] Pizza I got a little close I just lost 20 bombs oh sorry for lunch time though I stay I think the same she’s not too much of aad this one why you keep watching good I know I’m not sure what use Harve has for bombs but he took them I got he is that’s what been keeping me alive I thought he was like the flashy death period I think Eng yet what’s that did you get engaged yet no have to wait two days for the house to be built oh that’s the farm uninhabitable that’s fine i’ be your is he barking at you yeah sounds like it let’s [ __ ] have you come here you shpid [ __ ] two all two oh not again this no video gamer holy [ __ ] that was insan got pamas that was 100 serpent you B my face my myy G I took my propeller hat like where am I you back what’s up a no iPad you guys got any food for me I got knocked out in the cinema why there was a little guy my woman away from me trying to take my woman oh we’re fine to war whoa why am I getting Hur there’s there was 100 Dragon spawn St no no no I mean crowd control hurt do not go the what’s happened in the pub just don’t go in the pub guys if I put slimes to um T Co can you help me make a slime farm I’m going to make a slime farm today but I need your help I need Stone yes I’m no longer in I will make slimes kill them all five coin 10 coins two no me a but I need somebody to give me some food or something because I’m going to die like I need food or some the H might be quite good what I I got killed again [ __ ] I’m going to put Stone to I’m going to put Stone to one coin he’s doing his one coin [ __ ] again oh boys I am actually getting spawn killed guys things are uh things are being rough right now should we uh should we go to the night market we I no money I’m going to make a big arena for these SL but I don’t have a so anymore your boy out like couldn’t kill me with a serpent you just killed me with crowd control I see I’m not married yet soon though well hopefully I can’t even do anything at the farm Jesus Christ where are we going is there an event on us man [Music] hey doesn’t want my gift I feel like aan got killed yeah I’m being I got like no Health from being killed P’s a prick you take some of the random [ __ ] I think I’m going to lose my salads right now oh no bombs and solar what the [ __ ] does he need rabbit’s feet for I’ve got a wooden Club Feld can I get it up St where’s the night market stand uh St I the beach maybe would probably be let’s go boys could maybe you could be doing yeah I don’t know I don’t want to think about why he wants rabbit feed oh this was a bad idea where’s the night market by the way give me 20K let’s [ __ ] go is it on the beach yeah it’s down on the pier I wanted to use the chest so who’s selling it [Music] huh is there an event we all have to go to or you guys can crack on there n you can just be [Music] here selling a painting that’s an expensive painting you right K [ __ ] died again oh my God I hate mobs that just don’t the [ __ ] spawn you [ __ ] oh damn there’s a lot of uh interesting things to be bought here hey teleport to the beach you [ __ ] Legend a piano for 100,000 oh I got tort till tomorrow then I guess otherwise I’m going to [Music] die he’s got some nice [Music] stuff guys I think the village is uninhabited B probably I wanted to check with the nights me what are you selling [Music] baby wait he trying to go to bed early no I’m at the night market bro you bought everything now no no no I’m I’m going to look around I’ve been killed once oh thank you for the speed boost to get back what you selling [Music] but what did you dou feels me oh my God I just want to check what the Night Market has and I’ve been killed holy [ __ ] D you know you mentioned about the collectors’s I of out yeah I didn’t know it was [ __ ] 200 quid yeah that I’m trying to see if there the regular one but I can’t see it it looks like there’s only the 20th anniversary one which gives you the statue the Statue is neat but I’d like to see if there was a regular one [Music] too cuz this for the 20th anniversary oh right okay because they’re like bundling it with the the statue is pretty cool m I don’t know whether it’s 200 cooler I’ll be honest with you if you’ve seen the prices of their actual other statues it’s kind of insane iridium fireplace yeah so I kind of just went and bought like all the [ __ ] I’ve been given coins to buy a freaking frog statue and I can’t do it cuz I keep getting teleport away I bought it you’re right thank you hey if you dump it in theed [Music] wait the gra you get one I could dump it in the B you do it for E Cas just yeah no I was just I was just I was just giv some more coins and I’m trying to make my way back to the freaking night market so sorry boys for what what did you just buy was it 10,000 coins no it was 30k what the freak bro come to my house it wasn’t even the piano was it no it was not the piano well I mean the piano is a lot more night over let’s go check it might be over in a sex then most of the Collectibles hang on I’m in [ __ ] K house where am about look come to my house I’ll show you what I got and then we can all sleep in my bed together I’m in your house no yeah yeah wait for me then I’ll be there oh okay oh speed boo come back [ __ ] yeah I’m I’m just bit checked out this game I’m not going to lie mate I’ve literally been playing it an hour 15 minutes and not left the medical B you been getting bed yeah all right check this out Glenn uh first off let me put uh let’s put this here okay pizza if think is a lot I’m kind of intrigued oh [ __ ] me you want a pizza mate St you want a pizza why do you have three fireplaces [ __ ] who knows I’m sorry I just want to show Glam what I bought why is there a skeleton do we kill it what the hell happened why is there also why is your TV moved all right Bo it’s getting about sh in the morning okay chat let me show her Rob’s not or is he sounds like he’s getting batter I’m in bed I’m in bed I’m in bed he kept spawning [ __ ] on me oh [ __ ] H is that a [Music] bomb that’s a bomb Oh my God don’t think he spend 30k on a bomb St move thank you all right now I can put this in my inventory oh theyed SW that’s the one of the things making me fight the dragon that cost me 30k that cost you 30k you got a picture of your wife yeah oh that’s embarrassing hey don’t say that oh man well that’s nice C that’s sweet of you yeah I love it how can you take your opinion of sweet when you wiped someone’s memory you’re going it go can you sp me in no letting that g stand ever can you guys spawn me in a [ __ ] stor actually going to do something productive I I I took back my fireplace I hope that’s all right you didn’t need three you can still kill a B I bought loads more stuff by the way yeah do do a lot less damage wait can I have the Frog statue yeah I’m going make a monster for this place it by my bed it’s one it’s one coin each for stone if ‘s got one coin like the Speare every bit of stone one is cting I’m making a moner for to fight stuff like doesn’t that sound I can’t pick it up H we go how many hearts you at now Stan uh four you can tell people now Abo’s [Music] gone Stan I bought a 12K payon why thank you sh on top of the 30k one uh yes that’s all our money’s G like [ __ ] pain then we we were given some money let take a for it’s fine it’s fine I want to get this the price doesn’t go up for St I’ve literally set it to one one coin it shouldn’t go up I want to get I want to want to get Leo back feels feel like [ __ ] man I don’t know why it ball feel like [ __ ] water going to divorce you as soon as you get it cuz let me have my moment of Happiness Glenn I don’t think you deserve it why is that Rob a prick what did I do to you kill the [ __ ] be in the office like it’s not dead it just wouldn’t leave the glass now somebody’s nicked the glass oh oh my ax is gone now as well somebody St stole your be and who knows what they’re doing to boys she still doesn’t want a wasp they could be Abus in that wasp was wasp ass house isn’t ready I thought it was been 2 days already honestly St doesn’t care longer than 2 days I love like I’ve just assumed control over this greenhous she’s rejected my proposal like six times now okay I’m all those [ __ ] gems are GI her like oh she’s five Hearts now let’s go just your house mate I did two days ago but maybe it hasn’t upgraded well is she not mading you m does it take longer than two days can I I get my water account upgraded again I’m might have to start with someone new now it’s F me I have to get on Le are you back off I’m at five Hearts there’s a lot of singles out there boys yeah I’m going after Leo and Stein gets divorced you can suck my hoop is what you can do M they’re going to divorce you like I don’t understand why he’s the like St it’s super [ __ ] up I’m not going to lie Stan hear me there’s something my house is so tiny why can’t you just why vote for my happiness she’s not Stan she divorced you for a reason she didn’t divorce me she did yes she did why you Stan why are you so upset oh one second let me kill this exactly cuz you didn’t want to be divorced did it it was UN you didn’t divorce her who did the divorce she did she didn’t want to be with you so youp memory stand what’s up we were all for it we haven’t got the raccoons yet we do we do we do need more hardwood but when I went to try and do that last time people spawned so okay can you do me a favor sure can you ask your chat come into M spend one coin per stone for me so I oh my God I [ __ ] click the wrong thing today you spend one coin in Rob gave me as much as I can like I need that you heard it guys give Rob some Stone boys I [ __ ] I [ __ ] up you don’t even need to go to his stream there’s Link in the pin a it resources you don’t want you don’t want their Stone no you don’t want my chat Stone no not your chat no all right kill him chat wow you can just set people on them like like that St why you tricking if it works who knows I don’t know holds a lot of power that’s terrifying and he know how to weaponize it I don’t think I do or is this Minecraft Twitter the most [ __ ] up [ __ ] is still weaponized wait you don’t know about Minecraft Twitter no I’ve I’ve you don’t want to know Stan I don’t think I do I’ve never heard anything good come from a lot of Minecraft things which is a shame it’s basically like you know know what you’re doing to Rob now all right like that on Twitter I mean I’ll be real with you Twitter kind of sucks doesn’t that mean what you’re doing to Rob Now sucks oh yeah totally St Minecraft Twitter called somebody ableist because they were uh laying on the grass in real life yeah some people don’t deserve the [Laughter] internet is that harsh um I think did youh your brow feels me where he uh where’s the Blacksmith oh that was the guy that died wasn’t it is he actually dead dead who’s the blacksmith now I don’t know this is the person you talk to [Music] right one if you guys upgrades on certain days [ __ ] I believe we have all the dwarf Scrolls cuz we can imagine ler removing [ __ ] from me effects every day I’m trying to build just maybe it’s three days then almost like you guys are [ __ ] inbreed like where is he let’s have a look his name is Gus right gusu Valley is it Gus no uh is it Clint yes where the [ __ ] are you winter 16 wait he doesn’t work today he’s at the clinic how dare you have a health issue yeah get your wife stroke it guess it’s mahogany seeds don’t please plant the mahogany seeds where where do I mean I I only see one mahogany seed oops you dirty dog you want to know how again it is what it is I just want to be able to make the tree for the raccoons apparently the island has more Hardwoods done well I can’t oh the night Market’s open again I wonder if they got new stuff for money stuff what is that what what is that you’re wearing it’s my hat what hat is that [ __ ] put it on like trees on the island give hard wood well we’ll have to go there again eventually I guess I’ve been given some pocket change to go to the night market boys when Kate was giving it me so pocket money not pocket no it was me I know it was me that one wasn’t me I don’t know who that one was or that one what the [ __ ] what’s it for who’s who is this who’s doing that pacifist I magic yeah it’s for me but I don’t know what it’s for thank you very much upgrade your oh you did upgrade your house oh man I know why it’s working you never changed it back did you your money doesn’t scale does it what’s that your money doesn’t scale you didn’t tell the effect back did you uh don’t know I’ll have a look dirty little cheater coming from the guy you up [ __ ] up this thing by he could have turned his marriage up in cost and I still got divorced any on purpose as well I did I told you I was doing you didn’t get the we don’t need the fish um oh you got a cone hat K yeah I told you mate the [ __ ] green what was it set to uh I don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on you Roba C you have to build it around my tree yeah I can take the tree away if you want I would collect the rare crows but I think they’re all gone no don’t take away you can get the stone parrot chill chill I bought the stone parrot it’s okay look I could extend this you can chase more than one woman at the same time as far as I’m aware you can indeed hello what’s this so much meale can I marry her don’t marry her this did you want us to buy anything in particular with you can marry Penny you can marry by the stove okay Maru whoever the this point I’m done I’m done with I was trying to marry the mermaid lady but I don’t think she’s real if Stan gets married to Leah and then you keep taking her to the cinema will she eventually marry you hopefully Mate work is this what you mean when Stan when Stan tries to put her dick in her ear right his dick in his ear realiz she need a real man like suck my hoop Rob yeah that’s what you be saying D why would I suck your ho you your dick sucked you little virgin bad time is there can I buy an Apple yeah I’ll buy the Apple I love when you get S stand oh okay she won’t like go for the advancement treat yourself if I if I plant an apple seed will it grow no matter the season change cuz it takes 28 days yeah I think it’s the plan that’s how cockled works by the way um sand me I can’t listen to any your suggestions M you got me divorced for 75,000 yeah I have a gift for you thought you had your boys back like you know is your slime no no God no I’m I’m I’m mature C I’m past that right you in my chat what level is my Warrior by the way that I leveled up bit I I can’t right now I’m coming back safe I I you know is time I could go back come up why won’t let me swim somebody changed my boots so I no longer am a clown you guys coins upgrade my don’t stand come in and attack what do you me I asked them to give you stone and you were like I don’t want that I don’t want them I’m like well okay don’t worry rob you you’ll get divorced I mean no Rue with that got if there’s any good in this world you will get divol what have I done to you what you you know you WIP the memory the be you know kill a be I I humanely took the WASP how much he does this thing have a was Now isn’t me it was a you looked at it you saw it was a was no it was a b te you just K the B God pass this video game you know be really [ __ ] up you spawned a 100 of them [ __ ] that would be really [ __ ] up 100 what nothing Rob don’t you worry I don’t get why why would I have to like why why it’s not going to be on me right I wish it showed your hat on the map be really bad if you spawn up a hundred of them right here joa hey time where are you Kai in the center of the village okay I’m com okay what’s happening now literally absolute weapons my sword’s been downgraded [Music] too 514 that’s going be a fun one to deal with no God I don’t think I get a got in a we’re doing well ah [ __ ] my hardwood oh one got through the [ __ ] in [ __ ] you got your War to level 28 sweet FL M sounds quite good like can’t wait smash DPS the oh [ __ ] how hard does it get runs for the warrior that’s the question I’ve got m oh I think I’ll just pass out yeah I’m going to pass it oh I got a p that was 30k what the [ __ ] a bed no I I I don’t get a choice oh not the only one in bed that was clutch do I lose something for passing out I forget start the next day with less energy that’s fine okay if you want that gift yeah we’re so close having the Slime Monster in a completed it’s going to be great uh here you go nice my big red cane for you we maybe we put them outside Stan oh yeah we can put them outside I have two still [ __ ] Tiny getting a glitch in The Matrix St popping up on my red every day now going you seen this new story like you want to PL by the tree yeah you ruined it for me m about the glitches in The Matrix M I keep getting the Reds popping up going have you seen this new oh my [ __ ] Lord where’d they go so many slimes [Music] there see see we see I just can’t wait execute that and then get hand ragnaros and Ste off you know all I’ll tell you is um the Thunder Fury is a warlock tanking weapon now so that’s a funny way to say Mage my chat talking about feet why would the Mage tank you [ __ ] idiot like honestly I feel like you’re just being very uh exclusive instead of being inclusive and I actually perfect for warlord because it it scals off SP okay I’m going to plant an apple tree plant the green house I can no I’m not there’s no room in the green house by the way it is an apple tree what do you mean must have done the wrong thing they can grow through all year round if you put in the green house it’s an apple tree it’s not a seed yeah we can grow trees and the green wom a but I’m going to have to get it doesn’t matter what season is matter season it is me not for the Apple Tree the fruit winter robs right I mean it can grow you just it just won’t bloom in the winter it takes 28 days I’m just saying we just put it in [ __ ] hell you just [ __ ] raged at me I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m actually can’t live with the decisions he made in life you sorry I’m really confused I thought my tone was fine I apologize you’re being gaset then am I [ __ ] H [ __ ] get the [ __ ] off hey the I leave me in the door okay I’m dead bro disconnected me [Music] Rob I can’t move thing is I I you say the thing’s full I I I can’t plant The Apple Tree there I think maybe I I just I just do anybody in the chat give me a weapon up because honestly it’s just getting nonon impossible now I’m begging you like just I just take anything at this point like because I just need it Chad could I request that you teleport me to the island doing a cheeky bit of recycling don’t mind me I mean TI this Mees or [ __ ] by the way would you would you be would you be more convinced if I said if you tpd me to the island we can get raccoons thank you check this out chat I think this is matcha cake [ __ ] yummy I got tpd back off the island why would you do that oh [ __ ] I just TB too that I was there Tyrus why I like you bro you why would you I upgraded someone else the mouse days Mouse still is uped should be one thing when I talk to her now I don’t have the option to do any other upgrades did you how been made B no you’ve not done it have you think that’s what I’m saying but it I don’t know how long it takes so I think I upgraded something else that also somehow cost 10K and 450 work how much is upgrade at the moment um doesn’t Leah need a few days to build it yeah that’s I don’t know how many days it’s been 3 days now can you see outside your house uh I don’t think so I see it’s okay I haven’t really looked to be [Music] honest it should be 3 days it’s been days guys I just want to fix the tree for the raccoons please guys did you plant the mahogany stand I have planted the one mahogany seed here ring me um is of twitch have implemented that thing where you can play game shows but like from the old American ones I want do in Streamlight you just want to watch TV M me well could I please go back to the island chat this is all for raccoons this is the person right he just killed the man did I know he sent shels down my Spain my body Wasing all the te morning is going to be good on Saturday cuz I’ve never played it I’m looking forward to doing it again it was fun the first time I’m hoping we’re able to get more recordings though are we playing normally or we doing with crowd control I assumed it was with crowd control that’s what I put on my schedule let’s try crowd control well hardwood is just not happening huh well no I just lost all them mama my boots out the clown boots again I just I can’t reload it cuz um Rob’s the Boss Fan for the Ser what upgrading boots do I mean more defens but I’m back at the clown shoes the jingle jangle the mon arena is almost completed once I A match is green too Healy for my L I wouldn’t say it’s healthy my dude like a lat the amount of milk in there is not particularly healthy match te maybe I wanted to get that hardwood but apparently it’s just not happening apparently I’m banned this isn’t even like really for me this is for raccoons and apparently chat hates raccoons that’s what I’m get that’s what I’m understanding from this can’t move this is [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hell man I think the skeletons are the worst thing about this game they’re [ __ ] huming train is passing through St no the house isn’t bigger so I’ve come to the conclusion that I [ __ ] upgraded someone else but now now she won’t let me upgrade anything else like the menus not coming up I feel like I’m getting unlucky is it I don’t know what say I I couldn’t honestly tell you what’s going on me yeah when I talk to the person now I don’t get the option again I feel you’ve been screwed up somewhere along the line I don’t know why no I think like I said I think I messed up and I’ve upgraded the wrong thing that just so happened to also cost 450 wood cuz it took all my wood away which was exactly 450 um but now I don’t know how togr something else you just [ __ ] off your skeleton [ __ ] right we’ll have a look now I haven’t spoken to Leah today I should speak to her today I’m not having a good night this game boys all right Rob the game crashed after you upgrade could mess it up I suppose but then truly I would give if it you think it’d give my stuff back right cuz I’ve definitely lost my wood and we we definitely lost the coins as well thought you could buy hardwood whoa where you been the square I haven’t mate the C sell they are awesome I love cake I hate ice land’s this skeleton that’s shooting me ah ah ah well that’s just [ __ ] cheating isn’t it that’s [ __ ] cheating certain days to get the upgrades no me I I don’t know what you’ve done I let I do you’ve done wrong like I legely oh where did the money just go I legitim have oh oh no look like when see GL get mes look like it that’s s gun don’t worry about it I can’t kill these so maybe whatever else I upgraded takes longer than 3 days guess I better go farm some then no [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this weap compared to the fancy boy did not realize my weapon was this bad God damn Chad can I get some food I’m [Applause] dying what the [ __ ] yeah sure hang on let me go my m super me let’s go thank you oh I just got fully healed help a boy out give us a weapon upgrade mate have to take him somewhere I do desperately need my weapon upgraded we can’t take down the skeletons in our home because literally our weapons suck [ __ ] yeah the weapons are kind of grim at the moment oh [ __ ] yeah sorry that’s the that’s long journey though thanks thanks for the downgrade I can D my energy oh my God those slimes there’s a lot of them yeah they’re annoying well thank you see what day is the 23rd falls on the Tuesday okay oh wait the M Mark today’s the last day of the night oh we out of money is there skeletons inside the [ __ ] the Greenhouse St can I show you something uh sure where are you the farm that’s far away oh me the buzzing positions like oh the [ __ ] times on this game boxing like I don’t know get rid of them stay there you have any bombs on you I want to show Stone I’m coming where am I looking where are you just got into the farm okay stand up it get the side of the the greenhouse and right click guess I better go home Man Ke I don’t think I should do that I I I couldn’t even get close enough to right click that is the only way I do it by the way you have to bomb them help oh got him I’m sleeping in the bar tonight you can’t sleep in the bar I’m sleeping in the bar lost all my stone floor in [ __ ] Gres I was trying to get you killed to the skeleton stand I’m also in the I walked up to the greenhouse earlier and they uh Perma locked me there I almost died kit My Goats grown up those look kind of like maybe they might have grown up oh they’re ready to be sold off I think I slept in my house last night but I can they’re ready to be milked maybe we need money cave to be fair we do need money stop it you’re not selling the the animals who said oh Cookie you psycho night night Stan good night K I mean if it’s good enough for the animals it should be good enough for us yeah time to time to spread cow flu trees drop 25% more wood oh Glen your house upgraded yeah it just took [ __ ] four days left you done you done panicking Glen I don’t know we’re stuck in this any we time to get your wedding good luck Glen but I do hope you get divorced why because I got divorced I thought I was quite neutral in this like disgusting like Stan I’m not is disgusting isn’t he how you can double down and that not being wrong we can CH spawn bombs in the try to kill these [ __ ] what are those things shooting lasers need the bombs it’s only way you can destroy inside [Music] the uh I don’t have any bombs Rob I see you I got a couple oh my voice my sword is [ __ ] garbage now and my pickaxe and axe just even do any damage try this one over we coming very very little I think I need stardo [ __ ] 24/7 Edition Tesco everything is [Music] a oh I’ll play I’ll [ __ ] [Music] played um [Music] oh yummy bugs B buggy mommy [Music] Su uh made a mon enough for the slams the letter from L is a secret friend you need a gift later on might want to reread it are you able to reread uh mail is that a [Music] thing let’s [Music] go wa aftering for six times she finally said yes right guys I’m going to put slimes down to one coin it’s me right now I’ll go to the blacksmith three more days until we get mared like that’s actually quite a quick turn around to sort out wedding to be fair we have to refresh but the Slams are down to five coins now okay you want if you want to get the slimy Boys in you can do it now ah for the slams okay come and stand on the slam but turn the slams to me hang on B sh I’m not going to kill them I plan on breathing them oh chers for the bombs oh that is what I’m talking about bro a bit too much we need cauliflower seeds wow look all these slimes that wasn’t that great you need water flow cauliflower too many n they know the arena works now right yeah there something we can get uh yes I’ve made a again there you go he if you close to having a baby that’s up the house again oh [ __ ] the 65k coins Emily is a gemstone girly she’s insane well I’ve given her load of gemstones already I haven’t really seen any of her Insanity lot of slimes oh [ __ ] you think they’re freezing me like do the Slime to home yeah those ones out to go I really sh sword now probably can’t help that much you uh you might be [ __ ] off where the arena put bombs down I’ve been disconnected from the server I didn’t even do anything I was just coming back you bombs down I’m got left if I can’t do [ __ ] nice [ __ ] oh why how do I go into the arena you’ve actually locked me because of where I got disconnected I’ve actually been locked I need someone to TP me can t oh that’s true since it’s bug I think it’s okay right I don’t think I don’t think he’s bug I think he just I’m I’m bugged [Music] got CH I was planed loads of bombs in the in there what just happened I just seen load of bombs going awfully Glen you’re supposed to bomb the greenhous oh my God Glenn bomb the greenhouse like see I know Glenn’s doing this for M right if you had bomb you should have killed the skeletons You’ [ __ ] War back you were going on about SL be there the whole time you banging on about your slime chamers Bing slimes yes and getting them to breed to make more slimes not the skeletons saying get the bombs and the skeletons like never said that you f you just a different [ __ ] planet me you didn’t say bomb the skeleton you only I can’t even I can’t even see skelet right next to the that’s the problem that’s what we were complaining about next oh Jesus Christ there’s one there a couple left we need to go around the edges oh my God he’s bombing so much just dcing me it’s kind of getting DC I don’t understand try try the right hand side of the green house as well going yeah I got DC as I was planning bombs on the right side oh my God it’s enough okay thank God yeah bomb I can fix the tree for the raccoons I I actually think you got them I actually think you got them a little [ __ ] stop [ __ ] running for me 100 piece of yep there you go I’m not going to be able to kill a dragon with this sword oh you could move the greenhouse apparently that would help you can move the green since way can move it put it we’re not ready sandwich me sandwich don’t care made [Music] maybe someone move in I fixed up the the tree stump now the re to come to live maybe it’s a similar game like on Roblox roox suck Roblox I got banned from Roblox I good yeah have you told Jensen that you playing Roblox on Friday yeah so I played that and the and then what um on you beat it I can’t be asked to uh dig that floor you know hey yeah take this take [Music] this Rob E see oh yeah oh yeah the naked man with a con on his head let’s [Music] go he’s a genous like his dad you excited for the wedding voice yeah I’m not me I hope you get divorced you see can you ask my chat to divorce Glen before cuz he sucks I think Stan should be divorced that’s like no questions suy back he a sussy back you’re right just say sussy backa yeah where did you sussy backa from you doing this in first time I’ve literally heard you see it I think too old they have to ban you off YouTube again you shouldn’t be saying that a swear one they just SW again Susy back who’s Ginger I’m not Ginger Rob’s Ginger is saying cave ginger [ __ ] I’m Ginger I’m Ginger you saying that a an insult you say nois no is the L yeah and he sucks oh a I might as well go to the [ __ ] M since I got teleported here right they me it’s it’s quite late do I just death run you like yeah let’s make prehistoric scapula oh right bed time did you just hurt yourself yeah because I was L yourself okay I can’t really come here cuz my pickax is point care a CH St at the end no we need to upgrade the house and I lost all my hardwood cuz I died why do you mean mate you’re Ginger mate you’re Ginger anybody I call you Ginger not in school why don’t you say Glenn sucks sucks you know who in this chat who St cat one two three cat St cat go we you can eat St cat you can eat St cat ST stand meat P Coke stand for meat meat right got to move right ah can you miss your own wedding is that possible no yeah I don’t think so it is probably about to do it well you got a couple days to you know [ __ ] it up right done that’s it okay thing thing [ __ ] how much money have you spent on your house uh well a lot of it I stole from you guys all right there’s so much [ __ ] in your house mine’s completely empty cop me a drink head right yeah Glen you I’m not married yet got you know enjoy the last enjoy his last moment of single man J don’t go fill with war you’re not having it in for bed oh mommy’s not be happy iar mommy shoting M oh no you can’t reach the French you can’t so many days until the weather yeah n fast asleep sleepy sleep that’s been my space for a long time yeah I don’t know what to do once again I feel like that’s complete in the game for me you know I’m done no you got a child then oh that’s we’re not going to make that though that’s way too far we can do it we need 65k gold each plus uh what else do we need actually you how do you do you have to keep getting more Hearts yeah the real question is though are we going to try and get kids or are we going to play Deep Rock instead Deep Rock [Music] yeah that’s what Rob said he wanted to do oh there’s still the island we got to do oh what we got to do on it let’s do a well well we we technically haven’t unlocked it properly even what you’re supposed to do the the boat in Willies on the dark let’s go to Jojo man and see what the next thing is from him going to give you the all repair boat option no the boat can be repaired now you need the [ __ ] for it yeah but maybe [ __ ] JoJo can skip it for us you know if he sorted us out with a [Music] cinema let’s have a look and now we [Music] wait 9:00 what sort of shitty capitalism is this open your [Music] shopen know the Tes go where we grew up guys yeah like the one closer to me is that not a 24 hour anymore I think think Tesco stopped the whole 24/7 I don’t think 24 Tes anymore me Co happened they went you know what that [ __ ] we didn’t make a thing used to be is they used to pay people to stack the shelves in the night anyway so to have like one person on checkouts didn’t really make much of a difference to stay open how do I rearrange the farm I thought it was uh F Lea yeah um can I get some slim spawned in my slime farm there one coin five coins each in my server on my on my thing they don’t got in price I just want some slimy boys you know what I mean did you figure out what it is we need for the boat uh a really more hardwood and batteries Pi up me Point sign mean for the raccoons we’ve done it Morris has no more upgrades for us that just means the the raccoon buddy hey friend JoJo raccoon hungry need fish I can’t I can’t smoke that for you bro is there any end game after the Jo I don’t have the smoker that but we already been in there and bang them out right guys I need to buy the fish smoker so I can feed the raccoon well do you want to get all the you want to get all the golden wall chat how do I move um how do I move stuff on my farm or is it Rob that has to do that I think it’s Rob isn’t it oh my God oh my God oh my Lord oh that’s big must have just happened oh YouTube chat is telling me um should be small buttons in the B arms button okay oops okay have don’t read chat I don’t read chat if it doesn’t pop up in the restream chat can’t see it otherwise I’ve made a mistake I’ve made a mistake stop spawning slimes I’ve made a mistake guys I need to I need to please somebody to heal me somebody to heal me some did just Heal Me Wait am I I think the options not there I think it has to be Rob F that’s Rob to do Rob yeah c can you go to to Leah’s um to the north of the town and move the greenhous next to my house try that’s not that’s not Leah it’s Robin sorry go to Robin Robin is the right right place he needs to go at least to heal me at least then so I can just go do it like I got nothing left to give C now CH I I have I have another small request from you you guys want to be friends with the r right and if we you know if we want to be friends with the raccoon that means we need to buy the fish smoker so I can smoke fish for the raccoon is there any chance can get them hang on fish smoker yeah so you you go to construct Rob look for the greenhouse uh is it smoked fish you need that could take a little bit of time maybe see see the uh just see the move thing yeah click the see what it does all yeah yeah go grab the green house and put it next to M [Music] house anything else want change hell yeah the up to [Music] the which one stand house uh the one with the cheese thing outside there well up here bottom right um what are you doing in my house or nothing don’t move it Rob chat I’m going to go back to the farm and just show you what he’s done to Stan it’s uh honestly Rob I love that I love that mate not chat we literally so only Rob has control over like how the farm looks so uh here we go so the greenhouse is next to mine now which is nice should probably move the gravestone over here actually let’s just run down here actually never know there could be something of Interest down here oh no I wonder whose house this is oh it’s Stan’s house with a picture of Emily what a lovely house Stan has to be fair it’s kind of cozy just kind of annoying for him to walk to it St um this is Big Brother the chat of V for your house to mov to the bottom left of the farm what do you mean they V Rob move my house back St 10ft Subs in I’ll mov K it’s cozy it’s not cozy cuz I don’t have my cheese and my Mayon or I’m not even by my the house I’m I’m lonely now boys then move you know he likes to have his stuff as he wants and this has stressed him out a lot like it is I don’t like this I can’t move it myself i’ move it back if I could but I can’t s like sounds like a skele the Stan is cozy it’s not cozy move your house there I don’t want it there I see I would move my house just now but I like how much it upsets it [ __ ] rob like I can call the mat as well it’s just b bil b cuz I can’t move it I can’t change it and he won’t change it I’ve got a golden this sword come back I’ve got a golden I pick that up is disconnecting because of these signs by the way yeah there it goes right I’m going to have to just get out to some them oh yeah I got kicked again you can I move it all stop sandwich sandwich just go I keep getting [Music] D oh my God I can’t do anything it’s not [Music] intense I keep getting back in Rob but um yeah cuz of how crazy it is I instantly get kicked out I’m I’ll just make it that means I’m next I need just go back in wait no please I don’t want to disconnect this such cool stuff here I good B maybe he’ll save me from this gu s again no you never made that sound B you wait wait I don’t want that on I don’t want that on can you remove it what is it one on what is it it’s literally going dro the hard oh the boys are you saying it me seeing it all right I think if it gets removed you should move my house back why can’t Stan appreciate the nice things you guys do for oh no he’s got the Cozy Corner likez I like what things are and you’ve disrupted it and you know it’s annoying me please remove it D me I don’t like it it’s true in a medium siiz house yes chat can I get some dinds ah ah T [Music] [Music] pleas oh my God off I hate it so much D just said it to me they started [ __ ] they started a [ __ ] I’m a por to [ __ ] train now I go it’s going to be I’m a yeah I grew up with a silver spoon do you know what I mean like some [ __ ] Clips are going to get put on there like what does a silver spoon mean what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] was that noise stand it I can’t stand it I can’t stand it I physically can’t stand that sound bit D you send it to me I want to hear it how have you edited it sound like that it means privilege basically yeah they say like if you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth it’s like but they’ve spawned it that much right it’s only 400 bits right and it’s already a level two [ __ ] train CU been spaming it you are a [ __ ] waight wait better me S man you should make that a twitch I KN if something was going to say shut up no the sound you made that sounds like sounds like i’ got something stuck up my [ __ ] you have mate this [ __ ] cockp oh bed time [ __ ] why are you not able to rotate the [ __ ] TV by the way I’m looking to mate I’m looking at all these sles you probably spawned in me mate the plunger dead M the plunger gone I don’t get associated with plungers anymore I I sold like 15 plungers to people sign like back in the head Among Us like I just get killed what about you Shrek MK I didn’t Shrek MK is gone mate why why is it gone full as sleep you didn’t even attempt to clean it is what is SMH my head [ __ ] can I get can I get a heal please please TR please get bed [Music] me or food D can you go to your own house you’ve got your own private plot piss off teleport to [Music] farm send it to you and your DMs [ __ ] G up the streets of glas [Music] man well night night time is this this Glen getting married uh I lost track of time it might be one more day I think N I appreciate all those bits you spammed that will kill the animals now accumulated to the 5,000 odd bits like for that sound effect what no you will not why are you doing nothing but torment me oh almost chok [ __ ] drink is that how we’re doing this I want a Starbuck box K oh I want I want some [ __ ] [Music] Starbucks just she’s gone to yoga oh oh it’s the weekend Oh Chez oh [ __ ] off will control your woman please the slimes have finally been killed off we can live in peace again Glen come come check us up all right mind just disappeared oh did you get kicked oh I got teleported I think tomorrow will be the wedd in oh hang on hang on let’s go try some in I’ve got a golden [Music] new how is having been a Starbucks being portion W now you just clutch and Destro me the clutch is real me it did feel that way when we were younger but now it feels like it’s almost the other way basic white [ __ ] that’s me actually I need the stone 900 a.m. again [Music] Rob yeah you’re [Music] losing losing what Champions League who are see set what about Arsenal uh draw yeah you uh you need the dark Talisman for your your wife to lose her memories right yeah well I got it okay where are you you can’t have it what you do map just I’m deep under stardo Valley oh nice see the black Smith guy died [Music] whatever out oy Wy chat can I get a heal can I get a high can I get a [ __ ] you sludge the [ __ ] is that sound that the [ __ ] squids yeah awful [ __ ] angs me I need to get to the museum no I want my no no no wait I’m G you my chocolate no no get P you have to get it up my [ __ ] mate no oh my God there’s more [Music] what the [ __ ] just [Music] happened wait what what just happened how did we get that many I assume Glenn did Glen just do something cheeky Glen yeah you mat [ __ ] crashed supposed to happen so Glenn I’m assuming you set the price really low for something or no no no I did this [ __ ] legi in game yeah and that’s why you crashed Rob move my house the sub stand no I’m relaunching you know I can’t be gifting you Subs you know that that’s you sounds like a your problem St you got the Cozy Corner I don’t want it if you want the Cozy Corner you take it you have yourself no he’s as complain all he does is complain how did you do what you just did Glenn Buton how did you get how did you do what you just did chickens that’s not that’s not legit there’s no way Glen anyway there chickens that’s not legit though I’m getting killed as heck [ __ ] off with all these popups are you getting killed for cheating Glen uh I don’t know so I did it right and then the first time it’s like you can only put in so many so it caps the three cuz there’s only so many characters for the chickens what I should do and then I spammed it and it didn’t work anyway and then we got to the third one and I spammed it took stuff away and then it just went [ __ ] popped off like for all the boys you know can’t believe you I’m impressed but I’m also disappointed you had a cool night though yeah it [Music] did huh oh wow I got the Infinity Blade cude thank you thanks man I’ve got my sword’s rubbish and it’s so much harder to fight oh I got killed by dragons I’ll put some uh I put a hat in the chest boys you might like it it’s a party hat party cleans dirty little cheater and are you saying you just copy pasted yeah I see why sounds like you w give about to do so there you st no I I I don’t think it’ll work Wilderness Golems a those [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no it definitely didn’t work oh is that upgraded oh yes what a hero that’s definitely going to be nicer kill some Dragon at Le he’ll die faster enough don’t know where the other one went wait is this in Mar time tomorrow for you probably these are all stuck oh afro Bobby I redeem like 60,000 [ __ ] it’s 60,000 in [ __ ] F me there goes all my mix seats thank you you [ __ ] w Stan you got any oh sorry Glenn you got any DS on you mate um not much uh I got Cola just cheuck on the floor just oh do do any other one oh no I’ve got like nine but oh Jesus Christ I have to do this over and over again so um no no you just drag the whole stack out of your inventory you want to spend eight time redeems and picking things with I got some cookies too I I got oh [ __ ] we’re in time hopefully CH anyone want to send me to the island i’ wait to tomorrow cave fast as [ __ ] boy I’m fast as [ __ ] boy how can we do anything with those [ __ ] golden walnuts uh yeah dark should we go ah it’s not even bedtime yet I just want to Wed in you know CH he just wants the wedding I’m assuming everything to do with them is in the island just want my house not to be in the corner of the map it’s such a nice spot Stan can you stop complaining me you’re ruining my experience you’re ruining mine how cuz you know I clearly don’t want it Me by that time I didn’t want to get divorced but you kept going oh let’s do it chat remember that did to be fair he 100% dead the start of the stream I remember that I it’s convenient that is it me saying the same thing about me so doesn’t make you any better Rob does it but then Glen I don’t think you’re a very good husband in this game why is that because you blow people up with bombs like blow anyone up with bombs basically [ __ ] no be either thank you for the [ __ ] need like you know I mean like if iing okay’s like all right I never yeah I’m out who scored for Real Madrid wasn’t baing WD me you mean boys [ __ ] celebration hype you know I mean I hope you have a long and happy marriage plan doesn’t mate ni money oh thank you a wedding gift no it’s for me but would anyone be interested in that amount of money but for a fish smoker so we can feed the raccoon why didn’t you just use the chickens to get smoked fish because they’re not worth that but how much is the smoke Fisher the smoke Fisher the fish uh the recipe is 10K but to make it is just 10 hardwood than some jelly why am I here why are we still here can you do me a favor right can you update your [ __ ] under your name where it says about you you got res than goofball no you need to add more to it mate no youy go my name is stat 123 I’m a fulltime streamer part of the group salt Raiders I produce content every day if you want to see more content you know make make me do YouTube videos like you hey buddy sleeping my am why I was just killed okay St we’re waiting to go to bed come on I was just killed then don’t don’t just don’t die yeah I agree andg chicken is the way to go check in mate I can’t I have to go to the fish guy tomorrow morning my chicken Days Are Over who’s not in bed this [ __ ] St come on stany come on stany wa let’s go stany let’s go let’s go stany let’s go M of alaa he did yeah y yep that’s that’s Rob BL called to be honest with you no you know St you could have went to some said you’re just doing this to be a dick like well you know maybe you should move my house back huh honestly K can you believe that should be G his own private place like I know right I even I even decorated a you stand decorated my house no I decorated your like outside area honestly he is the most inappreciative person in the world you got such a nice living area like he married the crazy girl yeah boy divor now [ __ ] going to take all my money you took all my gems no’s going to have divorce GL I what they’re going to just [ __ ] lost marriage you [ __ ] loser [Music] who’s the [ __ ] look at that who’s the guy I died [ __ ] way after you guys I was too busy [ __ ] in the mines look at that Happ [ __ ] days I bet your FY doesn’t get the like cuz people you know cheers chat for the congratulations been a long time working to this life’s going to be different from now on the future looks bright oh boy it’s going to be fun times someone just popped up on my screen what do you mean you decorated the outside of my house you put a statue he so unappreciative is frozen I’m frozen I don’t want my house there don’t get my mail you’re a bad person and honestly the boys [ __ ] decorate your house like oh there’s just more Saturday night at the movies who cares what oh my God I’m I’m jumping shot Hellfire Hellfire well this is kind of annoying walking annoying [ __ ] why is K naked yes it’s working hello hi you’re Glenn’s girl you are yeah [ __ ] C if you’ve been married like since we started the game right yeah hey Rob yeah can you build like the path you’ve been doing by you I could do actually yeah I’ve got a golden teet I Glenn’s not divorce that’s no longer have a sword I think it’s cuz you moan so much to be fair L right thank you for the rusty sword I’m just being honest and I feel if you didn’t complain about it right you probably would be fine some just die ke where the [ __ ] am l what handly I deserve that ah [ __ ] a was funny though I it was funny though I’m so tired a uh boys we’re about to start losing a lot of money why sir I’m being repeat killed I died again who’s who’s doing it who’s doing it like I died again who’s killing you like maybe we can ban them is Stan married Stan is not married mate I got married and it lasted like two [ __ ] minutes like you know it didn’t mean last 10 seconds mate it’s like standing in the bedroom it literally got blown up like that was a lot of money lost but what I will say right is if Glenn deserved a divorce like he’s a [ __ ] little brick like he always sneaks [ __ ] radar like I need to get to the dock I need to feed the raccoon can I kill the oh I could delete the raccoon with the powder [ __ ] you can’t it’s not a pet it’s an NPC yeah but I I’m sure you can get of it with the thing divorced in the middle of the wedd didn’t you oh me I get divorced I was [ __ ] kissed his fishy lips and immediately regretted it there we go thank you for the pizza [Music] chat so was that I needed for it I needed a sea jelly establish that monster Aras don’t work at this point [Music] where have you left my boyfriend is your boyfriend M me [Music] [Music] um is that you with the thing yeah me [Music] what there’s the sea [Music] jelly he just a terrible person Rob no keep going oh plan to [Music] I can’t gift her anything anymore Emily luck why I don’t know it’s because she’s my wife don’t you have to upgrade your house to get um kid [Music] like you can do it every day is that a dick n have intended to look like anything I’m just trying to make it the playing on the [Music] wild GL are you the farm uh I am now are come come and look what the boys are doing it’s [ __ ] class like what part of the farm you are though yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] looks good it is [Laughter] decent [Music] um where I’m fishing did got question what level [Music] youra me or everyone yeah no you what idium [ __ ] hell that just knocks through things like I think you need to downgrade can some downgrade St one one two three why you need already pick trust me when I say that you don’t need an already pick me what are you doing nothing M you just don’t need already that’s what I’m saying I feel like you’re messing with me more because he was he told me to get a he wanted me to get a divorce um Hellfire me all I’ve got boys I can’t do anymore I would help you but I don’t have any I did check my what guys can you spawn Min some Stone it’s literally wind coin oh I know what I’m [Music] doing I’m the naked party man up baby you miss me I check on the uh the crops yeah oh actually oh boy the bats were going to stop me you [ __ ] idiots like got plenty of Oak resin no I don’t F more fences got nothing me looks fing good though Stan how you doing [Music] me Stan please I work you maxed everything no stoping me really hard on this Forest sword he one Taps Everything I Know M he oh to look at him like he’s sitting there ruining what took me ages to build like you know what I mean I’m so sorry Rob but I don’t care [Music] hly hear me honestly it’s disgusting Behavior like it looks cool as well like oh he threw it in the Rob he threw it in the water it’s all right wait till you find out where his house is going next like when he builds up what have I done to you huh I tell you what I’ll stop building you and Glenn gets divorced like that will make me feel I got to do with it ooh you seen me cude mate you [ __ ] Legend I’m like aridium tool to the [ __ ] a this is sexy this is hot what kind of trees are these I assum these are the normal ones yeah I’m going to make a quick run to that Forest cuz I want to get some mahogany seeds I was unfortunate enough to to lose them like I hav IDE any notification although it did reload I think it’s back up no it’s back up oh it’s the worst one mate it’s literally lost all your viewers as well yes um you are God my sword is so little damaged now oh yeah the the in streamlabs it popped back up saying like welcome to the chat room uh Warden Creed sorry dude I was C dud doing it all thank you Wardens Hal was the best skh mate but the divorce was straight off thing man I’m trying to get Glen divorced but nobody listens to me I don’t understand why you want me to get divorced I wrong you the least amount in your woman like ages for you work the least amount I got the same amount of heart you guys have to get literally have no [ __ ] R me Rob Rob what did you get your stars through also the the uh Cinema no I was going to did most of the why why I got nothing he got nothing Rob do you know what St C me I I question my san playing games you just know I’m not going to lie what have I what have I done you you’ve tormented me you’ve sold my fish you’ve moved my house you tried to block my house I don’t know what I’ve done I feel raging if somebody was going to divorce K had to happen like two streams ago right they want to see the baby right that’s what they want cuz they’re going to delete the baby going to delete the baby what do you need to upgrade your house then shouldn’t we work on that since K’s the closest again a baby I need 100 hardwood oh that should be quite easy to get people can spawn hard within right I don’t know if they can you know the fences that were used to block me in are they hardwood they were hardwood fences I didn’t actually know that K hard I’m going to lie to you he has said it before you know the best place for you to get hardwood would be the secret Forest no the island oh the island has trees that drop them and also a couple more spawns for hardwood ooh I’m not too far away from getting a baby either to be fair someone could TP you there that be I’m get hey and then the [ __ ] div we can both get babies yeah I’m not too far away you just got upgrade your house as well yeah like obviously that bit luck but I mean that’s only going to happen if we get blessed by the chat Gods right 65k a piece who’s not tucked in the bed is it you okay go take your time stand something try to kill me in bed somebody tried to kill me in bed but it won’t let you die it physically keeps you alive it gets your health back up get up you dog nut man God the winter sucks doesn’t it the book cell is in town today yeah but we don’t want the book sell we want you to upgrade your house send K to send K to the island stands dictating my life help you want a baby no yeah then send him to the island I get some wood I’ll need it when you get to the island KY you go left new goal get a baby can someone want my crops in the greenhouse I might have to disconnect the game boys oh no me me isn’t this just a lovely SP I’ve got a golden I’ve actually find out I’ve actually a um K have you have you found the wood or do you need a little little little point is it these palm tree things no not the palm trees so you went left right yeah to a farm so there there should be some stumps and other things you can hit but if you um if you go up a tiny bit and then left there’ll be some darker trees and those have hardwood on them I think they should still be there I I I don’t know can I get teleported to there you I think my gamecraft my screen what the [ __ ] is this well well well look who’s made it to my secret Walnut Room I’m truly impressed even though you only needed a fraction of the walnuts to gain full access to the island you decided to push yourself further your desire to enter the Secret Door was so strong that you went above and beyond to get inside I mean well Glen did that drive is what sets you apart kid you’ve got a very special energy that being said you weren’t under the impression that the challenge ended here were you no in fact the challenge has just begun on your left you’ll find a board with some very interesting opportunities these challenges which I’ve designed just for you will push you to a very limit however if you can successfully conquer my challenge since you’ll learn an exclusive currency I call them key gems just don’t put them in your mouth kid you’re highly radioactive you can use the machine on the right to trade these key gems for rare and Powerful [Music] rewards sounds interesting doesn’t it yes I have a feeling someone like you will enjoy this very much he talks too much now if you’ll excuse me I have important business to attend to poof right no he just stands there Glenn I think I found uh I think I found something you’ll really like da can you ask your chat can we um can I borrow some money like now trust me I’ve got a really good thing that I can do with money yeah yeah yeah yeah you mean it yeah yeah yeah yo Glenn Hell Fire Hell Fire please for the love of penis me go ahead unmute yourself oh [ __ ] sorry I was talking to reply to you every time there’s a there’s a place at the top left of the island it’s like the Walnut Room M and he’s got a quest in there and it changes the uh the skull mines to make it harder but you get like rewards out that sounds cool is the skull one the desert that’s the desert one right yeah so a me I want to do that how many walnuts does it cost what do you mean oh do you don’t have to unlock your walnuts do you uh no you already unlocked you just got to go except this Quest like okay um where do I find my wife once we’re married be in your house it’s not in my house is the par Express do she still go to work uh what is the par Express me whoa hang on what’s [Laughter] up you went for an adventure in hardwood and I feel like you’ve had a had a whole other thing going on uh it’s something that can take you around the island I ain’t getting no River jelly here whoa just [ __ ] think all money rob yeah how’ the money go money why I give you money like what does he want Rob what what do you use the money for nothing me where the money go rob I don’t [ __ ] know Stan me not like he was asking for money earlier wow I came as fast as it left like yes somebody’s giv me the money on my chat for stuff that I want well remember when people gave money to me and [Music] then I don’t give me a 10,000 coins I appreciate you mate the money immediately got spent so H was my money stand but was the money before it the 30k I didn’t use that money then who who did you [ __ ] tell meing this take the break through maybe need are you able to upgrade any my weapons for me I would severely appreciate it bro try something else well I don’t have a bomb I’ll try here we need the river jelly the jelly jelly jelly needs to come Oh Hell Fire come on bro try again video gamer well that wasn’t jelly there’s no way that was jelly I forget did you instantly fish up jel that one didn’t seem to do anything Starbuck is here lucky I’m going to do all it before it closes that was a legendary fish that’s fine you need bomb okay I guess I’ll get a bomb first I’m going to mine all this [ __ ] man it’s so nice to progress the island we did work hard for those golden walnuts yeah such a hard worker Glen so proud of you red it out just just a good guy never tries to cheating games ever I’m impressed by your dedication you know me I sh I’ve never met someone who would work so hard to do to not do the bare minimum a more fat coins to the point that I think it actually takes you more effort oh I don’t know you try to get 119 golden walnuts I bet that takes a while n Glenn look me it’s easy look boom just go one I ordered Starbucks it’s going to close it’s going to close it’s closed C it’s near caught me closes a half N I got time good luck I don’t think they mind like if it was like food I reckon they’d be pissed but like Starbucks it’s not cope right no man he’s really trying to get out wish I never sold these jellies man hi for you get in the hardwood by the way trying cool how many do you have 10 oh I’ve only yeah I’ve only found one tree somewh can you you can’t Crown control hard you done the B so you’re one of those customers retail shut the [ __ ] up mate it’s a [ __ ] Starbucks I literally preemptively said right that if it was food it’d be completely different but the drink quite literally takes 5 minutes to make and We Know It Takes 5 minutes to make cuz you can order it and stand there and watch them [ __ ] make it shut the [ __ ] up also it’s set to half n because the place closes at 10: so suck it anyone in here yet n didn’t want anyone to be there anyway you okay yeah I’m just exploring it’s getting a bit late buddy not late enough I don’t know what you guys are doing to me I did you okay Rob I feel like you’ve gone through a lot of emot today I don’t deserve you deserved everything that came to you mate tell me how did deserve it m yeah that was last stream right you can’t carry on to mve my house you were trolling me I feel like something builds there I I feel like you deserve to be trolled down I I feel that’s unfair you can feel that way if it makes you feel better it does beol me the fact you’re a wet and want me divorce me hey man you want to be divorced and scsh scsh I have no issue with you being Sky no I’m just my chat that’s well wow what the [ __ ] you good c yeah I’m good I’m real good I’m [ __ ] real good I might not make it home I did give me the cave jelly I swear to freak I will piss my pants where the [ __ ] are you by the way where the [ __ ] are you where is that on the island yeah there’s a house on the island yeah how yeah um Glenn’s hard work build it m have you not seen how many [ __ ] golden walnuts he’s been spending off oh is my stream is still live going I can’t look at this little I want to die look at this little we’ll go back I’m just saying I’m just saying right I’d rather be Scottish than Dutch what what [ __ ] what do people know Netherlands for clogs and cheese like clogs and [ __ ] cheese man well I just checked on all T My Stream F your German C get bed no not you Remy I’m sorry whoops you my little Bey on hey D go down to your house mate okay actually dropped the packaging of the match cake on the floor like this just an empty packet and she would she had a smell of it oh yeah it definitely smells of it doesn’t it she was smelling it she was like what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that I know it’s an unusual smell in there I don’t know what it is boys but matcha when you first get a width of it it smells like it smells a bit like fish without the unpleasantness of the smell of fish I don’t know it’s pretty weird it’s a pretty weird description but it I feel like it’s what fish would smell like if fish smelt nice Bo just get into you get into your little blankets sleep with your wives part of the United Kingdom there were no Scots that’s not how the United Kingdom Works mil on me but you’re German I wouldn’t imagine you’d understand how that works me come I’m not going to make bed oh no that’s no I need oh mate I’m getting [ __ ] you’re brown bread you are brown bread Y and I’m going to miss bedtime Abigail’s going to be like where the [ __ ] is my husband could be to Scotland once you get married with a Scottish man in Scotland you’re in prison a lot of countries you still go to prison for marrying being gay so I don’t know know what it’s got to do with me being Scottish like else feel like things got a little real no just trying to see Scotland suck right I’m just saying I’d rather be Scottish and do right what’s the ever done what have the Dutch ever done for this world [ __ ] how did you do World War I 2 without the Scottish and English and you know the rest the UK bailing is out what did you do in World War one and two I was I wasn’t even a figment imagine me my my granddad fought World War I though yeah but you didn’t yeah but I’m part of your seed right so therefore I can that also means you take claim for all the wrongdoings too yeah you can’t have one without the other does saved Netherland jingus I can’t imagine isn’t Canada part of the British Empire back then H H so basically Britain saved you I’m sorry Mr Raccoon you going to take a backseat for today I’m going I will fix the smoker don’t you worry where’s my wife is she actually at home I should start sleeping my wife instead of C wife shouldn’t they maybe maybe maybe you mean French people since French in Canada I don’t know as much French in Canada you know when you know was colonized with the British I know there I know there is now right I know there is now but what I’m trying to S and see here right is who said Can Sav the neand I said Canada was basically part of the British Empire so in theory and the French surrendered in both Wars like the French done it like they just surrendered [Music] I can’t give history lessons right but what I’m trying to say is like basically if it wasn’t for the British right when was the guys I don’t know it’s basically H that’s [Music] Point believe you’re German you lost both the wall like thank you for walking me through the woods now you lost him cuz you let this guy with one testicle rule your country million me Jesus Christ it’s true ke you only had one testicle like hey my Starbucks is on the way see literally 10 minutes they’re done the store doesn’t close for 50 [ __ ] minutes 5 doesn’t close for 50 minutes no harm done it’s all in the hands of deliver room now that was a horrendous Noise by the way you [ __ ] want some T mate yeah that’s right you tell them Remy the hell does this look like pass B I have just realized that that the bin upgrade oh [ __ ] me in your ass time to get to work yeah okay I can’t get that one holy [ __ ] oh my God video gamer where’s my food woo woohoo get the [ __ ] Lads Jesus Christ [ __ ] if I got to kill [ __ ] I’m going to get drunk doing [Music] it oh cheers hey can anyone walk me to the island what the [ __ ] I should probably on getting hard work Glen yeah are you all right why okay you’re fine you you were sliding around knocked out oh no I was wondering if I should join you get hardwood cuz I think that’s the next step Remy if you bark on me one more time I swear to [ __ ] I’ll do nothing okay okay did you see the news this we about the smoking ban thing coming in no so basically is right see that sunic guy right he wants it to be that nobody can buy cigarettes at all oh is this the thing where it goes up every single year right yeah so here’s the thing right you’re the best arguments that toies could come up against it right because hated it like we’re the party of Winston Chu CH who smoke cigars and you wanted to get rid of smoking did and just s that was Boris Johnson is like yes we want to get rid of [ __ ] smoking you stupid [ __ ] yeah that’s a that’s a dumb idea for him [ __ ] L trust commit and said well it should be their choice yeah we’ll give them the Choice they’re going to kill us they’ll be smoking like I was also quite surprised real trust recently come out and has back Trump for the America election me Liz TR is a [ __ ] n w’t you she also said if you think her policies caused the economy to crash when she’s in power you’re stupid like what the [ __ ] how deluded you have to be like no of course she supports Trump like just they they wanted to they want to move the country towards you know lying new an you know pretending things that happen didn’t happen yeah I just quite surprised like I mean to be honest I guess I don’t actually know how popular Trump is in the UK but my spoken like a true poterat taking advantage of the working man I hope you’re joking right like I hope this is just a bit I’m not going to lie oh I’ve literally I’ve worked I’ve done these jobs myself mate like I I I’ve never sat there going oh [ __ ] me I can’t believe like someone’s ordered an hour before closing I was hoping to do nothing to be fair it would be nice I’ve also G yeah I’m paid here by the hour to do this I’m just going to just going to carry on my uh I’m Joker I just like starting [ __ ] thank [ __ ] [ __ ] thank [ __ ] dbus underground man yeah if it Bo is why keep spawn [ __ ] on me like all right I was going to do something ah I was going to bomb that cave oh um we talking about the breaks it was a good thing mate we got away from all you know I mean you stopped that right now like I’m take it you believe that right you [ __ ] believe it me always remember the Welsh voted to leave you by you didn’t vote did you rob no oh do I wake up in the last bed I was in sick right do you have the hardwood K uh Nal getting there slowly though i’ I keep getting sidetracked on the island though it’s like fun stuff to do me uh what came out 1.6 was there like a new place to go I think it was don’t know I I’m not sure I’m afraid mate you are absolutely flying through those wallnuts I want I want I just I actually just send myself to the [ __ ] whoa you can’t be doing that [ __ ] is that how you getting there Kai through chat or have we unlocked there hey Stan if you fish up some stingrays we can get mahogany seeds I don’t know where you fish up stingrays I’m assuming on the island yeah can I can I build this get we can unlock get to the [ __ ] Island after to that guy in the B hang on hang on we’re trying to get a child we like hold up St please trying to get a childing my dude I thought was trying to give birth yeah I want to as well you also want to get buff yeah fair enough all right oh this is the guy from The Hut there we go thank you I thought I was done for I’ve been stuck in this cave for m [ __ ] hell how are you alive one more cave mushroom salad and I would have gone off the deep end so rubbery anyway I’m Professor snail that was an unfortunate name I’ve been conducted a survey of the silence flora and FAA for the last year truly a remarkable Place well I think I’ll go back to my tent and freshen up a little I’m afraid I smell like mushroom hey should stop by attend sometime an enterprising individual like yourself could be a major asset in my projects farell see what was in the cave what the [ __ ] so you got my letter huh nice to meet you I’m Fizz joia special services division you haven’t heard of us that’s okay most people haven’t we’re not really aded like other JoJo products we’re more of a specialty service for clients what do we do let’s just say we specialize in Legally complex matters catch my drift but enough chitchat let’s get to business I’ve heard you trying to achieve Perfection a noble goal but difficult very difficult all that cooking crafting monster slaying all those complicated friendships GH I can see how stressed you are but here’s the thing you don’t need to stress another minute we’ got you covered see these papers here they’re called per Perfection waivers each one of these beautiful pages are worth 1% towards Perfection they’ve even got Mr key signature on it completely legit do I look like someone who would lie to you Remy thinks you would don’t answer that anyway I’m selling these for a sweet sweet price just 500,000 gold a pop a steel well no pressure just think about it I’ll be waiting so already you safe 500,000 for a Bonafide Perfection waver no I got nothing to prove Rob I got nothing to prove I’ve seen you I’ve seen you do Twitter forever streams make you’re not getting through the first you get 50% of also you literally go like a zombie after 12s mate that’s un true you’re play Final Fantasy 10 where goes you can’t do it kids I’m going to come in your stream and put 7 you can’t do it kid you can’t I did two 24hour streams in December you almost died me I was very ill to be fair on one of them yeah isn’t like you’re [ __ ] sleeping and all that like Mega [ __ ] as it is oh I mean I I I have I’ve run out of energy it’s in 24 hours going to absolutely [ __ ] you up I think you Anam you thought he was cute what get back every time you complained about your sleep like the last two weeks if you’re like when you come into the office to do the podcast you look like you’re dead like is that bad M you look like you’ve got bags under your eyes and everything like I always had bags under my eyes cuz you not sleeping me I’ve had bags under my eyes for years hang on let me [Music] see Rob what’s the new sound back that I might as well go to bed now what sound in your chat in your general Discord uh which let’s sleep then we the POR boy one the POR boy one I’ve seen that one tyus that one’s brilliant it’s literally right we’ll sleep and then we’ll go Cinema tomorrow we are close to it’s uh it’s Christmas coming up so you’ll be able you’ll be able to do extra gifts on Christmas Christmas event yeah the 25th apparently the baby is random though K like you just have to wait and she’ll randomly be like oh yeah I want a baby okay not not her going like hey so um yeah I’m Pras yeah just drops it on you okay how dare she bedtime I was going to say a terrible joke but H back I ain’t making it back in time so I’m just going to finish this this fishing I’m going to try and get this jelly I’ll type it to you Glen I want to feed oh my Christ he did it again let’s go to bed boys well shoot I guess I am going to bed although I can’t go in my house cuz some knobs put it in the bottom left of the map ter terrible right you def oh one sec I’m read now [Laughter] last Rob would say it is yeah Remy why you BK why are you bking just wait for abs your G doesn’t take that long does it right [Music] right Rob he’s still def go go go time to go I I G again actually I said in Stand Out no I didn’t oh give me that [ __ ] mega bomb why’s that chilling there what okay if I fished up something interesting um yeah it’s called a Stone Fish a bizarre fish that’s shaped like a brick apparently you can meet someone on the ginger Island to do some that’s the Farm’s problem y mate where you going there’s a guy on Ginger Island that what I don’t know it was um it looked like it was from the JoJo M and he was like meet me there and I’ll help you cheat or something another freaking JoJo thing yeah JoJo oh yeah there’s yeah there’s a really shady JoJo guy on the island for 500k you’ll give you 1% towards total game completion and you can do that over and over oh right have you just been getting chat to telep I forgot I left Glen oh right is isn’t there a thing like there’s a place you can sleep now yeah oh sick isn’t there a um isn’t there a uh oh CRA there’s nothing else I can do to get is there like Grandpa Shrine or something on the farm like does anyone in chat know what I’m on about like like Grandpa’s little Shrine for completion right year three for Grandpa thing okay we’re not even past year one never mind forget about Grandpa’s Shrine Ginger [ __ ] me come on bro Remy how are your dead man Melina has been worried about you m any ideas is he really going to make me count these I’ll come back [Music] do oh my Christ I do not sad are they one up up I’m not strong enough scored I’m Jos oh scor L okay I’ve counted 14 So Far So based on my estimations rob you must be so sad ban won the league 11 years in a row and then he turns that top scorer and they lose I don’t care about that I just care his SS at Arsenal Jack the G I will Jack your soulless little ginger [ __ ] right teleport me to the island mate I’ll [ __ ] come and beat you up me I know you live in cter me Rob go back up okay [ __ ] run before you at the island thank you I want to go but you know chat had a bunch in absolute [ __ ] funun it’s like I don’t think I’m getting any of the CL CLS [Applause] Happ boys the Island’s [ __ ] sick you’ve just unlocked everything so it’s going to be in there I think we should find way teleported to the island go to the island left this place is so good it’s everything I ever wanted to be a more get me happy me I got give it a star drop let’s go wa secret secret Bridge oh Glenn you cheating little [ __ ] by the way stop cheating Glenn mate you always do this l no let me [Music] go thanks K but yeah guys tomorrow is tomorrow’s Christmas I want to go to the island uh stop Waring me please I just want maybe ask people maybe I need go m [ __ ] di come on thank you for the adrenaline rush I love you who the [ __ ] is this oh my God stop new person are you a woman yeah smash you can be my secret Island lover I haven’t had a visitor in many moons I almost forgot what other people look like she’s a grandma she’s the [ __ ] guil mate well I suppose now you’re here I may as well ask you for a favor come yeah yeah on the Southshore yeah my husband was the captain a pirate he was he set sail one day never to return took me three years sail in high seas to find his remains sigh been here ever since dear Garden his bones my child if I can only have find keep is it would bring me such peace wait here here take this it’s an old photograph that was washed up on the shore so all I have to offer but somehow I think it will help you find what I seek what I got to do it [Music] Remy how do I read it [Music] let me go in your [Music] [Music] house well well well look what we got down here well well well [Music] muscle that was not what I was expecting suppose you do have to get them off the rocks in [Music] there why would you hurt [Music] me why would you do that to [Music] me that’s some uh some nice healing thank you Nia um buty mate cuz you ask for ridiculous terms [Music] mate see Jack [Music] me so I actually don’t don’t know how the hell that golden Walnut thing worked cuz I just tried to do the same with hardwood and it’s just not having it like it’s just giving me Max of [Music] three how do I I want to look at this photo why do I think it’s [ __ ] lonus or something like [Music] that you might want to ask Stan if he’s getting married soon Stan who would say that oh is he been doing a sneaky so no I’ve not done anything sneaky I mean you’ve wiped the memory that’s stinky right no no it’s not not sexual assault that is me whoa she doesn’t want you anymore so she wiped her memory she can keep getting some [ __ ] poof more clams can we tell you the photo is of no but I would like to look at the photo how do you actually look at it I don’t know what I’m doing now I need to get hardwood but there’s none you hey guys move a th000 coins a come [Music] on you’re supposed to give them to us but you left the island now you K oh not my choice all right um maybe she’ll go cinemon tomorrow I got a new shirt it’s it’s it’s called a wus shirt I don’t know what that means but a cheers Rob wait oh Christmas tomorrow yeah I have some of my P Al B that looks good should you just go to bed while he’s muted like I on I’m going to sleep with my wife for once I thought I was I didn’t even realize I was muted me [ __ ] hell [ __ ] off abig you o don’t talk to my wife right there am I getting beds but I can’t give you a title mate because the way you treated Meena to be honest with you boys it is Christmas it is hey s’s here Santa hi Santa Jingle Bell Jingle Bell suck on my [ __ ] suck on my [ __ ] yes suck on my [ __ ] what’s up baby is there an event I don’t know I don’t know if it’s an extra gift day or just an event I’m not sure what’s happened why you kill me man why you kill me man anything Happ on Christmas Christmas is cool there you go happy Christmas have a diamond but you like rubies or my mystery boxes I need to go get a ruby [Music] what the hell I thought that was a Christmas are ah I got to wait for the festival my son the day you were born want to go with me guys I got bad news I can’t do the festival you can’t why cuz I’m on the island just tell get off the you have to come back mate no M cuz Bo I’ve wanted to come here for ages like I have a warp totem to the island you can have it oh you kept that one [ __ ] secret I literally I found I found it last so hard for those [ __ ] golden war that boys he tried to say he literally just found it and realized nah I’ll get called out what no that’s not what I was doing SC found it literally last night it it was just it was just on the floor I I don’t know why like huh that’s useful my son the day you were born the very Forest of Lord on must the name Peter fail only Soul water [Music] oh I need clams anyone got any spare clams yeah [ __ ] on booty getting timed out bro want to feed the raccoon has begun let’s go h on planting some seeds are you really are you really looking forward to this Stu Yeah Christmas time boy weapon upgrade is bugged is [Music] it come on Abigail it’s time to go for Christmas [Music] Rob mhm you know in the Champions League yeah they sacked off away goals now AR they I think it goes the extra time yeah ah you join and they’ve got like two more away goals but yeah I guess it’ll be extra [Music] time go ahead is there any games in this one or is it just Chumps and food I’m not sure a Christmas Is Awesome a lot of money is being spent what are you all spending the money on boys we need 65k for the house oh Mon’s kind of oh I kind of want to smash what you give me Mony Wow money you shouldn’t have 12 eggs she Ginger bro I keep saying This Ginger is the best hair color there’s no better hair color let’s give it a minute um once we’re out of the event if it’s still not working I’ll restart who the [ __ ] is L it’s a good question oh he’s up by the tree up thep up at the top spiced me oh you want a taste of my meat dear you Saucy girl oh does anything happen you hey what what do we need to do any games I’m going to cut see now I’d like to join but I don’t think I’m welcome well don’t be a [ __ ] H and get a job then you [ __ ] knob that’s clearly not how it works there’s my secret Gift Giver what did he get me good job Rob you’ve just sorted homelessness good good job you sold it a Blackberry cob you’re a man of the people I appreciate K I appreciate you respect the way I’m going around it I see [ __ ] cus M he’s done nothing to contribute to his village apart and go through our bins like you go through our bins yeah but I contribute having a farm that gives the local cor me I’m just trying to recycle is trying to e [ __ ] he’s trying to rake the bins [Music] right anyone oh you guys c c c where are you c c come here come here let’s guys onless next he’s just a bur into our St Val J just [Music] Rob Rob look at me looks like G deck CLI honestly honestly rob you said just man all you need check your screwdriver you ain’t moving anymore exactly just put me the beachs right on a [ __ ] stormy night and just like take his wheels off he’s just landed there the [ __ ] is wrong with you I’m uh ready when you are [ __ ] he’s a monster he is a monster isn’t [Music] he something I need to do by way there stuff you can buy is kind of [ __ ] yeah I’m boys give your wife for a Christmas present you can’t there’s no option for it yeah it’s a secret it’s like a secret santa type thing I don’t know how you know whose is yours but mine was um I found mine I forgotten her name I got check on me crops me crops oh it tells you in your mail but I wouldn’t know because my I’ve been freaking okay it looks like would you know cuz my thing is in the bottom left in it you can’t you can’t reach it can you stand well no I just didn’t sp there was I I’m stopping starting stretch session my okay let’s see does it work now lazy bastard Let’s test that why don’t you live down here then you if you think it’s it’s so convenient I I need you to come look at the Aesthetics the place I’ve put made here like my uh my crowd control isn’t working um just leave and rejoin Rob where are you in my house mate I’ve decorated it nicely mate oh I exit a desktop that’s the wrong one is that you laying in bed with a pizza yeah bro my bed look at the window look at the log effect oh mate it’s [ __ ] lovely got dining table so we can have naked woman on the table like you know you know you slice fruit in a naked woman why’ did you walk me to the beach I wasn’t the one who made the aess joke like Rob did it’s would you I never make a joke click about people’s age being in a wheelchair I’m like that it’s not La I I won’t launch the game have you uh you’ve never called somebody fat of your Rob I called them fat but that’s not a disability just laziness I mean you can get fat enough that it is a disability yeah but that’s just laziness and not my God hey it could be wor you know big projector is wor like there we go we just GL by the you know there are ways to become overweight that like isn’t your fault right oh yeah 100% but you know [ __ ] them [ __ ] it h some people can end up storing fat in really bad areas how the body is so Rob’s a terrible person yeah I mean I already knew that so I don’t know why I’m surprised again okay I think it’s working again yeah okay it’s working me I I just seen that thing poor C that Russian Badger guy went live right he’s on stream signing a thousand thank you cards for people buying merchandise that’s a [ __ ] genius way of selling merch boys I’m going to make Sr merch and we’re all going to send you all the thank you cards to go with your we just be sitting there like days with K just dying like when he f [Music] c are you wanking in my bed maybe could you not look at C’s chat W Rob thank you fabulous have you already knew that Rob’s terrible guy called space Hall mate and then some guy called Rob with a K face like you know rob you already knew you’re terrible I’m actually a really nice person me I help a lot of people out when they ask me to you know you see the thing is is he’s not wrong he’s a very helpful person but man does he put up this facade on stream that makes him look like a dick and I don’t know why but you put a facad on you’re like a 10-year-old kid that can’t open a cany but you know what do you mean you can’t open can let’s be real I have opened a few while I tell you how bad St is St is going to guide againsts food poison F poison off vegan HL you know what I mean just didn’t me this uh clip I saw that uh he’d probably enjoy um it’s KSI with some of the Sid men and like he doesn’t know how to make a cup of coffee and he’s just having an absolute may like how to make this cup of coffee I don’t know if he I’d like to think he’s [ __ ] trolling like I don’t know he just doesn’t makei is just a weird guy to me and one of the comments were like oh it’s not his fault um he his family are from Nigeria he grew up really poor and then people are replying like dude he went to private school he’s not B did he actually go to private school yeah I you always find about it right and I can’t comment EMP his look I always find it wild when you see his forehead cuz he has you literally got a massive forehead right can somebody can somebody teleport me to the island pretty please teleport me to Island who El messaged [Music] me poor I’m just he’s got a big forehead [Music] right what the [ __ ] thank you for the tier three [Music] bro I appreciate that I don’t want to fish where is oh I missed it where did the Emily go well time to wait for the clams I guess tomorrow hopefully they come I want to see what happens with this fraking uh sell random [ __ ] every day yeah why am I hearing a bunch of bombs I’m trying to kill the slams cuz the bombs actually hit them h f me when my wife wasn’t my wife I knew where she was in the day now I don’t have a [ __ ] clue in the beginning the day’s upgraded you go to what’s that sorry there’s an upgraded mind you can do no no no I’m trying to find my wife oh sometimes she’ll venture out I don’t know where she goes well she works at the bar doesn’t she yeah but she I want I’m going to get rid of all the slimes that are just hanging about I know how to do it now but I need money I need money does anyone know where Emily goes yeah on my Desy um I was stalking it before she was my wife I knew all her moves now I don’t know guys seriously is got enough like money I got to worry about get rid of all the excess sles on the farm and stuff then they got money like you wanted the slimes though yeah but I’m talk about the ones in in the [ __ ] in where is she maybe she goes to visit her old [Music] housemate oh iing promis him CH please get tell the me bomb SE not the farm sorry the island C no don’t kill me please I give you the war totem if you want I refund you the money back me that’s so confident me okay what can you me the war totem where are you ooh yeah I’m in town where are you might be in the spa where is the spa I don’t think I’ve ever been there [Music] before chat oh up the top okay let’s go you guys chat us I’ve been the green house now stand okay let’s go to the SP [Music] come on oh hell I can’t do it oh me I go and get this bomb now so we can I go this way I got two mystery boxes inside the mystery box how does that even make sense like more gambling don’t think a come on I need my pickaxe there you go okay thank you okay I just got eight art choke seeds meate oh are they good I don’t know plant and I got loads of like I’m get stucke right I’ll be right back I’ve [Music] got welcome to the [Music] AL oh I don’t want to be in the I want to be oh my God this place Grim I take I can’t I take I can’t find her in here cuz I’m not allowed in the woman’s bit are you trying to peep in the the women’s toilets um I just want to find my wife [Music] k i gives you the right isn’t it go back she’s my wife I’ll go where I please what the [ __ ] is an aent see like what the [Music] [ __ ] go go Jo see something cool uh what have I [Music] missed mey uh thanks to the twitch Prime sub tweet thanks for being a good egg for 13 months Sky L thank you for the gift you give to uh LS4 fly Equinox thanks for joining the good eggs senio Steve thanks for me a good egg for 10 months um cude than thank you for the twitch Prim sub man thank you for the T sub for Ms Virgil thank you for the T one sub for three Ms protecting your wife why not me I’ve been sub for a qu of a year now I love you more than your wife Grio thank you for the give to suck it podcast draon thank you for the twitch Minds for 44 months who the [ __ ] is [Music] that okay Pier oh Caroline Caroline I have a beer no no no you have the beer you’re welcome V 150 bits how do you feel if I told you you officially become my childhood streamer it’s been four years since started watching hey thanks man um uh how does it make feel it makes me feel good ashmos thank you for the T for 160 months Voltron lovera thank you for the good egg for being a good egg for 8 months Thum underground man thank you for the $5 Super Chat you need to tell Glen she’s moved on man but he needs to move on too he does I know he’s hurting himself uh Axel hobo thank you for the $5 Super Chat as well I got cats when how uh how to explain to explo them for my own personal game any tips I could not help you cats are evil man I don’t see them uh being exploitable can really really mate Scottish R boy more Hearts though that would be Rand boy Scottish Rand boy replace the D with a teammate more boms here my God that stand cat [ __ ] wanking in the bushes like oh em no Caroline why did you put clothes on wait what you look better about them oh I’d like to see CL on car Stan what what hard to now boys I’ve got rid of a lot of the sles it was saying n boy but you spell it WR mate you can change you know that right you can change your name um for [ __ ] sake you’re still here put your clothes back on car I can’t concentrate hello I’m back it’s the book Good Sam [ __ ] squinch you [ __ ] Canadian dick how have we play that for four levels and we’re not even at a winner yet uh sh sticky you can’t have is mine n man you suck a ginger prick feels weird not hearing the jingle jangle of my clown boots anymore lost my Deluxe speed thanks M thanks boys thanks AB [ __ ] thanks there should be some of that in a chest somewhere but I lost it down I didn’t want to Los it right [Music] yes my ass the rock is do you have enough hardwood K nope did you collect some from the forest today oh thank God I thought you were going to spawn me to the [ __ ] Island mate that’s the worst place I can go right now like Jesus I got teleported from the island loing mob spawned on it I [ __ ] myself Rob you’ll be happy to know that Arsenal and out out frk [ __ ] for that um I got go bed what was that flash honestly mans bed gred my pickaxe what why why I’m glad [Music] now honestly the moment like there’s about a thousand serpents on it is it bu bu his time oh Real Madrid have been playing like bloody United one each yeah just parking the bus [ __ ] s Rangers are drawing against dund D [ __ ] idiot it’s like I’m in bed by the way cuz I’m in bed too I just want to try and get these hearts out the way they taking forever League The Champions Dan’s got a golden T got a bunch of bats spawn on me so Josh was saying to me right CU it’s the way his name works right people used to people triy to call him JY in school or something GL what right Josh’s fing name plus his middle name right gu no video yeah it’ll be a hard one to edit I mean we’ll do it for the DLC I think I’ll put it on the KY Channel hold I need like that was really sticky I need to wash my hands and [ __ ] uh I should get into a bed for the boys actually no hey muted me yeah I need I need to pass out so I go back to the island what’s up by the way so J Josh was telling me right when he was in school people tried to call him JY cuz it’s always his name like Josh blah blah blah right so I’ve changed his name to JY because he hates it on to Discord he hasn’t noticed for like 12 hours C nobody called them JY right I call them they tried to what oh live one in combat hm all right be right back go watch my man they sticky of course of [Music] course sticky so choose a s as you can get me to see anything you want for 60,000 Channel points then D will put it on the sound bit board thing that seems a bit risky that seems like a lot of power been twitch to us right K was knocked out are they being mean to Kai um right let’s go see if she wants to go to the cinema today come on please go with me again D she really don’t like me your wife doesn’t like going cin with me like do we have any rubies anywhere I actually run out of stuff to give her Rob Rob Rob what’s he spending on he’s not spent anything he’s just sold all the cows and the goats you know why I’m doing this and the chickens and the chickens it was the last time you take care of these [ __ ] things mate because we’ve not had money money oh we’ve got money you can go get here now oh yeah for nothing cuz we own nothing [ __ ] oh wow what are you going do about it Stan what are you gonna do about it [ __ ] I can’t do anything because you’re the host of the freaking server in you yeah do you know what Stan me I’m glad your house is down the bottom left mate you’re the one that put it there so I would assume you’d be glad St you cuz you sold the cow at five hearts are the chickens don’t you think you deserve to get sold for me no excuse me Stan cat one two three tomorrow you sound really angry and disappointed M those cows were also you know viewers from Kai so I mean you not just view from C wow that’s really going to upset me like you know I mean it’s not supposed to up ET you ding exactly you’re trying to make me feel upset though you’re trying to get me see what I mean video Gamers going to kill me happy stand you just could keep your mouth shut right you deci to go that way right cows are expensive you knob me it’s not my fault you’re not responsible with money like how’s Haley doing don’t know me oh what a hero upgr know I meod [ __ ] the [ __ ] sure you did um sure wow that actually got red in my pizza CH video game M can’t we get my pizzas mate will you oh we can’t buy any more chickens yeah of course not cuz the goat cost 4,000 oh [ __ ] got no money what the [ __ ] boys why do we have no money because somebody sold my animals and then I had to buy some of them back and the Goat itself cost 4,000 so and I’m going to sell it again why you going to do that because I’m a prank and you don’t deserve animals why is that because you deserve don’t deserve to have them oh I just want a chicken like why uh why why you buy a chicken hang on can I sell do we have two have you have a what no never mind have a what stand no it’s nothing I I was going to ask you something and then then it wasn’t so don’t worry why St what were you going to ask where are the chickens oh Rob it’s fine it doesn’t matter are you too much for a [ __ ] to ask it me no this isn’t a hill to die on there’s nothing for me to share is it a chicken or is it a duck sound that sounded like a duck Dan did you buy a duck I did buy a duck they oh okay where are the chickens hanging out then because I bought so many chickens they’re gone Glen oh you just sold them all you no I didn’t sell them all honestly Glenn I don’t know why so don’t oh okay okay all I I did I did sell your cheated chickens but those those have been gone ages yeah that’s fine that’s fine you sold Glenn’s chickens and you’re money me for selling your chicken they weren’t real chickens they were real chickens made to me lives no they didn’t they they were a means to an end for you they were they were they were CH so you discriminate against what they’re used for us then do you know what into this world against do not turn this around sell something into a shop you have no ground no I don’t think so I got perfect me I’m the [ __ ] Farm of this Farm mate no you are not Farm of this Farm like you are like you are check the money me I’m getting some back stop man oh there’s a little chick in here called shell that’s a more like da oh my God took me you have no idea how much money you just wasted why what happened he sold the goat he sold the cow he sold every they’re all gone I don’t know what’s happening though he sold them all again is what done Glen why God knows God knows what the [ __ ] Brown chickens can’t live there oh Rob’s like Solly animals twice [Laughter] over right for it he hadn’t even looked after them and Jo his excuse was I had no money I’ve been trying to look after them where I can feeding them where I can doing what I winter has one I clicked on were disgruntled you don’t deserve get disgruntled after after a day of not feeding you don’t deserve animals mate in game right oh my God oh my God I will not take this from you sorry chat um I was I going to say yeah uh we we’re having a conservatory built on the house cuz currently our um our our big living room the biggest room in the house it’s just for the dog cuz we didn’t have anywh for them to like stay in the night but obviously uh tyus is a [ __ ] dirty boy constantly covered in mud um cuz when this [ __ ] I lost the fingers I was trying to get rid of when our house was built basically our backyard was a swamp that’s the best way I can describe it so he’s always covered in mud so we got a little Conservatory out the back being made for the dogs literally designed for the dogs has like a doggy shower in there but the flooor has finally been concreted and it’s still wet so [Music] uh who’s going to tell him yeah it’s still wet so um I had to take Grammy out like on the lead in order for her to go for a poop thank you for the pizza uh what’s this clip you sent me Rob Rob what’s he spending on he’s not spent anything he’s just sold all the cows of the goats you know why I’m doing it and the chickens and the chickens you know why I’m doing it where was the last time you take care of these [ __ ] things mate because we’ve not had money oh we’ve got money you get here now oh for nothing cuz we own nothing [ __ ] do what are you going do I can’t do anything cuz you’re the host of the freaking server in you yeah do you know what Stan me I’m glad your is down the bottom left you’re the one that put it there so would assume you’d be glad cuz you sold the cow that had five Hearts where are the chickens don’t you think you deserve to get sold for me no excuse me Rob is funny as [ __ ] Rob Rob what’s he spending that was good that was good mate I’m all right how are you mate I’m good I made some aerations to the farm I more peasants from the the ble you know he sold your cows C just watched the funny clip what was he clip me ah nothing interesed okay Rob you’ve blocked the chicken cop entirely from being entered oh that’s a shame [Laughter] that St can you actually get into your house by I’m just going to where have you put my house down wait a sec oh God I think I know what you’ve done oh my God Rob what have you done hang on let me see let me see can’t get into my house you’re right knob you are and I can’t even move it because it’s a host only thing oh my God stand house GL you guys see this where are you yourself left [Music] move my house back tomorrow Rob look at my butt cheeks by the way look good a bomb left they [ __ ] look good like [ __ ] juicy on it know was juicy look M it looks like I’m uh fishing with my trousers on my ankles that’s like Stan you know you can look at it but you can’t touch you st me why do I sleep in your how you stand me BR move my house N I think I do that Stan like that’s like you can’t anyway Stan Robins is closed move it Tom I mean it’s got anyone to go back with right what was that why why you like this Rob why why why you like this rob you don’t deserve happiness what did I do what did I do to you I don’t even you just trolling me hard what have I done you got me divorced mate you went hard did not get you divorced I understand got Rob divorced you know full well that that you were going to get divorced moment oh God oh my God thats problem oh God oh my God kill him that was a definite DC I’m gone I don’t think you want to come back in by the way Dr the game Crash yeah you got to see Escape it’s so I dropped so much spawn I dropped a mega bomb right and then when the mega bomb blew up twice the amount oh [ __ ] there’s so many oh man that I don’t even have a good sword I don’t even as soon as I join I see I get oh I’m about to disconnect yeah yeah there it is slowly clearing it you must have SP like five Chad the only people who getting W up here is you guys come on [Laughter] I yeah I think they’re trying really really really hard to kill Rob sh name like honest to God like I could put a name in a random name generator like holy [ __ ] that’s an insane amount of stuff I can’t stay in for longer than a couple of seconds if we keep going backing and killing them we’ll be we’ll be able to get yeah I get I get some swipes but not enough to the problem is is my weapons Su that your holy [ __ ] I’ve just seen how much stuff is up there dying fast I can probably run he summoned 1,500 slams five I got teleported and then then got cracked out it’s enough to Chain break the game oh my I can’t even move to the middle holy [ __ ] I can’t see oh my God oh my God the green house don’t go in the green house don’t go in the green house do not go in the green housee you actually why you spawn in the green house now why’ you go in here try to get away from the all me they’re going to spawn whenever you go rob I want to get to my oh c my phone’s ringing oh never mind not anymore [ __ ] it was ABS she’ll ring again she’ll ring again she’ll ring again she’ll ring [Music] again she’ll ring [Music] again new [Music] [Music] day look at all that stuff looks like I got to go in the greenhouse now and salort them boys [Music] out it’s fine it’s fine I’m getting chain killed what did I to well I guess they’re stuck there for the rest of the time D you have been a bit of a douche this session man what do you mean did oh my God [Music] [ __ ] is that all you’ve got video gamer is that all you’ve got me 100 ghost M wow wow you’re hard a’t you me you’re [ __ ] hard bro GH oh I’m here now okay so disoriented downgrade Rob’s weapons onr the problem is that some of them went on me so like the the god gamer I am I’ll wipe them out I’m with you m I’m the god gamer too oh my ear what’s can only be one God gaming Rob [Music] e didn’t e she didn’t she didn’t call me again she didn’t call the second time P her in a sec that’s going in the bed money [ __ ] money about to make all the [ __ ] money [Music] I see they have also met him there we go cleared out my inventory a little bit while we’re right we’ll pop one of these down here let’s go sort through our uh loot boxes you’re doing good as well as farm and the lovely game yeah I spe ready funny a lot of lot of stuff have happened I already have to say I already found the chat with the spawns takes to the max you sound fun what I use them now that would be the time to use it I can’t put them down cuz they’re in the way and I got teleported away I got teleported away right BL me it wasn’t any cuz of the Dragons it wouldn’t let me put them anywhere okay you have CC on don’t you yeah yeah okay I’m confused why someone just said They wish they had it on you had it on in your chat but I’m confused unless it broke I mean I’ve been leaving and rejoining over and over haven’t I I could be a part of it yeah B was spa near me it is definitely on [Music] well video gamer you’re a bit of a way way P [Music] me that wasn’t where I was going anyway you want to today no okay oh they still yeah I’ve Got a Golden Ticket did it kill him oh my God it doesn’t even kill him they don’t die to a mega bomb [ __ ] is that esar in it what is it [ __ ] esaro snails oh that’s [ __ ] how do you know that it’s French me I guess you uh gu you didn’t grow up poor did you yeah you had a porh upbringing didn’t he so of course he fancy man like standard it was as well but he was in a [ __ ] Mansion I still can’t believe you had double garage I never had double garage and life like I was you saying that house is a mediumsized house like R gamer what have I done to upset you m I don’t quite understand what the targe is all about mate like what have I done es never called me again I’m s oh my God Chad anyone want to take me to the island want to Spa me on the island what time are we going to by the way oh we’re going to be in Spring tomorrow so yeah we got experience spring all over again Glenn yeah boy oh [ __ ] oh thank F that could to be bad it’s me CH he hasn’t wanted to go to the cinema with me for [ __ ] days woo pineapple are you close to upgrading your house C God [Music] no Johnny got married CH Butler me actually need to come down here and check see if there’s any Coral down here [Music] oh my [Music] Christ hell’s that ancient seeds Jesus Christ where were without that many of those right [Music] there could imagine dying what L what they take from me why have we oh [ __ ] what a prick what an absolute prick you took my movie tickets [ __ ] you buy movie tickets oh my mouse just ran out of [ __ ] no it didn’t it’s just the [Music] game could you [ __ ] off mate thank you what’s he going to take today too bad not too bad bit put your mark [ __ ] is pretty accurate by the way join us and thve like that is pretty true guys I was thinking if any of you watched the new Fallout series by way not yet plan to though I watched the first episode do you fancy playing Fallout crowd control one of the streams like with controller passing oh I mean Fallout fall I’ve never played a Fallout game so I don’t even know how they play I don’t know if it’s first person third person [ __ ] RDS style oh shoot yeah yeah go The Guild right are there any Goods don’t go back to the farm it’s [ __ ] boys they’re they’re all right man is he the Fest one that people trashed no it’s three they it’s four they trash isn’t it four this island doesn’t have hardwood on her anymore new V okay that is the good I think I found it all New Vegas was the first one I played no for four was but New Vegas was the second one I played [ __ ] good me give me my stuff back please I I Street cubes M follow bro anyone else think it’s kind of wild how they take your stuff for freaking fixing your health and then they’re like yeah I’ll sell it back you the rich they richer that’s why we chose JoJo man is there any chance I get some coins chat just so I can buy these back the thing is Stan right he sells them back to you because you paid for your like surgery with it yeah but why dides a different guy sell them back to you cuz he had to recoup his cost didn’t it I’m might the M pleas go to the cinema with me just need the I don’t even want both I just want one 400 more coins oh and then he mails them back does he thank you I’m assuming he mails him who knows what he wants yeah okay cool thank you was that pum I wasn’t looking right but I think I just saw a posum run into a bush you speak the the yellow go my out has one troop pum M that was a that was a huge pum it was a God damn how dare you paum’s like 5′ 6 M oh my God one second we have a we have a we have a we have a infestation problem of what flying bugs oh the dragons yeah yeah there’s so many I’m too scared to go outside I will die if I go out there I got to bed boys I got to bed scary are we just going to sleep the night we’re going to have to we don’t get much more of a choice I think I’m in bed ready still one each GL me fine yeah under the old rules City would be through right now always the same though in it when your team go out to a way goals you’re like a that’s a [ __ ] way to go out but then when your team go through does a way go count now the end of the game it might you know what an extra time I’m pretty sure that it might actually count time maybe who’s uh who’s still out and about shut the [ __ ] up I was just asking jeez bro oh nine combat aridium banded what does that do Bo I’m making you [ __ ] dollar who the bombs like I’d like to have sold my stuff from you sell bombs they [ __ ] cool allow those we starting the second year boys we can Farm again y That’s my wife on oh what happened now I don’t care me on who’s SK don’t know his name’s [ __ ] ah hey boys you going get the farm back up and running again we can do it was never not running [Music] you he’s pulling your leg K he’s trying to twist your dick yeah you know disgusting do we have how much sprinkles we let’s just get we going to get big have to dip down for sprinklers last time we do have like 30 or for uh you should you should take five idium um down to the the dock and fix part of the boat of it all right I’ll go down in a sec Rob can you move my house today got be bars can you buy can you buy a selection of seeds me what me Rob I’m begging one one bar you please move my house five of one bar [ __ ] that’s 25 W not going to lie Stan that doesn’t sound like you big and that just sound your tail Rob please I want you down your KNE please move my house that’s not just ask to be fair Stan in the past in crowd control Rob has got down on his knees in the office and we’re in this crowd control stuff together Rob man you’ve been asking to sell my my animals the whole time come on Rob please stand I’d like for you to move my my house Rob so I can get into the house what you need in your house CH is anywhere on the island I haven’t explored the [ __ ] that what the hell oh get into my house please me you just s What She Likes isn’t there Rob please can you just move my house I’ll think about’s [Music] that there he go he’s going to think about it boys we’re coming a kale we’re going to become kale Farmers all right um that’s in the shape of a starfish just like lob’s butthole me I I see you that’s the only one I don’t know feels me just as how I feel me I’m not feeling Stan at this point I feel like he’s not actually being sincere about the apology Rob please can you move my house I really like having pressure on [Music] me does that feel very strong that he said theologize to me mate I’m very sorry Rob what you sorry I AC sorry I’m sorry for getting you divorced Rob that’s not what I’m angry about can you tell me what you’re angry about so I can atone I really want to be honest you’re not Rob I’d love to make this relationship better but I I I like I need you to tell me what I’ve done wrong so I can make it better Rob right I promise you right give me a sec me the sles go go move the okay okay oh my God people can’t see my dick after I’m moving now first time I’ve seen her about your clothes on oh my God huh this the first time taking Emily to cinema and I don’t get it too Hots cuz they didn’t have a kill smoothie forer I’m going move look at those tits holy [ __ ] they’re massive thank you Rob what are you doing I honestly I’m actually really oh my Lord that was my fault for not paying attention my God Abigail wears a black s suit that’s amazing that’s why we’re married and that’s why I run around with no clothes on I’m do [Music] time oh it took a diamond from me took 10K from me just lost 10k gold can you get in it one more done If Only They had a kill smoothie I don’t have any food do I guys you heard me ask Dan could he get in the house he’s sorry no no I I I was sorry what are you saying I’m asking he get in the house drink this yeah got one moment I’m on my way back only thing I got to drink 14 [ __ ] [Music] St I’m I’m I’m not a very patient man me I’m I’m I’m trying I’ll be right there I’m an archaeologist now woohoo I have you back up to the central Hub all [Music] right okay what is it doing that I’m going to do my farm quickly St I need get it done okay CH you see of these on the map right see all these whatever they’re called walnuts are they all grabbable as some not just like little red herin just part of the they’re all grabbable some are not just part of the [Music] environment ah die die die die die grab those [Music] NS I want to check some secret paths that’s all I can say yeah it feels like there’s a lot of secret paths I’m just going to try oh you cheeky little [ __ ] well well well if there wasn’t a little open opening in the [Music] wall all right let’s see let’s see let’s [Music] see [Music] no little [ __ ] [Music] sh anyway [Music] just oh mate I’m being a donut right now I’m not focusing whatsoever going to take some good stuff in he me hits not too bad not ideal [Music] though I struggling with food Dan did you get in or what me is see M GL I can’t even check he’s def I don’t know I’m got it now I got we haven’t even got money for me to buy salads right in front of his [ __ ] salad he do you have any sprinkles just normal sprink you sell it yeah so to me oh my god did you actually there’s no way you’re such a bance is that why you’re so quiet then I mean it doesn’t look like it’s soulc me k for the heal where is [Music] it oh she’ll be in the bar that I’m a c but I’m just living my life you guys got any spare food see I bought something have any on me but we don’t have any money so that option is open you know I didn’t choose the life life choose [Music] me it gives you like 5,000 coins as well to do it what does s in the house like you didn’t do it though I did what do the rabbit fo do doesn’t give you luck or it what just happening on me I’m sure we had more sprinkles than five [ __ ] sprinkles by the way we must have like they’re all in my farm section oh have you actually put them in can you make more sprinkles like I can but I need the stuff for it oh [ __ ] you how good you know what I’m going to just war I’m going I’m going to go old fashioned you’re going to want me I’m going old fashionate can you grab those sprinkles a second uh one second come on give me a little secret you have a water can I don’t mate I’m going to go in here a sec I’m just going to go wait for tomorrow where is she I thought I was safe inside I’m safe in B right yeah oh my God gl’s got the bed did finish a good watering can do you have a good watering can still not you’re not married yet can just not yet I’ve been trying to find it today but I can’t um I’m on the I’m on the island Rob oh oh indeed who’s tending to your green uh nobody I guess and that’s what this friend call are no no no no they’re in they’re back home this seems significant wa whatever’s in there I’m going to drown you what’s this well if there is something I have no idea why think a deck I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong you been a manace this stream I think Rob’s innocent free Rob stand are after me again like I don’t know what it is just Dan simp I you can’t just antagonize me I’ll make a promise right I will get your house back you pass the X again oh so I did saw it I read sh oh yeah but what I’m trying to see me if you come and help me I will literally get it back from it but I’m sleeping in my own do it Stan robable next I will give you 100 sub that’s Rob to answer your question no there is no way goals for extra time oh is there not is it way penalties his penalties yeah pretty brutal me you must be sh in your pants that’s [ __ ] anyone with penalties in there [ __ ] come and hit with water this me I’m in bed you [ __ ] hit me water I going to go bed until it’s water like I’m chilling in bed [Applause] [Music] mate done W pring in Bad [Music] Boy the day is done and when he Strokes my dick oh my the B and come with well look at Rob start staring at a plant like [ __ ] at 12 a.m. that’s [ __ ] funny mate trying to do a [ __ ] Farm you know what I mean a I’m going to pass out I’m in bed I’m in bed it went so fast I lost track trying to do a farm for the boys like you know what I mean and since St didn’t help me me I’m going to help him what is your problem with me today why ask for I’m not dumb I swear I swear it just goes by so quick that was all [Music] me I mean I was going to pass out anyway but would have been nice to do it before you never showed up the boat so I’m looking for you I live here now [ __ ] um D would’t you help me I thought you wanted my help today no you I gave you the chance last night it’s past 10: p.m. I assume you mean the next day St you knew that was you knew what I was asking me [Music] let’s see I’m in the I’m in the wrong house what was that nothing [Music] [ __ ] oh we went yesterday so yeah I didn’t think [Music] so P we started J GL I feel like the cinema is the only thing that’s giving me hearts like but it gives you Hearts quick here we go [Music] [Music] oh no [Music] it’s so hard I’m not I’m I [ __ ] you not it’s so hard I swear to [ __ ] this is so hard [Music] hey no no no what [Music] whatever [ __ ] I wasn’t looking [Music] [Music] wait I didn’t see the first one that was I was like I was too busy being angry to look doing it by sound doesn’t help cuz I oh garbage look my’s not it does Spy but it’s the three in between that sometimes you might not get you know it spawns every like really long time and you can basically go and bomb hang on I’ll come do it for you now I can just bomb it and then you loot everything I’m me oh no come come I’ll show you now you can [ __ ] all the [ __ ] I care but I just don’t care [Music] today I don’t know go probably to be fair I appreciate if you did did you see K there for a second he’s [ __ ] off yeah the game’s Lou in your voice what nice new reward of the museum skon I went up to L to see if I could get your house moved mate and she wasn’t there today and I’m even just seeing that actually went up to work robway she’s not she’s genuinely not there going look tell me she’s there but I went up look at 11:00 here we go again [Music] I got given the adrenaline effect and I started reading the adrenaline effect and missed the first one I’m pretty sure it was this [Music] I think it might have been this [Music] one oh I was doing so well [ __ ] I can’t multitask B boy BOS I can’t read and then also do a puzzle [Music] oh that definitely wasn’t [Music] right no wait what wait I did it but that one was [ __ ] easy huh yeah cuz the thing is is like I mean I guess it depends on the score but because if you look at the stats of Real Madrid just part like they had 30% possession for the game what do I do with the coffee beans I guess because there’s no away gos they have no incentive to attack right they might as well just go for a shoot out which is can def find a way any one way I mean I know you can make coffee with it but like I just did do that as well I don’t think uh I think I just completed that for everyone I don’t [Music] know CU I think see you completed it and you thought it was a popup or is there a pop from someone I’m pretty sure that was a popup they [Music] gift I think I own the coffee recipe well there’s one thing I’d like to do uh I’d like to have my wedding that’s what I would like to do I wasn’t sure where I was oh my God why is there so many ghosts have you put 5 K beans into a keg and makes coffee why are they teleporting I don’t know where the keg is we [Music] have they’re Chen all right let’s see let’s count I’m pretty sure the idea behind this this is the you would oh I see my [Music] light why do I suddenly see my [Music] light hi hi hello welcome back yes no I don’t like the concrete’s looking hard but don’t think it’s hard enough did they say like full 24 hours didn’t tell me anything so don’t risk it wow so helpful of them mym oh got it hey they tried to hide from me I’m also trying to give the raccoon his what he wants but I’m almost there with it I just need one more clam which should come tomorrow appreciate it can farming level eight for The Keg well I’m I’m one level off that as it turns out you see a light because it got slightly dark I actually come to think of it I think that this is designed in a way that you can’t really [ __ ] it up I mean technically you could maybe you could that’s a cool one that is there’s uh there’s one more Walnut that’s like I think it’s up this beach is it not I wouldn’t know how you got on there up this beach and around anything can I no I can’t do anything I want to touch your bum oh can I see the guy’s ghost now can I see the Grandad’s ghost like GL I’ve almost uh I’ve almost collected all the the walnuts oh nice not that it matters no it’s still a cool achievement though I a’t going [ __ ] B really like if we’re doing this wedding Rob if I buy more if I buy more animals will you just sell them yep did you get bits for selling them this time cuz you sold way more than last time no I I just felt like St be a [ __ ] for me to be like I don’t even know how you [ __ ] know me he’s got a victim mentality you you [ __ ] know what you did me I did what you put everything me I didn’t do anything to you that slime up there is making it look very sus but what would I know is there any way like how would I get down there how do I get to that cave Lads know I mean I think it’s unfair that Rob has as much power as he does with moving buildings he’s the host to me classic Minecraft again he got old okay okay okay let’s think about this right uh what does that bird want does it want money to be Godly through the volcano oh my God there’s no way who’s bad me I’ll go back to the farm it shows top left well that he wants walnuts but they don’t look like walnuts he wants walnuts does he anyone know how many oh oh shows the money you need okay I’ll go a look again in a sec God m m your insults are [ __ ] like twoy old Glen is a good gamer imagine Ro pretending be a god gamer being out shine B GL what a wank me nice insult bro I’m really offended by the insult what wait a minute why is everything still W did you have the thingy grow on it or whatever no you say why is it water oh come on well that’s a blessing I guess it’s nice yeah Rob did you say why is it watered Emily did it oh there’s a bunch of stuff that’s grown in the greenhouse I I don’t I don’t really God Emily W the plants you just said I got up early to water stuff here oh my God suck I I can’t believe she done that for was like what an absolute shagger got don’t have any gems wow why are you Hing me for like when dark clouds cry begin your quest to seek the Fable gem birds for each day while north south east or west arrange the gifts upon my door huh the [ __ ] are their gifts fiddlehead fern well I should give this guy the Frog I’m holding the frog look at my frog it’s raining now so you can go look what am I looking for wow thanks four BBS oh oh they could be hunted today I see all right uh ah you cheeky little wanker hello hello buddy found you where are we going to find some birds and LS well I mean he said the oh my God he said places uh the Island’s gifts which I assume is like things to grow here oh mahogany seed let’s [ __ ] go golden coconut you know what you must do I don’t so I’m assuming amethyst is one of them all right lad I brought something for you about we got you a frog generation come gone while this little bone lay hidden beneath the soil now it’s mine and would you look at that with this donation we’ve got another full set piece completed we got little something waiting for you behind the counter can you not be weird about [Music] it behind the counter oh you just wanted me talking to him again yeah wow thank you so much damn so it’s not 14 or 13 I ain’t [ __ ] cutting I ain’t [ __ ] cting we got some mahogany trees growing so you will be able to eventually get it that way as well is that it stand it’s like just three stumps up here you can usually get about like 10 hardwood from there it’s it’s it’s actually G that’s actually terrible just face the fact right top left that just showed my walnuts like what does he actually want K oh not bad sty sty sty colorful BBS what yeah the thing that’s popping up mate is just how many walnuts I have all right let’s go uh I guess the amethist is something he wants on the podium in the podium let’s go literally just walking against every wall I can find now [Music] way a thank you for the heal oh the apple trees is growing quite nicely boys does Robin sell hardwood that is a good question no I just checked give her your hardwood Stan believe Robin’s a marrywood woman oh I just got [ __ ] yeah but she’s a swinger stand so it’s fine she cheat me she ain’t getting there from the whole house like you know would you guys stop [ __ ] slaming me Christ if just get I scrolled up Stuy hang on let me go actually go into the twitch chat maybe I can find it then there was about 155 wallnuts connect and that bird gets walnuts for you instead since Glen managed to farm them all with hard work he won’t gather those vi I see how do you get in that part yeah sty it didn’t uh it didn’t pop up in chat if you don’t see your message on screen it means that restream chat [ __ ] the bed and didn’t find it and didn’t present it to me it’s so dumb it’s annoying but it kind of is just what it is you know where’s the rest these BBS is there four [ __ ] BBS on this island I got to find it’s not a lot but I did I did get another mahogany seed so who run away this is um the lady well from here yeah I don’t BL I also wrote it down in the wasn’t screen yes we also have to be looking at the time as well only one bird every rainy day oh for [ __ ] sake my life hey Glenn yeah so I’m trying to find these birds right and they only appear on a rainy day but guess what there’s four of them right what you think the game does doesn’t make it rain no you can only find one bird a day when it’s a rainy day they love it like there’s some serious time GED in this game there is I’m not a fan of it house plant why is she running away why oh stoes CL oh my God you steal our clothes GL still active closed the in front of my face plan where are you I want to give you my hard you still be in one place uh where is it cuz I feel like I’ve kind of searched most of the nooks and crannies I know there’s still the volcano I got to go to You’re luck that end of the [ __ ] CC session nobody’s going to divorce like be [ __ ] funny if they did it again they would what’s up booty there you go you me to do I feel nice today what does that even mean bro n I’m all right just now me I don’t actually [ __ ] I’ve done my farm duties today me didn’t Glenn’s wife do the duties yeah but they still done right you’re a chicky little [ __ ] stand I am not I’ve done nothing out you going to move your house back stop it [Music] please yeah let’s go what are you looking in my chest for what are you doing there’s 25 hardwood in your chest is there there is when is that what uh the volcano and to the right of the beach at night time in the cave oh is it this next to the dock to the right of the beach at night time oh that one looks sus as well oh my God God so many that could be found next to the dock I mean the Dock’s all the way down here and you said to the right of the dock at night time in the cave there’s a cave to the right ah what the [ __ ] who used to live here then boys someone’s leaving in this cave it’s still lit it’s still [Music] lit Chey little fish in come on give me something come on baby what the tit is okay then okay then so uh what am I doing here this cave is kind of just empty is there supposed to be someone here down right there is a patch oh oh is that it you see Sho in the bed yes it is does anyone ever turn up in here just getting late I feel like someone is and should be here [Music] oh oh Glen M I can’t be asked be ask working tomorrow why is that can’t be asked like [ __ ] half again for oh great I got killed and I bed hey are you just know meate up half no I’m a bit like even half not bad though man Abigail hasn’t seen me for months you just haven’t come [Music] home St I appreciate you watching over me me are you in my bed no you just over look him up bed mate what does he mean by that no I appreciate you looking over me mate what they should be Pirates where are they oh is it raining again let’s [ __ ] go woo radish woo woohoo I don’t got any have seeds though actually I do I got these [ __ ] sexy Bad Boys hell yeah brother did I plant the mahogany seeds oh sure I did but a g n watch when you get back she’s ready to have a kids well Abigail oh maybe yeah so you got be back in a while I need your Sean before you leave again thank you oh he’s are pissing me off what it is this sus what tool do I need you just use your sword oh okay can I have that pain back oh it’s mine me I was given money from pacifist to get it I don’t care me pacifist thinks it should do me actually I think well pacifist gave me money in general to get my fireplace but but then there was extra left over and I was like well I you’ve been hooked up this stream and new time well I mean I’ve been reasonably screwed by my friend even numbered days of out range for [ __ ] sake a away for so long you you gave me money for the night market remember there’s no hardwood In Crowd controllers there no no [ __ ] you you couldn’t do the uh little cheatsy doodle could you Glen it just doesn’t seem to work like as in I don’t know what happened with the walnuts but I can’t seem to get more than three hardwood at a [Music] time I the Walnut one was weird right because it literally go it threw me off of what the [ __ ] just happen like I said I got three um I think you glitched a glitch is what I thought three times in a row it gave me three walnuts and I thought I can get infinite here and it didn’t work and then like on the fourth one it just messed up and gave us loads yeah I have no idea how you did that also those chickens that you’ve got just cannot be touched you can’t even do that cuz they need a different name o I’d love to make a better a better barn but we’re currently having resources set aside for other things which is also fine just saying maybe today’s the day I can finish off the raccoon tell me St what happens if you get this raccoon basically helping you I don’t know I think he I think he’s just a nice little guy he’s just like a nice little goober like he helps out little goober look my for has been on [ __ ] eight for ages like I think I understand the museum now or that like that guy’s tent he gives you a hint onto where you can get the fossils and these fossils have been collecting from the mining he doesn’t need just yet I think that’s what it is maybe and S we just pay for to go bang I [ __ ] I something happened in theame yeah I I I have a bang that thing frightens me every time [ __ ] never [Music] [Laughter] mind maybe they’re for a different thing get hardw I feel like at this point right we missing a massive chunk of the game right that K’s doing like I just keep see like get we can’t get there we literally can’t go there there’s there’s a big chunk of the game I’m doing yeah I’m having fun yeah and I I I got those walnuts for us and I haven’t gone to the island since I spent so much time in the island before we had the wall [Applause] oh it just says about planting trees I’m already already married um I need to upgrade my house so I can have a kid I need hardwood which seems like impossible to get this game it’s proving difficult yeah yeah it’s cuz like at this point in the game you’d probably be growing it right that’s what the hogy seeds are for AR they yeah it’s got to be a way to spawn more than one item is there any item you can spawn that you can then like Salvage for hardwood I’m unsure what you I don’t know like is there a way to [ __ ] I don’t know Salvage f like T wood into hardwood I don’t know that c or like covered into [ __ ] hardwood or something I had no idea that was I’m being told no the what no to what sorry no no way at doing something like that what was that Glen asking maybe we can is there a way to turn like a hardwood fence into the materials of hardwood or something you’d think uh guess not you you just got to be patient m is the bang like a actual s standard thing that I’ve not added like yeah I I have it frightens Living Daylights at me me it’s [ __ ] horrific [Music] faum 20 only get three a Time py hard with me pacifist you [ __ ] no in here I got like 30 this he gave me the monster mask effect we do the monster musk the monster mask as I didn’t see pop up that’s going to be too I remember what I was doing I remember what I was doing so Glenn did you collect all the wood from the forest today no not yet loads in the forest today like there four stumps [Music] me that’s not loads that’s like that’s like 12 of you’re lucky that’s a lot is not five six it’s not much right it’ll take a it’ll probably take a good five more days six more days to get a 100 one stump is two but you can get three if you get the foraging thing at level five maybe 25% chance downg and from what I’ve seen online is I genuinely glitch the glitch cuz it’s not a thing oh but like at least I can’t find anyone talking about how you do it like how to spawn in more than one item yeah there’s many things that we’re unfortunately unable the other thing you can do is you can name your character the code of hardwood and then every time your character is mentioned in game you care wood but I still take sometime so um what are you able to are you still able to do with the chickens so yeah but the the problem is is like you can only get three hardwood per chicken but that’s and that’s 800 per and you have to sell that chicken cuz you can’t have two chickens named the same thing and you know what we can’t do right now we can’t sell the chickens because somebody’s locked them behind a wall yeah so like I’m I can’t get any hardwood from chickens now all the combinations are gone so his hint was the volcano right aren’t I supposed to be getting fossils from you or am I just getting super unlucky like what’s going on I one them fossils bro the fact that once we have the hardwood we also need 65,000 I can’t wait to have a baby in it just to getet what the [ __ ] is up there by way above is there anything above this rock here it seems impossible to budge what the [ __ ] is this like oh we’ve got 48 hardw yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this got to be somewhere else to get this I seriously got to go take this [ __ ] coconut and crack it open at Clint surely not I even tried to send myself to the island and it didn’t work that’s sad thing though control said no you tried to cheat anyway control said no I’m going the bath boys is anyone able to teleport your stand to the island no not not now it’s almost 8:00 p.m. okay tomorrow so we can get the hardwood we just want to do this last thing actually are we going to try and commit to doing this tonight or oh my God I’m in a bikini I’m in a bikini cuz it’s already quite late right boys boys tomorrow is my wedding are we going to stop there oh you WIP your memory I’m not you’re a terrible human you wiped their memories so she forget that she divorced you I’m on the I’m on the island video gamer sent me to the island I’ll do I’ll do what I can yeah are we going to stop after the wedding or we going to try and get a baby I don’t mind I can go to 12 mate I’ve got another 40 minutes I potentially could do mate I’m not sure 40 minutes to be long enough to eat a baby although it’s mainly the gold it might be long enough yeah you can glitch more hardwood in multiplayer please give us more information I think KY has gotten all the hardwood for I do not know how to do have you got hardwood K I have 30 no sorry uh 58 oh I have it for what to Mouse no I want the baby no [ __ ] you I’ve been waiting longer I want a baby you been doing Island [ __ ] yeah getting the hardwood um Stan can you make a tableit how much hardwood have you got Kei 58 how much you got going make a table 4 there you go one of you can get a [ __ ] baby like a got the money mate yeah pacifist paci oh coins like that work son apparently if you get a table you put hardwood on it and two people take it at the same time get more hardwood I will I will give pass VIP in their ra oh Stan remember we used to we used to dup the cactus we did dup the cactus Stan you want to try that we can try don’t do it with him St do it with me well we can both do it can’t we I’m on the island K [ __ ] working on for this baby for a while look at Stanley what you mean you trying to get the baby for a while you can that’s what I’ve been doing all [ __ ] stream that’s what I’ve been doing for two streams build a pond or two you can go fish wood to be fair he has at least six in the pond how do you think how do you think I have 58 we just need to make we can get some fishes and then we can get let’s try this [ __ ] wood glitch I’m on the island okay we’ll try it tomorrow does um does does who deserve can we have our vote in the chat that you deserves a baby I mean the fact that Kai has had a marriage for as long as he’s has I feel like he deserves to have the bab he abanded his wave stand sometimes these things happen I’m trying to get the hardwood so we can have a baby all right it’s tough to have hardwood this is why you can’t of a baby makes the hardwood I’m I’ve been teleported twice yeah but that’s I’ve discovered the hardwood now right I guess that you are you here yeah come on stand let’s go let’s go let’s go other hard wouldn’t it table here whatever the [ __ ] serious you’re not even trying to glitch on me that I’m I’m just doing it with whoever’s next to oh my God you’re such a dirty prick who Glenn there is like literally I got teleported to town I literally tell you this glitch and you’re like oh K come here Glenn I’m just doing whoever’s next to me it’s not B Bas sucking him off he’s f stand understand I’ve been waiting longer come on stand three two [Laughter] oh what do you mean you spawn sludge what’s sludge your sludge mate it’s the red SL your attitude is Sledge me you are want to talk but shut you me move your house again no no I’m sorry that I sorry Sor me I’m sorry Rob I’m the dominant one K’s always on top St I’m going to go to bed just like mommy’s always on top right you o Emily o oh [Laughter] Emily imagine K baby with Emily instead upbringing by the way um yeah I’m a nice guy I’m always kind of kind stands a dick to me I don’t know why I’m not what do you mean Boo this whole marriage is a fraud it’s not he wiped your memory don’t Mar him again he wiped your memory already divor this should be illegal he’s a sick human being and if he’s not sick for wiping your memory he’s [ __ ] sick for taking the glitch to Kor him the [Music] disgusting a happy day disgusting oh honestly it’s just pure not fth at this point your memor we could get her again disgusting some someone killed me in the middle of this I don’t I guess I’m waking up in the hospital you make kiss disgusting words please somebody for stand what do you mean po stand I just want to be happy this is all I worked towards I couldn’t have mayonnaise I couldn’t have chicken could work towards another they were really bad to you she was the only one in my eyes and go back with you wait wait why is Nino sucking you off like God Rob with Jesus Rob with power is such a hard on like do you know what I mean what have you done I’ve done nothing he’s just saying that to you come to the table come to the table of power Stan I I got sent to the hospital the crows at your crops hey yeah who the [ __ ] Dr you are mate help me can me plant these guys please like can you help me just water them CU [ __ ] [ __ ] was I’ll you I’ll help you water if you help me with the hardwood glitch why you stream sniping Rob how do it m we just take the wood at the same time I’ve got all the streams up mate okay stream sniping voice why would how how can I possibly stream snipe you doing anything like that’s a good question but it appears to be that you are stream sniping honestly n know mate about time I paid you to change your name mate you little [ __ ] all right I’m here you little furry fudger okay you know if we all do it we could potentially get like four from one okay 3 2 1 go oh I didn’t realize you were going on go my bad a Stevie what are you choosing as a seven Bit Me 3 two one go try again three two one go okay we DED it we DED it three two one go yeah we DED it again we two one go damn two one go 3 two one go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go are we doing it 3 two 1 go oh yeah we definitely doing it 3 2 1 go I you seen your invent 3 two 1 go oh we need money now though that’s the problem hang on hang on hang on what’s spny huh like can we dup diamonds I guess I guess you can dup anything that’s on the table what’s the most expensive item we have wait wait wait wait Glen Glenn Glenn how much how much hardwood do we need for this 100 someone said okay let we already have it we already had 100 anyway but get now we can both get 100 yeah yeah all right 3 two 1 go CH what’s the most expensive I am 3 two 1 go see that sh in your chat what see that Shin person there boy a get on your chair 3 two one go Shin what yeah Shen that Shen a woman or a man me sh you pay attention no cuz Rob’s Rob’s trying to chat sh you could do both at the same time 3 2 1 go 3 two one I feel that person actually tou you know I get every night like you know what I’m saying 3 two 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 two 1 go get a menu you like being the villain a lot don’t you rob 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go I could sell my organs I would 3 2 1 go 3 2 must have enough for both of us now 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 one more self you fail I keep I keep putting it down you guys you guys got like 30 OD each right 3 two 1 go oh I’m not getting any he’s SP the same one back down oh you guys are ding like I’m I’m just putting mine back down oh okay okay 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go I have 100 hang on where’s the other stuff Stan do you still have that uh it’s in the chest if you haven’t taken it uh hang on we might need to do a little bit more I’ll be I’ll be close come back K hang on who can give us money that’s if pick that up no we might I need six more no can’t do the photos well I got a diamond we do that wait wait wait can can we D this one first I dropped the diamond are you ready Stan uh yeah 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go yeah we can 3 2 1 go is this more than a diamond 3 2 1 go I need it to crack open 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go can we finish my hardw only need six Rob Rob Rob put that back down I’ll put that back now he he likes being the villain doesn’t he yeah I like being mean to 3 2 1 go all right 3 2 1 go he’s not I’m not mean to you 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go oop I didn’t get it that’s fine I’ll go crack these open I I honestly need somebody to divorce Dan why why can’t I just be happy for once huh can you do can you do blogs with me I can you can’t sell coconuts no you don’t you don’t sell them Glenn you crack them open at uh clints okay D can we try and dup the diamond we can dup the diamond sure come come come now we’re going down a rabbit hole aren’t we we basically just r Wait can we can we do the mystery boxes they garage uh yeah I think so hey Glenn I got something better than the mystery box though okay ready I got called an artifact Trove you going to calm down this is voice I’m just saying dude he wipes somebody’s memory he doesn’t give a [ __ ] did you get that step no no I didn’t you got to put it down wait did I walk past the blacksmith I think I did and then 3 2 1 go did you get it there you go yeah there you go and I I have to put it back down is it no no no I put it back down so now you got one in your inventory I just keep rning by now okay 3 2 1 go I didn’t get it you went too fast I went on go oh 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go okay K you want to count now I don’t like count no keep going keep going 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go dang it 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go you got this 3 2 1 go 3 2 1 go I didn’t get it oh I think I 3 two 1 go oh oh what the [ __ ] going on oh my God how many did we just d That’s G I got walked away what if we just like spam click I feel like spam clicking would just make it work work you want to try okay just come yeah just come here hang on I’m on my way back I’m oh my [ __ ] god is it working yes you guys are ruining my experience like how many do you have why you have ax what the actually do how many do you have Stan I have none oh oh it’s it’s not just yeah it’s just it’s just counting up but it’s not actually putting it on a that’s a shame [ __ ] wait what if we what if we do it with your hands empty cuz you had a diamond above your head right yeah that’s just so I can keep placing it there are we spamming or we coming I don’t know right now I’m spamming okay I’ll spam when you start putting up oops [Music] I I’m just taking your diamonds right are you cuz I mean I I keep bouncing between one and two is it working good no I mean I’ve only got one Diamond so far I I can’t even see a diamond we put on the table okay wait hang on right I think Stan yeah so I spam the diamond you spam with an empty hand but the moment put your hand fills of a diamond you have to go back to an empty hand right okay just Spam right click okay I’m not getting anything I got one then I’ll slow down then I got one then and then and then yep yeah we go are we taking yours though K nope yeah now we’re cooking yeah now we’re cooking we’re cooking is this morally wrong yeah I need do it with hardwood a sec just so I can get six hardwood okay one more okay back to [Laughter] Diamonds man isn’t this great family bond are we going to put them in the bend and go to the next day yeah I don’t think they sell for that much though there’s probably 400 [ __ ] diamond we have to find something that sells for more yeah it’s got to be something that sells for like 2 oh you know that Prismatic scale that sells for a lot cuz we can chicken I can go and chicken it in I can chicken in three and then we can do we have given up on morals the most expensive item in the game that Prismatic one was wait wait wait k can we do this with rium sprinkles uh you can put it on the table if it goes on the table Yeah well all you have to do Rob if you come down is we just have to wait what are my idium sprinklers oh my God it’s down here there oh yep okay well Glen Integrity of the the game the green F oh [ __ ] where’s that even coming from inside the [ __ ] green house I’m down here I’m down here I don’t think you can put that on the table you can I can’t get the last one [ __ ] oh you can put it on the table oh mate you got to do a slower rob you got to do a slower I maybe give it a k if he had the Rhythm who got the table me I’m trying to yeah all right 3 two 1 [Laughter] go okay now oh who’s got the table okay so if I I’ll I’ll do it and I’ll just put them in rithm you ready yeah wait hang on one go okay ready and yeah you guys just Spam and then I’ll just how do you put him on the table Rob I just he with me it went when he was red anyway yeah this is working oh wait wait be right back good luck can we sell these oops can somebody give me a sprinkler yeah we should we should actually we should actually try someone pop their on the table thank you right here we go again D CLI my cam oops item duping is now professional in the game yes just get TP wow wow I’m going to sell this [ __ ] how much coverage the sprink do 24 so it’s what 4x 4X 4 the the aridium is 3×3 so it’s a a direct square around it square bil man can you stop fck sexy we going to keep duping or go to bed yeah you want some more diamonds GL sure I haven’t got to the table though it’s all the way down here you ready Stan right I’m here I’m queer get over it ah he drop put a diamond on the desk someone did a [ __ ] pop up on me all right here we go wait boys watch your time by the way it’s like halfast 12 time doesn’t stop for money friend time is money friend I feel there’s something morally wrong with that’s right [ __ ] pop-ups all right go sa diamonds Glen let’s go to bed okay I don’t yeah I don’t think it’ll be that much those diamonds are got there like 6K Abigail honey I’m home it’s been so long [ __ ] deck booty me oh that means we can dup fiber to make Emily happy fiber [ __ ] em she needs she’s making something for me apparently she she didn’t water my farm mate she needs me to give her 2005 well maybe she’ll water the farm if we give her 200 fber that sounds like a that sounds like a coin oh Abigail I know I’ve been away for so long but you got oh stop touching me Abigail I can’t believe actually that no one divorc stand I really thought that was going to happen it’s late in the night in a toward the end of the session true but just for principles like yeah on principal stand’s being a bad boy Rob nodded off in the sewer yeah you disgusting oh oh [ __ ] we made some money boys yeah I don’t have J that’s enough Glen M how much did diamonds give oh my God all right boys let’s go upgrade our houses and have some [ __ ] baby I saw sprink I don’t know much I actually got for it oh 21,000 gold is him the divorce Stan yet is someone AFK Stan Stan Stan how do they [ __ ] up me Stan than one two three no me this boy this boy this boy it’s not even de where’d he go maybe he fell off his chair than St what if boys his dick fell off just saying do you I see St like V Trooper or like 2D tro whatever it’s [ __ ] called right yeah I just feel like his ears must be minging if you know what I mean because it’s like really white FY ears like he must just like gather wax like crazy like maybe I don’t think um 2D objects on the computer gather wax mate in real life I’m talk about buty eat my assle raw mate what’s that doing Stan chat Stan chat where is he like St baby can we can we just delete his [ __ ] wife at this point he deserves it he’s making his way delete his wife wife delete his wife delete his wife delete his wife delete the wife delete the W she a that money where the [ __ ] you I said be right back I had to grab food and then the guy decided to do donuts I I don’t literally said one minute and then he went in circles for I don’t know how long oh he fainted cuz he saw how much money we got [Music] true oh I just pulled the headset out God damn it that’s when somebody takes all the money like wait Glenn it’s um [ __ ] it’s it’s 100 it’s 100 hardwood 200,000 coins and 100 Stone so what did you sell to do that 65,000 coins oh is it yeah unless you the 200k one is like the next one again oh right no it’s 100 hardwood 65k and 100 Stone oh [ __ ] you need Stone too there’s loads on the farm in eh [Music] um so uh how many sprinkles you guys make in the end uh not a lot I think it was the diamonds that did it damn it we had so much Stone I sold my bombs too [ __ ] why did you keep sending me to the Wizard’s Tower I don’t need to be [Music] here oh I need to see the raccoons are good and happy today [Music] a that [ __ ] Stone like we got plenty of time together it I don’t want water cany I lik a water can did that I sold all my bombs to go all in and obviously I didn’t need to sell my bombs cuz we got loads of money guys I just want to give the raccoon what he wants give this monkey what he wants he’s holding me Point what am I to do I got a shiny Diamond I got a shiny Diamond I’ve got a golden penis I’ve got a golden penis just for me can’t imagine that’s very comfortable [Music] Rob guys I just want to go to the to give to check on the things for racon control Stone booty are you there meot I feel like we were close to like being sort of not knowing what to do but now we we we’re in that duping phase just glitch me out teleport me again okay I’m on the beach finally thank you CH can give you Stone K huh Chad can give you Stone and it’s really cheap true I’ve been glitched out oh [ __ ] oh my God I can feed the raccoon today I can actually find out what he’ll do for us that noise that’s taken so long to get done it’s no it’s no stone guys it’s no stone H oh have you got it Glen I just did a [ __ ] did you did you upgrade the house first was trying to be well we can’t both do it at the same time one robbing there’s only one person to build it it’s a game in it oh my God stop teleporting me I didn’t even run this straight away I went to get stone first cuz he told me we need Stone but we didn’t we stole his baby Glen mate who teleported me to the desert who teleported me to the desert you want to per up K I don’t want to be to the desert either low Shadow you’re done wait can you gamble at this Oasis Place [ __ ] sake you guys are all right with me gambling the fortune right I mean you gamble needs a lot of money so I would say no oh he he’s he’s done it he’s good oh yeah you can both do it well never mind no more gambling for me has been decided that that’s a bad idea let me go to he T can she do both at once or is it going to queue up mine it might qu I I don’t know who [Music] knows can you even get a kid when you’re a woman yeah [ __ ] right I can is that another 3 days we got to wait now as well yeah [ __ ] what else should we do today uh come come to the come to the duping table come fly with me is that what it’s fly my godys boys on bars like one go what are you ding you spamming yeah spam why are you ding no by way what the [ __ ] is this guy artifact Trove what’s it do uh Clint will open her oh it’s like a special oh I’m coming for this like well do you get good [ __ ] in there uh I’ve never opened one mate but you can only get from the island so is Clint the is Clint the I want to help it’s Clinton the blacksmith uh yeah I don’t [Music] want no I don’t want stop eat the why my horse Rish for me cuz you gave me it I didn’t want it you have to open these one by one with him yeah but it will have many wers it’s going to take so lot [ __ ] why did you do that some trying to kill me cuz they [ __ ] non someone else start duping the uh the Trove cuz I only got one now how do I do it you just place on the table and take it off not straight away but a bit at time stand’s got more skills than me you think I can feel it out you just wait a moment and then take it like this no you’re not B mate it’s working it’s [Music] working is it working yeah yeah yeah yeah fantastic I’m going to go crack them open oh I’m going you take that one I I want to go to the raccoon like I’ve been trying to do that all day I feel like my invent I go SP oh what happened I got teleport miles [Music] away I did it guys I gave the raccoon food now will never leave if you’re a woman you adopt thanks Bobo take this he gave me 25 carrot seeds I want to use my penis I think they just gave stuff for the museum by the way now maybe I find a wife what bro the raccoon’s going to find a wife oh that no I’m happy for him he seemed a bit shock right pass I see it again hold on I shall read which chat was he in can I attempt you try to pull the paint off the wall at the same time oh come on and I hope that he can lay his pipe you know what we should do Glenn what’s that you can’t go to Clint he’s closed oh like yeah he’s wait rob you still uh cracking your coconuts [Music] in he oh cracking your truck oh you can’t go back in that Rob that’s annoying should we just sleep for 3 Days hey Rob yeah why not Rob cuz it’s getting close to fin how would you feel if a raccoon had a wife over you B you had a wife mate [ __ ] didn’t so annoying at 4:00 it closes like what’s in here then why you going in here it gives so much [ __ ] artifacts like I just bought some so much [ __ ] artifacts like there’s so many I can’t donate anything for the museum oh no I [Music] can I want to break free Stan hello how does it feel to be what AG 22 23 I felt [ __ ] before I’m 24 and have you feel [ __ ] uh yeah Rob I haven’t exactly who come at me for a raccoon having a wife over me like y prick I I I I just feel like you know I was some some goof and gas in game and then you made it person always make it person do you want play music for a mermaid yeah why not sounds like fun here we go B is this a it’s just a skeleton need five flute blocks okay hey uh the only thing I want to do is why we spaming it is can you guys come to the uh the duping table excuse me Abigail won’t let me in bed dup table please stand dup table what are we duping I need to dup my flute Blocks Your what blocks 3 2 1 go did you get it uh hang on yes what does this do oops oops how many of you got Glenn four can I have them yeah are you trying to make music I only need five you go bed now yeah I got a mermaid to see oh hello honey I she one nice I’ve been away for a while but you’re going to love God she’s vibrating with energy she’s excited she doesn’t love Driftwood she only likes it I wasted a gift on her I wasted it I’m in bed do you think she would dislike it if I gave her back the coffee she gave me I think she’d dislike it if you didn’t get into bed right now I’m in bed suck me no that’s Abigail’s uh what she’s goingon to do look at Shir in your chat Rob didn’t have a wife long enough to Shag at least can shag away in New Life what you got your hands little prick why are you so why are you he’s so he’s be he’s to say [ __ ] but me stand say [ __ ] back bro it’s because you’ve been saying sh about you in game yeah you make it personal yeah he made it personal to me like I support it was in game [ __ ] that guy like [ __ ] Shir mate I support you rob honestly C me all these Dan sicking me [Laughter] mate oh look at him go I don’t want kale are we are we Kipping [Music] again we cracking open these probes oh yeah we probably could cuz somebody’s watered the farm so Glen I’m going to go crack open some shells and then I’m going to uh rise a mermaid okay how do you RIS the mermaid with music make love and listen to the music where do I use these flutes [Music] boys I got some [ __ ] to crack open cheating on Abigail nah it’s it’s fine [Music] put the flute blocks under the Little Rock go right the dock to where the pirate mind is you put FL blocks under the Little Rock you can click them every bigger Rock means five clicks and every Little Rock means [Music] one so much waying around normally you’re supposed to be t to the farm right now want to play a game look you know what I mean with the boys me yeah Boys Boys [Music] Boys bye bye little gay [Music] Rogue I I wonder level my warrior I can’t remember what level my warrior [Music] that’s odd oh sick cheers man you welome bud better [Music] in WoW Glen Le in your newest react video M what’s that all about um give you an hour a Content day waste my time I’m video that’s fine [ __ ] I’m going become a potato farmer I [Music] think [ __ ] it passs full these hey guys if you get any bones in your coconuts can I have them I don’t have any coconuts I have no idea what items I’m getting I don’t know if any these are any good hey this takes stages oh you have to pay this guy to do it as well yeah but it’s something [ __ ] in it 25 a go is Elvis Jewel any good I think these are just things to the museum you don’t have enough room there’s room there I’m golden pumpkin [Music] boys some good [ __ ] a chewing stick is that a computer a dwarf Gadget [Music] I found a Boone flute a bone [Music] flute nothing to die to the museum what even the bone flu Oh I guess you’ve handed that in Rob oh the B flp [Music] no there you go boys look at that we’re [ __ ] we’re cooking with gas now bro I got a beer is a beer statue nice sell all this [Music] stuff uh some of it you can I see who you [Music] are you are my Juju enemy the [ __ ] is that wait till you see the bear statue bro it just keeps filling my invent up like hon Bears beat Battle Star galactical um how long until my raccoon friend you trying to see if I put the sprinkler here goes one two three I don’t know if they have that two you what you dup some diamonds Rob those sprinkles on water as far as you think they do well do you not say it’s free by three like a free yeah it’s 3E by three walk Three Steps yeah that’s one two three wait one two three no yeah but you say the do three you wouldn’t put them there Rob it’s it’s 3 1 2 three 2 three one 2 three one 2 three let me it’s one it’s one block around the sprinkler not there’s no way it’s only like that SPS it’s 5 by five so it’s is it 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 it’s still not as big as you think it is I was just going I’ll get we just now we’re going to sleep don’t it’s fine we’re going to sleep now I just want to quickly check the island to see if it’s a rainy day okay I’m going to sleep also need to plant these it’s 3 p.m. Glen yeah we’re going to skip anyway you think something like that oh yeah I can check the TV for a forecast can I I take you tomorrow’s that [ __ ] oh I just had a little neck in session oh went to talk to her and she just knacked me like we’re going to bed well she knacked me here ready go if you on like should Ne Me Glen this is my wife yeah maybe that’s why why you don’t you don’t want to share I mean I guess you’ve been very gracious in sharing with yours do me a favor is see his painting that’s my painting click on it you want oh 3 two 1 go try again 3 two 1 go oh I’m using the wrong button sorry do it again 3 2 1 go oh yeah didn’t get Big 3 two one go I didn’t get it touch me up 3 2 1 go you get it I didn’t get it 3 two one go [ __ ] bed Nick nope guess you can’t do it that’s my that’s my mermaid picture I bought that looks like Emily why you got a picture of Emily in your house it’s a mermaid dirty bastard that’s why you wanted to go a Le again and it Hide Your Love for Emily cuz someone tell me P me to the island quickly I just want I just want to check I just want to check please man please I want to go to bed you get teleported no yet oh it is raining thank [ __ ] I checked sorry boys I need five minutes uh do what you need to do man come on two more people in bed so how do you do this no come on no teleport Me Back to the Island come on it doesn’t rain often please oh my God there’s no what the [ __ ] is that tones mate what H he just made a [ __ ] meme as me as the Spice Girls and he’s got pictures of me I can’t even explain this by the way how have you managed to get all them what the [ __ ] boys come on you got me as a 5-year-old kid please want me to the island it uh it doesn’t rain often I I it’s like the one chance I have to do it before the stream ends Island TP spanny oh a for [ __ ] sake I see it’s at 5222 [ __ ] oh pacifist I love you ah must R mermaid one two is it like [Music] this oh there she is it’s baby space like I mean it’s funny how like four of them are like made up but then the first one is legit Little Rock one big rock five so that be two am i [Music] counting 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 n [Music] that not work I guess I’ve messed up somewhere [Music] if I just when it says two does that kind of mean that I hit it once because it the the Baseline is like the first note is one isn’t it I on let’s just try [Music] it so like this would be doing 10 [Music] this would be adding it says nine should have to add eight to it wait I actually hit the note twice okay trying to figure out a r a mermaid as heck uh is it possible yeah oh [Music] was that it done yeah how was it how’ the r go should gave me five walnuts is that all you got for that I mean if you don’t cheat them in that’s actually a lot yeah but we’ve got you and the team you’re the biggest cheating the game lat I’m sorry Abigail I tried to cheat on you of a mermaid and I Che I see [ __ ] Abigail a [ __ ] I what if I could I thought that would be more money like what you I like all the sold a movie ticket i l you put everything I had in it including the movie ticket yeah oh my God who sold the 45 artifact tropes they gave no money the 45 what that’s got to be Glen wait you sold the [ __ ] that Glen right cuz he AR troves give no money the artifacts themselves give between 50 to like 500 okay and I sold 50 artifacts Tres in there I opened half of them and then sold the others cuz I was like he kept I had space in my invent somebody s the wood cutters weekly that’s a skill point you could have just dropped it and someone else could have picked it up that’s fair I just assumed you guys could be asked either Glen that’s how mate I can’t believe it takes like [ __ ] 30 seconds sorry it was me I was inspecting it mate this the fact you sold the skill point is what’s got me the more we can we get whatever we want now we got the duping table who cares let the power get to him we have got the duping table he is right that specific table has power not any table just that one last time we duped those artifacts we got like 90 each so fast are we going to save the day for houses I only got 15 let me see I’m I went 10 to the Farms a [Music] sec [ __ ] I haven’t tended to do greenhous in a while I’m sure it’s fine K probably also got [ __ ] warp so you know yeah the greenhous is fine is it Matic [ __ ] it’s not W but it is okay of course it’s going to be okay I just want I want to Ward I didn’t know if it could wi I want for [Music] so is there a place you can see all the [ __ ] cell prices yeah the the stard do Wiki this one I’m on the way now can I plant the ancient seed maybe you can’t sell cosmatic [ __ ] no I can’t what the [ __ ] do you do with this ancient seed oh it’s long since dead oops the seed maker or something doesn’t the seed maker do I can’t remember nope [Music] um maybe just sells for money I I need to water this boys if’s got any like medical grow there and they could put it it’ be [ __ ] great like we’ve already put it in the museum uh what do you mean craft it I don’t have the option maybe mine’s not high [Music] enough oh know my my farming is high enough maybe it’s Forin that comes under oh the sorry what oh [ __ ] I’m blind too far down like but the sprinkles don’t cover everything you like this down you like this you like this yeah yeah about that what’s going right there why you put the medical speed that’s that’s the ancient seed stand me what was that what if I mine it if you mine it we’ve just lost an ancient seed what if I mine it like I said we’ve lost the seed check for more speed grow will you in we have the recipe for it don’t we for ancient seed yeah yeah cuz we got it from the museum yeah yeah I remember getting it more speed what Glen you want me to come color you Glenn you tired you want to go sleep hang hang on hang on hang on hang on I’m cooking please remove it apparently people are saying you should plant it on the island no I also did plant one on the island oh okay I I got no idea I got no idea I got no idea what’s what’s what’s What’s happen you know that mermaid picture you have God you C it I’ll fight you no i r honestly this game and the [ __ ] people why do you want me to dig it up what’s it’s a summer crop oh it won’t grow okay oh I just want to get some chick I was able to plant it so [ __ ] leave it can you not get chickens on Monday can we plant it in the green housee get the way my farm but it’ll be dead if you [ __ ] mine it if we mine it will we pick it up chat no cave cave cave cave cave go put that in the green house mate go on you go oh thank you can you not get by animals on Monday I thought it was Tuesday you can’t by animals hey Ro can I do an experiment then you know these things okay it does indeed destroy it all right sorry Rob I destroyed one pwn snip you can one buy more BS huh what sorry what’s going on you not buy animals on Monday I thought Tuesday was the no animal day I’m pretty sure it’s Monday are you going to buy more paries does it need space around it is it like a tree or is it just one of those crops that bear lots of fruit on it rearrange the green house put six rium sprinklers in okay where you leave the goats alone Stan I mean Rob I’m taking one of your idium sprinklers to dup it and then I will replace it oh no wait wait there’s loads down there what there’s loads down in theit other bit of the farm like I just place them look go over there can I milk this one I can sorry ding table you’ll have to wait I got some goats milk you guys want goat’s cheese can I have your cheese um I’m not sure the machine will accept that I’ll will bang your [ __ ] me seriously bro can you not buy animals on a Monday like come on it’s first day of the week what your animals you trying to do now want a chicken wait I forg I forgotten again how long are we going few more days maybe I don’t know okay I think we just try to get something to a baby right by me oh this is annoying me now this [ __ ] game what’s wrong Glen I don’t know it’s just the tigh I get the more I realize I hate the a lot of mechanics of this game yeah I just can’t stand all the time aspects to it look you’re quite an impatient person mate right yeah it’s like you play a game for fun you know and then it’s like oh you can’t have fun I found it fun oh my weapon’s been downgraded I’m just going to have to break this one off the time’s stred on now it’s okay I’m going to go in bed now like the next day all right let’s sleep boys let’s sleep the farm doesn’t need tend to now it’s [ __ ] done my farm is tendered forever I want to be forever young what was that level n farming oh house upgraded to the maximum size me and Glenn got it Glenn are you ready to [ __ ] um I hope so I think it might not happen straight away though she’s like biger out she’s like just coming me whoa what the [ __ ] it’s huge right [ __ ] fireplace is in the way of the stairs oh she sorted the farm out as well oh there’s a crib there she she wants she wants the J oh it’s so actually nice to see the farm get sprinkled like that is a big house there a bigger size as well Stan don’t come [Music] upstairs Stan sh he making babies up here leave me alone why are there two separate beds and the crib are you things [Music] okay just you know I’m just living in l you understand nothing wrong with by the way give me back my [ __ ] Abby poster you [Music] [ __ ] when did we get a bear good [Laughter] question I don’t know did you like the beer yeah are we sleeping in the bed now I guess we keep sleeping until she’s till they’re like yeah it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] time like you know come want [Music] me back bed hey K yeah I have something for [Music] you all I need to make some space Oh we can sleep in K single beds up the stair you want to live with me boys I don’t think I want to sleep in the kids room that feels kind of creepy to me oh you can’t you can’t sleep in it oh can you not no AB you Jo Jo in the bed she said oh I’m not in a good mood right now what a [ __ ] bit like she saw you mate what you have to you have to ask her to go to bed uh [Music] oh let’s go to bed let’s shaging why are you running away your shop just opened thank youj my oh my God I give it straight to abig guys I don’t have to be in bed with abig got a p above my bed did she did she like it at least K yeah she said she you know I was hungry my bed Abigail above my bed I don’t need her in real life I just W over the picture we’ve been going 6 hours bloody hell boys it’s Tuesday now shop open a 9 gone in she’s here but she’s at walked into a bedroom left the can maybe it’s open the tangling oh yeah no she does that on Tuesday too she opens but she won’t you can’t buy stuff on Monday and Tuesday yeah she’s a bit of a press is this game designed to make you want to [ __ ] kick you on bed Glen me yeah it’s specifically out to get you Glenn I’m going back now s we shop I’m not well M so I’m going to just rest in bed all right you little what are you trying to do do Glenn may I ask by chicken okay but the chickens are still inaccessible why cuz Rob’s put them behind the barn yeah you can’t get so I’m going I can still buy one right oh yeah you can buy them as long as we’re not B oh oh to EES [Music] go nothing yet where’d she go maybe there’s a baby in the crib no she’s gone I’ve been divorced [Music] St no way did Sunday divorce you no no no oh my God that would be hilarious em got up to do the watering again someone had done it does that mean someone else’s wife got up oh yeah Leah Leia did we W oh wait no no she says uh they were already done you clearly got under control I think it’s because of the sprinkers oh right [Music] okay AB you just said I’m so in my bad mood I never got much sleep last night shag [ __ ] cheek like I was there too I’m going to give it a golden [Music] pumpkin check Rob’s stream he wants $250 more than kai for divorce yep scam who said that uh a well Rob’s already being divorced anyway he ain’t getting remarried Rob don’t take a wanking picture please you’ve got the little bad [ __ ] like come on come on bro it’s just one picture mate you’re not going to miss it there we go back where it [Music] belongs the child is a 1 in 20 when you go to bed let’s go then all right time to get to bed over and over we’ll do the Farms come on boys what’s that sorry we go back bed 20 minutes it’s in in game minutes like well maybe a bit more than that me what are you actually trying to do at this point go go go go go hang on hang on hang on [ __ ] [ __ ] H right boys I need your help what is it now go to the duping table I just want to go I want to just go bed in my actual real life it won’t take long I got work in the morning blame is just trying to make money by the way we don’t need money we got 137,000 where’s K I’m way you want me to do this yeah such a dickly the [ __ ] even is that he’s just trying to make a [ __ ] ton of money like and nobody wants the money like such a w what is what are these four Glenn the cell oh this is what well I mean do we need money is our cell is that the highest cell in the game you uh you’ve taken everything from me too fast we done we going to bed now we [ __ ] yeah get one of those the the hidden Woods uh after we sleep I guess into the beds this should be a lot of money huh um well it should be but you knows it might be a fake list like this reminds me of Glen gambling a lethal company he’ll he’ll do whatever he can he will do whatever he can H the boy just cheats games like why who’s not in bed me my house is further away like just join me join me in my bed I got an achievement earn 1 million uh oh holy oh [ __ ] they’re worth 3,000 each who’s selling hay that was [Music] me the goats need that wait we have animals again Rob it’s just stand shag boys well we were overall so um I take it this might be the last last session um there’s still more to do true it’s just uh we we’ve we’ve opened the floodgates to dupes you know well you know where how it goes if Glenn can find a way excuse me you did that cheat first did I yes when the dup yeah the wood you with the hardwood all right I might have done it first but it was a race between me and you are we I don’t actually know are we just going to spam bed and see if bab we should spam bed I’m just quickly running I’m going back I’m going [Music] back you say I have to do this did I I’m in bed [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what’s up okay star drop oh if you want a star drop take one of those um those fruit that Glam was duping and give it to the statue in the secret Forest oh all right I’m coming to bed give that back well give me my picture [Music] back Rob I’m going sleepmate I’m going to sleep Rob give me my picture back nice ghost see you later Rob give me the picture back St come in bed me give me the picture back I don’t have the picture I know you do I saw sleep with Emily tonight let’s go told on stream right now sure you don’t have the P did you you did not delete it come on man I never deleted it mate where have you put it the B but [Music] Rob tell you what back what’s happening sleep end of night oh that’s the big buck that is mate you leave my pnps alone bro we just getting straight back into bed should just go buy all the [ __ ] books by the way Rob give me my painting back I don’t have a inventory if you want go my stream and look it’s not a inventory Rob where’s my painting don’t want me reckon I have to give her the fiber and that’s when she’s like I love you so much and then we make babies you stand me I want to apolog you I didn’t have your [ __ ] like done yeah what an apology me I apologize Rob so you should [Music] me I’m scared off one crew nice I can give her a gift every day yeah I didn’t know before you know it’s cuz nobody loves you nobody loves me cuz of for divorce okay waitting for gold St St funny enough right when someone divorces you that is forc the r yeah now don’t you play don’t you play these games with me you don’t get to say anything you [ __ ] wiped the memory he doesn’t know that is a sham marriage I don’t know if she likes [Music] these didn’t seem too happy but I’m getting B I’ve tended to the farm I’m ready Rumble V Let’s Go H go P them one of us got to pop out a dip [ __ ] eventually right you be kick St we the day next whoa he’s buying the books like I was buying the books you said to buy them yeah take the train home stand take that little mine cart I’m heading to it while learning books come on St car I’m going to go and get some books tomorrow then if they’re not all G oh I got TP thank you I’m just going to come into the closest house sorry K you were the closest house seems like an excuse to me oh oh oh I think it’s a they’re going to grow a non one seed they’re going to grow a one seed that’s the ancient seed I mean that’s kind of big big brain we didn’t plan anything else big big brain K see see how smart I am all planned that’s so dumb ah t stop scratching the carpet go on lay down oh cheers for the coins yeah thank doesn’t seem to be happening k it’s grown you can make wine with it by the way can you not the anci oh my Christ [ __ ] no just a casual Glen jump SC back to bed boys the festival’s on [ __ ] it oh so it’s um I checked multiple times it’s only coming through like it’s not coming through on the stream basically I can only assume it’s a Discord thing yeah yeah it is I mean um let’s go go go go go it’s it’s even happened to stand oh right what do I do with the ancient fruit cuz I’ve it’s been made now uh get in bed we can dup it it’s it’s worth 605 B we can do the other thing for 3K right yeah K I’m going to put it in your fridge right money anyway sick it’s in your fridge so I’m going to also sleep in your bed um have a baby already Jesus Christ now the community center’s gone why is the community center on nothing from me oh time to get back in I’m just doing something quickly boys actually wait I got it’s a one in 20 chance k then you have to talk to him right um it just said after you go to bed for the night your spouse might ask one in 20 chance if you want to have a child oh it’s a pop up in the night okay then we can really spam bed yeah yeah I something never mind the big sell’s gone yeah it was only yesterday yeah but it stays for a couple of days I thought no hey K can I stay in your bed and you still hit the prompt for yeah [Music] yeah com back I’m a man of the people stand if you want to give me an audience I will oblige how is there 80 people you watch this my stream at [ __ ] half 12 and I like see this to [ __ ] go like right I’m dead same [Music] gu baby nothing oh K’s gone what the [ __ ] is going on in the desert right now you go teleported yeah what the [ __ ] is this oh that kind of uh seems we can’t spam can I get sent back I accidentally gave her the wrong gift God damn it oh it’s fine she’s on two hearts now he’s [ __ ] creepy she has uh she’s almost full Hearts boys then then I can upgrade my house you probably can’t teleport me while I’m here get more are we at the point where we not going to question that pretty much yeah all right hello I’m home [Music] hello no option yet nope [ __ ] [ __ ] can we get one can we get your sper tested or [ __ ] to see if she’s infertile spam bed if you [ __ ] spam me teleports like least I get to give Leo some salads every day [ __ ] Leah that’s what I’m trying to do [ __ ] oh no thank you for the cookies oh St come here a sec quick quick quick son quick quick quick you want to do a quick dup quick quick quick oh the wrong way they go okay did you get Abigail’s last event well the one uh well it’s not working um you pop it down and you’re talking about the one where she saves my [Music] life that’s what you need to do about if you wanted to work yeah I just go to bed is it and it’s a one in 20 [Music] I’ll come back all right no they’re there they’re there they’re in bed they’re in bed let’s go [Music] okay did you really walk all the way to my house [Music] no what if they don’t do wait someone has you get there was and it just got out oh maybe it worked who knows I have no idea if I said yes or no back to bed boys where’s my wife yeah something tells me that that may have forced me to say no I have I don’t really know I’m back in bed I’ll meet stand you got divorce I’d be dead like I’d be gone I don’t know where she’s gone she’s not in oh no there she is she’s in your bed go get in bed I’m just giving her a salad okay one sec jeez go give a [ __ ] salad who’s not in bed I think I got don’t know what happened then [ __ ] hell no I’m Lally running and giving a [ __ ] and rubies as well to see if she no GL you just have to be 14 hearts in in bed oh okay okay I worry I lose my hearts though St get bed I I don’t know how I just got a star drop I’m stuck in the animation for it yeah it was a speech window did pop up guys and uh it was removed almost immediately by the uh the crowd control popup case you got out bed [Music] I’m not even going to talk to her I’m just going to get straight in oh I’m in bed I got teleported to town oh [ __ ] s man I don’t control it Bo I can’t St much longer man it’s almost waed to [ __ ] one wa yeah I did get this I got the speech window but somebody closed it with the [ __ ] crowd control Pop Up Oh I thought it would might have been me sleeping in your bed that’s why I’ve not come back I’m sorry Fu how I not got it yet I’m getting back in I’m in [Music] to if we do it that fast he’ll be flying out none of this [ __ ] give that woman salad like I want to give her salad but you won’t let me cuz we’re trying to [ __ ] fly through it happen um a witch a green witch what she doing they’re trying to make babies My Goats she just Squirtle over the goats she just Squirtle over my goats how you going to see what’s happened D how you going to see what’s [ __ ] happen no come on no I mean I’m see [ __ ] happened in there what did you just do to my goats man you okay they’re disgruntled because they have no hay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] let going 10 minutes now cuz he’s [ __ ] morning goats in yeah get bed get over they just have goats oh [ __ ] in this house no you can’t how many how many goats have being killed mate it’s not our fault that the witch killed the goats yeah it was a random event come on in bed come on get in bed did you just read your meal then oh she sh go P stop talking to us St you’re giv a silent it’s 20 to 1 in the morning get in the [ __ ] bed maybe my G I’m going to set your [ __ ] house on fire now oh [ __ ] off are you [ __ ] me I got teleported on my way back Bro I will end this [ __ ] stream [ __ ] you ghost [Music] witch gives a corrupt egg in a cou ah well we can’t get [Music] it don’t think we have any chickens we do have chickens the’re cheated chickens they’re not happy because they’ve been trapped in there since winter and nobody’s been in there to feed them but we do have them somebody’s Way’s been feeding them oh how the hell have they gotten in there [Music] the goats didn’t have to [Music] dieing Bo I got two more attempts I’m going to be like I’m in my stream no no keep it going Rob we got this we got this if we actually if Stan stops [ __ ] salad why is he saying waiting for four I’m my screen’s black yeah my screen’s just black it says waiting for players but it says four for yeah I’m currently playing the game oh I’ll um I’ll I’ll I’ll relog no it’s going get [Music] C Poler mate Butler you a [ __ ] tosp Butler mate oh he just teleported me like oh but I would say you’re a dick but it’s kind of funny too he a dick I’ve been walked to the [ __ ] Island I do what jokes on you now man I was a [ __ ] bed in the island you little prick oh my God the farmed and he was growing those pineapples [Music] like what noise did he just make oh what was that nois he made earlier F I don’t know if anyone clipped [Music] that boys please I just want go my bed God I just want to life that’s fair Grims I was like [ __ ] it we want we want to see this happen already like he said you should make it a stream of you’ll have to remind me about the raccoon next time I don’t think there’s any time [Music] today R in bed no oh I’m going to kill you I was in the bed now man you Ginger [ __ ] rat I think we might have missed the raccoon wedding [ __ ] about get my is Man actually Ginger or you just make he’s actually Ginger why would you summon the squids in my [Music] bedroom come on please oh for the love of God oh thank you byy oh that’s not worked that’s bad that’s bad I’m I’m [ __ ] I’m I’m I can’t do anything can somebody kill me can somebody just kill me you [Music] die this is why boy I just don’t understand why people use Crow control as Point [Music] l oh did you see you changed Josh’s name on Discord yeah oh cuz it hasn’t changed for me oh oh no don’t worry I’m looking at the wrong [ __ ] Discord I can’t move my game is Bugg by a I need that clip that’s that sound is funny switch to your hoe and swing it Rob n it’s it’s got no interf let me say this Cony sound animals to trigger St is a bad choice uh I didn’t ask I managed to get out it but they keep teleporting me [Music] like I don’t get why you [ __ ] guys are doing this like I just I just isn’t fun like what’s happening to then they keep teleporting me killing me doing [ __ ] to me you done it again again boy boys can you just call it here by the way cuz I’m done I think I’m done with this going get to bed just what turn off car control I’m I’m moving I’m actually moving just so we can spam this bit bet [ __ ] I want get bed there you go [ __ ] it out that was a long day when I got going I’m in some lovely rain this one in 20 can suck my black it’s almost summer boys look we just we were very ill this season you [Music] know it’s summer [Music] chat say um I think got teleported say I uh that popup came up right and my screen went black cuz of the crowd control thing and let’s say like I accidentally clicked no will she ever ask for a baby ever again and my game is they [ __ ] my game again did you not turn Crow control [Music] [Music] off what what have you done in the last like bit to get them to go against you nothing actually done nothing other than see I just W my BS M for work tomorrow Rob just turn off Crow control get in the [ __ ] [Music] bed n man I’m so tired mate [Music] oh did it happen no it’s waiting for three or four did it happen so it turns out remember when that pop-up came up and I had a black screen yeah so I had said yes to her and uh hey you might want to come to my house I’d love to I got teleported away though mate so you got it that time and I’ve had all those and didn’t [ __ ] get it Lu yeah wait so you had the baby when I was in bed with you yeah so we just got to figure out if it’s mine or yours now yeah oops I know he’s going to do back I’d love that baby to get deleted like Jesus Christ I really would love that baby how dare you say that to our baby well my car control is off right now so they can’t what would you want more the baby to get deleted or Stan to be divorced Stan to be divorced look at the baby like his name shapo shapo is sleeping wa can I end this now because I’m [ __ ] yeah you can end it f [ __ ] out see you all later guys right by by there we go we had the [ __ ] baby only took her like 10 days to [ __ ] grow it which is crazy that’s actually kind of wild you’d think like a season in stue must be like 3 months right she think it wouldn’t have happened till fall but no uh kids grow really fast in this world um what have I missed Bob Smith thanks for the good being a good egg for 40 months jaw thanks for being a good egg for four months and thank you for the five good eggs that you gave out draon thank you for the gift the the nubster mandat thank you for the for 54 months who’s the wife this time girl again yeah n stumble thank you for the T one sub for four years Vincent Frost thank you for the T one sub for 4 years 48 months sub what how this happen Ruby gaming thank you for the T for six months salt for the ker I hate life thank you for the twitch so welcome dumbest onr man thank you for the $5 you have to chant get pregnant if you wanted to work I don’t make the rules I was thinking in my head mate I was like come on get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant but turn out she was pregnant the whole time uh they grow fast till they reach about A8 and then they stop until they fed the magic beans to become adults I see that is super weird right let’s end the stream boys Big [Music] Stretch right guys thanks for joining the stream if you subscribed or resubscribed if you sent in super chats or bits um you donated if you bought merch if you lurked thank you so much everyone uh over these uh stardo sessions that’s like got involved spending coins and all that stuff thank you so much guys uh really appreciate it it’s a lot of money it was a lot of money that has been spent on crowd control don’t think I don’t appreciate it even if I told you you I was going to end [Laughter] you but yeah it was fun so um yeah I’ll be back Tom tomorrow now for hell divers I think I’m playing with Josh and Gary and either Glenn or Rob I’m not sure uh so that should be a laugh as well yeah have a good night everyone bye-bye [Music]

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