I Built Minecraft’s SAFEST Dog House!

this is my dog Mark I’ve had him for over 2 years and he’s by far the most important thing in my world but sadly Mark has some enemies that want him dead I can’t let that happen so I’m going to build him the most secure safest base you’ve ever seen complete with traps secret doors and mysterious puzzles meaning Mark will never be in danger again so step one in my plan was to spend 6 hours building this giant dog house step two is to move Mark into it and now step three is to fortify mark Bas with layers and layers of defenses like defense one being a combination of cactus and cobwebs this is actually very annoying why am I upside down but then as we work our way higher up the levels the defenses will get way way more deadly and basically impenetrable from dog armies to TNT landmines two impossible mazes with the warden inside this base is going to be 100% safe anyways the first layer of defenses is complete it doesn’t do that much damage literally not even half a heart but hopefully the next layer will do a bit more because it’s a lava moat and lava hurts a lot ow why did I do this so let’s just fill this moat up and I’m out of lava great let’s spend an hour building a lava Farm which is apparently something you can do and spend another 3 hours placing the lava all right it’s looking good but now I want to add some parkour and for this I’m going to going to use honey blocks because when any attackers try to jump they’ll stick to the honey and go for a nice warm swim oh also at the end of the video I’m going to invite my brother Gamers to test out the base and not going to lie I really want him to Die the third defense is powdered snow and you might think this isn’t that deadly it kind of tickles so I’m going to add something a bit spiky underneath meaning now it does a lot more than tickles let’s build a massive Trench yeah that took a very long time but now let’s place a bunch of these pointed dripstones at the bottom this floor is going to be very spiky why does it kind of feel like I’m placing teeth in a monster’s mouth I guess it might eat my brother later oh my God now let’s cover up this deadly pit with a bunch of powdered snow this stuff sounds so nice when you place it what we cover these Edge Parts with regular snow bang and to ensure any attackers actually stand on the powdered snow we need to make them think it’s safe and the way we’re going to do that is with rabbits because you see unlike most mobs in the game rabbits have the unique ability not to sink in powdered snow meaning they’ll make attackers think it’s safe so I’m just going to keep on breeding up these rabbits whilst we move on to the final easy defense which is fire but not just any fire a combination of regular fire and blue fire so first we’ll lay down the ground all right now I want you guys to guess just how many flint and Steels it’s going to take to light this I’m going to say like 52 but let’s find out swear to God if you guys cheat well there’s one oh there’s three not going to lie my fingers are already start to hurt there’s six well I hope you guys said higher than 10 all right screw this I’m using an aut clicker oh my God I got it exactly right ow I swear I literally just guessed but more importantly this thing looks so cool and the fact that it looks so cool will distract any attackers from this secret trap because you see the first thing the attackers will do is put out the fire which The Observer will detect and send a redstone signal to TNT which will do this so we’ll place all The Observers like this oh that is put out the fire so now we’ll use our sand from our sand Jer and some Gunpowder from our op creeper Farm to craft up a bunch of TNT and then of course we’ll place this TNT under the layer then finally we can connect these observers up with the TNT now I need to be really careful not to touch that fire otherwise the entire build will probably blow up and to finish up the easy defenses I’ll add a wall and continue breeding up a bunch more rabbits all right so this is what it looked like at the start of the video and this is what it looks like now it’s looking really cool but there’s a long way to go until Mark’s safe so the first medium defense is and crystals because even with full netherite armor on they’re still pretty deadly why did I do that anyways let’s place a bunch of these down it’s actually really scary having these here when I know there’s loads of TNT under there oh my God the entire build could blow up I’m actually going to Quick YouTube if that happens now we want players to spend the maximum amount of time on this level so we’re going to use some blocks to slow the players down and first up is of course San oh this is even slow to play next up we’re going to use some magma blocks all right so this stuff not only does damage but if they want to avoid that they’ll have to crouch which is a bit slower then to finish off this layer I’m just going to spam a bunch of cobwebs this is going to keep any attackers close to the end crystals for as long as possible which if you know what defenses are coming next is a very bad idea before we build a way to set off these end crystals let’s build the next layer of the defense which is going to be filled with water and inside it I’m going to add three different mobs that will will range from deadly annoying to annoyingly deadly starting with puffer fish so where are these guys oh they’re literally right there yoink yeah these guys aren’t ow these guys aren’t too deadly but they’re very annoying Target spotted what is bro doing trying to trick shot me underwater behold 111 puffer fish now let’s place them in the water oh my God this is painful I have a feeling this one might be the one that kills my friends to be fair it might even kill me placing them get in puffa fish no not me yes oh my God he’s actually killing him that’s sick oh yeah guys whilst I was building this water trench the entire build nearly blew up because lightning hit an end Crystal and it nearly caught fire to the TNT that would have been extremely bad anyways all the puffer fish have now been place so let’s fix up this area quickly and now the next deadly water mob we’re going to get is Guardians getting these guys might be a bit more difficult but the first thing we need to find is of course an ocean Monument okay we found one now the first thing we need to do is kill all three Elder Guardians die yes let’s go let’s go all right now we somehow need to get a bunch of these guys back to base which is 3,000 blocks away I’ve got a plan but it requires sponges to make it work where are the the sponge rooms all right I can’t find the sponge rooms so I’m just going to use the sponges I got from killing the Elder Guardian so let’s just try and drain this space then here let’s make ourselves a nether portal then I think it would be better if we connect it to the nether roof well apparently I’ve been here before okay now we can build another portal and this should connect to the one in the ocean Monument all right let’s go then we’ll create another portal just by this layer at base and now to transport the Guardians we need to build a railway from here all the way to that portal yeah this is definitely a lot more work than the puffer fish okay I think we’re pretty much ready to do this so let’s drain this little area two sponges is definitely not enough now okay he’s gone through get in the mine cart get yes now Guardians have a tendency to despawn if they’re not name tags so I’m going to name him after one of you guys and if you want to get your name in the video then make sure you’re subscribed because we’re trying to hit 2 million subscribers by the end of the year all right there we go piggy Maxi now now let’s send him and hopefully this works it’s good so far all right uh and now we need to somehow break the mine car oh yeah yes he went through and hopefully he should just jump straight into the water yes there’s a first Guardian now let’s get 19 more yes this one will be called Skyfall gaming there’s two here’s Guardian three four and five and five my God yeah this is definitely working there’s Guardian number eight here’s Guardian 12 13 14 and 15 and they’re all called drexon because he asked to be in the next video finally Guardian number 19 and guardian number 20 let’s go we’ve got 20 Guardians oh my God yeah I think it’s definitely deadly enough oh my god well anyways you might have guessed the final deadly water mob is the Elder Guardian and not only will the Elder Guardian be really deadly it it’ll also give them mining fatigue so they won’t be able to mine through the traps very easily and to be honest for that exact reason I should probably leave that one till a bit later so the next medium defense is moving turrets and I’m not talking about flying dispensers although that would be pretty cool I’m talking about blazes ow oh my God these guys are so annoying anyways we need to get these guys into this portal so let’s quickly build a dirt barrier just keep building bu building building no ow all I want to do is make some turrets how did I just get sniped from all the way over there are you kidding me all right let’s get a roof on it okay so this portal should be connected to another portal ow yes ah why is there a wither skeleton there so we can connect these portals up with some rails now this guy can head to the next portal all right now we’ve got him name tagged we can break this yeah yes he went through let’s go but before we send him through this portal we need to do some preparation and once I do that I should probably mention this video idea was heavily inspired by carbs and his minecraft safest base video and in his video he used Blazers as turrets so in an attempt to make them even deadlier my blazes are going to be carried around using M tracks release the blaze get in the minecart please Minecart po yes yes he’s in go yes oh my god it works obviously we’ve got this barrier up at the moment just so it doesn’t hit the end crystals and blow up the entire build but when we’ve got all the blazes they’ll just continue going all the way around here and shoot any attackers that approach it but for now that guy can wait there time to get a lot more Blazers yes come on Blazers oh he looks so cute ow subscribe oh no you dare Escape send the mine cart and hope it goes in yes how did that work go down this way bye please sir can you stand in the minecart let’s go are you kidding me no anyways I think I know the process now so whilst I get the remaining 21 Blazers I’m going to listen to my very own podcast yep I’ve got a podcast and I’m going to listen to it and you should too it’s called the minecast and the link will be down in the description kind of weird listening to my main podcast but anyways all right that took like 6 hours but the blazes are finally in place now we just need to destroy all these blocks so the Blazers can actually move oh my God how did he get three no you’re too dangerous to be left alive okay that is very dangerous I’ve been using some fire resistance potions so this should help a bit they literally can’t hurt me now with fire resistance it’s so much better all right it’s all going bad let’s just push them to get them moving oh my God we’re getting driven by by blazes all right the blazes are moving this looks so cool some of the attackers are definitely going to die to that but anyways the final medium defense is going to be an army of security dogs dogs where are you let’s go all right have some bones let’s go security dog one and not going to lie to keep Mark safe I think we need about 100 all right do me a favor and sniff out some other dogs oh yes it worked good job oh my God there’s so many dogs here yes all right here’s some train guys attack oh I would not like to be that sheep let’s go okay now I’m going to use a bunch of rotten flesh from my drown Farm to breed these guys up until we have 100 security dogs and whilst I’m doing that I’m also going to decorate the area with some giant bones so that the dogs are performing at their best there we go with about 100 security dogs that I didn’t count they will attack any Intruders I touch meaning the medium defenses are now fully complete this thing thing looks insane even with these temporary Blaze walls but now to ensure Mark is fully safe from the YouTubers we need to move on to the hard layers which are actually going to be inside the dogghouse itself and Mark is going to be up here in a massive obsidian Vault so let’s build that first so this bit here will be the bit that Mark’s actually in come along Mark all right now get in there yes and he can enjoy this massive ban blocks now we’ll seal him up with lava wait what now for the first hard defense I’m going to build an extremely difficult maze oh and by the way I thought it was just going to be Gamers but two other YouTubers have agreed to test out the base so we’re going to have to make this a bit harder and I can’t think of a better way to do that than by putting a warden in the center of this maze it’s going to be a point in which all the players will have to go through if they want to get to Mark I’ll just make some entrances that the warden can’t get through we’ll build a way up to the next level of the dogghouse and of course we’ll build a nether portal for the warden to enter the maze now let’s get the warden I’m risking my hardcore world to protect my Minecraft dog it’s the way it should be come on oh there he is I’m over here you idiot oh my God a oh my God it’s scary this way this way you idiot this way I’m going to come through here ow did he go through I think he went in all right we need to run with him like a thousand blocks please no don’t hurt me ow you hurt me all right we need to name tag this guy um I haven’t named the name tag yet though oh my God right we need to get a little bit more distance I think this would be put the name tag in type anything we don’t have time for subscribers names oh okay now we need to trap him in that box because if we put him in the build now he’ll kill me loads oh oh let can’t see no we got out wait I’ve got another idea I’ve got an observer and a bell so if I place it like this it should make a noise like that and hopefully if we get the warden into it he should be attracted to it and stay right by it yes I think it’s working yeah there’s no way the YouTubers are making it past the warden but if they do they’ll move on to the next defense which of course is simple parkour over lava this may be simple but trust me it’s very effective yeah someone’s definitely going to die in here wait can I even do this oh yes let’s go let’s move on to the next defense which is this Stone room I’m going to place loads of buttons all across this wall but only one of them will unlock a secret door that will allow the attackers to get up to the next level of the dogghouse then we’ll build the door over here and then we’ll use Redstone to connect the door up to a random one of these buttons and I think this should work yeah wait which one is it yeah just about and now to make sure they don’t try and break through the wall we’ll surround it with a layer of lava and a layer of obsidian I’m also going to add some stupid button related jokes to this wall just to confuse SL annoy the attackers don’t blame me for that blame Ai and whilst I read you a few more let’s quickly finish up this defense these are so bad what did the pig say at the beach I’m bacon in the sun why did the Enderman bring his suitcase to the end because he couldn’t find his end table wait that doesn’t even make sense quickly before we move on to the next level of defense I’ve just had the idea to use a stone button and disconnect this Redstone from the button wall so all of these are now completely useless and I’ve teased the stone button in this riddle I’m interested to see if any of my friends can figure that out this next defense is the first of the extreme level and it’s a laser room just like the ones you see in movies so Minecraft’s version of lasers is going to be trip wires we’ll have a trip wi hook and then we’ll hook it up with some string and the YouTubers will have to avoid them otherwise they are going to be in big trouble because I’m going to set up dispensers on the ceiling that will drop deadly potions on any attackers if the trip wires are touched but first let’s place all the trip wires all right I’m not sure if you can tell but there is loads and loads of trip wires I have a feeling this is going to be pretty hard come on if I hear a trip wire sound then I’ve Set It Off Crouch oh my God this is so fun well I mean right now you can lit just do this because we haven’t set up the dispensers yet so all right that’s looking good now to make them actually work we need to connect them up to the trip wire hooks using something called Redstone I know it’s uh it’s revolutionary okay so this should work let’s go okay so now when we walk on this trip wire it rains down dispensers let’s replace them with something a bit more deadly so let’s craft up a bunch of bottles fill them up with water and get Brewing these potions okay that’s potion of poison and we’ll add some glowstone to make it more powerful and of course gunpowder to make it Splash okay that’s poison sorted now we need potions of instant damage we need brown mushrooms and we also need sugar yes and now we just put them in here let’s go but anyways let’s fill up all the dispensers and move on to the next level of defense and this might be the most deadly trap yet because I’m going to fill this room with three of the most dead deadly mobs in all of Minecraft starting with The Vindicator so to get these guys of course we need to start a raid here we go actually we’ll kill everything in this first wave to get more of them all right yeah that’s a lot better kill everything that isn’t one okay take a little pit for them okay one’s trapped now we’ll name tag them so they don’t despawn and now we can transport these guys back to the room using a nether portal who inis spiders all right follow me guys all right let’s try and trap these guys somewhere temporary come on yes go go go go go yes let’s go now the next mob is going to be ravagers and we’ll get them in pretty much the exact same way we’ll just need to make this portal a little bit bigger cuz they’re fat so step one was kill everything step two was to name tag him ow step three is to get him into the portal and finally take him for a nice little walk yes he’s trapped now let’s do that a couple more times now the last mob is the most feared mob for all Hardcore Minecraft players yep I’m talking about a baby zombie okay to get these guys we need to remove all these torches and hope some of them spawn yes we got one um name tag him nice but now to make him even deadlier let’s craft him some fresh diamond armor let’s go and there’s one more thing I want to to do to make him even more deadly we’ll craft him up a diamond axe sharpness 3 sharpness 3 sharpness 4 sharpness 4 sharpness four sharpness five and sharpness five and diamond axe sharpness five axe wait and now if I grab one of these and one of these we can turn this 12 attack damage into 13 wow wow anyways finally we need to build a way out of this room so I’m going to put a button in the furthest away corner from the door and then use loads and loads of repeaters leading to the door this will ensure the YouTubers will have to spend at least 30 seconds in this room and if they miss the door opening they’ll have to do it all over again we’re nearly done now this is the penultimate defense and it’s going to be very explosive so let’s cover the entire area with obsidian because this defense is going to be a bunch of landmines let me show you how to make them all you need is some obsidian then you put a powered Rail and a regular rail place a block on top of that and now Place 13 TNT mine carts on top of each other this is like one of the most powerful explosions in all of Minecraft and then to trigger it we’ll have a stone pressure plate on top so I’m in a survival world with full netherite armor let’s see what happens ah all right so now that we’ve tested it let’s build a bunch more of these okay now let’s cover everything with with a layer of grass then we can cover this entire area with pressure plates and that’s this defense finished leaving only one defense remaining and I’m going to keep this one a secret until one of the YouTubers gets to it speaking of which we need to get the Elder Guardian remove the temporary Blaze wall and bring the warden into the mze and now the world’s safest dogghouse is officially finished but will it be safe enough to protect the most valuable thing in my hardcore world it’s finally time to find out so I duplicated my hardcore World turned that duplica into a survival world and then uploaded it to a server I then invited the YouTubers one by one and began explaining the rules welcome to Minecraft’s safest dog house oh oh my God it’s so big that’s what they all say so your objective is to kill my dog Mark so that you can test out how safe this dogghouse actually is it will be timed and the timer only stops when you kill him I’m guessing he’s pretty deep in there he is deep in there sounds good mate I’m about to absolutely demolish Mark I hope you understand that that dog has about 5 minutes left to live your attempt to kill him will be timed and it will be compared to a bunch of other YouTubers and the winner is the one with the shortest time so this is all your stuff that you can use to defeat the dog house oh and by the way the winner wins $500 and a mark plushy and I should also mention this duplicate world has cheat on which is why I’m in creative mode all right ready 3 2 1 go okay mine the C oh my God it’s so slow let’s go how do I get through this oh no I can’t break stuff wait can I break stuff all right first of all we’re going to make it straight through all of this and the problem is this cacti everywhere breaking is going to take me so long yo my brother in Christ how am I supposed to make it through this can I break cacti yeah why did I wait to ask these questions when I’m stuck oh I break the cobweb I’m trying remember you’ve also got other things that would help maybe uh other things what so am I allowed to do this oh ah big brain oh yeah you’re right that makes so much sense there we go made it through the cacti wall all right we’ll jump to this honey block oh there we go oh there go I’m all about that speed oh am I just I think I’m just stuck here unless I’m I can I think I should be allowed to start again you can’t one block in it’s not fair oo no let’s go let me go we’re going to probably be looking at an hour long time here I imagine oh no wait am I mining underneath like a solid block cuz I’m actually about I’m about to log off if that’s the case please no yeah it’s over for me oh yeah that’s that’s your block ah why do you do this to me lockdown oh I forgot I have mining fatigue as well I can like can I just build up yeah oh there strats there’s like slow stuff what is it oh it’s that it’s oh no oh it’s a miracle I’m out there we go if I fall through again I swear to the next one I can put it out oh okay we got to break the nether or the ones that are on the nether it’s faster oh why are there observers there oh there’s an observer wait what is it was it oh let’s go I’m on fire but I’m fine there we go I lived but I was not expecting that I knew when I saw that Observer there was going to be something going on I can see and oh he survived it I survived oh oh my God run run run let me just uh unset some of these dogs ah what what’s happening let’s go set the dog Army on him oh all your dogs are attacking me what is that no no no no no leave me alone oh wait hold on is that a Wither no it’s a warden brilliant nice one nice one lock down let’s put let’s put a warden in the Maze where you’re half blind constantly lovely lovely idea no I’m set the dogs on him no let’s go dog I can’t see his thing oh my God I’m getting attacked by the warden as well no this is back the way I came oh no he’s died it’s impossible to see how is the wolf slain by subscribe okay don’t scare me welcome to the parkour any dogs they’re all dying oh oh you found it don’t forget to set your spawn remember you’re trying to find a staircase okay trying is the key oh I found it let’s go you made it past the warden all right he’s on to the parkour okay go go go go go wait this is scary it’s still all dark from the warden it’s not looking good bro no I I don’t like head hitting ones we got 13 and a half minutes 13 and a half okay no it’s fine we just climb on to the next it’s fine it’s fine it’s all under control this is definitely the room where everyone gets stuck for ages meanwhile thanks Warden no yeah now I just get one hit brilliant ah I I just failed the first jump all right you can now use blocks to get across oh wait wait wait I’ll break you wait I’m going to pretend see that that didn’t happen go go go go go die Mark hey don’t no don’t kill my practice dogs I’m going to murder Mark just like that there we go yay oh is just like a find the button or is it a code are the are these terrible puns even part of the challenge button press time all right there is some signs behind you on the wall what does a Minecraft cat have that no other cat has kittens with square heads did you write these jokes no I did oh okay I can’t read it cuz I’m blind why did the stone button break up with the wooden button cuz it felt too much pressure very funny wait wait wait why did the stone button hold on all these buttons are fake there’s going to be a stone button somewhere stain button break up with the wooden button ah there’s a stone button somewhere Yi we found it he need to press it in time though and get through in time I’m that’s what happens when you’re too slow to get through the door no oh no I’m right I’m a genius oh my days I’m a genius will you be able to make it across about dying get away Warden you’re slow you’re slow no you’re not slow don’t get killed by the warden I won’t I hope just going to walk along nice and simple got my sword at the ready oh I don’t like that there was nothing going on there H little trip wise I see it’s a it’s a laser room go just run from all a that’s not the way to do it yeah he helped me he helped he helped let’s go all right you made it to this room I’d be careful before you go in here no let’s do this come on yes there we go easy please don’t please don’t let me get sniped I swear oh what is this what am I looking at I guess I just got to make it do I just have to make it to the end or do I have to kill everyone yeah you get hit by the W again run no I’m going to have a heart the next layer of Defense oh no no no love how you even listed a tiny zombie child as well it’s time it wait Did that just open yeah I get it I see now oh got to time it right no no let me through oh my God you made it um you might want to go to the door it’s coming it’s coming he go the door go to the door no let’s go oh my God please please please please yes let’s go oh okay all right what now there’s no respawn by the way so I’m cooked what strategy are you going to use what strategy am I going to use we went faced with a bunch of pressure plates that the answer is run straight through it you made it oh come on please no oh my God run he’s running across the mob’s are going to set one off surely oh my God how has he got through yes Mark get Mark is this it is this Mark hi Mark do I have to kill him you have to kill him I actually like Mark the time is still going cuz I haven’t killed him die the timer is still going no it can’t be no he’s in he’s in there this is a mar this is a fake so I imagine that maybe per chance in this big obsidian Cube full of lava there might be a dog no Mark don’t kill him there’s the bone block oh there’s creepers blow them up blow up blow up Mark please I I don’t care how you do it just just get him dead make him dead kill him stupid creepers there you go how is Mark still alive no Mark Mark no stop the timer come here die you get get out of here no deserve that is dead you deserve that your owner just created the worst base known to mankind so the results are now in and it’s time to call the winner hello hello I’m just calling to say that you were the fastest to kill mark and you’ve won the $500 and the mark oh my God what I thought I was terrible oh my God that is so close all right I’ll send you your money and your mark plushy is also on the way thank you very much lock down live but more importantly I now know the real Mark is safe and sound inside his dogghouse oh

I built my minecraft dog the SAFEST base in minecraft hardcore!

My dog mark is the most valuable thing in my hardcore world, so I decided to build him the safest dog house in the world! With traps, secret doors and mysterious puzzles – I aimed to make Mark 100% safe!

Subscribe to my podcast! @TheMinecastPodcast

✳️ Watch from the start! ✳️

Huge shoutout to @Mozi. @Guilf @GamerZyt for testing the base!


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📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__lockdownlife__

📱TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lockdownlife_offical

🟣 Discord server (I’m active): https://discord.gg/wZz7av6Yv8

🔴 My second channel: @lockdownclips


A big thanks to @TheRealCarvs for the inspiration for this video!

This Hardcore Minecraft series is inspired by aCookieGod, Sandiction and Wadzee. This Minecraft Hardcore series is full of Minecraft challenges and sometimes I will make a Hardcore Minecraft Full Movie. This is similar to 100 days but better 😎

#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft


  1. Please let me be in the next video please 🙏🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏 by the way you are my favourite YouTuber please put me in the next video please

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